This is about RACE?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
This is about RACE?
Sixteen answers:
2006-06-29 14:13:40 UTC
i know man...i was cold chillin at the bus stop, and i said, what up my ******, and got knocked the **** out
2006-06-22 18:01:08 UTC
I totally understand your question. i am not offended in anyway and I have that same question. However I think that black people call each other a N***** because they have grown used to it. In a way calling themselve a N is like saying no one can call me out of my name except for me and my peers. However if a white person calls them a N it stimulates something in their genetic makeup that says this white person should not be calling me this. In this situation it all goes back to slavery and segregation. Basically the black man is opressing himself. When ever thet don't get a break they use this racial thing as an excuse. When really they should be trying to make it and stop at nothing.

a little tip next time. Its ok to call someone black or white. According to my mom when she was filling out a form for my school. On the race line she put black saying that african american is only a pretty way of saying black. My roots may come from Africa but Most white people hail from England. So do we call them English Americans. Asians live in America do we really call them Asian Americans. I am an American. I am Black.
2006-06-22 17:55:21 UTC
Some people are just born into it. Like they say they were born into the game. Which they don't have a choice to live the way they live, because their family were raised in poverty. They have to struggle just to get a meal, or their closes friends are drug dealers, and their the only influence people around their life. Imagine living in the ghetto ever since you were a child listening to what other people mostly talk about, and their are black community's that want to make them selves come up, but some times it's hard. To raised children in an invierment like that.

Most young adults think that it's cool to be all ghetto, and thinking that their tough when they don't even know the half of what it means trying to survive in the streets. They think it's a fashion sense.
2006-06-22 17:48:37 UTC
No offense taken. I personally don't use that word for the reasons you said. I don't want anyone calling me that, so I don't say it.

And don't generalize; I know very few blacks who find it cool to act "ghetto". Most that I know are educated, intelligent and hardworking people who are appalled at the way we are portrayed. Being "ghetto" is definitely not cool, for whites or blacks. It's just pathetic and sad.

To a degree, I do think that the "man" is still attempting to keep us down. The media to a large degree controls how we are seen, and it mostly plays into negative stereotypes. I do believe, though, that we need to take some responsibility for ourselves and the way we're portrayed. I think it's disgusting that we've come so far and yet the big dream for a lot of little black kids is to be a sports star or a rapper. What about being a doctor or a scientist?

rjfoster22 is absolutely right, I caught a lot of BS growing up because I didn't use slang when speaking and because I made good grades. It's sad but true that a lot of times we hurt ourselves by not taking advantage of educational opportunities.
2006-06-22 17:46:23 UTC
There is some truth to what you are saying about blacks keeping themsleves down. It has been widely studied and published that in certain african american cultures it is not "cool" to try to better yourself through higher education. Often black people in these cultures who DO try to better themsleves are accused of "trying to be white". Also it seems that many african american youth take to heart the messeges being broadcast by hip-hop artists, and many times these messeges are also of a negative, self -defeating nature.
2006-06-22 17:46:16 UTC
Sounds like stereotyping to me. Yuo really have to pay close attention to what and how you say ANYTHING these days because there are a lot ofpeople out there that make everything racist.No matter how hard you try to be politically correct, there will allways be one asshole out there that will call you a racist.
2006-06-22 17:43:20 UTC
I hesitate to answer questions of race because as you say, "hate" springs up. I do think that in the beginning that the white man/woman oppressed the black man/woman. I definately agree with that. However, it just seems that lately that isn't the case. I have several African-American friends who would agree with me. The choices that many African-Americans make today are based on a "you white people owe me" attitude. It seems that where I live, an African-American will get angry to the point of wanting to kill someone if a white person says the same thing to them as a black person (in which case it is either welcomed, accepted, or ignored). It's really time to put all of this in the past. Slavery is dead and gone. It can't be used as an excuse for these behaviors indefinately.
man of ape
2006-06-22 17:40:14 UTC
No its their choices that keep them down not the white man, if white people don't work they starve, just like anyone else, work will set you free
2006-06-22 17:39:38 UTC
I'm brown and I completely agree with you. A slur is a slur, no matter who says it.
2006-06-26 09:56:14 UTC
I admire you for asking the question, although it could have been phrased better, but I understand what you are asking.

