How do you feel about women in the work force?
2007-03-19 11:20:45 UTC
I know this may offend some of you.
I'm more open minded about this than most people.
I think it's ok for women to work outside the home if they don't have children.
There are jobs that wouldn't get done without them.
If you don't agree,ask yourself,What about nurses,waitresses,secretarys.
Don't say gay men could feel these spots because there aren't enough of them.
22 answers:
Cuddly Alcoholic
2007-03-19 17:35:27 UTC
I think it's OK to have women work with you, as long as they are easy on the eyes, are willing to learn...and a bit flirty.

Single is always a plus; and definately- no children...a major distraction.

I don't meet many women with my work...well, except at the practice, or the bars/brothels.
2007-03-19 11:26:34 UTC
I don't think that this is really an issue anymore, is it?

Women are in the workforce and have been for years - everyone is used to it.

As for that gumph about nurses, waitresses and secretaries - lots of men work in those jobs too and have done for a long time.

How exactly are you being open-minded, anyway? What are you being open-minded about? Women do work and no-one, except you, apparently, thinks anything of it.

I'm not offended by your question, I'm bemused. Where on earth do you live that this is even an issue for you?
2007-03-20 13:23:07 UTC
I disagree that you're more open-minded about this than most other people, unless you're reversing the usual order of things. Most people take it as a given that women work, and only a minority think that they should stay home with the kids for the duration of their childhood. Your position seems to begin from taking the latter as a given, with women's working as being at issue. Most people would have to be pretty open-minded not to think you're living in a time warp or in some fundamentalist cult in the mountains. Do you even get TV in your remote commune? Do you have access to newspapers and books?

___Most women, like most men, like to work because it's fulfilling. It also gets them out into society, where they can have interesting encounters with interesting people. A child is in school from age six onward, so even if you think mothers should be at home when the children are home, are they supposed to twiddle their thumbs for 6-8 hours a day, when they could be out and being productive and fulfilled and stimulated?

___The stay-at-home-mom is a historical anomaly of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Women, like men in earlier centuries, worked, though both worked at home or pretty close to home. Mothers' "jobs" were not confined to child-rearing. The industrial revolution took both men and women out of the home (and children too), and when child-labor laws were passed, more kids were unoccupied during the day. And with the 20th century's labor-saving devices, running a home didn't require so much time. This is a sketchy account, but the notion that the stay-at-home mom, whose sole job is child-rearing, is the historical norm, is just factually in error.

___Feminism may be mostly full of crap, but it's correct on this score.

___All of this being said, I find myself wondering if your question is serious, or a put-on.
2007-03-19 11:33:35 UTC
These days most women HAVE to work whether they have kids or not. Very often, a woman is raising a family ALONE, and if they are to eat and have a roof over their heads, then she must work. Even in family's where the man has been man enough to stick around, it normally takes 2 incomes to have a decent house and live comfortably, which is why single parent households are usually living below the poverty level in not so hot areas. THEN there are women who have brilliant minds and lots of ambition and want a career, they have every right to persue it.
2007-03-19 12:00:44 UTC
What planet are you from?

Listen love, round here there are male nurses, waiters and male secretaries. There are also male kindergarten teachers and males working in day nurseries. There are female truck, bus, train and tram drivers. There are female civil and military aircraft pilots.

We may still have to go through childbirth, but after that parenting is either a shared job, or we'll do it alone. That's ALONE! As in 'Goodbye and thanks for all the sperm.'

Welcome to the 21st Century.

Now, may I introduce you to the automatic washing machine, tumbler drier and dishwasher - all electronic machines which, from experience, are known to baffle the gifted computer expert?

Get acquainted before it's too late.
2007-03-19 11:28:29 UTC
You're so old fashioned. Let me point out some major factors you've missed out here. Firstly it's 2007 not 1807 and secondly, secretaries are also male, as are waiters, nurses etc.

We live in EQUALITY and both sexes are capable of being good in any job they take. This includes stay at home dads - of which I know some.

I think you should re read what you've asked here. You're definately another chauvanistic sad male with little respect for women by the sound of it.
2007-03-19 11:41:43 UTC
you do make a valid point, even if it will piss some people off

I will say this, if I am an investor, I want my companies to be run lean and mean with all the emphasis on the mighty dollar, that's what publicly traded companies are all about ... showing dividends to their investors ... I invest to make money, not to make sure everyone is treated fairly by their employer

that's the reality

Men who work for these companies make sacrifices in there lives, and Woman should do the same ... and I think anyone who's main focus is driving a company's wealth can succeed, regardless of sex

but if you're asking if woman should accept a position as a CEO in a publically traded company when she knows she wants to have a family life ... No ... Duh!
2007-03-19 11:51:01 UTC
Well i have always felt it does not matter man or woman the thing is can they do the job, if they can great if not get rid of them, we are equal all the way, but it comes down to the individual person as to them being able to do the job
2007-03-19 12:24:23 UTC
I feel women should receive the same pay as men!

I have no interest in having children and my career is important to me. The male members of my staff are just as important as the female ones.
hana woo
2007-03-19 12:29:41 UTC
well male waitresses are waiters, so that one doesnt count so much but the other 2 i can see your point. since im going to be a trainee nurse, i'll keep an eye out for the males!! xx
2007-03-19 11:29:13 UTC
I really do not think that one can generalise on this, its a case of horses for courses, we all differ, I have had some bitchy men unable to do my job, yet I have met some women whom I have really admired in their roles. There are acception to every rule I guess.
2007-03-19 11:28:40 UTC
men can do those jobs you mentioned and they dont have to be gay,in this day and age alot of women have to work just to make ends meet,i am extremely blessed to be able to stay home with my kids but there are other women who dont have that luxury and would love to be home,i dont think your as open minded as you would like to think
just me
2007-03-20 04:15:03 UTC
Why ask? Its not an issue anymore like it was 100 or 50 years ago. We have to work to get money and survive.... pay bills and rent etc. Not everyone is kept.
2007-03-19 11:32:03 UTC
You forgot to mention the Queen of England & all other queens, presidents, ambassadors, doctor, surgeons, air pilots, university professors, engineers & designers........
Minxy m
2007-03-19 11:25:42 UTC
My Girle mates in the RAF that come back for Afganistan do alot more and contribute in live more than your arigant mind will ever do!!
Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad
2007-03-19 11:32:56 UTC
I think it is proper for a woman to hold any position she is capable of handling.

--That Cheeky Lad
2007-03-19 16:02:59 UTC
Why shouldn't women with kids work?
2007-03-19 11:29:56 UTC
i think its great, plus it helps take pressure an stress of the man.what woman wants to do wit her life its up to her evev if she does have kids.
2007-03-19 11:24:02 UTC
Which planet did you emigrate from ? Dont confuse open-minded with simple-minded dude.
Java Jive
2007-03-19 11:23:42 UTC
well since i am young, unmarried and have no children, i cant think of any other way to make money and reap benefits, can you?
Kermit renversant de corporation
2007-03-19 12:35:33 UTC
Spot on, mate!

This is why one should deal with European girls, only.
i,m here if you need to talk.
2007-03-19 11:26:01 UTC
i like it because they know how to talk to people welcome to the 21at century, your 70 years late.

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