How would you rate customer service in Singapore?
Yahoo! editor
2010-05-07 00:11:14 UTC
Customer Service has been described as one of the least appreciated industries in the world.

Many seem to shun jobs in this industry, due to rising expectations from customers, or unreasonable customer demands. How would you rate customer service in Singapore, and how can it be improved?
244 answers:
2010-05-14 21:16:50 UTC
It is

2010-05-07 02:35:28 UTC
the other day when I was looking for a nice breakfast marinasquare. I decided to spend my beautiful morning at starbucks, the one that facing esplanade. At first, I was quite annoyed by the rudeness of the two ladies at the counter. When the crowd (a continuous flow of ANG MOs) started flowing in subsequently, I realised that the ladies were suddenly becoming energised and more chatty.
2010-05-07 02:25:23 UTC
Across the board, I think customer service has generally improved. i have been the beneficiary of thoughtful, pro-active offers that required the customer service provider to go the extra mile.

I have always believed that it always take two hands ro clap. How i get good service depends ultimately on how good a customer i am. if I am nice to customer service providers, I get service in equal and sometimes even beyond measure!

Customer service providers are after all, humans. Treat them well, smile to them and they will reciprocate. There are of course always the odd grouchy and rude customer service provider no matter how nice you are to them. But by and large, these bad hats are few and far between.
tua pekkong
2010-05-11 04:16:27 UTC
How can Singaporeans be handling customer service when they are so ill-mannered and rude? Look at the simple fact of Singaporean driver on the road. They are a bunch of kiasu idiots and hooligans, don't give ways, speed up in front and point fingers at you when you signal politely to try enter into their lane when they are a distance behind. The only customer service we can get is from the foreigners who just got their temporary permits to work here before they are also influenced by our "bad" culture. The government is making a very big mistake when they encourage more locals to work in the service sector and discouraging foreign workers. Come on man, our service sector is low class and patheticly bad beyond international level. That voice down to both the input and the output factor, ie., the Singaporean customer and the Singaporean service provider. The black pot calling the kettle black. Talk about retraining, yeah sure... after they completed their training, they jump ship man and treat their employer like a fool! Let's not complain too much about improvement here when so many Singaporeans are alike, behaving badly towards their own group like enemies. They can only service the Ang Mohs man, thinking they are the king here. They are even willing to slang their speech to mirror the Ang Moh's culture. What a waste of time here...
2010-05-10 10:50:02 UTC
Great Question! Well, Just note of how many service staff say "Thank You" ( with or without a smile ) after you have made a purchase in their store. This is a simple yet effective way to judge the level of service we are getting. I predict the answer would be 50-50%. It doesnt count if we thank them first, which i have experienced ever so often!
2010-05-08 19:51:12 UTC
Being a customers service is never been an easy task....specially on a country with SELFISH PEOPLE and UNCOURTEOUS PEOPLE which will insist what they want or what they need even if it's impossible to do so!...and most of the managers hide behind their staffs to avoid facing bad scenario...people in Singapore has lack of knowledge when it comes to customers's either both ways..ridiculous customers and rude customers to improve?...go through an anger management or teach them courtesy....C O U R T E S Y - learn how to spell, know the meaning...and live it..
2010-05-08 06:21:32 UTC
Pardon me, anybody know of any sites for write in and compliment excellant customer service pls??Kindly let me know, thank you. .Rgds to cust service in SIN.. well front line service is not easy. Average pay but demands alot of attention and patience. To come across a gd i wont hesititate to tip or thank with appreciation. If its a bad one, i take it that the fellow had a bad tiring day will get his due or complaint matter of time. Overall, with the recent influx of foreigner workers,with tint of language deficiency/accent may result in some miscommunication. I think service in SIN is consider not so bad compared to many countries.
2010-05-08 05:41:03 UTC
I'm a foreigner living in singapore for around 10 yrs.. The only places where i would always find good customer services is japanese or korean restaurants! Like Ichiban, Sushi Tei, Waraku, or the korean restaurants at Central Mall... or even korean food stall at takashimaya basement 2.

I find restaurants these days in singapore are likely to hire chinese staff. These chinese staff most of the time dont speak ENGLISH. This make it very difficult for me to order something and ask for recommendation or ask for special order... Sometimes i feel extremely annoyed that these staff dont even try to learn ENGLISH and they ask me to speak to them in Chinese instead.. If I say i dont understand what they say.. they normal leave me alone.. Until i ask for another person and another and another.. This experience normally destroys my mood for a good meal. Even if the food is very good, the service is bad, u wont find me going back there AGAIN ever.

I hate Lerk Thai at Bugis. I walked in to order mango salad take-away.. They made me wait 20 mins while the package was ready in 5 mins. Until I asked, they realised the package was for me and then actually asked me to walk to the counter to take my package myself when there were at least 3 staff standing around the counter, talking, chatting all the time i was there. I was too angry to even smile at them when they said goodbye to me. I will not go there again, ever.

It's tough to ask singtel customer service to be good when they have everyone signing up to them, they r so rich and they always have customers to bully! If i have a problem with my bill or my internet, i walk into singtel bugis branch and find myself being served by a chinese-speaking person who knows nothing abt Singtel's business. One time the chinese staff told me Singtel had no customer service counter in singapore!

I dont like the "customer service charge" in singapore. I never see it in Japan where they perform way better! That's when i love to give pple's tips when i have a good customer service. In singapore, I never feel like I want to give extra trip as it doesnt worth it or it is already forcefully included in my bills. Sometime i feel like because there is always a service charge in my bill, the staff dont need to serve me nicely and friendly at all, even when i rarely make life difficult for them.

I would not say singapore customer service is generally very bad. it's better than the customer service in my country, Vietnam. But it's not good enough to be compare to Thai's hospitality or Japan's customer service. I believe the only way to improve this relies on the mindset of the management of the company. People who go to Ichiban restaurants rarely make a fuss over some mistakes, the atmosphere is always friendly and feeling-good. It's because people are happy getting a good service and when they are happy, they are more acceptive.

There are so many shopping centers in singapore now. One of a way to be competitive for all the shops/restaurants is to maintain a good customer service.. I hope there will be a much better improvement in the future.
2010-05-08 03:06:12 UTC
Rate 6/10

for the CS - > Suck it up. Thats the nature of your job hence the name customer service officer. You have to find creative ways to clam the customer down and make them happy. Customer service is not just in F&B, it in all professions that wanna make business.

For fellow Singaporean and those who made complaints -> Great Job!! good effort to improve the standard

I'm not in F&B line, but i do give customer service to contractors, clients, engineers, and esp end-users of building. And I work like a cow too. I think employer need to employ a more passionate staff, rather than those who work for the sake of working.
2010-05-07 23:21:55 UTC
What I feel is why poor customer service is because now a days some of us are paid so little to take up two or more responsibility. The person will be too exhausted to smile or have a very good patient if the responsibility is overload.
Ju S.
2010-05-07 19:25:47 UTC
I feel that customer service in Singapore have a lot to improve on. No, I'm not saying that the customer service is bad here. It is just simply ok kind of customer service.

Customer service is not only about achieving an acceptable rating, but it is about going beyond that. What I'm trying to say is that customer service is not only about providing with what customer wants and needs, but also exceeding their expectations.

Yes, I have to agree to a certain extent that customers' demands can be unreasonable at times. I think that that will apply to people who are at a higher end.

However, the service provider on the other hand, have to set their standards too. Every service have to start with a smile. That's basic. Without a smile, you're already shunning your potential customers away. I had an experience in a fast food restaurant where the counter personnel did not smile at all, when it is something that was promised to customers. This is where service provider have to fulfil their promises to customers. No, I'm not asking for more. Even when you do mistakes, I'll let it go so long as you give the first impression, that is important. I will understand, maybe you're new to the position.

Another experience. I am the kind of person who don't really like promoter to follow me all around the shop as they will make me feel uncomfortable. But that doesn't mean they do not need to approach me. Basic step, approach to greet and offer help, that's all. This happen in typical apparels store in the shopping mall. No, it wasn't a busy hours that time.

My lecturer told me an experience he had when he was overseas. First impression, he rated it excellent. And, he wanted to buy a t shirt at that time and the color he wanted was out of stock at that outlet, and the sales girl actually called the other outlet to check if they have stock for the requested item! See, that is going beyond expectation!

At times in Singapore, first impression is already not there, how do we expect them to exceed our expectations?

Management may consider to send employees for courses, but will they apply to their daily duties? This is when the management have to do their part by enforcing their service standards. Ensure that employees is doing what they need to do. Inform customers (through an informative poster of any size) on your service standards and promise. I'm not saying they have to promise a lot. Just what they want to deliver to their customers so that customers won't expect more than they should. I also think, Singapore have to learn a lot good customer service from other countries. No, I'm not saying all overseas service are good. Pick good ones!

We can't possibly appreciate if promises and simple expectations are not met right?
2010-05-08 20:40:04 UTC
There are many ways to improve service standards in Singapore and everyone can talk about it till the cows goes home. In this forum, I would like to share a couple of ways.

1. Share the wealth, as in many occasion it's more about shareholders or owners interest rather

than the focus on giving quality and value to staffs and customers. For the magnitude and

intricacies involved, the service industry in Singapore isn't well paying which makes the job shun

by many to start with. The cycle of good service is simple; Owners makes Staff happy = Staff

makes Customers happy = Customers makes Owners happy = Everyone's happy!

2. Training & Education. Training is about teaching the "how" while education is about teaching the

"why". Training brings out the extrinsic behaviors while Education brings out the intrinsic

behaviors. It's the balance of inculcating the right IQ & EQ into service providers. Lots of

companies these days simply missed the point! Saying that Singapore customers are bad is

deluded, it is not a strong or justified blame. Service is about meeting expectations, if the staff

have enough skill sets to meet those expectations, even a 'bad' customer would leave happy and

hopefully tip for the effort! Customers are the reason for the existence of the business, therefore it

is the the responsibility of the owners to ensure that the staffs are trained and educated enough

before serving the front-line.

AG Hospitality Services
2010-05-07 08:20:32 UTC
As many have replied, it is kinda like 2 side of a coin. Customer side and Service side

This question is kinda broad in the sense. Lets narrow it down a little further.

Which type of restaurant or place you visit will have the same level of customer service. If a customers go to a lower end restaurant and expect a high end service. High-end service as food and product knowledge, receptive service (a bit more then dine & serve). I personally think that this particular is asking too much. Being said so, I been to a low end restaurant before (B~~~y B~~~~r), not expecting a lot of receptiveness but just to refill my glass of ice water. I need to raise my hand and ask the waiter 4 times before my glass is refill and it took around 5-7 mins during a non-peak period and the restaurant only had about 5 tables full with 4 waiters around excluding the manager.

Expectations has to be met and balanced well. If u are talking about Singaporean particularly. I believe that Singaporean education level is higher and spending power is higher resulting more expectation in F&B. I am paying these much why am I treated this way.

If I would rate the overall customer service including fine dining to lower end dining experience, I would say I will give a 2 out of 5 (5 which is the best). This is base on my dining experience in Japan, HongKong and Taiwan comparing with Singapore service.

Do you guys realized something, when u walk into a restaurant, how many actual Singaporean server u can find in that restaurant,

I guess out of 10, u hardly find 1 or 2 there. And I do have some doubts that the people employed does not have any experience in F&B. Some server don't understand English at times of my visit to restaurant. My English is bad (Singlish mainly) but at least some a bottle of chill sauce is kinda understood in a low-end burger restaurant.
2010-05-07 06:26:10 UTC
Seems to me like a chicken and egg situation. Neither party is blameless. Certainly there is no such thing as an unreasonable customer demand. If you don't provide a service, a customer cannot demand for it. However, if the customer requests for such a service, than you can be very sure it is because that is what a complete customer experience includes and the service provider is obviously cutting corners.

If both parties approach/respond amicably, it would be easier to provide customer service. Unfortunately, there are so many prejudices and much biasness in our society. Couple this with the general lack of common sense and we have many many many disgruntled customers.

In my opinion, customer service in Singapore is sub-standard because most service staff don't exercise initiative which is really frustrating for the customer. For example in supermarkets - I am almost always frustrated by the checkout staff because they haphazardly dump my grocery into my grocery bag even after I have requested that they pack the grocery bag evenly. It is not impossible to do. In fact there are a couple of checkout staff I know who have a sense of organisation. If I were to go to many neighbourhood shops, I am more likely to get the personal touch even if it is a busy hour. I am also more likely to get a smile and even a conversation. The customer experience is that much more satisfying. Anything that is missing is not even noted. In the big shops where incentive schemes are based on the size of the purchase, this experience is missing more often than not.

Just like charity begins at home, so does customer service.
2010-05-09 03:59:38 UTC
Can we choose to not pay service charge if we don't enjoy the service (ie. I end up getting my own drinks/food and putting aside dirty plates)? The fastest short term improvement can be had from punishment, as proven time and again with price increases such as ERP, fines etc, so why don't we penalise the servers?

On the other hand, I have to agree that customer service in Singapore has been getting better as time goes by, offset by foreign "talent" that cannot speak english, which brings the overall experience down. However, there is little to no incentive to improve service levels further, as culturally, we are becoming a poorer nation.

2 parents, 1 child... Spoiled beyond belief, with unrealistic expectation that the maid will do everything for them, these little terrors will be the next generation of complainers. I believe both parties should work together, as a customer, think about this: "Would you want to serve a customer like yourself?" As service staff, "How would you like to be served? With a smile or a frown?" Simple as that.
Jason F Lin
2010-05-09 00:25:44 UTC
Singaporeans are demanding, its true, its one of the characteristics of many Singaporeans. Even our government is demanding, it is this characteristic that made Singapore developed and become a world class model for many in the world. If Singaporeans really do give that bad a service to others, why is it the financial center in Asia then? So why are we complaining about being demanding here? Being demanding in Singapore is a norm, without complaints and demands, the service industry will not improve at all! Dont complain about not getting a good service from a Singaporean if he or she is not being paid right. Go to the US, try not tipping a waiter ot waitress and see what kind of service you will get! If you really want to improve the service industry here in Singapore, then start raising the paycheck. If not, you will get more and more cheap foreign labour flooding the service industry armed with their bad English. Cant imagine what Singapore will be like 20-30 years down the road,, maybe a population of mainland Chinese, filipinos and god knows who...?! And where will Singaporeans be then.....?
2010-05-08 23:34:27 UTC
Great debate on this subject.

Basically, the customer service industry begins with our ownself. It has every thing to do with our daily lifes in Singapore. It is not fair to rate an overall customer service in Singapore as I personally believe that training and motivation from within helps a lot. We travel daily by different means of transport and these guys really work their socks off to ensure our safety and making sure we arrive at our destination on time.

The question is, does every Singaporean know about this?

It is hard to believe that a country like Singapore still thinks customer service industry is not their cup of tea. By far, like myself in the customer service industry has its ups and downs but I am still in this industry and it has been 15 years. I believe some of us out there has the same thinking as I do. We are professionals and with the passion we have, even how arrogant they can be is only the questions we can ask ourselves are we asking the right questions or we turn deaf at one ear.

Be respectful to the service industry providers as well as we always put ourselves in the line of duty to help in any way we can. We are after all, human beings and we deserve the same respect as other industry providers.
2010-05-08 06:16:05 UTC
I am actually surprised at some of the answers. Firstly I reckon Singapore has a rather moderate standard of service. If a rating must be given then 7.5-8/10. You need to actually work in the service industries to be able to fully grasp why at times people give so called "bad services".

1. Just like some has mentioned, the service staff are human they get frustrated, angry and tired. There could be number of reasons why you get bad service. Just read some of the comments. Customer Service is a 2 way process.

2. You can't expect the service crew to give good service when all the management is asking for sales, sales, sales. Morever they give an impossible target to hit. It's different from big companies such as SIA. Why are there service standard so good? It's because they provide there staff with great incentives and there competition for employment is high. It is totally different from those working in retail or the food industry which can be easily replaced with foreign expats that are paid lower salaries. Average sales person salary SG$1.3k for your information.

3. A big note that for such a developed country based solely on human resources singapore GST rate is still ONLY 7%. Compare to other countries? Moderately low. Maybe an increase to 12.5% would help the service industries but to what expense? The endless complaints from consumers.

4. I keep hearing people complaints about to usage of "SINGLISH". Ask yourself is it really bad? It's what has defined singaporeans for its unity. This is a common language we used to communicate with because it is more comfortable for us to use and if your a nationality is singaporean regardless of your race, language or religon you would definitely be able to understand it. As for foreigners? When your travelling around the world everything is an experience whether it comes down to the food, shopping or communication it's all an experience. So if you complain regarding you dont understand our singlish then if you went to such places like korea or japan how do you expect to get any service at all since they dont even speak english.

If you want better service 3 solutions.

1. Be a better customer.

2. Employers should change the "what's benefit for the company" attitude into a more "what's benefits our consumers" attitude. Which company is willing to do that?

3. Increase GST.
2010-05-07 09:10:46 UTC
In all I can say it is fairly average but still improving comparing to those days whereby there was no greetings or assistance that customers are looking for. But customer service will also depend on how the customers react to certain situation.

There are unreasonable customers who expect the customer service officers to bow to their request which will trigger the unfriendliness of the staffs, which I think in a way that they deserve. But there are also customer service officers who are arrogant, for an example, a customer who entered a high end fashion boutique wearing slippers, shorts and a plain t-shirt. Most of the time the customer service officers will ignore and act like as if they are invisible, but what they don't know is that the customer might be one of their "BIG FISH" as some would called it; who can splurge on anything just by providing the right assistance and selling up.

