Debate about racism uk?
2008-07-10 11:53:07 UTC
i'm 18 years old & I live in wales and I'm going to speak about my experience of (possible)racism (i'm not playing the race card as im MIXED RACE & dnt play the race card & i live with my mum, she's white) basically my experience of living in wales (10 years) hasn't been gr8 I had a bad experience in high school, where to be frank left a bad taste in my mouth and I lost huge amounts of confidence, my tutor knew what was going on but nobody would admit it 1 instance this rugby steriod prick said (not 2 me) just call him a n***er, every did a difficult laugh as i was sitting behind, he turned round and went " I wouldn't worry about it" nd the worst thing that happened to me was when i got spat on "could be jumpin the gun, bt i doubt it" nd loads of other times as well, im no scum, i aint a pedo, gangsta, druggie bt i gt treated badly, I have hardly any mates nd the best friend that I had just left me whn he gt a GF, is it a stigma to be friend with someone that aint " indigenous"?
Fifteen answers:
Bo Peep
2008-07-10 12:10:14 UTC
These people are soooo shallow - always remember that. If they can't see beyond a person's colour or background then there is something seriously lacking in their personalities.

I'm not saying this makes it okay for you...I understand that this stuff hurts and it hurts bad. I also understand that it is deeply frustrating. You need to start standing up for yourself a little - not getting into fights or name calling...rise above all that - DEBATING is a great way to start. Read a lot of what Martin Luther King wrote about life and racism...I think you'll find it really inspiring.

Next, don't look for racism. I know I know I know that it is out there but you need to hold your head up high and act like it doesn't matter to you at all. Their opinion's aren't worth two beans - why should they matter to you. (This is the impression you must give.)

If you can make a big success of yourself - build a great life, and a great family around you - then you will have achieved this DESPITE their petty minded attitudes to you. You have to find a way out of this because (God willing) one day you're going to have a gorgeous little boy or girl looking up to you to find out how daddy deals with this rubbish.

Be the bigger man....rise above them - be strong. SPEAK OUT ABOUT RACISM....


Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. (Martin Luther King)

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Go for it!
2008-07-10 12:06:06 UTC
Dude, don't judge humanity based on a few steroid, rugby playing freaks from Wales. The sad truth is that racism exists everywhere in the world; even in 3rd world countries where the majority are non-whites. If race is not the issue; social class is. There is always a reason to hate everyone else but I believe most people are beyond that. Every race has its good and bad. Just stay away from the bad and you'll be ok...remember that those racist idiots won't get far in life with their small minded mentality.
2008-07-10 13:19:42 UTC
Unfortunately,ignorance and being a bit thick come hand in hand,so some people can behave in a racist way if the opportunity comes along,to make themselves look good,which did(reading your experience) when you came along.

You've unfortunately come across aload of pricks,which isn't hard in some areas. There will always be racism and it will come from all races,just try and think of these people as very tragic.

Behaviour like this doesn't always come because of someones colour,that dickhhead from school is the type to make fun of the fat white girl.

Your just going to have to take some things on the chin,as you'll soon realise we are all victim's in some form or other.
2008-07-10 12:17:19 UTC
As the only person of mixed race at the school the sick & cowardly bullies will always pick on an easy target. You sound like a civilised intelligent person who,(like most people) find such thugish behavour upsetting and hurtful. If at all possible try not to let these low lives get under your skin. Rise above the mindless scum bags and see them for what they are. I often tell the story of the time when I trained in a gym where jokes about black people were very popular amoung a certain type of person. The jokes immediately changed to Irish jokes when two tough enormously built black guys joined. Then three ginger haired vicious looking Irish guys joined and the jokes changed to dumb blonde jokes. As it was a men only gym the wimps remained on this theme for sometime.Do try very hard not to permit these morons ruin your time at school nor embitter you.
2008-07-10 12:01:32 UTC
people are ignorant and find a reason to pick on someone. Just ignore those pricks. i know what it's lik. i'm a 17 white male who lives in the middle of the sticks in texas USA. The only people we have are rednecks, gangsters or thugs. and if ur not in one of those groups, your SOL. but all you can do is be the better man and take it and focus on your school work. cause one day they'll be workin for you. OR...... do what i did. Get ripped really quick and they'll leave u alone and the chicks will dig you 4 sure. lol
Lily H
2008-07-10 12:20:25 UTC
hey babe. there will always be someone wanting to bring you down.

