I'm an American who hates America!?
2008-04-23 17:27:55 UTC
I live in America, but I totally hate it. I think this country is wasteful, lazy, and has a really poor government. But, me being still too young to move (preferably to England, I'm a total anglophile.) I'm stuck here. So A, how do I fill the void until I CAN move there? And B, how will I earn the money to move there? Please if you can answer both questions!

Ps: I'm not a stereotypical American. O.K, so I like junk food, and I'm sorta chubby, but British culture is my LIFE!!!
54 answers:
2008-04-23 17:42:22 UTC
I HATE america as well. I am ashamed to even be american! The best thing we can do right now is get the waste of a president out of office and get a new better president in! I would say wait it out a bit here and see if things get better. Maybe if we could end these wars with other countries, america would be a better place. I am waiting for our next president (hopefully obama), and then if things don't improve, I'M MOVING! In the mean time and between time, i would say get a job and save up your money! Maybe we could move together! Good luck!
2014-03-20 19:41:28 UTC
You're not alone; and I say if we were living in such a great country, then why is this nation going through a recession every so many years? Why do the rich here have so much self-pity? Why are Americans the second highest population of illegal aliens in Australia? Then you got those scuzzbags running the I.R.S. who couldn't care less about any hardships anyone is going through. They don't give Americans any reason to feel patriotic about this country. Being forced to live in this crap hole of a nation makes you hate this country even more so. And I hate it when people say that if the government doesn't shape up, they're going to defect from our country and move to Texas. Where does that crap come from? Texas is like the death penalty capital of the world and it's still the United States of America. Is Texas seceding from the Union and I just don't know about it? And who's not to say that if it did secede from the United States of America, it wouldn't become another Jonestown, Guyana with all the religious fanatics it attracts. E.g. David Koresch in Waco!
2008-04-23 23:36:49 UTC
A lot of Americans are wasteful and lazy. The government is poor right now, but it will get better.

Anyway, you should visit England before you decide to move there. When you go to university, try to see if you study abroad and don't expect to go to London. Try other cities. There are cities besides London. There was a man who told you some cities other than London.

Anyhow, there are worse places to live than America. America isn't my most favourite place either. Make sure you learn more about British culture and watch their TV shows. If not doing research, you will sound ignorant. Don't assume stereotypes, either.

Get a job if you want to go there and save up but don't decide to move there unless you visit first. You need to see if you like it. It's okay to like Britain better than America, but it may not be as great as you think. There are many problems there as well as in America. There is more violence than ever before.

Like I said, when you are university, then try to study abroad. It will be fun and a good experience. You should travel the world and learn different cultures, though British culture isn't that much different. If you like it there, then move, but you have to do research on immigration laws and contact the embassy. You will need a visa at first and a passport.

It is also more expensive in Britain due to the weakness of the dollar.

Anyway, you may realise you like America better, or you will be homesick. Make your decision wisely. It may be hard to get a job there. It would be lovely if you could go there and show you aren't as stupid as many Americans are seen.
Dennis C. Lee
2008-04-23 17:57:44 UTC
Don't worry Emily. You're not alone. Most Americans are critical of America. Even those who claim to love America say they hate the Americans whose politics are different than theirs.

English culture may seem very charming with their cute accents and all, but they have many of the same problems Americans do. England still has race and class prejudice, high gas prices, immigration problems (of which you will be one of) and a costly war, both in money and lives, in Iraq.

You can always fill the void by listening to Artic Monkeys and other Brit pop music, and it won't really take much savings to get to there if you're only buying a one-way ticket.

But take some time to look around at the things that are still amazing about America. I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm just asking you to take a broader view.
2008-04-23 17:36:55 UTC

I am so glad to hear an American say that! My suggestion is don't move! Work your butt off and you can make a difference. America needs MORE people like you.

But if you are really intent on moving, how about a working holiday when you turn 18? (that is the legal adult age in most of europe, also when DO you turn 18?) Then you can decide if that is really what you want. That way you do not need to save as much.

In the meantime fill the void by just throwing yourself into your education/work and use that to get to where you really want to be. Surround yourself with good people. I refuse to believe you are the only American that has the same thoughts, or maybe I am just being ignorant!
2008-04-23 18:41:29 UTC
Sorry some of your comments that you have received are so mean spirited. I am an American too and share you infatuation with anything British. Taking a vacation to England might help ease the void! There are college classes you can take abroad in England, not only will you be earning school credits, but you usually have a guide.