But what is notice is that most of the young customer service officers, they are very playful and exudes a picture of being not serious of what they are doing and thus spoiling the professional image of what they are suppose to be; being loud, talking to their colleagues, slouching, to some customers that is a turn off. So it really depends. But to me, customer service in Singapore is improving bit by bit.. :)
2010-05-07 06:55:47 UTC
I've been in the states for awhile, and the customer service here is way better than what I experienced in Singapore. CS staff here are always very helpful, have great product knowledge and are willing to go the extra mile to make you feel valued as a customer. And these are not even for positions that gain tips after every transaction.

I never had a great experience shopping in Sg. I've met many salesppl who hate answering questions and I often get the feeling that there are a number of them who feel embarrassed that they are on the opposite side of the counter.

I would encourage employers to hire Customer service people who have the personality for the role rather than just going for cheap labour. Very rarely will you find someone willing to work for peanuts having the drive or the people skills to engage your customers and bring in more business. I am definitely willing to pay more for good service. The question now though is everyone else willing to do so?
2010-05-07 08:27:18 UTC
Funny, i encountered this topic today. I am a Filipino visiting Singapore because my husband works here. Just the other day we went to a Singtel office/store near our house because we wanted to ask something regarding their broadband in mobile. We tried their website but did not find the answers to our question. WE also tried calling their customer service line, still the service provided agent was not able to help us. He gave us instructions but we still ended up not having any answer to our query. So, my husband and I decided to visit their office near our house. We waited for about 5 minutes until the lady service provided was done talking to her customer. When we asked her our inquiry, she insisted we do the same thing the call center agent told us to do and the one we have been doing through their website even before we called their customer service hotline. So we told her we already did that and it did not provide us with the answer we needed. She was so rude. She kept on insisting that if we do what we did, it will give us the answer. It felt like she was telling us that we were stupid. So my husband asked her if she could do it in their computer and show us the way to do it. Her answer was " Oh, no, no... Sorry, I can't do that. I have customer." And she faced and talk to the next customer. What?! Aren't we customers too? I was dumbfounded after that. My husband and I were so quiet. We did not say a word to each other until we reached home. I did not say anything because I was afraid I would further pissed my husband off. It bothered me so much because I did not know why that lady treated us that way. Was it because we were Filipinos and not Singaporeans or Malaysians? I was very disappointed because I thought of Singaporeans as friendly, disciplined and considerate people. I guess she was the exception.

To improve, I guess more training in customer service and the product they are selling.
2010-05-07 03:36:11 UTC
Customer service in Singapore had improved and of course, has a long way to go and lots of room for improvement. There are of course unreasonable customer but as for me, I am a difficult customer. The problem actually lies in the company itself and not just the customer service staff. First of all, most of them are young and inexperience. You can't expect a lot from them. Then, the training provided may not be adequate. These customer service staff may not understand the way things are done or the actual problem of the products. Sometimes, they really don't know how to answer the queries but they have to say something and they are paid to do so. Maybe the way they responded is what they are taught.

Let's just be fair and praise those with good service and slam those who are bad. Usually, I will write email to the company to let them know the good service staff that they have and I give names. However, I don't write in to give names of bad service staff. Guess I should do that so that the standard can improve.
2010-05-08 20:38:31 UTC
Some of the staff might really have shown bad customer service but not most of it. Infact it had improve alot which people don't really realise it and most them are demanding it too much. Most of the time customers are demanding they must get a tip top customer service which they themselves does not know the mistake and arrogant way they treated the staff. If customer does not know how to treat and talk to people well, how do they get a good customer service when they themselves piss people off? I felt all are human beings and we should treat each other well, we are not king or queen to demand all that and neither do the staff are slaves or maids. Where are all the mutual respect we have learn?? Learn to respect others so that you will gain respect from others, from this way we all will be able to see clearly the good customer service we actually had all this while.
2010-05-08 10:11:05 UTC
Customer Service in Singapore is good unless the person is not Singaporean. Singaporeans are snobbish, rude, impatient and arrogant. Qualities that a Customer Rep shouldn't have.

I had this experience happened in Lucky Plaza and I was looking for a lens for my camera. At the very start the guy is already rude, it feels like the guy doesn't want me to ask questions about the lens that I am planning to buying. But of course, as a buyer I have to ask to make sure I am getting the best deal. The guy even argue with me for asking things about the lens. And I am not being unreasonable, I am going to buy and I am just making sure I am buying the right one.

Bottom line is, Singaporeans are not fit to work as a Customer Rep or anything that requires customer interaction.
2010-05-08 09:56:37 UTC
Rating: 5/10. The customer service here in Singapore is never consistent. You will meet service providers who gives excellent services but there's still many bad eggs out there to spoil the market. And true enough, due to the rising expectations of customers and unreasonable customer demands it is really hard to please everyone. So I don't really blame service providers for giving bad service. Haha... Why do we have to give in to customers every time? And there's the Mystery Shopping Review? Is it really effective? In my opinion, customer service in Singapore will never improve. It's difficult. I guess it's human nature, be kind and nice to service providers and they'll do the same for you. Don't be the stuck up Bimbo and Himbos! Customers are not always right! Not in my opinion. Everyone has been a customer before and unless you work retail, you will never understand what it is like to be a service provider in Singapore. One word, Tough. So kudos to all my service providers. Do your best and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if a customer ever step over the line.
2010-05-08 08:03:37 UTC
From my point of view, the problem does not lies within our locals only. It is in fact most foreigners are also a demanding lot, especially the caucasians. Why do I say this? I have been in the service line for nearly 15 years now. From experience, this is also got to do with the organizations as well. Can you imagine, out of 10 that got the job in this line. Only 2 will stay for at least 3 to 5 years in that paticular organization. They also have a new part-timers that run the show as well. This part-timers play a major part of complaints and unsatisfied customers, as they are there for the time being especially in the month of school holidays. After that you will see another new one, and it continues to be like that most of the time. So, these people will always need to look for part-timers and train the new ones all over again. In the end, service will always be on the average due to the system these organizations are adopting. What I would recommend is that they should go for par-timers who are on a regular basis. That will at least be more improve system as the regular part-timers can also train the new part-timers at the end of the day. Lesser complaints will come and I believe service would come in good as well. For your info to everyone who are reading this, this a reality which I have adopted and works for me. It does not matter Full-timers or Part-timers, everyone can do a better service quality because of my kind of system. Trusts me if anyone of you are a manager out there.
2010-05-08 01:11:51 UTC
I am technical assistant in a multi national company that provides services to customers in various countries.

It is known across the board that Singaporean customers are the most obnoxiously ridiculous bunch.

Each time u see a colleague having a hard time, we'll immediately know its a Singaporean on the other end of the line.

Singaporeans have a serious problem on up-bringing and their attitude which i believe credit goes to parents.

I have heard this many a times. "call them, bang the table, scream if u have to and the charges will be waived."

If that doesn't work, speak to a manager. Then the manager's boss.Then threaten to go to the press or forums. The above are some of the few "Made in Singapore" tatics against customer care consultant.The poor part time girl trying to make some cash from her Uni or poly free time would already be in tears at some point of this process.

I have also handled a 13 year old boy with his mother teaching him how to dispute a GPRS charge on porn site visits he apparently claims he did not as he is too young to know. My manager was put on when i refuse to waive the charge.

The most spectecular quote from a customer is "I hope you get cancer."

Because i cannot abide to her request to terminate a newly signed 2 year mobile contract without penalty.

Is it true that the service is bad? Or are you asking for the impossible? Does that salesperson need to get on his knees and treat you like a king before u decide to spend your pathetic dollar?

Thats before i move on to my current company which does not require to speak with that many locals.

I've seen colleague turn suicidal but mostly we just have very bad temper at home. High blood and strokes are what we get along with the annual wage supplement.

There is no end to this cycle and customer care will never improve. This is Singapore.

In case you are wondering, I am a singaporean myself.
Lost in Singapore
2010-05-07 14:11:16 UTC
Customer Service is Average to Below. Two major causes come from the customers who accept poor treatment from uncles at hawker centers but then scream like they have been stabbed when they go to a different place and they don't run over and kiss their shoes. They need to be educated on what GOOD service is.

Second is the same Singaporeans are generally the people training all the workers in all the major establishments. So no wonder there is such inconsistencies with regards to service here.

Send them all overseas, Not Europe but the US or Australia, so they can get a better idea.
2010-05-07 09:23:05 UTC
Customer Service in Singapore is general really bad. I have a lot of bad experience from Singaporean customer service, where they are very impatient, rude and doesn't want to listen to the customer first. They are just doing their job in general probably to earn, they dont really LOVE what they are doing. The reason probably is because they can find another job immediately.

For example, the customer service in 5star tours, I tried twice to book and twice encounter rude who assist me. I never come back to them, though I really like their package, but I would rather sacrifice than to work with these people.

Expat are generally much (10x) better, they are friendly, approachable and have patience. I hope that the company will wake up and see that there is so much room for improvement on this service.

After all, its not just about knowing your job, but loving what you are doing. There is no HIGH or LOW job as long as you do your best on what you are doing.

Note: I always use generally in fairness to some percentage of Singaporean who is exactly opposite and caring.
2010-05-07 03:30:59 UTC
By and large the customer service in Singapore is consider excellent, On the contra it is bad Singapore customer attitude that is poor, by and large they arrogant and demanding. They think because they are here to spend their money therefore they should be treated like kings.

They are very impatient at waiting even despite they claimed and shouted that they have make reservation.

Think about it if you have made a reservation and you are late because you may be caught up in a traffic jam or etc give a courtesy call to inform them. I am sure as customer service officer they are more than happy to continue to reserve the table for you.

However on the other hand if you didn't inform them that you will be late and the customer service officer trying hard to reach you then I think within half an hour or latest 45 mins they will give up your reservation to the walk in customer who are queuing up much earlier than you when they arrived. Wouldn't this patient queuing customer deserved to be served too while instead of waiting till the next available table.
2010-05-09 02:14:26 UTC
Singaporeans are the most ungracious customers, impatient and unsympathetic. So it's no wonder no one likes to be in the service industry in Singapore. Singaporeans treat "service" people like maids, instead of appreciating what they do. Don't just look at service, look at the way Singaporeans use public toilets in the malls! And the mall managements don't empower the cleaners to tell off unruly and inconsiderate people.

Similarly, Singaporeans are too spoilt and pampered to be working in the service industry. They order maids around at home, consequently, they backlash at people who treat them the same way in the service industry. Singaporeans basically want a cushy office job that's highly paid. Get real!

Singaporeans don't have the right mindset when it comes to work, so whether it's customer service or being the customer, the result is always short of "ideal".

Singapore a first-world country? No way, the people are very third world in mind and behaviour.
2010-05-08 23:52:47 UTC
Yes It is the least appreciated industries. To many, its just a JOB (Just Over Broke) or stepping stones, not a real job even! Never they realise customer service is everywhere and the kind of service affects the economy of Singapore.

Customers, today, are very educated and savvy. However the are not very educated on how the treat fellow working class people. They need to know that we are all working for a living or survival and its not necessary to be arrogant towards customer service employees. Be patient, nice and humble, whoever you are. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Same goes for the customer service employees, do not treat customer service as just a job, be proud that you ae contributing to Singapore Economy. Treat customers the way you want to be treated, when you are a customer.
2010-05-08 07:39:37 UTC
Customer service in Singapore is a lot higher than it is often give it credit for. You just need to travel to Europe or countries such as Australia to see exactly how bad customer service can get. Singaporeans are generally their own worst critics, adopting a 'glass half empty' approach to everything from public transport to housing; this despite the fact that many Singaporeans have not truly experienced how bad things are in other countries. It is good to look inwards and to identify ways to improve but it is also important to identify positives and in the 15 years that I have lived in Singapore, all I can say is that customer service has improved dramatically. Thumbs up Singapore.
2010-05-08 06:47:53 UTC
Customer service in singapore can be improve but this also depend on customer demand. Some come company are trying very hard to improve their service year to year. Also counting in China worker that have zero english speaking will make the impact badly in the retail service. The only way to improve Customer service in Singapore is to include the customer also so that if they are polite to the retail staff it will make their shopping more memorable
2010-05-08 05:31:32 UTC
Before we talk about customer service, we need to know who are major customers in Singapore. I wont be wrong if I say the majorities are locals. So, we ask ourselves ... who are the people serving locals? The people serving locals are locals.. majorities are locals. Maybe 20% of them are not locals.

If they are locals at both sides, it should be easy job to do, because they know what their own people want and how their own people characters look like and behave.

But, it becomes difficult job and comes out with unfavorable results. So, why???? Why this happens.

I have been a few counties and lived sometime in those countries. But, in those places, I have never heard such things like it is the shun job.... customer expectations are rising... unreasonable demands...

So, why here????

The people over there are human beings, there are rich and poor. Here in Singapore, it is same, human beings, rich and poor. But, the situation is not same.

In those places, people are , as much as possible, dealing with each other in different ways... like paying respects each other (there is no who-are-you attitude), trying to understand the other side's condition (the staff serving me does not own the company), never looking at others with suspects (Is he or she trying to cheat me?), understanding on we will get what we pay (Spend $10 and never expect for $ 15 worth item) and knowing that money is important in life but not GOD.

Based on above, you might understand what I am trying to say.. and I would advise you need to change the attitude of locals to resolve this issue...

I hope it will improve when they start to think the money is not GOD, especially.

Thank you.
2010-05-08 04:57:39 UTC
I would rate Singapore has a better customer service if you have to compare it to the European countries. Try going to Europe countries and see how their services are in the supermarkets or even in the airports upon you arriving in their country.

So Singaporeans, please do not make Singapore look like we have the worst customer service here. Try to be more flexible in receiving your service. Yes customers are always right but please be reasonable at times. You as customers want to best of the products that you paid for, but you also want it to be so cheap... please lah..

Try putting yourself in that service staff position at times and you will learn to appreciate the service in Singapore.

It doesn't mean that you have the money you paid for the service and so you have the right to scold or shout at the staffs in this industry. Do you think that ppl who werk in this service industry are low class ppl? You think they do not have pride and human rights that money can make you insult them just because of the service. If you have too much money then pay for your brains to make it work.

More and more foreigners are coming to Singapore to work in the service industry and what do you guys feel when you are communicating with them??? Frustrating right when they just do not understand what you are talking or you don't quite understand their accent? But what to do when our own ppl do not want to work in this industry.

The pay also play a part. People in this industry are low paid. Some of their salary does not even reach SGD1.2K. Maybe employers should revised service industry salary and make it look like it worth the money.

As for the ppl working in the service industry, DO NOT bring your personal problems or feelings to work and when you face with the customers, you tend to serve them with a bad attitude. Treat the customers as your friends as to make the communications better. Give the customers the best service that you could and I'm sure the customers do not have anything to complain against you.

Overall, it is a 2 way thingy. Customers give nice attitude and less demanding, the service staffs will give you back the best service ever.

Nevertheless, Singapore is the best place to be and will go a long way......
Philip Lee
2010-05-08 03:25:57 UTC
Singapore service are top notch as compared with those in the region.

However customers at most time fail to acknowledge the service providers.

A service provider is also a provider of sorts in another family setting. It does not mean when you pay extra dollars it equals to you owning them for that moment and also having the right to make their life miserable with unkind remarks.

One as a customer, should have basic respect for another human no matter what capacity they served.

Many do not shun from the service industries but rather they avoid the fact of facing unreasonable customers with crazy requests. Worst of all, just one idiotic remark would make a scar for life and the damage is irreversible.

A friend shared this story with me about a Waitress in Vietnam. This restaurant was serving Indian food which is unheard of in Vietnam. The food was not spicy and tastes were very different. So in trying to indirectly pass the message, he asked the waitress to bring a bottle of chilli sauce which the kitchen would not have. Guess what? The waitress went off in her motorbike and came back 10 mins later with a bottle of chilli sauce.

A bottle of chilli sauce = a customer's need = efforts in taking her own bike = riding it = buying the chilli = riding back = finally serving it to the customer.

Tell me, how many will go out of their way for a total stranger. She don't owe anyone a living but still she serve in her own capacity.


All beings work hard to achieve a better living, learn to respect the person and not see it as only a transaction.

Singapore Service industry are already at a very credible level. We as customers have to learn to be more tolerant when things aren't smooth.

Only with good customers, then it will attract people to the industry and would encourage one to serve beyond self.

Lastly, when a service provider fail to serve or have little knowledge of a product, it would also mean the employers are as guilty in not providing adequate training. Perhaps taking it up direct with management would allow better solutions.
2010-05-07 15:11:15 UTC
Customer service is one of the toughest job, Depending on the nature in what you do, the person doing the job is least appreciated and respected. It boils down to mentality and attitude, it is a challenge for an individual, to be able to serve with passion and energy. Even Taxi drivers are demanding an increase in any opportune opening.

The reason a lot of people shun this jobs is because with the kind of pay, they are getting and the abuse they are receiving from high expectation customers, who treat this staff with disrespect at any moment of failure is one of the reasons. Of course the staff doing the job as customer service has a part to play, No amount of training will help the situation if the person doing it has no passion.
2010-05-07 10:20:39 UTC
Having at least 5 years of experience in customer service industry, I will give SG a 6.5 out of 10. As an employee for providing customer service, we face stress from the employers for boosting sales otherwise face the threat of retrenchment. On top of the stress from the employers, we are required to attend to customers needs.

From experience, I felt that majority of the customers have the mindset of "Customer is always right" and the poor employee has to meet their expectations and at the same time not increasing the expenditure of the company. The employer wants to maximise profit while the consumers yearns for more rewards; the customer service assistant gets ordinary monthly wage while having to please both the "Emperor" and the "King".

