10 10 till we do it again?
mr bones
2007-06-05 06:58:28 UTC
give me some cb slang best answer gets the ten good buddy,got your ears on???
Eleven answers:
Mark C
2007-06-05 07:02:22 UTC
We're up, We're down, on the side, we're gone, byesie bye.!

Jeez it's a hell of a long time since I've said that...must be about 18 years ago.
Flower Girl
2007-06-05 07:03:26 UTC
Have you ever heard of the song 'Convoy'? It is about a bunch of truckers that get together to form a convoy and they don't stop for anything. They call the police bears in the air (helicopters), they say that they are going to 'go a huntin bear', the shole song is pretty funny, call your local country station and ask them to play it. Or you could download it.
2007-06-05 07:03:59 UTC
keep your eyes to the skys and look for the bears in the air and have a safe journey home good buddy ten ten !
2007-06-05 07:28:16 UTC
8s and 3s good buddy, put the pedal to the metal and let 'er roll. We'll put ya in the rockin chair and keep ya safe from Smokey Bear!
2007-06-05 07:02:45 UTC
10-4 good buddy. Keep your sunny side up and your greasy side down. I'm going 10-10 now.
2007-06-05 07:09:33 UTC
10-100 Stop for a WC.
2007-06-05 07:02:26 UTC
watch out for that smokey and the bear in the air breaker..........................on the side, on the side.

rodger d good buddy, 10 4 rubber duck............
2007-06-05 07:01:14 UTC
Popular terms for law enforcement officers

* "Bear" – a law officer. The terms "Smokey" & "Bear" are both direct references to Smokey Bear, a character image commonly seen along U.S. highways. He wears a flat-brimmed forest ranger's hat very similar to the hat included in many highway patrol uniforms in the U.S.

* "Bear Cave" / "Bear's Den" / "Bear's Lair" – a police station.

* "Bear / Smokey in a plain brown wrapper" – a law officer in an unmarked police car. The term "plain white wrapper" is sometimes used, depending on the color of the vehicle.

* "Bear in the air" / "Fly in the sky" – a police aircraft. While state police often use fixed-wing airplanes to monitor highway traffic, "fly" refers specifically to a helicopter.

* "Bear in the grass" / "Smokey in the bush" – a speed trap.

* "Blue Light" / "Blue Light Special" – a law enforcement vehicle, especially with a stopped motorist. This is more common in the South, probably because of the popularity of the K-Mart Blue Light Special.

* "Chicken coop" – a weigh station. "Locked up" means the station is closed.

* "County Mountie" – a Sheriff's deputy car.

* "Diesel Cop" – State Department of Transportation personnel

* "Evel Knievel" – cop on a motorcycle.

* "Full-Grown" – a state policeman/trooper.

* "Gum ball machine" / "bubble gum machine" – refers to a popular style of rotating mirror light used by many state police and some other law enforcement agencies at the time, however the term can refer to any law enforcement vehicle. It looked somewhat like the round style of 'penny' gumball machines. It was basically a clear cylinder, like an upside down jar, with lights and a spinning mirror system inside. It was usually mounted on the center of the roof.

* "Local yokel" / "City Kitty" / "Town Clown" – a law officer with a city or township police force, seldom encountered on interstate highways.

* "Mama Bear" – a female Law Enforcement Officer.

* "Picture-taker" / "Smokey taking pictures" / "Kojak with a Kodak" – a law officer monitoring traffic with a radar gun. Today, this can also refer to an automated speed camera.

* "Smokey" – a law officer. A "smokey report" is what CB users say when they have information on a law officer, such as location or current activities.

[edit] Other popular terms

* "Anteater" – a Kenworth T600/T660 tractor, because of the long sloping tilt up hood.

* "Baboon Butt" – a Kenworth T2000 tractor, because of the grille styling.

* "Back door" – the area behind a vehicle. To say "I got your back door" means that someone is watching another's back. "Knocking at your back door" means approaching from behind.

* "Bob-tail" – a semi-tractor operating without a trailer.

* "Breaker" – telling other CB users that you'd like to start a transmission on a channel. May be succeeded by either the channel number, indicating that anyone may acknowledge ("One-nine" refers to channel 19, the most widely used among truck drivers), or by a specific "handle", which is requesting a particular individual to respond.

* "Bulldog" – a Mack Tractor, noted for the bulldog hood ornament.

* "Buster Brown" – A United Parcel Service truck.

* "Come back" – a request for someone to acknowlege a transmitted message or reply to a question.

