If you could get ten years' salary in a lump sum, how would you spend it and why?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If you could get ten years' salary in a lump sum, how would you spend it and why?
728 answers:
2008-04-25 04:35:23 UTC
1 pay off mortgage

2 go private for knee/hip replacements for the wife

3 go on holiday
2008-04-25 06:11:43 UTC
A sausage roll and a can of coke from greggs.
2008-04-25 04:50:58 UTC
Invest it for the future. Pensions aren't up to much these days so son't be when I retire either.

And maybe have a holiday.
2008-04-25 04:55:35 UTC
Ten years' salary isn't really that much these days. I could pay off the mortgage and go travelling for the next 10 years. Or I could pay off the mortgage and save the rest for a rainy day. However your ten years' salary is a lot different to mine and I would have to be more careful with my money I suspect.
*lil M*
2008-04-25 04:42:07 UTC
It depends. will i have to save that money and make it last over the ten years or will i get the lump sum and still be getting what i normally get?
2008-04-25 05:22:10 UTC
I would buy myself a newer car, as mine is starting to go in expensive places, and being disabled, I need my car big time, to not have to worry about it would be great. I would also get a power chair, although not confined to a wheelchair, there are times I do need one, it would mean I could start doing things with my daughter again, like museums, parks, days out, that kind of thing. I would spend a small amount doing bits of the flat up, but minimally, I enjoy finding a bargain but I need to be able to keep the place clutter free and clean. Beyond that, I would stuff the rest in a high interest account and try and add to it, being unable to work (I know, how could I qualify for ten years' salary, but its hypothetical...) means that I never have money for emergencies, as soon as I save some (a challenge on benefits, but it is possible) something comes alone, like the car breaking down and its all gone. I would be able to support the couple of local charities I occasionally support a bit more and just relax and have money to do nice things with my daughter. Like a coupld of days away in the Cotswolds with our beautiful dog, a power chair and miles to walk/roll through together. I would try and save a lot of it though. Nice thought.
2008-04-25 04:52:19 UTC
Better crystals and more powerful magnets for my time machine, although the ones I have now are good enough.
2008-04-25 06:11:22 UTC
I would, buy a house. Nothing lavish just a little quaint one in the city. I would go on holiday. That would prob use up my 10 year salary! How bad is that. But my house would be paid for at least!

I think some people are forgetting 10 x average salary is not actually that much compared to house prices these days!
2008-04-25 04:45:52 UTC
cadburys, a trip to the cadbury factory with my choc dunking buddy, the rest would be spent on limos to tesco and back!!
2008-04-25 06:30:57 UTC
Well being a housewife, we don't get a salary as such, but if I came into some money I would make sure my Children & Grandchildren are comfy then spend the rest,
2008-05-10 08:49:47 UTC
I did, when I sold my share in a software company to my partners and "retired" (at 35).

At first it was great - no mortgage or bills to worry about, a quiet life in the country with no commute, and I could act out my fantasy of being a writer for a couple of years and treat myself to a few things I'd always wanted - a sports car, a telescope, an expensive camera, a road-trip holiday through the USA.

But I got depressed (not badly enough to need medical treatment, but enough to stop me enjoying much of life). I got scared, obsessed with "protecting" the rest of the money - and as a result living more cheaply and less well than I had when I was working. I missed the buzz of work and the company of my colleagues.

I'm now back at work, still with no mortgage and no real money worries but with a family who help me spend any cash that's left :-), and in many ways it's almost as if I'd never had the money. I'm in a less-pressured job, but there's enough activity to still get that buzz, and it's great to be amongst people again. So be careful what you wish for!
2008-05-11 18:29:10 UTC
I'd use some of the money to finally be able to afford a house, but I'd still have a mortgage because 10yrs salary isn't enough to pay for a whole house and I would want to use some of the money for fun things...

I'd buy my brothers, sisters, Godson, parents and my grandparents all something nice and take my great, great aunty to Lourdes (she's never been abroad and is quite old and religious).

I'd also pay for mine and my boyfriend's honeymoon to the maldives.

I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be much left, but I'd give some lump sums to charities that I don't already support and buy some clothes. Oh, I'd really like to buy a Wii and some furniture for this new house I'd be buying :)

And I always wanted to go to New York in the winter with the snow and the ice skating and the big Christmas tree and to buy a pair of Christian Louboutins!!!!
2008-04-27 09:49:23 UTC
Firstly, I'd get my garden fenced off to stop the cheeky gits using it as a cut thru and then claiming they "have always used it/didn't realise anyone lived there/were given permission by the previous owner/can do what they like and we can't stop them".

Then I'd get the garden done to a reasonable extent so I don't have to do too much work getting my veggie patch in etc.

Then I'd finish doing the house up because I'm fed up of looking at the 50 year old carpet in the hallway and the old brown and yellow paint that was under the wall paper in the other hallway.

Then I'd make a driveway at the front by knocking the wall down and getting it paved.

Then I'd buy a new settee because this one is cream crackered.

Then I'd put the rest into a savings account until we remortgage in 2009 and use it as a deposit/pay some/all off to hopefully reduce the monthly payments and start making a dent on the £99000...

That's the sensible version.

The other version is to go buy another house somewhere and open a cat sanctuary OR buy a ridicuously expensive car OR go and buy every silly little gadget I've ever wanted such as a remote control helicopter etc

Unfortunately, I don't earn a helluva lot a year so it still wouldn't go very far.
2015-10-16 08:28:26 UTC
Airies6qu and Tori Bell. They all had merit. However, the nature of your question is simply that instead of receiving your pay month by month YOU are going to receive it in one lump sum at the outset, after that you are a prisoner to the 'Payer'.

Based on this, you obviously have ti invest your money in such a way that you have an income for the next ten years.

The nearest answer already given which is the most sensible is that of Tori Bell. However, she overlooked one important detail; you can't invest the lot at the outset because you'll have nothing left to live on. So the amended solution is that if the economy is stagnating you will have operate progressively. Keep 10% of the cash fluid; invest in short term fixed bonds high interest rates say 30%; 10% blue chip stock with good yield relative to depressed market and the remaining 50% in smaller housing 'plots' - this is a loose expression because they can be either new or modern pre lived in. Being smaller we mean those properties which will appeal to the majority, which in turn means ok for 2/3 persons to live in and in areas where the employment is viable.
2014-08-24 21:29:58 UTC
I would leave my house, lock the door, start walking down the street and never look back. I think i would just start travelling with no fixed plan and visit all the places where life is completely different from where i grew up. I would try and experience as many things as possible. It took us both a year to find another job. That meant twelve long months of no income whatsoever. No one would help us. Not family, friends, churches or social services. I would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy. It was truly a nightmare because it is not easy to feed two teenagers on a regular income. Try doing it with no income. I still don't know if it is better to give than receive because I have never received anything I didn't work for. I always believed it was impossible to be rich and generous at the same time. I proved that theory true. That is probably why I will always be struggling to survive because I am too generous for my own good.Call me stupid.
2015-11-03 07:46:41 UTC
you obviously have ti invest your money in such a way that you have an income for the next ten years.

The nearest answer already given which is the most sensible is that of Tori Bell. However, she overlooked one important detail; you can't invest the lot at the outset because you'll have nothing left to live on. So the amended solution is that if the economy is stagnating you will have operate progressively. Keep 10% of the cash fluid; invest in short term fixed bonds high interest rates say 30%; 10% blue chip stock with good yield relative to depressed market and the remaining 50% in smaller housing 'plots' - this is a loose expression because they can be either new or modern pre lived in. Being smaller we mean those properties which will appeal to the majority, which in turn means ok for 2/3 persons to live in and in areas where the employment is viable.
2015-12-25 07:49:30 UTC
Preferably a hip place because I am 26 and not a boring computer shop or anything, maybe a gym or hair saloon for a girlfriend. I don't know 10 years work is a lot of work. Is this to do about the guy that hits 3 people with a train? lol Maybe start an art gallery even or perhaps a football club. Maybe even some new clothes and a haircut. A week away in Sweden would be nice too.
2015-11-05 07:21:22 UTC
I think i would just start travelling with no fixed plan and visit all the places where life is completely different from where i grew up. I would try and experience as many things as possible. It took us both a year to find another job. That meant twelve long months of no income whatsoever. No one would help us. Not family, friends, churches or social services. I would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy. It was truly a nightmare because it is not easy to feed two teenagers on a regular income. Try doing it with no income. I still don't know if it is better to give than receive because I have never received anything I didn't work for. I always believed it was impossible to be rich and generous at the same time. I proved that theory true. That is probably why I will always be struggling to survive because I am too generous for my own good.Call me stupid.
Paul B
2008-04-28 14:07:24 UTC
Hmm...good one. In a way I perhaps shouldn't be answering this as I'm an impoverished student and consequently not earning a salary. However, before that I was an impoverished accounts clerk. Considering that when I was working I was less likely to be paid off with that kind of money than I am to win the lottery this week, I shall proceed on the basis that we're dealing with the realms of fantasy here. So what would I do with the money?

1)Give some to my parents and grandparents as I love them so much and they've been good to me over the years. Very corny I know, but that's how I feel. Also if I could I would bankroll my struggling swordfighting and jiu-jitsu clubs. The people I met there are my best friends and it would mean a lot to me to be able to make sure both clubs were able to keep running, and maybe afford some new equipment too.

2) I'm a total geek who's in love with all things ancient/medieval, so I'd buy myself a few new swords and a nice shiny suit of plate armour.

3) Get a decent guitar? Maybe I'd finally get some motivation up to learn if I had a good one. I'd have to get a massive amp as well. I mean, so big that it shatters the windows whenever I strum a chord. That'll teach the neighbours' kids to practice the trumpet whenever I'm trying to sleep, watch a film or study!

4) Then I suppose I'd have to be uber-sensible and try to invest the rest in something to try and get a return on it. Shares in Northern Rock perhaps? Hmm...Maybe not. I know, I'll ask my old boss, he's an accountant, so should be clued up on that type of thing. Oh wait, hang on. He's the one who's just paid me off. That means that I haven't been injured or traumatised or anything. If this was the case he'd still find a way of keeping me working whilst not paying me anything. He must have bought my silence somehow. Maybe I caught him cooking the books on my way out one night. Either way, he's not going to want to give me any free financial advice.

But, having said all that, even 10 years salary wouldn't have amounted to much in my case, so the plate armour is probably a no-no. And the guitar (Especially the concert amp that was to go with it). Never mind, huh?
Egyptian Hero
2008-04-26 08:40:42 UTC
I would open up a small firm business or shop and make some extra funds. Preferably a hip place because I am 26 and not a boring computer shop or anything, maybe a gym or hair saloon for a girlfriend. I don't know 10 years work is a lot of work. Is this to do about the guy that hits 3 people with a train? lol Maybe start an art gallery even or perhaps a football club. Maybe even some new clothes and a haircut. A week away in Sweden would be nice too.
2008-04-29 10:52:54 UTC
An interesting proposition. After deleting the rubbish I was left with 4 answers:- Andy T; Weregunn; Airies6qu and Tori Bell. They all had merit. However, the nature of your question is simply that instead of receiving your pay month by month YOU are going to receive it in one lump sum at the outset, after that you are a prisoner to the 'Payer'.

Based on this, you obviously have ti invest your money in such a way that you have an income for the next ten years.

The nearest answer already given which is the most sensible is that of Tori Bell. However, she overlooked one important detail; you can't invest the lot at the outset because you'll have nothing left to live on. So the amended solution is that if the economy is stagnating you will have operate progressively. Keep 10% of the cash fluid; invest in short term fixed bonds high interest rates say 30%; 10% blue chip stock with good yield relative to depressed market and the remaining 50% in smaller housing 'plots' - this is a loose expression because they can be either new or modern pre lived in. Being smaller we mean those properties which will appeal to the majority, which in turn means ok for 2/3 persons to live in and in areas where the employment is viable.

Finally, you cannot sit back; you have to be continually reviewing and taking stock to alter investment strategy as you go along.

There is something to be said for a steady safe reliable job connected to Teaching, Local Government or Politics.

No Holidays, No fine clothes, No opposite sex encounters.

Sheer graft for 10 years.

Think on.
2015-11-07 04:42:57 UTC
However, she overlooked one important detail; you can't invest the lot at the outset because you'll have nothing left to live on. So the amended solution is that if the economy is stagnating you will have operate progressively. Keep 10% of the cash fluid; invest in short term fixed bonds high interest rates say 30%; 10% blue chip stock with good yield relative to depressed market and the remaining 50% in smaller housing 'plots' - this is a loose expression because they can be either new or modern pre lived in. Being smaller we mean those properties which will appeal to the majority, which in turn means ok for 2/3 persons to live in and in areas where the employment is viable.
Wunout O
2008-04-26 03:46:36 UTC
I can answer this from personal experience.. 5 yrs ago I received an unexpected inheritence amounting to 20 yrs salary. It depends on your circumstances at the time. Mine were and are that I have been lucky in my life that I had built up a sucessful business, owned my own home etc: I enjoy what I do, so after a 3 month break at the beginning which left me bored stiff, I went back to work. I like my house and my neighbours so I stayed there.

So the answer to your question is that in my case, very little has changed other than we bought a new car for the first time in our lives and every time the wife says she wants to buy something I don't go "HOW MUCH????" like I used to.

I suppose I have the security of knowing that I won't have to choose between eating and heating when I retire, as so many pensioners have to do today. But even that can't be guaranteed. If one of us needs private nursing care at some stage, any amount of money would be gone in a few years.
2014-08-23 05:05:38 UTC
Then when i am too old and infirmed to carry on and i am sat in rocking chair in the garden of whatever state run home i was in (i would have spent all my money on having an adventure), i could sit and smile telling the staff all my stories. The staff of course would smile knowingly at each other and just think i was a senile old bat. But it would give me an immense satisfaction to know i didn't waste my time.But, then again, I may just decide to use this money on making a great flick. I'd hire someone like Steve Lewis and Tony Owens to write a great screenplay and Jonathan Gershfeild to direct it and turn my ten years' salary turn into a fortune! I could always use the profits to pursue the above. What do you think?
2014-09-03 19:49:59 UTC
However, four years ago I was actually in this situation. (Settlement from a car wreck) We paid off our debts, and we gave atleast ten thousand dollars or more to friends and family for Christmas. But for some ungodly reason I lost my job for oversleeping three times in one year and six months later my husband lost his job because of the hurricanes in Florida. It took us both a year to find another job. That meant twelve long months of no income whatsoever. No one would help us. Not family, friends, churches or social services. I would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy. It was truly a nightmare because it is not easy to feed two teenagers on a regular income. Try doing it with no income. I still don't know if it is better to give than receive because I have never received anything I didn't work for. I always believed it was impossible to be rich and generous at the same time. I proved that theory true. That is probably why I will always be struggling to survive because I am too generous for my own good.Call me stupid.
2015-05-27 15:54:41 UTC
I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be much left, but I'd give some lump sums to charities that I don't already support and buy some clothes. Oh, I'd really like to buy a Wii and some furniture for this new house I'd be buying :)
2014-08-22 23:39:16 UTC
I know they say it is better to give than recieve. I do believe that, because it feels so good to just be able to give without worrying. However, four years ago I was actually in this situation. (Settlement from a car wreck) We paid off our debts, and we gave atleast ten thousand dollars or more to friends and family for Christmas. But for some ungodly reason I lost my job for oversleeping three times in one year and six months later my husband lost his job because of the hurricanes in Florida. It took us both a year to find another job. That meant twelve long months of no income whatsoever. No one would help us. Not family, friends, churches or social services. I would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy. It was truly a nightmare because it is not easy to feed two teenagers on a regular income. Try doing it with no income. I still don't know if it is better to give than receive because I have never received anything I didn't work for. I always believed it was impossible to be rich and generous at the same time. I proved that theory true. That is probably why I will always be struggling to survive because I am too generous for my own good.Call me stupid.
2014-10-26 15:01:16 UTC
At first it was great - no mortgage or bills to worry about, a quiet life in the country with no commute, and I could act out my fantasy of being a writer for a couple of years and treat myself to a few things I'd always wanted - a sports car, a telescope, an expensive camera, a road-trip holiday through the USA.

But I got depressed (not badly enough to need medical treatment, but enough to stop me enjoying much of life). I got scared, obsessed with "protecting" the rest of the money - and as a result living more cheaply and less well than I had when I was working. I missed the buzz of work and the company of my colleagues.

I'm now back at work, still with no mortgage and no real money worries but with a family who help me spend any cash that's left :-), and in many
Roaming free
2008-04-27 05:03:44 UTC
Wow that's a question and a half!

1. Got to pay off the mortgage that would be the first priority.

The mortgage is the most important thing because once paid at least your house is your own.

2. Leave my horrible job behind forever. I don't like my job it's only because I'm so close to retirement and my pension that I stay.

3. Treat the family to a dream Hoilday. Would love to take my children to Disney, but personalIy I would like to visit the Seychelles myself....sigh just a dream.

4. New car, but nothing flash just get something around 11-13k.

And after that hopefully just enjoy life having more time to do what I want, instead of my life being dictated to by work.

I'm not too greedy.....
2008-04-26 04:01:31 UTC
I would firstly put a five figure sum into a secure savings fund for my son's education.

After that I would spend about half the remainder on buying and renovating a property for resale. This would form the cautious basis of a development business.

The other half would be banked, and I would allow myself a stipend each month from the amount to live on. If I was working still, this stipend would be a cursory amount, maybe to cover any days I didn't earn, because I was working on the property renovation.

I would also ensure that a percentage of any income from the banked sum or the property development was reinvested into a charitable trust, to be used towards any number of good causes.

And no doubt I'd be tempted to replace my car as she is rather elderly. But that would take a sizeable chunk from the whole, so that might have to wait.
2014-05-28 05:16:04 UTC
I don't get a salary, but I would probably get a place in Majorca, I love it there and I would set up a publishing buisness for young authors who don't have agents, because it is rather unfair at the moment that people without agents cant get published or find it very hard, it would be nice for a change to have a publishers that only execpt un-agented manuscripts rather than companys that see the author hasn't come through a littery agent and just chuck their manuscript in the trash without so much as a glance or second thought.
2014-05-27 09:32:20 UTC
I enjoy finding a bargain but I need to be able to keep the place clutter free and clean. Beyond that, I would stuff the rest in a high interest account and try and add to it, being unable to work (I know, how could I qualify for ten years' salary, but its hypothetical...) means that I never have money for emergencies, as soon as I save some (a challenge on benefits, but it is possible) something comes alone, like the car breaking down and its all gone.
2014-11-06 14:42:07 UTC
s great - no mortgage or bills to worry about, a quiet life in the country with no commute, and I could act out my fantasy of being a writer for a couple of years and treat myself to a few things I'd always wanted - a sports car, a telescope, an expensive camera, a road-trip holiday through the USA.

But I got depressed (not badly enough to need medical treatment, but enough to stop me enjoying much of life). I got scared, obsessed with "protecting" the rest of the money - and as a result living more cheaply and less well than I had when I was working. I missed the buzz of work and the company of my colleagues.

I'm now back at work, still with no mortgage and no real
2015-10-15 05:54:04 UTC
Then I suppose I'd have to be uber-sensible and try to invest the rest in something to try and get a return on it. Shares in Northern Rock perhaps? Hmm...Maybe not. I know, I'll ask my old boss, he's an accountant, so should be clued up on that type of thing. Oh wait, hang on. He's the one who's just paid me off. That means that I haven't been injured or traumatised or anything. If this was the case he'd still find a way of keeping me working whilst not paying me anything. He must have bought my silence somehow. Maybe I caught him cooking the books on my way out one night. Either way, he's not going to want to give me any free financial advice.
2014-10-29 15:13:02 UTC
t I got depressed (not badly enough to need medical treatment, but enough to stop me enjoying much of life). I got scared, obsessed with "protecting" the rest of the money - and as a result living more cheaply and less well than I had when I was working. I missed the buzz of work and the company of my colleagues.