Do not confuse real life with the books and movies you see about England. That is no way to judge a country.

I thank God to be born in America. I have noticed too that people here are wasteful and lazy, and perhaps it is just me but even the receptionist at the doctor's can be an absolute *****! That was a no-no when I did reception work! Yes, civility and manners are truly on the decline here too, but it is up to us to inspire them to stop thinking so much about themselves and help others.

What is Culture anyways? When there are children out their who are hungry and whose bellies are so full of worms, culture should be taking a back seat!

Besides, the loveliest person I ever met, was not British, she was Danish, my grandmother!
2015-07-02 09:17:16 UTC
I hate this country, too, and I'm an American. I was born in 1952, and I've seen this country when it was at its best, when working people (the true majority) could have good lives. Once Reagan instituted his disgusting, evil policies that changed America from a democracy to a corporatocracy (and the other presidents followed suit), this country has become a corrupt hell-hole. Working people and poor people are constantly attacked, denigrated, and the politicians, in doing the behest of their rich campaign donors, are destroying our lives. Sooner or later, it has to end and I think it will end with a big crash. A country that allows ultra-wealthy people and big corporations to weasel out of paying their fair share of taxes cannot last for long. Workers' salaries have been pretty much frozen ever since the Reagan years, and yet we are made to pay the taxes and pick up the slack left by the rich and big business not paying their fair share. Add to that these stupid wars-for-profit that are bleeding the country dry to the tune of a trillion a year and you have a recipe for disaster. This is not a democracy anymore. I am ashamed to be American, when I look at what our country does to poorer nations. Our corporations dump their toxic waste on poorer countries, our corporations enslave poorer workers, and, after spending billions of money and time on "fighting communism", we ended up cozying up to a disgusting communist country. We are quickly becoming the United States of China. "USA": "Useless States of America."
Comrade Bolshev
2008-04-23 22:47:08 UTC
You're not alone. Everyone with any sense hates America. However, I know many British people who hate Britain as it is now (but usually loved it as it was), and some Irish people who hate Ireland (generally they move to Britain and hate Britain too).

Just in my experience, French people and Russians are different - they hate, more specifically, the things that have happened to their countries rather than those countries themselves.

Everyone, however, agrees that this is a terrible time to be living in - and most people think that the roots of the things that have made it a terrible time are American.

Stand up - or be dug up - Milton Freedman, Reagan, Murdoch and others - the fingers of the intelligent world point at you!
2008-04-23 17:42:41 UTC
Home is where the heart is. Maybe there is where you need to be. But remember one thing. If you run from the casket, you will run into the corpes. And you will hate something about England too. That is a promise. From what I am hearing, you are too young too young to be making such a drastic decision for yourself alone. Please don't do something that you might regret. What works for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you. Normally when a person is anixious to do something like you they usually end up regetting it. But of course you are going to do what you want anyway. Good luck if you do.
Renny Rebellion
2008-04-23 17:33:42 UTC
It's totally understandable, actually same here but not the british part but I might go to oxford when im older haha. All together I think a job that you may be good at will past time and earn money. My sister had a few jobs before she went to college that earned her some good trail of money i think like... $21 an hour o.0;; So if you go and look for some job you will be able to stick to and you have some skill in will help you through
2016-10-24 14:13:41 UTC
The shiiit that is occurring in the back of the scenes,in our authorities,leisure market,etc.The nonsense guidelines(I do not ignore that we come to a decision guidelines because if we do not it must be chaos,yet there are some guidelines that are purely un talked about as for).They call this the land of the loose,one united states less than god,when we are not,on a daily basis u . s . is restricted of our freedoms,we definitely everybody that the position born with a delivery certific in u . s . our slaves,we are belongings of the authorities and so our little ones,(do not trust me seem it up,"strawman"),and that is totally laughble that we call ourselves a rustic less than god when we commence wars and deliver off infantrymen to kill possibility free people for there oil etc.,and prefer I stated in case you knew the shiit that became happing with the authorities even the president,our actually mocking god.i do not hate American pondering the actual undeniable truth that I do like it right here,that is jut the persons "in it" and who our operating it I dislike,and that i'm fairly certain that is an identical reason people do compared to us "individuals" and u . s . .We do have it better effective than maximum international places yet mutually we are no better effective,and we are only actually slaves wondering we've freedom at the same time as in truth we do not.
2008-04-23 18:37:53 UTC
This is in your own Profile:

