How can an organization inspire you to get more involved in the world around you?
2008-01-08 11:31:23 UTC
How can an organization inspire you to get more involved in the world around you?
600 answers:
2008-01-15 01:42:28 UTC
There are several things that organizations can do to help us become more involved:

1) Visible change - a positive change we can see will often get us to participate if we agree with the change that is being made

2) Transparency - in a day when people use non-profits as a vehicle to rip others off, the real helpers need to learn to be absolutely transparent to the last dime.

3) Charisma - the organization must have the needed Charisma which comes via message, organization, and appeal to help us understand how they are going to do it, and make us feel like the change is in fact possible

4) Establishment - It helps to know that an organization is established, has roots, and is doing pretty much the same thing that it has said it would do for the years that it has been around. This also is a vehicle to help show integrity of organization.
working hands
2008-01-21 11:23:04 UTC
How can an organization inspire you to get more involved in the world around you?

This is not such a terrible question when you have no fear. When you are part of an organization you share the burden of the object and desire of that group to accomplish what-ever the idea is.

You need to believe in the cause, YOURSELF, the organization, and believe that YOU are an important part of the universe and have the ability to change and influence anything. To make the organization work you need to make certain tha there are not people within the organization that consciously or unconsciously are trying to sabotage themselves or the organization. If sabotage is present then an organization will not work. YOU as a single life being have the ability to change and influence everything around you so in some instances you don't need to start with the organization simply with someone associated with that organization. The power of the human mind and the power of words and the power of confidence go a very long way.

Change everything for the good of your brethren

Keep your chakras balanced, live in peace
2008-01-15 07:41:33 UTC
By partnering with neighborhood food markets, gas stations

and other places where people visit on a daily basis. When

information is readily accessible, people will pay more

attention to it than if they need to seek it out. Television

exposure is gold and celebrity endorsements the most

powerful in a society where stars are the most influencial

people around. Not only does an organization have to

be charitable, it also needs to make giving fun and

participatory on a level most people can relate to.

Having a global consciousness is difficult for people

who are having a hard enough time just putting bread

on their table. I believe it's up to big industry and

producers of home food products, etc. to step up

awareness, at least where it concerns consumerism.

Habitat For Humanity is a perfect example of an

organization that has inspired people to help build

houses for the less fortunate. They've handled their

media brilliantly and inducted many celebrities into

their "army" of caring, dedicated volunteers.

Unfortunately, they're one of the only organizations

that has that kind of high profile credibility. Schools

also can start making global awareness a priority

in the classroom....I know most elementary schools

are doing this in California..but by the time those

students get to high school, they become more

concerned with their hair than the downtrodden.

I think any organization could inspire by promoting

world travel, foreign student exchange and a concept

of a world without borders. Doctors Without Borders

is a great example of International cooperation and

dedication...yet they struggle for funds constantly.

The material that needs to be presented in order to

raise consciousness, has to get into people's hands,

minds and hearts via imagry, the internet, all the

media available. A barrage...blanketing every level

of society. The film directors that have taken on global

issues have done a magnificent job and yet, there are

still people who don't recycle, drive huge, gas guzzlers

and could care less about anything but their own lives.

I think the answer really lies with the youth..and their

education on a global level...not just this country. Starting from kindergarten.
2008-01-19 13:54:42 UTC
I have compassion for people who, are hurting, or are in need.Trying to inspire me by emotional means, or through lectures or short media clips or ads, doesn't work for me anymore. I just get frustrated by all the problems and feel helpless. What inspires me is when I walk into a hard drug users home, and see the children fending for themselves. Or, when I talk to homeless people and find out, that many are not homeless due drugs, but many other reasons, disabilities,

insanity, etc.

The best way for an organization to inspire me:

1. Documentary(on TV) on what ever issue they stand for. Documentary needs have detailed scenarios of what has caused it to become an issue. An example would be Global warming; what is it?, What caused it as a whole, as well as individually?,Give a list of things individuals apply now to help stop the Global warming.

Then give a web site, tell me how to get involved give me a list of task teams can I be put. on. ( I wont be inspirided if they dont give me a plan) Tell me what i can do on my own. Also, some detailed data, on what the organization has done in effort to improve the issue. Financial records.etc.

Same thing for any other issues.

What i dont understand, is why don't these organizations just direct mail people videos and booklets concerning their cause. The worlds issues are big. Shouldn't trying to get people involved, be more than just a news clip, or ad some where

There is so much that could be done to inspire and get people involved..

It's almost like there needs to be a "revival" ,but instead of a church revival, a "humanity revival ". revival for survival.

Im full of ideas on this one.
2008-01-18 12:24:01 UTC
Organizations have incredible inspirational power to change the world. Especially organizations that sole purpose is not to help change the world. I know it sounds strange but bare with me. Many charity and non-profit organizations fail to reach the impact goal they would like because they rely on donations or limited income to achieve them. Businesses are self sustaining and designed to grow and become larger. Individuals that do not work towards making the world a better place are usually those who struggle to make their own lives work, have grown synical toward the notion that their actions can change the world, or are ignorant to the possibility of what the world could be. Many synics use the excuse that it is organizations that cause most of the worlds problems. Whether it be polution from industrialization, war from governments, or the seperation of classes by the collaboration of power hungry organizations. The for-profit organizations can inspire is by:

-creating products that truely make peoples lives easier by filing a need and not creating a new need or want.

-build factories and offices in impoverished areas

-use profits to uplift communities through education and public facilities

-use profits to educate and raise awareness on global and local problems and what individuals can do to help

The concept of a company that makes money and makes the world a better place is an amazing thing. It would shatter the perceptions that many cynics have about the world around them and open the eyes of ignorant people to the problems and possible solutions that they can take part in.

Many people may say "well isnt that what a non-profit company is?" and the answer is no. A business should make profit so that it may grow, and the founders of the company should be allowed to recieve the fruits of their labor and the risk they undertook. Ideally, all companies should be founded around the concept of creating goods or services that improve the quality of life, and use a portion of their profits to give back to the communities that support them. When individuals begin to see the organizations around them to be an ally instead of an enemy trying ot steal their money, they will become inspired to join the fight to make the world a better place.
2008-01-15 10:43:22 UTC
One of the biggest mistakes an organization makes is to welcome somebody as a volunteer or whatever and then when they show up to help, all the regulars are standing around talking to each other and the new person may be feeling a little left out.

That's more of a retention issue that inspiring someone but well certainly cut down on the number of people involved with the organization.

Be consistent in your values. For example: The NRA absolutely insists on the constitutional right to bear arms (even if they do mis-quote it all of the time) but at the same time they will blast (probably a bad choice of word, blast) anyone using their constitutional right of free speech to disagree with the NRA. Be what you stand for.

Agree to disagree, don't make someone feel they have to agree with every aspect of your organization.

Stay away from bad press. An organization can go from top of the heap to the gutter by going outside of the "normal" things an organization does.


If you're curious about the mis-quote the 2nd amendment is often misquoted as "The right to bears arms shall not be infringed". What it really says is,

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This was written in a time when a city, county, state and even federal situations called for a ready force of armed men. Farmers, clerks, business men etc. would form local militias. It was intended to guarantee that states would be able to defend themselves if the federal government became corrupt and threatened states rights.

That has now been replaced by the National Guard (a well regulated militia) so in theory it only guarantess the right to bear arms if you belong to the National Guard.

Now, if all that ticked you off, that is an example of what an organization shouldn't do.
2008-01-21 19:18:11 UTC
Reading about all the charitable works the organization does and the passion for their cause helps inspire me to get more involved in the world.