i'm 42, half british, half asian. we were the first mixed race family to move onto our estate back in the 70s and it was hell. i will spare the details (many wouldnt believe it anyway) as i got older i just wanted all the crap to stop. i didnt want my children being subjected to such hate, but they have been bullied. they will be ok - just as you will.

you will come across it at work, in the pub, in the street, you just learn to live with it. i know it sounds like a huge hurdle to jump but as you get more confident in yourself you will realise that some people are just ignorant - plain and simple ignorant.

you cant change their attitude any more that you can change the colour of your skin - so dont even give it the time of day. I worked with someone for 6 years and he was awfull -made no excuses for the way he felt, but i always made a point of speaking to him and being polite - knew it pi33ed him off. when he left he sent a wedding invite to our house addressed to 'Steve and Partner !!' I just found it funny how some people are sooooo pathetic.

its their problem not yours. Dont move, its YOUR home - Hold your head up high - and be proud of who you are. xxxx
2008-07-10 12:06:16 UTC
I don't really know what your question is but stay strong and try to keep positive about your mixed heritage.

I am from the USA, here when most people see a mixed race youth they feel a little sorry for them. My friend's mixed race daughter tragically committed suicide, overheard her grandma (mom's side) crying to another relative that her granddaughter looks nothing like them.

I am praying for you.
2008-07-10 12:00:10 UTC
this is awful,

how can people be sooo rude over the colour of someones skin!

its a bloody COLOUR!!! get over it.

im quite shocked actualy about what has happened to you..i am also mixed race but i have not have any problems with this,, i have had a few comments, but nothing that has bothered me deeply. maybe it has something to do with were you live,, althogh i wouldnt kno!?

just ignore anyone that says nefin, i do, if people cant accept you then it is their problem. i kno its hard, but if you think about it, half of the population are if someone says something about one person..they are sayin it about half the popluation. sooo theres people that can help :)x
2008-07-10 12:00:49 UTC
Hi ya ... I am white and my husband is black.. I grew up in a town so small it ment i never seen a black person untill my adult years.. in small towns it produces small minds.. you are who you are the colour of your skin should not matter to anyone who likes you for you. I have had many ppl glare and make raciest coments about my relationship. im now 13yrs together and I REALLY DONT CARE WHAT PPL SAY. nor should you as you cant change your skin nor can you cange small minded ppl. so you be proud of who you are !!!!!!!

good luck xxxxx
Ricky J 123
2008-07-10 11:58:52 UTC
I fell bad for you bro. But life is life and you can't change that. When you grow up, move to a place were the society is more excepting of diverse cultures.
2008-07-10 11:59:37 UTC
Don't take it too hard. The most naked racism I've ever experienced was in Wales: to me and my family cos we speak with English accents.
2008-07-10 12:02:57 UTC
please dnt feel dat every1s lyk dt bcoz dey aren't. maybe movin is worth considerin. remember dat racism is just ignorant & pathetic. if dey really were intelligent ppl, dey wudn't go on lyk dat. i knw wat ur goin thru as i am of mixed heritage 2, and altho i 2 hav experienced prejudice, i live in london so it's a lot more culturally mixed. if u wish 2 talk more, e mail me ok. i wish u all da best. u shud also try prayer. u dnt hav 2 b particularly religious but remember He listens.
2008-07-10 12:03:25 UTC
im mixed race as well, and i have dealt with my own racist issues, but in reality the truth is that it will never go away. you have to learn how to deal with it. and be proud of your self. dont let people knock you down! people that bully have inner-self confidence issues.
2008-07-10 11:56:59 UTC
move to london

those people will never change, fighting them will just give them more amunition against you

go somewhere where diverse races are common and therefore more tolerated
2008-07-10 11:57:43 UTC
you should fight back.

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