Most importantly, when good customer service was provided to the consumers, the chances of them sending in compliments to the company is as low as 1/100. On the other hand, when bad customer service was given, the odds of the consumer filing a complain (in SG) 99/100. My point here is to illustrate how difficult and unappreciated a customer service assistant can feel. Hence, I think, for customer service to improve, it need to work between the consumers and both the employers and employees (service staffs).
Nikki M
2010-05-07 06:19:00 UTC
Compared to other countries, Singapore has very low - non-existent customer service. I had a store clerk call me a fat liar last week when a teak wood chair I bought the day before broke because the wood was thin and brittle. I had never been treated so disrespectfully in my entire life! Oh wait, except for the day before that when I was pushed out of the casino for wearing shorts. Literally the staff pushed me when i asked to speak to a manager for the rude behaviour. I'm a woman and they are men. Very nice... Singapore wants to be a city known for tourism, why else would they build the IR and endless malls? I had my family with me from the U.S. staying for 2 weeks, they couldn't believe the staff was so rude! Frankly I couldn't believe it either. Singapore is a great place to live and a beautiful country but some of the service here stinks. :( Changi airport does a fantastic job with customer service, the IR should take a lesson from them.
2010-05-08 04:38:54 UTC
I find that some Singaporean sales assistants, esp the young ones, tend to "look at the customer". If you are well-dressed and well-made up, they will be super nice to you and even come up to you. But when you are just looking grubby, wearing t-shirt and shorts, they ignore you, Singlish we say "no eye see you"! They think you are not "worthy" or will not be able to afford to buy their products. Some can be pretty rude to you. They do not understand that the ability of buying a product, does not lie in how a person dresses, but the amount that is in their bank account. However, your have some sales assistants who are really nice and go all the way out to help you. Yesterday, I was at Watsons at Bugis Junction, a sales assistant, in her late 40s or early 50s went out of her way to help me search for a product.

At the same time, I find this to be quite similar even in Australia. You get some curt and temperalmental ones and yet you meet really nice ones. I think the nicest customer service I have experienced is in Bangkok (even though, the language barrier). I agree that the customer service in Singapore can be improved as especially amongst the younger sales assistants, they can learn to be more down to earth and curteous. And if the company hires foreigners, they need to be able to speak proper English. I believe, so long as those in customer service are not rude and arrogant, a lot of customers will be satisfied. Is this asking too much? Isn't part of their job?
2010-05-08 01:43:26 UTC
Customer service in Singapore is contradicting statement because with my experiences noted company supervisor/ manager and management instruct us not to do this and that for customer but later when the same customer demand to see the superior and make demand they simply say yes and earn a credit for themselves and in the end they received commendation letter and we received a complaint. Our appraisal is affected and theirs decorated.

If it is a no, sing the same song and not a yes and no at the same time.

Employees should be given a disposal fund to woo the customer during service recovery. This will help to improved service level. Give education of the surroundings and an excess to Internet to retrieve information that could help customer with a first class service. Please stop worrying they will sleep over the Internet and just learn to trust your employee. Their search engines over the net will imroved the knowledge. Give them puzzles to solve like history of the Singapore, company plans and prices that competitors out there have which yours have qualities and the best price offered.

Thou, these are the few objectives will help there are ideas sleeping in the employees mind that the superior is worried they will do more tricks than them. In any employment be receptive to the employees idea and suggestion and not give excuse with negative replies. Employees are your ambassador and the first person to do sales for your product and therefore with limited information of what is happening around the world service standard will be por in Singapore.

The service standard in Singapore is all a fake because none are genuine to serve their customer. Service should come no matter what it takes to go that extra miles. So long you are not doing things against the law.

Hope it will help.


2010-05-07 19:49:30 UTC
4/5. That's my rating. I have been in this line for almost 10 over years and there is still room for improvement. Workers in this line must or should i say do extra mile to make them come back. The company is also encourage to give their workers abit of "power" to make some decisions or give and take kind of thing rather than saying, "I'll ask my supervisor....or.....This is a set. You can't change this one to that one.....I don't know, I never try this before....."

This is what the local company is lacking but we as Singaporeans/customers always give this workers a hard time. Just because customers have money, they can be rude and throw their weight around. Like throwing their credit cards, money around when made payments and these workers have to pick up one by one. I came across a parent throw coins onto the table in front of her children. And guess what, the kid did the same when he came back to buy ice-cream.

The worker talked nicely and the parent came and complainted to the supervisor. The poor worker was told off in front of the staff. Pity isn't it?

Maybe just maybe the media/government can do something about it as more and more Singaporeans are behaving this way.

For a start, the media or somebody can change the rule, "Customers is NOT always right" and the local company or the management/supervisors can do their part by listening to both sides rather than listening to the customers ONLY.
2010-05-07 05:02:34 UTC
Well, we can't please everyone in this world, can you?

Like what others have said, everything take 2 hands to clap. You be a monkey, you get peanuts or vice verse, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Ultimately, its a human world, and errors are unavoidable. Sometimes you may get a newbie who is helping you yet they volunteered the wrong information. You think its their fault? Blame the company who doesn't train them well then. Or perhaps you got the info wrongly urself yet couldn't remember it, who do you wanna blame?

Everything in this society is just getting pathetic. Everyone is pushing the blame here and there. No one seems to be willing to shoulder a responsibility. Its call social manners if anyone knows.

Customers in perspective should know that they are NOT ALWAYS RIGHT (stupid campaign that was launch years back bout customers are always right). If you are a customer, get your facts right, you MAY deserve the right but you are not always right.

Customer service personnels should know that having the basic courtesy to greet, acknowledge a customer. To help a customer within your job scope. Well of course, not to the extend a customer asking you to do something out of the box. Going the extra mile at times gives you a boost in your career if you are into the service industry.

Service can be improved if customers learn not to be too demanding if they actually are. Learn to give and take. Demand stuff with dignity please.

Generally, you be nice, I will nice to you too. Isn;t it? That is what makes the world go round?
2010-05-07 04:00:15 UTC
Well I always find service personal are very artificial. You get good service when you buy product or service. But the moment they get an inclination that you are not going to purchase the service level drops. When customer is gone they ***** about the client they have just served. Sometimes they get carried away and continue complaining with their friends even when a new customer walks in.

Generally I find many Singaporeans are very mean be they customer or service provider.

The experience can be good only when we become genuine in providing good service. Good service is not part of a job. It is the nature of a person and it can be nurtured.

Thank you
2010-05-08 20:24:17 UTC
Customer service in Singapore is serve base on their own judgement whether the customer can afford or not for the product(s). They do not provide same standard across the board (including our prestige Singapore Airline) and needless to say, who received the utmost attention, consideration and patience - The expatriates

The customer services in Hong Kong and Taiwan that I experience, amazingly is friendly and applies same standard. So sad to say, we have a long way to go for services to be appreciated. Appreciation comes by earning and not by "demand" which I think this is where we all lack in understanding. It is the same as "respect". It comes by earning and not by "demand". Thus if we do not gives unconditional customer service, we will not receive appreciation.

However, I must say that there are minority in the industry that provides good customer service that I do not hesitate to give recommendation and patronize them again. But I also do not deny that some of us as customer is not very patience or accommodating due to our self centreness.

Just as the saying goes, we need both hands to clap. So, we need to earn appreciation so when we apply same service standard, customers will not and cannot compare and demand for attention. The customer has to be more patience and accommodating by foregoing our self centreness. There is a repercussion for every respond/service given. Good service = sales and return business. Bad service = bad reputation and no return business. We need to relearn and educate the public that appreciation or respect comes from earning and not by demand.

Such changes does not come over night and we need to start now to instil the real meaning of customer service regardless of whether there is any sales at the end. We can study the behaviour and their standard of service from Japan.
2010-05-08 20:14:20 UTC
Big Yes that customer service here in Singapore is Bad. Why, Coz you get what you deserve!

Customers culture here in Singapore is undoubtedly one of the most unreasonably demanding. They are aware of this, which is one of the reasons why they shun away from any customer service ralated jobs. Companies often than not have no choice but to hire foriegners to fill in needed positions and these foriegners are the best in the field of good service from where they came from. Good for Singapore, bad for the them, as they later on discover the culture of lack of appreciation and arrogantness. Customer Service for whatever it is at present is a reflection of what Customers are in singapore.
2010-05-08 08:19:38 UTC
Customer is always right; as a consumer i feel that this policy still stands.. If there is a complain, something definitely went wrong.. The customer service these days are getting harsher with managers coming out to say a big "NO" in rejections, i feel that customer service is getting poorer especially telcos in Singapore. I personally feel that if the customer really felt yr effort in helping them, they will not stomp away in disgust and it will make your day better a thousand times. If you think that the demand is unreasonable in the first place, then stand in their shoes to think what to they want and try to give them half of that demand.
2010-05-07 04:45:26 UTC
SIngapore is a pretty strange place... the moment foriegners( caucasians) come, the service picks up... yet they are actually one of the worst tippers I've known. I used to work in the service industry more then 10 years ago. I had the fortunate chance to be part of a nice team. Unfortunately the employer( a typical singaporean chinese guy) spoilt the environment by making stupid rules and demands.( guess he got inspired by the equally motivational govt we have here)

Personally, the service here sucks because we have employers who are too greedy and at the sametime demand too much. You want great service? Give your service staff what their due! That service charge is supposed to be their tip, not part of their salary. And don't just hire people based on race for service... no offence, but singaporean chinese aren't the best for service(Guess thats why we see more filipinos in the front lines... cheap and friendly) If you hire more Malays and Indians I'm sure the service will improve(not just the fair skinned female types... perhaps we need quotas here... what do you think?). They are usually more warmer and not just to fair skinned people.

So to conclude... to improve service here, we need to change the mindsets of the people here.. darn it... might as well wait for pigs to fly...
2010-05-10 15:47:25 UTC
Providing of customer service has always been and will always be challenging especially in Singapore where travellers from all over the world come to feast all year around. By and large standards of customer service in Singapore is pretty good comparable to some of the leading tourism destinations.Yes there is room for improvements, and we should encourage more youths from Singaporean to join the industry and employers could provide more incentives to aid that. We ought to be the best in the world!
2010-05-11 02:47:37 UTC
For higher-end level customer service is good. SIA, Hotels, etc

For the general level customer service is below neighbouring countries.

The problem is mentality, how can a child learn about service mentality when he/she grows up with everything being done by the maid.

Soft skills are hard to learn (pun unintended).


I brought a family of 5 for Dim Sum at a popular local restuarant upon a recommendation. The experience was our first and would be our last. The queue was long and chaotic. After some time of waiting, we were given a number to a table. When we reached the table, there was dispute with another family who also wanted the same table because the table they were assigned which was just next to ours was still occupied. After some sorting out, we had our table and the visibly frustrated other family went back to the queue.

Anyways, we just sat there, the Dim Sum trolleys, never reached our location for 20 minutes. We only had tea and the tea cups have lip-stick marks on the rims. Finally, we placed direct orders for a few dishes. The dishes never came after a long time. So we spoke to another service lady about it and she said she will take care of it. Subsequently, we had double orders - payment wise but was only served once. Some servers were rude, they just wanted to clock as many orders under themselves but never ensure that the food is delivered. The experience was utterly horrific, everyone in the family was frustrated.

The problem with this restuarant is that it is using a service system that was inefficient and had many problems. It should do a relook at its processes at the fundamental level. What had worked in the past, is no longer functioning.

To be fair, in this instant, there was one lady service person who was trying her very best under the choatic system. So potential areas for improvement are - To provide a better workflow operating system and better training for the service staff. Both are management issues.
Abdul Rani A
2010-05-08 09:39:16 UTC
One thing for sure, Customers are there not to test or give any staffs a hard time. But the 1st few seconds already gave the impression either good or bad. As service staff's basic smile and greeting should do just fine. We shouldn't judge the customers at all... Listening is the key. Yes at times s'porean service staffs may give bad impression but we must understand most of them are part timers who work irregularly. Should a service staff goes the extra mile, that's better than average already, and at times customers may be alittle annoying I must say but sadly its not an excuse for service staffs. I've been working in F&B line long enough to get even high cash tips from my guests. Not to say that I'm good but as long as we listen, smile and acknowledge everything that's being said, I believe we should be alright. I hope all service staffs reading this always remember, customer that steps in our outlets are giving us the opportunity to serve not the other way round... rich or poor, demanding or understanding, we are all human... Don't let few bad service gives us bad impression on everybody out there, you'll be surprised by the good ones. Don't expect it to be exellent just because you pay the 10% tax thats not going to our pockets but do understand us too, and the feedback to them does help....
2010-05-08 06:57:04 UTC
I agree with the previous comment. the service in Singapore CANNOT AND NEVER IMPROVE.

From traveling all over the world, Singapore must have the worst customer services in the restaurants, banks and other industry. First most of them speaks broken Singlish and their attitudes are the worst; they don't care about their job. They need to take more ownership and have pride in where they work or they should just stay home or continue studying for better job.
Can Pay Futhermore
2010-05-07 19:36:17 UTC
Haiz... I tink b4 i was born and cud even see the light, Singapore Service Industry was already that bad ain't it? Its not that i like to incriminate the service sector but look at the way they handle the customers expectation.. I mean in terms of both customers (consumers) and vendors. Most of them just do not have the right basic attitude and courtesy in them... I know... I know... Nobody's perfect.

Just go to Japan and u will know wat i mean... Its not only the services they provide is respected but also the consumers. Both parties relli respect and show basic requirement of a service needed to sustained or struck a deal.

So the main concern will be our ownselves. How are we brought up. The type of society we are living in. The employment standard. AND lastly, ASKING and KNOWING the policy of the vendor's products before purchasing.

SO the blame cud not be directed onto the service sectors. Government and companies had invest and outsourcing all angles and possibilities to sustained or upgrade the service qualities.

Like the saying says: "May the service (force) be with you"

One last droplet of a thinker... "Stop the KIASUISM mindset" Aiyo!
2010-05-07 12:03:52 UTC
sometimes, people feel that the way the customer treats the waiter/waitresses, in return makes them retaliate with bad service. however, service does not equate this way. it should be rendered as expected, simply because, you are getting paid. to put it bluntly, the customers pay the service crews' salary. that said, i would like to clarify that i was formerly frm the F&B line and started off as a service crew. i too, have met my fair share of 'bad' customers. im not saying crews should put up with unreasonable customers, but it would really be nice to not retaliate back with equally bad mannered language or behaviour because, that would simply make you, no difference from these minority few 'bad customers'. seriously, who would in the right mind, wake up with an intention to make someone else's life miserable? an action depicts a reaction and vice versa. if a crew had done his part, to be responsible in his work and actions (eg smile and greet your salary payers instead of a 'why-are-you-here-to-bother-me-so-early-in-the-morning-look') then im sure the whole situation would be great. the end result? your day is not ruined by the customer who decides to complain you due to your nasty attitude. win-win situation!:)

how can service be improved? its pretty hard i have to say. what with more foreigners coming in and furthur ruining our service standards. (not all, but a significant number since im ALWAYS meeting these personnels) a consistency must be set, and firm actions be taken against such personnel. bottom line, initiative. without that, i dont think service standards will get better anytime soon.
2010-05-07 09:59:06 UTC
The service industry personnel in Singapore tend to give me the feeling that they are not happy, even when they try to give the standard service-industry smiles and replies.

I'm not sure why... perhaps it's really because they do not get enough welfare or the typical Singaporean customers simply piss them off so much that there is not much energy left to do their job well... could be both reasons too.

To be fair, I really enjoy the service standards in Taiwan and even nearby Indonesia (Batam hotel industry). Their heartfelt smiles and desire to help never fails to amaze me as a consumer. It brightens up my day - the wonders of a good service that's quite a rare experience on local shores...
2010-05-07 06:06:19 UTC
I agree with most comments in here. This is a 2way thing and works both ways. Having worked in the travel industry for the last 13years have shown me the 2 extreme ends of how Singaporeans treat service staff. You pay a transaction/service fee for services rendered, but 90% of the time we get impatient travel arrangers and staff who DEMANDS service all because they say "I pay you a fee so you MUST do whatever I want", failure to do so will have them either calling the management or cursing and swearing into your ears, threatening to change travel agents and telling you that they will spread the word around about the poor service! Yes, travel agents makes mistake, don't people from every single industry do as well? 2010 has been a trying time for all of us since our business has increased due to the improvement of the economy and hiring of staff becomes difficult for all large corporate travel management companies. The service industry is a thankless job, we take abuses all day, arrogance and threats about losing our jobs all year round, from a lot of Singaporeans and expats likewise. And most of all the companies wants to pay a low low fee but want 5star dedicated service..get real! I wonder if we can get the government to wake up the consumers instead. Yes service providers aren't angels but who made us so unhappy to serve?? Go figure!
2010-05-07 03:21:43 UTC
Customer service in Singapore are generally bad.

There is a slight chance for us to improve only if the bosses are the ones who cultivate their staffs and the boss himself actually leads by example. As most workers have very little sense of ownership in their work, it's very hard for them to provide a service happily. If the company has a very strong culture about customer service and the bosses themselves prove it to the workers. Then maybe customer service can be improve. Ultimately a true service has to be from the heart. If the workers are not even positive about their working environment, how to expect them to provide a good service?
2010-05-07 02:44:49 UTC
Seriously, I don't really feel that the service standard in singapore is good enough, but it did improve throughout the year. What can we expect since there are lots of expat doing the jobs instead of Singaporean themselve. The expat might not be properly trained or educated to provide good services, so it's unfair for us to criticised them. But the facts is even Singaporean show attitute and provide lousy service, and in fact I personally gets more lousy service from Singaporean then the expat! One incident that pissed me off is from M1. My wife trying to sign up the Take 3 plan and so she ask for the detail, but the officer seems very impatient and agitated. messaging along the way and didnt even bother to use eye contact. It made us feels that we are not important at all. Worst still the answer he gave is very irritating. Like, "Ya, the phone not yours!, you must return!" and this is repeated for many times!!! The important thing is he is a singaporeean!!!