One of the organizations that I volunteer often for is the one in my community for Special Needs (Therapeutic Services of Plano). There are over 600 volunteers that help donate their time and effort to improve the lives of the disabled.

I feel that helping others in life is what makes life even more special. Through Therapeutic Services, I've been able to learn so much about the different types of disabilites and the uniqueness of each individual.

Many special needs people are often looked down upon and I feel that an organization that helps reach out to others and give others opportunities to really make a difference by breaking down the walls of discrimination is an organization that would inspire others to be more involved.

Now I can say that volunteering is my passion and I've found the organization I can dedicate my time to, because I know that I am making a difference in my community, in society, and in the world.
2008-01-20 11:33:07 UTC

its so cool to be answering a question from you.

As I understood the nature of your work, it was to do with the spiritual, and so, It startles me that a question like this is coming from you.

Inspiration comes from within, an organization cannot ignite the spark within my soul nor can I, only 'divine will' can do that.

So I guess the organization will need to implore 'divine will' to ignite a spark within me so that I will get more involved in the world around me. I know the answer is strange, but to me the question is very strange indeed mostly since it comes from you.

On the other hand, if the organization must be involved, and assuming I was disconnected from my heart and thus had not the innate desire to give a helping hand, the organization would need to guide me back to my heart, turn my attention back inwards, through words of wisdom borne of experience of a soul once lost and then found its way back to LOVE - 'Heart center'.

But the organization can only give information, my return to heart center comes when I'm called, again by 'divine will'.

In short Deepak, the organization cannot inspire me, that's impossible. However, as I'm presently already inspired by LOVE, and giving a helping hand in my own small way, an organization similarly inspired via their members can enable me get more involved by putting out information about people needing assistance and people required to assist and so on, and if any of the areas they're involved in is in sync with me as directed by 'divine will' then all will fall into place without much effort from me, except following my heart.
2008-01-15 06:15:38 UTC
The organisation I am involved in is run by and for Mental Health Service Users and is based upon self empowerment.I think it is a good model.

We go out to be with others hopefully in an empowering way and support each other at the same time. The beauty of our organisation is that we are helping ourselves as well, by helping others and that we are all in this boat together.When people are weller they can do our advocacy course and be part of the organisation but there is no pressure.

I have been involved in self help organizations all my life and find that equality- being treated as an equal with no hierarchy and lots of support to grow and learn new skills is very inspiring and empowering.

Getting something out of it personally is a great inspiration. Also creating the conditions for everyone to be valued for themselves and choose their own way of relating.

The problem with some organizations is that they 'help' from above hierarchically and reproduce/reinforce the victim dependency dynamic. These organizations often don't support their volunteers enough - just use them as labour without love or understanding.
2008-01-14 18:15:57 UTC
Organization is the key to life. To not be lazy. To know where you put your stuff. To pick up what is around you. Sometimes practically all the time, organization helps you get involved in the world around you by getting inspired allmost anything. First you might learn that you like to organize then you organize other peoples house, rooms, hope, offices, etc.

The more orgainized you are can help the world around you because the world would be clean and not messy. Once when somebody will see what you are doing then others then others then even more people would want to join.
2008-01-26 11:10:03 UTC
I think by better educating a person about what is going on in the world around them. People most generally don't have a real view of what is going on around them until they get involved in an organization. After a person has enough passion to join an organization, the organization serves as an educator, thus making it easier to know what is going on in the world around us. Then is when that person can really get involved and help to make a change in the world.
2008-01-16 13:38:04 UTC
They can't, and I'm sick of seeing this question promoted.

The thing is, organizations organize for a cause. As soon as that happens, that cause becomes a matter of politics, numbers, and trivialities. The organization's first task isn't to fix that cause... it's to maintain the organization. Without the organization, there is no cause, so the focus becomes the organization and not the cause, and thus limits the approaches to that cause... it limits peoples' perspective of importance and what to do.

We are all individuals, and all have unique sympathies, biases, etc... Organizations de-humanize humans, and thus de-humanize what they're trying to accomplish. It becomes very artificial and limited. I don't follow organized religion because I don't believe a large group of people could hold the "truth" about "God" (or whatever else), and the very idea of that collective truth completely trivializes the personal connection people naturally have. Same thing with any organization, whether it be to solve world hunger or clean up a river. They get too muddled with politics, and at best start to chip away at the symptoms without ever really reaching the real problem.

Individuals with a common goal is one things, as long as they're all acheiving that goal in the unique way they see fit. A musician, a politician, a mother of 2, etc... can be an "organization" if they all want the same general thing in the world (peace, understanding, whatever) without necessarily being organized. But a strict organization, with guidelines and accounts and tax forms for all their charitable endeavors are just a self-feeding monster that, at best, might inspire an individual to do the same thing in a different way... but organizations themselves never achieve anything in a grand context.
2008-01-18 11:48:02 UTC
Okay, this answer is will hit you as common sense; a, "why didn't I think of that!!"

I am a mother with four children, and a former archaeologist. I have made studying mankind and helping others explore their inner light my life's work.

Women outnumber men by about 2 to 1. The vast majority of women will have children and spend at least some years of their life at home raising them We are the population that volunteer organizations need to be appealing to.

How then do you get overstressed, over busy Moms out helping do things?? It is so simple...offer free babysitting while doing volunteer work. Also, make family oriented projects for mom's and their children to do together that offer opportunities for the children to grow and the monther's to be involved. YOu will not only get Mom's and their families involved, but also breed the next generation of volunteers and leaders.

The US has gotten away from the "home" community model because it has become a commuter nation, and that is what is detroying us. The community model must be reworked and applied in order for organizations to pull the same numbers of volunteers as they did traditionally in say the 1950's.


I am looking for a full time job working from home if you want help developing this model for application!! :)
2008-01-15 05:59:14 UTC
First, the organization's vision and mission must be real - to achieve a better world for human kind to live in;

2nd, the leaders of the organization should lead by example. they should live what they profess;

3rd, teamwork. Founders, leaders and members of the organization should be working as a team - each one's effort should be recognized as an important contribution to the achievement of its goal;

4th, Committment. More than what is required to be done (work), the organization should have a "heart" for what they do. Loving and enjoying the work would mean more than just achieving a day's work/output. And, its willingness to walk that extra mile to help its ultimate beneficiaries.

5th, accountability. This is taking full responsibility of its (the organization's) actions, even failure. And willingness to right what went wrong.

6th, Transparency. There should be no hidden personal agenda. Like ultimately using the organization as a tool to push one leader's or founder's political carreer.

Finally, sound management of all human, material, natural, and other available resources there may be.

With these, I would be inspired to get more involved in the world around me, because I know, my involvement will not go to waste.
2008-01-17 17:39:19 UTC
Some organizations inspire you to get more involved when you know that you personally have gone through tough circumstances in life, and that organization helped you in the past. The best way to help is by giving back to that community that was there for you in time of need. I'm involved with the Leukemia Society and involve those around me to give, because in the time when cancer struck my family, they were there for me - I know that there isn't enough money in the world to repay what they did for me but the least that I can now do is help & influence those around me. I talk to very young children, to adults, professionals and non professionals to get involved and give to such a great cause.
2008-01-16 14:04:12 UTC
I think that an organization would greatly improve its ability to get individuals more involved in the world by first developing a strong sense of community among its members. Secondly, an organization should provide a forum wherein individuals are afforded an opportunity to both explore and discuss world issues. Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, an organization should wisely ensure that every voice counts.

