Recently I fell off the Hollywood cloud and hit the ground hard. I still cannot believe that I thought there are some individuals there who are worth of praising. I have started unraveling the dirt on Johnny Depp, the people he supports who are famous but done monstrosities, like H.S. Thompson, Polanski, Che Guevara. Sometimes you cannot believe this guys have kids! And it seems like the majority of the famous people are just scumbags! So what do you do personally? Knowing, for example, some famous writer who wrote an awesome book is a you close your eyes and mind on that fact, skip it and read the book again because you used to love it that much? Do you go and watch Johnny's movies with the same desire as before you know the bad stuff about him? I sure as hell can't! Which means disaster, not reading a single book or to see a single movie again without being paranoid. I am the kind of person that likes to know somehting about a book author before I read the book, I like intercalating his state of mind a bit while I am reading, to give me the human touch of how the book was created. And in the movie, if a person is that fake, how can you watch it?