I live in Arkansas and none of the people of African decent have ever said the word around me, nor do they act, dress, talk down on themselves. "Ghetto" is not cool here for them. Everyone of my friends are professional, and are fun regardless of their pay rate. They b_itch about pay, but then who doesn't. I know I do. There is no mention of "the man keeping them down." I’ve been invited to many cook outs, family reunions, etc., and have never heard this word used, even in a comfortable network place. I have no position of authority and am on equal to most of my friends. Oh and for the record they don’t talk like Carlton Banks from"Fresh Prince". So I think once you get out and about and have a more world view you will see to generate a group of people you are severely limiting yourself of potential good friends.

Now for your other question...

I’ve shown some of my friend your question and they said I should send you this page. It really sums up why this is such a powerfully hateful word and why it is possibly used in a "positive"(I use that word lightly, and so did they) manner. Oh, and they all said "about damn time someone is brave enough to ask the question of 'why'"

(sorry for all the text(but read it to the end)...seems this word has some history...)

This site couldn’t have said it better...I’ve copied it and tried to fix "words" Yahoo will flag with ****...This site is about the word and its history. I tried to peserve the site as much as possible. I am sorry to any that might feel offended by it, not my intent. It is harsh as the word is everywhere, and shows through history how bad it was for Black Americans.

I never understood political correctness, espesially in sites like here where you want to know why, even if its not PC to do so. How does that help anyone? I think it takes away the means of communication, and in doing so take away the way to fix problems...not cover them up like some oozing wound.

N_igger (the word), a brief history!

June 1

*On this date we look at the history of word “N_igger” in America. This word still sits at the center of anti-Black verbal distortions.

*Note: some of the content in this writing may be offensive to young children.

The history of the word n__igger is often traced to the Latin word niger, meaning black. This word became the noun n_egro (black person) in English, and simply the color black in Spanish and Portuguese. In Early Modern French n_iger became n_egre and, later, n_egress (black woman) was unmistakably a part of lexical history. One can compare to negre the derogatory n_igger and earlier English substitutes such as n_egar, n_eegar, n_eger, and n_iggor that developed into its lexico-semantic true version in English. It is probable that n_igger is a phonetic spelling of the white Southern mispronunciation of N_egro.

No matter what its origins, by the early 1800s it was firmly established as a degenerative nickname. In the 21st century, it remains a principal symbol of white racism regardless of who is using it. Social scientists refer to words like n_igger, k_ike, s_pic, and w_etback come from three categories: disparaging nicknames (c_hink, d_ago, n_igger, etc); explicit group devaluations ("Jew him down," or "n_iggering the land"); and irrelevant ethnic names used as a mild disparagement ("jewbird" for cuckoos having prominent beaks or "Irish confetti" for bricks thrown in a fight). Racial slurs (over time) have victimized all racial and ethnic groups; but, no American group goes through as many racial nicknames as Blacks: c_oon, t_om, s_avage, p_icanniny, m_ammy, b_uck, s_ambo, j_igaboo, b_uckwheat are some. Many of these slurs became fully traditional pseudo-scientific, literary, cinematic, and everyday distortions of African Americans. These caricatures, whether spoken, written, or reproduced in media, and material objects, reflect the extent, the vast network, of anti-black prejudice.

The word n__igger carries with it much of the hatred and disgust directed toward Black Africans and African Americans. Historically, n__igger defined, limited, made fun of, and ridiculed all Blacks. It was a term of exclusion, a verbal reason for discrimination. Whether used as a noun, verb, or adjective, it strengtened the stereotype of the lazy, stupid, dirty, worthless nobody. No other American surname carries as much purposeful cruelty. The following shortlist is important information on the words use and meaning.

N_iggerish: Acting in a lazy and irresponsible manner. N_iggerlipping: wetting the end of a cigarette while smoking it.

N_iggerlover: Derogatory term aimed at whites lacking in the necessary loathing of blacks.

N_igger luck: Exceptionally good luck, emphasis on undeserved.

N_igger-flicker: A small knife or razor with one side heavily taped to preserve the user's fingers.

N_igger heaven: Designated places, usually the balcony, where blacks were forced to sit, for example, in an integrated movie theater or church.

N_igger knocker: Axe handle or weapon made from an axe handle.

