What do you think of Laws against driving while on the cell phone?
2006-07-06 14:20:57 UTC
I have to say that I'm just a aggravated as the next guy when I see someone driving badly because they are paying more attention to their Cell phone conversation than they are to their driving. HOWEVER, I do not like laws that try to regulate this. I have seen that they have even come up with studies that talking on a hands free is dangerous. What about talking to the person next to you. Will they make that illegal? If they are going to do this then they need to make it illegal to eat while driving, they need to make it illegal to change your CD or radio station while driving. Even if they make a law that all a driver can do while driving is drive, then how do you enforce a law to stop them from daydreaming? If someone is driving bad it's called careless driving. There is already a law for that. A bad driver is a bad driver and a good driver is a good driver. There is no reason to step on others' driving freedoms, if it's not going to help anyway. What do you think?
66 answers:
Valley Mental Health tooele Utah
2006-07-06 14:23:59 UTC
if it causes a traffic hazzard or you crash a car while talking on one the penalties increase
Dan S
2006-07-06 14:33:11 UTC
It has been proven that Cell Phones, even the "hands free" models distract the driver and increase the accident rate.

According to the NBC Nightly News People on a cell phone break 9% slower. They have aired several reports on the problems of being on a cell phone and driving. Some states have enacted laws that teenagers cannot use a cell phone in the car, when they are driving.

Statistics were never collected about people on the CB Radio, but I am sure they cause similar problems.

Enforcement: Traffic cameras are common, include a lower camera with a zoom lens and you can catch offenders that way. You can also use Traffic Light Cameras. The police can observe cell phone users, behind the wheel, just as they observe speeders. A cell phone should be in its holster or in a purse while driving. If a person is pulled over and the cell phone lies next to them, then they could be given a ticket for that. Traffic Fines are a big part of a town's budget, for some towns it is the most important part. Enforcement won't be a problem.
Boober Fraggle
2006-07-06 14:35:41 UTC
Considering I had a close friend die in just that situation. I'm all for the laws trying to end it. Yes accidents happen. But doesn't mean that it's right to put other people in danger just because it's you're so called right to do whatever you want while driving. Some studies show that talking on the cell phone while driving can be just as dangerous as driving intoxicated. Is it the driver's right to drink a few beers before getting behind the wheel too. I'm sure my friends mom would agree with me. She had to bury her 19 year old son.
2006-07-06 14:30:19 UTC
I personally glare and send my voodoo at anyone I see driving on their cell phone. I have yet to see someone who can be a good driver and talk with an arm holding a phone blocking their view! I don't agree that it should be illegal to talk on a hands free, that's a hell of a lot better than driving with half of your vision cut off! But on the other hand if the person doesn't have the ability to change a radio station or cd while driving, then they really don't need to drive.
The Grand Inquisitor
2006-07-06 14:23:18 UTC
I have been on the phone with 2 different friends who were in traffic accidents while speaking with me. I was in an accident because of a cell phone. I was nearly creamed in a parking lot by a twit who ran a stop sign because she was holding her phone to her ear.

I don't think it is the conversation that is dangerous, it is the distraction of holding the phone up when driving that is bad. That, and fishing it out of a pocket/purse, dialing it, etc...while driving. Its madness I say!!! At the very least the law should ban all drivers from holding a phone. Make it possible to only use a phone that is hands free.
2006-07-06 14:28:30 UTC
The law appears to be working in the UK. Insurance companies performed an investigation and found that cell phone users are more likely to cause an accident than a legally drunk driver!

Although you may doubt that being on the phone distracts you from driving, it has already been proved by in-depth studies that cell phones are a serious distraction to drivers.

I can personsonally spot cell-phone users from a mile away. They are always swerving and changing lanes without indicating.
2006-07-06 14:39:52 UTC
I agree, hands free should be enough. I wish it was illegal for people to talk on cell phones and drive but, it just ain't gonna happen. Trucker's have been using CB radios for years and there is no mass move to make them illegal. I just really don't know what is so important that people have to be on their cell phones all the time. Hands free, I thought was the best solution so you can keep your hands at 10 and 2 and now you say that hands free isn't safe either. Whatever happen, people will continue to find distractions in their cars.
2006-07-06 14:28:44 UTC
I agree in part.

