2011-07-07 13:02:18 UTC
Thing is I live in the deep south. The town I am in does not allow interracial dating and I have caught flak for kissing a White girl. I am 18 (almost going to be 19) and I plan on moving to a place like California or New York when I get a job.
Now I haven't seen much diversity in my own town but when I post on some places online it is always "Indian guys have it bad with the ladies" or "OnLY Indian women want Indian guys".
I really want to date and marry interracial, it is a long story but the last thing I want is to marry an Indian girl, I much rather die single. Now I have asked so many questions about Indian guys with non-Indian girlfriends and wives that it has become a major OCD. Whenever I have some lone time I ask it.
How can I get over my OCD?