Of course there are many other measures that could be taken to achieve the objective, but those would be specific to the type of organization.
2008-01-15 21:21:32 UTC
It must do two things:

1 - Appeal to my moral goals .

2 - Desire to achieve a goal which i would not be able to achieve on my own

3 - Portray information

An organization would almost never be able to inspire me positively through advertising. Personal interaction would be needed .

By taking action. An organization can market and talk about getting more involved with the world around me. But, until it actually does anything that shows me that it isn't just marketing or talking about getting involved with the world around me, then I will not be inspired to do what that organization tells me to do.

Many organizations use visual cues and conditioned responses to get people to donate. Money which in a way I think it has made them too dependent on it that they fail to really help anyone at all. I only donate my time, and resources to organizations that are responsible and have an excellent record of actual helping people than having all their money go to "administrative" expenses. So a clear record accountability is important for me to know that what I give is actually going to go to the people that actually need help the most .

They first should be the best example and engage others in the right positions for their talents and allow for other programs of those in the community. They should encourage them to do what they can to help others.

I have worked in Higher Education for my entire career and think that many institutions should model their vision for community involvement after that of universities.

So I guess my inspiration comes from the people I know and my friends.

We read a couple of your books in our book club, too, very inspiring.

2008-01-15 01:38:14 UTC
Simple! The saying goes that he who pays the Piper dictates the tune. In my close to a decade of working experience, i have found that if an organization is relevant to society, it inspires it. Then for those within an organization, all that is needed is leadership commitment and steer. If your employer says go, you are likely to. Now what is the difference between order and inspiration? A very thin line! In the words of a popular Philosopher, we are what we repeatedly do. Perfection in not an act but a continuous exercise. Thus by giving the necessary steer and causing us to repeatedly do a thing, we become perfect at it. This is inspiration and i think it is the role most religious organizations play in the society.
2008-01-26 03:17:32 UTC
If you feel lost or unfulfilled in your life, you'll find to your own amazement that "Giving" has so many rewards it is something that you, yourself need to experience to truly understand. Think about something that makes you passionate. Or think about an injustice that needs to be addressed and changed. Then find an organization that addresses these things. Start small, perhaps by writing e-mails about the issue to that organization that would like your input. That could be your first step. Then use that step by putting one foot in front of the other and start 'giving' without expectation. All of a sudden you are receiving miracles and no longer feel unfulfilled and lost because you've found an organization that is lucky enough to have you getting involved in this world that needs all the help we can give it at this time in history,
2008-01-24 02:05:53 UTC
The involvement of the top level with low level , to share experience new ideas and accepting suggestion inspire all in the organization to get more involved in the world around us.
Going Crazy
2008-01-23 08:36:20 UTC
For me to get involved i the first place, it has to be an organization that is for the greater good. One that helps ALL instead of singles out a small group. I like to be aware of what is going on with the cause with weekly newsletter or email. I also like to see the organization I work with to educate. Knowledge can open many doors for people. When I see the following things, It inspires me to get involved.
Rev. TomCat
2008-01-21 20:27:01 UTC
Dear Doctor Chopra:

This is a question only answered by individual desire. Some would be inspired by an organization committed to Inspiration of the Higher being. Some would be committed to the Lower self or even the Animal self through sights and sound or trapping of this earth.

Depending on what the Organization has it's focus, product or intention, inspiration can be brought in many forms.

Inspiring others to get involved will only happen when you touch the selfish Ego or those who are asleep spiritually.

To inspire those who are awaken , you will need to touch their heart only by a nudge of direction and a word from the Divine. Such events that bind humans and bring out the divine in one's self have been seen recently by Nature playing a part. There have been donations of money for those who are without like never see before on this planet.

This is one way God Inspires his children as our true self is revealed by our Love and selfless compassion for others. The best man can do to inspire is to set an example of a righteous path of direction and by being the instrument of God. Then you must step aside and allow God to work. Those who have eyes will see and those who have ears will hear. Those who do not are not ready to be caught in the net of the Fishers of men.

In humble admiration,

Love and Light, Rev. Tom Stuart
2008-01-17 21:13:02 UTC
An organization must help spread general awareness, because having thorough knowledge of the world around you is a prerequisite to getting involved in the world around you, and making a significant contribution to it.

Also, in an effort to encourage the individual in directing his realization into action, the organization must show her/him some incentives as an initial push in the right direction.

Final and the most important thing is that the organization should show absolutely no trace of unrighteous action, be self motivated, and always act toward a greater good.
2008-01-16 12:43:07 UTC
Well I can tell you that one organization really inspired me. It is owned by my friend's mom and it is totally non profit. It helps the children in Ethiopia who have been orphaned by AIDS have a good home with three meals a day, get a good education, proper health care, clothes, love, etc. It is a really wonderful organization and very inspiring! I went with the organization to Ethiopia last summer and I am going back this summer! It really opened my eyes to how things are in Africa and third world countries.

What inspired me about the organization was its honesty and its genuine want to help people. I think with a lot of organizations it is hard to know where your money is really going. But this organization made it very clear that I wasn't getting ripped off in any way.
2008-01-15 09:21:23 UTC
Help people realize that life is not a joke and that they are responsible for what happens around them.

Change the rewards systems for mankind. Right now, it's capitalism and the media-manipulation of deserving to acquire "stuff". How about rewarding people for recycling, for example? Make it a big deal and people will respond. Use the media to edify, not propagandize! If people are used as a means to an end, then why not make it a means to discover a common resolution of world-wide poverty and ignorance?

An organization/institution that needs to step it up is the public schools. They don't teach critical thinking and that's a large part of why the world is the way it is. The government has way too much say over what is taught in schools as opposed to enabling a full expansion of intellect based on debate, opinion, and reason. What else fuels the acquisition of intelligence?
2008-01-15 07:11:34 UTC
We organize to accomplish particular activities that we encounter. That is best how we accomplish successfully whatever needs to be done at the moment. Some organizations have lasting power and some don't. When an emergency happens upon us we organize to save lives. After the emergency has subsided we unorganize and return to our daily live which are in a large way organized into each his own type of need.

Now the inspiration is already there. It is just a matter of choosing which organization I need or wish to support.
2008-01-19 15:39:06 UTC
How can an organization get me more involved?

By making it easy. I always donate blood when they come to my school. I always donate when people come to my door. I always help out when asked. (ok, not always- but most of the time) The easier people make it the more likely I am.

How can an organization inspire me?

By showing actual change.

But organizations don't inspire me to get involved in the world around me. People do. No ammount of publicity, action, etc. will ever get me to act the way one person can. You don't love an "organization" you love the people in it.

Re-post this question and ask it right, you'll get better answers.
2008-01-18 10:13:07 UTC
An organization is a functioning "organ". Like a part of something larger. The community awareness of an organization can collectively have consciousness that can be quite supporting and comfortable to be a part of. Just like awareness of the universal self, comfort comes in the form knowledge and knowing you are part of a much larger, organized field.

Inspiration comes from what is around us. If an organization is run smoothly and consciously, then for an employee it can be a win-win situation. Giving and sharing. Doing what you love and loving what you are doing.

When this knowledge of the workings of the organizing power is seen in our daily lives, that alone can inspire just about anything that is life supporting and filled with the ultimate truth. We are indeed One.
2008-01-15 08:47:35 UTC
By being more responsive;

I wrote to the US Congress online:

Most of the Congressmen (about 150) that I tried contacting would not accept correspondence about reducing pollution because I was outside their district. Those that did gave only automated responses, and while that's normal I don't think I'll ever get anything more than that.