Measure are taken to improve customer service standared in Singapore, but it's down to individual's attitute and mentality. Some may provide good service despite the facts that the reward is not as attractive, some might give poor service even there are very promising rewards. I personally feels that in order to improve the services strandard, the service provider must be educate to see the importance of providing good services. In such a way, they will do it with their heart.
2010-05-08 21:16:29 UTC
Customer service in singapore has got a big space for improvement.

First and foremost 'Fast Food in Singapore' no vegetarian meal available - be it 'McDonalds, Burger King' Vegetarian dishes are not expected from KFC becasue as the name suggests "Fried Chicken"

Attitude towards customer service has to change. The very need for customer service is because of lack of information or the lack of communication.

Barring certain entities, the first point of contact at customer service points is a disspointment. Firstly good english is not forthcoming. Either the person at the point of service is ignorant or arrogant. He / She may be knowing english, but refuses to speak or not competent enough.

We are a society of multi-cultural and multi-racial communities and a common lanugage in the form of good spoken English with acceptable mannerism is a must in improving customer service
carmela ranosa
2010-05-08 01:29:50 UTC
Customer service has greatly improved in singapore due to rising competition in the industry.

And I do agree with those who answered that Singaporeans are the most arrogant customers ever. They can just complain about the tiniest thing, which can really be annoying. They don't even know how to say "please" and "thank you". So it's just but obvious that many are opting to work for another industry since locals are VERY DEMANDING, unlike their western counterparts.
2010-05-08 01:07:08 UTC
Excellent customer service in Singapore was what I knew and experienced before a decade ago. Recently I have observing that it (the customer service here) has been deteriorating. Nevertheless here in Singapore customer service is still better than that of at many other countries especially the middle eastern countries.
2010-05-07 23:30:18 UTC

Grade of customer services differ in different industries. I wld say the F&B industry gives better services than the Retail line and also the western category serve better than the local one. I personally think the Property/Insurance/Direct Selling have high score on this. Comparing to the similar industry in China, I can say that the Chinese' customer service attitude are alot better than the Singaporeans; regardless of the customer's attitude .
Research For Something
2010-05-07 14:24:40 UTC
drabkly speaking the customer service in Singapore need to be upgrade to the level where in Taiwan or even in Japanm the Sales Ambassadors greeted their customers at the up and down escaltors and entrance of lifts

also the cashiers have to put up a warm and hearty smiles to patying customers and after the transaction, wishing them a good day and do invite them to come back again,

Also hand picked some customers for good and bad feedback on improvement od service and expectations. At end of survey, maybe a gift vouchers of $10 for their nect inteded shopping spree. This will be a WIN WON situation for both party.
2010-05-07 11:00:38 UTC
What Service? must learn how to speak english first! Personally feel Mcdonald staff are highly commendable.Gd service and consistent, whichever outlet - well trained, even though paid peanuts.. And local employers are greedy and do not know how to motivate staff - Tips and service charges shud be paid those who are rendering the service! The very basic lah, SPEAK ENGLISH and phone etiquettes!! Hang Ten customer service said - Wei on the phone.. wah! Put the non english speaking under operations or wha , not front line.. Can imagine bus captain, not being able to communicate in English? Having said all this - Filipinas service is indeed good! Locals can learn from them, seriously! Actually why bother say so much, nothing is going to change :(
2010-05-07 02:51:22 UTC
The customer service in Singapore is rather bad especially for the F&B industry. I was to Shanghai a couples of month ago and was suprised by the excellent customer service standard of the few resturant that I have visited.
2016-01-29 16:09:21 UTC
Which type of restaurant or place you visit will have the same level of customer service. If a customers go to a lower end restaurant and expect a high end service. High-end service as food and product knowledge, receptive service (a bit more then dine & serve). I personally think that this particular is asking too much. Being said so, I been to a low end restaurant before (B~~~y B~~~~r), not expecting a lot of receptiveness but just to refill my glass of ice water. I need to raise my hand and ask the waiter 4 times before my glass is refill and it took around 5-7 mins during a non-peak period and the restaurant only had about 5 tables full with 4 waiters around excluding the manager.
2010-05-09 09:59:55 UTC
IMO to get real customer service in Singapore, you must either be;

1) Not Singaporean nor Asian

2) Have a "Not Singaporean nor Asian" at your table

3) Singaporean but very classy and not sitting in a restaurant which 1 main course cost less than $40

4) Singaporean got mixed blood which makes you look very pretty or handsome

5) Eat in a restaurant which 1 meal will cost your whole month salary

Any more?
2010-05-10 20:25:02 UTC
Very Moderate as I had a bad experience in Bread Q - in Kallang MRT recently. When there to purchase some cakes for the family. There were 2 ladies, one in the cashier counter & the other was helping to top up. The price indicated in the pcs of cake was S$ 1.00 so I took 3 pcs which mean I pay S$3.. But went I gave S$10 to the cashier I was given back S$ 6.70. Surprise I did ask the cashier why is she charging me S$ 1.10 she could not answer me as well as the other lady as both of them do not understand English at all. In the end I have to leave without buying anything from the shop.

Just imagine if a foreigner was there in the same shoes at me, what will they think about Singapore as we are promoting Tourism here. I think we should at least have basic English knowledge esp those in the front counter.

Thanks & have a good day
2010-05-09 05:32:06 UTC
Before you start judging a Service Officer on the other end of the phone or service counter, think.

If that person was your son or daugther, your mum and dad or your love one, HOW would you as a customer behave?

If you believe you deserve better quality of service, give your feedback to the manager politely and professionally, because EVERYONE makes mistakes at work, and YOU will want others to give you a chance. Likewise, service staff makes mistakes but these can be rectified through coaching, training.

Service Staff should NEVER impose their emotions on the customers. Likewise, customers should NEVER impose their emotions on Service Staffs
2010-05-08 23:48:03 UTC
It depend on what kind of service are we looking at. Food business like food court and coffee shop has the worst customer service. Singapore airport customer service is improving. But we have the most untolerated and disgusting attitude of customers that are so annoyingly demanding. So i guess to have a good customer service, the attitude of the customers has to change.
peace maker
2010-05-08 02:53:54 UTC
As a customer point of view, I think that we have to be a good customer and show respect to customer service officer as well. I find that Singaporean are just been nasty and likes to take advantage of people. Being Unreasonable and arrogant are the best characteristics of typical Singaporean. Let see one scenario wherein a Singaporean customer treated badly to a customer service officer. I believe as a customer, we should also try to put ourselves to their shoes, we should know how to respect them. The scenario I have witnessed is the customer asking for good deal where the officer cannot give immediately and he started to be agitated and used vulgar words to officer. No doubt he is educated by the way he dress but we should act humble and not let our profession be the key to act as arrogant. The officer is trying very best to calm down the situation but the customer is really one of a kind wherein scream and pointed his finger to the officer nose. At that point of time I realized a s a customer, we need to give nurture respects to everyone. His action is been a disgrace as a Singaporean.

As a customer,i had never been unreasonable to any service staff and will always put myself into other peoples shoes.

I think singaporean just have to learn to be humble.

Another best thing to describe on singaporean are "Complaint KING and QUEENS" .
2010-05-07 22:05:21 UTC
I'm a Singaporean. Over the years, I'd say that service standards have improved. However, the demand for service levels has increased much more, giving the perception that standard levels have not followed suit.

But what I felt is contributing most to this dissatisfaction is that customers nowadays are much less tolerating. Most have travelled abroad and higher educated. This, coupled with the influx of foreign service staff who are from less developed countries and who speak English less fluently, is a natural consequence.

I've personally seen fellow Singaporeans who were very unreasonable in their demands and if they saw themselves on TV or video, trust me, you really look very ugly - Ugly Singaporeans is not a misnomer!

So please, let's be a bit more civil and tolerant. You'll find life a bit easier and less stressful.

Cheers! :-p
Mike DJ
2010-05-07 18:51:13 UTC
Customer Service here in Singapore sucks, it will never improve because Singaporeans think too highly of themselves and the overall mentality of the culture that people working in customer service are valued and as a considered lower class in this society.
2010-05-07 18:25:54 UTC
The service staff at the department stores are the worse off. They don't go the extra mile to help the customers, the very famous saying " it's all there" or "not sure"

I've given up shopping in Singapore. More training need to be done and customers should also respect the staff and not abuse them.
2010-05-07 10:38:06 UTC
service is intangible , therefore is hard to measure. In my opinion companies have to take up much responsibilities that cause people to shun away from customer service job. Corporations are focusing much on marketing than customers retention/ satisfaction. Customer services job , have been replace by answering machines. Very often we are annoy by " press1 for xx , press 2 for, press 3 for......, i felt that we should put priority on customers satisfaction , rather than services. when customers is satisfy { 7 P ] marketing mix , so what is that to complain , as such need and want is fulfill hence good service happen. who will not like such services job. JIT , or 0 defect should be the focus point of all organization,as to accomplish good customers care rather than blaming the demand and complexicity of consumers.
2010-05-07 09:50:50 UTC
As a consumer, I would say there are still room for improvement. Especially in places like restaurants and shopping malls. Servers in restaurants are to be well-trained beforehand, so they would know how to handle situations.

As a service provider myself, it is difficult when you are facing unreasonable customers. All we are doing is our job to serve you better, but we are not your slaves. We deserve the same level of respect as you require from us.

Everyone has their demands, but please look at the surrounding you are at. Don't expect 5-star hotel service when you are only checking into a budget hotel in joochiat...Never expect 5-star service when you are only having meals in coffeeshops or fast food restaurants...

And it is not the tourists that scare people away from joining the service industry, it is actually our very own Singaporeans. You expect service when you are paying for something. Right, just consider the amount of money you are paying.
2010-05-07 04:17:02 UTC
Customer service in Singapore is not too bad. Customer too have shown improvement although unreasonable demand is increasing. Through training and greater financial motivation, higher service standard can be obtained. Awareness to treat service provider correctly must also be enhanced.
2010-05-07 19:37:55 UTC
I find some asia countries such as vietnam their customer service are so much better than us despite there are some language barrier.

Singaporean generally are "ugly" take for example we are famous for not giving way when you drive on the road or pretend to be unknowingly cutting into other people queue. When confronted some even raise their voices stating they are in the right - Referring to those typical aunties and uncles. Some employer don't even treat maid with proper rights example after finishing house chores in his employer house, she was brought to another house to continue house chores. Some who afford big car end up asking maid to wash their car. So again what you expect being a Singaporean? these are the big lots that thrash our identity. Try looking around!!

Regardless older or younger generation we are behaving this way what else can we expect from our customer service provider, customer or even nation? but not all are like that there's still nice Singaporean just hard to find.

Sooner or later we'll be overtaken by upcoming Asean countries due to our sense of arrogance.
2010-05-07 10:04:24 UTC
I am a singaporean student working as a part timer in a restaurant and in a short 3 months working there i have my own views on customer service in singapore.

Most customers in singapore are very nice and would thank us, the service crews when we serve or help them, but there are a certain number of them who thinks that they are the ONLY customers in the WHOLE restaurant. These people complain over the slightest things. I have received complaints for drinks that are not served within 10 minutes ( don't the barista need time to prepare other people's orders before doing theirs?). There was even one lady who complained that she ordered a cup of juice with no ice but received one with ice, even though she drank the whole cup and demanded a new one. One customer even screamed at my manager in front of everyone over a waffle that is soft and not crispy.

When customers show their appreciation for the service crew, it will make them strive harder ad provide better service in hope that they will again receive similar praises from other customers. While it is true that one genuine thank you will brighten our days, it is also true that one bad grumpy customer will do the opposite.

In the place i am working, there is only 1 singaporean full time crew, and he is leaving the job soon. Well, i am not surprised. For $5 an hour, the crews are made to slog for the whole day, without sitting down, and the worst of all, to be scolded by certain customers. Want better service? Then start with yourself as a customer. While some crew might make mistakes, please remember that they are human afterall, and all they ask is for your kind understanding.

On how to improve the service culture in singapore, i suggest the following:

1. Abolish the 10% service charge. None of the 10% goes to the crew members as additional pay, and instead bring back the tipping culture, with customers tipping the crew they feel give good service.

2. As a customer be more forgiving, and appreciate the work people put in, instead of complaining, mocking foreign service crew for their bad command of english. Thank the people who help you, ask them how is their day. When you are nice to others, it is only natural they will be nice to you ( this is how humans are programmed to function).

3. Send service crew for training, and increase basic pay to attact more people into the service sector, in hope of having more and better service cew. Increase wage to retain experienced workers. I do realise most F&B places with bad service are generally understaffed, so there must be a direct link between number of workers and service ratings.

4. If all fails, send all those CUSTOMERS who LIKES to COMPLAIN to work in a F&B outlet, preferably in areas like Orchard, Plaza Singapura, Bishan, Tampines, preferably into a popular restaurant like Mahattan Fish Market, Swensens, Cafe Cartel. Just work for 3 days - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and remember that the people working full time in the F&B have to do that week in week out. After this experience, i dare say MOST will be more understanding. The minority are hopeless.
2010-05-07 09:40:22 UTC
customer service jobs in singapore seems to be an industry for foreigners like malaysians and filipinos as more singaporeans are shunning it due to rising expectations from fellow beings. As we become more educated, our level of expectation of customer services rises and sometimes we take those customer service officer for granted and act like kings and queens. Thus we see unreasonable customers who are prone to making complaints for little little things. However, we ought to remember, if we are good customers, we will also receive good service.
2010-05-07 09:32:03 UTC
Very BAD.

I think the customers here, being customers like in any other countries, are quite reasonable, they demand good service with a smile. But unfortunately most service providers here lack the later part.

I am a foreigner who has been leaving here for 6 years. In my home country (3rd world), the service is MUCH better. I have worked in the U.S. for 3 months as a cashier (for a school programme). There are a lot of rude African American there. But the service in the U.S. is MUCH better than in Singapore. One day, one person threw money to my colleague's face and cursed her with harsh words. But she just swallowed it all and still provide good service the next day.

I think service providers here should remember the phrase "Customers are King".
2010-05-07 05:17:43 UTC
Customer service in Spore has slackened tremendously compared 10 yrs ago. I remembered our service personnel were helpful, polite and speaks English. I believed this was due to the national campaign on "Courtesy" which promote and encourage everyone to be polite.

I have spent my last 3 yrs leaving and working in NZ. The experience I had was all praises. The citizens never stop saying, "Thank You", "Please" , smile etc. Even the bus driver. When I came back to Spore, I would also automatically and consciously practice what I've been instilled. I got stared but I continued because I want to be an agent of change and positive influence.

My 13 yrs old nephew came back in Dec 2009 after leaving in NZ for 6 yrs. I was disgusted and so was my nephew when he was ignored or stared at when he was being courteous.

With the influx of migrants, it is importance that we should start having this "Courtesy" campaign again. I had a very bad experience in Jan 2010 when I had visitors from NZ shopping at Westmall (Veeko). The Sales Manager (China National) not only does not speak English, she was extremely rude and nasty. She shouted and gave us a nasty look and said "I already told you this shelve also on sale" From there on, we never want to step into any of VEEKO and thus gave my Kiwi friend a bad impression of our service.

I've always been very proud to be a Singaporean and customer service is in my blood. But with the number of migrants in our society, speaking so loudly everywhere they go, litter as they please give me a second thought of wanting to live here.

FYI, when I told friends I'm from Singapore, they said, "Oh, you mean Chinapore"

Let's wake up and buck up. Bring back that "Courtesy" and speak "English" campaign.

Thanks & regards,

Mrs Anita Lim-Chiew
2010-05-07 02:32:22 UTC
In my experience, 1 out of 10 shops that I visited has extremely poor customer service, which includes: verbal abuse by the sales people, harsh attitude, sour face, lack of knowledge of the product and very long waiting time.

About 1 or 2 out of 10 has very good customer service (it could be the entire sales team or a particular sales person) and what I appreciate from them are: The sales person listen attentively to the need of customer and recommend the most suitable product, friendly, have good knowledge of the product they sell and can clarify any question you have regarding the product.

The rest falls in between :)

As a business person myself, I understand that there are definitely difficult customers at times. I guess business owner/ sales person has to come to an awareness that doing business is ultimately meeting the needs of somebody, not just about ourselves and our sales numbers. It is more than wanting people to buy your things, "jaga" shop. There are campaign to raise awareness about excellent customer service but it didn't reach it's goal. Perhaps when one day Singaporean realize that they are "loosing customer" to other countries then they will start improving customer service.
2014-11-20 13:39:00 UTC
occasion it's more about shareholders or owners interest rather

than the focus on giving quality and value to staffs and customers. For the magnitude and

intricacies involved, the service industry in Singapore isn't well paying which makes the job shun

by many to start with. The cycle of good service is simple; Owners makes Staff happy = Staff

makes Customers happy = Customers makes Owners happy = Everyone's happy!

