Christians, what does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth?
2009-03-23 06:56:15 UTC
Christians, what does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth?
Seven answers:
2009-03-23 07:00:49 UTC
It means that only a born again believer can worship the Lord truthfully.

Because we posess the Holy Spirit as believers.

All other worship in vain........
2009-03-23 07:06:46 UTC
You could go a couple of different ways with this one. Jesus is the truth about God revealed in human form. The Holy Spirit regenerates the lost soul of a Christian and awakens them to worship. I would say the emphasis in the passage is on the lower case "s" in spirit. That means our worship is spiritual, a heart to heart with God. Truth is means that it is pure and without falsehood. Hope that helps.
2009-03-23 07:10:36 UTC
Hello Belle,

Simple Answer:

True Worship of God, and Not that of Religion takes place as the Born Again by the Spirit of God person, communes with God through His Word, in Praise and Addoration.

Most So Called Worship is NOT what one generally hears in Church.

Much of what is called Worship in church is Only Church Activities.

(Luke 6:46) And why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?

Thanks for Asking! RR
2009-03-23 07:02:26 UTC
TRUTH is what the Bible teaches . . . worshiping from the standpoint of what it teaches and rejecting what it does NOT teach is worship in truth. It means rejectings the teachings added to or taken away from scripture, by man.

TRUTH rejects pagan celebrations such as Christmas, Easter, Fourth Of July, etc . . . these are unscruptural and an insult to God as soveriegn.

We, as imperect humans, can not do this without the helper given us . . . the Holy Spirit. We must call upon God to give us Holy Spirit to understand the scriptures, to live in accord with them and to guide out lives, giving us strength to endure.
2009-03-23 07:01:56 UTC
worshiping God with your heart, your mind and your soul. which means you sacrifice your life to worship him.
2009-03-23 07:21:12 UTC
To think by yourself
2009-03-23 07:01:25 UTC
It means to do it God's Way not our own.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.