The proposal was to put auxiliary diesel generators on trucks so drivers can have heat and electricity at night without having to idle their much larger drive-engines - which is illegal in the State of New York after ten minutes. But no one enforces the law!

It will reduce pollution, noise, fuel consumption, stimulate the economy, and won't be too threatening to the giant fuel corporations.

We also need to get the word out about these two studies:

They found that human breast milk kills cancer - you need a prescription to get it from a breast milk bank, and it costs about $3 an ounce - but it works. It was on the evening news a while back.

There is so much technology that exists that big business will not allow to take off because it's such a threat, such as this engines that run on water; see
John D
2008-01-14 23:09:30 UTC
By standing behind me when the **** hits the fan for me. If they can't back me up if my life,personal well being,financial situation,legal problems arise. Then,they're not for real.

That's why I don't belong to any organization.Because, they simply do not care about the individuals that make them up as a whole. Churches are generally an acception. Theyll help you out if need food,clothes and maybe something else. But,these organisations also have their limits. On the other hand Army's do help more.But,the downfall is getting killed in combat. An army or a Military branch like The Marines inspire young new men into their ranks. They prey on the poorer men in Amrica. They show advertisments how glorious and adventurous the army or the Marines is. But,they don't show limbs being severed from an improvised explosive device or a mine or Marines or soildrers who have been desensitized to human life beating or torturing or killing civilians for fun as is the case in Iraq and Afghanistan. For those reasons I am not very inspired to get involved in the world around me.
2008-01-15 21:23:59 UTC
I feel inspired by organizations on how they actually took their plans to action; There are people who think of others and their welfares and many people wish to donate their money to help people or animals..They might be looking for a chance and give it up though, but I see that organizations have not only the intent but the action; they carry it out and start planning on whom/where/what they can do..organize-organization.

Many times I feel like doing something good for others but change my mind and say to myself "oh it'll be alright..'' but those organizations and charities just dont give up do they? No.

Its also great knowing that there are lots of organizations and charities who involve in the world; all of us should be involved..its our world, really,.
2008-01-27 06:30:39 UTC
If that organization;

1. Positively influence the the life of the people

2.Has a good future vision

3.Improve the living standard of the employees

4.Give dignity to the staff

5.Has a humanitarian face

6.Always focus to the good changes

7.Has an exiting life motto

8.Make a difference in the world.

9.A burning urge to a self assess

10.An ideal roll model of the other institutions

These are the some features of my ideal company

which inspire me.

.Thank you.
2008-01-25 00:26:08 UTC
I was once told the way to inspire people is to build a fire inside them, not under them.

It seems to me that all too often so-called leaders, those responsible resort to the "under them" approach more than the other.

And one other thing. Often organizations look an answer to this kind of question. Then they run out and hire a so-called guru-consultant who promises to "have-the-answer", then blindly buy into the promise and proceed to "push and pummel" it onto those who do the real work and are the true creators within the organization. And never once, ever never once question the "slicky boys" who promote themselves as "saviours!" Oops, I meant consultants.

This secenerio always leads to "buy-in" on the outside by those who must follow it but this never comes from the heart!

Just because I say no to something does not mean I am negative, a bad person or someone without vision.

As another, much, much brighter than myself once said, "I have seen the light of a 1000 stars but none so bright as the light within!"

Best Regards and good fortune always Mr. Chopra.

2008-01-24 23:29:03 UTC
Well,in an organization no matter what kind of organization it is you'll be able to meet a lot of people with their own habits and personalities.So the first benefits to be in an organization is to be able to study other's personality which means you'll be able to get along with lot of people and once you know lot of people and get along with them,it means tons of inspirations for you!Logically,100 men will gives you more inspirations better than only 10 men isn't it?

The second benefit is that you have a lot of connection which also means once you're get along with someone,you'll be able to enter the network which means you inpiration source will be bigger as your network become bigger.

The third benefit is the other member of organization will help you if you had a trouble and,wether they realize or not,they're giving away inspirations.

But however inspirations aren't just coming from this kind of things,it could be from anybody,at anytime and on everywhere so the best method to get most inspirations is to open your eyes widely and get the inspirations from people or things around you daily...Maybe you could think back about the whole day before you go to sleep,this will help you to remember if there's a missed inspirations on that day and you'll absorb inspirations from your surroundings more efficiently.

Thank you for reading!

Please feel free to ask again.

-The Abandoned Son Of God-
2008-01-24 05:59:25 UTC
Many wonderful things as mentioned by the so many wonderful people of yahoo/answer community here. However, since human learn best by example and if you wish to see an example of an Organization just doing that in a grand scale, than please look at this very platform that has been created by yahoo(i.e.,Yahoo!Answers).One of the best organization to answer this is non other than our very host, i.e., yahoo...hoo! They are on the right track of getting people all around the world to get involved with the world around them. Maybe "MIKE" could also let go some of his little secret for the above question.
2008-01-23 05:35:58 UTC
By demonstrating the very mindfulness it requests of us. This is a "must walk your talk" task. An organization must be as mindful as possible in all dealings. Who does your organization impact? Is it fair to all? How does it impact the local economy, ecology and global community?

An organized entity in even the best intentions causes separateness, it distinguishes itself from other sources which many mindful communities find to be wall builders rather than breakers. You cannot get more involved with anything further than your own mind can see. What you ask is for people to discover something outside themselves. Where is it to be verified within, to be understood through experience? Where is it to be known within if not discovered within first? If an organization can act limitless, structurally less invasive and at all times in the light of true personal liberation then you will not need to worry about getting people involved; for the very foundation of said organization will have helped the individual discover the connection to the global community through self exploration and discovery within now blossoming outward to impact the world with their individual dream.
2008-01-16 23:52:39 UTC
This is a most excellent question, and I am going to answer this in all seriousness, so please do not think that I am joking.

If you sincerely want the real and true answer to this question, then study the Democratic Party.

They have turned me into a Republican, and I absolutely loath, and despise politics, but they have inspired me to get involved in something which I truly dislike.

Kind of like if some one is beating you to death, do you just lay there and die, or do you fight back with all of your mite.

I will say that any time a organization can invoke so much adverse, unfavorable disagreeable, and negative feelings with in passive people, that those persons have to rise up in opposition to them, then those organizations have achieved quite an accomplishment, although perhaps one contrary to there efforts.
2008-01-16 11:35:28 UTC
The answer is, it cannot! It is for us to uncover what it is that excites us, then to act upon it! No matter what campaigns are put in place by an organization the level of response they attract would always depend upon the individual's ability to respond. The same is for the members of the organization at their work - they must simply do whatever they feel inspired to do and in such a way all the right people will become attracted. Inspiration is a feeling that comes from within and is ours to discover. It can present itself as a bodily sensation, like a rush of energy that feels extremely positive, when certain opportunites or ideas present themslves. Or else it can be a thought or issue that persistently comes to mind. Either way once we get it all we need then do is act on it! Thanks Deepak!
2008-01-15 11:06:24 UTC
Supplying information about global conditions that need change as well as offering a way to make a difference, go a long way to making a difference. Alone we indeed can feel overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of universal problems, so different organizations offering a way to contribute, a venue to offer an opinion that goes to relevant resources, and some personal contact with someone who has been involved, or a group like the Council of Canadians and/or Development and Peace who are in the field. Salvation Army, Feed the Children, Habitat for humanity, and missionaries working in the field, as well as ways to contact directly someone in the field. Stories of those who made a difference like that boy who got a well for a village in Africa. Clicks for Peace seems also worthwhile. Pictures and stories are more powerful than speeches, as well as evidence that donations are used well.
2008-01-15 10:55:33 UTC
By giving me some real tools to do so. If you are talking about what YOUR organization can do...I would specifically suggest free workshops, led by you, not free volunteers (I've met some, and was not impressed, sorry, I've even been negatively impacted by some) where you make specific suggestions, and you could even set up programs where the people attending can go out into the world and apply them, with the backing of your organization and guidelines for ways to support your teachings in the world.

