There are 6,510,000 search results when the phrase 'smoking habits' is entered. As there is no magic bullet to such a question as posed.
I' ve been smoking for over 37 years and may, though unlikely, will quit someday. Smoking use to calm me down went stressed from a variety of factors. Now it's more habit then anything and habits are not easy things to break.
It's interesting you mentioned the Chinese. The rate of decline in the smoking population was most pronounced in the four largest cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan. These four cities had lower cigarette consumption than their rural brethren, with 28.5% of their residents smoking on average 16.51 cigarettes a day.
The survey also shows that smoking also correlates with education and age: the older and less educated are more likely to be smokers. However the most alarming development in China is the rapid increase in young female smokers in these four cities. Only 3.1% of Chinese women are smokers overall, but that is a marked increase from 2.6% in 2005 and nearly half of them are young, aged between 20 to 25.
Chinese smokers are supporting the bottom line at the world's three largest tobacco companies: Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, and Japan Tobacco. Chinese smokers buy 42% of their total products, the survey said.