I'm now back at work, still with no mortgage and no real money worries but with a family who help me spend any cash that's left :-), and in many ways it's almost as if I'd never had the money. I'm in a less-pressured job, but there's enough activity to still get that buzz, and it's great to be amongst people again. So be careful what you wish for!
2014-10-06 09:32:19 UTC
put some money in a high interest bearing savings account, and buy me a new car. We have had the same 2 cars for 15 years. I will do whatever I can to help anyone in need, but I will not just give it away to my family like last time. I know they say it is better to give than recieve. I do believe that, because it feels so good to just be able to give without worrying. However, four years ago I was actually in this situation. (Settlement from a car wreck) We paid off our debts, and we gave atleast ten thousand dollars or more to friends and family for Christmas. But for some ungodly reason I lost my job for oversleeping three times in one year and six months later my husband lost his job because of the hurricanes in Florida. It took us both a year to find another job. That meant twelve long months of no income whatsoever. No one would help us. Not family, friends, churches or social services. I would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy. It was truly a nightmare because it is not easy to feed two teenagers on a regular income. Try doing it with no income.
2008-05-03 02:11:24 UTC
I would leave my house, lock the door, start walking down the street and never look back. I think i would just start travelling with no fixed plan and visit all the places where life is completely different from where i grew up. I would try and experience as many things as possible.

Then when i am too old and infirmed to carry on and i am sat in rocking chair in the garden of whatever state run home i was in (i would have spent all my money on having an adventure), i could sit and smile telling the staff all my stories. The staff of course would smile knowingly at each other and just think i was a senile old bat. But it would give me an immense satisfaction to know i didn't waste my time :-)
2008-04-29 07:05:48 UTC
I would pay off all my debts, put some money in a high interest bearing savings account, and buy me a new car. We have had the same 2 cars for 15 years. I will do whatever I can to help anyone in need, but I will not just give it away to my family like last time. I know they say it is better to give than recieve. I do believe that, because it feels so good to just be able to give without worrying. However, four years ago I was actually in this situation. (Settlement from a car wreck) We paid off our debts, and we gave atleast ten thousand dollars or more to friends and family for Christmas. But for some ungodly reason I lost my job for oversleeping three times in one year and six months later my husband lost his job because of the hurricanes in Florida. It took us both a year to find another job. That meant twelve long months of no income whatsoever. No one would help us. Not family, friends, churches or social services. I would never wish anything like that on my worst enemy. It was truly a nightmare because it is not easy to feed two teenagers on a regular income. Try doing it with no income. I still don't know if it is better to give than receive because I have never received anything I didn't work for. I always believed it was impossible to be rich and generous at the same time. I proved that theory true. That is probably why I will always be struggling to survive because I am too generous for my own good.Call me stupid.
Stu T
2008-04-25 17:49:11 UTC
Hello Kenzie(?)...I would spend it foolishly, like I always have. Large place to live, with painting and music studios....oh wait...that sounds sensible actually....I would buy an island and put a donkey sanctuary and a mexican orphan sanctuary on the island....I am a non-profit imaginary organisation...and of course you have to strive for world peace...or a big screen LCD TV. At the end of the day, what difference can I make, what with Bono having millions, n' that. Peace out!

Seriously though, if I was sober I would invest some, save some, give some to charity, and have a bit of a party. After getting the studios and helping some friends

P.S. lose the moustache

P.P.S:- Are you mates with Jonny Depp? Can you tell him I have a real good idea for a film, or a band, or a drink...thankx
2014-10-09 16:37:31 UTC
I would allow myself a stipend each month from the amount to live on. If I was working still, this stipend would be a cursory amount, maybe to cover any days I didn't earn, because I was working on the property renovation.

I would also ensure that a percentage of any income from the banked sum or the property development was reinvested into a charitable trust, to be used towards any number of good causes.

And no doubt I'd be tempted to replace my car as she is rather elderly. But that would take a sizeable chunk from the whole, so that might have to wait.
2014-10-16 00:03:24 UTC
5 yrs ago I received an unexpected inheritence amounting to 20 yrs salary. It depends on your circumstances at the time. Mine were and are that I have been lucky in my life that I had built up a sucessful business, owned my own home etc: I enjoy what I do, so after a 3 month break at the beginning which left me bored stiff, I went back to work. I like my house and my neighbours so I stayed there.

So the answer to your question is that in my case, very little has changed other than we bought a new car for the first time in our lives and every time the wife says she wants to buy something I don't go "HOW MUCH????" like I used to.
2008-05-01 21:21:36 UTC
Of course I'd have to pay off a few bills but I'd spend a ton of trying to make sure the Democratic Party conducts its future nominating process in a truly "Democratic" way. Super delegates may well decide the 2008 Presidential race. They are not obligated to support the candidate chosen by voters. From what I have read each super delegate vote is equivalent to about 10,000 democratic votes. Does the one really represent the 10,000? Is this really a democratic process?

But, then again, I may just decide to use this money on making a great flick. I'd hire someone like Steve Lewis and Tony Owens to write a great screenplay and Jonathan Gershfeild to direct it and turn my ten years' salary turn into a fortune! I could always use the profits to pursue the above. What do you think?
2008-05-01 09:25:31 UTC
I just wish I had a salary let alone 10 years in a lump sum.

But if the salary was good then I would pay off my credit card and any other monies owed and carry on working with less worries than before and try not to get in a mess again
Girly Brains
2008-04-27 14:06:42 UTC
On tax!


Because anything you get is swiftly spirited away by the protection racket* that funds all those £billions of salaries that make the industry called the State. It produces nothing and consumes the planet.

(The Chief Executive of my County Council, for example, gets £220,000 every year, plus perks. That's actually more than the Prime Minister!)

Not a salary, really . . . a lottery win!

Every year, plus perks!

That takes a lot of funding, hence, If I could get ten years' salary in a lump sum, how would I spend it and why?. . .

That's how and that's why!

[*The only difference between the Mafia and the State is that with the Mafia, you actually get protection.

ie, you can walk the street without getting knifed]
2008-04-29 01:16:13 UTC
Because im only 18, i wouldnt really know what to do, Most probs pay off my parents and my grandparents mortgage, then buy myself a house for in the future. Pay off any debts my family owed if they did, and take my little sister to Disneyland in Florida, shes always wanted to go there. The rest id put into a Bank Account that grows intrest over time, that way i get a little bit back of what ive already spent.

But then again, i dont think id need that much money, because money doesnt give you happiness, i would like to say id probs give some to charity, the leukemia and lymphoma society - purely cause i lost a good friend when i was younger to leukemia, and ive seen the miracles they perform.
2008-05-12 05:12:35 UTC
Ten years salary invested at 5% pa would bring in half a years salary, so it would not be that easy to rely on it forever as inflation would reduce the real income over time.

I would use it to reduce debt if I had any or purchase a nicer house or flat.

The remainder I would use to buy a nice car clothes etc and leave some of this invested to provide a safeguard for future expenditure.

Sounds boring but I think this would result in a happier and more secure future.

Of course I would need to continue in work, but the added security might allow me to improve my job position by letting me take relevant work related courses
2008-04-28 06:41:33 UTC
Well I am a housewife so don't actually have a salary, however my husband is a train driver, so ten years salary would be quite a tidy sum. I think it would be good to pay off our mortgage, and maybe put some money towards another house, nearer to my son's school, that would be a good idea. Then my hubby would probably buy himself a taxi, so he could work for himself, we would use some money for doing up our new house, then probably just put the rest in the savings account.
2008-04-26 05:12:20 UTC
Depends on the job.. Since i am making it through Med school on loans if this is to happen after i specialise in Neurosurgery I'd:

1. Pay off all debt

2. Buy lands in my Caribbean home country

' Antigua & Barbuda"

3. Of course build my very own Neurosurgery Clinic

4. Invest 10% into charitable caribbean Organizations ( Red Cross, Abandon Children Health Care and Orphanages, Special Needs Children Centers)

5. Travel the world when my time allows
2014-06-27 15:16:17 UTC
But then after reading your question again I take it I wouldn't get paid for ten years?? If so I would invest 9 years salary and keep a years in my bank account and live off that, then the next year take a years out and so on and so on.
2008-04-29 22:38:17 UTC
If I were to receive ten (10) years salary as a lump-sum, I would invest it all with Post Office Income Bonds. The sum invested would be in the region of £400,000 - £500,000. The return would be about 5%+ a year. Not a massive income, but a person might be able to live on it provided there were no mortgage or rent to pay.

Five percent of £400,000 = an annual income of £20,000. The UK tax on an income from savings of £20,000 = £4,000 - which leave an income of £16,000 after all income tax has been paid.

I could live with that.

Please note the above income figs are fictional and do not relate to my real income. They are based upon a persion with an income of between £40,000 to £50,000 p.a.
2008-05-07 11:30:13 UTC
Ten years salary in a lump sum would not amount to very much for me. If your question means that i would then be out of a job, I doubt if I would get another one due to my age therefore I would have to use the amount for day to day living expenses and hopefully get another couple of years out of it by properly investing it for annual income and reducing the capital by living off the lump sum.

If however I received the amount in a lump sum and carried on working, I would pay off my mortgage, have a good holiday, help family members and invest the rest. By carrying on working, I could therefore retire in about 3 years ( 6 years early) and live off my investment, and with pension at 65, hopefully after having got rid of this government!!
2008-04-30 13:23:57 UTC
i'm a student so don't get a real salary,but if i had a good job and had all my salary in 1 lump sum i would most prob give some towards charity then use the rest for living a basic life with no debt truble!

but then again i wouldn't get money for the next 10 years so in that case i would put it all in the bank (interest!!!)

and what i gain in that 10 years, give to a charity that supports familys who have lost a child.

i can become very sensable when i need to! x
2008-04-30 08:48:15 UTC
I'd only spend part of it, and on whatever i think i need at the time, be it a new car, a house, a great new wardrobe etc. Maybe i'll throw in the holiday of a lifetime. Then i'd donate a substantial sum to Cancer Research and maybe one or two other worthwhile charities. All the rest will go into some kind of pension fund so that in my twilight years i can live the life of Riley.
Yummy Mummy
2008-04-29 23:58:38 UTC
I would take my kids and Hubby on a really long and relaxing holiday. Like so many kids over the past few years they have had to be patient with there parents being punished by the government for WORKING to give them the basics in life.

I would buy my kids all the clothes, gadgets and stuff they long for but I've not been able to give them until Birthdays or Chrimbo.

Then I would put start up my own business so I'm not a yes person, earning money for me and not working to make someone else rich.

WOW !! where did all this anger come from ??? :)
2008-04-29 05:29:46 UTC
Mmmm it depends on how big or small the amount of money i would get paid an hour cos right now the min wage is only £5.52 an hour!

I would treat my children and taken them on holiday cos sadly i have only been able to do that once!

I guess I would pay all my debts boring but it would be out of the way!

By a good car that would get me from A to B and pass my test!

Go on a nice holiday to get out of all this horrible rain in SW UK cos I'm gona end up with webb feet soon!!

Use some of the money to start up a theater company producing plays on real life experiences, The Mad, The Bad and The Just Plain Weird!!!

Oh yes and come to see the film with my kids and go out for a nice meal with them after!
Claire U.K
2008-04-26 08:44:29 UTC

My sensible head says use it to pay of debts and then put it in a savings account and use as I would if I was getting paid normally.

But what I would probably do is blow the lot on a car a holiday a new wardrobe and lots of things I absolutely have to have (but have no use for) and worry about the bills another day.


Because you could be dead tomorrow and then someone else will benefit from your windfall or it will be taken by the state.

So live for today Cu's you don't know whats around the corner.

Gold I
2008-04-26 04:27:18 UTC
I would pay my tithes first of all since i am a practising christian that is 10% would go to the church.

I would invest a large chunk of the money at least the remaining 50% in buying some houses to let as offices and homes .

The other parts of the money would be used to buy a nice house in a good area , i would also get to give family and loved ones some money as well and a couple of charities, and church related comittements the rest would go to fund my education since i am in full-time education, probably i would consider the idea of a round the world trip
2015-02-02 21:36:16 UTC
I suppose I have the security of knowing that I won't have to choose between eating and heating when I retire, as so many pensioners have to do today. But even that can't be guaranteed. If one of us needs private nursing care at some stage, any amount of money would be gone in a few years.
2015-10-07 08:21:53 UTC
Give some to my parents and grandparents as I love them so much and they've been good to me over the years. Very corny I know, but that's how I feel. Also if I could I would bankroll my struggling swordfighting and jiu-jitsu clubs. The people I met there are my best friends and it would mean a lot to me to be able to make sure both clubs were able to keep running, and maybe afford some new equipment too.
2008-04-30 01:46:55 UTC
1. Remove impending financial concerns.2. Put two years salary in a "rainy day fund" for the future. 3 Put £ 10,000 in a separate fund for "Clothing and Personal items" to ensure I would be of smart appearance for the next ten years.Estimate what I would need for Gas, Electric,Water, Poll Tqx, for the next ten years,DOUBLE IT and put that sum away in a high interest account.4 Same for Transport costs,or car running costs etc. 5 With serious issues out of the way I could now plan the lifestyle I always kidded myself I would eventually have, like plenty of holidays at home and abroad,enjoying every day and being aware I would be free from debt concerns for the next ten years at least. I would start planning my Holidays and lifestyle changes immediately. I would start "Living" now and without taking things so seriously I would be much better for it.
lesley w
2008-05-09 21:21:01 UTC
If i could have ten years salary in one lump sum i would have to invest it, which would be property in a up and coming country that hasnt done so well in the past and would like to create jobs for those people who otherwise had very little or were just existing from day to day this way they would not have to leave there beloved country
2008-05-02 23:54:36 UTC
In the final analysis money is quite futile, the moment you start spending it the game is over - it will just filter back to the rich. I'd pay off mortgage, downsize, buy food/rent, resist technocrap and lead a simple life. All you need is food/somewhere to live/clothes. And you don't need many clothes. Just remember people out there invent things to get your money, not because they want you to have an Ipod. They just want your money so they invent things, what's more they created trends/fashion - what better way to keep getting at your money! I have no doubt the telly I bought ten years ago still works perfectly, but they changed colour twice (black trim to silver trim to black trim), introduced HD, widescreen, to sell us the same thing five or more times. And Ipod though undoubtedly useful but when you suss it's just an MP3 player and they are £14.99 in Asda it might occur to you you have been had. Don't get me started on the coffee nonsense where you pay £3.50 for a cup of air!!!!!!! We are all going to hell in a handcart.
2008-04-28 06:38:21 UTC
10 years' of my salary plus the equity in our current house (which is too small for our family) would be enough to buy a bigger house mortgage free. We can then put the amount that we currently spend on the mortgage each month into a pension or savings plan. Hopefully by the time we retire it will be worth more than 10 years' salary and will allow us to live a very nice life for a bit longer.
2008-04-27 14:35:50 UTC
This would not keep me going for the rest of my life. However, it would be enough to repay my mortgage, have a good hol, help family out, give a donation to the Royal British Legion and Age Concern and put some money away for a rainy day so I would still be very happy if such a sum came my way.

I'm not sure if I want to see the film or not.
2008-05-12 07:52:40 UTC
I would invest some in secure papers, yet some I would invest in myself so i could be better prepared in courses etc and some yet in some fun (life is not only work).So with some investment on the long term some on medium term some on my self (knowlege) I think I would be getting all the bases covered.

I have also a good idea that could after due consideration and analisis be transformed in an enterprise.however as always in a case like ttha only after much due diligence consideration and data colection a company should be started.Well one things for sure I would not waste.
2008-05-09 18:01:02 UTC
I'd build a time machine, probably. I know it took Doc Brown thirty years, but he didn't really have a proper job so I figure I could use the lump sum I'd just been given (plus the income from another job that I'd go and get) to build one much faster.

And I'd also build it out of a Bond Bug.

Then I'd go back in time and win back all the money I'd spent so I was back where I started, with a time machine to boot. And I'd spend that money on jam, because everyone likes jam.

Alternatively, I'd just buy a couple of tanks of petrol.
2008-05-07 11:45:52 UTC

Amm the person who would get that would be pretty rich and excited about his 10 years salary in a lump means 1 time amm I would put some of it in an orphange to help the poor then I would buy my mum and dad a new flat to live in or if they want to live with me in my flat then buy a new car for the family and the rest which is left I would put it in the bank for long term investment plan so when I have a child then I will spend that in his education.. Thanks Vips...
alison p
2008-04-28 08:48:21 UTC
It depends.

If i WON the money and i'd be still getting paid my usual sum then i'd treat myself to teeth whitening and laser eye surgery. About 1500.

I'd sponser a dog and the N.S.P.C.C and use about 500 pounds to treat my mum to a spa weekend.

The rest i'd probably save towards a house because i'm only 22 and homes are hard to come by.

If it were just my company offering to give me all my salary for the next ten years now and i wouldn't get anything else after then i would quit after i'd received the money!

I'd go find another job and keep the money!
Amy R
2008-04-28 04:49:55 UTC
If I had to make it last over ten years, then nothing much would change (if of course I had a salary- being a student, I don't).

If I did have a salary, and did receive ten year's worth in a lump sum, I'd probably spend about a third on myself, a third on my family (including helping my mum go private for knee surgery- the NHS is so rubbish and takes absolutely forever thanks to privatisation), a fifth on my friends and give the rest to charity.
Gareth K
2008-04-26 04:51:44 UTC
If I was to get 10 years salary in one lump sum nothing much would really change,

I would still have to work 12 hour days 6 days a week as payment would be an advanced payment of salary so I would therfore still be in a binding contract to work all the hours they possibly can make you work.
Tim H
2008-04-26 03:52:08 UTC
Well ten years Salary for me would be enough to invest sensibly and the interest on that sum would mean I could afford to work part-time and be comfortable. With my free time I could get involved in doing something useful in the community, and possibly study for a degree in law, which i want to do but never had the time or money. I would also spend more time with my children who live with my ex, and I can only afford to see them once a week.
Agony Uncle Andy
2008-05-09 05:01:17 UTC

I would quit this god-forsaken miserable excuse of a country, and go and live in a place where the sun shines, and people smile. I am sick of paying fat cats to lie to us and spin the idea that everything is going swimmingly whilst they fritter away my hard earned wages on throwing this country down the toilet. There is not one area of government policy that is geared up to improve things for me in the UK, from crime, through health, education, and immigration.

As a child I lived in Africa- in Sierra Leone, which was (certainly in recent years) one of the poorest nations on earth. I would choose it over the so-called developed west any day. My sister lives in Indonesia, and I would likewise choose it over the UK any day. Indonesia is incidentally the most populous Muslim nation on the planet. I am not Muslim- I am white English, and was born into a Church of England family. The two occasions I have been to Indo I have been utterly blown away by the friendliness of the common man and the strength of family and communtiy ties. I dearly wish my home nation would "regress" to a time when community and family meant something, instead of the current money-grabbing, social climbing parasitical nature of things. I am embarrassed to be a member of the not-so-great Britain.

So, going back to your question...

I would take the poor amount that 10 years NHS admin staff wages would add up to, and head to Indonesia, where I would finish my training to become a SCUBA instructor (my sister would do most of the training, as she has a dive centre out there). I would then buy a share of a business- either in diving, or a bar or restaurant, and live a happy life in the sun, eating fresh food, smiling and being smiled at, diving, swimming, surfing, and being glad to have left this crappy place behind.

That's the simple dream I have... hope that helps!
2008-05-08 07:41:14 UTC
With 10 years salary as a carer in the UK I couldn't even buy a house-HOW DEPRESSING IS THAT?? Think I'd have to travel Oz and sort myself out a nice Ozzie hubby then I could stay there and have a better standard of living-UK SUX when you're always working yet still poor!!! Actually thinking about it I could afford to get an education and not be dependant on anybody-better still!
Gregg L
2008-05-06 12:06:33 UTC
Some have said that they would pay off their mortgage.... DON'T!!! you'd probably find better ways of investing the money and still benefit from the tax deductions for mortgage interest / points!

There were some good answers... I like the idea of buying homes, for rental now and possible resale when the overall market turns around... Now is a good time to buy... prices dropping, etc... and if you can get rental income while waiting out for better time to re-sell, all the better!