I do believe that talking on teh phone while driving creates a dangerous situation, but I don't think regulation is reasonsble. I do believe, however, that it should be a factor for consideration in lawsuits.

If someone is involved or responsible for an accident because they are more concerned with the conversation as opposed to the safety of others on the road, then they should be liable in Tort law. Not as a violation of specific law, but as a varying circumstance in recklessness or negligence for jury consideration.
2006-07-06 14:25:31 UTC
Idiot drivers are why we have laws. Some people have no common sense. When I started using a cell phone while driving I noticed that my concentration on driving wasn't so good so I stopped on my own. A lot of people like that don't have enough sense to do that and thats why some laws are made.
2006-07-06 14:26:49 UTC
There is saying - "Monkey with a gun". I think the person that talks on the the cell phone and driving is more like a "monkey with a hand granade and the safety ring has been pulled off"!!!

I have been in accident when I have been hit by a person who was driving and talking at the same time.

It is better and safer for all not to talk while driving - stop for a ferw minutes and talk.
2006-07-06 14:24:11 UTC
Yes, this is a tough issue. Although it may be a risk to drive while on the phone, is it really worth regulating. Eventually you will only be able to talk on the cell in your own house. There needs to be a line, but if people are being killed or injured( and there is evidence to support it) then I think the law should be in effect.
2006-07-06 14:39:49 UTC
The Feds, and other politicians, should regulate other Stupid Idiots like themselves! Nowhere in the bill of rights does it say, "We will make laws on how often you bathe, how much cholesterol you eat, what you can or can't drink, smoke & eat the wearing of seatbelts & helmet laws for motorcyclists! I notice the freaking insurance industry always says, "this law will save ___ lives" but insurance fees go up every year! If they saved so many lives, there would be no accidents! And no hospital has ever said, "Now that there are no more accidents lets give 'breast enlargement' for 1/2 off!"
2006-07-06 14:35:43 UTC
I am a very mutli task person,but I don't talk on my cell and drive unless its an emergency. Outside distractions are the cause of most accidents . I also don't like to see every detail of my life regulated but a lot of people have little common sense ,and I feel in life you have to mitigate your own damages by not doing things that endanger other peoples lives . Every accident increases your insurance premium and mine. Drive like you want to be around tomorrow. how would you feel if you caused another persons death because you were distracted by talking on your cell or putting makeup on or whatever. You are driving to live not to die.No phone call is worth death. Please take care.
2006-07-06 14:25:49 UTC
Mmmm.....I think I would be for laws against cell phone usage while driving. Not so much for the prevention of accidents, but for the sake of the driver!

I mean, get off the phone already! What's so important that it can't wait until you get home? Use your driving time for driving and get out of the rat race.
2006-07-06 14:23:55 UTC
It is dangerous, but no I won't stop, not even if there's a law against it. did a study on it. Their conclusion was that it's just as dangerous as driving while under the influence.

