Just go for it. So many people struggle to try and find a career that suits them, and you clearly think that nursing would be a good job for you, so just apply and get your nursing education. As others have said, the idea that you shouldn't be a nurse 'because you are male' is like saying that someone shouldn't be a lorry driver 'because they're a woman.'
I have been in hospital many times, and you will find that there are all types of male nurse. Some look very manly (with big hairy arms/big belly and talk about sport etc) and some are perhaps more, what some might describe as 'camp.') I was surprised at this initially, because I thought that all male nurses would be very effeminate (my prejudice), and it was (at first) quite amusing to see big hairy men, with tattoos, talking about football and acting like they were in some sports bar, to be wearing a nursing uniform! I soon learnt that nurses come from ALL walks of life, there is no 'typical male' or 'typical female' nurse.
What matters, is not whether or not being a 'nurse' was 'traditionally' seen as a female career, and whether or not being a male nurse implies that you must be gay, but what matters is do you enjoy the job and are you confident at it. You clearly want to be a male nurse and enjoy helping people, so it would be literally insane not to do it, just because a few bigots think it's 'womans work.' Being a nurse isn't just "for men who can't be doctors." They are completely different jobs, they just happen to both be within healthcare. That's like saying someone who likes travelling and is an air steward/cabin crew, is only in that job because they couldn't be a pilot. Choosing a job because it pays more and is viewed as more prestigious is a dreadful idea, when you know that the 'actual job' doesn't suit your style. You like to help people hands-on, being there for them when they are ill or frightened and knowing about the drugs or procedures that they're going through. You clearly don't want to be looking through a lot of paperwork and trying to make sense of statistics so you can diagnose someone's foot fungus infection, and spending only 10 minutes with them at a quick consultation.
Also, when I was in hospital, a lot of the male nurses were MUCH nicer to me than some of the female nurses. Some of the female nurses didn't care that I was in pain, whereas some of the male nurses went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable and gave me tips on how to lie to relieve pain etc. It makes no difference if you are male or female, both can either succeed or fail miserably at making someone feel looked after.
Go and become a nurse and anyone who makes a big deal out of it isn't worth your time or attention.