I like to smoke with my friends on the weekends but I don't want to become a smoker. Smoking is a lot of fun and all, but I don't think that being addicted to cigarettes is a cool thing at all. I only smoke other people's cigarettes and I've never bought my own. My weekend cigarettes consumption has been increasing; last Friday night I smoked 5 cigarettes and last Saturday night I smoked 11. I haven't had a cigarette since, but I think I've been craving one. I know I can hold out until Friday when I'm with my friends, but I'm getting scared. I'm scared that I'll become an everyday smoker. I know that I should stop now before it's too late, but when I'm with my friends this weekend I won't be able to say no. I'm 18 and I had my first cigarette last summer. I always hated cigarettes until I had my second one (the first was awful). I think smoking is really stupid, but I really like to smoke. I'd like to smoke when I want to, but I don't want to be a slave to cigarettes like some of my friends have become. Will it be impossible for me to continue being only a social smoker, or do I have no choice but to leave cigarettes forever, along with my smoker friends?