Are you in favor of same sex marrage?
2009-04-11 17:50:04 UTC
If so, are you also in favor of paligamy? Marrying family, animals or yourself? IF not how come you get to be the one to define marrage not God? You want to move the line of morality enough to include yourself and no one else.
34 answers:
2009-04-15 06:59:40 UTC
No.Poligomy is wrong

Marrying family, (Incest)

animals or yourself? (bestiality)

I Did not define Marriage God did.

No One moved the line of Morality, God established Moraility.
2009-04-11 19:00:55 UTC
I am in favor of gay couples having the same rights that other couples have. I have many gay friends who have been together for 20 years or more. That commitment needs to be taken very seriously. What's fair is fair. Anything else is just wrong.

Personally I do not favor polygamy, but I have no problem with the fact that some people prefer it as a lifestyle. I am not in favor of marrying family members because of the problems associated with that, physically and mentally, when bringing children into the world. If there are to be no children, I have less problem with it. I don't get to define marriage for anyone other than myself. You asked what we favored. I am telling you, but I have no thought of trying to move boundaries so that they encorporate me and no one else. I am married and have been for 45 years. I think I know what my boundaries are, and they don't exclude anyone. However, I don't even know what you mean by humans marrying animals. How do we equate that with people marrying?
2009-04-11 18:05:19 UTC
When you get married, it IS the same sex, day after day. Besides, given the over-50% failure rate of "traditional" marriages, I fail to see how gay marriage is any possible threat.

Why is sex and sexuality the only moral issue for you religious types? With all the immorality in the world, you people concentrate on the private behaviors of consenting adults. I would call that an unhealthy obsession.

Where was religion when the Wall Street Yuppie pukes were flushing the retirement funds of working people to line their own pockets? Where was religion during the genocide in Darfur? Where was religion when a megalomaniacal president was starting a war of aggression based on lies and for his own personal glory?

Given the amount of misery, bloodshed, death and property destruction perpetrated in the name of religion, it is in no position to make any legitimate claims to morality.

The rest of your question is an invalid, ridiculous "slippery slope" argument. It's inflammatory and unnecessary, but since religion has never come up with a valid argument against gay marriage, I guess such statements are religion's fall-back position. Or maybe just the position of bigots like you.
2009-04-11 18:01:20 UTC
Am I in favor of same sex marriage?


Polygamy: Not really

Animals: No...And exactly how do animals figure into your argument?

Family: Oh yeah, because I can look at my sisters/cousins/uncles/aunts etc and think "Oh baby I want that." *note the sarcasm in there*

You are one sick little individual aren't you.

Myself: In a sense yes, you're basically born "married" to yourself.

I don't believe in an Abrahamic god and I don't think "his" supposed rules apply to anyone outside of his followers.

Who are you to judge what is or is not moral..Just because a book says so doesn't mean you're in the right.

Edit: So what if I judged you, it seems to me that you have a habit of placing judgment on people all of the time without once thinking about what you're doing or thinking for yourself...

Oh, and I am by no stretch of the imagination a little girl...Chances are I am old enough to be your mother considering that I am in my 40s.
Cakes the Heathen
2009-04-11 18:12:51 UTC
Yes, I am in favor of same sex marriage. I don't give a flying flip about polygamy, as long as they are all consenting adults. Marrying family is biologically disgusting because of genetic issues that could occur, and I'm pretty sure very few people have any feelings for their relatives - it's just too weird. I don't believe in god, and besides - this is America, god isn't supposed to be in the equation.

YOU'RE the one who wants to move the line of morality. You accept NO ONE'S view but your own. The best people I know are personally against gay marriage but believe that if they want to get married, so be it. You're trying to impose your BS on everybody else... in a country with a constitution that clearly states religious favor is a big no-no.

You're a twirp, basically, and I do feel glad that my world view isn't as tiny as yours.
2009-04-11 17:55:51 UTC
I am in favor of gay marriage. Paligamy is fine with me too. Marrying family is weird to me, so I cant really say, but I think if you love an animal enough to marry them, then go ahead. And no, im not trying to define marriage.
2009-04-11 18:14:48 UTC
I am in favor of marriage between unrelated consenting adults (of any number) of the same species.

Polygamy... Sure as long as all parties are consenting adults, personally I find one spouse to be more than a handful, but to each their own.

Marrying "close" family, well to be honest (and I know this will piss off many christians in the bible belt) but I just think it's kind of yucky.

But again, who am I to judge.

Animals....again, I know more christians into this kind of thing, but I think you should stick to your own species.

I know a guy (christian of course) who got his john thomas bit by a cow because he though it looked like a good place to stick himself (Oooww).