N_igger rich: Deeply in debt but flamboyant.

N_igger shooter: A slingshot.

N_igger steak: A slice of liver or a cheap piece of meat.

N_igger stick: Police officer's baton.

N_igger tip: Leaving a small tip or no tip in a restaurant. ****** in the woodpile: A concealed motive or unknown factor affecting a situation in an adverse way.

N_igger work: Demeaning, menial tasks.

N_igger (as a word) is also used to describe a dark shade of color (n_igger-brown, n_igger-black), the status of whites that mix together with Blacks (n_igger-breaker, dealer, driver, killer, stealer, worshipper, and looking), and anything belonging to or linked to African Americans (n_igger-baby, boy, girl, mouth, feet, preacher, job, love, culture, college, music, etc). N_igger is the ultimate American insult; it is used to offend other ethnic groups. Jews are called white-n_iggers; Arabs, sandn_iggers; or Japanese, yellow-n_iggers. Americans created a racial hierarchy with whites at the top and Blacks at the bottom.

In biology, heredity refers to the transference of biological characteristics from a parent organism to offspring. The word N_igger speaks to the human heredity of Black people. Defining which characteristics of a final person are due to heredity and which are due to environmental influences is often a site of controversy (the nature versus nurture debate), especially regarding intelligence and race.

The chain of command was set up by an ideology that justified the use of deceit, exploitation, and intimidation to keep Blacks "in their place." Every major societal establishment offered legitimacy to the racial hierarchy. Ministers preached that God was white and had condemned Blacks to be servants. Scientists measured Black skulls, brains, faces, and genitalia, seeking to prove that whites were genetically superior to Blacks. White teachers, teaching only white students, taught that Blacks were less evolved cognitively, psychologically, and socially. The entertainment media, from vaudeville to television & film, portrayed Blacks as docile servants, happy-go-lucky idiots, and dangerous thugs and they still do this today. The criminal justice system sanctioned a double standard of justice, including its unspoken approval of mob violence against Blacks and they still have a similar double standard today. Both American slavery and the Jim Crow Laws, which followed, were saturated by anti-Black laws and images. The negative portrayals of Blacks were both reflected in and shaped by everyday material objects: toys, postcards, ashtrays, detergent boxes, fishing lures, and children’s books. These items, and countless others, portrayed Blacks with bulging, darting eyes, fire-red oversized lips, jet black skin, and either naked or poorly clothed.

In 1874, the McLoughlin Brothers of New York produced a puzzle game called "Chopped Up N_iggers." Beginning in 1878, the B. Leidersdory Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, produced NiggerHair Smoking Tobacco decades later the name was changed to BiggerHair Smoking Tobacco. A 1916 magazine ad, copyrighted by Morris & Bendien, showed a black child drinking ink. The caption read, "N_igger Milk" (shown). In 1917, the American Tobacco Company had a N_iggerHair redemption promotion. NiggerHair coupons were redeemable for "cash, tobacco, S. & H. Green stamps, or presents." The J. Millhoff Company of England produced a series of cards in the 1930s, which were widely distributed in the United States. One of the cards shows ten small black dogs with the caption: "Ten Little N_igger Boys Went Out To Dine."

This is the first line from a popular children's story called, "The Ten Little N_iggers," it reads like this. Ten Little N_igger Boys went out to dine; one choked his little self, and then there were nine. Nine Little N_igger Boys sat up very late; one overslept, and then there were eight. Eight Little N_igger Boys traveling in Devon; one said he'd stay there, and then there were seven. Seven Little N_igger Boys chopping up sticks; one chopped himself in halves, and then there were six. Six Little N_igger Boys playing with a hive; a Bumblebee stung one, and then there were five. Five Little N_igger Boys going in for Law; one got in Chancery, and then there were four. Four Little N_igger Boys going out to Sea; A Red Herring swallowed one, and then there were three. Three Little N_igger Boys walking in the Zoo; the big Bear hugged one, and then there were two; Two Little N_igger Boys sitting in the Sun; one got frizzled up, and then there was one. One Little N_igger Boy living all alone; He got married, and then there were none.