2. Training & Education. Training is about teaching the
2014-09-08 20:11:38 UTC
I'm a woman and they are men. Very nice... Singapore wants to be a city known for tourism, why else would they build the IR and endless malls? I had my family with me from the U.S. staying for 2 weeks, they couldn't believe the staff was so rude! Frankly I couldn't believe it either. Singapore is a great place to live and a beautiful country but some of the service here stinks. :( Changi airport does a fantastic job with customer service, the IR should take a lesson from them.
2010-05-11 00:00:28 UTC
Customers are so hard to pleased especially those with some money. Everything also want to compare and compliant just to show that have been there.While on a Budget Airline , overheard a conversation unintentionally as the lady sitting in front was bragging to her friends about the kind of service she received on international airline,complaining that the seat are too small ,not enough leg-room and stewardess not attentive enough. What the Hell. The list can go on unreasonable customers are everywhere .Together with Nursing ,Customer Service are the least appreciated job.They are at the receiving end most of the time.
2010-05-08 23:22:25 UTC
Instead of rating the level of customer service, I feel we should look into the level of customer standards around the region with factors of graciousness and gratefulness.

1. Japan (10/10) a perfect match heaven for customers (polite) and providers (patient and attentive)

2. Taiwan (9.5/10) as they are close to Japan in pop culture

3. Hong Kong (8.5/10) although market stall owners often ignore you if you don't understand Cantonese

4. Singapore (4.5/10) level of appreciation towards service staff is low
2010-05-08 23:10:58 UTC
There are different answers and opinions to such questionnaires. But in all honesty, majority of the answers we usually see or read about involves the person writing in these answers. A classic example is the amount of negative answers received so far versus positive ones specifying incidents involving the writer itself. We should look and understand this question on a broader base and not to base our answers on isolated cases/incidents.

It is my personal opinion that to some extent, our service standards have improved a notch up.However, looking on a broader base, these improvements are contained to certain service sectors, i.e Sectors where tipping occurs. As for Sales staff or any "No tips" sector, admittedly, we need to improve. There are individuals that basically tend to these jobs - just to fill up their time or for want of being employed. Good service standards basically reflects on an individuals passion, commitment, personal challenges.Employees look for a hanging carrot at the end of the day.

Thus,it is difficult to put a finger to an answer to this questionnaire But lets face it, people remember the bad things, Nobody remembers the good ones. Do you ?
2010-05-08 13:56:52 UTC
hi people, my two cents worth - good customer service equal good customer or vice verse is a wrong equation to began with. singaporeans are short sighted unlike our leaders and lack the culture of many western countries where they are proud of what they do best be it a trunk driver or sewer cleaner. instead of pointing fingers, we should look away from accessing a person worth from how much they earn.

if we ourselves cant change this mindset, how can we complain about others not being proud of their work resulting in sloppy services? not just customer services. day in and out im sure we face nonsense from internal customers etc singaporean have became too competitive until it becomes self centred. which bring us to other things being questioned recently.e.g rude drivers, people not giving up seats to old people etc. if everyone that post here with the intention give constructive criticism while ensuring they parted their part. the questions involved should solve by itself.

when we tailgate the car in front and prevented a car to changing into our lane. we do not reach our destination any faster. we reached two metre earlier but we are still behind the car in front and someone else missing their exit or swerving in dangerous and after which another driver will grumble causing a chain reaction. its brainless but it still happens on the road

until we can solve something as simple as this, i do not think i can give any valuable inputs to improving customers services.
2010-05-08 02:55:04 UTC
Honestly, it takes two to clap.

Customers are demanding because they believed that they pay a service charge for good and quality service.

Else what's the 10% service charge for?

On the other hand, Customer Service Officers felt that they are not appreciated for their effort and when 1 customer ruins the day, he/she gives the rest of them a hard day or a grumpy face.

Well, I think that places where customer service plays a part, we should do away with the 10% service charge.

Instead, the customer should be the one determining the tipping.

If he/ she felt that the service is well received, the tip will go accordingly.

I believe Singaporeans will award good and quality service.

The charges shouldn't be mandatory, incompetency will follow and grudges will roll on.

In life, we should learn to appreciate and to be appreciated.
2010-05-07 14:44:32 UTC

I feel that the standard of service in Singapore is far much better than the other side of the world. This is true, I am living in the States and the service I got here is not as good as the one you get back home. Singaporeans on the other hand are too hard to please especially those from the well to do people. Their request can be too much at times not thinking that they are not in Singapore.

I would suggest to those people who said that service in Singapore bad, try going overseas before commenting on our standard of service. I have had bad experience with Singaporeans vacationers while I was working in a Ski resort in USA. They are rude and very unpleasant to deal with. Let us face it Singaporeans think that people from the service industry are low class. That is why no one wants to be in the service industry back home.

Lets face it people from other countries treats us better than our own people. The respect I get here is far much better than I would get back in Singapore. Better tips too.
2010-05-07 08:54:11 UTC
I notice that more and more Phillippinoes and Indonesian are working in the service line in Singapore and they have improved the service quality significantly. I don't feel my blood pressure shooting high when served by them. I feel them to be more sincere and professional - they don't abuse customer with sarcastic word or unhappy face expression. I find more of them now also taking those calls at customer service hotlines and they are very nice and sound sincere. I'm happier with the customer service here now, when I go to shop - I look for these people instead.
2010-05-10 19:58:01 UTC
What we hear and gathered from here is that from the customers' perspective , some said they've better encounters/experience of customer services , like when they traveled overseas regardless of any language barriers. Another complaint about service providers from foreign land working in Singapore can't even understand simple english and is agitated. It is about one's expectations here !

Whereas in the service providers' perspective, some said customers should earn their good service and not demand for t. Hence, good service for good customers. Again , we hear about expectations from another.

So if only everyone , be it customers or service providers, respect each other as human as we get along with our family and friends from the onset, I believe the issue on good or bad customer service should not exist in the first place !!!

"One without expectation often received pleasant surprises !!! Another with high expectation often left with great disappointment !!!"

Lets begin with a simple philosophy of being human...."be reasonable in our dealings with all people" !!.
2015-02-16 05:28:50 UTC
On the other hand, I have to agree that customer service in Singapore has been getting better as time goes by, offset by foreign "talent" that cannot speak english, which brings the overall experience down. However, there is little to no incentive to improve service levels further, as culturally, we are becoming a poorer nation.
2010-05-07 11:29:40 UTC
I am very shock/sad to read about the people commenting about Singaporean attitude and demand of customer service, I am very sure those are not the Singaporean customer service provider but lazy foreigners who has come from the barbarians back ground and don’t know how to behave.

I am not agreeing, if any can prove that customers are hard to serve. If one doesn’t know what is customer service should get out from Singapore. Notice to all useless customer service personals, please just put your self in to customers shoes and feel the demand , what do you want if you are customer .if you get what you want with in stipulated limit your expectation , I am sure you have got the true customer service. customer service is come from heart not by force .so THIS is my suggestion to Singapore authorities if you can rate the all F&B PLACE by grades why not PERSONAL working for it. There should be some measure/mandatory training to know if one has equipped with proper tools/ knowledge of customer service and demands. Being in customer service business for 8 year I have found consistent dip in customer service in Singapore. I find no one bothers to rectify this issue; we are far behind in customer service compare to many countries. Hay Singaporean and Singapore authorities!!!!!Please wake up!!!! We are going from bad to worse customer service, no one here who can take responsibilities and if this happened, we will loose a lot …..Please don’t blame Singaporeans but you foreigners be better service personal as you are here to feed your family back home. Please do your part rather blaming your employers and Singaporeans/all the blogger about Singaporean ATTITUDE should be WANRNED & investigated. If they are not Singaporean they should be thrown out from here. Please we don’t need bad influence here.

2010-05-07 08:40:45 UTC
I would say we are trying our very best to satisfy customers needs and demands. We did improved in one way or another. But, there is still room for improvement.

I would rate a 6 out of 10.

Customer Service staff should be very customer orientated. One kind of treatment to all customers. No double standards, especially in the sales line.
2010-05-09 01:50:07 UTC
I have been living in Germany for the last 5 years and I'm totally shocked that German and European service standards are actually worse than in Singapore. Friendliness is way below that of Singapore standards, slow service is also inherent in Germany as well as other European countries. And customer complaints do not get as much attention here.I think it's about time that Singapore should be given some credit on good service standards and should not always be lambasted on bad service.

That said, there's always room for improvement - especially on my last trip in Singapore in 2009. I've realised that so many of the service staff in Singapore are from China, India etc. and their level of spoken English and understanding of the language is really atrocious. My German husband could not get the China staff to understand him just because he was speaking in English. I had to speak with the service staff in Mandarin before he could understand our questions regarding our food orders. We have actually taken 2 steps back in terms of service standards because all tourists should be able to speak and be understood in English as Singapore has to positioned itself as an English speaking nation.
2010-05-08 02:20:29 UTC
Only reason - Culture of the very us(Singaporean)

I couldn't agree more with the others, customers service is two way thing, that explains why the starbucks staff treated the Ang mos with better services because big part of Ang mos are polite, they aren't demanding like most singaporean. The staffs know well the fact that chances of serving a unreasonable customer when they meet one sadly to say(singaporean) is higher therefore they stereotype. It is the same reason you see how the japanese customer service are so excellent in every way, because the japanese are very polite in return.

One main reason i want to point out is the older generation of singapore are the main cause, they think they are very smart and just couldn't resist to inching every possible advantages from the services, they want to be like kings(uncles) and queens(aunties). Stop saying our customer service is poor, it is basically a reflection of yourself, the very reason why they treat you bad in the first place, stop be so demanding and thinks your reasonable, we are human after all, try putting yourself in their shoes.

The more educated a person is, should have a wider view of perspective, but in turn, they want to test the limit of the service to get all the possible advantages, this really confuse me, then i understand that it is the influences from their parents. They just keep influencing their children to be like themselves, seriously i think the culture of singaporeans will only be changed after the older generation passes on.

I have come across lots of singaporean who are excellent in their services, stop stereotyping due to one particularly bad service you came across. And especially to those who announce that our customer service wouldn't improve, i think it will be better if we remove you then only will our services standard improve.

For a better cause: Pls be more understanding, polite and humble as a Customer/Person. Its for your own good. lol

2010-05-07 20:13:46 UTC
There is simply no chance for Singapore to improve on customer service. At about 90% of the shops I have been to, the services being given is like 'if you want to buy, pay at the counter; if you don't, i still have lots of others to buy from me!'. There is one most important point that is the Singapore-style attitude.
darrel f
2010-05-07 20:05:17 UTC
Its not great but you get what you pay for. Customer facing staff need to be the most thoughtful in any organisation. They must be able to analyse quickly then think and act quickly. Show me a company who remunerates those staff adequately and empowers them to think and make decision and I will show you a company who will succeed at customer service. The reality is they are paid very little as real customer service is not given the importance it requires. Most services are commoditised now so service is the differentiator. When companies work that out-problem solved. Customer expectations are only unrealistic in relation to the importance companies give to them and the compensation they pay those to meet them.
2010-05-07 19:53:48 UTC
Many shun the jobs in this industry because Singaporeans are nothing but arrogant whiners! Where else in the world can you find ads directed towards citizens to be gracious! The worst they could do to this industry is that they think they are so good that they failed to look at themselves, remember its current status reflects the kind of culture and mentality they have.

Poor employer's got no choice except to hire foreigners to do this job because they understand what is the true meaning of customer service and Alas! locals as usual, complain that foreigners took away their jobs! hahahahah!
Anthony Tay
2010-05-07 19:44:28 UTC
Customer Service personal should know the company well and know what type of question customer will ask. What i hate is those in the technical helpdesk staff, many employ those from India and they speak with a very strong essence that make u very difficult to understand. How can this be consider as gd customer service which a company want to achieve.

Local staff need to be hired so as to to achieve a gd CS rating for the company. As a whole i still rate CS in Singapore as poor (worst going to those in Technical helpdesk). Maybe is cheap to employ this people. YOU PAY WHAT U GET

As for those who choose to work will need to know and tolerate as a CS provider.
2010-05-07 18:40:25 UTC
I agree that customer service sector in singapore is poor as there are following reasons:

Government should make it this sector compatitive and respectful like other sectors such as accounting,engineering,doctors etc. In singapore there is a mind set that those who works in restaurant or hotel will not be respected, its true you are singapore what do you think of waiter,cook? I am sure you think cheapsket and the pay and benefit wise its really very bad that is why no one is willing to do their best to improve on their skills. In America waiter/cook and F&B professional can earn same as other professional. If you pay better they will contribute more, motivation is the key factor in this sector such as increase pay scale,promotions.

Singaporean need to abolish their mind set, I agree they pay for food, but in reality they are not paying for the best service and expect the best. Pay nuts get nuts. Give some tips server sometimes and see the difference.

And the last but not least do not let company to hire cheap labour who even can not communicate in english as singapore is multicultural country, most of them know how to speak and understand english,

In summary,

Paywise make it comparable to other sector

Improve hiring standard,

and pay for the price what you are willing to have. Don't look for Levis bag on 100 dollars. Quality comes with price.
2010-05-07 13:08:52 UTC
Customers are not always right. Some sales staffs go out all the way to help but still customers are not satisfied with the service. When you give good services the customers never give compliment but when you give bad services they complain all the way to the top management
2010-05-07 04:45:08 UTC
As a Singaporean, I would say that customer service have improved in certain sector but I would be the first to admit that I don't enjoy the service level in many sector. The influx of foreign workers in certain service industries ridiculous.

This is a English speaking country how can one provide a good service without speaking correct english?

This is a fast pace country how can one provide a fast service if they are coming from a laid back country?

Generally, services rendered to customers on face to face basis have improved a lot, thanks to the many foreign worker in that industries.

Service rendered via telephone have deteriorate in many ways.

Just to quote one example from my numerous experience, I had misplaced the token to generate the password to access my internet bank account. I call the customer service of the bank and I was attended by a lady who was from another country and she told me that it would take 1 weeks for me to receive the new token. I repeatly told her that I was willing to walk in to their many branches to get a new token and all I need was the procedure. She told me that that would take 3 working days. She literally repeating the same 3 working days story and after about 15 minutes, I had enough with her and had her to transfer my call to her manager. I did told her that this Singapore and here we don't wait for things to happen but we make things happen. About 30 mins later, the manager called and advise me and apologized to me told me the procedures and I got it done with 1 hour.

Try calling any mobile line operators and ask for the price plan, you would be very lucky if they give to you straight away. I had one asking for personal details first before advising their price plan for new line. Is it necessary?

One of the main problem in this industry, Custer Services Representative are not empower and they are given some guidelines that they cannot cross which makes their job difficult at times.

Another area to look at the prospect of the career advancement in the service industry? how far can they go? Is the salary package attractive?
2010-05-07 02:42:14 UTC
Well I think the customer service here in Singapore is not that good enough and cannot be consider a world class..a lot of them don't know how to speak English properly making it hard for foreigners to understand them
Live And Let Live....
2010-05-07 02:42:06 UTC
Customer Service..First thing people should realize is that Customer Service works both ways..The service provider is not a slave.So customers should behave in a civilized manner when expecting service.As for the service provider, they should realize the reason they chose this line of work was to provide assistance so they should not resent it when they are approached for help..

In my opinion if this simple logic is understood by both parties, Customer Service will not be in the state it is today.
2010-05-10 23:14:34 UTC
Customer service in Singapore is not good, it may look good, but it's only in that company's interest. Not to serve YOU better, but to EARN THEM more. And then comes the common sense... None... So sad with so many nationalities and cultures living in Singapore and still no one gives up their seat to a pregnant woman/woman with child/elderly etc.
2010-05-14 16:12:37 UTC
I rate it as average with 50% good and bad customer service experience. It could improve with basic customer service skills and speaking in complete well pronounced sentences - not mixed with "Singlish,Mandarin,dialect word and Malay. Business owners and CEOs should speak with proper sentences. They will set a good role model to follow. From Int VIP customer service experience, this has a good effect on Int VIP customers who see the body language as a good indicator of good customer service. International VIP Customer Service

How would you rate customer service in Singapore?
2010-05-09 01:29:08 UTC
Customer service standards in S'pore have a long way to go.Customer service officers need to be more patient with customers and smile more often even though the customer maybe a difficult customer.Customer service officers should also be more resilent when they face rude customers and be able to "bounce back" & be ready to serve the next customer with a SMLE...There will always be more "good" than "bad" customers everywhere
Musthafa K
2010-05-08 06:49:57 UTC
We have customer service in most of the companies and commercial places. Very few knows what is customer service. First they miss good smile, second they don't understand what is customer service they feel it is a kind of a help. Customer service and help are two different things. Customer service you have to do, help means its your choice to do. In a business environment the customer service people should realize that it is their duty. When they realize it is their duty they will do everything to satisfy their customer. For me customer service is proper answer and responsibility of carrying customer problem as their problem and solving it. Most of the time the customer service is single word answer it should be changed. They should listen to customer and help them to the maximum.
2010-05-08 00:29:09 UTC
Dear All,

To rate C.S (Customer Service) in spore or in the whole worlds 1st we had to rate ourselves. More of them had these in their head and mind that is CUSTOMER ALWAYS RIGHT. Which is not true anymore. Some of us do not even realise that they are asking for unreasonable demands and expectations at all.

I am in the service industrial line and face customer everyday from 7.00am to 10.00pm. So to improve C.S in spore the customer must also play apart to improve their demand and expectations reasonable in order to get a better service from others.

Just to share with you ppl. I had a colleague whom got scolding from a customer for nothings. The issue was become she (customer) do not like my colleague look. she start to scold my colleague when she was trying to serve her. And at the end I had to change another staff to serve her.

So you see, you cannot just get angry with the service staff just because she is more pretty than you and start to demand unreasonable service and expectation from other. To born to be pretty is not a CRIME.

So know what you want before you start to rate the service of other. Cheer : )
peter h
2010-05-07 20:00:08 UTC
singapore is definetly lacking in service standards, the simple reason is because "singaporeans want to be served and not serve", look at the retail and service market now, practically filled with staff from china, philipines, nepal, india, malaysia and god knows what other country.

