john m
2012-03-14 17:25:08 UTC
This site of Cameron sucking up to Obama at the basketball game made me really angry.
This smarmy snob whose never worked a days hard graft in his life jets all over the globe with his parsimonious proclamations whilst back here the UK is being sold down the river and held to ransom to the bankers.
His pontificating and proselytizing about what he thinks is good for Britain whilst allowing innocent people to be extradited to undergo the stress of the American legal system actually makes me so mad that if I seen him in person I'm afraid I'd give him a good leathering.
I make no apologies for that.
Outside the bubble here in reality we are seeing our children thrown on the dole and our construction industry decimated and working mothers who rely on tax credits being forced into poverty because the policies of paying back the debt that the bankers and politicians accrued is being passed down to those with the least whilst those with the most fiddle the country through tax loopholes.
We have an agreement with the USA were a person can be extradited without no balance of proof to that country and it's henious prison system and money obsessed legal robbers called lawyers.
A 65 year old man is sat in a prison cell in Texas for 23 hours a day accused of selling batteries to Iran.
A young man has now been notified that Teresea May has signed off the extradition papers for him to be sent to the USA for setting up an internet site here in the UK that contravenes USA law yet the lad has never stepped on American soil.
Another young man with a mental illness awaits the same fate.
This superpower who polices the world but can't sign up to be a member of the International Court sits in judgment of the world and demands it's justice.
This evil empire of maliciousness unleashes ill trained troops on the streets of Afghanistan and burns the Koran because it believes it's fundamental Christian culture is the road to heaven creates a hell for other soldiers British when through it's bullying it arouses the religious fury of Muslims and to top it all one of it's soldiers murders 16 civilians in that country and it looks like the soldier will be tried at home in Amerika.
I am ashamed to be British whilst this popinjay and his coalition occupy the parliament of democracy.
I doubt it!
Previous generations of British people would have had no truck with these crooks.
This generation of facebookers and twitters can't think their way beyond their own stupidity to change anything.