Of course, if you're like me and work for a non-profit agency... 10 years' worth of salary doesn't amount to much.
2008-05-06 05:48:57 UTC
I'd buy a shabby looking fiat and spend the money on making it super crazy fast, like push of a button fast. But ti's speed and excellence would be concealed beneath the bonnet.

So when I'm waiting at the traffic lights for the green light I take off at incredible speed leaving all the other decent looking and chavved cars behind.. Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooom, Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooom!
2008-04-30 07:54:40 UTC
I would keep it all in the bank...Interest...

I would not spend it..

In fact, I would look to live in a council propert and work as normal for a few years...

I would'nt buy a house just yet as the prices are currently falling...

With my money in the bank making interest and the prices of property dropping.

I could work as normal and get a bit richer while living a mundane life..

I actually would find a good recritment agency and work temp assignments...

Mackenzie, this is a mad question for you to ask or is it not?

I thoughtfor you, being an actor paid well...Is the tax getting to you as well??

Dont do what Wesley Snipes did!

I dont think you need a career change...

Maybe just a change of agent of you are not being paid well..

Still drinkning in Dartford??
Helen M
2008-04-29 02:01:54 UTC
After paying off the mortgage, I'd take my love on a trip to our favourite place, and then with anything left over I'd set up an online publisher and publish as many of my friends' books as I could.

I'm lucky enough to know a lot of talented people with wonderful stories to tell, but they aren't celebs or victims so they can't get a publishing deal in today's climate - even though one of them could be the next J.K. Rowling or China Mieville. So it would be great to get their work out there.

Any profits the company made would be ploughed into educating young people to enjoy stories in all their forms, including books, and to know that creating is so much more fun than destroying.
2008-04-26 04:09:13 UTC
The clip was rubbish, - but, that's only a personal opinion!

In answer to the question, - that rather depends, on whether I have a well-enough paid job, to make ten years' salary WORTH anything, like a "REASONABLE" sum.

But, - assuming, that it IS, - I would, undoubtedly, pay off the mortgage, on my home, - have a HOLIDAY, (much needed, right now), - and, put the rest in a safe place, - such as a building society, - in an account, such as an "I.S.A.", - for higher INTEREST!
Mark T
2008-04-26 03:36:16 UTC
My first instinct would be to spend, spend and spend. But then reality would take it's toll. I would like to pay off every bill I have and buy things for my kids they have never had such as new bikes. As I live in a Council house a mortgage hasn't become a problem and after the bills and the kids are taken care of, maybe spend a few pounds on myself but nothing extravagant. I don't like spending money on myself unless I really need it. As long as the kids are happy I can go without.
2014-09-14 06:10:17 UTC
They just want your money so they invent things, what's more they created trends/fashion - what better way to keep getting at your money! I have no doubt the telly I bought ten years ago still works perfectly, but they changed colour twice (black trim to silver trim to black trim), introduced HD, widescreen, to sell us the same thing five or more times. And Ipod though undoubtedly useful but when you suss it's just an MP3 player and they are £14.99 in Asda it might occur to you you have been had. Don't get me started on the coffee nonsense where you pay £3.50 for a cup of air!!!!!!! We are all going to hell in a handcart.
Catrina M
2008-05-12 05:38:14 UTC
I would buy a house instead of renting to save myself a lot of money for the future and put the rest in bank and live as normal but happy knowing that money isn't going to be an issue for a while and carry on working as that would also accrue too. Go on a nice safari holiday somewhere whilst taking a couple of suitcases of clothes and other nic naks for the people (as well as my own suitcases) out there as a good will gesture as i'm like that.
2008-05-09 15:33:47 UTC
I would buy climbing gear as I am very overweight and I feel I need a challenge.

To get out of my rut as a housewife and do something for myself and not something for my husband and children.

ten years lump sum would amount to a big fat zero since I dont make any money. Maybe my husband will leave some loose change on the side of the bed after sex !!!
Soup Dragon
2008-05-02 16:14:14 UTC
I would invest as much as possible in tax free savings, with the other in a high interest account after calculating how much you would need to live on for a year, then I would contine to do this, if you wisely invested it then the interest alone should keep you going for quite a few months if not a full year without the need to delve into it too much. That is if your needs aren't too high and in my opinion the older you get the less your needs become. Unless of course you're a spendaholic.

Have a good weekend ;-)
2008-04-29 05:17:04 UTC
Keep on going as normal I suppose, If I got ten years salary in one lump sum, that could technically mean I won't being seeing another penny for ten years cause I'm guessing the boss will want ten years work for the money. Now one give anything away for nothing.

(god am i feeling happy today or what?)
2008-04-29 00:25:51 UTC
I only get paid 12 grand a year so i wouldn't be able to do much with my money.

I would buy a passport & Spend 2 weeks in the Plazia hotel NYC just like Home alone lost in New york. With my BF

Then i would go to Las vages & stay in a really posh hotel.

Then if i had any money left i would by my family prezzies.

So yeah i would blow it!!

But i would of had a holiday of a lifetime ;)
2008-05-11 11:51:10 UTC
I wouldn't want to receive 10 years salary in one go what for? I'd still have to work for 10 years without regular income coming in and the cost of living would still be increasing - the lump sum would be too much of a temptation and I wouldn't trust myself or anyone else to invest it for me. Boring I know but safe.
2008-05-06 14:53:10 UTC
1. Kick my bosses in the nuts lots of times.

2. Pay my bail and buy a few 'treats'.

3. Live on the remaining money while attending college.

4. Find a better paid and more enjoyable job with new found skills.

5. Repeat if needed.
2008-05-05 12:39:18 UTC
Could I have ten years of your salary rather than mine? Pay off my debts, buy a small house somewhere in Africa on the beach and donate the rest to providing some kind of rehabilitation programme to former child soldiers in africa. Studying Psychology now so I can get involved with this on a personal pro-active level.

Why? Because although there are many charities out there and many deserving our help, I feel these 'children' who have their childhoods stolen from them are largely derided or forgotten . Somebody needs to help them, their families and their victims.
2008-05-04 05:16:40 UTC
Pay off my credit card bills! Vicious circle that it is, you have to pay the credit card companies most of your salary, so you have no money left by the 3rd of the month, so you have to use your credit card .... I'm from South Africa now living in the UK, so whatever is left over will be converted into South African Rands (excellent exchange rate, 15:1 most days), I'd buy a flat on the South African South Coast and spend the rest of my days listening to the sound of the ocean with my gorgeous hubby :)
2008-04-27 12:15:33 UTC
1. Pay off my parents' debts

2. Give them the cash to buy the house we're living in now

3. Send them on a holiday to Egypt

When I've been unemplyed, my parents have been leniant and allowed me back into the house while I've been looking for work. They've been fantastic so this would be my way of paying them back and show my gratitude.

If there is any left, I'd go off to New Zealand because after seeing Lord of the Rings, I have been intringued by the country and if I could afford it, I'd go to Ireland (because I love the culture) and then off to Iceland :-)


2008-04-26 15:37:24 UTC
The point is not to spend it. Intelligent long-term investment of ten years' salary in a lump sum should yield the equivalent of one's annual salary every year for life without encroaching on the principal.
2008-04-26 06:53:17 UTC
I would buy my son a private education when he got to secondary school. I would also go on a world cruise, Donate to my local animal aid shelter home. I would also buy my husband a 10 grand flying experience that takes place in Russia because to me having the opportunity to spending on life experiences that could have never otherwise happen would bring great stories and happy memories. If my son then worked hard at school and needed a place of his own I would give him the remainder of the money for a deposit on a mortgage.
2008-04-26 05:33:06 UTC
I know what my brother would do he'd buy a new butt as his has got a crack in it :-))

Seriously like most would pay off the mortgage, help those in my family less fortunate, which is a lot

Book top notch holiday in Tahiti, then go first class on the plane, always wanted to do that, bum around on the island for a couple of months and then head on home nicely tanned and rested and the rest if any left would be banked for rainy days and god knows we get lots of them

Nice to be selfish isn't it, now and again doesn't hurt
2008-04-25 17:05:14 UTC
first of all, money is nothing to me, i see it as a constant flow, like water being passed around the world pointlessly, its just you need it to be comfortable in life, but not more than you need.

ok lets say a years salary is 18k x 10, thats £180,000. first id pay off some of my parents mortgage, lets say £40,000. because they have done so much for me, and do nothing but work, they deserve it.

i'd give £5-10,000 to good causes or charity, lets say £8,000

that leaves £132,000.

£4000 for a massive party for all my family and friends, maybe on an island somewhere

that leaves £128,000

£18,000 to tour the world for 5-10 years and give to those who need help

that leaves £110,000

which i would use to migrate from the uk to New zealand and australia where i would invest in some land on a beach with some good surf, build a bar/surf shop and apartment, shape boards and live there for the rest of my life, later on building a house for my family to move into aswell.

by the way your an awesome actor, love the stuff you've done, your sisters awesome too!
2014-06-05 18:49:05 UTC
I do see more work from home companies being available in 10 years. Of course, it's only possible through the internet! As far as pleasure goes, we already have fantasy sports and many other online gaming sources, I only see those increasing to include many more types of games and sports. Maybe even eventually fantasy horseracing? LOL Great question!
2008-05-03 13:30:10 UTC
Put it in the bank & take out each weeks salary as it comes along remember it has to last you 10 years so there is no question of what you would do with it. Unless you want to work 10 years for nothing.
2008-05-06 13:34:49 UTC
If I got it in a lump sum, it's going to have to last those whole 10 years, so I better save some of it, huh? Well, buy a house, pay for it outright, then I don't have to worry about mortgage anymore. Plus, go on a trip somewhere exciting, Europe, or Australia!
2008-05-04 04:04:29 UTC
I dont earn that much ( i'm an underpaid, overworked barmaid....) so for me its not a life-changing sum but i might get my boobs done, maybe have a bit of lipo (ouch, maybe not to both) and pay my poor window cleaner who hasnt been paid for months (sorry Tim). I would also take my mum and two sis's on holiday as i live far away from them and miss them like CRAZY!! Oh, and i would also def go and see the much-acclaimed ,movie ''Three And Out'' and maybe even buy a large popcorn AND a bag of Revels. Heaven!!
2008-05-04 03:48:17 UTC
This actually happened to me a few years ago because of an inheritance so it took a lot of thought.

My no 1 priority in life is my girls aged 9 and 11yrs old, and with a large chunk of it i made some investments, shares, etc with a view to making their future secure.

This meant that they'd have cash to cover them at University and even more so,a start to buying a house which is impossible now never mind in 15 years time.

And with the rest, i bought myself a Porsche! Lol
Robert W
2008-05-01 05:55:07 UTC
The long term answer should be to pay of the loan with this highest interest rate and the longest term.... ie credit card balances, mortgage etc..

However, if you have none of these (lucky you) then it should be invested in something that is going to make you as much money as possible... This used to be housing - but now, I think I'd spend it on some luxury and forget about tomorrow !
2008-05-08 02:37:49 UTC
I am going to University in September,I will be a student nurse.

I have two children that I take care of alone,so the money will help me to get through the next three years.

I wouldn't buy nothing fancy,I would just feel blessed in being able to study without worrying about how to pay my bills or buying food and clothes for my children.

I would get new tyres for my car and a new exhaustion pipe.
Gary C
2008-05-02 19:44:07 UTC
An interesting question & not as easy to answer as one might expect. Its easy to blow money but to invest it wisely is another thing. Firstly I would support some worthwhile volunteer projects to help those genuinely in need, but where I personally know the workers so as to be satisfied every penny would be used for the intended purpose. Secondly I would pay off a small debt. Thirdly I would invest in producing some of my own songs (I write a lot of music, some I have no doubt could make considerable returns.)in order to make more money to reinvest in similar worthwhile projects,

I would also give my mother a small amount to help her with some personal needs.
2008-04-25 10:07:18 UTC
Ten years salary is not really much...but if i was on a big wage hahaha i would open my bar/ restuarant and buy a house and clear my debts....then I think I would just use the rest and go holidays and lavish expensive wealthy goods on myself...

I would also like to persue a career in writing, I would love to become the next cecilia aherne but hey that's never going to happen, so next best thing would be opening my own i can get drunk most of the time hahaha

what would you do mr. crook ???

stupid question but i want to know

the movie looks great, can't wait to see it xx
2008-05-06 05:57:29 UTC
I have a lot of experience with big cats going back to my childhood and have always wanted my own rare leopard sanctuary so that I could do more for the conservation and preservation of rare leopards and keep snowleopards,jaguar,puma,serval,ocelot etc.

Getting the cats isnt going to be too hard but funding the sanctuary would be so if I ahd a large sum of money this is what I would be aiming for!
2008-05-03 09:52:14 UTC
I would spend most of my money for charity, because that is definitely going to something for a very good cause. I would also like to travel and do service. I would fly to Africa and purchase mosquito nets for the children there, clothes, food, clean water, and shelter for the people suffering. And the same thing for people in other parts of the world. I would be able to gain a better understanding of those that are suffering, and I could actually do something to end poverty.
2008-05-01 04:10:01 UTC
i would firstly get my car back on the road, then go on a shopping spree with my son.

I have been a single parent for the past few years, until getting married last March. I have had to scrimp and save and never had the chance to spoil my son. I would take him for new clothes and shoes and also book a family holiday as my husband as been unwell and we were not allowed to have an honeymoon.

The rest would be put in the bank and saved for a rainy day.
2008-04-28 14:12:57 UTC

Now this is a tricky one, lol.

I don't wish to offend anyone but I also am very ill and have been waiting for hip replacement and have been since I was 27 yrs old! Ten years later and I cannot walk due to my spine being so bad but has anyone thought about others also?

Lets not forget the poor little children who suffer from severe, chronic pain due to being ill also!

Please forgive, if I have offended anyone as I would never wish to do that xx

Serioulsy, apart from taking a holiday back to Hawaii, with my hubby and kids due to my being serioulsy ill, I would try to invest the rest as much as possiable.

Of course it would never be the same as winng Billions on the lottery, i should be so lucky, aim would be to try to gain enough savings to help those that are genuinly living rough!

It has always been a dream of mine to buy large wearhouses in all the large cities centres to enable a safe place for these poor people to go.

Of course there would also be support/rehabilitation for drug users etc. and also a seperate safe place for the young kids, some as young as 13!

I would love to be able to help so many, even if it is just somewhere they could go for avice and help with many different issues.

So many are ignorent and believe that these poor people deserve everything they get but I wonder?

Would they still be saying that is they had to run way due to abuse and no-one would help, if they maybe lost everything due to losing their jobs etc.. sorry, but I could go on forever with this so I will try not to but what I will say, too many in society are ready to judge others and so many of these people do try so hard to get their lives back on track and some actualy succsed!

If only people realised that not everyone has a good life and some of these people (yes good luck to them, if they are self made millionares) are very quick to forget their roots!

Lets not forget that some of these poor people actualy turn to drink or drugs because they feel they have nothing to live for!

Of course, im not saying this is right but it is a fact and who are we to judge? we are not them!

Some are mentily ill, just put there, due to the so called care in the community that did not work! So much to say and such a wide topic that we could be here all night, lol.

Take care and good luck with your new film .

Love Sandy xx
tony c
2008-04-26 10:05:17 UTC
I would spend 10% on beer , 10% on cigaretts , 30% on a totaly impractable super car and the other 50% I would just spend on totally useless stuff that made me really happy for as long as it lasts .When that ran out it would be back to reality and work for the next 25 years .

All those who would buy a house "don't be silly" the market is about to crash .
2008-04-26 07:17:13 UTC
If I had ten years' salary I would give up my paid job, work voluntarily to help loads of people who need help in any way, either in UK or abroad. I would pay off my children's student loans which they should never should have had to have in the first place just to extend their education.

I would be as happy as I am now, without the money, provided my health was ok, wealth would not matter at all.
2008-04-26 04:29:10 UTC
Invest it in higher order or the sum will dissipate rapidly. As a traderand long term investor I can assure you this the case.

The amount of money you earn or receive is irrelevant in terms of becoming financially in dependant as proven by a recent lottery winner who is now 300k in debt. What is important is 'saving' which attracts money from nowhere to pay the bills. When you take a leap of faith and save financial miracles happen. You value, nuture and look after money and money look after you.

I was diagnosed with a meningioma which prevented me from holding down a 'job' yet still I have persisted with my savings plan and it is beginning to flourish.

Dr John Demartini's book "How to make one hell of a profit and still get to heaven" is probably one of the best financial resources for anyone wishing to build wealth and become financially independent.
2008-04-25 15:53:47 UTC
Mr Crook, I am a big admirer of yours. David Brent could have been played by Peter Kay or Timothy Spall, and Tim by any actor who could play Everyman. The female characters could have been farmed out to anyone. You were the ONLY actor who could have played Gareth. In short, you were the only irreplaceable - in fact, indispensable - part of the show. So, given that I am a bit of a fan and look forward to more of your work I would use the cash to buy the negative and every single print of "Three And Out" and would burn the f*ck*ng lot, preventing potentially irreparable damage to your career. Christ on a bike, man, what were you thinking of?
2008-05-18 20:58:23 UTC
I would post ads everywhere that read, "Who has an idea that will save the world?" I will hold massive interviews. Each candidate would present a business plan for a non-profit agency that could reduce hunger, poverty, famine, and improve literarcy, disaster relief, and morale.

My money, supplemented by donations, will fund the new organization. We will pay massive salaries to those who work for the organization, in order to attract top-level business executives.

We will save the world.

And then I will write a memoir about the whole experience.

Yes it will be wonderful.
2008-05-14 10:38:46 UTC
I would buy a house outright, and maybe a car too, and put the rest in a cd or something to earn interest and get a little bit at a time. I save myself a lot of a lot of money that way, because I don't pay a ton of interest on the house, and don't have a house payment to make anymore. that'd be nice
2008-05-08 03:47:35 UTC

Its sounds kinda sad, but for ages i have wanted a small holding. So i can keep a few animals, a small amount of crops and enough space to be able to do pretty much anything i want.

If i had some money left over i would also like to buy a second sun so that i can be warm all year round :D
2008-04-28 12:22:14 UTC
I earn sod all and my wages for 10 years only comes to just short of nine grand, so buying a house is a no no. I'd buy a nice car, nowt too fancy, a new honda civic would do me nicely. I love me music so I'd probably buy a ton of CD's and vinyl, and a decent set up to play them out of. I'm also a keen musician, so I'd buy a good drum kit (I've already got my dream guitar - Gibson les paul standard, which I had to work my nuts off to buy). The rest would probably go on boozey nights out with all me pals and loose women. And something nice for me mam.
2008-04-26 10:31:07 UTC
I'm afraid ten years of my salary wouldn't even buy me a semi detached house in this area I live in!! But I'd pay off my mortgage on my little bungalow and use the rest for a deposit for a semi here, and rent out the bungalow till the house prices rose a bit before selling it. I think I'd take my sons to Hong Kong so my family could meet their newest member first before did all this. Obviously I'd still work too.
2008-04-26 06:01:01 UTC
I'd buy a new house, rent out the current, waste 10,000 on saturdays lottery, buy a lifetime supply of tuna and rice to manage over the next ten years, and pay the utility bills in advance, and do overtime for beer xmas birthday's and easter and hol money
♥ Mama to Michael + bean ♥
2008-04-26 04:51:04 UTC
I would buy a house near the seaside and a car for my family. I wouldn't want too much - just a large enough house for a family to grow into.

Why would i want a house by the coast? Well i just love being by the sea but have never lived anywhere near the coast, just always in towns and would like the lifestyle change.
2008-05-04 06:56:09 UTC
I don't think i'd do that much different. Surely it depends if you are going to still get your salary yearly afterwards.

If so, I might go a bit of spending but if not, i'd be more careful. It depends.

It'd be nice to feel financially secure, mind.
2008-04-30 17:18:50 UTC
Set up a trust fund for my granddaughters to go to University when they are old enough. Pay off my debts. Buy my husband a boat and tell him to have fun fishing, then I would tour the Med. looking at classical ruins and hope there were some nice cod in the freezer when I got back! Why? Why not!
2008-05-08 09:02:07 UTC
One great question that sets people to think!~

I would definitely invest a portion of my money to low risk investment, then take another portion to go for the high risk investment.