About me: Hello, my name is Emily. Although online I'm known as Emma. I'm 13 years old and I live in the gorgeous but rainy Oregon. I have a great family consisting of lovable parents, a nice brother, loving pets, and some the funniest and most wonderful aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins you'll ever meet. I'm in 7th grade, and I have a 3.5 GPA. My last report card was all A's and B's. I have a few really good friends and a bunch of casual friends and good acquaintances. I absolutely love to talk, which tends to annoy people, but I have counselors helping me with that. Some of my favorite things are, going online, joking around, hanging out with friends, watching T.V, and of course, like every teen girl, shopping. But, I don't just like shopping for clothes. Sometime my mom and I will just go to Target to buy random things like beauty products, microwave meals, and other random things. My main favorite shows are Doctor Who, ANTM, and The Office. Right now, my life seems perfect. :)


You really dont have any life experience to make any type of realistic evaluation of any countries worth. Therefore please try to do more LISTENING and a lot less TALKING. You sound less intelligent then you really are!

I dont like to make judgements without info and I dont like to not answer the actual question But you managed to give it all in your profile. You must be pretty bright with your grades being what they are. however, what you know now is just a drop in the bucket, I am sure everyone in the world can atest to this.
2015-12-25 12:42:37 UTC
I was born in America and I hate it. I don't like calling myself American, they can all go to hell for all I give a fxck.
2008-04-23 17:50:05 UTC
Oh wow, an American who hates America. Why can't you be thankful for a change and show some respect for this country! Many people would die trying to have the opportunities you have here. Its a slap in the face to the thousands of men and women who have sacrificed their lives to protect your freedom. This constant garbage the media, i.e. Hollywood, puts out is why many people in other countries hate us. Its not an accurate representation of America to begin with! Sure, this country isn't perfect-no country is, but be thankful you have the right to speak your mind. I also have the right to speak mine, and I say go to England, and leave this country for people who respect it, and cherish it, and who realize how much consideration, and thought was put into the making of this government. Do you understand the purpose of government? Its not to "give out" your rights, or hand you everything you need...its there to protect your rights, and I believe that this country does one, if not the best job in the world of protecting your rights which you take for granted. If you don't like the country, then fine...move when you can, and leave it for those of us who have pride in living in such a great nation. P.S. I'm not against England; I love England and have traveled there before, but think before you jump into the "I hate America" crowd. I hope you come to some realizations in your lifetime, and I'm sorry if I've spoken harshly, but I hope you won't take for granted everything that has been given you here.
arsenic sauce
2008-04-23 17:36:45 UTC
Just because some people are like that, doesn't mean you have to be!

In college, try to do a study abroad there.

Also, maybe you could be a flight attendant or pilot and go there a lot.

or work in a company that has branches in England and try to get transeferred there!
2008-04-23 17:38:43 UTC
its not about where you live,

it's about who you are,

if you are a nobody you will be a nobody no matter where you are.

do you realize how stupid this question is??

you must be young.. :]

don't waste your time trying to be something your not.

and america is just like any other country,

everyone has lazy people, they have smart people, and stupid,

there is no such thing as a steriotypical american,

people are not based that way.

how do you fill the void??

I think you should try to get a hobby,

what are you interested in?? music, writing?

if you dislike wastefull-ness then why don't you try to break it??

you don't have to run from it.
2008-04-23 17:40:02 UTC
Absolutely correct about poor government. It is wasteful and lazy because the government has no common sense with the idiotic laws it passes. The lobbyists help us with the wasteful attitudes by not regulating car companies, fat in foods, and things like that. The idiotic politicians pass laws making it better for a person to stay at home on welfare then work. And the more children they have, the more money they get. The best thing you can do now is vote every incumbent out of office until we get some laws with common sense!
2008-04-23 23:21:15 UTC
There are already half a million (500,000) Americans living here in London. Not sure how many spread out nationwide. I did see one American lady on TV a while back, how came from Texas originally. She had come here on a holiday back in the 1960s and just did not bother to go back to the States.

So what to do between now and your arrival here in UK!

You could spend time learning more about the UK.

What are the British really like?

Let's take a look at comedy - usually works : -

Here's Bill Bailey doing foreign sirens

Here's how we do business in Parliament

The above is from the House of Commons 4th April 08.

We all speak English, right! Yes, but we often use different 'English' words to mean the same thing. For example; in the USA you say "hood" we say "bonnet" - that's the lid to the engine compartment of your car. Both English words.