There are a lot of people who feel your organization is elitist, and I guess I have felt that way at times, too, especially when I see the egos attached to the people I've met who volunteer their services or who have "exclusive contracts" with you.

I do appreciate the view that by helping to enlighten the "upper crust" that this will trickle down to the lower levels, through perhaps more kindness in the workplace, from the boss having taken a workshop of yours...etc., but it would be great to have a free workshop for people who can't afford to attend the paid ones, and have it be something that could give them a direction for what they can do to get more involved, with an agenda that has the guidance and blessing of one such as yourself.

I have read several of your books, and felt there was a lot of value that can help many people.

That's how an organization could get me more involved: by reaching out to me in a real way, and supplying some tools, at no charge, to give me a way I can offer positive change, and feel good about doing it...I do my own little bit of good in the world, and I feel like people respond, but if I had attended a workshop given by you, and received materials prepared by you, maybe I would feel more confident that my help would be more well-received, by more people...

Just a thought...
beatte rose
2008-01-15 07:31:42 UTC
The organization can inspire me by being involved positively for the good of all people and not just the people in the organization. "Be the change you want to see in the world", would be a good motto for an organization to stand by.

Also, by following the example of Mother Theresa, and Ghandi. They gave more than they took.
2008-01-14 21:10:37 UTC
An organization can inspire me to get more involved by being involved itself. If someone is only talking about doing something but never shows any action, they aren't going to inspire others. When I see people and organizations making a positive difference in the lives of others it makes me want to contribute as well.
2008-01-14 13:48:35 UTC
An Organization can only inspire me when I feel that I can make a difference and help with the repairs of the damaged world... Also when the organization inspires my husband and son to do the same.

Organizations that are truly compassionate and not really quick to cheat others through donations of money. Of course money may be needed but if the organization is not giving out to the cause. It is deceit and doesn't inspire me at all...

Not all organizations are inspiring but the one my family and I have been involved in lately which is the Feral Cat Coallition has been inspiring as far as making a difference in many cats lives... Also I like getting involved in Organizations that truly work with children who don't have parents.

I would love to see real changes that I can be proud of accomplishing instead of just joinning a club to socialize....
2008-01-25 12:02:08 UTC
As sub-atomic particles are to an atom; Organizations are alike to the world. Since we all carry the same life force in us, that force thrives bountifully and abundantly when all of the many individuals work together in groups of like spiritual agenda. If you have a passion for something, and it is the song you heart sings everyday, you want to see it manifested. Now while your singing it aids the process, it could be better achieved if there were a hundred of you singing that song.

All things that we do in life resemble the actual processes and universal laws of life itself. Take football for instance.

There can be one person born with a dream to play and goals to someday be honored for it. From day one he has been conditioned and strategically placed in order to excel in this sport. He studies plays and practices technique. He is a winner. But he can not when the Super Bowl alone. When he joins a professional team, one whose players are conditioned and geared the same way he has been. One whose players minds are all focused on the same point (winning the Bowl). One whose players all together play their part expertly in order to win as one body, they are almost always successful in achieving that goal. And the outcome is not just some trophy. Look at all the people who tune in around the nation, all whose minds are affixed on that one goal.

Organizations help to bring large focus to main issues or to just the governing topics of the organization.

When there are many focused on one thing, the outcome is always swift and grand.

And the power distributed into the universe is recycled and is received again by all involved.
Rivka S
2008-01-18 17:32:10 UTC
I am inspired by organizations who are for people not for money.

I am inspired by Microsoft because of the philanthropic work that is done by their creator and by the cooperation in the fields of research and computer innovation w/people and countries when it may have not been the most popular thing to do.

I am a Jew and these are my priorities:

Tikkun Olam-Make the world a better place visavis the environment, people, economic distribution through mini enterprises and education, food distribution and health care.

Rachmanus-Compassion. Cut some slack for your fellow wo/man! Consider the impact of your words and actions before you do them. Remember too that as you treat your animals so goes how you end up treating the people you deal with in your world.

Golden Rule-As translated is that which is abhorrent to you, you are not to do unto another. This is the exact opposite that it is usually interrpreted. The typical translation is do unto others before they do it to you. How cruel!!!

Tzedakkah-Charity-Righteousness comes into the world through the giving of oneself and ones assets. Give the 10% of your income. It will make you rich. You say you are poor? Even the poor should give charity.

I want this to be the type of organization that I would deal with, work for or volunteer for. One who had the characteristics I have mention above. It is not impossible.

People before money, wellness before red tape, prayer with actions for peace.
remove me
2008-01-15 09:46:34 UTC
It must integrate our "ageless good-will" and a "timeless cause"

But seriously, it must appeal to everyone. Many of us feel powerless because of X or Y situation going on in our lives. And we're fragile. We give up to easily. So many think, "well what difference can I make?" It's hard to be optimistic about our times. But like a wise old wizard by the name of Gandalf once said*, "All we have to know is what to do with the time that is given to us" So what an organization can do is bring a message of hope for those with the power to help and understand the level of satisfaction gained from this. In my case, it would be something I feel I can make a difference in, something to be recognized and be proud of. In the end the majority of us like to be stars in other people's skies.

I hold you with the highest regards. I've answered a couple of your questions before and every time I do, I feel like I'm trying to do something for the good of man. Mostly because that is why you asked the question. It doesn't take that much to get more people involved when they are in touch with their awareness and compassion. It only took you one question (of course I read it) and I'm here. Even if it's the smallest thing I can do, I will always feel like I'm making a difference.

*I don't believe in Wizards. That was a character from a movie.
2008-01-15 06:50:16 UTC
Well, I'm not saying this just b/c I work for the organization but Big Brothers Big Sisters is not given the credit it deserves. When I see the faces on the children who have been impacted by their BIGS. All it takes is a person that can make some time to spend with a child in dire need of a friend... you don't have to be famous or rich to do that. All it takes is a willing heart- like everything else.
2008-01-15 01:21:36 UTC
ad campains, music , making more intrest in the organization by education. this will inspire more involvement from community, relating to people as a whole so it does not seperate or alinate reaching out to other per the diversity of each community. will depend on who should be made a part of the commities. equal rights. liberation of humanity. add cultural touches that glorify all culture. but it still is up to the observer in what is their interests is in others makes the organization more appealing to the beings.why will they find interest if their cant relate,make comfort which brings connection. so the building and planting can begin.
2008-01-14 20:18:11 UTC
I have been waiting for an organization to utulize spare change.

Often times you find store looking for a dollar donation at the register and they will ask you if you would like to donate the dollar, many turn this down, I think it is just because it is too much. Sometimes they will have a canister to donate your change, but they never ask you to.

I believe if every register asked if you wanted to donate your pennies that should have been included in your change, people would. If one major grocery store asked for everyones pennies after the pos, they would say yes for the most part, raising over $100 per register (even more if they are willing to donate all there change). I mean heck there was serious talk about removing the penny from circulation, this could be an easy win win. I bet with just a test run in one store for a month, over 10k would be raised.
2008-01-14 17:21:29 UTC
Well, I did and do it differently: Some people move because others or circumstances make them move, like in the question.