In 1939, writer Agatha Christie published a book called Ten Little N_iggers. Later editions sometimes changed the name to Ten Little Indians, or And Then There Were None, but as late as 1978, copies of the book with the original title were being produced. It was not rare for sheet music produced in the first half of the 20th century to use the word ****** on the cover. The Howley, Haviland Company of New York, produced sheet music for the songs "Hesitate Mr. N_igger, Hesitate," and "You'se Just A Little N_igger, Still You'se Mine, All Mine." This last example was promoted as a children's lullaby. Some small towns used n_igger in their names, for example, N_igger Run Fork, Virginia. N_igger was a common name for darkly colored pets, especially dogs, cats, and horses. So-called "Jolly N_igger Banks," first made in the 1800s, were widely distributed as late as the 1960s. Another common piece with many variations, produced on posters, postcards, and prints is a picture of a dozen black children rushing for a swimming hole. The caption reads, "Last One In's A N_igger."

The civil rights movement, Supreme Court decisions, the Black empowerment movement, broad civil rights legislation, and a general embracing of democracy by many American citizens have worn down America’s racial pecking order from slavery moving into Jim Crow period and today’s institutional racism. Yet, the word ****** has not left and its relationship with anti-Black prejudice remains symbiotic, interrelated, and interconnected. Ironically it is co-dependent because a racist society created ****** and continues to feed and sustain it. But, the word no longer needs racism, or brutal and obvious forms, to survive. The word n__igger today has its own existence.

Another interesting and confusing experience in American speech is the use of ni__gger by African Americans. Poetry by Blacks is instructive, one can often find the word n__igger used in Black writings. Major and minor poets alike have used it with startling results: Imamu Amiri Baraka, contemporary poet, uses n__igger in one of his angriest poems, "I Don't Love You." and what was the world to the words of slick n__igger fathers too depressed to explain why they could not appear to be men. One wonders how are readers supposed to understand "n__igger fathers"? Baraka's use of this imagery, regardless of his purpose, reinforces the stereotype of the worthless, pleasure-seeking Coon caricature. Ted Joans's use of n__igger in "The Nice Colored Man" is an example of explainable expression. Joans said he was asked to give a reading in London because he was a "nice colored man." Infuriated by the labels "nice" and "colored", Joans wrote a quintessential rebellious poem. While the poem should be read in its entirety, a few lines will do: Smart Black N_igger Smart Black N_igger Smart Black N_igger Smart Black N_igger Knife Carrying N_igger Gun Toting N_igger Military N_igger Clock Watching N_igger Poisoning N_igger Disgusting N_igger Black *** N_igger. This piece uses adjective upon adjective attached to the word n_igger.

The reality is that many of these uses can be heard in present-day African-American society. Herein lies part of the difficulty: the word ****** endures because it is used over and over again, even by the people it insults. Writer Devorah Major, said, "It's hard for me to say what someone can or can't say, because I work with language all the time, and I don't want to be limited." Poet and professor Opal Palmer Adisa claims that the use of n_igger or n_igga is "the same as young people's obsession with swearing. A lot of their use of such language is an internalization of negativity about themselves." Rappers, themselves poets, rap about ******* before mostly white audiences, some of whom see themselves as wiggers (white n_iggers) and refer to one another as "my n_iggah." Snoop Doggy Dogg’s single, "You Thought," raps, "Wanna grab a skinny n_igga like Snoop Dogg/Cause you like it tall/and work it baby doll." Tupac Shakur’s "Crooked *** N_igga." lyrics included, "Now I could be a crooked n_igga too/When I'm rollin' with my crew." Also rap lyrics that degrade women and glamorize violence reinforce the historical Brute Caricature.

Erdman Palmore researched lexicons and said: the number of offensive words used correlates positively with the amount of out-group prejudice; and these express and support negative stereotypes about the most visible racial and cultural differences. When used by Blacks, n__igger refers to among other things: all Blacks ("A n__igger can't even get a break."); Black men ("Sisters want n__iggers to work all day long."); Blacks who behave in a stereotypical, and sometimes legendary, manners ("He's a lazy, good-for-nothing n__igger."); things ("This piece-of-**** car is such a n__igger."); enemys ("I'm sick and tired of those n__iggers bothering me!"); and friends ("Me and my n__iggers are tight."). This final habit, as a kind word, is particularly challenging. "Zup N_iggah," has become an almost universal greeting among young urban Blacks. When asked, Blacks who use n__igger or its variants argue that: it has to be understood in its situation; repeated use of the word by Blacks will make it less offensive. It’s not really the same word because whites are saying n__igger (and n__iggers) but Blacks are saying n_iggah (and n_iggaz). Also it is just a word and Blacks should not be prisoners of the past or the ugly words that originated in the past.

