Examples of progress traps we have overcome?
2014-02-17 11:50:08 UTC
I am reading Ronald Wright's book on progress traps and I just realized, for each civilization that has failed from a progress trap like Easter Island, the Romans and so on, there must be someone who has learned from them.

Are there any examples of how a civilization had a progress trap that almost destroyed it but managed to overcome it by changing practices?
Three answers:
2014-02-17 14:53:57 UTC
Yeah, man proposes, God disposes.

As for evidence: There is a history of lying to and enslaving spiritual tribes on this planet (Back to the Nephilim Giants of which ancient technologies were alleged to have derived from), and replacing them with celestial worship. (Enslaved by false God worship, the Devils paradigms/institutions of mind) Read: Matthew, 23:4 - 7) & (Epistle to Jude 1:4) & (Revelation Chapter 3:9)

Question: Where the Easter Islanders worshiping some God Giant?

From 1379 BC The Heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) pervades the minds of the masses with monotheistic delusion, Aten the Sun God was prophesied to be the main deity and used to take on Tuthmosis IV. Soon after Akhenaten become pharaoh of Egypt. (Persecuted the Israelite's)

Pyramids in South America and Africa, Stone Henge, The Astrological Clock in Strasbourg where political meetings are held ect. (Read Galations Chapter 4:29)

Why did the Aztecs like the Egyptians have pyramids, yet the Indians of North America did not? Which incidentally were later wiped out by European satanic Imperialism - later finished by politics. (Andrew Jackson's 1830 Rapacious Indian Removal Act)


It is usual to distinguish between science and superstition, knowledge and ignorance. But it is not difficult to realize that the two are relative, and even complementary to each other. The history of science has been one of relentless struggle with ignorance, and its brood, prejudice and superstition.

But that history also reveals that the science of to-day may become the superstition of to-morrow.

In primitive times people used to rely abjectly on the wizard and the magic-worker for their existence and knowledge. To-day that reliance has been transferred to the scientist and technician.

Though it is true that modern science and technology have mitigated human misery to some extent and added some comfort to human existence, it is irrational on our part to surrender ourselves to them in the hope that they will save us from all troubles, and that they will eradicate suffering and ignorance. The past record only shows that fresh troubles have been added, and new types of ignorance too. To quote the words of a British scientist, Prof. A. V. Hill, 'In fact, every technical advance, every scientific or medical discovery brought with it human problems to solve, moral, social, political or aesthetic. To imagine that scientific and technical progress alone can solve all the problems that beset mankind is to believe in magic, and magic of the unattractive kind that denies a place to the human spirit '. Thus, it is clear that science does not mean omniscience. If the frontiers of knowledge are extended in one direction, the floods of ignorance invade in another. In fact, every new knowledge brings with it a new ignorance. As Sri Ramana says in the present verse, ' There is no knowledge apart from ignorance'.

Why is this so? Because our knowledge of objects is rooted in ignorance. True knowledge is knowledge of the self- what in our commentary on the previous verse was described as the vision of the One. All other knowledge is knowledge only in name. In the Upanisads, a distinction is made between two kinds of knowledge, the higher and the lower, para vidya and apara vidya. The higher knowledge is self knowledge. The lower knowledge is the knowledge of objects. This latter is impossible without avidya/ignorance or nescience. (Forty Verses of Existence P70/71 & 72)


If we evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, (General estimate – 200,000), why does the story keep changing?

Man found in Palastine 400,000 years ago (Homosapien)

Also, in equivalent and relevant terms of time, why have we technologically evolved over the equivalent to 5 days?


Lets say 30 years for modern technology.

So: 30 years Multiplied by 10 Divided by 400,000 years = 0.00075

So 30 years is 0.00075% of 400,000 years

Now 365 days in a year Multiplied by 400,000 = 146000000 Days.

0.00075 Divided by 146000000 = 5.1 Days.

So in equivalent and relevant terms of time, we have technologically evolved in the last 5 Days.


In Lebanon - The ruins of Baalbek, according to Arabs said to have been built by a tribe of Giants for the Biblical King Nimrod consists of rocks no modern Crain can lift today.

The history of settlement in the area of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years.

And over 2,000 years ago Archimedes had worked out the solar system  (287 BC – c. 212 BC)


Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

Albert Einstein.

"Nothing is as it seems. Nor is it otherwise."

Lankavatara Sutra - Mahāyāna Buddhism

There is no greater mystery than this; that being the reality we seek to gain reality.

Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950)

The universe is endlessly going through creation and dissolution. But that does not affect the Self. The Self is beyond time and causation. Creation and dissolution are in time. In reality nothing else exists. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XV - P98

15. He who sees the universe may try to deny it. What has the desireless to do? He sees not even though he sees. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XVIII – P136

2016-11-03 09:10:02 UTC
Progress Traps
2014-08-18 16:05:40 UTC
Hello, here are a few more ideas and it is important to note that progress traps occur not only in civilizations but in organizations large and small:


Tokugawa & deforestation in Japan:

Ecador enshrined nature in their constitution:

Companies such a Fedex, Disney:

Dealing with climate change AND creating jobs:

Good news about solar energy from the IPCC:

Political catastrophe avoided:

thanks for raising the question!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.