In reality i would say that the government has a part to play in this service dilemma, first it was the building industry, no worker....hire foreigner, thai , indonesian and china workers. now same goes for theservice sector...even kopitiam staff are nearly all from china. Blame the government for its message to the people....persue more education, strive to be the best......but did it ever encourage the people to treatr people with "respect and courtesy", the lack of this is the reason why people hate to work in the service industry....rude customers, arrogant tai tai's , long hours , low pay, must see black face of your fellow singaporeans and finally being treated like some low class slave.....thats is the impression what all educated singaporeans feel about want to blame .......blame society.....blame the government........because we all so kiasu mah!!!!

The day service will improve....will be the day singaporeans feel proud to be a singaporean.....the day courtesy and respect comes back.....the day they will actually know their neighbours.....

other than that forget it........singaporeans will still go about their self conceited world.....continiuing to treat all service staff like **** and think they rule the world......

my advise ...........let the govt allow more foreigners to come to singapore to work........with the present persuit of wealth and knowledge....singaporeans where got time to have babies. soon singapore will be a land without a true singaporean.....hahahahaha
2010-05-07 09:26:33 UTC
dun talk about high class premises...the customer services like internet,telco, contractors in Europe and USA are far worst than singapore...i would consider singapore customer service quite good...however, we sometimes get different treatments compared to foreigners in retail shops in Singapore.It is Singaporeans expecting more and more.

in Europe and USA, i noticed that it is usually Asians 'spoiling the market'. The locals there seldom complain, scold customer service officers or retail shop workers or make silly or unreasonable demands like what i see in Singapore. However, their service are usually slow and rather poor.

imagine starting a new tele line or internet service or remodelling homes, it takes days,weeks or even months before starting or activating. locals expected that usually talk to their customer service officers nicely,not complaining. if it is in singapore, if their service is not started the next working day,complains would fly all over the service providers.

when it comes to high class premises,Singapore is still lacking behind Europeans and USA. alot of foreigners i know praised Singapore customer services...but high class premises standards are lacking behind a little.
2010-05-07 05:58:21 UTC
All I want to say about customer service is this - those in the service industry, do not be so stupid as to treat the Caucasian customer like "god" and your fellow Asians like second-class people. Gone are the days of colonial masters. Don't revive it. I have seen this happen all too often and I am irritated by the sheer stupidity of these idiots who serve.
2010-05-09 02:10:27 UTC
Moderate. To improve the customer service, the Company should sent the staffs for training courses or given away an incentive to reward the staff who can provide the good quality of customer service.
chua s
2010-05-08 18:44:51 UTC
Generally S'poreans do not know exactly what are legitimate customer service. They do not their rights to what kind of customer service. I have travelled widely to Asia, Europe and US and thier customer service is way above our standards. I reckon the reason is that they know their expectations and service privders know their customers' expectations.

S'poreans unlike their European and American peers often are afraid to speak up and bring up their grievances when faced with unsatisfactory service. Of course there are people who do complain. But generally S'poreans are brought up in a little island where much of their lives are governed by campaigns and are so used to the government telling what to do and what not to do.

What do you think? Of course some may agree while some do. But this is my personal and general view of the S'pore customers profile per see

2010-05-08 02:12:30 UTC
I could not agree more to the question itself. Well, definitely a job in customer service is signing a contract to hell. Im wandering who is responsible for the phrase "customer is always right". Definitely some customers choose to take advantage of this phrase even when they are wrong. But when we complain about them just think of our situation as customers when we are not being served well. I have just one advice just smile and let them talk, they will go away eventually. The harder your smile the faster they go I have only one problem with this industry which is serving foreigners which do not speak english....although sign language is a way to tackle this problem but it is harder than you think it is. I bet most of you agree with me. Maybe why Singaporeans find it hard to work in this industry. Peace:)
2010-05-08 01:30:35 UTC
I'd say 50/50.. there are times you meet fantastic service staff with crappy customers that demand too much and are down right rude and vice versa. And there are times where service staff show preferential service to non-Asians? And there are times where the experience is just fantastic. But who is to judge? There are also incidents where non-Asian are just absurd with despicable behaviors just because they are non-Asians. Improvement? Oh definitely, even in places like Japan, there is definitely room for improvement. But it has got to be two ways, if I am nice, i expect the same in return. Why be nasty when you're out there shopping and dining to have a good time?
Peter S
2010-05-07 21:38:33 UTC
Training, supervising and briefing before the outlet opens for business.Due to the shortage of manpower in this industry, untrained staff couple with poor linguistic skills add furthur to the problem also limited product knowledge and soft skills.

Experience : I worked as a waiter in Hilton hotel after National service with 3 months training at the now defunct Hotel catering & training centre(now Shatec).

When I was posted to Hilton hotel Harbour Grill, we had an Italian Matrie d hotel, who will check us from head to toe, fingernails and haircut including briefing us the ' special' of the day. We lined up in the restaurant like soldiers on parade square.

We had no problems with service and operated with clockwork precision. We recieved alot of tips on top of the 10% service charge. Today, unfortunately we recieve some many complaints of service even in reputed fine dining outlets.

This is the same as in the retail industry. But I must add that many establishment like Giordano, G2000, Bossini, Swensons, McDonalds, 7 Eleven (not franchise outlets) and many others have improved a great deal. Staff greet you, help you with your purchase decision when in doubt and thank you for patronising them. Other service industries must follow suit.

Overall, service industries is not that bad, but can be improved. Alot depends on the business owners and not the staff.

My opinion is training, training and training. Supervision, supervision and supervision. We are in acute shortage of middle line managers.
2010-05-07 21:12:16 UTC
1st of all, what is your expectation of a good customer service. By giving you whatever you want from the service provider even at the loss of the company? Than that is ridiculous.

I agree with cyclop that it take 2 hand to clap.

Customer Service has to come right from the top of the organisation.

Can anyone define Customer Service?
2010-05-07 19:04:32 UTC
I've been in Singapore for 8 months and I can safely say that the majority of have no concept of what customer service is. Take Orchard Road for example... eat at a few of the so considered "nicer" restaurants and watch what happens. Count how many minutes go by before anyone brings you a menu (because the host / hostess didn't give you one to begin with). Count how many times that no one will ask you if you want drinks while you make your menu selection. Count how many staff members stand around doing nothing while you sit there waiting to be served before you actually have to ask for it. Count how many times no one asks you if you want a refill on your drink after its been sitting empty. Count how many times it takes over 15 minutes to get your bill... AFTER you had to ask for it. Count how many times restaurant employees are rude to you for asking the most basic elements of dining like, eating utensils, water, condiments, a menu, placing an order, food and your bill. IF I OPENED A RESTAURANT, PUB, OR CLUB IN THIS COUNTRY I WOULD PUT EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU OUT OF BUSINESS IN 90 DAYS MAXIMUM!!! And this rant is just restaurants and bars... don't get my started on utilities like phone and internet, taxis, etc. I see complaints on this thread about customers being unreasonable and rude. This only happens AFTER you've made your customer angry due to your incompetence. Now that the Casinos and theme parks have opened, Singapore's complete failure in customer service will be put in the international spot light within a matter of months. Those that understand customer service will make lots of money. (I watched a woman get a tip at a bar for 1k for being polite and helping a customer who was being ignored) Watch and learn fools.
2010-05-07 10:41:11 UTC
Good question! First of all, when you want to complain about poor customer service, ask yourself a question: why u don't get the first class service u expect?becoz Only first class customer get first class service.

Try these & see the different.

1. Don't bargain at a fix price counter. Don't tell the sale personnel u're loaded but u simply enjoy bargain.

2.take note of the value of the small item u show interest in & don't ask stupid question such as ask for guarantee.

3.don't pop into any shop & ask for direction. surely u don't get lost in a shopping mall right?

if u take note, mostly singaporean do that!
2010-05-07 08:35:40 UTC
I was seated in a cafe having lunch today. I observed how the waiters n waitress and the kitchen helpers rushed for peak hours and their job are pretty dangerous actually. They have to handle the hot food, soup, drinks... and rushed around the limited and small kitchen and counter space. I don't understand why r they getting paid lesser than so many other jobs. 10% service charge had not changed anything for them. Raising their pay on the whole, is the only solution. If only the hotels, restaurants or cafe chain owners are willing to give up buying just 1 or 2 branded goods or cars, they can raise their pay.
2010-05-07 08:30:07 UTC
i would give customer service in singapore 8 out of 10.

i work in hospital, deal with lots of patients and relatives, i face unreasonable customer everyday, i would like to give my appreciation to my colleagues, they work in a very high demand and stressful environment , yet there are always charming smile in their faces. my intend to this response is to urge singaporeans to be more reasonable, patient, understanding. people work in customer service need encouragement and appreciation, the amount paid by the customer is not enough for the wage for the workers, customers have received more than they paid, a simple 'thank you' mean lot to the service provider.
2010-05-07 08:11:19 UTC
I think people who live in Singapore should realise that the bulk of the customer service jobs are held by foreigners. So it is not entirely true that Singaporean's service is no good. If the foreigners are better than Singaporeans in servicing customers, then the customer service standard should have been raised long ago. When people mention customer service in Singapore, they inevitably point the finger at Singaporeans. Singaporeans provide poor customer service but in actual fact, it is the foreign service staff who provide bad service. They are everywhere; in travel agencies, hospitals, hair salons, convenience stores, etc. I encountered a foreign sales staff in 7-11 today. When he asked for my atm card to pay my bills, he was just too impatient. He stretched out his hand and gestured with his fingers to hurry me! Good service should start with employers. They should train their staff so that they naturally have this desire to provide good service. It is the lack of respect for another human being that leads to poor service. In an hotel in HongKong, a cleaner is stationed in the washroom. She hands out a paper towel for you to dry your hands when you are done. She opens the door for you when you want to leave the washroom. Do we have that here in our 5-star hotel?
2014-09-07 11:15:25 UTC
Most importantly, when good customer service was provided to the consumers, the chances of them sending in compliments to the company is as low as 1/100. On the other hand, when bad customer service was given, the odds of the consumer filing a complain (in SG) 99/100. My point here is to illustrate how difficult and unappreciated a customer service assistant can feel. Hence, I think, for customer service to improve, it need to work between the consumers and both the employers and employees (service staffs).
2010-05-08 21:46:57 UTC
Singapore has serious attitue issues, they don't smile, they look miserable, cocky and service standard is simply average at best. Go to Taipei n the street hawkers n shops give you heart warming service n in Bangkok n Indonesia, the problem is language. Recently, i found in Taka, they hire foreign sales assistant and though they could speak English, they hawk you while you browse at the products; so where is the fun in shopping? HIre the local middle age ladies n bring back the pride n cheer like the Robinsons I knew. Rating is 5/10.
2010-05-08 11:39:28 UTC
Unreasonable customers (aka people who come in to "troll") - YES

Cheapskate customers (want 5 star svc but only want to pay 0.5 star $$$) - YES YES

Asswipe customers (people who buys a $5 product and treat you like they own you) - YES YES YES

Whingy customers (complains just about everything, nothing pleases them) - YES YES

Mad customers (literally bonkers-you'll be surprised how many there are, esp in HDB areas) - YES


This is 100% Singaporean customers.

Grumpy and soggy Service Provider (funeral at home everyday?) - YES YES

Robotic Service Provider (people who work as if they're civil servants, they give you a patronising answer and expect you to go away. Only follows protocols and doesn't give a toss about the rest) - YES YES YES

Arrogant Service Provider (gives the "I HATE EVERYONE" attitude) - YES

Hopeless Service Provider (epic fail + "?I DUNNO?" in everything) - YES YES

Whiny/Whingy Service Provider (most common among strictly 9-5 "AUNTIE" workers) - YES


This is 100% Singaporean service provider.

It always takes 2 hands to clap, and I think Singaporean customers and servicer providers have worked hard to make the Singapore customer service one of the worst. Okay, so Australia's is pretty bad too. lol They say G'day to you, but their faces look like they came from some Dracula movie. The post office and airport staff in the USA are pretty snippish too. Good thing is, these are western countries and they're still some distance from us. However, go to JB/Malaysia, OMG you can already feel the huge difference. And you know which stores give the most superb and first class service? The pirated DVD stores.

Product knowledge - TOPS

Recommendations and intuitive staff - 2 thumbs up

Attitude (friendly and easy going) - 99.99% positive

On a global scale, I would rate Singapore's svc performance so-so, average or slightly below average. They just meet the minimum benchmark and full stop. Not that I blame them. The pay sucks, hard work, and they get **** from customers all the time. Another thing is that our country has come to a point where service has become a passive thing. Everything has been commercialised and companies have learnt that there's no more such thing as a loyal customer. They see nicer packaging, nicer products, better price - they jump to the next best ship. Companies solve their market problem by setting fixed price, and adopt a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. There is no customer service, they only hire people to stand there to sell. Anything after that, they don't care as long as the money reaches their pocket. On the business side, they only consider budget, cost, revenue, and profit. In a way, they're trying to fleece their customers as long as they can, and if the customers run off, no fear - the company will think up new marketing gimicks and competitive pricing to pull them back. You'll be surprise what some people are willing to go through just to pay a cheaper price.

I used to work in a coffeeshop, and Singaporeans are simply UNBELIEVEABLE. The worst customers. We had

- People who buy an 80 cents coffee, drinks 3/4, come back and tell you it's terrible and they want a replacement

- People who buy an 80 cents coffee and request for a no charge upgrade to a larger cup

- People who buy an 80 cents coffee, drink 1/2 and ask for hot water top-up on the pretext that the drink is too sweet (and how will it be sweet if you bought a kopi C O? Means evaporated milked coffee with no sweet milk or sugar ~ L2Lie)

- People who come in to buy a $1.20 drink, asks for 2 servings of ice, and expects restaurant standard treatment (even asks for free tissue "HUH? Tissue need to buy one meh?", then you think some charity gives free tissue to the coffeshop so that they can give you free tissue MEH?)

- People (esp "uncles") who get drunk and **** all over the place, or **** all over the toilet except the toilet bowl. Don't wash up, throw in the **** stained underwear into the toilet bowl and jam up the pipe

- People who bring their own food and drinks, don't buy anything from the coffeeshop, but come to use the tables. Worst is they don't even have the coutesy to clean up their mess.

- Customers who verbal abuse (come on you bought like 3 btl of Tiger which is like $15, and the coffeeshop makes like what? 50-70 cents off each bottle. That gives you no right to call the staff names or "Ciao Ji Bai", be it Singaporean, women, Chinese, Thai or Malaysian)

- Cheapskates who come in to "kapo" toilet paper and soap for their home use. Normally caught in the act and still have the cheek to argue!

This is why no Singaporean wants to work in the service sector, even a $2.5k pay doesn't justify the above treatment by customers, and this is also why a lot of F&B companies have to bring in foreigners! They HAVE to
2010-05-07 11:08:16 UTC
If the truth be known, most retail and restaurants we go to nowadays are NOT served by Singaporeans anymore. Even in Changi airport. Employees are caught sleeping in some corners (yes, they are wearing uniforms) - they are not Singaporeans, talk to them and you will know from their accent. I witness this personally - 6am in the morning while I was in the queue for my toast and coffee in the departure hall, the man who is toasting the bread and another colleague (a young lady), BOTH mocking the indian lady (customer) in front of me of her English! I understand the customer's English perfectly. Guess who has the problem? And yes, these 2 employees are NOT Singaporean. You can out on this the next time you are in the departure hall. How many stalls sell traditional toast and coffee there anyway?
2010-05-07 09:00:13 UTC
For you to provide Great Customer Service...hire more foreigners (Filipinos preferably).

What's the criteria to be hired as a Customer Service Provider? Here in Singapore I dont think they do have.

Solution: Hire only the best person! (not just anyhow)
2010-05-07 08:22:34 UTC
Singapore Customer Service has been from bad to worse. As what I had observed, most of the services come from multi nations, Possible because of cheaper labour & easy turn-around for most employers.

I believe there are still alot of room for improvement, if we able to spend more time to learn the customer services from Japan, Taiwan & Hong Kong etc.... Properly their curlture as well.
Sharon S
2010-05-07 07:24:00 UTC
I think it is still very poor overall. Just yesterday I went to Tangs to return a blouse and skirt and was told I could only exchange them for the same brand. This was not stated on the receipt and there were no signs to indicate this. I ended up talking to the store retail manager and i was eventually given a voucher (which can only be used for the total amount in one receipt). Needless to say, I will not be shopping at Tangs after I use my voucher. They lost a customer instead of using good customer service to gain one!
michael c
2010-05-08 18:11:26 UTC
Someone once told me that Customer service is a mindset and not a behaviour. If the service staff behave in a customer service manner because he/she has to, they will never achieve the mindset of excellent service. However, i do agree that with high standard of service required, high amount of pay is required. Therefore as people always say, you pay peanuts & you get monkeys.

Ultimately, it takes 2 hands to clap and in order to get good service, one must ask themselves if they are good customers or just plainly asking for more than what is given to you.
2010-05-08 08:45:57 UTC
Singaporean gals must learn the meaning and definition of customer service before they stand nicely in the showrooms or outlets around this island..

Honestly, when it comes to selling part, the girls really need to understand that customer doesnt owe them anything.. There is not even a fake smile on their faces while assisting clients.