Driving tends to freak me out. Being on the phone relaxes me. You can pretty much bet that if I'm in the car alone, I'm on the phone.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Have fun!
hahaha=] shaa
2006-07-06 14:25:38 UTC
Well I think it is kinda stupid because if you are a great driver and someone calls for a emaginci you could get arested. But then again alot of the acidents are from people talking on there cell phone
2006-07-06 14:25:29 UTC
I think it's NEEDED. I loathe seeing someone driving while talking on a phone. Nobody is THAT important you can't pull off to the side to talk. I know I can drift off while in a conversation with someone enough to have my 1 year old son climb up on the counter without my knowledge. It's dangerous, plain and simple.
2006-07-06 14:34:50 UTC
the laws r getting more stupider by the minute .....Do we really live in a free country? we have to be in a seat belt but in my state they passed a law where u don't have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle....its our life,,,why cant we decide what we want,,, if we want to talk while driving we should.if they think that cell phones can cause accidents why cant singing to your radio do the same thing?? i agree with u. and why can policemen do it r they better drivers then we?
2006-07-06 14:26:15 UTC
I think if you are still holding your phone as you drive you're an idiot! With all the new technology out there, there is no excuse for not having a hands free device. As for saying that the hands free devices are not safe..that's a load of crap! I talk to my passengers all the time ..and I have never crashed my car doing it!
2006-07-06 14:23:11 UTC
Talking to someone next to you is not the same as talking to someone on a cell phone. You still have to press something to turn it off and on if it's hands free. You have to look at it if you want to see the caller id. It's completely distracting and it should be illegal.

Driving is a privilege. It is NOT a right.
2006-07-06 14:28:59 UTC
Studies have shown that talking on the cell phone whether handheld or handsfree is as 'distracting' as driving while under the influence of alchohol. I'm all for the laws you are talking about.
2006-07-06 14:24:41 UTC
I agree there should be a law. It has been proven that you need to pay attention 100% when driving. Talking on the phone is distracting...I know in my case, I have nearly been in accident several times due to my phone.
2006-07-06 14:49:04 UTC
It's a good law. It punishes drivers that can talk and drive, but the law does more good than bad
Georgia Girl
2006-07-06 14:25:07 UTC
It makes me insane! I wish the police would enforce the law. I'm so afraid one of these days someone is going to hit me or one of my family members because they are talking on their phone and not paying attention.Just today I sat behind a woman at a stop sign who was just sitting there talking on her other cars in sight. I had to blow the horn to get her to move.
2006-07-06 14:28:08 UTC
I feel that people that have had an accident or if they are driving unsafely, due to them talking on a cell phone should be fined/punished for it. I think that when you are on a cell, you should pull over, or put it on speaker phone, and make it as short as possible.
2006-07-06 14:25:42 UTC
Where I am the law that should apply is driving without due care and attention, but people don't think so they are trying to get a law that specifically spells it out for all the morons who don't get it.
2006-07-06 14:24:35 UTC
Well, i think that, the whole safety thing does matter, but they invented Bluetooth and Speakerphone, so its really safe to drive and make and receive calls while driving, because people used to crash because they were holding the cell phone or opening it or whatever, but accidents have really reduced because of bluetooth and speakerphone, it was a really smart invention.
2006-07-06 14:23:32 UTC
I think that if you have a headset then you are set.

I think you are going over the top with making those other things illegal, driving takes a lot of concentration and requires your attention.

A lot of people have problems talking and walking at the same time so imagine if they were talking and driving?!
2006-07-06 14:25:04 UTC
I agree and you make good points. I beleive that the law, however, is aimed only at those people who are clearly not paying attention while on the cell phone.
nellie bell
2006-07-06 14:26:46 UTC
I think that there should be laws against other distracting things too, then. Such as eating, reading, putting on make-up, etc. The cops can have fun trying to enforce them!
2006-07-06 14:24:59 UTC
i think it's totally fair. nobody should drive while talking on the cell phone; your attention to the road and surrounding traffic is ruined. chances of doing something very wrong's an excellent law by me
Kei ,
2006-07-06 14:28:20 UTC
I beleive that talking on cell phones are just as harmful as driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol and should be treated as such,as you do not have complete attention on your driving and anything that deters this attention should be treated as driving under the influence.
2006-07-06 14:55:56 UTC
i feel some of the things your saying, but this is a law that is suppose to stop accidents, deaths, and road rage. i personally i think its should only be for busy streets, cities and play areas for kids and for police too they are the worse at following the laws
2006-07-06 14:24:51 UTC
Talking on the cell phone needs to be put to a stop, thats more important then wearing your seat belt.
2006-07-06 14:24:50 UTC
in this rational world everything depends on eveidence....

