I have to say that I'm just a aggravated as the next guy when I see someone driving badly because they are paying more attention to their Cell phone conversation than they are to their driving. HOWEVER, I do not like laws that try to regulate this. I have seen that they have even come up with studies that talking on a hands free is dangerous. What about talking to the person next to you. Will they make that illegal? If they are going to do this then they need to make it illegal to eat while driving, they need to make it illegal to change your CD or radio station while driving. Even if they make a law that all a driver can do while driving is drive, then how do you enforce a law to stop them from daydreaming? If someone is driving bad it's called careless driving. There is already a law for that. A bad driver is a bad driver and a good driver is a good driver. There is no reason to step on others' driving freedoms, if it's not going to help anyway. What do you think?