Yourself....sure, I know several people who have had ceremonies to express their love and commitment to themselves, it may seem a bit weird, but it's pretty healthy.

HUMANS get to define marriage because WE are the ones doing it.

It has nothing to do with the christian god.
2009-04-11 18:04:57 UTC
God seems to be in favor of polygamy. Many of the Biblical patriarchs has multiple wives. He also seems to be in favor of marrying family. Abraham married his half-sister. Let's not forget Tamar and Judah, or the fact that Moses' father married his aunt, or the rampant incest that had to happen if Adam, Eve, and Noah's family really existed Then there are all the stories of patriarchs taking their wives' maids as concubines.

Yesirreee, good old Biblical marriage. Gay marriage is downright tame by Bible standards.
2009-04-11 17:56:18 UTC
Same Sex marriage- Sure.


Don't know what PALIGAMY is. IF you mean POLYGAMY, IJR has his doubts.


Marrying family, animals or yourself? IF not how come you get to be the one to define marrage not God? You want to move the line of morality enough to include yourself and no one else.--

Now you are just getting silly, and you know it, looking for us to answer something you already know the answer to. It's not the same bloody thing, and you know it. It really does little for your arguement if you ask stupid and silly questions. In fact, it tends to make YOU look stupid and silly. If you care to debate same sex marriage relevantly, then we can talk, until then, you FAIL.
2009-04-11 17:58:54 UTC
YES, anybody who does not believe in equal rights for gay people is a bigoted creep who should be put to death. As for your other questions common sense dictates and I will not honor an ignorant person such as yourself with an answer! I'm going to run out and marry my car, give me a break!!!!

EDIT: Religous views cannot be used to deny equal treatment under the law.
2009-04-11 18:16:37 UTC
Yes, I am in favor of same-sex marriage.

Civil secular marriage exists for the purpose of creating a legally recognized next-of-kin family relationship between two consenting adults who would otherwise be legal strangers to one another, to make it possible for them to take care of each other -- leave property to each other, make medical and financial decisions for each other when necessary, sponsor each other for a green card if one partner is not a U.S. citizen, put each other on their company health insurance policy, etc, etc etc. Its a good thing for society to encourage people to take care of each other, that way the government doesn't have to.

Family members -- parent/child, siblings -- are ALREADY legally recognized next-of-kin and can ALREADY take care of each other in the ways described above, so there is no need for them to get a marriage license. What they do or don't do in the privacy of their home, behind closed doors, I don't care to know.

Marrying animals????? In case I didn't make it clear earlier -- marriage is a LEGAL CONTRACT. Your dog isn't legally competent to give consent to a legal contract or to be held accountable for living up to his/her end of the deal. And if you genuinely want your horse, or your cat, to make financial or medical decisions for you in case you're ever incapacitated, you need to have your head examined.

And how does one enter into a legal contract with oneself? That's just idiotic.

Same-sex marriage simply does away with the one-man one-woman requirement and opens it up to any TWO (not one, not three or more) consenting adults (NOT children, not dogs, cats, goats or horses), who are not already married to other people, and who are not already related to each other within a certain degree of consanguinity. Polygamy, OTOH, fundamentally changes the entire nature of the contract by introducing a third (or fourth or fifth) person into the relationship. Whole new laws concerning family support, child care, divorce, parental rights, etc etc, would have to be worked out. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but it would be a whole new ball game. OTOH, I haven't seen any great public outcry in favor of polygamy, have you? I think if enough people want the option of polygamous marriage, they should organize a movement, start getting signatures on petitions and start making their case to the American people for why the laws should be changed to allow it. I'll listen.
2009-04-11 17:58:56 UTC
I'm in favour of the right to same sex marriage, yes.

Marrying close family isn't a good idea due to genetic bottlenecking

Marrying an animal is kinda pointless (but if that's what floats your boat, go for it dude).

Your deity of choice doesn't exist.

Stop being such a ****.
Pagan Spirit Wolf
2009-04-11 17:58:38 UTC
It's really none of my business what people do with there own lives, but yes I am in favor of same sex marriage.
Robert R
2009-04-11 17:58:30 UTC
I'm in favor of marriage between any two or more consenting adults who choose to marry. Otherwise, it's none of the state's business.
2009-04-11 18:21:44 UTC
I don't oppose it. It doesn't affect me, or my marriage, or anybody else's marriage one little bit.

And, Gay Marriage does not lead to polygamy (not paligamy) or bestiality. Those are just ridiculous scare tactics. And it's YOU and those like you that want to set the line of morality to include yourself and exclude everyone else.