Other people move themselves in order to change others or to influence the circumstances.

As a student I wanted to get more involved in the world and in fostering international relations .. so I founded this association where students could learn about and get experience with foreign countries and cultures.

We had a great time and that association still exists (in Amsterdam).

Little over a year ago I considered my job to be rather a restraining affair than something that enabled me to get more involved, to make the difference my way.

Now I have my own consultancy firm.

Now I can interact with more people my way and get involved in things that I feel really matter, rather than measured by the company's bottom line (often I felt myself to be at the very bottom of that company ;)

So, if you think you can make a difference, don't wait till you're asked, till you're inspired: Go out and ask yourself what you can do, where you can make a difference. Be an example and inspire!

And to end with just a little secret (promise not to tell others): EVERYBODY can make a difference! Yes, You Also!

OK, and now go out and get things movin' ....
2008-01-21 18:08:41 UTC
Yes the Royal Bank of Canada has a diversity program that helps immigrants, and people with disabilities. They are leading the way in making positions attainable by having a team of specially trained people make the application/interview process easier. I know someone who is going through this and they are so grateful. l was so inspired by them, that l wrote to the government to suggest they adopt these methods since currently, dispite all the hype, it is close to impossible to have a person move from social assistance or ODSP into a job. I noticed that these areas are underfunded and neglected, and so taxpayers end up paying the tab, and the people continue to live in poverty.

So it is now with purpose that l am following the Royal Banks initiative, and letting other people know how to tear down the discriminatory barriers.
Simply Me
2008-01-14 22:45:27 UTC
I used to looked up in this big organization (foundation, NGO) and how there big advertisement can let our mind think they really are helping people but this thought of mine change when I had an experience working with few big "organization".

There are lots of donors Philantropies, Rich Countries etc., but most of the donor's money will only go to staff big salaries, benefits including families, RR. And donor's don't know how the organization spend their money because they don't have people working inside the organzation to monitor where their money goes. Donor's only rely on the organization's report which are already been doctored. Maybe small organization are more real than those big ones using famous actors to asked for donation. I helped people in my own little way and encourage people to look around and help the needy in thier own way also.
2008-01-14 20:44:15 UTC
Typically in an organization there are many people, so one gets many different opinions, which makes something more complex and more interesting. If I had not joined JSA (Junior State of America) I would have never become interested in politics in America. Before I came here I thought America didn't care. But in JSA I learned all about how a law is passed etc. and I learned that people have widely varying opinions about different issues. It made me realize that people here care deeply about politics and their government is a very complex and well structured one. I used to not care, now I'm out campaigning for Barack Obama, and I applied for American citizenship so that I can vote as soon as possible and maybe become a senator and work with the people to make laws that most people agree on. Organizations present all sides of the issue, and because of that people are naturally more interested because they realize that a lot of people care, and feel differently about an issue. Without JSA I would never be interested in America or politics, now I love both.
2008-01-14 19:51:50 UTC
I would be inspired by an organizational that is generously charitable. Regardless if it is an organization that may not be notable or reputable but has shown support and are actively involved in many different causes whether they be assisting an inner-city kid an opportunity to attend college or supporting/donating in breast cancer research. I am definitely a big supporter in breast cancer research and whenever I find a product with the Susan G. Komen foundation label on it, I will purchase it. I have noticed many organizations and companies have become more involved in breast cancer research.
Wood Smoke ~ Free2Bme!
2008-01-14 18:07:55 UTC
The people in the organization must be able to communicate the agenda and plans on a level that the common people can understand.

Vest the people. Go to classrooms, civic groups, concerned individuals and bring it to their level.

Some times the leaders of great organizations are so well educated they don't know how to break it down for the less sophisticated.

The most important thing for the organization to do is help the world somehow in a way that everyone can see Talk is so cheap.
Shadow Knight
2008-01-14 17:43:54 UTC
To inspire an organization must do these things.

1) Provide a warm, caring environment where your opinions and views are valued and where you are encouraged to participate in a meaningful way.

2) Clearly outline it's purposes and goals.

3) Help you to see the need to reach out and impact those around you.

4) Provide training and education - help you to be successful and not waste your efforts because of your ignorance or inexperience.

5) Have within it's membership dedicated, experienced individuals whose love for their cause is evident and infectious. The example they set will be the one that you will be inclined to follow

6) Avoid lumping itself in with one or more political viewpoints. Politics can quickly turn to selfishness and the political system is viewed as untrustworthy. The organization must be above these things.

Most importantly -

7) Be unified. It must not have in-fighting or struggles for power. The members and leaders must be able to put aside their own interests and desires to work together, achieve consensus, and accomplish the most good for the most people.

This kind of organization would be inspiring, enlightening and a joy to be a part of.
2008-01-26 09:20:05 UTC
Organization can inspire by following:

- Providing Healthy and Positive Work Environment

- Allowing to set own career path and achieve goals ethically

- Reasonable, Fair Pay & Fair Raise

- Awarding or Rewarding Exceptions

- Basic Amenties to avoid day time errands

- Good Parking and basic operational building infrastructure

- Good Services for creative product work environment

- Hiring good candidates by talent and background checks

- Fair treatment and Respect of employees, EOE policies

- Rewarding in unbiased way

- Sports and Team events to connect and build team spriit

- Having Global Presence

- Directly or indirectly helping the community

- Being considerate during the occassional tough circumstances of employee

2008-01-25 12:28:48 UTC
Charities, health organizations, aids awareness these can inspire you to help the less fortunate which is around you every single day. When you help an organization you are helping the world around you.

That is how it can inspire the world around us. I respect the people who think the same thing.

Kate xx
2008-01-25 11:37:38 UTC
years ago my daughter was gang raped. at the time rape support groups did not accept people with disabilities. so an organization that we worked with helped us hold the first support group for people with disabilities. We then found out who our state rep was and soon a bill was voted on that these support groups could no longer refuse people of any disability. If someone cares enough about what is happening in the world around them then they are probably more willing to get involved. I have found however that there are people that would rather complain that things are not right, then there are people that see something that is not right and try to do something about it.
Enfys B
2008-01-18 05:54:59 UTC
By giving me realistic ideas about how I can use the skills, talents and resources I personally have, and the time i have available, in my own local area, to make a positive difference I will be able to see. Too often organisations simply ask for money and you don't ever really find out exactly what good your contribution has done.

If money is needed, especially if it is going to be used far from the donor, serious effort needs to be made to give specific feedback about how it has helped, to motivate further donations. Most charities now try to do this, but some are better at it than others!

2008-01-16 08:09:10 UTC
As an employee, over a period of time, the organisational vision and work ethics start reflecting in one's behaviour.

Hence, it's imperitive that, an organisation has a visionary work culture and ethics. This organisation ensures employee-customer or would be customer interactions apart from participation in social events and welfare activities.

Every Human Being is inspired by Roal Models. if a Manager is involved in welfare activities, then there would definately be 30% employee's who would be Inspired to do the same, another 30% would try imitating the Manager (maybe just to please him/her) and the balance would always be dicy / confused, as to which way they would go. in any case, with 60% employee's getting involved in worldly affairs, these 40% won't matter a bit.
2008-01-16 06:55:37 UTC
If you are with other people, not only are you motivated to work for yourself, but you now feel a sense of responsibility to these other people. It creates a desire to be a leader, and to show your views and ideas on changing the world. There is strength in numbers, and its up to us to expose that power. You also now see what you are working for. All these people involved in the organization are part of the world, and you are inspired to help those close to you.
2008-01-15 10:32:05 UTC
How can one inspire me? Well it's got to hit home and to the heart. A motivation that I can do it and it does matter and there is a way and helps with the obstacles with getting there with what ever the organization is for. For instance advice and guidance on how to get the time and not feel guilty of neglecting ones own family. I guess you can call it time and financial management for helping your world at home and abroad. I know where there is a will there is a way but sometimes it's hard to find the way and you need a little help.