In other words, i will not go for holiday or rest for a period. i will continue to work out my investment portfolio. there after become a full time invester.

Then i will start to slowly realise my dreams. That is if i succeed in my investments and have enough money to do so.

I think in life, one should have dreams, if not; find one really soon. then move towards it bit by bit. Once you have the ability or chance to realise your dreams, GET IT!

Thats the case for me though... =p

OHH dun forget your families and the society too! Give-back is the word.
Lisa Jane S
2008-05-04 08:38:19 UTC
Well first and for most i would trust fund most of it to provide a safety net in case of anything happening almost my rainy day fund.My children have learning needs and so do i so i would invest on better education and for fun we would go to my family who live in Florida as my son deserves a holiday after being a victim and it would show how proud i am off him and a memory if any was left over a small donation to cancer research that's what i would do.
Gina F
2008-05-04 01:37:35 UTC
I would firstly pay off my mortgage as thats the biggest financial commitment anyone has and then I would pay for private IVF because I cant have children naturally.

If there is any left over Id pay for driving lessons and get a car and nice clothes for me and my husband and do some improvements in the not a lot of pans here then....haha.
2008-04-29 16:38:44 UTC
I would be going out almost continuously with plenty of cash on me, of which i would spend generously with my ''m8s''. I would more than likely spend the entire sum within 6months, knowing i'd have 9.5yrs without a penny. I know of this because i've Spent 30yrs doin it, and i know for a fact that i won't change the habit of a lifetime, and neither do i want to. Money is 2b spent, purpose is for spending and by God, i can spend it
2008-04-26 09:57:18 UTC
buy a house in France 4-5 bedrooms with 10 hectors of land and a 3-4 cottage in England then a Eco friendly car then totally retire from work then drive to which house I want to stay in so Would not have to go through the aggravation of flying and being rip off and being treated like cattle
2008-04-26 06:06:39 UTC
I would buy a bigger house for myself and my four children. At 45 I think it's time I had my own room. The kids would love to have a garden big enough to play football in too. The remaining money would be put in trust funds for them all so they would have the opportunity to go to university when they are older. As a lone parent on on disability (due to cancer) I can't afford to do either or these things.
2008-04-27 10:35:22 UTC
I would hire out a cinema for the weekend, then get them to play The Office Series 1 & 2, Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3, and then 3 and Out :D

can I have best answer now?
2014-09-05 12:25:49 UTC
As a child I lived in Africa- in Sierra Leone, which was (certainly in recent years) one of the poorest nations on earth. I would choose it over the so-called developed west any day. My sister lives in Indonesia, and I would likewise choose it over the UK any day. Indonesia is incidentally the most populous Muslim nation on the planet. I am not Muslim- I am white English, and was born into a Church of England family. The two occasions I have been to Indo I have been utterly blown away by the friendliness of the common man and the strength of family and communtiy ties. I dearly wish my home nation would "regress" to a time when community and family meant something, instead of the current money-grabbing, social climbing parasitical nature of things. I am embarrassed to be a member of the not-so-great Britain.
2008-05-10 12:41:59 UTC
Save Two thirds in a high interest account, and put a time release on it. Then pay university fees with the remaining third.

Then once I've graduated, buy a nice house, and go on holiday, keep any remaining for a rainy day.
2008-05-10 12:38:53 UTC
Apart from massive care-free spending on every comfort zone I could think of, I could more importantly afford to publish one of those crackpot books i.e. 'How you can make a Fortune' that you see in the backs of certain newspapers and magazines, and which sad people, including me (once!) buy.

I'd hire a cheap writer to write loads and loads of common sense things such as 'Save money!' and 'Expenditure vs outgoings' which is all these books more or less say anyway, and then I'd continue my spending spree as all the wannabe millionaires coin it in for me!
English Rose (due 2nd May)
2008-05-10 10:02:10 UTC
I'd put it towards my wedding, and put whatever's left into a savings account. We're trying to save up to buy a house, but in the UK it's becoming increasingly hard to get on the housing ladder.

Winning the lottery or coming into some money is about the only way we would be able to manage it.
2008-05-10 03:14:20 UTC
I'd be very tempted to spend twenty years backpacking the world (assuming inflation doesn't make my money worthless in that time). But as I get older I have this horribly increasing urge to be responsible and pay off my mortgage and invest the rest for the future.

Growing up sucks!
polly pocket
2008-04-26 04:55:06 UTC
I would only get around £100000 and thats not even enough to buy a house in my I would still carry on renting and just spend it on silly things like a new car, clothes, and a family holiday to good old skeggy for the kids...... oh and spoil the kids... I would love to be able to finaly spend money on the years favorite toy and not care that it will get broken in a few weeks time!
2008-04-26 00:47:21 UTC
First I would pay off the mortgage, then depending on whether I am still getting an annual salary I would either take a holiday or try and find a job I adore
Jay R
2008-04-25 09:57:02 UTC
I'd put some in a savings account, then put a deposit down on a house so I could finally get on the property ladder and not have to worry anymore.

If there was much left over I'd help my brother with his mortgage and if there was any left over after that I'd probably take a week off and go on holiday.
Homey Simpson
2008-05-15 21:36:24 UTC
Yeah, I don't care if I get thumbs down, but your a nobody.

You probably aren't even that good of an actor.

If I could spend ten years' salary in a lump sum I would probably invest it in the bank...
2008-05-07 13:38:41 UTC
I'd follow my dreams! What else do you do with ten years salary. I'd do all the wild things I've dreamed of

But I'd also follow my dream of becoming a photographer. It sounds a bit odd and not very exciting, but money has stopped me fulfilling my dreams. I love to take professional pictures, I'd follow that dream and travel the world. Investing in different things of course. Then hopefully I could benefit from that to give my family money.
2008-04-30 19:11:02 UTC
1. As everyone said, pay off the freakin house/car payments!

2. Save about 15 percent of it.

3. I need a holiday.

4. Help that one guy out who needs crystals for his time machine on here *rolls eyes*
2008-04-28 09:29:09 UTC
Unfortunately 10 times my salary still wouldn't get me a huge amount; I'd just about be able to afford an average-sized house at today's prices.

However, 10 times YOUR salary might be something I could work with.........

All the best with the new film!
Know It All
2008-04-28 07:25:15 UTC
I would buy a house outright so I would have to pay rent or a mortgage.

Then I'd try to work out some kind of budget to see how long I could live off the rest for without needing to work!
Mike T
2008-05-12 14:28:44 UTC
Your heart will say save it - but you wont. Going on the average wage of £24k a year that means a windfall of £240,000.

Since you would be skint within 1 month if you bought a house in th UK i think the option would be to buy a house in Spain, sell melons and water to bikini clad bints on the beach for 6 months of the year.
2008-05-10 05:25:25 UTC
Im 13 so I dont get a salary BUT if I got a lot of money I would put half in bank account, quarter to charities and a quarter for me to spend. I would spend it on useless things like games and music but I would also use it to buy my friends presents on birthdays and christmasses.
2008-05-08 09:25:50 UTC
I would pay off my mortgage.

Give my sister a percentage to get her business off the ground.

Save enough to have a family holiday for the next 5 years. Get myself a new car and uses the rest to upgrade my home.

If I had any left over I would put it in the bank.
2008-05-04 15:58:28 UTC
Like most people i would clear my mortgage. That takes four years salary from me.

The rest i would invest and take the interest to live on, so i didnt have to work (or work alot less) so as to spend more time with my children.

I don't care about having a nice car, lots of hols or anything like that, but i would like to spend alot more time with my boys. That is much more important to me than anything else, especially as they are getting older and becoming less and less like children
2008-05-04 12:29:31 UTC
I could;

1. start a restaurant chain.. but plenty of restaurants and franchises are destined to fail..

2. buy an Italian sports car.. and drive it like I stole it.. probably a waste of "time, money, and effort".. especially when it is totaled.. wrapped around a tree.

3. get a good wife or girlfriend and let them waste the money?

4. invest in green technology.. by starting a corporation.. that specialises in implementing and utilization of green technology.

5. just add the funds to my current investment pool.. since commercial property and real estate are on the verge of crashing...

Does this help any?
Amy H
2008-04-29 09:13:13 UTC
That would be about £70,000 for me so I would start by paying off my student debts that have built up so far (probably about £10,000) I'd rent an art studio because the one I've got at uni is tiny, I'd like a bigger student flat, I would love to travel around the world and meet arty people, see arty things and do arty things and I'd save the rest.
2008-04-26 03:50:33 UTC
I would pay off my student loan, and pay off all my sister's debts. I'd also buy a small house and live in it to do it up as a random project.

With the remainder I would buy a cheap car, and put some aside towards a masters degree in music therapy and musical studies.

Oh, and I would splash out on a really classy and expensive meal for a girl I like. =oD
2008-04-25 15:05:15 UTC
Wow! ten years salary in lump sum. In fact a bad idea, then how will my employer accomodate my increments? At the end, I will be at loss, of course.

30% of the amount will go into moderate long-term savings.

20% into annuties for higher returns.

10% in Alms

40% in short-term saving to meet day to day expenses.
2015-06-22 09:31:42 UTC
Then I'd finish doing the house up because I'm fed up of looking at the 50 year old carpet in the hallway and the old brown and yellow paint that was under the wall paper in the other hallway.
2008-05-22 02:45:34 UTC
Based on average salary of $47000 in the US, in 10 years there will be $470,000. Put 80% in SP500 index and 20% in bank to spend.

In 10 years, I would have 977600. Then rinse and repeat.
2008-05-11 05:56:15 UTC
I would emigrate to W. Australia.

I used to love the fact that you go to bed at night, not bother to lock the doors or close the windows & know that when you wake up in the morning it's gonna be another glorious sunny day.

Oh, happy memories.

Mind you that was 20 years ago, things might have changed.

Don't you think things have the annoying habbit of changeing?

Ho hum
2008-05-07 09:51:35 UTC
I would use it to finish work and do my law degree over three years, instead of the six which I'm going to do so that I can carry on working (and earning money).

I'm sure I could think of some other bits and pieces, but that's what I'd like the most!
2008-04-30 09:09:35 UTC
I'd go on a guitar buying holiday in the US. Then heavily armed with some fine old instruments I'd bring them all back home and use them to taunt the UKs floppy guitar bands into distraction.... surely this would make a fine movie xx
Freddie P
2008-04-29 08:12:38 UTC
Invest it. Let's say you're on £20k. That's a total of £200k lump sum.

You wouldn't have to work a day in your life and just live off the 10% interest which is equal to your previous salary.

It's a no brainer.
2008-04-28 00:41:24 UTC
If I had any money that amounted to that size I would be putting it in ING direct and that would keep me for the rest of my life as the 7% at the moment would rise to a considerable percentage so each month you could live on the earnings
2008-04-26 12:53:33 UTC
Buy a house. My house comes with my job and I need somewhere when I retire BUT I'd need my annual salary as well.

If I can't have both then I'd invest the money and draw my annual salary. When I retire I'd use what has accumulated in interest plus what's left of it to buy a house.
2008-04-26 12:01:23 UTC
Well, The first thing would be to pay all the paperwork to emigrate to Australia. That's the proirity at the moment for me and the wife. Then it would be buy a house once we get there, and set myself up with a car to get to interviews/jobs/general LONG drives across the state of Victoria!
Marina 1
2008-04-25 14:45:40 UTC
Wouldn't this mean I would be indebted to my current job for the next ten years if I took this lump sum now?

I would obviously invest most of it and hope that my investment would pay off for 10 years.
2008-04-25 11:03:50 UTC
If I was totaly honest I would probably buy some land and build my own property including a second to either sell and recoup some of the cost or rent out to provide an additional income as my pension is worth nothing.
NJ. the Gemini
2008-05-06 16:54:07 UTC
If I could get ten year's salary one time as a Business person

I would invested a great potion of it so Thai a lot of people could shair it with out me giving it out freeee of cost, they would get some of it but they would appreaciat it when they gets it because they work for it! Have you ever herd the saying EASY COME EASY GO?? Then when they work for it even

a little bit then they would appreciate it. So the answere is I

would invest it and let it works for a lot of people and my self. I hope this

answered your question!!!!!.
2008-05-12 04:12:29 UTC
Think you are a great actor by the way, especially in the office, all the characters in that programme were very believable, unemployed at the moment so would not have any money to spend, but money doesn't make my world go round so I am happy )
pet-tacular animal services
2008-05-01 07:18:22 UTC
Buy a plot of land for Pet-Tacular and build a new rescue centre on it that we don't have to pay a fortune in rent for every week.

Then if I've enough left over I'd take a couple of years off work and concentrate on only working for Pet-Tacular and writing that blessed book that's been sat in my mind for the past 3 years!!!

Oh if only I remembered to play the lottery ... :o)
2008-04-26 11:48:01 UTC
First I'd get you some acting classes and a I'm joking you are a great actor and you don't need a make...well maybe we'll keep the makeover..but I would probaly spend some on women, drink and drugs, then just blow the but seriously nothing clever just a holiday and some cosmetic surgery for my wife...
2008-04-26 11:34:21 UTC
I would buy as much storable food and bottled water as I could, a top home security system and a bunch of non-lethal weapons just in case...

The future is going to be tough so turn of the TV and get yourselves prepared.

On a lighter note, is the 11 o'clock show available on dvd? I thought you were great in that. and Daisy Donovan (ginger temptress)
2008-04-26 00:37:16 UTC
I would buy some land on the west coast of Scotland which had forest/woodland and a river /stream bordering it or running through it.. eve better if there was a ruined house on the land...rebuild it and invite my family and friends to help.. then they could come and stay when ever they liked.. and I could finally leave the 'rat race'
2008-05-08 21:40:44 UTC
I would start by getting a better job so when it happened i could get the most.....

1. Buy a BIG remote piece of land

2. Move all my family there and grant them all one wish

3. Adopt 10 kids

4. Supply Christmas to as many people as i could

5.Adopt as many battered animals as i could

6. Live in my Utopia that I have created....
2008-04-30 17:09:44 UTC
depends if I then had to work for the ten years without any pay?

assuming it was a 'gift'?

pay off debts such as mortgage.

give offspring some money to help them with a mortgage.

invest rest minus an amount for a replacement vehicle.

treat all my friends to a meal with drinks at my expense.

have a good holiday.

save and invest the rest.
2008-04-30 08:23:21 UTC
Dont have a salary just a pension. If I got 10 years worth all at once I may be able to keep up with my heating bills
2008-04-28 08:33:30 UTC
Invest in a wide range of diverse opportunities from properties to pensions, take some time out to travel and then back to work in a job that really made me happy. much better to continue working whilst you can as who knows what's around the corner. All my friends work so no point in giving up work now as I wouldn't be able to share any free time with my friends.
2008-04-27 09:05:40 UTC
I was forced to retire early with only 2.000quid lump sum so all that money I would pay off my mortgage as my daughters are paying it for me and I want them to be free to move on! If their was any left I would take my wife on a balloon flight and a cruise, we are both pensioners now and life is ****!
2008-04-27 07:17:21 UTC
Dude, this a shameless plug! I thought you'd be better than that!!

As for what I'd do with the cash. I'd clear up my debt's put some aside for when my son's going to school and set up a tattoo shop so I could start to make my dream a reality!
2008-04-26 09:36:05 UTC
I would go back to living on the streets in T.V, no four walls, no responsibility, just lots of sun, fun, wine and friends. Jumping trains and living off the red cross and other free handouts! France looks out for its homeless not like the UK!!

...put the money in a bank and forget about it!
2008-04-26 04:22:16 UTC
Call me selfless but I would donate it to one of the banks that have recently fallen on hard times, so that they can help maintain a bonus pool for their employees and fund large payouts to those they have to lay off. Even though it would appear that they have thought only of themselves these last few years - some have even had the temerity to call them greedy and self serving - I am convinced that history will see them as truly benevolent businesses.

I hope that others would join me, as obviously my contribution wouldn't go very far.
2008-04-25 23:59:34 UTC
If ur sayin 10 * curr yearly salary

i would spend it all on travel

cos if ur gonna save it for 10yrs ur spendings will be also 10 times more at the 10th yr, so the amount which looks huge now may actually be a yearly or worsely still a mnthly income after 10 yrs so no use saving them maybe investing may be a good option................................... :)
2008-04-25 14:59:41 UTC
I would spend it by getting the big things I've always wanted, nice house, nice car, HD TV and lots of Wii games and Wii points. Then I would save all the rest up or if I'm not going to use it, I'll give it to charity. I think I would do this because it's in my mind to do it.
Raging Tranny
2008-04-25 13:14:42 UTC
I could afford to take the company to court who bribed me into a ten year lump sum, and give the proceeds to the Jury as a gesture of Irony.
2008-04-30 11:55:10 UTC
I just got 8 years salary from redundancy.

I spent it on a bigger and better (much better) car. Surfing, diving a new computer and used the rest to not bother working for 10 months.

Absolute bliss!
2008-05-01 12:32:42 UTC
The first thing to do is to wipe out all borrowing, starting with the loans/credit which charges the highest interest.

I would also treat myself to whatever I want, and may even change jobs or even move.

In any case, I'd like to have a nest egg to fall back on.
2008-04-29 07:35:05 UTC
I would buy a house outright so that I wouldn't have a mortgage and then I would be able to use my salary for living instead of paying bills.

Any extra would go into savings and upgrading my car.
2008-04-27 12:23:53 UTC
1. Buy a house.

2. Buy an expensive car.. maybe a lexus or a jag

3. Pay off my mum and dad

4. Give a bit to charity!


5. Have a good time!
2008-05-12 14:23:11 UTC
Change my name to Colin Unwin and start a National Transport business with Colin Unwin National Transport down the side of the lorries.
2008-05-07 07:04:50 UTC
I would spread it out over 10 years, so i never had to work for atleast 10 years. I would rather be lazy and live decent, then have to work hard after after the money was gone because of the standard of living i was used to
2008-05-04 08:41:49 UTC
Pay off mortgage then take the rest and donate it to some missionaries and go and join them.

What a life! Working, telling everyone about Jesus and how wonderful He is, and living with other followers of my faith.

Nearly as pleasant as actually being in heaven.
2008-04-29 11:51:32 UTC
It would depend on if I was able to earn any other money in the next ten years. If I couldn't I would invest it and live off the interest. But if it was extra I would go shopping big time!
Veronica Alicia
2008-04-28 06:49:22 UTC
Buy a small apartment in Madeira where I would over-winter for half the year; then spend the rest of the year on the canals in England and Wales.
2008-04-27 05:07:00 UTC
First i would make sure it is done so that it includes the inflation of the 10 years, or the company would be better off, i think I would get a few appartments and rent them so i still would have a steady income :P
2008-04-27 05:06:52 UTC
I would pay off a huge chunk of my mortgage to ensure security for my family .

Then i would have a holiday with them as we have never had one .

Thirdly i would build and extension so i could have my own room to do my painting instead of having to use the dining room as a studio .

Finally i would have to treat my husband to a new motorbike after all he will be keeping me once all the money is spent .
2008-04-25 14:41:49 UTC
I would very much like to know how you accumlated so much money. However if you have over 100,000 pound I wouldn't spend it. I would keep this as capital and invest it in high interest saving accounts in a bank and live off the interest. You may still have to work but you would have some financial freedom. Maybe use this to your advantage and if you already havn't done so you may think about furthering your education. This is as I plan to do myself, I'm about 4 - 5 years away from that yet. email if you want to.
2008-04-26 15:18:45 UTC
I would pay off the mortgage, to give me some security, and with what's left (not that much really!!) I would enjoy with going to the places I would love to visit but would probably never get a chance to see without some pennies to soften the blow!!
2014-06-10 19:44:41 UTC
it would be nice for a change to have a publishers that only execpt un-agented manuscripts rather than companys that see the author hasn't come through a littery agent and just chuck their manuscript in the trash without so much as a glance or second thought.
Betti N
2008-05-11 09:44:20 UTC
I would spend it on home improvements as this is where I am hoping to live out the rest of my days.I really like where I live, for me it has all I want, close to a bus route if I need, but quiet enough to be peaceful and safe for my animals
camel herder
2008-05-08 23:11:02 UTC
N01 priority would be the Mortgage

No 2 would be to invest at least 75% of what is left for my old age.