Overseas people really dont get a good impression on hospitality part

No Offense !!
sadik a
2010-05-07 20:34:54 UTC
Customer service in Singapore is very much better when comparing many countries, i have been working in service industry more than 23 years in Middle east&Asia, and i met almost all kinds of customers from east to west and north to south. When compare singapore customers to other countries ,singaporeans are logic customers,and customer service also excellent. Those who wants to serve in service industry,they have to be pation and understand the customers first and what he wants excatly. smiling to customers is very important to service industry and smile helps you to serve him better .Be logic in service ,dont not treat or serve differently to customer to customer. help

the customers as much as possible then really you will self satisfaction in your job.
2010-05-07 07:47:39 UTC
I think its below average. People in this business should learn to smile more and understand that people here in Singapore comes from different countries with different accents so there may always be a time that they might not understand what their customers are saying or vice-versa. Instead of saying "what?!" they should be more polite and ask for the customer to repeat what they said courteously.
2010-05-08 23:55:56 UTC
I think customer service in SG can be improved by being more friendly and not being arrogant. I have to singapore for about 4 times to do shopping. Everytime I have been here I always encounter a bad scenario. At the moment, I am here at Singapore and my first think I look at the shop is a Filipino who is caring, accomodating and hospitable. Not being a racist but filipinos really care for customers. Based on my experience, "customer is always right" does not apply here. For example, I would like to try on a straight cut size 32 jeans but the saleslady gave me a size 32 slim leg which was a different design it was very annoying because I would like to try the size of the design I chose. I told the lady I would like to try on the size of the jeans that I chose but she told me "Try it on first sir before I get the size". One Singaporean that stand-out for being friendly to customers was Ms. Andrea of universal studios Singaporean from one of their stores which sells keychains. It happened about yesterday aroung 8pm if I am not mistaken she was accomodating.
2010-05-08 12:02:58 UTC
It can't be improved with that attitude of Singaporeans my goodness. If the people working at customer service are locals believe there is no way to improve it. They should hire foreigners, such as Filipinos. These people are very hospitable, kind, courteous and helpful to customers.
2010-05-08 07:18:53 UTC
if you want 5 star service then you need to churn out 5 star purse. But workers in service industry are paid not much even working in 5 star establishments. let us not be carried away by culture that pampers the rich. Self service, even, in 5 star establishments should be the future.Is pampering the rich called customer service ? serving the less income earners in the food courts, is that customer service ?
2010-05-08 04:54:31 UTC
Customer Service are always the frontline people to deal with people without solutions. People always think about their own problems instead of the problems customer service face back at their own home. That's why I always think professionalism is indispensable in a person if he/she wants to face the society line-to-line... Overall, 2 thumbs up for all customer service reps!!
2010-05-08 00:38:52 UTC
Singaporeans are so stupid and ignorant. The govt tells them that the service is poor in Singapore and they actually believe it. Wait till they go overseas, and live in Europe, then they'll see what's called bad service standards. It is the status quo here that you dont smile when you serve someone, there is no such thing as free ice water, and if you ask for anything more, you'll get brusquely told off.

singaporeans, dont be frogs in the well. grow up, stop being so stupid and ignorant. service in sg is fine and if the govt is telling u otherwise, tell them to go f off
2010-05-07 23:53:12 UTC
went to banquet food at JP this morning .My 5 years old girl wanted to eat Yong Tau Hu , so i walk up to the stall. There was one big malay woman stacking the food. So i start taking 2 hotdogs,then other customer also queued then the other staff came out of the kitchen and stand behind the stall and asked her " start already", this fat woman replied in an arrogant " dono didnt ask?" . The one standing behind the stall then told me " we haven't start" . I was quite pissed off by that fat woman sacrastic reply which was referring to me. So i told her " you should told me if you havent start" . I was shocked to hear " why can't you ask?" I am the customer when i see your stall is lited and most of the food are display , of cause i will assume your stall is ready. I do not own the stall a living but the staff do owe me an apology.

Customer service for this stall . It should be - 10
2010-05-07 17:29:39 UTC
Custmer rate here is 5. The person who is providing the service need to have a clear mind set as what is the role as a service provider and his attitude. He has to love his job first and always be positive. He must know his job well and his product. Must respect everyone including his internal customer. Must be a good team player and I must always improve myself everyday and be better tomorrow.

Follow the guildlines given by your company or department.
2010-05-07 13:50:42 UTC
Should employ english speaking customer service as Singapore main language is English. Very frustrating when a customer have to struggle to speak mandarin this is not china.
2010-05-07 11:03:03 UTC
Definitely below par... A Japanese restaurant in Esplanade, a tourist attraction in Singapore would even drive away customers and act like you are going to dine for free... And do not even know the proper way of telling customers that they are packed and unable to accommodate more people even if it was within seating capacity.

As if the auntie was just working in a hawker centre and not a tourist hotspot, and a pricey restaurant.
2010-05-07 07:21:36 UTC
In my own opinion, singapore is one of the worst countries when it comes to customer service. From the word itself, when you say customer service, it means customer satisfaction. Product knowledge wise, most of the customer service officer are not well train. Not polite. And sometimes, not dedicated to their job.
2010-05-10 19:32:43 UTC
i think most staff in the service industry try their best to provide good & efficient service.

i guess with the influx of foreigners in the industry it has raised certain standards.

if a customer respects the service staff, he or she will receive excellent service.

i have seen certain disgusting behaviour by s'poreans who demand the earth if certain minor things

goes wrong. Example, like demanding more discounts or better still have that particular service staff terminated by the company.

i would suggest every organisation who values each and every customer to be not only sales oriented

but also customer oriented. that is from the top management down to the rank and file. i think this will encourage every individual in the company to have the same mentality.

no matter what we do or which industry we're in, we are all sales persons. we represent our company, our country.

behave, somebody is watching you!!
2010-05-08 08:51:12 UTC
It takes 2 hands to clap.

I would say that Singaporean including the expats are not gracious. Respect seems like a long forgotten thing in the daily life.

It'll take a million years to catch up with Japan's service standards if the culture is not put in place now.
Tan Y
2010-05-07 21:59:48 UTC
My personal experience.

1) Looking for a courier service company for delivery within Singapore. Search and found a nicely presented website providing such courier service. Call the contact. A staff answered.

Staff : " YES ?!"

Me : " Do you provide courier services ?"

Staff : " YES! TO WHERE!? "

Me : " Within Singapore. Local Courier"

Staff :" YA! SINGAPORE VERY BIG! SINGAPORE WHERE ?" spending so much on website but cannot get a proper staff to answer to customer. This is the service of Singaporean.

Second ...Also a courier company....a lot advertisement on it...

Me : " My delivery xxx tracking no. is delayed, may i know what exactly happen ? "

Staff : " I do not know what happen "

Me : " But base on your website tracking system, this parcel is on the flight but never landed "

Staff : " Exactly, we do not know what happen "

Me : " You mean the flight might have clashed somewhere and cannot be traced ? "

Staff : " Might Be. "

I am stunned.

Staff continue : " You must know, we are just a courier company, we only deliver and we do not guaranteed your shipment will be on time. "

One of the leading company said that to me. Very disappointed.
2010-05-07 21:28:52 UTC
I think singapore's customer service is not bad.But the staff of sales give people some feeling without nature,that means not real from the heart service.
Yoshiko H
2010-05-07 07:46:54 UTC
Deplorable. Took 2 weeks and was still waiting for SCB to process and send me my card despite repeated reminders that I need it fast. On top of that I had conflicting information from them throughout the week! The customer service officers always promise to return my call on the progress but never in the end. Seems like I am not the only one having problem with this bank too.

Another incident was with a close neighbour foreign bank that gave a negative reply to my question with a flat "No".

Once shopping for shoes at Metro, I asked a salesgirl to help me to search for the size that would fit me and she replied "It's all there."

Even on airplanes, like China ones, I took the effort to go way back to get an apple juice so as not to bother them too much. The air stewardess just gestured with her arm to the table at the left side and said in Mandarin "Do it yourself."
2010-05-07 03:33:19 UTC
Service is a two way thing. Customer needs to be polite and reasonable when treating service staff. Try address him/she by the name from their worn will sound music to their ear.

Most of the time, service staff are unappreciated lot. Long & odd hours, split shift, standing whole day, many rule and regulation to follow and small take home pay.
2010-05-08 17:59:38 UTC
In my opinion, service standards have improved in the last couple of years thanks to the incoming Filipinos who have taken roles in customer service, restaurants and retail stores. Go to one shopping mall in Manila and you will be amazed by the level of customer service to every customer compared to Singapore. I am afraid that when faced with Singaporean customer service staff, the level of service is 4 out of 10 at best.

'Still cannot make it, lah!'.
2010-05-07 04:37:46 UTC
It is not just Singaporeans who have high expectations when it comes to customer service. All of us do. We all have different backgrounds, different upbringing and it really does affect with every encounter we made in the customer service industry. Every individual's ATTITUDE & MOODS have a great impact as well. "Different folks,different strokes"...The improvement is within,
2014-09-06 03:44:25 UTC
the Singaporean customer and the Singaporean service provider. The black pot calling the kettle black. Talk about retraining, yeah sure... after they completed their training, they jump ship man and treat their employer like a fool! Let's not complain too much about improvement here when so many Singaporeans are alike, behaving badly towards their own group like enemies. They can only service the Ang Mohs man, thinking they are the king here. They are even willing to slang their speech to mirror the Ang Moh's culture. What a waste of time here...
2010-05-08 17:59:26 UTC
Customer service is not a problem, it is the price the problem, if Singapore can control the exesive charging $, Singapore will have MORE TURIST & MORE BUSINESS, Imagen more business in Singapore - Defenetly the No. 1 stable country in the word.
2010-05-08 08:40:03 UTC
Its a 2 way traffic when it comes to customer service. Organisations need to emulate best practices & add their own touch to it to make it their own. No point bending over for the customer when they are unreasonable but there is also no need to clash with them. Stand firm for what you believe in providing & always be open for improvement.
2010-05-07 09:13:51 UTC
There are few outstanding one but overall I will rate it as VERY POOR .

Hong Kong used to have a bad name for services , I see huge improvement in them recently but

find no changes in Singapore .

Singapore are far behind in this area .

Learn from the japanese , hire some japanese as trainer .
2010-05-07 06:50:20 UTC
Good Customer Service in Singapore is hard to come by, very few. We need to send most singaporean for brain transplant to get it right.
2010-05-07 04:48:57 UTC
Singapoeans are moulded to TAKE and never to GIVE. The willingness to serve with pride and politeness is never "conditioned" in most Singaporeans. Sad to say, customer service is rated low in the hospitality industries.
rock buster
2010-05-10 23:49:02 UTC
Yes customer service for some years was bad and still getting worst.

We, who are living here and those visiting this tiny dot island have tasted or regreted bad experiences in the service industry. We take from Telephone, Public Transport, Restaurants,Supermarkets, Airport, etc. we have people who are employed from abroad not Singaporeans to do front line duties not because they are impolite. Because these jobs dont fetch good pay any more for the long odd hours of work. All employers including so called big player (supporter of the workers "NTUC ") they too (main culprit) engage people from abroad and what do you expect from small or medium companies also follow the big player..

Now some point fingers at singaporeans, let me explain the main four people of singapore - chinese malay, indians and not forgetting the others - who are mainly urasians - many who have left this tiny dot country for foreign pastures only living a hand full who are also have ended up in mixed marriages. Now we say 'singaporeans', we have most people living in singapore now of the same colour, race and languages. Now how to qualify the true singaporean. Who is termed Singaporeans ' the goverment (PAP) does not spell out. Please people out there 'Singaporeans means born and bread in singapore and 'Not the people from abroad working here or for any other matter permanant resident just because we look alike' You take a vehicle driver in a 'Singapore Number plate driving around the roads you point him look another rude singaporean, please stop the vehicle and check for particulars --- then you will understand the birth of origin malaysians, thais mayanmars, china, indians, bangladeshis,russians, etc. Thats what our roads are so unsecured today.

Now PRs' qualify to say I am a Singaporean and your goverment respects us and want us, as we produce to the economy. I say in some what we can accept but not all is true. The so called Minister of Labour he is a malaysian in short periods PR and now singaporean. Every one must understand it took some 50 years to train people (singaporeans) on the subject of courtesy, don't speak loud in public, don't spit in public, always smile, be helpfull, 'use your hand campaign' keep your parks clean, throw rubbish in bins, cover your mouth when you cough,etc. but today all that we see from foreigners of our so called same colour and language and get blamed 'see singaporean'-

The problems are getting out of hand and our goverment is encouraging imports. Please ask the police to give us the crime statistics committed by foreigners.

When I cross the road I look to the right and the left and again right before I cross but today just cross because many foreigners cross. In the food oultets china chinese can't speak english frustrating, you go to hospital again china chinese and filipinas - very nice yes sir and madam but put questions they point hands to singaporeans, just cant stand this service. people say singaporeans are rude 'No they are at the top of the head to blow up one day as foreigners are taking advantage of our goodness.

So our singaporeans are living with so many grouses and no security because we dont know the next to you is a true singaporean or a import. Ha ha ha
Ian A
2010-05-08 21:13:47 UTC
singaporeans shy away from this industry because they cannot possibly be on par with singaporean customer expectation. that is why the service industry is dominated by employees from foreign, "more-hospitable", culturally-friendly backgrounds.

if you ask a chinese-singaporean for directions, you will be greeted by something that is close to a "shouting" or "very gesticulating" experience, which might not be offensive to chinese-singaporeans but viewed as so to other cultures.

also singaporeans very lazy and complain a lot. ask F&B personnel. imho.
2010-05-07 19:34:24 UTC
Experience with OCBC Credit Cards==>

Request to Bank for waiver of late & interest charges as such I was late by couple of days & and already settled the payment in FULL. Already a OCBC customer for last 4 years. (outstanding amount was 60 dollars late charges 50 + interest ++


Day 1 We will look into your case and ghet back to you as such you have requested before also.

So subject to approval. But I am not sure why do you always make delay, when travelling you can look online and make the payment no issues.(Reply -->OK But I don't have the online access to my credit card statement and will get it linked)

Day 3 We have looked into your case and it seems you have before also made an excuse of Travel and hence this time we will not waive and you will have to pay additional charges even though you have settled the payment in full. ( Reply --> OK I will go ahead and cancel the credit card). Sir let me get back to you.

Day4 Sorry you still have to make the payment & can cancel the credit card..

Completely non-professional attitude & invariably the worst Creditcard experience.
2010-05-07 18:52:13 UTC
Customer Service is a two way communication. Just like the railway track , need to be together to reach its destination. Both of them have to be polite and humble when asking for service.Dont demand .....that will not serve service.....
2010-05-07 09:33:25 UTC
There is nothing called customer service in singapore.. People just live a a fear in their heart and that's all
2010-05-08 18:44:54 UTC
As a customer,you must play a part by respect the customer service personel with a smile rather

than show them dog return.
2010-05-08 18:38:10 UTC
I think that we ought to be fair to individuals. I do meet some really helpful customer service officers who goes an extra mile to serve me better. However, in Singapore, I met my fair share of bad customer service as well.

One good example will be FIVE STAR TOUR. Try calling their Bras Basah or office number to enquire. The minute they pick up the phone, it's like they're hurrying to PUT DOWN. How to enquire? This is first hand experience and I've experienced it like 3 times while trying to enquire for my Malaysia trip. 3 times I called, 3 times the attitude. Just pick up the phone and irritatingly say, "FIVE STAR". Then they proceed to ask rudely, "WHEN YOU WANT TO TRAVEL?!"

It's like . . You have to reply fast enough because they seem like in a HUGE hurry to hang up.

However, when you handle the situation face to face, they're quite OK.

Nonetheless, people normally CALL First before they come down. So please brush up on your telephone service skill, FIVE STAR TOUR.
2010-05-08 10:09:56 UTC
A far cry from 1st World standard as we are noted as being.

I am a Singapore and have problems with service staff that don't speak or don't want to speak English.

We are ARROGANT, absolutely right, we are arrogant, we worked hard for it.

We gave up may relax attitude's in life to reach 1st world standard.

But now our own backyard has began to slide back in service standards.
2010-05-08 00:21:32 UTC
There was this time when i went to a fast food restaurant. Although there wasn't a lot of people, but the girl at the counter acted so busy that she pratically threw the change back at my friend and i. When i went to order something else later on, i asked for her pardon as i didn't get her. She rolled her eyes and almost shouted :"Having here or take away?!"

Seriously, do customers deserve this kinda attitude? Maybe they should just sack that girl. Maakes me so angry. ):
2010-05-08 00:06:12 UTC
Good or bad depend who you compare with and your expectation. Many will be happy or just accept with Singapore substandard service if they don't compare with others. If you don't expect, you will do fine. Majority do not have the attitude to serve compare to other countries even china. Now I will just be happy and be amaze whenever I am greeted with a smile, receive a thank you or sorry. You'll be happier when you have no expectation.
2010-05-08 19:24:15 UTC
We should create a class on how customers should behave.Sometimes we can be very rude in treating people who working in service line.I've seen people shout,yell,point fingers,roll their eyes and keep complaining and exaggerate stories that doesn't happen.I'm working in service line as well.All i can see and hear is about how we should improve our service.How about customers behaviour?Sometimes they didn't see how bad the impact is on a person.

Why should we throw money on the table?Does the people who working in service line look like a stripper to you?Your money worth than anyone else?Or you think you deserve to be treated like a royalty?What makes it so hard to say THANK YOU and PLEASE?

By end of the day,we all live together.Its a cycle of life.Maybe you throw money or shouted at someone today,probably she/he will be your customer one day.Who knows.

Manners and grace are very important.It reflects who we are as a person.
2010-05-10 23:16:58 UTC
customer service in singapore from 1 - 10 i give it a 6.5, it can only be improved if customers look at themselves at be human, they are making unnecessary demands pushing the lowly paid service providers to go the extra mile, rude abnoxicious singaporeans r driving the goodness of service providers away from the service industry, why dont we rate customers behaviour for a change,is it any wonder that most singaporeans shun these jobs, its becos of the sole reason that their rude fellow countryman who r driving them away!
2010-05-11 03:01:03 UTC
I think the service level has generally improved, with the 'attention' coming from the awareness, debates and talks. However, going forward requires newer and/or better impetus. A probable one should come from the Government (through its boards and agencies), leading towards spillovers and eventually norms in the private sector.

