A man is riding through the desert on his camel and finds a sudden urge to have sex. Realising that there are no women around he turns to his camel. Just as he tries to position it, it turns around and bites him on the balls. He gives up and carrys on riding.
A few days later he gets the same feeling all over again, still there are no women around so again he is forced to rely on his camel. However, as he tries to position it, the camel bites him on the balls again. As before he gives up and carries on riding. A couple of days later, he reaches a small village only to find 3 gorgeous looking blondes in the back of a mini cooper. One of them gets out of the car and approaches him.
"Excuse me" she said "but could you fix our car, as we have just broken down, we'll offer you anything in return?"
Knowing alot about mechanics the man takes up the offer and agrees to fix their car. An hour later, the man had fixed the car and all three blondes walked up to him.
"Thank you very much, thats great!" said the first blonde.
"Well what do you want us to do?" said the second.
"We'll do anything!" said the third
After thinking about this for a while the man replies "Can you hold my camel's head still?"