You don't get invited to be a Freemason. If you want to become a Mason, ASK a Mason about becoming one.
Probably the best way to do this is to find a local Lodge - they're not called 'chapters,' they're called Lodges (or Temples, but that's an obsolete title nowadays). You can do this by going to the Grand Lodge website for the state you live in, and use their Lodge Locator to find a Lodge near you.
Most Lodges also have websites (and some Grand Lodges have links to them), and they'll have a calendar of upcoming events on it. If not, go down to the Lodge and look at their bulletin board (usually called a Trestleboard) and see when the next dinner or event is going to be held. You can also get the phone number of the Lodge, the Lodge Secretary and the Master from any of the above sources, too.
Contact the Lodge, and let them know that you'd like to come down and talk to someone about joining. They'll take it from there.