Responses such as, "Whatever it is, you still need to queue for your turn." or "Sorry, we ran out of death certificates.." are taboos in service excellence.

Lead by example, doing what you have preached may be a start?
2010-05-08 18:17:54 UTC
We'll Singapore should hire more foreign that to have it resolve. Singaporeans are very proud and arrogant even they are doing a small time job. As long as the attitude of the singaporean do not changed, we will embarass singapore big time!
2010-05-07 23:42:46 UTC
More pay does not equate to good services. Look at MacDonald, their staff salary is not high but the staff serves customers with smile, pride and excellent services.

So far I have not encounter any lousy services at MacDonald before.

Companies should learn from them.

Good job MacDonald!
2010-05-07 02:25:33 UTC
LOL!! great question.. let's see.. unreasonable customer = BAD customer service..

imagine having to deal with 2 ridiculous customer per day, 6 days a week.. lol.. my guess is even 1 per day would be exhausting enough..

rating : 6/10

how can it be improved? stop being unreasonable customer.. :D..
2010-05-08 23:21:07 UTC
how to rate and improve customer service. when some singaporean do is scold and curse them..they even say vulgar words to you..this happens alot in singapore changi airport. izzit part of your job to get scolded. and the company can say oh no its ok they are right and we are wrong. when is not even not your fault. just imagine that if thats would happen to your child. this is nonsense
love dogs
2010-05-10 21:13:15 UTC
customer service in singapore is far from satisfactory. it is not that we expect a lot. Many times, the basic manners are not even present.
2010-05-08 18:18:53 UTC
Well, I myself is from the service industry. As one of our fellow response said that it take 2 hands to clap, this is true. For example, if a guest comes in with a bad attitude and started yapping all sorts of nonsense to you and demand you to do certain things, of course the service staff will react accordingly. We are human not like something that serves. As one movie said, 'we may serve them but we are not their servant".

Yes i agree that you pay to be served, but ask yourself, would you be able to do such things or would you want to be treated that way? As i said we are human, we have temper, feelings and all. Why once we are standing behind the counter, we are no longer human but slaves? Think.

Its obvious that service providers would like to serve or happy to serve overseas guest is because of one thing -- polite. I myself is a local, but in this industry, it makes me "loss face" or embarrassed to be a Singaporean in terms of this area. Its sad to know that they are not understanding, thinking that they know everything and like almost everyone say arrogant.

Anyways all in all, customer service have improved but we have no support from behind. We are on our own.
2010-05-07 18:44:12 UTC
very bad ... they don't welcome the customer and when questions ask they wont even give a clear answer ... ask for now in every departmental stores , supermarkets , shopping mall ,the list can go on everywhere the customer service are foreign workers. they cant even speak English . its so hard to communicate. some even don't know the meaning of customer service!!!!!
2010-05-07 06:10:01 UTC
I'll rate it 2 if there are 5 status. For my experience, some staffs of Mustafa center are necessary to train for what the customer satisfaction is.
2010-05-08 23:15:40 UTC
Singaporean is the world most worst customer, pay a bit want a lot.... A bit make complain this is all government fault. Anything not happy just complain or go to CASE....This is what Singaporean clever of....
neutral man
2010-05-07 05:20:41 UTC
there are good customer service in sg but the prob do not lies in improvement in service. its abt e sgpreans mindset. they always feel customer always right. unreasonable and snobbish. so no matter how high standard u are in customer service. you never get gd return. (most of e time)
2010-05-07 03:30:44 UTC
to all singaporens pls dont think sin have a bad service as u guys have not been to other part of the world..i am in aus now and i all ways think singapore give the best service to every one. go singapore..l
2010-05-10 22:56:10 UTC
i rate a big fat ZERO! Its almost non existence in Singapore. People are not friendly, they couldnt be bothered about the customers, smiling is a chore for them and they are not helpful.
2010-05-08 09:39:31 UTC
Depends on areas. However, for those tourists or popular areas, service are generally good. It will be better if the same service if given to everyone, including Singaporeans =)

Nevertheless, there will be minority rude ones who are constantly pointed out.
Lim W
2010-05-07 20:39:32 UTC
Honest.... the main issue is from SINGAPOREAN as customer!

Thinking that they got some $$$ acting "big head"...... see how the English man do!

Learn to be a good customer that the service will be good and up to your expectation!

2010-05-07 09:06:23 UTC
i have been working around south east asia for 15 years. And customer service in singapore is the worst. Singaporeans are arrongant piece of ****. They never change, theyre too proud of themselves. Finally, you can sence racism when they talk.....
Jacob S
2010-05-07 08:43:57 UTC
Generally,Singaporeans do no appreciate good service . They always think that "customer is always right" They dont deserve good service and they treat service staff like slaves.
2010-05-07 04:57:50 UTC
my experience as customer service most singaporeans are very rude and arrogant and that's why customers always get bad service, after all customer service are humans, nobody is perfect customers came with politeness i will gave them extra mile services
2010-05-07 21:09:13 UTC
singaporean cant be the best service in any thing , but singapore is the best shopping .singaporean thamself are the worse customer .rude , want too many discount +++++++++ a free this and that and more ........................ how can singporean be the best customer , and compliant service .....why this thing happen only in singapore .....!!!!!!!! i dont think any singaporean can say any thing of this .
Eric L
2010-05-10 22:36:01 UTC
I personally feel that the service rating is way below expectations. Many retail outlets are presently recruiting foreigners that are illiterate in our languages. Instances I met like, Burmese who can't speak Mandarin, and Chinese (from China) who can't speak English. They just stare at you when you happened to ask them a question in the language (English/Mandarin) they don't understand.
2010-05-09 09:03:08 UTC
Suppose you are to attend a Chinese Wedding Banquet and happen to be served by Part-Time Waiter from Foreign Country who does't understand our Culture but want to make some fast Bucks for the evening,

Are we unreasonable or short changed?
2010-05-09 03:24:26 UTC
From bad to worse... Especially after China nation worker invaded Singapore.
Vis T
2010-05-08 22:53:23 UTC
As we not from the service line from past few generations so service standard is super low n pay package is also low so to say and SG attitude towards service line n job is poor .

What we good at is to modify things. not doing service . We only buy service from others not doing it.
2010-05-08 10:33:02 UTC
Ya... have to see how is the customer but.. Singapore customer service really have to improve... Some staff are really damn xxx...
2010-05-07 03:55:32 UTC
Consistenly low. Once in a blue moon good. Rarer than blue-moonly excellent. How to hve good customer svc when svc staff, establishments n bosses dunno what constitutes good svc? Most seem to think that svc occurs only at point of sales, during the sales process where theres money to be made!!! The total experience is impt!!! Pre-sales, during sales, post sales svc, soft skills, hardwares, supporting svc/hardwares, infrastructures!

Go BKK shopping ctrs n see the supporting svc/hardwares! After rounds of walking, its so easy to find a place to relax one's tired feet so that one can continue shopping again. No guarantee of any sales, but i m sure it will boost sales!!! That's svc tho not just at point of sales!

Today's papers. Most establishment no refund policies. Look at USA. No questions asked in returning unused goods! Here, once money changes hands, the rest is customers' problems if there ever is a problem!

Even establishments which accept exchange policies. I quote big one like SINGTEL. Must exchange only at original shop of purchase! Singtel is Singtel, regardless where it's situtated. Customers deal with Singtel, not the specific sales rep of a particular outlet. Look at France! Buy something at an outlet. See something new at another. On the spot exchange, pay the difference n the outlet will do their own internal auditing n returns. Thats svc! N this existed even in the early 80s or maybe even ealier. That was global svc in kampong markets! Today, singtel n many others r still stuck in kampong svc in global markets!

In Singapore, only at point of sales when money cud be made do they think svc is impt! Even then, it's still direly lacking!!

In today;s business context, chasing jsut customers' money will not bring back repeat sales. One has gotta chase customers' emotions, not their money! Make customers feel good n they will be back for more, vice versa!!

Look at contractors or deliverymen. In Japan, the customers choose time of convenience n its such a big country. In small tiny minute singapore, the establishment chooses the time of delivery at their own convenience n even then with a waiting time span of 3-6 hrs n seldom punctual at tat!

To give good svc, bosses n establishments must first understand what constitutes good customer svc. Where r the points of contacts where customers r concerned n not just at point of sales transactions!

Remember! Svc begins in sales, new sales begin in svc, both pre, post, supporting, infrastructures n heartwares!!! Thats total experience! Get this right first or we will keep on barking up the wrong tree, never to solve this problem forever!!!

It's for this reason, i seldom shop in singapore, unless absolutely no choice! Overshopped but under serviced haven!
2010-05-10 20:13:15 UTC
customer service is bad in singapore; and made worse by employing

foreign people who can't speak or understand our languages: english, malay, chinese, tamil.

don't say about the other three; even the first language English, lots of them also don't know
Jacky T
2010-05-07 07:52:25 UTC
Service? What service? Everything is voice recorded: "Press 1 for English, press 2 for Mandarin, press 3 for Hokkien..."
Dr Ali baba
2010-05-08 10:22:26 UTC
Generally indifferent, quite frequently arrogant towards recent migrants.Service to "Angmoh's" they would bend over backwards-irony.Overall Singaporeans have a long learning process to be part of a developed nation mentality.Overall anytime better than Angmoh's in Australia or Europe-they suck really bad.
2010-05-08 09:01:38 UTC
Just look at our custom officer in our airport compare to Australia. How rude our officer. Like everybody own them some $$. The way they treat south east asia people and ang mok.
2010-05-07 02:13:30 UTC
customer in Singapore is hard to please. singaporean demand a lot on service. it is not surprising that people shun away from the service industry.
2010-05-09 06:53:41 UTC
Frist a customer servicer must have good command english,polite, not speak english in their slung and should know the multicial language , malay, hokkien and english
the simple small man
2010-05-07 20:24:02 UTC
Two things to highlight which sums up all the talk on this subject.

One - Our culture ! Learn from the Japanese.

Two - Contain your established culture ! Speak Japanese and behave like them.

In Singapore - everytime we try to improve, and are improving. We relax our immigration

rules and allow any tom dick harry to enter our workforce.

How to improve ? Again I stress - LEARN FROM THE JAPANESE>
2010-05-07 12:20:41 UTC
Perhaps we should also rate customer behaviour. Are their expectations reasonable? should we in the service industry be on our knees to service them. Should they also adjust their behaviour?

think about it
2010-05-10 23:54:31 UTC

Customers are not so terrifying - be bold, proud and in charge.

I can ask for the most simple thing and, just about every time in Singapore, I get a blank stare and a few second's silence.

It makes Singaporeans, in general, look stupid, servile and frightened.

One more thing - I have no problem with hiring cheap workers from China but please, please, please ... teach them a little English.
2010-05-07 10:13:09 UTC
service is bad.. and it is because they are working as a dead person..chances are partly because of the upper level chances of improvement is very little..

hint: there are bosses out there think they are so smart and can screw with their pls continue.. and i believe that the customer or whoever they come across will be happy with the service..
2015-06-29 09:19:21 UTC
Expectations has to be met and balanced well. If u are talking about Singaporean particularly. I believe that Singaporean education level is higher and spending power is higher resulting more expectation in F&B. I am paying these much why am I treated this way.
2010-05-08 00:06:37 UTC
well, it'll be great if they can speak clearly in proper english for a start.

It will be nice if they are friendlier and offer assistance even when the customer is not buying. Because i had a bad experience at this one particlular store at queensway shopping centre.
2010-05-11 07:23:14 UTC
Very poor service because they are unhappy. They are not satisfied with what they have. They always want to show their angers to another person as they are scared to show it to those who makes them angry. They are happy to waste their times on gossiping. Seeking mistakes of other people cause them making mistakes byself.

Again, they love bullying especially foreign workers who are holding passes.

So, no happy, no smile. No motivation, no creation. No work, no mistake, no responsible... Correct?
2014-09-13 19:13:02 UTC
I felt that majority of the customers have the mindset of "Customer is always right" and the poor employee has to meet their expectations and at the same time not increasing the expenditure of the company. The employer wants to maximise profit while the consumers yearns for more rewards; the customer service assistant gets ordinary monthly wage while having to please both the "Emperor" and the "King".
2010-05-07 16:15:35 UTC
Not too bad. High class places offer better service. Think is just because of their natural personality.
2010-05-07 02:47:46 UTC
the typical singaporean has a god-complex so its hard for them to serve where in they want to be served. its as simple as that.

so they get people from thailand or philippines who are very friendly even if they are under pressure they keep their cool.

unlike the locals, you will have second thoughts in approaching some of the staff because of their snobish looks. even if you got a chance to talk to them, they sound arrogant.

true story. charged to experience.
2010-05-07 17:46:42 UTC
easy answer

typical singapore = kiasu

kiasu = hard to tip

hard tip = bad customer service

bad customer service = even harder to please customer

so tell me how to improve...

is not like other country when they tip they tip
2010-05-08 18:08:01 UTC
good customer service depends on the color of the skin.
2010-05-07 03:24:25 UTC
I got a call from the safety institution at bradell saying that my application for the course is approved. Out of happiness i thanked her and also expressed my happiness. She immedietely said hello...hello... stop your stories and slamed the phone.
2010-05-07 03:20:44 UTC
I think they need to accept everyone as it is. Not discriminate.

Be more helpful and mindful.

Take initiative to be courteous.

More courses to improve spoken and written.

Create warmth and dynamic environment to work in(morning rehearsal before start works).
2010-05-07 04:53:38 UTC
Bad service from service staff begins from yourself. Treat others with respect and respect will be return to you. It takes two to clap. Do onto others what you want others to do onto you.
2010-05-07 10:19:39 UTC
half of you idiots who want better standards of english being used are yourself using sub-standard written language that irritates me like a pimple in the middle of my forehead. take a look at yourself in the mirror, in this case monitor, and realise that you have what i like to term "half-****" english, heretoforth to be used. and everyone who says sales staff should know they are in that line to serve, you are as idioitic as the people using half-**** english to complain about the low standards in the "serbice" industry. they are there because they have no other career options stupid. they would certainly love to be designing skyscrapers and curing illnesses like cancer...but they didn't get that education, thus the low standard of english and the lack of enthusiasm to serve your every ******* need.
2010-05-07 09:13:12 UTC
Its bad here. Compared to New York, Hong kong, Sydney, and London. Clue less!
2010-05-07 16:59:55 UTC
In singaporeans there a lot of ATTITUDE Problem as well as they are very ARROGANT.

They thing that they are very smart but this is very Wrong....Even they can't speak in English, singaporeans are very clever and selfish they never improve in any field.........
2010-05-08 20:57:27 UTC
Customers should treat service staff with respect.They are there to help and assist,not your maid or slave.
khan wee
2010-05-08 03:37:29 UTC
Poor! Sadly to say. We should learn from other country like Japan and Taiwan.
2010-05-08 20:23:59 UTC
Long way to go. The government talks but look at how they conduct themselves. Doing for doing sake, but no heart.
2010-05-07 03:30:07 UTC
to think of that, most services provided to us are all foreign workers and they don't get any training?

On top of that we have to pay 7% GST and 10% service tax!??
2010-05-08 19:52:51 UTC
2010-05-07 12:43:36 UTC
very poor..

that's the reason why employers wants to hire foreigners right? singaporeans only know how to answer close ended question. foreigners can do better with open ended questions.
2010-05-07 02:59:25 UTC
customer service is smiles. they are are doing their job. that's it.
2010-05-08 10:41:12 UTC
2010-05-11 08:23:57 UTC
once i went to uniqlo orchard...looking for knee length skirt. searched but couldn't i approached the sale assistant at the front section near the entrance/exit, she told me it's behind....i followed her instruction..but still couldn't find. i approached 2nd sale assistant who's near by the fitting area. she told's at the front section...I WAS REALLY PISSED_OFF!!!! HELLO...the shop is not BIG...and yet...the staffs are not sure of their stocks location. NO sign of enthusiasm at all in their face...when U go to work..... PLEASE brings your HEART along!!!
Sum W
2010-05-09 01:35:37 UTC
you go the extra mile and customer want more then the mile. when will it stop.
2010-05-07 09:52:48 UTC
i don't get it why the foreigners who cant speak or understand decent English are allowed to work in the FnB line.
Lim Chye A
2010-05-07 02:49:54 UTC
I dont know which clever *** stats- Customer is always right! <----BULLSHIT!!

As the saying goes , you pay peanuts you get monkey!
2010-05-07 09:24:53 UTC
Good service starts with good customer

very simple and logical.

Indian guy : " SHOW me the best !!! "

Salesman : " This is Cartier sunglass"

Indian guy : " How is it ?"

Salesman : " $2188 "

Indian guy : '' Can u show me something cheaper ?"

Salesman : " ok, (Zzzzzz) "
2010-05-07 21:48:51 UTC
2010-05-08 04:15:37 UTC
U pay peanuts and you get monkeys. No need for any explanatoion.
2010-05-07 04:19:59 UTC
lion rose
2010-05-07 02:56:29 UTC
First they should be able to understand what we want , some foreign workers does not even understand simple English , ..........................
2010-05-08 06:49:43 UTC
I would appreciate if they dont made thing worst.
2010-05-07 02:10:31 UTC
2010-05-10 21:07:00 UTC
Hendra Ng
2010-05-08 20:24:13 UTC
either non-courtesy or over-courtesy .. can't feel any sincerity.

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