Below you'll find some useful translations : -

american english english american translation guide


GUIDE --------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN -

ENGLISH ------------------ American ... - Cached

The English-to-American Dictionary - A Guide To British Slang

British English slang dictionary with translations into American English. - Cached

The American-British - British-American Dictionary

Collection of words and phrases, including information about holidays, weights

and measures, money, area codes and presidents and prime ministers.

English to English

When I first came to America, twenty two years ago, even though I spoke English,

the words coming out of my mouth often resulted in puzzled looks and blank ...

As Winston Churchill once said, "We are two nations separated by a common language".

More British comedy - this time a TV show here called, "Have I got News for You"!

Here's a trip down the London Underground - what we call the Choob (Tube) here in London : -

Piccadilly Circus Tube Station

Some history of the London Underground - the deep tube got started back in the 1890s and the money for it was put up by American Railroad Barons plus British shareholders. So now you know.

Here's something we have every year here in London - the Queen's Birthday Parade - Horseguards Whitehall

Massed Bands the Brigade of Guards

Here's Noel Coward singing "London Pride"

I have included the above because it gives you a deeper understanding of how much Londoners do love their city - London.

This next sites gets you lots of London panoramas (360s)

I just loved this next link when I came across it. It made me laugh so much, and still does - enjoy : -

This next link below gets you the webcam at Trafalgar Square in central London - it updates every few seconds and pans around : -

English Morris dancers at Covent Garden - London

Looks pretty dangerous to me - there's some guy waving what looks like a cutlas over his head.

At least it shows you the origins of 'Tap Dacing' - English.

Some more comedy.

Here's Peter Kay - Witnessing to a Robbery

Peter Kay has a north of England accent.
2008-04-23 17:33:17 UTC
You don't say how old you are but you will need excellent skills in order to be able to support yourself and move over there; it's very expensive in London but might be cheaper in the country. Best to contact the British Embassy and get more info and in the meantime educate yourself in a field where you can earn a decent income over there...anything in healthcare would be good, always a demand for that.
2008-04-23 17:32:18 UTC
fill the void by dating a british guy, earn the money by getting a job at a good place, it all adds up in the end! try working at a british museum
2008-04-23 17:32:29 UTC
Well, the UK is sort of sh1tty too. I used to date an Anglophile American. She was nice, but I think she viewed the UK through rose-tinted specs.

The US has lots of good aspects. Spend your time discovering those and appreciating them. At the least you will have a better perspective on the UK when you arrive.

But we'll be pleased to have you when you come.
2008-04-23 17:41:24 UTC
I know what you mean. i live in France but i am American. the American way seems very annoying. but when you get out of it you realize it is so easy to live with. Get through high school. go to Uni (collage) in the UK fiend a nice english boy or girl and marry him/her and stay there only way to get nationality easily. and english unis are much cheaper then American ones so you'll be saving loads of money. e mail me if you want to talk i love this topic. meatnutt@hotmail
Maxi Robespierre
2008-04-23 17:33:07 UTC
Well you are in good company cos most of your intelligent country fellows are over here in good ol England. But alas, you have to finish college, get a job and save up a bit and say goodbye to that place.

And pay no never minds to those who say the UK is rubbish because we are not. We are quite cultured here and there is more fresh air too. FREE
2014-11-07 03:35:42 UTC
If you come up with a way to get the hell out of here, please let me know. I am officially OVER this country. Not a proud American and I'm PROUD to admit it!
2008-04-23 17:31:11 UTC
A: Play World of Warcraft like many other American AND British people.

B: Get a job and don't spend your money on anything unless you absolutely need it.
2008-04-23 17:33:11 UTC
You might be surprised when you move over to Britain and see how much you mess American culture. There are a lot of things about America that absolutely bother me and there are a lot of things I love about America. Before you make a permanent move I suggests you take an extended vacation there first. Get a feel for the culture and British way of life before you become a permanent citizen there.
2008-04-23 17:32:56 UTC
You make some American or immigrant friends in America and pass the time eating junk food and watching football. Then, you get a college degree in America because the best schools are in America. Then, you switch from watching football and eating junk food to drinking tea and watching cricket and croquet once you move.


Lol at the world of warcraft guy on top.
2008-04-23 17:34:32 UTC
Sadie speaks for me.

You are blessed to live in America.

