2015-07-18 18:51:20 UTC
Thing is I grew up dirt floor poor. Quite literally. It can't be understated - I was poor.
Yet I've never intentionally committed a crime in my life. Never did drugs, drank, or even smoke a cigarette. I was raised to be clean, no matter what. I was told that it didn't matter if I had to gather water in a tin can and clean my clothes with stone and my bare hands - as long as I stayed clean and held myself to a high standard.
I dropped out of School. That was a mistake. But I acquired a job and now I'm heading to a University soon.
I'm not trying to brag but I hear constantly from Poor people, and politicians that "Poor people can't help being dirty and uneducated and unhealthy" when yes, you can.
Poverty doesn't take away ones ability to work. I don't mean a 9 - 5 Job, I mean house and hygiene work. I mean putting in the effort to keep yourself clean and your home in working order.
Or am I just wrong?