* "Cornbinder" – a Navistar International truck (formerly International Harvester).

* "Dead-heading" – a truck operating with an empty trailer.

* "Driver" – a polite form of address used when you don't know someone's on-the-air nickname. (see "handle")

* "Flash for cash" – a speed camera

* "Four" – short for the ten code 10-4, which means acknowledged, okay, etc.

* "Four-wheeler" – While this is commonly used to refer to a four-wheel-drive vehicle (such as a jeep or pickup), among truck drivers it refers to any vehicle with only 2 axles, as distinguished from an "eighteen-wheeler" (a semi truck).

* "Front door" – the leader of a convoy, or the area ahead of a vehicle.

* "Gator" / "Alligator" – a large piece of a truck tire's tread in the roadway. The name comes from the tire tread's resemblance to the scaly ridges of an alligator's back, or the propensity for these pieces of tread to be drawn up between the cab and trailer by the air currents of a truck at highway speeds "like a snapping gator", and sever the air brake lines between the tractor and the trailer. Most newer trucks have shield plates designed to prevent this.

* "Gay Bay" San Francisco Bay area California.

* "Go-go juice"/"Motion Lotion" – fuel (usually diesel, since large trucks seldom run on gasoline.)

* "Good buddy" – This is the stereotypical term for friend on CB radio.

* "Good neighbor" – this has replaced "good buddy" as the acceptable term for friend.

* "Got your ears on?" – asking the receiver if they are on the air and listening.

* "Handle" – the nickname a CB user uses in CB transmissions. Other CB users will refer to the user by this nickname. To say "What's your handle?" is to ask another user for their CB nickname.

* "Harvey Wallbanger" – a driver who appears to be drunk or is driving recklessly.

* "Hauling fence post holes" / "Hauling sailboat fuel" / "Hauling dispatcher brains"– hooked to an empty trailer.

* "How 'bout ya?" – a query used when seeking another, usually followed by their CB handle, or some other identifier if you don't know their handle.

* "I'm / We're gone" – indicates that one is finished transmitting and may not be listening to the conversation any longer, or may be traveling out of receiving range. Equivalent to "Out" or "Clear" in formalized radio voice procedure.

* "K-Whopper"/"KW" – A Kenworth Tractor

* "Kick a tire" – to urinate using the quadruple tractor or trailer tires as cover

* "Kicker" / "Boots" – A Linear Amplifier that is used to boost the transmitting power of a CB Radio above the legal five watts.

* "Lot Lizard" – prostitute.

* "Meat Wagon" – Ambulance.

* "Band-aid Buggy" – Ambulance.

* "Organ Donor" – A civilian motorcyclist.

* "Pete"/"Petercar" – A Peterbilt Tractor

* "Pickle Park" – an interstate rest area frequented by prostitutes.

* "Pregnant Rollerskate" – a Volkswagen Beetle.

* "Portable Parking Lot" – a car hauler

* "Pumpkin" – A Schneider National, Inc. truck.

* "Put the hammer down" / "Put the pedal to the metal" – Slang for flooring the accelerator.

* "Reefer" – a refrigerated trailer, used for transporting foodstuffs and other perishable cargo.

* "Road pizza" – an animal that has been run over and flattened on the pavement.

* "Rolling refinery" – a tank truck carrying fuel.

* "Salt Shaker" – a snowplow

* "Sandbagging" – a term used to describe the activity of a person not participating in conversation but listening only, despite having the capability of speaking. This is not the same as listening in using a simple receiver, as the person doing this activity can transmit using the two-way radio, but chooses not to.[1][2] It is done to monitor people for entertainment or for gathering information about the actions of others. Often CBer’s will sandbag to listen to others' responses to their previous input to a conversation, sometimes referred to a "reading the mail."[3]

* "Seat cover" – an attractive female passenger in a vehicle.

* "ShakeyLiner"/"Freightshaker" – a Freightliner tractor.

* "Shakeytown" – Los Angeles, so nicknamed because of the earthquakes that occur there.

* "Sin City" ; Las Vegas, Nevada

* "Skateboard" – a flatbed truck or trailer.

* "Steak on the grill" / "Put a steak on the grill" – to hit a cow.

* "Suicide jockey" – a truck carrying explosives.

* "Super Slab" – slang term for highway

* "Twenty" / "What's your twenty?" – asking the receiver what their current location is. This term comes from the ten-code 10-20.

* "10-100" / "Going number 1" – (polite) Taking a bathroom break, specifically urination.