One more thing, they need to be trustworthy who run it.

Just my little input
2008-01-14 22:02:16 UTC
I 2 for also think this is a rather tricky question, my self.because it depends on what is meant by you. have to be-aware of the organization have to have knowledge of the organizations standers were do they fall in category of establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing/refurbishing them. After all is it not Organizations that is The arms, ammunition, An other materiel. use has a weapon to have the knowledge of have to be easy er to be- aware of so many secret society's out there how would one know off less from observation meaning If a organization, has acknowledgment of arise an does not move towards the acknowledgment of the issue that mean,s the Organizations are only holding out on there weapons to take care of a matter other then using them to help .repairing the rise; an repairing rebuilding there Organizations.

stronger. they per fer to stockpile an hold for self so me a Organizations not stock pile the arms that would be a most inspired thing of them 2 me who inspired admiration and respect. an invention that inspired many imitations.
2008-01-14 20:00:16 UTC
If an organization is passionate about what they are trying to accomplish and they really put forth an effort people will pick up on the enthusiasm and start to get involved as well.

Steps for involvement

1. Believe in what they are working for.

2. Educate others, share their goals, hopes and dreams

3. Make it fun. People are more likely to get involved if there is an element of fun

4. show appreciation. The key to getting people involved and KEEPING them involved is to show they are appreciated

5. show evidence that what a person does is beneficial otherwise a person will feel useless.

6. Offer the means for a person to be involved. Many times a person wants to help but doesn't know educate them or offer services to help them so they can help others.
Helpful Kim
2008-01-14 19:14:17 UTC
First of all, the vision of the organization has to resonate with my personal convictions. If I find a "spark" of familiarity and a kindred spirit in purpose, all the organization has to do is provide a framework that I can be a part of--a service project with well-defined "hands-on" tasks that I can participate in and know I am making a difference. The key is to tap into the passions of individuals and let them know how they can help change the world. Many people have great desires to make a difference, but simply feel overcome by the enormity of the task. Examples of ordinary people making a difference coupled with requests for help often inspire action.
2008-01-14 18:35:48 UTC
If an organization can encourage people to share wealth,skills and time with the less fortunate in the world (including the US), and reward those who do,I believe people would be more aware and interested in becoming involved.

The media, TV and radio need to follow the positive that comes from being involved with this organization in each country. Whether its a third world country/island or a difference made in a more financially thriving country.

When you give of yourself, your life is always more enriched. One also learns there is so much more to life, than just your own.
2008-01-14 16:58:23 UTC
It is very simple, Advertisement!! We are Sheep and will follow the the Sheep Herder{ read Madison Ave.} anywhere they want us to go. People are just pining for for the next feel good cause to give them SELF WORTH. Get a BIG celebrity to back your cause, and make a PSA TV commercial for you, create a BUZZ,and you will have all the trendoids lining up their contact list, for Im And SMS to show off just how conscientious they are and how much better they are than their friends....'til the next big thing that is....

You may think I'm being cynical right now, but I am telling you the truth that I see every day.

Be objective about this and look back at the trends of late. Last year, the year before and now, and pick the ones that made sense to you now... and.. then!

Take the "This Is Not A Plastic Bag" campaign. The whole point was to get people to use re-usable shopping bags instead of the plastic supermarket bags Right?

Instead it turned into THE MUST HAVE FASHION ACCESSORY!! just because some celebrity endorsed it, and you can now buy the $.99 cent bag on E-Bay for $ 50.00! Complete with a photo of some Teen Idol Star using the shopping bag as her Purse while she carries 2 PLASTIC store bags!

Go ahead Doc, You go figure!

PS Radio works good too!
2008-01-14 15:18:52 UTC
This is a difficult question, given the actual circumstances of the business world. When we say "organization", we immediately think "my job, a corporation, etc", but I seriously doubt that a corporate organization can inspire any kind of constructive involvement in the world. A business corporation only cares about its bottom line: money. They will get rid of anybody, if that will give them more profit.

If we talk about a religious organization, again, I doubt any real involvement in the world. Since religions pursue their own interests and survival.

The only kind of organizations that I think can compel a real involvement in bettering this aching world, are non-profit organizations. Such as organizations that do environmental activism, homeless assistance, shelter for battered women, food for third world children, etc.

I do not believe in self proclaimed heroes, but I believe in the people that are quietly making a difference every day.
2008-01-14 12:16:17 UTC
In our society today, most inspirational deeds are often only heard about after some kind of horrific tragedy. - i.e. hurricane relief, Race For the Cure, March of Dimes, et cetera. The global outpour of support can only be described as phenomenal, but that won't be remembered in the long run. We'll only remember the media content shoved down our throats and continue to be overstimulated by tragedy and loss. And when there's no earthquake or fire to televise 24/7 for months at a time, the focus shifts to much different targets, expecting the world to react with the same extreme level of emotion, whatever that emotion might be. Not only has this type of media structure polluted our youth's perception of ethics and morality, it has desensitized the general population. Shock value entertainment does nothing more than instill ideas into our minds and manipulate our perception of reality.

It would be so inspiring to see an organization that doesn't have a 'target audience' and doesn't emotionally manipulate the general public for purposes of profit. I would love to donate my energy and time towards a community project, except the focus of the cause was lost when sponsors were fighting over who got to put their name on the banner over the location, using their 'donation' amount as the deciding factor.

Organizations could acknowledge this emotional demoralization, and by advertising that they don't 'advertise' in the terms we've been subjected to, the response from communities small and large will be something good to remember.
annette e
2008-01-23 10:31:35 UTC
Most definitely could... When the President shows up at the orientation for the very lowest levels of employees and speaks from the heart of his reason for being there at the head and the feet of the organization and he recites the mission statement with passion and integrity and he lets you know how important your contribution will be... yes.. I'm talking about AHRC Nassau and I'm talking about people making a difference in the world of MR and DD (mentally retarded and developmentally disabled) This is the world around me ... and I make $11.40 per hour but I am committed to making this part of the world around me the best part of the world that it could be.
2008-01-22 09:53:45 UTC
By the reason of the organization, you get inspired and really want to make a difference, when you are reaching for a goal that shows you want to let others know how much you care.
2008-01-21 09:27:45 UTC
The more people involved with a common interest and a will to be a part of something positive has a much greater chance of success than trying to solve all the problems of the world by ones self. Why? Commoradarie for one. More ideas and answers possible with more inputs, stimulating an active mind keeps the mind active and alive!
2008-01-20 11:38:35 UTC
If they sincerely care about the community in which they serve, I would be inspired to get more involved if they actually use their capital resources to improve the economics of the people. Bring jobs and a sense of beautification and culture through outreach. I would then be inspired to make contributions and volunteer my time to assist with the organization's mission.
2008-01-16 23:41:12 UTC
First, the organization needs to have an inspired vision which resonates with my own, or which helps me find my own inspiration. Such an organization should be a channel for the powerful joy, excitement and wish to act that happens in us when we are in contact with ourselves and our life purpose.

