No. Masonry is not part of any NWO conspiracy.
Masons are bound to support the government of their own nation and respect the bounderies of others...but never allow themselves to suffer under tyranny.
Masons are bound to support liberty for all men...the ability to think, speak, live,and worship as the individual sees fit.
Masons believe in moderation, honor, reason, tolerance and understanding.
If you want to look for the NWO conspiracy, if one exists, look at yourself you support public smoking bans, universal health care, home owners associations, gun control etc? Do you keep up with the Jones', always having to have the hot new car or electronic gadget because everyone else has one?
If a NWO conspiracy exists, it is not coming from the top down, it is being driven from the bottom up- the consumer class of everyday people who desire so much safety and protection from the government, who want so much to have everything available to them that they are willing to vote away their freedoms and individuality to get it.
These are not Masonic values or ideals, so please do not drag Masonry into the mix of one world government. We are interested in living our own lives, not yours.