* "10-200" / "Going number 2" – (polite) Taking a bathroom break, specifically defecation.

* "Toilet mouth" / "Potty mouth" – someone using profanity on the air (on-air profanity is generally frowned upon within the CB community).
2007-06-05 07:00:14 UTC
One two three four, get that booty on the floor!
2007-06-05 07:01:56 UTC
10-1 Poor Reception

10-4 OK, Message Received

10-6 Busy, Occupied

10-9 Repeat what was just said

10-10 Message Complete (Also used to say goodbye)

10-13 Traffic Report

10-20 Location

10-36 The Correct Time

cb slang (uk)

After burner...Linear amp

Air bear...Police helicopter

Ankle biter...Young Child

Auntie mary...A.M. Radio

Back...Over(Back to you)

Back at ya...Answering

Back door...Rear CB'er

Back 'em down...Slow down

Barefoot...Legal rig

Basement...Channel 1

Base station...Home based CB'er


Bear cage...Police station

Bear in the air...Police helicopter

Bears wall to wall...Police everywhere

Bear trap...Police radar


Bending the needle...Strong signal

Big ten-four...Yes

Bleed over...Interference from another channel

Blowing my windows out...Strong signal

Bone box...Ambulance

Bone yard...Cemetery

Boots...Linear amp


Brown bottle...Beer


Buck Fuzby...CB Magazine cartoon character

Cancer stick...Cigarette

Catch a few Z's...Sleep

Catch you on the flip-flop...Speak to you on the return trip

Coffee shop...Restaurant

Come back...Answer back

Come on...Answer back

Convoy...Group of CB'ers travelling together

C.Q....Calling any station

C.W....Continuous wave


Dead key...Key mike without speaking


Do you copy?...Can you here me?

Ears on...CB Radio on

Earwig...Listen without talking

Eighty eights...Love and kisses

E.R.P....Effective radiated power

Eyeball...Meet another CB'er

Five and nine...Good strong signal

Five by five...Strong signal

For sure...Definitely


Four on that...Yes

Give me a shout...Answer back

Granny lane...Slow lane

Green back...Cash

Green stamps...Cash

Hammer down...Speed up

Handheld...Walkie talkie

Handset...Walkie talkie

Hit the hay...Sleep

Home 20...Home

Kicker...Linear amp

Kojak with a Kodak...Police radar

Little woman...Wife (not quite P.C. no letters please)

L.S.B....Lower Side Band

Making the trip...Good signal

Mayday...Distress call

Modulate...Talk on CB

Monitor...Listen without talking

Motion lotion...Petrol

Motor mouth...CB'er who talks too much


One-eyed monster...Television

Over modulation...Talking to close to mike

P.T.T....Push to talk switch

Put the pedal to the metal....Speed up

Radio check...Transmission report

Ratchet jaw...CB'er who talks too much

REACT...Radio Emergency Associated Citizen's


Rig...CB Radio

Roger D....Yes

Rubber Duck...Possibly the most famous handle


Rug Rats...Kids

Seat cover...Attractive woman

Seventy three's...Good luck

S-meter...Signal meter

Smokey...The police (Jackie Gleeson)


S.S.B....Single side band

Stamping...Talking over another breaker

Super slab...Motorway

S.W.R... Standing wave ratio

Swar...SWR Meter

Ten-Four...Yes,Ok,Roger etc.

U.S.B....Upper side band

Wall to wall and treetop tall...Good strong


What am I pushing you...Signal reading

Wiped out...Over powered by a stronger signal



You got a copy on me...Can you here me

ZZZZ's...Sleep time

10-10 till we do it again, Bye-Bye we gone,

We're up we're down, we're in,we're out,

we're clear, 73's and 88's, 10-10 catch you later...

Root toot am oot...Rock on your gone...

Keep your sunny side up and your rusty

side down....

Got a pound in my pocket and i'm off like

a rocket...

May your ups and downs only be between the


Burning Shoeleather" was the act of walking

whilst using a handheld rig.

Hang 5" was a request to wait for apx

5 mins

Plastic Pig" was a Reliant Robin

Jam Butty/Sandwich" was Motorway patrol

Police car (red stripe along side of white vehicle)

P-T" young lady breaker

Twig" how did you miss that one?

Burner" Linear Amp

Coffee Warmer" Linear Amp

Beer Voucher" paper currency

Put the anchors on" to stop as quickly as possibe
2007-06-05 07:01:12 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.