No 3 Treat the family as they deserve it.
2008-05-08 19:47:27 UTC
If I get a lump sum, I will:

-buy a house for myself and my family

-donate some money to charity


-travel around the world

-continue my further study
2008-04-30 05:22:56 UTC


2008-04-29 13:57:08 UTC
I think it all depends on how much you get for a years salary. ie. I get £19.230 x 10 = £190.230 nice but you could get one holiday and a small house out of it. But if you where a pro football player £250.000 x 10 = two million now your talking. Maybe we should all take up football, and good luck to you
Anthony R
2008-04-29 00:08:22 UTC
Use the money to allow me ten years off work to see my son through school being a stay at home parent and still be able to give him the comforts that going to work provides.
2008-04-26 12:03:32 UTC
Pay off my debts, buy myself a new car, donate a sum to charity and put the rest into the bank for savings or invest. Plus i would treat my girlfriend and probably buy us a new dog.
2008-04-26 04:47:40 UTC
I would love to say that I would save it, and spend it evenly over the 10 years but I wouldn't.

I would pay off my mortgage and possible buy another property to rent out. (I'd get about 200,000 so would have enough).

The rest would go on holidays and beer.
2008-04-26 03:54:31 UTC
In this order - Pay off all debts, have breast reduction some new clothes, go abroad on holiday (haven't been for 6 years) buy newer car than I have now, have all home improvements I haven't been able to Move house and put what's left in a high interest account.
2008-04-26 03:43:40 UTC
I would get loads of nice clothes and handbags and shoes! Id also save some when im an old granny. Id also buy a nice house and a nice car and my own business Lol. And give some to charity.
2008-04-27 05:31:10 UTC
Ten years of my salary wouldn't get me very much so I'd just have to have the basics: house, car, decent furnishings. Then I'd give the rest to my boyfriend to look after so I can spend it gradually on food, bills, etc as opposed to blowing it all on!
Tutti Fruity
2008-05-07 12:49:00 UTC
I would get a very beautiful lady, take her on holiday to the most beautiful island,eat and drink the best wine,relax on the lovely sandy beach watching the sun set in the horizon.
Ruth B
2008-05-02 02:03:21 UTC
I would pay off my mortgage and other debts which would then leave me with £50k. I would then split this 50/50 between me and my husband and at the same time tell him to move out and I would then move my lover in the house and live happily ever after.
2008-04-26 09:09:11 UTC
Get really really drunk then go on a spending spree in the ASDA George section and get a flashy new wardrobe.

Then play as many practical jokes on my friends, I've always wanted to glue my flatmates girlfriend to the ceiling.
2008-04-26 04:34:38 UTC
I would buy a boat and sail around the world.

Why? I don't know just feel like it.

Or i guess because once I have done that I can say I have done something of MY life!

Not sure why i bother telling this, nobody is going to read it anyway!
2015-03-25 12:00:48 UTC
I would leave my house, lock the door, start walking down the street and never look back. I think i would just start travelling with no fixed plan and visit all the places where life is completely different from where i grew up. I would try and experience as many things as possible.
2008-05-13 01:00:15 UTC
For me its simple, I would retire now at 28 years old. Because at the end of the day thats what we're all aiming towards. I'd probably get myself a nice little bar somewhere in the Bahamas....and just chill.
2008-05-06 05:35:25 UTC
I'd actually by my mum a house as she lives in a flat at the moment and would do anything for a garden, whereas i do have a garden and to be honest i dont appreciate it as much as she would. If there is anything left i would probably buy a new car :o).
2008-05-02 02:55:16 UTC
Well everyone'll say they'ed invest & **** but in all honesty I might buy a few useful things most chances are I'd waste most of it & just going out meeting people & havinga good time

I'd still work though I'd just make sure I was in a job I enjoyed :p
2008-05-01 12:12:00 UTC
Save it for rainy day's. Look our world is changing. So is the economy. It's getting harder and harder to get food . People are starving. Argricultural pastures get lost because of population growth. And need replaced for housing. It's so sad. We need to save and put money in the bank. Pay off all our credits cards. Chop them up and throw them away . Spent cash only. And owe nothing to anyone and anybody. FREE ourselves. BE FREE ...
2008-05-01 10:58:33 UTC
I would invest in a house (beats wasting money in private pensions), and I would go on the holiday of a lifetime, a nice car would be useful too.

That way you are looking after your future but also getting enjoyment today.

Nice thought by the way.
2008-04-28 07:13:12 UTC
1. Pay off mortgage.

2. Put a deposit down on another house, for future income.

3. Buy a car myself and one for my partner.

4. Pay for insurance on the cars

5. Go on holiday
2008-04-28 06:47:03 UTC
Pay off Mortgage then go on a round the world trip taking a private tutor along for my daughter.
2008-04-27 08:11:16 UTC
Pay off the mortgage - 20% of total

Pay off credit cards etc. - 10% total

New Car - 15% total

Savings - 25% total

Holiday - 10% total

Gift to son - 10% total

Just in case money - 10% total

Ah, but its nice to dream, isn't it?
2008-04-26 11:43:11 UTC
collate a private army and launch a coup on a nice S. American country. Then run it how a country should be run - for the benefit of all it's residents.

I can but dream :(

Realistically, pay off the mortgage, buy shares in a bio-fuel plant and retire at 32 :) living off the interest and dividends.
Laila's Mummy!
2008-04-26 09:55:25 UTC
Knowing me I would probably waste it!!!

I would put some of it into a high interest savings account for my daughter for when she turns 18.

I would also invest some of it....Then the rest I would use to pay the bills and then splash out of some luxarys for myself and the baby! (my daughter is only 2 weeks old!)
2008-04-26 09:19:55 UTC
After paying off any outstanding loans/h.p./credit card would buy a car and a house of my own and have a long overdue holiday! Would put some money aside for a'rainy day'.
2008-04-26 07:49:08 UTC
I'd love to know how you only joined yesterday and got 96 points not having to answer any questions or get best answer?

Anyway 10 years of YOUR salary? I'd retire after telling my boss to stick her job grab all my family and friends stick them on a yacht and we'll party all around the world drinking champagne and vodka.

10 years of MY salary? I'd go to mfi get a new kitchen organised then go to Tesco. Riveting.
Shadow 3409
2008-04-26 05:13:09 UTC
I wouldn't spend it I would keep it because you aren't going to get paid again for 10 years. What happens if it runs out in 1 year or less? Better to have it and not spend it than to need to spend it and not have it!
2008-04-25 14:31:00 UTC
Personaly I would'nt spend it all at once, I would deposit nine years salary and only withdraw on one years salary and keep topping up with interest ,I haven't done the sums yet but I must end up with more money
Blondie Bear
2008-05-09 06:07:21 UTC
To be honest 10 years salary is much to us laymans! It would just about get me a house or maybe I would pay of my exisiting mortage but I wouldn't have enough left over to by another bigger property outright so I would still have a mortgage one way or another.
2008-04-29 13:36:59 UTC
10 years salary probably wouldnt add up to that much for me because im a single parent on benefits and im also a student lol

so, i'd take my son on the holiday of a lifetime, then take myself on one with friends.

pay my way through university, then put some into savings to buy my dream house.

and my boyfriend wants a guitar lol

2008-05-27 09:34:17 UTC
I'd pay off my avalanche and my bentley so I wouldnt have to keep on making monthly payments and with the remaining 9.5million dollars I would open many businesses
2014-07-04 07:41:11 UTC
it wouldn't amount to much,but if i could have it tax-free,i'd just make sure i had enough to be safe from worrying about bills,& unexpected extras, then help as many as i could of the people i know in the same boat , because i know how bad it feels...& retirement should be good,or at least worry & pain-free.
2008-05-09 15:08:36 UTC
I would have a blow out, spending the cash on women and travel making sure every penny was spent...

Reason, I'm 73 years old and in poor health so will probably fall off my perch before long...
2008-05-08 02:05:42 UTC
Well I don't get much as I'm retired. But house is paid off [ hurray!!] so I would trade in the car for a newer model, help my son and daughter and their families with their mortgages. Then I'd do 'hidden' deeds of kindness! For example a young woman I know is going to spend a year working with children in Uganda but has to raise £4000 to support herself as she does so - I'd add money to her account anonymously. There are loads of folk who could do with help - but you need to do it without them knowing!!
2008-05-07 02:38:09 UTC
My current salary is about £6500 due to being part time. With 10 years salary, I would train to do something else, not quite sure yet, learn to drive and perhaps divorce my husband!
2008-05-05 13:32:04 UTC
A. get a mortage

B. Pay off student debts

C. Go on holiday

D. Give to charity

E. Buy a new car

F.Buy an eskimo
2008-05-05 13:23:48 UTC
why are so many of you saying buy a house , they are coming down in value . i would stick all of it in an American bank account and forget about it for a while , the dollar is not worth much at the moment , but it will recover , maybe triple my money in the ten years . property ain't going to do that .
Phil P
2008-05-05 12:02:23 UTC
buy a lotus exige because their fun, a large house (morgage free), audi R8, a high performance PC (alienware of a HP blackbird) some for close mates and then the rest goes in the bank with a high intrest account
2008-05-02 03:29:37 UTC
assuming it was a lottery win, legacy or windfall:

First, give 10% of it away to charity. Remainder, invest in a mix of assets, with sufficient in instant access to provide a reasonable standard of living on top of normal income.

Continue working to avoid boredom, maybe change job...perhaps learn to fly and train to be a commercial pilot, a career choice I turned down years ago and regretted ever since.
2008-04-30 09:52:31 UTC
10 years wages is £360 grand so i would pay off mortgage,get new car,buy 6 months lottery tickets and go on long cruise around the world with my wife and son then i would buy properties and rent them out and sit back and enjoy the rest of my days
2008-04-29 02:00:46 UTC
I would spend £100K on essentials, possibly change of house or make substantial improvements to my existing property and invest the residual sum wisely and live off the income. I would not need to change our cars and have no debts to pay off.
2008-04-28 09:15:15 UTC
Invest so that 10 year lump sum would increase
2008-04-28 08:18:31 UTC
1. Pay off debts

2. Give Mum some money towards deposit for house

3. Go travelling for a year
Kit Fang
2008-04-27 00:16:44 UTC
I'd buy a new car, go on holiday for a bit with some mates, just enjoy spending the money.

and no doubt end up having to go back to work within a week...
2008-04-26 04:06:44 UTC
1. i would use that money to buy a house.

2. give some to my parents.

3. balance invest in banks and real estates for the future.

And the fact is the share depends on how much i will be getting even if it is lumpsum........
2008-04-26 07:17:28 UTC
I'd take my 3 year old daughter to disney world in florida

I've always wanted to try hang -gliding (i keep having dreams about flying!)

and I've always loved watching the crystal maze, i would love to re-create it for people to come and use, cos there isn't anything to do in our town apart from got to the pub. we have no cinema's bowling alleys, nothing.
2008-04-29 13:06:29 UTC
wow, I would like to buy some land and set up an Adventure Playground/summer Camp for under-priviledged kids..also maybe be run at a profit of course!! What a way to earn a living, and make a difference to someones life
2008-04-26 05:45:47 UTC
At my current rate of pay I would save/invest two thirds(£100,000) and use the rest to buy a car and rent a nice flat somewhere. But I would have to resist the temptation to buy anything extravagant(very difficult).
Mark H
2008-05-11 14:36:21 UTC
I would use it to invest in training for a future career instead of the dead end job that I currently have now.I have the brains but not the confidence to get on.being stuck in a dead end job woth little hope of promotion. I have the brains but not the confidenced so I would pay for a confidence course.
Oliver T
2008-05-05 15:55:28 UTC
Travel the world party out my bloody skin make friends from all over the world and buy alittle property along the way and also give a little to a charity.

Enjoy your life aslong as you have a smile who cares=)

2008-04-27 06:11:52 UTC
Id pay my bills for the next 10 years and then whatevevr i had left put it in an isa then try and live of the intrest
2008-04-26 11:40:26 UTC
I would wind up in Vegas baby, gotta try my hands at red on the roulette table.

Also, if Vegas doesn't keep me too busy, look for a lady for my life too. As women love to spend, I guess I would keep the money for 2 days tops.
Jason Ball B
2008-04-26 04:28:36 UTC
In this present climate of the housing market I would use most of it for a down payment for a mortgage. The remainder would go towards a large party, good food. plenty of booze, bring on the dancing girls.
Rick K
2008-04-26 04:07:50 UTC
I would give some of the money to research Crohns as I suffer from it and many other young and old people have to suffer from it aswel, so it would be money well spent!

I would treat my family to nice things and enjoy some holidays, and if there is any left over I would use it to invest!
2008-04-26 03:43:22 UTC
I would buy a plot of land in the mountains of Portugal and spend the rest of my days running a campsite in the sun.

Why? Because the UK is slowly becoming packed!
2014-05-26 20:21:53 UTC
Like a coupld of days away in the Cotswolds with our beautiful dog, a power chair and miles to walk/roll through together. I would try and save a lot of it though. Nice thought.
2008-05-13 07:53:28 UTC
I would probably save it, but if not then i would spend it on a 2 month trip on safari in kenya and then a 2 month holiday to New Zealand - if the money would stretch that far!!!!!!!!!And maybe a shopping trip.
2008-05-06 10:10:37 UTC
Take one years salary to last the year, invest the rest at compound interest, and draw an annual salary every year. the interest earned would hopefully last for the eleventh year
2008-05-05 04:40:25 UTC
I would keep 10% and put what I can into an Isa, and into unit trusts. The rest I would use to support African families who are living in desperate conditions.
2008-05-05 02:35:16 UTC
I would buy a house and maybe start up my own design business. It all depends on what my salary was of course, and how much ten years salary would be, as currently I'm a student who doesn't know what their salary will be!
2008-05-01 10:59:31 UTC
Take my family ( husband , Daughter, Son - in - law , son & Grandson ) back up to the town I grew-up in so I could put pictures to places I have talked about , but at the speed it is changing it would have to be soon or I will not reconise any were so can I have it now please before I am too old ( 47yrs ) lol
2008-05-01 09:55:17 UTC
I would give it to you so you could buy a new eye for the next Pirates of the......

I really don't like the wooden one and it will probably be rotten by then anyway.

Yes, you deserve a new eye, 3 films and they still have not provided you with a decent new eye, very selfish of them!
2008-04-28 13:01:18 UTC
I would split it into many different piles and travel the world digging holes in obscure places and hiding the money in them.

Then, when I get older, I can travel the world and try to find the money piles again and if they are gone, shame on me, but good for the finder. All for fun.
2008-04-27 03:58:41 UTC
Pay off the mortgage. Pay off other debts. Set something aside for a rainy day. Invest in my pension, and then take a holiday
2008-05-05 21:21:07 UTC
I would pay all years dues ,Rent, bills , insurance and keep some for household spending including gas. keep some in bank for rainy days and emergencies, health situations, prescriptions. some for fun and meals. and so on. why??? because you need all that stuff!! have to make sure you are safe and secure for that year. Does not matter if you die tomorrow, maybe you won't die in a year. Who Knows???
2008-05-04 12:35:21 UTC
Even though I am a child. I would...

Buy my family a house,

Go on holiday,

And if there was any left,

Donate some to charity.

In no case would I stop working, apart from the holiday!


Hope I helped =]
2008-04-30 08:52:37 UTC
As I work for Free for a charity it wouldn't make ANY difference at all. but if I did get a cash sum I'd buy a flat in Brighton as I cant sell this house at all in the UK!
2008-04-30 06:34:48 UTC
buy a house - we are so sick of renting!!!

i would pay for fertilly treatment, and i would pay for ivf treatment as we need it - as weve been ttc for 6 yrs but can't afford ivf.

get advice on where to invest the rest, so we wouldn't have to stuggle quite as much in the furture - so i'd invest some.

i'd prob buy a couple of chickens and a hen house, and have a veggie patch too but i guess that doesnt cost much

i guess thats it lol.
2008-05-10 22:37:14 UTC
I will be investing my wife's 30-yr 401-k (IRA) for her widowhood. If I had it to spend, I'd buy a vacation home near Atlantic City and invite poker players in for day-and-night sessions of Tx-H'em.
mark d
2008-05-10 07:37:07 UTC
hmmm... i guess i would still carry on in life the way i am now it would'nt change me. Also im planning to go in the navy soon so ill guess its always something i've wanted to do going in for the life not for money. Sorry but i'm going off topic anyway i would treat my friends and buy myself a better car!

2008-05-06 12:53:36 UTC
Id spend money on booze birds and fast cars, the rest i would squander

the late great George Best
2008-05-01 12:17:42 UTC
I would pay off outstanding bills.

put alot away for a rainy day

make my life easy so i could live easier when i retire.

ok i would spend some and have some fun on holiday.maybe spend a month in the UK.
2008-04-29 13:40:06 UTC
Put all the money in the bank and get lots of interest so I can buy a house later on. I don't want to waste money on anything silly.
2008-04-26 07:16:30 UTC
Hi Mackenzie Crook, it's very nice to see you on here I hope we get to see you often. I would buy a big house in Amalfi with a swimming pool and a jeep . I would also donate money to orphanage homes and hosptials and donate money to people who live in war zones.
2008-04-26 04:32:20 UTC
I would spend one years salary on plastic surgery and the rest on a holiday home somewhere hot!
2008-04-25 09:32:50 UTC
I am assuming this is an extra 10 year's salary or is it redundancy. If it is the first, I would pay of my mortgage and whatever is left put it in a high interest savings account.
2008-05-07 05:53:27 UTC
Probably very boring, but I reckon I'd put most of it in the bank, carry on working for another five years or so, and then retire.
2008-05-12 10:48:42 UTC
I would buy an Island and build on it maybe a small holiday resort. So I would have a job and land and Paying guests and grow fresh vegatables.
2008-05-12 04:00:40 UTC
I`d build a house with a garden near the sea.
2008-05-02 04:04:34 UTC
make sure my two children are secured for later in life they are so important to me and my wife. if it was just a lump sum and nothing else, still wud be careful what i spend as if i blow it all in the first year i have 9yrs of being skint
2008-05-01 08:29:34 UTC
I would put some aside to go see your film ; )

Then I would donate a little to charity. Find a little cheap flat (I rent at present) buy presents for my kids and my mum then if there was any left I would get a new exhaust for my car!
2008-04-29 16:52:02 UTC
I would clear my debts and then spend the rest investing and making more money so that I could change the world for the better
2008-04-28 05:05:02 UTC
hmm.... its not THAT much money to be honest

(just shows what pittance i get paid)

but anyway if i did get that amout, i would pay off the rest of my mortgage, and spend the rest of the money on a flat that i can rent out

i know it sounds boring but then i wont have a mortgage to pay + plus i can give up my job, live off the rent and do lots of t hings that i never get time to do :)
2008-04-26 12:47:29 UTC
party! party! go Las Vegas not spend too much on machines, be a beach bum for a year stuff my face silly get very drunk and dance a lot then have lipo and a face lift.

