Now this is a tricky one, lol.
I don't wish to offend anyone but I also am very ill and have been waiting for hip replacement and have been since I was 27 yrs old! Ten years later and I cannot walk due to my spine being so bad but has anyone thought about others also?
Lets not forget the poor little children who suffer from severe, chronic pain due to being ill also!
Please forgive, if I have offended anyone as I would never wish to do that xx
Serioulsy, apart from taking a holiday back to Hawaii, with my hubby and kids due to my being serioulsy ill, I would try to invest the rest as much as possiable.
Of course it would never be the same as winng Billions on the lottery, i should be so lucky, lol....my aim would be to try to gain enough savings to help those that are genuinly living rough!
It has always been a dream of mine to buy large wearhouses in all the large cities centres to enable a safe place for these poor people to go.
Of course there would also be support/rehabilitation for drug users etc. and also a seperate safe place for the young kids, some as young as 13!
I would love to be able to help so many, even if it is just somewhere they could go for avice and help with many different issues.
So many are ignorent and believe that these poor people deserve everything they get but I wonder?
Would they still be saying that is they had to run way due to abuse and no-one would help, if they maybe lost everything due to losing their jobs etc.. sorry, but I could go on forever with this so I will try not to but what I will say, too many in society are ready to judge others and so many of these people do try so hard to get their lives back on track and some actualy succsed!
If only people realised that not everyone has a good life and some of these people (yes good luck to them, if they are self made millionares) are very quick to forget their roots!
Lets not forget that some of these poor people actualy turn to drink or drugs because they feel they have nothing to live for!
Of course, im not saying this is right but it is a fact and who are we to judge? we are not them!
Some are mentily ill, just put there, due to the so called care in the community that did not work! So much to say and such a wide topic that we could be here all night, lol.
Take care and good luck with your new film .
Love Sandy xx