These arguments may not be true to life. Brother (Brotha) and Sister (Sistha or Sista) are terms of endearment. N__igger was and still is a word of disrespect. More to the point, the artificial dichotomy between Blacks or African Americans (respectable and middle-class) and ******* (disrespectable and lower class) ought to be challenged. Black is a n__igger, regardless of behavior, earnings, goals, clothing, skills, ethics, or skin color. Finally, if continued use of the word lessened its damage then n__igger would not hurt or cause pain now. Blacks, from slavery til today, have internalized many negative images that white society cultivated and broadcast about Black skin and Black people. This is mirrored in cycles of self-and same-race hatred. The use of the word n__igger by Blacks reflects this hatred, even when the user is unaware of the psychological forces involved. N__igger is the ultimate expression of white racism and white superiority nomatter how it is pronounced. It is linguistic corruption, an attack on civility.

To a smaller scale words other than N__igger also remain accepted public banter in white America. In 1988, on Martin Luther King's birthday, sports commentator Jimmy (The Greek) Snyder said (on national television) that Black people were better at sports because of slave plantation breeding techniques. "During the slave period, the slave owner would breed his Black with his big woman so that he would have a big black-kid that's were it all started." Another sports announcer Billy Packer referred to Pro-basketball player Allan Iverson as a "tough monkey." Another announcer, Howard Cosell referred to Alvin Garrett, a pro football player with the Washington Redskins as "little monkey" during a Monday Night Football game. The comments made by Cosell and Packer did not go without any punitive consequences. N__igger is one of the most notorious words in American culture. Some words carry more weight than others. But without trying to exaggerate, is genocide just another word? Pedophilia? Clearly, no and neither is n__igger.

After a period of relative dormancy, the word ****** has been reborn in popular culture. It is hard-edged, streetwise, and it has crossed over into movies like Pulp Fiction (1994) and Jackie Brown (1997), where it became a symbol of "street authenticity" and hip-ness. Denzel Washington's character in Training Day (2001) uses n_igger frequently and harshly. Richard Pryor long ago rejected the use of the word in his comedy act, but Chris Rock, Chris Tucker and other Black male comedy kings, use n_igger regularly and not affectionately. Justin Driver, a social critic, makes a case that both Rock and Tucker are modern minstrels shucking, jiving, and grinning, in the tradition of Stepin Fetchit. White supremacists have found the Internet an indispensable tool for spreading their message of hate. An Internet search of ****** using Netscape or Alta Vista locates many anti-Black web pages: N__iggers Must Die, Hang A N__igger For America, N__igger Joke Central, and many others. Web searchers find what most Blacks know from personal experience, that n__igger is an expression of anti-Black hostility. Wihtout question n__igger is the most commonly used racist slur during hate crimes.

No American minority group has been caricatured as often, in as many ways, as Black people. These misrepresentations feature distorted physical descriptions and negative cultural and behavior stereotypes. The Coon caricature, for example, was a tall, skinny, loose-jointed, dark-skinned male, often bald, with oversized, ruby-red lips. His clothing was either ragged and dirty or extremely gaudy. His slow, exaggerated walk suggested laziness. He was a pauper, lacking ambition and the skills necessary for upward social mobility. He was a buffoon. When frightened, the Coon's eyes bulged and darted. His speech was slurred, halted, and stuffed with malapropisms. His piercing, high-pitched voice made whites laugh. The C_oon caricature dehumanized Blacks, and served to justify social, economic, and political discrimination. N__igger may be viewed as an umbrella term, a way of saying that Blacks have the negative characteristics of the C_oon, B_uck, T_om, M_ammy, S_ambo, P_icaninny, and other anti-Black caricatures.

N_igger, like the false impressions it incorporates and means, puts down Blacks, and rationalizes their abuse. The use of the word or its alternatives by Blacks has not lessened its hurt. This is not surprising in a racial hierarchy four centuries old, shaping the historical relationship between European Americans and African Americans. Anti-Black attitudes, motives, values, and behavior continue. Historically, N__igger more than any other word capture the personal hatred and institutionalized racism directed toward Blacks. It still does.