Not sure wot else I would do maybe sleep a bit.
2008-04-26 08:13:42 UTC
1, pay off all my bills

2, i would buy my son a house, hes only 3 but i would be happy in knowing that he would have a home for his future and it would be a great investment for him.

then if there was anything left i would go on a wicked holiday to oz to visit my family over there.
2008-04-26 04:18:47 UTC
I'd buy the London Underground some new trains and dig some shafts so that air conditioning could be installed.
2008-04-26 02:52:04 UTC
I would invest money into somthing that would make me more money once the salary runs out.If my investment is sucessfull then maybe i would be a billionaire and i would be doing backflips down the street
have a great day
2008-04-25 12:17:53 UTC
I would have to be really sensible about spending it as I might end up with no money at all in just the second week. Budgeting is the key word.
2008-05-03 11:50:22 UTC
ten years? That would be all of 3 grand then. I'd buy a shed in Bulgaria and MOT the car. (I'm not joking!)
2008-05-12 17:05:14 UTC
I would give a minimum of 10% to the provider of all things, my Lord and savior. Next I would higher a personal chef and trainer for my mother to teach her to lose the weight that is killing her.
2008-05-03 02:03:58 UTC
depends if I'd still get paid as per normal. Assuming this I'd put half into a savings/pension and then I'd buy a house mortgage free and get a new car to replace my granny-mobile
2008-05-01 07:47:20 UTC
First thing I'd do is pay off my debts and mortgage, then I'd have the obligatory expensive holiday, then I'd invest the rest towards a (hopefully) early retirement and deposit for my son's first property
2008-04-30 14:19:53 UTC
Pay off my house

Pay off my medical bills

make sure all my credit is 100%

and put the rest in a high intrest savings account.
2008-04-27 12:39:44 UTC
Pay ricky gervais to make a 3rd series for the office. with the rest id get them to take the unfunny american version off and burn every copy of it ever released to the public YiHa!:P
2008-04-26 08:48:27 UTC
Id get my family a decent house, not a council one, one they can have. Id get myself a small house too, pay my university fee's and go see my Girlfriend down south, maybe even get us a place together.

Basically, Id make sure my family was comfortable and then use the rest to get myself started in life. ^.^
2008-04-26 08:42:31 UTC
I'd do a Madonna, but instead of buying a child I'd purchase Johnny Depp with a no returns policy.
Jackie S
2008-04-26 03:36:09 UTC
For one, I would be very very happy! I'd pack up the house and take me and the 4 kids around the world for a year, we would have so much fun and a fantastic experience for all of us! Don't know what I would do with the dog though!
m s
2008-05-13 02:53:44 UTC
Do up my partners place in Ireland, put some aside for my childrens education.......

Then go see all the places I have ever wanted to see and start up an internet company.
2008-05-12 12:49:21 UTC
Go on a massive holiday trip around the world as i really love travelling. If i have any left i guess i can use it to buy lottery tickets.
Phil K
2008-05-07 00:42:26 UTC
I know it's a bit boring, but I'd probably invest it and live off the interest! I could get another job to keep me busy and to fund nothing but my selfish spends.
2008-05-06 13:54:31 UTC
id save a bit for when im older but id get a good house with big garden big rooms etc. , holiday and save the rest for a rainy day if yhoo no wot i mean . theres no point waisting it like other idiots would do .
Cool PR
2008-05-02 05:21:34 UTC
Pay off mortgage, credit cards, Invest in safe stock or bonds and the rest on vacation.
2008-05-01 04:38:10 UTC
Id probably buy a house and if I had anything left (probably not), then id buy a car or take a holiday, all the normal stuff really. Very boring!
2008-04-29 01:47:33 UTC
Pay off my mortgage 1st, then do some travelling and see the world. Would prob give some away to family too as we all struggle!
2008-04-28 22:42:32 UTC
First and foremost purchase a house. This would be the underpinning of our dreams wherein my husband would be able to quit and write full-time. I would probably continue to work as this windfall wouldn't last forever!

2008-04-28 13:51:43 UTC
Get all my mates, go get leathered out we're face, have a big piss in the High Street on the way to the chinky, get a monster size carryout, go back home and meet the girls who r waiting for us.
garry s
2008-04-26 07:25:15 UTC
i would live the same because im already rich any way, i'd probably just put it with the rest of my money in off-shore bank accounts so tax isn't payed on it.

but every penny does make a difference, so do not forget that
2008-04-29 12:20:26 UTC
1. Techno.

2. Buy you to be my witty office advisor.

3. Buy a genie in a lamp.

4. Then I'd probably just buy myself a degree.


...Because I can.
2008-05-16 17:54:39 UTC
Save the majority of it, but definatlly take a trip to the Bunny Ranch why legal prostatution I'M a horny B.!tch
2008-05-12 06:30:57 UTC
if i could get 10 years salary i would go see my family in Australia that would be the highlight of my life and buy myself a nice thing or two and give my mum a chunk of it she deserves it
2008-05-10 16:15:14 UTC
I'd buy every copy of the film "three and out" including the master copies and burn them in a big hole to prevent anyone having the horror of ever having to see it again....
2008-05-08 04:38:19 UTC
Buy a house - with house prices in my area climbing all the time, it would be the only way to get on the property ladder.
2008-05-07 09:41:28 UTC
I would take a holiday, buy a new car pay off parents mortgage, buy a laptop for my brother I would book this summer off work. Have dinner, buy a really really big mansion
2008-05-07 09:34:12 UTC 50% of them in a bank

2.the other 30% makes an investment

3.the last 20%--go to travel around the world!!!
2008-05-04 05:20:39 UTC
I would not spend it all at once. I would limit myself to a certain amount of money each year, so that i could live off the money for that long.
2008-05-04 02:48:22 UTC
I'd go on a massive shopping spree, save half of what's left and give the rest to charity
2008-04-30 19:35:35 UTC
Ticket to Scotland, buy a house and figure the rest out later.
2008-04-29 12:02:12 UTC
I would buy a nice bungalow as I retire in 2 years time. Life would be perfect.
2008-04-28 05:09:31 UTC
Travel! Rent out the house to pay off the mortgage and only go home when its all spent.
2008-04-26 10:07:29 UTC
average salary is about £12-15,000 for most people anyways, so 10 years of that salary isn't really that much, £150,000 sounds like alot but you really cant do much with it.

i reckon aside from keeping myself homed and fed, id support my family who are in more need then i am.
2008-04-26 04:24:36 UTC
well im only 14, so i dont earn, so i will use what i think is average, £20K, so i will have £200K

what i would do with the money, my dog buster a huge dog bed so he dosent use my bed

2.visit family in australia

3.20,000 bars of galaxy chocolate...Hmmm people to do my homework

5.visit places of my interest (u.s.a, egypt, asia)

6.home schooling so i can get up when i want

7.50" t.v to play my xbox 360

8.give a bit of money to r.s.p.c.a
2008-04-26 03:31:39 UTC
I would take my family on a lovely holiday, pay off my debts and buy a house...oh and a little puppy to complete the picture!
2008-04-25 13:11:00 UTC
Being retired, I would employ a gardener, cook and cleaner. Then I could spend as much time as I'd like answering your questions, playing with my grandchildren, reading books, visiting family and friends, admiring my garden, enjoying wonderful meals and ignoring dust.
2008-05-09 13:25:46 UTC
I'd pay off my mortgage and I'd buy a new(ish) car as mine just died today. I'd buy a house each for my son and daughter too...although they'd be fairly small with house prices today.

The rest I'd invest to give me a small income.
Drummer Girl
2008-05-06 03:49:49 UTC
Build our house in Brazil near our family

Plant crops, buy cattle and our family can farm the lot and live there until we retire and join them.

With the rest put it on black to win!
2008-04-29 13:22:34 UTC
Woah man that would be the best. I would buy lorry loads of lettuce and cabbage and eat and eat and eat until I became the biggest caterpillar ever. Then I would use my new found size to squash the hungry bird who ate my best friend...(that would learn the stupid beak faced idiot).....

.....I 'ate burds....

This would probably make me famous but it wouldn't change me much, I would still eat lettuce!
James G
2008-04-26 05:55:05 UTC
To (Mis)quote George Best, I think. I'd spend a lot of my money on booze, women and fast cars - the rest I'd just squander.
2008-04-26 04:51:54 UTC
pay off a chunk of the mortgage. Then have a fab holiday. Then wish I'd saved some.
2008-05-09 10:20:40 UTC
Wow, you're Mackenzie Crook

Yes, I'd spend it on my Family, Congratulations you're the first question I've ever starred.
2008-05-08 14:44:01 UTC
go travelling around the world, find somewhere perfect to spend the rest of my days, invest some so I can live out the rest of my life in luxury, what else could you want
2008-04-29 16:46:06 UTC
I'd buy an allotment, as it would be far cheaper now than in ten years time, when it may be of some interest to me.
Just some guy
2008-04-29 00:34:57 UTC
Sadly Mr Crook, 10yrs salary for me isn't really worth jumping for joy about. Not until I graduate anyway!
2008-04-26 05:07:39 UTC
I would use it to take my darling Mum out of the hospital in Ireland where she is slowly wasting away through lack of proper care, and take her somewhere safe and look after her properly. Unflrtunately it won't happen and my circumstances won''t permit me to do it. Life sucks.
2008-04-25 16:22:41 UTC
First of all I would go and swim with dolphins, then I would pay off all my families mortgages, and then I would just live my life happily without having to worry about bills.
its me
2008-05-15 20:48:03 UTC
I would

pay off two cars

pay off mortgage

put in a new pool

pay for daughter's college

buy lots of misc things
Ben T
2008-05-12 20:51:21 UTC
2008-05-11 15:18:53 UTC
I would save for collage then, i would go on a big trip with many of my family members. then i would send my dad and sister to see the PG A tour while me and my mom go to Hawaii. I would also get my teeth whitened : )
2008-05-03 14:20:06 UTC
I would donate some money to Evelina children's' hospital at St Thomas' and then treat my family to a long over due holiday! and buy some shoes' as mine have a hole in them! l get wet feet when it I really need new shoes! :(
2008-04-26 07:39:40 UTC
Pay off the grand I owe my mum as it makes me feel bad and learn to drive coz being on foot is getting really boring.
2008-04-26 05:47:53 UTC
Ten times faster than normal
maria x.
2008-04-26 03:47:10 UTC
Well I would organise a massive free party and would pay for a wicked lineup so I could dance like a diva :-) ALL DAY! Maria x.
2008-04-26 03:43:19 UTC
I'd buy copious amounts of cannibus and spend the next ten years in a drug-induced daze, I might buy some porn too, just to while away those long drugged up days!

But seriously give me the dope!!!!
2008-04-26 03:16:31 UTC
Go to Dubai and stay in the Burj Al Arab for a week. Then I'd pay for my parents to go on a cruise and i'd treat myself to some new slacks! Oh yeah....its in the jeans baby! Its in the jeans! x
2008-05-03 03:42:53 UTC
I would, give sum of it to my parents. Buy a place to start a Hair & Beauty salon, a new car, holiday. And give some to the breast cancer appeal.
2008-04-30 01:49:20 UTC
I would use it to go to college and university so that I could get a better salary in the future.

then i would buy shoes. lots of shoes. pretty ones
2008-04-27 04:14:11 UTC
thats about £200,000 - £400,000 right?

1) buy a house, rent it out

2) move to australia/jamaica/some islands

3) blaze weed all day every day

4) get some girls who'd do something strange for a piece of change

basically live my life before a mortgage becomes all i worry about
2008-04-27 01:21:17 UTC
I would us the money to retire. I have plenty of this to do in this life other than work for a living. I have modest tastes and am low maintenance.
Miss Nasty xx
2008-04-25 09:59:27 UTC
I guess I would be boring and just buy a house and pay off my mortgage and maybe donate...there's no better feeling than giving money you don't need to a wealthy cause
2008-05-16 17:45:21 UTC
I would start 10 nonprofit organizations. I already have ideas for how they will be useful for our society and the rest of the world.
2008-04-29 16:41:19 UTC
I would put it into high-yield dividend paying stocks.

I would then live off of the dividends from those stocks and remain free to do what I want in life.
2008-04-28 06:02:25 UTC
Travel first.

And then spend every cent for myself, buy what I couldn't afford. Enjoy my own life. I'd like to go o Italy. That would be great.
2008-04-26 10:04:09 UTC
Buy a McDonalds Franchise.
2008-04-26 08:24:03 UTC
that depends ,if it was as a bonus then i would prob invest the money.if it was to last for the next ten years i would have to work out how much per month and do myself a budget to make it last.
2008-05-13 04:33:45 UTC
Go on holiday, buy a house, and try and save some of the rest!
A Kiosk of Sorts
2008-05-13 03:40:43 UTC
Simple, I'd not work for at least 10 years, invest it at hope to be able to retire as of now, and never set foot in work every again. ah I can but dream ;)
Robert Davis
2008-05-01 05:57:37 UTC
I would go on a holiday, up-date the house to have all the latest gadgets (massive hd tv, sky hd etc) then invest the money, just so it would grow and grow ;o)
Zeb G
2008-04-30 05:58:21 UTC
Today I would offer my landlord the money he wants for the yard where I keep my horses, pay for the surface of my dreams for the school and enjoy the summer (if we get one)
2008-04-29 19:35:03 UTC
i would just give the whole lot to anybody that was needing it more than i was coz right now i am just so happy to be in good health with a handful of people that i can call real true friends
2008-04-28 03:31:13 UTC
As it wouldn't even pay my mortgage off, I would pay off the rest of my debts, take the kids on holiday, buy a new car and buy lots of new dresses :)
Glyn J
2008-04-26 07:13:22 UTC
I often think about this and this is what i have come up with but it is all dependent on how much money is there:

1. pay my mortgage

2. buy the best wheelchair for my daughter

3. finish modding my car

4. buy a wheelchair accessible vehicle

5. help support our troops

6. support alder hey children's hospital for all the help they have given
2008-04-26 04:43:38 UTC
i would pt £30,000 in premium bonds so that would grow

Put some in a high interest account and pay off debts i had

I would go on as pretty much normal

Proberly buy some lush new clothes (not go mad though)

And maybe move house..


about that..
joe m
2008-05-06 07:57:28 UTC
You have just exposed yourself makenzie. Noiw everyone knows what you are thinking about and so thay will be trying to keeep it off you. As for me i'd retire for 10 years.
2008-05-04 09:16:45 UTC
Buy a small house near the ocean (preferably Kauai) and walk the beach everyday.
2008-05-04 05:17:41 UTC
Ermm. i think i would buy a nice house for my future family, spend ALOT now for my holiday next week (yay), give some to my mum and brothers... and then save the rest (if any)!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-29 08:39:27 UTC
Buy a couple of buy-to-let properties, and ideally build a recording studio on the side of my house.
2008-04-29 05:50:48 UTC
10 years of my current salary would be £150,000 - so I'd go and buy an apartment in cash: then I wouldn't need to pay a mortgage every, so I'd have £800 spare every month :-D

Oh, who am I kidding?

I'd buy shoes.
debs gil
2008-04-26 08:58:42 UTC
1. season tickets for life for all the family(up the hammers)

2. pay off bills

3. the above
Ellis O
2008-04-25 19:10:16 UTC
Implement my innermost wish. Set up a thriving business or businesses and provide employment to those in dire need.
Lazybeds L
2008-05-12 03:02:47 UTC
I would buy for myself a brand new car. Some nice expensive clothes, a big screen TV, get my bathroom totally renovated and modernised and also get my kitchen totally renovated and modenised.
2008-05-06 15:09:35 UTC
Why is this question / blatant plug still on here?? Should it not have been resolved or voted on by now??? Makes a bit of a mockery of Yahoo! answers if you ask me!
2008-04-26 03:54:35 UTC
I would travel for sure. I would also pay student debts and probably put some towards a place of my own.

Wouldn't that be the life?!
2008-04-29 02:25:24 UTC
Pay off my mortgage, invest the rest for retirement then give up work, rent out my property and travel the world.
oliver w
2008-05-08 14:26:44 UTC
I would spend it on buisnesses to make more.

Soon I'll have another ten years' salary. Sweet!
2008-05-07 11:01:32 UTC
I would buy a house. And take my mother on holiday to where she's always wanted to go. THEN i would take myself on a one month cruise, AFter paying off all my debts.
2008-05-06 12:22:35 UTC
1. pay morgages

2. pay for supplies for the family some for other emergancies

4. buy everyone in the family something nice
2008-05-02 12:49:34 UTC
New house and holiday.Fed up of where I'm living and have not had a holiday for ten years,can't afford it!
2008-05-01 04:12:33 UTC
id love to put the lump sum off money down so i get get a bigger house, all i want is 1 extra bedroom! nothing spectacular is it, haha.
2008-04-30 08:51:52 UTC
Wow, interesting.

I would invest wisely and cut my hours back to suit. At my age that much money would allow me to effectively retire if I didn't blow it on a fast car and expensive frippery!
2008-04-28 20:49:02 UTC
1) Investment on Property

2) Investment on Shares

to generate enough passive income
just giving an answer
2008-04-28 15:49:46 UTC
I'd buy a small B&B and have it decorated to a high standard so all the guest would by word of mouth advertise it for me ........I wouldn't want it full every week so that I'd still have time to enjoy life............ over time cultivating a garden

but then reality bites ..........................and it's nose to the grind stone
2008-04-28 04:37:41 UTC
I would without hesitation spend it on YOU. as TO why? Because I just bloody well wanted to I would be left penniless but I would not give a JOT!!! As long as we had a GOOD time God BLess my LOVE I LOVE YA!!!
2008-04-26 12:21:40 UTC
I would pay off my mortgage, and put money aside to ensure my son has the best education I can afford
2008-04-26 02:39:02 UTC
invest in a powerful account with a good interest rate, and still buy at low cost and savings, use public transport, and NOT waste anything on luxury items or events :-)
2008-04-29 00:14:14 UTC
Probably it will come in handy to pay off this years gas and electricity bills if things go on the way they are
IrishPrincess <3 my BC shep
2008-04-28 13:35:10 UTC
hmm i would buy a nice house for my mum and than go on holiday and than when i get back i would clear off my debts and live a happy life. boring i know but hey thats me and thats what i want most in lfe.
2008-05-02 08:32:24 UTC
I'd give it to Gt Ormond Street Charity.
Clare B
2008-04-29 02:44:34 UTC
I would pay off all our debts.Buy my hubby a newer car cause his has had it....put the rest away for emergencies.With all our debts gone we would have extra money each week anyway.
fed up woman
2008-04-27 06:40:47 UTC
Finish paying the mortgage would be my first priority, then I'd book the 'mother of all holidays', to be remembered forever.
2008-05-09 13:10:04 UTC
wouldn't spend it! - would just make everyone aware of my wealth and then use that to gain access to all the things priviliged people access - i'm sure that if an institution, bank, society or club was aware of my wealth, they would open up doors to me! so by not spending my wealth I would be able to access the world of the few and use their money not mine to gain greater access and wealth, position and power! rocket science? nah just deviousness!
2008-05-09 09:36:30 UTC
1. pay off 10,000 in debt.

2. Travel with my son untill all the money is gone then start over again. :)
2008-05-08 14:53:25 UTC
I suppose I would buy a big boat

pay off my mortgage

and get a nice motorbike

a harley d would do
2008-05-07 20:14:14 UTC
i had save those lump sum money and enjoy with my entire family for ten years and help others.
2008-05-05 09:27:20 UTC
1) Buy a flat in the city where I live and a house in the countryside...

2) Take my girlfriend on a round-the-world trip

3) Get massively drunk lol

Just little things to enhance my life that bit further...
2008-05-04 03:36:54 UTC
i would open up one big comunity church in a wershap with the people all over the world serving god .investing the money in the church making the church one big unitiednation .for every one to come and worshaping god and the world would be a wonderfull world to live in.
2008-05-02 16:58:33 UTC
Buy a boat and sail up and down the Med
Ruby M
2008-04-29 15:31:50 UTC
Pay off my families debts and take them all on holiday, seen as i dont earn much, there wouldnt be that much left! Id just treat everyone and enjoy it!
2008-04-29 00:55:53 UTC
I would endeavour to find a cure for my daughter who is profoundly disabled. If I did find a cure I would make sure it was free on the NHS for all disabled people
2008-04-28 14:30:37 UTC
hand in my notice buy a new face apply for my old job safe in the knowledge i am getting paid double time for the next 10 yrs
Busy Mum
2008-04-28 11:42:23 UTC
noy a bloody lot i dont get that much i only work p/t

mt husband is the big earner in our house now if it was his wage i could do a lot with that first i would take my 2 girls to disney land in america .
2008-04-26 03:57:41 UTC
I would bury it in a big chest so you and Jack sparra could film Pirates One Hundred and One trying to find it
2008-04-25 09:04:55 UTC
Depends what my salary was; if I get £10k annually, I'd use it to tie up some loose ends. Maybe I'd take a few years out to bike round Europe - I drew up the plans, then realised I really didn't have the means to do it. I might use it tide me over whilst attempting to edit my book and get it published, promote it, etc; the first draft was written in calmer and easier times. To publish is a hard dream to keep alive. These sorts of unfinished projects have made me into the person I am; it'd be nice to see a couple of them through at last.

