Will the internet ever be tamed the way the Wild West was?
2007-10-19 22:21:35 UTC
Lots of situations in terms of laws have been proposed over the internet that reminded me of the way the Wild West is often referred to. Does anybody think the internet will be eventually regulated the way order seemed to have follow in the death of the Wild West.
Eleven answers:
A Plague on your houses
2007-10-19 22:26:38 UTC
With google and yahoo the dominant forces on the internet, they are becoming the fascists of the cyberworld. Google has worked with the Chinese to limit free speech on the internet, and not coincidentally have banned any advertising which criticizes their fellow-Stalinists, Moveondotorg. Likewise, Yahoo Answers censors, deletes and otherwise silences any strong critics of its social doctrine of multiculturalism.
2007-10-19 22:48:11 UTC
Never, until the day (if there will be a day) that somebody or some nation actually owns or controls the internet. If the internet starts to get divided into different sections and every section was controlled by someone, then it would be the beginning of internet control. Then maybe the internet would be a virtual earth with countries and sections that you can't go into without a password. The leader of every section would be in charge of what sites could be posted and what would be posted on every site. Every "section" would have its own government or something.

Wow that would be amazing.................. Would the sections have names?
2007-10-19 22:23:52 UTC
I don't think you can fully tame the Internet because nobody owns it. While government sometimes regulates it for child pornography, explicit material, and threatening content, there is no one who actually controls the Internet.

And you one SHOULD control OR regulate it either. It's a free country and people should have the freedom to do what they want. Regulating it just gives government MORE power in our lives, and right now, we need LESS of that.

Give the choices and the money back to the people.
2007-10-19 22:42:43 UTC
Unless cowboys learn to use computers, I doubt the internet will ever be tamed the way the Wild West was.
2007-10-19 22:31:03 UTC
I hope we don't tame it in the same fashion as the Wild West was. The idea of Native Americans being slaughtered all over the place just doesn't appeal to me. But, we do need to do something about identity theft, child porn, international terror plots, you know, the stuff that makes us all sick.

I just had to answer your question as I love your nic, Shootmeinthebuttwithanarrow. LOL!!!
2016-12-30 00:18:52 UTC
No, how somebody or something's nature is will continually be how that is. as an occasion, in case you catch a wild raccoon and feed it merely the main suitable meals, it is going to nonetheless want to flee your place and devour because it does interior the wild. The Manciple's tale from Chaucer provides an staggering description of this. Be warned, that's in middle English, which seems plenty like Frisian or Dutch, so which you will be able to desire to have a complicated time interpreting it once you're a sort of who considers Shakespeare as "previous English" (Shakespeare is rather early cutting-edge English).. yet now to purpos, as I first bigan: This worth Phebus dooth al that he kan To plesen hir, wenynge that swich plesaunce, And for his manhede and his governaunce, That no guy sholde han placed hym from hire grace. yet God it woot, ther might no guy embody As to destreyne a thyng, which that nature Hath natureelly set in a creature. Taak any bryd, and placed it in a cage, And do al thyn entente and thy corage To fostre it tendrely with mete and drynke, Of alle deyntees that thou kanst bithynke; And keepe it al so clenly as thou might, in spite of the reality that his cage of gold be nevere so gay, yet hath this bryd, through twenty thousand foold, Levere in a wooded area it extremely is impolite and coold Goon ete wormes, and swich wrecchednesse; For evere this bryd wol doon his bisynesse to flee out of his cage, whan he might. His libertee this brid desireth ay. Lat take a cat, and fostre hym wel with milk, And tendre flessh, and make his couche of silk, And lat hym considered a mous circulate through the wal, Anon he weyveth milk and flessh and al, and each deyntee it extremely is in that hous, Swich appetit he hath to ete a mous. Lo, heere hath lust his dominacioun, And appetit fleemeth discrecioun. A she wolf hath additionally a vileyns kynde, The lewedeste wolf that she might fynde, Or leest of reputacioun wol she take, In tyme whan hir lust to han a make. Alle thise ensamples speke I through thise men, That been untrewe, and no thyng through wommen, For men han evere a likerous appetit On decrease thyng to parfourne hire delit, Than on hire wyves, be they nevere so faire, Ne nevere so trewe, ne so debonaire. Flessh is so newefangel, with meschaunce, That we ne konne in no thyng han plesaunce That sowneth into vertu any at the same time as.
2007-10-19 22:32:26 UTC
Yep, once they decide its 'necessary' to trample our rights to privacy and free speech for the greater good.
2007-10-19 22:25:41 UTC
Get off your mouse and drink your milk pilgrim
2007-10-19 23:14:21 UTC would rather be named and infinite knowledge LOL.

by the way the INTERNET WILL NEVER BE regulated...NEVER.
2007-10-19 22:26:26 UTC
no theres no indians defending their home and no Calvary committing genocide
2007-10-19 22:24:23 UTC
i don't think so.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.