Pure Atheist
2009-04-11 17:55:55 UTC
You know this is why I don't like people like you. Every single time people say they are for gay rights, you retort by asking them if they support polygamy, polyandry, incestuous relationships and sex with animals.

Can we please focus on the topic at hand here? Marrying someone of the same sex will not affect humanity in anyway but it sure as hell would decrease a lot of suicidal homosexuals out there who are committing suicide because people like you condemn them like that.

So yes, I am in favor of same sex marriage.
2009-04-11 18:05:39 UTC
Marriage was created by man not God.

In Biblical times men bought multiple wives... and yes it was livestock they traded.

Who was it that married Adam to Eve???

Today Marriage is not as the stories of the bible dictate, therefore, if you which to preach the dictation - please do so as the stories reveal.

How many wives did the Prophet Abraham have???

Should I myself be allowed that many???
Invisible Pink RN
2009-04-11 17:53:10 UTC
Am I in favor of same sex marriage?

Yes I am.. each their own personally I wouldn't want to be wife #10

How does one marry themself?

Or animals?
2009-04-11 17:53:43 UTC
I'm in favor of same-sex mariage.

Paligamy? I don't really care.

"Marrying family, animals or yourself"

-Sure, no, erm... how do you marry yourself?

Why the hell would god even care who we marry?
Dreamstuff Entity
2009-04-11 18:06:36 UTC
logical fallacy: slippery slope.

over 3000 gods have been dreamed up throughout history. why should yours "define marriage"?

especially since he's one of the most immoral villains in literature.
2009-04-11 18:04:14 UTC
As a lesbian, I'm in favor of LOVE, no matter the gender
Lucky Phil
2009-04-11 17:56:21 UTC
If you want to marry your pet goat,then go ahead.I don't care what you weirdos what to do.Just stop ramming your beliefs down my throat.
2009-04-11 17:56:02 UTC
i'm strait but i see nothing wrong with gay marriage

it does not affect me or you in any way

polygamy is not the same thing as two people loving one another. why don't you try to be more like jesus and love everyone. he even ate with tax men and prostitutes. just shove your hate up your asshole.
2009-04-11 18:40:53 UTC
God created man, woman and marriage itself... he should define what it is and what it was meant to be
2009-04-11 18:01:14 UTC
yes no no no no, I don't believe in gods, I'm not gay, and it's a political issue, not a moral issue.
2009-04-11 18:21:45 UTC
No to all. marriage is a binding between a man and a woman. period.
2009-04-11 17:56:20 UTC

God has decided the definition of marriage read The Bible, The Quran, The Torah, its all there.

1. I dont want children as young as 5 taught about Gays/Gay marraige. But continue theyre learnings of tolerance to all.

2. I want to protect traditional marraige as it has religious conotations and is regarded as a religious sacrament and holey union by some. These religious values must be respected.

3. I want to stress the point that no rights are taken from gays as they get equal representation and right in civil unions under Family Code 275.5

4. Protect traditional marraige and its definition. (Would you change the meaning of dog to mean cat, or heterosexual to mean that somone is attracted to a plant? No, it is the same here you cannot deny that for hundreds if not thousands of years marraige was recognised as a union between a Man and a Woman.So why change it now, when gays get the exact same rights as heterosexuals.)

5.My own values and beliefs

6. This is different from the African-American oppression. As African Americans were oppressed to a huge degree and had no rights what so ever regarding unions or marriage. In this situation Gays are offered equal rights under civil unions, and lastly the issue of homosexuality is considered a sin in many religions.
2009-04-11 17:56:51 UTC
in time my christians friend, in time. The would will start to love their dogs, and want rights. And sisters and brothers..... saying little fido is so cute as the man says he loves me and I believe we are one together and he is my soul mate. And the world with their dark minds will start to come out of the closet. Demanding rights from this Democratic world.
2009-04-11 17:55:34 UTC
No marriage is a union between a man and a woman consecrated before God. Poligamy is not acceptable before God. Incest or other forms of sickness is also not allowed and an abomination before God. Morals are given in the guidelines set up by the Lord Himself in the ten commandments.
blue chaos soɐɥɔ ǝnlq
2009-04-11 17:53:30 UTC
Yes,yes, No, Hell no, whatever
2009-04-11 17:53:56 UTC
yes to any relationship that can show consent
2009-04-11 18:06:42 UTC
NOPE- it's a sin against the flesh and God !
2009-04-11 17:53:56 UTC
in favor of same sex marriage?

NO. the bible says no homosexuality, so i say that too :)
2009-04-11 17:56:12 UTC
no it is wrong and immoral

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