However, if I was on £100k per annum, I'd quit full time employment - £1,000,000 could sustain my current lifestyle. Instead, I'd do some freelance work - journalism, maybe some scripts - whilst enjoying my life. I only get one shot.
Michelle M
2008-05-11 10:19:20 UTC
pay off my house

go on a nice vacation

shop a lot

put the rest in the bank
2008-05-08 16:36:31 UTC
Property, property, property! A few income bonds for later security when the property market's asre falls out (you never can tell!)
tish the bi@ch
2008-05-07 00:51:51 UTC
i would buy a house, that way i would have something secure and i would know that when i sell it on later in life, i would have a secure retirement. anything that was left after the house purchase would go in a pension fund.
2008-05-01 08:07:20 UTC
I'd end up spending it on everyone else.....I'm like that....rather see other people happy than buy stuff I'd regret! Can't regret giving a smile to someone else!
A and L D
2008-04-30 02:43:31 UTC
Pay off all my debts,

Private fertility treatment,

Once the baby is born, pack up and ship off to South Africa and open a B+B.....BLISS
Brad C
2008-04-29 09:26:07 UTC
i would spend it on a luxury villa in either spain or florida by the sea for a place to go to and relax in the hot sun
2008-04-26 08:15:34 UTC
id buy lots of books and start off the biggest library in the world. then gamble the rest in snail racing... good times. x
2008-05-09 09:33:24 UTC
Invest it offshore, put it in a dual currency fund and live of the interest and retire.

Oops I've already done that.
2008-05-07 13:38:41 UTC
By my holiday bungalow I live in with my sun, nothing else I can afford. Try to make a better future for him, he is my life.

Love to have a dream like this. Thank you!!!
2008-05-04 08:24:51 UTC
Use the money to train a boy so that he could swim faster than a shark. Then show you.
2008-05-11 11:54:51 UTC
i would buy my house as i am sickof paying rent every month and go on a holiday to new england usa as that is the one place i have always wanted to go but could never afford it
2008-05-06 23:40:41 UTC
i think i would like to cycle around Europe with my b/friend who also got ten years salary in one lump sum...... bliss
2008-05-06 13:36:57 UTC
I would buy another flat close to where we live and rent it out so that we are not broke in retirement and would have a regualr income.
2008-05-03 18:20:05 UTC
invest to generate income of around 10% so can quit work and maintain similar standard of living
2008-05-03 15:28:36 UTC
i would pay off any money i owe, then get my own house for me and my partner to be able to live together and put anything left over into a savings account
2008-05-03 12:37:45 UTC
Go to university full time and get my music degree - I so want to change careers and be a music teacher.
2008-05-01 20:56:22 UTC
Pay off all of our debt and invest the rest for our dtrs college
2008-04-30 08:55:16 UTC
Quit my job and do the things I´ve always wanted to do. 10 yrs is enough :)
2008-04-30 03:29:50 UTC
one tenth to charity

half to invest for the future

4/10 to spend on new projects that seem worthwhile

gd luck
2008-04-30 02:42:54 UTC
Buy myself a new car, pay off my university debts (..if I get there.. - but who cares, this is all hypothetical anyway..) buy a house and invest quite a bit of it, I reckon.
2008-04-27 16:06:57 UTC
Id buy a Decent transit van,

a pair of pioneer cdj1000 mark 3's

the kaoss mixer

a generator

a huge tarpaulin

a 20K soundsystem

And **** off into the woods,

with all my mates....................

Elijah B
2008-04-26 08:37:48 UTC
if i get 10 years salary in a lump sum.

1)value of 2 years money I will donated to charity of my choice

2) value of the next 2years money deposit for a new house

3) value of the next 1year money direct debit to pay my mortgage.

4) value of the next 1year money time for myself holiday etc..

5) value of the next 4years money long term investment considering working for the next 10years coming.
2008-04-26 04:21:29 UTC
Very Fast
garry b
2008-04-26 04:19:30 UTC
Obviously buy and furnish a house, go on a nice holiday and put my name down for an anfield season ticket.
2008-04-26 04:11:41 UTC
Id ivest it a realy big company or something so that the money can make me a millinaire
2008-04-26 04:08:31 UTC
I wouid buy a Sunseeker Boat and take my dad on a Cruise on it to say thanks for all the place's he has taken me. And any left would be split between me and the Cat protection League. Mark
2008-04-26 14:05:36 UTC
1) Give money to the family

2) Buy a house and kit it out
2008-05-02 13:24:10 UTC
Leave the country
2008-05-01 12:59:59 UTC
Buy a new house and have it done out exactly how I like. The reason is obvoius.
2008-05-01 01:09:21 UTC
I would go to a luxury spa for the weekend and just chill out.

I would visit hollywood for it is a dream of mine to go there.
2008-04-30 09:23:52 UTC
pay my rent and council tax for 10 years, all my bills and then spend the rest on nice stuff for my house and my boys
2008-04-29 02:39:02 UTC
Spend it on a ship cruise, give some to my wife, leave something for my bird so she is well looked after, pay for my funeral expenses, commit suicide.
chris t
2008-04-29 02:06:00 UTC
Is it tax free? Than I would retire on my million in the bank. I got all the gadgets I need.
2008-04-27 14:40:03 UTC
1st - pay off the house

2nd - go on a family holiday

3rd - invest in a new business venture
2008-04-26 21:14:38 UTC
Invest most; and live just a little bit easier in the meantime.
jane k
2008-04-26 08:15:35 UTC
Send the kids to boarding school asap, home visits only at christmas and birthdays! (only joking), and spend, spend, spend on luxury items.
keith p
2008-04-26 04:32:25 UTC
Pay off credit cards.

Buy some chep flats and rent them out.

Give up working
2008-04-25 14:06:23 UTC
Make sure my husband can be at home more and not have to go abroad so much making movies, then he can see the kids every day.
Harv S
2008-05-12 09:19:36 UTC
I would get as far away as possible and be as hard to find as I could be before they came after me to pay it back.
2014-09-14 03:31:05 UTC
I would start planning my Holidays and lifestyle changes immediately. I would start "Living" now and without taking things so seriously I would be much better for it.
2008-05-12 11:29:20 UTC
id buy a big house a flash car and a family car go on holiday but my mother a house and id go and enjoy my self with the rest......
2008-05-10 16:16:12 UTC
1. Pay off bills

2. Pay off mortages

3. Take wife on unforgettable cruise.
2008-05-07 10:14:27 UTC
rent out a private island and take a private jet with all my friends there, then spend the next week getting drunk
2008-05-06 14:38:53 UTC
Give it all to Ricky Gervais on the condition he promises not to do stand-up comedy ever again.
katie d
2008-05-06 03:43:15 UTC
id travel around the world without a shadow of a doubt, and pay off my mortgage.
2008-04-29 20:53:47 UTC
take a trip around the world on queen mary 2!!
2008-04-26 03:36:53 UTC
I'd spend a lot on women , booze and fast cars , the rest I would probably waste
2008-05-12 22:45:12 UTC
Stop worrying.

Relax a bit.

Buy a really large screen TV

2008-05-12 01:40:54 UTC
i will pay for my mortgage and go into farming in Ghana. i will use the money i generate from the farming to sustain me for the next ten years till i get my next pay-check.
Robert P
2008-05-08 13:25:03 UTC
first the tax man; don't want to find out I spent his wages: makes him cross and nasty.

then, some mortgage, some pension, some tools, some presents.

rest play.

good holiday.
2008-05-08 12:36:15 UTC
1 pay off my mum and dad's debts

2 get my nan some nice health care since she just broke the vertebre in her neck

3 go to all of the THIRTYSECONDSTOMARS concerts I can

4 move to America, LA
2008-05-07 06:24:57 UTC
I'd invest it in a new country like New Zealand and never look back.
James C
2008-05-04 18:52:20 UTC
To be safe, divide it by 10
suga UK
2008-05-04 08:52:29 UTC
Pay off debts and buy a house for obvious reasons
Angela B
2008-05-01 07:43:07 UTC
I would quit my admin job and run my own pub, seeing as that is pretty much what I do for my second job for minimum wage for someone else.
2008-04-27 01:58:42 UTC
ten years of my salary would probably only pay my mortgage in full so I would do that - that would give me peace of but more importantly will one day be my childs.
2008-04-26 04:03:16 UTC
I'd buy a small holding and equip it with all I need for a long and happy life.
2008-05-17 18:54:44 UTC
watch over 600 answers is tiring , take a rest
2008-05-09 05:30:23 UTC
pay off mortgage, sell up, start new business in America. all because this country has gone to the dogs
truluv exists!
2008-05-09 04:56:24 UTC
i would donate it to the transport benevolent fund, it may make a difference to a driver and his family who needs to recuperrate after the traumatic effects of a one under!

you should be ashamed!!!!! (and im not talking about your apppalling acting in your movie!)
2008-05-08 03:20:19 UTC
I would share it out with my family so they could have a better quality of life too.
2008-05-04 23:13:14 UTC
Why ask a question that is purely fantasy - it won't happen unless you win the lottery, so why plan for that occasion?
2008-04-27 12:28:18 UTC
definately get the mortgaged paid off then holiday and new car, some of it stick in the bank too

so you offering hehe??
Lisa G
2008-04-27 04:57:41 UTC
I'd buy a small property for my little nephew, but live there until he is old enough to, so he wouldn't have to struggle.
2008-04-26 08:53:56 UTC
the banks have been doing this for the past 10 years!!! ask the Bank Manager....
2008-04-26 03:54:53 UTC
I would buy 150,000 lottery 5 million then spend spend spend putting Viv Nicholson to shame!
Linda G
2008-05-11 07:11:50 UTC
Car house holiday etc
2008-05-05 09:04:11 UTC
I would like to startup my own business as i am currently looking for startup funding now so it would be of great help !
2008-05-04 12:31:01 UTC
Buy a brewery, a small one of course, and try to make it succesful enough to support me and several others.
2008-05-01 10:45:04 UTC
i would use it to start a business then use the profits to buy a nice car and house as well as the latest designer clothes.
scooby doo!!
2008-04-28 12:09:25 UTC
i would pay off all my debts and stuff and then have a good holiday, but i would also give some of it to charity to help the poor
2008-04-27 16:26:24 UTC
I'd get passports and shorts for the 5 of us, and book one hell of a holiday!!!
The Jerusalem man
2008-04-26 07:56:59 UTC
Have a huge free for all party. Live for today man.
2008-04-26 06:46:27 UTC
It's my dream to travel to each country in the world so i would spend it on that.
malcolm b
2008-04-26 06:19:26 UTC
would spend 90% on wine and women and probably just waste the rest
2008-04-26 03:29:12 UTC
Pay my mortgage off

Pay my bills off

book a holiday

buy a car

save the rest!!!
2008-04-25 10:09:23 UTC
thats easy...I would pay off my mortgage...then the 90% of my wage which currently goes on my mortgage would be free spending for me and my family...thats like nearly ...holy cow thats a lot a dough.
2008-04-25 09:21:15 UTC
I'd buy a piece of land and build an eco-house, totally self-sustainable.
Jensen Ackles Girl (I Wish!)
2008-04-25 07:46:45 UTC
Well I'm still a student so I don't get a salary, but I would probably get a place in Majorca, I love it there and I would set up a publishing buisness for young authors who don't have agents, because it is rather unfair at the moment that people without agents cant get published or find it very hard, it would be nice for a change to have a publishers that only execpt un-agented manuscripts rather than companys that see the author hasn't come through a littery agent and just chuck their manuscript in the trash without so much as a glance or second thought.
Definately Maybe
2008-04-29 04:35:27 UTC
I would sink it all into Northern Rock and to think people tell me i am bad with money, shows what they know lol
2008-05-06 17:26:09 UTC
I would Buy a lifetime supply of flamin' hot cheetos. Why you ask? Becuase flamin' hot cheetos are good.
2008-05-03 13:52:07 UTC
honestly, nothing would change. i'd continue the same lifestyle, give half of it to charity (yes. i'm trying to buy my way into heaven), and just carry on working and living my life.
2008-04-29 07:00:49 UTC
10 years salary would only be enough to buy a normal house

that is what i would do.
Michael Schumacher fan 1956
2008-04-28 12:25:23 UTC
i would spent it wisely first i would check my clothes are ok and then book a great holiday and save the rest for next year.
Huggles [mozzafan]
2008-04-26 05:52:44 UTC
Save it,keep it safe,keep it hidden.

get another job.

put that money in my bank account

roll on the intrest in 10 years time :)

2008-04-26 03:57:00 UTC
Avoid sicko "movies" like "Three and Out" like the plague.
Lesley C
2008-04-26 03:32:39 UTC
Pay off all of my loans and those of my family, pay off mortgage and give up my full time job and go supply.
2008-05-07 02:49:18 UTC
I SAW THAT movie. Mixed feelings about it.

Its seriously over hyped.
2008-05-03 16:44:06 UTC
I'd buy a BMW M5, because it's a BMW M5. Great idea for a film, I can't wait to see it.
2008-04-30 08:15:24 UTC
Definitely buy a house. that way, I need never worry about paying rent again.
2008-04-26 09:28:27 UTC
I would tell my parents to **** off and then go live in a nice place aslong as they're nowhere around.
2008-04-25 14:53:21 UTC
As you get older you will realise that the best things in life are free.
2008-05-13 20:13:56 UTC
I'd buy uk.movies and make some better clips!
2008-05-07 12:41:34 UTC
i would buy as much as i wanted, give money to family and friends, put away enough for the rest of my life and then give the rest to charity.
2008-05-02 10:50:02 UTC
I would save it because i would need that money in the future because i wont get payed in the future.
2008-04-30 12:21:22 UTC
Pay off my mortgage, buy two new cars (one each) and take a nice holiday!
Rob K
2008-04-29 22:48:03 UTC
I have no need of it myself, but I'd use it to renovate my Mum's house and my Gran's house. Interiors, Exteriors and Gardens.
2008-04-26 04:02:59 UTC
I would spend most of it on drink, women, and having a good time, and probably just squander the rest of it!
2008-04-26 03:56:06 UTC
Would it be subjected to capital gains tax? would the remainder be subject to earnings tax and insurance, would there be much left?
2008-04-26 03:27:37 UTC
i wouldnt spend all of it in one time i would use half on a house and give some to charity and do some investment i wouldnt go crazy....
2008-04-25 08:16:22 UTC
I would pay off my existing debt which would leave me with £95k and then put a BIG deposit on a house.

But then after reading your question again I take it I wouldn't get paid for ten years?? If so I would invest 9 years salary and keep a years in my bank account and live off that, then the next year take a years out and so on and so on.
2008-05-13 03:19:59 UTC
You tell me, you earn ten times my annual salary! H
2008-05-12 15:50:26 UTC
I'll stop hopping into Yahoo answers to advertise my new film release : )
2008-05-12 15:10:17 UTC
It's a thought provoking question and my response is - what are you going to do with all the answers?
2008-05-09 06:28:29 UTC
Very carefully!

After all, it'll be another 10 years before i get paid again!!
2008-05-06 11:39:16 UTC
i wouldn't take it. same as i wouldn't take out a loan, it is stupid to spend money you haven't earned yet, plus imagine all the budgeting so you don't die of starvation. no thank you.also who wants to have the same dumb job for 10years.
Emma H
2008-05-06 03:57:09 UTC
I'd put down a deposit for a house and go on holiday - boring, I know!
2008-05-04 12:41:06 UTC
cadburys, a trip to the cadbury factory with my choc dunking buddy, the rest would be spent on limos to tesco and back!!
Seán O
2008-05-01 10:20:26 UTC
Mortgage, and there wouldn't be enough left over to pay my daughters school fees.
Sláinte xx
2008-04-30 16:10:39 UTC
probably move to New Zealand or Australia for a better life.
2008-04-25 14:53:52 UTC
I'd make sure you never acted again by using the cash to bride directors not to hire you
2008-05-09 13:04:51 UTC
Some fruit pastiles.
2008-05-07 01:25:56 UTC
It wouldn't really give me all that much so I would have to bank it and get a better job.
2008-05-03 08:25:00 UTC
Helloo...U are very kind to offer one & all the think OR dare to imagine,,,,,But all the same bring me the money....I'll show you how, where, when and How,,,,,all of your unanswered Questions "Practically", So i will waut for ur buzz, good on ya mate !...Rock'y.
2008-05-02 04:31:26 UTC
get laser treatment 2 get rid of all spots n scars

save da rest
hello my name is jingle bells :)
2008-04-29 18:28:59 UTC
1. go to countries

2. live somewhere else

3. pay mortgage

because so i payed all my mortgage and live somewhere like beautiful and visiting countries so i see new places
2008-04-29 08:29:06 UTC
The same way as I do now
2008-04-27 14:47:23 UTC
hard one that but i would go traveling in south america

there is another world out there som much to see and to experience
2008-04-26 11:57:56 UTC
i would like do shopping especially clothes and loads of other stuff and save some money for future use that's all i think
2008-04-25 13:38:29 UTC
I would ivest a good bit of it for the future. like a little nest egg.
2008-05-06 15:48:41 UTC
Mow much did you get paid to ask this question? Can i have some of it for answering?
2008-05-06 14:45:44 UTC
I would invest in stock. buy a nice car. buy something nice for everyone in my family, start a business or go on a shopping spree!!!!!!
2008-05-17 15:16:17 UTC
Id spend it making my own movie!
steve w
2008-05-11 06:47:20 UTC
buy all the copies of the pirates O. T. C. i could afford and put them in an incinerator!
2008-05-08 15:11:45 UTC
Aston Martin DBS :D
2008-05-06 21:14:30 UTC
well... good question. i dont think i could trust myself to use it wisely haha. First I'd pay off any debt I had and pay off my car. After that i'd vacation as much as I could...
2008-04-30 09:54:46 UTC
pay off mortgage (about £40,000) and give the rest to a childrens charity, directly.
Tasia S
2008-05-08 02:11:40 UTC
omg i would be so happy i would 1st get my kids everything i could think of then i would make all my husbands dreams come true and i would just have us living good
Leonard B
2008-04-29 09:41:37 UTC
i would invest it in a 10 year plan that payed me a monthly dividend
freebie hunter
2008-04-26 06:18:36 UTC
pay off the mortgage and go on a good holiday
2008-05-17 19:39:31 UTC
i wouldnt have enough for anything, im only 14! maybe re-do my room, put in for college, savings, and buy some fancy things
El Diablo
2008-05-09 13:30:09 UTC
" With a bit of luck i may be able to stretch to a happy meal at mc donalds "
2008-05-05 07:25:26 UTC
£85 K don't go far, so I would invest the money in drugs
Ruby x
2008-04-28 11:11:12 UTC
put it in a trust get loads of interest :)

maybe treat myself to a nose job and a handbag.
2008-04-28 06:50:48 UTC
but houses and rent them.

then move to switzerland and waste the rest enjoying life.
Vernon L
2008-04-26 09:14:36 UTC
Buy fast cars and faser women!...and any leftovers would be spent on useless items!
2008-04-26 03:25:36 UTC
Put it in the bank and watch it grooooooow!
2008-04-25 15:52:13 UTC
Reported for solicitation and chat which are against the rules of yahoo.
2008-05-15 03:39:00 UTC
on my parents, cuz whatever they've done for me when I was young cannot be repaid at any cost, so it is fitting and proper to help them just as they helped me when I was helpless (when I was an infant)
Babylon N Ting
2008-05-12 19:30:33 UTC
id donate it to charity and run off with the travelling circus
2008-05-10 08:55:51 UTC
I would buy myself a flat, and lots of baby things!
2008-05-09 13:11:07 UTC
1. pay of mortgage

