2012-04-18 20:39:52 UTC
New England, very similar to the western states like California and Washington in it's education level, demographics, and political views, and New England's economy, much like that of the Silicon Valley, Seattle or even New York and Philly is very modern - mainly service-based economy.
Why is it though that New England is so far behind in everything? Examples?
-Old housing, few modern developments, new developments very plain and boring
-Few modern entertainment venues
-No extravagant resorts
-Run down and poorly designed transportation system
-No modern cities, even Boston is a village compared to modern giants like Dallas, Los Angeles, Charlotte, etc.
-Very poor telecommunication networks (only area in the country without fiberoptic cable!)
-Very old-fashioned, boring businesses (unlike the "hipster" businesses out west and mid-atlantic)
-Few large national/state parks, a lot of land getting cleared for no good reason
These are just some examples...but honestly, I don't get it...why is New England so slow to progress? The population is very young, educated and there is a lot of money in the region, so why the heck the region not progressing? It's like...stuck in the 20th century...