In 2003, the fight to correct the shameful availability of this word has had positive results. Recently Kweisi Mfume, President and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), gave a speech at Virginia Tech. There everyone was informed that a landmark decision was made with the people at Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Recognizing their error, beginning with the next edition the word n__igger will no longer be synonymous with African-Americans in their publication.

Contributing writers:

Phil Middleton and David Pilgrim.

Dr. David Pilgrim, Dept. of Sociology

Ferris State University, 2001
2006-06-22 17:45:13 UTC
Imagine you and all of your friends and family were being called a Cauci (for Caucasian) while being beaten, tortured and killed. Now not only did those people oppress you but so did the word. The black people were able to overcome the people and stand up for themselves but the word still oppressed them, still labeled them as less than a person. That word then became the thing that held them together as a people because that word only applied to them. So they took that word and made it something that unified them instead of held them down. So coming from the mouth of a black man to another black man it can mean commodore but coming from the mouth of a white man it just means oppression because it always has. Now not all black people appreciate this word or its use by anyone but those that do have a very good reason for doing it. They rose above tyranny and took the word with them that always held them down. I respect that.
2006-06-22 17:42:38 UTC
As a foreigner and having lived in the USa for 18 years and being a colored person I tend to agree that Black Americane are making this race issue far too much of a big deal. Whilst living in the USa I had two racial comments made to me and the remainder of the time I was loved admired respected and even engaged to other racial entities. Possibly I should not complian because in every country there is some type of racial woe.
2006-06-22 17:40:30 UTC
ok first of all not all African Americans call each other the "N" word cause me and my friends dont. And what do you mean "Ghetto" is "cool" I think that is where you live cause in my state "Ghetto" is not cool.
2006-06-22 17:40:04 UTC
What about non-humans too?


We the non-human beings of Earth, ask that you treat us with dignity. Remember you are animals as we are, and our desires are no different that your own.

We seek life, happiness and freedom from fear just as you do.

Love and compassion for us relate directly to world peace.

We ask that you, no longer subject us to the pain and indignity of circus and other forms of human entertainment. There are so many other ways we can delight you.

We ask that you, re-evaluate interpretations of sacred texts, in which we are described as inferior and available for human exploitation. When you stray from sacred relationship with us you harm all life.

Use the goodness of your hearts and minds to find ways to be healthy without hurting us. Remember you do not need to harm us to be beautiful. You are beautiful as God made you.

Do not confine us to cages, pools, or other environments in which we cannot live according to our true nature. This keeps us from performing our divinely appointed tasks.

Encourage the beauty of your children's natural love of animals and know that your children can teach you.

Consider carefully before you destroy or pollute our natural homes, for your homes will suffer too.

Allow us the right to live, love and play, to express, and to be our unique "animal selves."

While you feel you must use our bodies for food remember that we become you. What we experience in life is enfolded into you.

If we must be put to death, please do so with mercy and compassion for we have shown your species the same as much as we are able.

Leave natural areas in every country in which those of us who are non-domesticated can live undisturbed in our natural habitats. We do important work in such places.

Recognize us as members of your communities and take responsibility for those of us who have formed bonds with and have become dependent on you. Set aside places in your towns and cities where we can live and prosper.

Help us not to over procreate. We cannot do this ourselves. It is part of your stewardship.

Remember that you are animals too and that our desires are not so different that yours.

Listen to all of the subtle ways we speak to you with silence and affection and reciprocate when we need your voice in order to be heard.

Remember we were the first 'people' on before you arrived.... We have a right to be here just as you have a right to be here.

We ask that you do your part to make the world a better place by promoting new attitudes towards us. We can then, impart our true gifts to you.

As you honor our requests, through conscious choice and love, we can in turn help you to awaken from your age, old story of pain, struggle and fear to create a new story based on honor, respect, and love.
2006-06-22 17:40:10 UTC
people keep themselves down- no one else, and i don't approve of anyone even blacks to use the n word, i myself don't and i don't allow others to use it around me regardless of race.
2006-06-22 17:40:47 UTC
It is easier to blame someone else for your personal failure, than to accept responsibility for your own actions.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.