2. have a nice long vacation

3. buy car of my dreams
2008-05-04 10:16:48 UTC
I'd take ten years off work and have a rest....
2008-05-03 12:22:06 UTC
pay off the mortgage and go back to school, make up for all the years i've pissed about!
2008-04-29 04:23:27 UTC
not that much -cos 10 years of my salary would be sod all!
2008-04-26 16:26:49 UTC
i would buy a new house in other country then finally move there as our country not our own anymore, to many stupid laws etc
2008-04-26 03:27:32 UTC
I would spen it over ten years with other earnings I have.
2008-04-28 21:45:55 UTC
id buy a car and go see your film at the cinema
Misty Blue
2008-04-27 14:16:11 UTC
I'd buy up agricultural land as it's about to rocket.
2008-05-12 09:44:46 UTC
i wud take my family on holiday then save some for a rainy day.
2008-05-09 07:36:20 UTC
A ticket to my country and studying here.
2008-05-02 02:38:00 UTC
I'd put a deposit down on a gallon of petrol.
2008-04-26 11:51:00 UTC
i would pay of the mortgage any bills that i may have then if i had anything left it would be a holiday or new car or even both
2008-04-26 04:17:49 UTC
retire it would give me enough to do that and just enjoy the rest of my life doing whatever i chose bliss
jamy bb
2008-04-26 03:44:08 UTC
put it all in a high intreest aCCOUNT BECUSE I WOULD HAVE MILLINOS by the time ive finnished working that 10 years
2008-04-26 03:36:51 UTC
I would spend it on ladyboys and coke. Because I simply love ladyboys and coke!
2008-05-02 13:37:14 UTC
Id pay off my mortgage then get a boob and nose job
2008-05-05 05:19:02 UTC
i would continue to pay myself the wages

but quit work for 10

no work for 10 years......


now that sounds
2008-04-30 14:17:56 UTC
hi would shop for a decent place to leav
2008-04-29 14:37:06 UTC
take ten years off work
I have a Disablity!
2008-04-27 09:21:03 UTC
hi i have no idea what i would do. i dont work so it would not happind lol well not at the momet anyway. but i save some of it.
2008-04-27 09:02:45 UTC
pay off debts,treat kids,nice relaxing hol somewhere in uk and buy my dog the biggest bone you've ever seen !!
2008-04-26 05:18:26 UTC
Prostitutes and a classy hotel room for about a week!!!!!
Matey Katey
2008-04-25 13:51:53 UTC
I would harass you tirelessly, until you pulled some celebrity strings, and got me a fantastic job in comedy, so I could become notoriusly famous as the person who blagged you for a job,and became famous for my ceaseless front!!!!!!
2008-05-07 10:09:53 UTC
Buy a house for my household.
bob f
2008-05-07 08:14:04 UTC
wine women & the horses be nice to just think of myself for once
2008-04-26 11:43:15 UTC
I would save most of it for a rainy day.
Nate Dogg
2008-05-07 11:40:34 UTC
By a house, invest in stocks, and then just pimp out my house.
jo jo
2008-05-03 14:20:07 UTC
buy a holiday home in the sun
2008-04-28 05:48:59 UTC
Go on a massive p1ss up.
2008-04-26 12:40:33 UTC
as quick as possible,just had a 'stroke'life is truly frail and should'nt be taken for granted
2008-04-26 11:23:25 UTC
would put my plan for world domination into action, starting by.........

Nah would probably start a business, give some to charity,.............

then maybe after a couple of years take over the world
2008-05-11 23:28:01 UTC
I would be outta this country(U.K) as fast as my tootsies would carry

Or before the taxman found me.
2008-05-13 14:01:22 UTC
I'd reopen my band

Because we broke up
2008-05-11 10:21:28 UTC
oh my we get £24,000 a year i cant even contemplate that.. sorry... but mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

what a thought...........

ive got 6 kids so i dont think itl last too long hehehe. liz
Kibz Sixx
2008-05-09 01:33:33 UTC
id spend it ALL on my hamster and xbox 360 >:P

EDIT: woah 601 answers xD
2008-05-06 07:45:44 UTC
i would use it to pay off our wedding and then use the rest to pay off mortgage and enjoy a nice holiday somewhere.
2008-05-04 14:04:20 UTC
pay off all money i owe.. mortgage etc... then make sure i have enough to live on week in week out without having to rely on benefits
2008-05-02 04:35:49 UTC
Oi! That's chicken feed for me!
2008-04-30 13:31:09 UTC
I would spend half of it cars , drink, drugs,& loose woman.

Then id just blow the other half !
2008-04-30 10:10:56 UTC
Pay off my mortgage
2008-04-30 05:48:16 UTC off any debts

2.make my kids future more secure

3.get more drunk than a bishop
2008-04-25 13:55:43 UTC
Set myself new targets.

Simple and the right answer for everyone.
2008-05-07 05:38:43 UTC
paying off mortgage would be priority and then a nice holiday!
2008-04-30 03:58:41 UTC
i buy a big house for all my family to live in with me
2008-04-29 11:55:12 UTC
if i were u iwould save it then if want buy simethig really really really badly then i would spend it on food, cloths, and other coooooool stuff.
Mr. Boombastic Mungbean
2008-04-28 18:42:17 UTC
Simply, I'd give my mum & dad all of it. They've sacrificed so much for me it would actually make me happier seeing them spend it.
2008-05-13 03:25:04 UTC
Great.....I'll pay off my last ten year credit card, loan dues.
2008-05-07 06:57:54 UTC
Bank it and forget it for a year or so
2008-05-01 07:52:51 UTC
Spend it as fast as I can, cause I am shortsighted
2008-04-30 07:44:20 UTC
put it into a saving and set myself up in a job i would want to do
Ghengis Khan
2008-04-26 09:15:01 UTC
i would put together a small army and conquer the middle east, again
2008-05-13 06:46:44 UTC
What I wouldn`t do is go and see your shiite film
2008-05-09 04:25:19 UTC
what a blatant plug for one of the worst received british films ever.
Mr Brightside
2008-05-07 10:00:24 UTC
Id buy you and make you do as i say for a day!!
2008-05-04 11:22:41 UTC
I would save for a bigger house

becouse you can live the life
2008-04-28 11:17:18 UTC
pay off all my debts and get my life back on track
2008-05-05 05:03:02 UTC
I would try to invest it, then offset the interest on the mortgage. that's all. windfalls in my opinion rarely happen.
michael s
2008-04-29 07:23:48 UTC
I would emigrate and get out of this god forsaken country.
2008-04-28 11:58:59 UTC
travelling definitely there is a big world out there
2008-04-27 03:25:32 UTC
I'd probably save africa, you know if I felt like it.

Hey, Mackenzie you rock!!
2008-04-26 12:21:23 UTC
i coulnt spend that much money, to buy the world would still leave me with change !!!
steph r
2008-04-26 03:59:45 UTC
Hookers, Booze, Cigarettes, Football matches and fast Cars and I would probably just waste the rest!!!!!!!
2008-04-26 03:54:07 UTC
i would buy as much fig roll biscuits as i could afford and when da figs run out (which will be soon i hear) il sell all my biscuits for 100% profit....SWEET (pardon da pun)
I Has A Hat
2008-05-11 04:08:01 UTC
oh for gods sake pick a best answer already!!!!!!!!!

but i'd spend it on buying a new flat for my dad
just trying to make a difference
2008-04-29 04:47:42 UTC
i'd buy a house so that i have somewhere safe and secure for me and my daughter to live!
2008-05-01 08:55:01 UTC
I would invest.......Not! lol

what i'd really do is use the money as a deposit on a house,
2008-04-30 15:58:17 UTC
It would go straight into my savings account.
2008-04-27 14:47:19 UTC
What a cool question. I don't think im going to answer it though
2008-04-27 09:34:25 UTC
Donate half to ASLEF and half to the Samaritans
2008-04-26 07:58:49 UTC
treat my kids and myself to a holiday.We havent had one for 3 years...enjoy it!
Shannon L
2008-05-28 13:53:13 UTC
buy a house or at least put down the down payment
2008-05-10 05:18:11 UTC
Time value of money-- I would save and invest.
2008-05-08 13:03:38 UTC
I would take care of my family
Terrianne M
2008-05-03 07:17:10 UTC
i dont know id probable put some towars a house
2008-04-29 15:50:25 UTC
I dont work so I cant spend it
2008-04-26 14:06:47 UTC
i would pay my mortgage and debts up and maybe a bit of diy
2008-04-26 11:25:55 UTC
i would send my dad on a cruise to say thanks you and i would by my own place and show my dad that i can have my own life and i would have lipo around my thighs and stomach.

i would also send my sister to uni so she could become a qualified nurse before her 25Th birthday.
2008-04-26 03:51:40 UTC
go on a damn good holiday with my family and pay my bills
2008-05-15 15:51:20 UTC
Invest Invest Invest... Then give it all away.
martin o
2008-05-04 13:27:01 UTC
go on a world cruse
2008-04-30 07:00:01 UTC
buy a house and pay of any debts
Brianna M
2008-04-30 06:07:48 UTC
i would spend it on my family and pay bills before i spend something on me.
Sadie S
2008-05-11 03:31:41 UTC
I'd pay off my debts and plan out my future!!!!
2008-05-05 12:56:24 UTC
buy a big house out right
2008-05-26 07:33:05 UTC
I would buy a boat
2014-09-22 14:01:06 UTC
i will put all those money in saving account for future use
2008-05-11 09:21:52 UTC
buy my own house cash, have tummy tuck, then save rest.
2008-04-29 16:25:14 UTC
slap it all in a ISA watch it grow
2008-04-28 07:37:30 UTC
put it towards buying a house!
2008-04-26 06:26:41 UTC
beer,birds,kebabs,and probably squander the rest
ILuvDavidArchuleta :] (iluvdogs)
2008-05-25 10:11:51 UTC
Save, I guess.
2008-05-08 06:37:25 UTC
i would pay off all my debts. because that is one of my greatest wishes, to be debt free.
2008-05-04 05:27:15 UTC
world trip
2008-05-01 09:02:39 UTC
Buy the first thing I see! :)
2008-04-29 01:59:51 UTC
beer,fags,holidays and waste the rest
2008-04-26 12:33:44 UTC
I'd spend it very wisely.
2008-04-26 08:20:26 UTC
Pay off all debts !
2008-04-26 04:29:03 UTC
I'd put it all on my Oyster Card... obviously!
Robin N
2008-04-26 04:12:13 UTC
I would spend it on women, drink, and song. and squander the rest.
2008-04-26 03:44:05 UTC
In this order:




The rest I'd waste!
2008-04-25 08:09:00 UTC
I'd go back to Uni. I'd be a pretty rich student. Do a degree in Anthropology and Archaeology and then do some Indiana Jones type adventures. Why? Because I realised it's what I should have done after school instead of dossing around. Why, are you offering? Do I win £200,00?
2008-05-05 08:23:58 UTC
Me: Ferret World, i lika da ferrets

maddiy: vagina dentales, greatest movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-27 11:16:05 UTC
id put it in isa's and stuff to get even more money
2008-04-26 12:27:53 UTC
too many people are in need of help. do something for mankind.
mary stuart
2008-05-08 01:05:44 UTC
run and spend it . life is short enjoy all you can
2008-05-01 07:54:39 UTC
go to the maldives with my boyfriend x
2008-04-26 10:40:29 UTC
wisely as it is to last the next ten years !!!
2008-05-26 12:55:51 UTC
buy a house. standard
2008-05-01 13:31:14 UTC
id buy everything "green" because im an enviromentalist.
2008-05-01 03:47:34 UTC
inest in business and real estate
2008-04-28 17:23:26 UTC
S D ur a joka! xD
2008-04-26 03:39:06 UTC
pay off my bills , help my family and live life to the fullest ....... why ?? because i could
2008-05-04 05:58:40 UTC
pay all my bills, mortgage etc etc and it will all be gone!

i wud do this because its practical
2008-05-01 04:18:24 UTC
wow that'd be cool...i'd use it for my college fees and a new place to live :)
2008-04-30 13:12:03 UTC
pay off house and bills,then tell my boss to shove it!!
2008-04-25 08:17:58 UTC
Pay off mortgage

get married

go on a round the world best ever honeymoon

give some to family and charity (only small bit the latter!)
2008-05-09 07:23:41 UTC
Drugs, sex and rock n roll.
2008-05-07 10:33:27 UTC
Heroin (be the death of me). Cos its my life. And its my wife.
2008-05-02 14:32:38 UTC
2008-05-01 16:31:55 UTC
i would put a tenner to it and pay of my debts
2008-04-26 03:47:21 UTC
i'd buy 100,000 lottery tickets and hope to god for the jackpot!!!
2008-04-25 06:55:36 UTC
As i'm retired,(the avatar's wishful thinking!),it wouldn't amount to much,but if i could have it tax-free,i'd just make sure i had enough to be safe from worrying about bills,& unexpected extras, then help as many as i could of the people i know in the same boat , because i know how bad it feels...& retirement should be good,or at least worry & pain-free.
2008-05-08 07:19:41 UTC
what £5? not sure, i'd have to think about it
shawn c
2008-05-04 17:22:02 UTC
go to McDonalds, ill up my gastank... thats all i could afford.
2008-05-05 05:43:26 UTC
2008-05-01 08:22:17 UTC
i would emigrate to a place where it would be worth more
Michael M
2008-05-11 12:26:16 UTC
2008-05-10 12:13:07 UTC
buy a house
2008-05-08 08:36:31 UTC
nothing.. i dont have a job so it wouldnt be much good. lol
2008-05-07 11:12:53 UTC
2008-05-07 07:28:27 UTC
bye bye
michael s
2008-04-27 11:53:48 UTC
I'd go see a movie:)
number one fighting chicken
2008-05-02 02:10:22 UTC
fill my car with petrol
2008-05-02 00:54:22 UTC
give a tenth to charity, then another, then another
2008-04-29 13:13:46 UTC
well hmmm..... would spend it on a brand new lamborgini murchalargo!:)
Jaime N
2008-05-07 17:25:04 UTC
i would invest it so i colud make buissnes
2008-04-29 03:00:05 UTC
property, good schools and set up my business :-)

I'll get there anyway :-)
2008-04-26 03:55:58 UTC
i'd relax and watch the world go by!
2008-05-03 03:49:16 UTC
pay off mortgage.

replacement for the wife....
2008-05-08 05:48:23 UTC
get out of this S++T OLE.

2008-05-06 07:19:29 UTC
umm.. id save it
2008-04-30 01:53:37 UTC
leave this country. reason ?list is too long
2008-04-26 08:40:02 UTC
i'd spend the lot !!! because you can't take it with you when your dead!
2008-04-25 09:18:48 UTC
1. Pay off mortgage

2. Set up funds for my children's further education or buying first flat

3. Go travelling and see parts of the world that I wouldn't otherwise have the chance to
2008-05-04 12:58:16 UTC
I would travel.
2008-05-03 13:04:46 UTC
i would just sepnd it on holidays holidays and holidays
2008-05-02 03:51:39 UTC
i wouldnt spend it, i would save it.
2008-05-01 05:26:31 UTC
a narrow boat and retirement! life at 4mph BLISS!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-30 16:48:52 UTC
good investment
2008-04-30 15:55:39 UTC
xxxxxxxx ami xxxxxxxx
2008-04-30 12:53:45 UTC
i would give it to my mum and dad
2008-04-29 08:52:05 UTC
Buy balls. Lots and lots of balls.
2008-04-26 05:48:43 UTC
i would spend it all on your ma
2008-04-25 08:04:59 UTC
no to the clip thanks......

i`d defo either but house or flat or big big deposit - and small mortgage - most important thing right?!?!.......

then i`d get a mortgage for a hotel - separatly - my fiance would love to own and run a hotel - but still have the hide away to retreat to -

and she would make it profitable so no worries there - then I`d buy myself a set of technics decks and buy loads of tunes for my spare time - as music is big influence on my life -

then life comfortably knowing my fiance is sorted to....

few gifts for family and friends too...
2008-05-07 21:29:37 UTC
Pay off all my freedom......aaahhhhhhh!!!!
2008-05-05 17:24:34 UTC
buy pizza
2008-04-30 14:35:26 UTC
may be go to bed.
2008-04-28 03:49:33 UTC
well if we all earnt as much as you then id retire....
2008-04-25 07:47:12 UTC
Id pay off mortgage then buy a field buy new car send my son to private school x
The man u dont know
2008-05-02 10:24:43 UTC
nothing dugh
2008-04-29 10:16:20 UTC
With what I would in ten years....................not a lot!
2008-04-27 03:51:13 UTC
wine and women...and blow the rest
2008-04-25 11:20:40 UTC
I would buy loads of weed & get caned.

For a long time.
☆ Memphis Belle ☆
2008-04-25 08:45:42 UTC
On property, in the right area to sell/rent. Why? Make money.
2008-05-21 20:04:25 UTC
I would invest it.
2008-04-30 12:24:32 UTC
i would give it back and say i didnt want it.
2008-04-29 07:04:21 UTC
Give it to ASLEF.
2008-04-26 12:14:00 UTC
I would invest it.
Die Hard
2008-04-26 08:19:41 UTC
spend it on ppl i care abt n luv............:)

cos dese ppl r realli imp 2 me..............if it make them happy den it wud me happy.......
2008-04-29 12:28:11 UTC
gamble. i couldn't lose
2008-04-26 06:02:50 UTC
Divorce...I think.
2008-04-25 09:18:27 UTC
1. Buy anything I want! Clothes, stuff, junk....

2. Put some in the bank. In case I spend it all on one go. =]

3. Go to the places I want to go - Egypt, Carribean islands, japan....
2008-05-04 08:01:44 UTC
i dono
Emma H
2008-04-26 06:14:54 UTC
louboutins louboutins louboutins !!!
✖ṡεṿïï ќ✖
2008-04-25 09:04:15 UTC
Paying off the student debts
2008-05-04 17:31:23 UTC
2008-04-25 11:03:37 UTC
clothes- lots and lots of = ]
Paul k
2008-04-26 11:01:06 UTC
very wisely
Ang/Mike Limerick Driving School
2008-04-27 11:49:11 UTC
2008-04-25 04:59:30 UTC
I put it in some banks,continue working,or travel(if i over 30year old).or do that make my parent happy after their dificult life.Agree?sincerly yours.
2008-05-13 10:36:14 UTC
please help
2008-05-06 14:18:24 UTC
please click on my name someone stole my account if u have any info email me even if u did please
colin c
2008-04-26 07:15:33 UTC
get very,very drunk
The Tenth Duke of Chalfont
2008-04-25 08:14:35 UTC
Speculate to accumulate!

I'd put the vast majority in the bank, where it would earn interest.

The rest, about 10% or so, I'd invest in stocks and bonds.
2008-05-06 07:00:37 UTC
2008-04-26 06:12:43 UTC
mortgage and car and then Wat loans i had and enough to live on
2008-05-04 08:33:32 UTC
on hookers
2008-04-26 05:48:02 UTC
BEER. :)
2008-04-25 06:18:35 UTC
Aston Martin db9 - Why? Because I would have an Aston!
johnfrancis 01
2008-05-03 18:37:08 UTC
Yes please!
2008-04-25 07:43:40 UTC
I would use it as an excuse to plug my latest movie, which incidentally is a not a 'black comedy' just a sick one....

Call me cynical,if you like, but to all those who gave me the thumbs down, don't you find it odd that this 'member' wasn't one until he had a film to plug???
2008-04-25 05:25:44 UTC
Ooh theres a question! Put it towards a house i suppose. Oh and get a boob job and a face lift. I'm heading 40 but i'm gonna fight it all the way! AARRGH!! ;-) Hey i'd invite you to my big bad as$ party too.
2008-04-25 05:24:24 UTC
I would pay it all to you if you promised to stop acting!

Only kidding, I would save some and spend the rest on my wife and child.
Michael A
2008-04-25 04:35:46 UTC
I will display my wealth by marrying 10 wives.

You ask me why?

Money in the bank don't make noise. My wives will be making noise.

I don't go to sites to avoid virus

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.