there is evidence that mobile (including hands free) are dasngerous

hence the rules

if somebody could prove any of ur points and also the measures to detect and curb then there would be law for that in future as well.......
2006-07-06 14:24:22 UTC
you should have driving experience before you are allowed to drive with a cell phone thats the only way to be completely fair to everyone
2006-07-06 14:26:23 UTC
I've first aided at a bad RTA and seen a broken neck first hand. People who use mobiles think that accidents won't happen to them or the people they love.
2006-07-06 14:22:34 UTC
I think they should deffenitly be enforced. People are so stupid talking while driving. Its like, get OFF THE DAMN Phone and drive!!
billie j
2006-07-06 14:24:36 UTC
I was hit buy a guy who was talking on his cell phone. He wasn't paying any attention.
2006-07-06 14:26:35 UTC
I think some people ruin it for the rest of us, something that happens in life all of the time. Just b/c some people can't multitask, all of us should not be punished.
Dan w
2006-07-06 14:23:30 UTC
I think its okay. After all, I'm answering this post while driving on the expressway. My Treo is so wicked. Jack Bauer ain't got jack on me.
2006-07-06 14:22:29 UTC
Nobody in my town follows that law. I think the cops need to enforce it.
2006-07-06 14:24:01 UTC
It's a car, not a phone booth. Pull the rock over.
2006-07-06 14:25:12 UTC
If you talk hands free fine if not...GET OFF THE PHONE AND DRIVE, YOU DUMB ***. All for the laws!
Susanne R
2006-07-06 14:25:57 UTC

It causes accidents while on the phone. You are distrackted!

On Military installations it is prohibited!
soul patrol baby
2006-07-06 14:23:13 UTC
take a breath - i dont have time for all that. i think people are idiots half the time no matter what they're doing while driving so i dont really care.
2006-07-06 14:22:03 UTC
If you talk that much while you drive, I'm all for the laws. :P
2006-07-06 14:26:16 UTC
its ok. becuze its very dangeraus sometime,

if ur driving with onehand and ur mind in somewhere els, suddnly one car comes to u in speed, will u able to controle the situaion... i dont think so,,,,

its great that controle this by a law........
2006-07-06 14:23:31 UTC
I totally agree with it. Every time I have an "incident" on the road with someone they are on their damn phones...
2006-07-06 14:23:14 UTC
Great! make the roads safe for every one
2006-07-06 14:23:31 UTC
there's alot of right brained one handed drivers out there..and that's scary!
purple rain
2006-07-06 14:23:16 UTC
I think it is stupid. At very least they should keep the hands free legal.
2006-07-06 14:26:03 UTC
me myself I do not like it because anything could happen and now you have to drive not only for yourself but others, they
2006-07-06 14:25:04 UTC
I agree with it entirely .And the rest of your ramblings is just nonsense.
2006-07-06 14:24:41 UTC
all people who talk on the phone while be driving should recieve the death penalty. they are all morons
michelle g
2006-07-06 14:23:02 UTC
i think it is a good law. because u could get into a seriuos car crash
2006-07-06 14:25:15 UTC
ya i never answer my cell when i drive
2006-07-06 14:24:10 UTC
You should be treated like a drunk driver!!!
Chantel Marie
2006-07-06 14:23:17 UTC
I LOVE CELLPHONES! they are the most amazing things ever! and i'm sure you are all just jealous cause you dont' have one! They SHOULD NOT be illegal!
2006-07-06 14:24:01 UTC
Those laws would definetly suck
2006-07-06 14:22:44 UTC
there are always CONSTANT distractions when driving.. they can't outlaw them all!
chef spicey
2006-07-06 14:23:57 UTC
good question there are pros and cons im sure
2006-07-06 14:23:05 UTC
I agree.... you have a valid point. :)
2006-07-06 14:23:34 UTC
they should be enforced
2006-07-06 14:23:32 UTC
goog idea.
2006-07-06 14:22:55 UTC
They suck.

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