"Hate" is a strong term and though I have seen many people strongly dislike him for reasons both legitimate to the insane, you can't really "Hate" someone you don't know personally.
I dislike him for a number of reasons...
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1. He is nothing but a product of the Chicago-Machine. NO ONE in Chicago politics comes out ahead without fraud, liable, dishonesty, and lies.
Just look at how he got in to the state senate in the first place! His people somehow managed to get in to Ryan's private divorce papers and told the world about his personal life and what his wife said/did in the divorce to get more alimony.
Obama and Obama's people dragged this guy through the mud because of what a married couple chose to do in their private lives. Ryan took his wife to a sex club in Paris. They went in, she didn't like the place, so they left.
Daley pushed Obama to the senate because Daley was afraid he would run for mayor... And as any Chicago Resident knows... Daley will give up his position 2 years after he is dead...
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Sorry... Had to eat Dinner...
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2. His and his wife's personal life is full of fraud, shady dealings, and bad people... Rezko... Ayers... (The UNREPENTANT DOMESTIC TERRORIST) Obama personally trained people in blackmail in "Community Organizations" like those covered under the Acorn Umbrella. His wife is supposedly all altruistic, while getting $200.000 + for being a part of a number of hospital boards that up front are trying to "Provide Health Care To Poor Black Families" while milking federal programs... The more important her husband got, the more money she had thrown at her for doing nothing but participating in a scam.
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3. While in office here in Illinois, HE ONLY SHOWED UP TO WORK 47% of the time! He never even once went to a committee that he CHAIRED!
Why is ANYONE surprised that he is spending more time doing publicity stunts than doing his goddamned job now?
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4. With a Super-Majority, these people can do what they want with very little in the way of Checks & Balances. Doesn't anyone find it funny that they are not going forward with any "Charges" against Bush and Chaney? Could it be because if they went after Bush/Chaney, they would end up exposing their own "Side's" culpability in the situation?
Pelosi "Never Knew" anything about what happened the WHOLE TIME she was involved in the Bush Administration? Really?
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5. Obama's politics... He supported the Global-Tax Bill. That should be enough to stop this guy from being in power!
I rarely write commentary from anger, preferring a properly objective, pseudo-dispassionate approach to a subject deserving my attention. But news of the details, nature and scope of pending legislation in the U.S. Senate has caused me to make an exception to that rule.
As though Americans were not already burdened with:
• Extortionate and confiscatory taxes wherever they turn on virtually everything they earn, purchase, or do, from the local level on up to the federal level;
• Myriad regulations, controls and arbitrary rules that hamper or obstruct their productivity and their lives;
• Footing the endless bills of earmarked pork barrel projects at home in the amount of billions;
• Footing the bill in the amount of the billions for bottomless altruist and "humanitarian" pork barrel projects abroad;
• Footing the bill for an ever-expanding and ever more costly welfare state to subsidize the ill, the retired, the aged, the young, etc.
• Being held hostage by, say, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and other hostile "oil-producing" countries, because our government has decided that snail darters, sea cows, and caribou have a greater right to live than have human beings;
• Paying more for food because mandated ethanol, which reports prove costs more in oil to produce than it "saves," in the gas they buy is taking more crop acreage out of production;
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George Bush was a tard... I disagree with a majority of what he, personally, had a hand in... But the proof is in the pudding... Lets go over what happened before Americans voted with a knee-jerk reaction and gave the Dem's their majority:
George Bush has been in office for 8 years. The first six the economy was fine.
A little over two year ago:
Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
the DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000 +
American's were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations o'seas, living large!...
But Americans wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress & yep--we got 'CHANGE' all right!.....
Consumer confidence has plummeted ;
Gasoline went up above $5.00 a Gallon and still fluctuates as high as $4.00/g
Unemployment is up to double digits in most of the US
Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS & prices still dropping;
3% of American homes are in foreclosure.
We have the man with the great PR Team still talking "Change". The Messiah of the LIberals...
Put blame where blame is due. US Congress You voted the Dems in, now you get what you voted for.
It is time to put our Elected Officials in their place... STOP VOTING FOR THE SAME OLD BULLSHIT!
It is time to kick them ALL out!