It's by no means perfect, but despite a major attraction gnawing at me to live elsewhere, I'd rather make America my permanent home.
2008-04-23 17:33:02 UTC
just start by trying to get a job there. have you checked on monster or other job sites. maybe you can find an english man to marry. i get fed up with living here too, but it is really hard to get a visa and a job overseas, and almost impossible to get citizenship.
2008-04-23 17:32:28 UTC
sometimes i feel that way..but then i just thank god that i do live here because when you think about many other countries can you say publically online that you hate that country, Sure we do have a lot of faults but at least i can say as an african american we do fight to change them..i dont think we should say we hate our country or just give up
2016-07-24 05:43:11 UTC
im not american and i will be american in future when i take citizen and i like to say that america is in my heart
2008-04-23 17:33:00 UTC
Oh yeah, because England is a utopia of not-wasteful and active people with the perfect government...

to answer your question-

Why not take an active role in your community?

to get money, perhaps you should try getting a job.

do some research on getting British citizenship, too.
2008-04-23 17:32:13 UTC
You fill the void by watching brittish movies and you make the money by working ?
2008-04-23 17:37:26 UTC
As an old Viet Nam Vet,I fought for Your right to hate this Country if that is what You want. So ,believe Me when I say,Go ahead and leave. I really don't care.You will soon see how good that You have it now. But don't worry,No one will miss You.
2008-04-23 17:40:43 UTC
make a difference and be the one that stands up for a

Change start from ur self and Quite sitting next to the

Computer and telling us how u hate ur self
Interesting Man
2008-04-23 17:34:25 UTC
First of all, its just Bush that makes America a bad country, I think that when Bush is out it will be better, Second England have bombings in the city's, Thirdly, think of this, Would you rather live here or Africa in a third world country
2008-04-23 17:33:56 UTC
Listen Tubs, sometimes it's better to dream, know what I mean?

The England you think you know may not be the one that exists.

When you have a vote, use it and make your own country a better place. ps I like junk food but I don't eat it.
2008-04-23 17:30:34 UTC
Worry ye not...there's plenty of Brits who hate America (you're not alone...and that's before you mention the middle-east). If you are not as 'stereotypical' as you claim, would you reside in English locations like Norwich, Macclesfield, Rotherham, Truro, Leeds, or elsewhere far from the capital...or would you have londonlondonlondon on your mind - where most of the inhabitants would spend their time sneering at you before ripping you off! Coventry will welcome you with open arms, whilst Oxford Street, W1 will do the same with open tills...until you put summat in it.
Santa's Helper
2008-04-23 17:33:50 UTC
... you're just a depressed person ... moving will not cure you ... you'll just be depressed in another location ... STAY HERE! ... watch "Wizard Of OZ" ... there's NoPlaceLikeHome ...
Me Again ??
2008-04-23 17:33:45 UTC
Your parents know best so listen to them
2008-04-23 17:32:06 UTC
Why hate? You are very fortunate to live in this country, and people are desperate to come into the United States.

The United States is the land of opportunity, and again, you are very lucky to live in this country.

Edit: Well, I know some people in Britain might feel the same way as you cuz I heard that young people from Britain want to come to the United States to get a college education.
2008-04-23 18:29:26 UTC
Emily, you sound like nice person, can't blame you wanting to leave that s-ithole, i don't want to sound nasty, but i need to be clear do not come to England, you are not welcome here, nor any Yank, go else where. Please
2008-04-24 11:25:58 UTC
find a true religion
DJ King, K for Music & True Love
2008-04-23 17:30:19 UTC
Things will get better. don't worry
2008-04-23 17:36:25 UTC
u just hate it because your pessimistic. how do u think moving will change ur mood? and yes u are stereotypical.
2008-04-23 17:31:04 UTC

Whats your question? Get a job :)
2008-04-23 17:33:17 UTC
Have you ever even been to England? Please tell me you have, otherwise this question would be incredibly ignorant.
2008-04-23 17:30:26 UTC
Silly person you still haven't switched to UK YA.
Cubaka O
2008-04-23 17:34:38 UTC
just want to let u know u r not the only 1....

Danielle & Patrick
2008-04-23 17:32:33 UTC
maybe you could be a chubby mail order bride. the sooner you get out the better. i hate people like you
2008-04-23 17:30:08 UTC
i hate america too
2008-04-23 17:31:28 UTC
you are blessed to live in america
boxy b
2008-04-23 17:30:59 UTC
see you, bye. cross the border to mexico, we won't miss you, see what it is like there.
2008-04-23 17:31:35 UTC
Go back to Russia you communist!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.