How can rich people stomach being so selfish?
2012-07-09 22:09:32 UTC
Like how can they live in the most expensive houses, drive the most expensive cars & wear the most unnecessarily expensive crap possible with absolutely no moral convictions about how many families are starving in their own city? Every time I was broke, I still gave all I had to people who needed it. Every time I came up, I felt off balance having more than everybody else so instead of wasting money, I ran charity drives at school & at churches.

Is there something wrong with my thinking or something? Like am I violating some kind of 'survival of the fittest' law by thinking like this? After all, law of man says "to the victor belongs the spoils" although the law of God says "to whom much is given, much is required." I'm more inclined toward the latter.
Seven answers:
2012-07-09 23:26:11 UTC
Very few rich really had to work for their money. Daddy paid for a good education and used his contacts to make sure Jr. got a good job, and moved up the ladder quickly. Often they were bankrolled by daddy or other family members, as in the case of Mitt Romney. Started out rich and never had to work for anything. Their idea of failure, is better than the rest of us can ever hope for!! They used us, the working people of the US to get richer, We made them. The do owe us. Instead of doing the morally right thing and investing in our country and it's future, they choose to eliminate our jobs and send them to China an North Korea. Even worse! They don't even keep their money in our country! They keep it in hidden Caribbean Island accounts so they don't even pay taxes on most of it!

These people tell pensioners that they are selfish because they think they are "entitled" to money. (money we paid into all our lives). They think they are entitled to the wealth of the nation without having to pay ANYTHING back, ever!!
2012-07-09 22:23:25 UTC
It's admirable what you go, but you shouldn't believe that just because people live in big houses and drive nice cars, they never give to charity...

firstly there are all kinds of different charities, anything from being a good role model to donating a million dollars

if those people did make financial contributions, that doesn't mean they have to run themselves into a shack...people give what they can in some religions it is mandatory so people probably give a lot more than you know...also they have families that they need to worry about and save up for
2012-07-09 22:13:26 UTC
I am 28 years old, working full time in a grocery store as a Butcher. I make $34,000 a year, and live a good life abiet without expensive things.

Here's why your thinking is wrong. I'm full time, and my part time co workers look at me like I own them lunch or I own them money because I make more then they do. I have a lot of part timers and new full timers making a few thousand a year less then me treat me like they deserve part of my cash because I have a little more then them.

People no matter their income level will always be jealous of somebody a little better off then them. Some of my co workers look at my 3 year old Honda like I look at a 3 week old Porsche!

I get to the point when I see lawyers or rich people that makes me sick, but then I sit back and remember all the blessings in my life and thank god I'm as well off as I am.
2017-01-13 17:04:53 UTC
could desire to you no longer are turning out to be to be an tutorial scholarship, joined the service, labored assorted jobs? i do no longer meet all your standards yet i've got been chilly, hungry, homeless. All because of me no longer doing what I could have been doing. I needless to say did no longer agree on the time yet 30 or so years later, I comprehend there have been issues that i will have carried out, yet did no longer.
2012-07-09 22:15:05 UTC
Who is to say those people are NOT giving to those who are needy? If you make good money, you should live in a shack and drive a bucket of bolts and give your money away? We live in of capitalism. If someone is loaded, it is likely because they worked their butts off to get that way. It is nice of you to give so much, but this is your choice and your views and they are extreme.
2012-07-09 22:15:15 UTC
You seem very bitter and have some class envy going on there. Why does it bother you how other live? You have lived as you chose to live. You do not know how much they give, your not privy to their finances.
2012-07-09 22:28:54 UTC
thats what big amounts of money do to some ppl its sad

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