2013-04-08 10:19:13 UTC
HLT 94 – Human Nutrition: Assignment 1– Current Topics in Nutrition
Purpose: To help students evaluate the reliability and accuracy of nutrition information from professional publications, newspapers, magazines and/or internet sources.
Assignment: Obtain 4 articles related to the same topic in human nutrition (see topics list).
• 1 article from a newspaper or magazine
• 2 from internet websites
• 1 from a professional journal
DUE DATE: April 9
The assignment is worth 60 points (15% of your semester grade).
How to find articles:**
1. Newspaper or magazine article can come from its print source or its internet site (not a related blog). Print the article or make a copy to hand in with the assignment. Label this as your “newspaper” or “magazine” article.
2. The 2 internet sites can come from a google search. In choosing your internet sites, 1 site should be “.com” and 1 site should be “.gov” or “.org”. Print out the information/articles from each website and hand them in with your assignment. Label these as your “internet .com” or “internet .org” or “” site. Do not use Wikipedia as a source.
3. Professional journal articles can be found using Google Scholar or the BCC Library / Learning Center Databases. Print out one full article (from either the databases or Google Scholar) and hand it in with your assignment. Label this as your “professional journal “ article. Instructions for accessing the BCC databases are below:
a. Go to the BCC Library home page
b. Under the quicklinks dropdown, click “Databases.”
c. Search Medline with Full-Text (note your search terms)
** For each of these steps, note the search terms that you had to use to find the relevant information for your assignment. Keep track of these so that you can answer question #1 below.
What you will turn in (3-4 pages total, double-spaced):
1. What was your topic? What were your search terms? Did you need to refine your search after the first try? Why?
2. Read the abstract of the professional journal article. What did you conclude from reading the abstract? Read the rest of the article and briefly describe what you learned.
3. What are the differences between the magazine/newspaper, the internet sites, and the research article? Which is easier to read and understand? Why? Use specific examples from your articles to illustrate your points.
4. Which internet sites did you select? (Compare the .com site with the .org or .gov site.) Were there any differences in the two sites in terms of content, believability and depth of the argument? Which one do you think is most reliable? Again, give specific examples from your sites.
5. Which source do you think is most likely to be read by the average person? Is it also the most reliable? Explain your answer.
6. Write a ½ page summary of the topic you chose based on the information gathered from your 4 sources.
7. Make sure to use APA citation guidelines for your 4 sources.
HLT 94 Information Literacy: Possible Topics
Note: You may choose a topic not on this list, but please ask your instructor before beginning your research.
What foods can help prevent cancer?
Are probiotics beneficial to digestive health?
Are protein supplements safe and effective in building muscle?
Does chocolate have significant health benefits?
Is soy healthy or harmful?
Are vegetarian diets safe for children?
Are vegan diets safe?
What are the health benefits of black and green teas?
Is there a link between Alzheimer’s Disease and diet?
Is there a link between stroke and diet?
Are artificial sweeteners safe?
What toxins are found in fish?
Are organically grown foods higher in nutrients than conventionally grown foods?
What are the health consequences of pesticide residues in foods?
Are there health benefits to taking a multi-vitamin pill every day?
How does alcohol affect the heart?
What is the link between sodium and high blood pressure?
Are genetically modified foods safe?
Does eating red meat cause cancer?
Is there a link between nutrition and birth defects?
Is it safe for pregnant women to consume caffeine?
Is there a link between alcohol and breast cancer?