Second, it has to understand my specific needs in the process of manifesting that vision and help me fulfill them. These needs cover the wholeness of who I am: body, mind and soul. Therefore my needs can be anything from physical health or the ability to make a living, to expanding my knowledge, forming creative partnerships, accessing communication tools, asking for and receiving emotional support, recognizing and celebrating the progress made, etc. Therefore, the organization needs to be a place that nourishes its members during the process of spiritual growth leading to the revelation of our oneness with each other and the world around us.
2008-01-16 14:18:15 UTC
Your workplace can inspire you to get more involved by "walking the walk." I work for a company that has always demonstrated its commitment to the community and to others by being a good steward (responsible to itself and its employees) and by generously donating to those in need. Almost 4 years ago, several of the employees independently formed a charible organization through which they assist local individuals in need of food, clothing, shelter and occasionally rent money, such as those suffering from cancer or the tragic results from a house fire. These acts of kindness have inspired many others in the area to get involved and it continues to grow!
2008-01-15 10:53:27 UTC
If an organization can make me aware of the repercussions of my actions, like purchasing items at a large warehouse discount store that buys its products from third world nations where the people are given no choice but to work for pennies a day, and can no longer feed themselves because their land was purchased up for cash crops, I'd be apt to shop elsewhere. I think that Americans at least are naive and ignorant of the effect their consumerism has on other human beings. Sure we are aware of poverty stricken nations, starvation, and such, but we don't connect the dots and we don't personify that suffering. As individual consumers we certainly don't take responsibility for causing it. If an organization can open my eyes to this and make me realize I can end suffering by changing a few minor habits and ways of doing things, I think that would be a tremendous step and I would certainly be inspired by it, as I already am aware and I already changed some things I do as a consumer.
2008-01-15 04:26:21 UTC
Honestly!!! Aren't ""organizations"" formed by humans? And as humans, shouldn't they already have some sense of what inspires other humans, by searching what has, or does, inspire themselves?? And simply put, every human on earth is already "involved" in the world around them! We breathe, we eat, we seek shelter, we require many things to protect ourselves from the external elements. And each of us has some degree of awareness of our own pitiful mortality! Every living sentient being would probably be "inspired" to become more involved if they "knew" that their "extra" involvement would definitively improve the outcome of their existence. Does the word "harmony" hold any weight in this scenerio?
Chaz Magoo
2008-01-15 01:59:31 UTC
Inspiration comes through belief; what is within. It is not the organisation that inspires you but the message you believe in.

The Church (any church) is perhaps closest to an organisation that inspires but even then it is the God or prophet that inspires, the church or organisation is the conduit.

Saying that, I am more inspired by individuals than organisations. I'm inspired by courage fortitude sacrifice etc I do not 'see' organisations reflecting these characteristics generally.

It is the people that inspire and the moment that inspiration is placed under a umbrella of 'organisation' it falters, it dilutes.


Standing in Line
2008-01-14 18:50:59 UTC
it may depend entirely on the organization and of course the reputation they hold. but in general? i suppose a successful way is through face to face contact. its easy for an organization to advertise on tv, billboards, internet, etc.. but if the message is to get involved in the community then shouldnt they being doing the same? setting the example to inspire those who need an extra boost?

this wouldnt be easy but a reasonable idea could be to designate a certain area to one or two teams across each city. perhaps teams of 6 could be instructed to cover a specific square milage, door to door, telling those of the event that will be taking place. and while the date of the event draws closer follow-up calls and follow-up visits would be made. i could imagine myself doing this if the organization paid well enough.

there would be the safety concern for those going door to door no matter what class of neighborhood so simply pair everyone.

its a different idea just to tell of an event, but to inspire anyone you have to become somewhat of a salesman.
2008-01-14 15:48:50 UTC
inspiration comes in all forms based upon the individual and their life experience; most would feel non-inspired from past experiences ; we become numb to being bombarded with ineffective outcomes; we as a society have become so harden to the belief that there is just a motivation of good, period; we learn to second guess what we see before us from past disappointments; I guess an organization that gives back and not just takes; a mutual outcome so that by giving you are getting and the more you give the more you get; if I give something to someone, I may feel good for a moment but I don't really get to see, feel etc what was really touched by my action. The initial impact falls to the wayside after a brief time; it is the same with God, we know what is right and what we should do but we need reminders of how we are connected and in what way ; human nature forgets fast
2008-01-14 13:28:53 UTC
What? More organization? Look at what U. N. have done? It was created with the thought that all country that joins have voice to make the world a better place, has it done anything to make any small third world better? I would say a big "NO". Has it made some part of the world a worst place to live? That would be a big f'n "YES"

Unless you intend to have all the countries on earth to think the same and create a Utopia, which is a wishful thinking and never will happen with different people's believes and morals, one will never have a peaceful earth.

So what ever organization is created is only another useless entity to allow some people to have a job that does nothing to improve the world. Okay, fine, it would be like a one step forward for a while then two steps back later.

It is all nice to think that world will improve. It is nice to think like John Lennon, but there is the reality of the world to think about too. We can think about living in a yellow submarine. But once in a while a submarine will have to surface. If you get my drift.

It is imposible to think of and want peace when other people in other countries are so violent. I am not talking about United States like a lot of foolish liberals like to think that all the problems in other countries are cause of United States. Because those foolish people also live in the comfort support of the other foolish people of the United States too.

Peace is a good thing, but it not just being a member of an organization.
2008-01-28 11:13:21 UTC
An organization can inspire you to get more involved because you have the support of others that share the same values as you. For example joining a local environmental organization can inspire you to go out and pick up trash because there are many others that you are around that are doing the same and have the same state of mind. However if you don't join that organization you may not be as motivated or inspired to change or become involved.

The quote "think globally, act locally" is very true. If you have a vision then you can always start small and practically. Then over time you get more and more motivated. Your ideas will grow and you will accomplish more on a larger scale.
2008-01-27 21:47:05 UTC
An organization can inspire you in many ways, but for me it has always come down to the mission of the organization. I worked for many years for a non-profit named Swords To Plowshares and loved the work even though it was hard work and if you did the job you had to feel for the Veteran clients and their plight having been harmed by government service but often not helped by the government.

The War in Iraq is exposing the same carelessness by the Veteran Administration and the United States toward the American Troops who fought in Iraqi as it showed for the Veterans that fought in Vietnam.

This fact really makes my blood boil, but the mission of helping the Veterans is a calling based on caring for the Veterans in a way that honors them and their sacrifices and maintains them in the diginity that they deserve.

It is a inspiration and learning experience to get to know those that carried the fight for the Nation in Iraq just as it was for those who carried the fight in Vietnam and all the other Wars.

I was inspired to learn by getting to know combat Veterans that the basic behavior of war is the enemy!
2008-01-26 20:59:08 UTC
When it is honest, when it can prove every single step that they take it is for the good of people, when they do not take but only give, when everyone watches everyone, so the good intentions of people is just that good intentions, when they do not give privilege or favoritism, when they do not feel above others, when the most humble person has the same chance as the richest to participate in it, when they don't ask you more than your willingness to do something, when they do not impose their belief or purpose by force, when they respect the law, when a person within is being unfair, they know how to really take care of it, when you ask for help, they give it to you and they don't just go around in circles, when you do not have to ask for a supervisor, if when you walk in for the first time your are treated like worst than an animal.
2008-01-20 08:46:37 UTC
An organization can be inspiring because it serves as the parents that you would have always wanted as a child. An organization incorporates vision, goals, and a determination to help and serve others. The vision is of course the most important because it is how you see yourself in the context of your own world and how others percieve you and your vision. The vision is the set of eyes that direct and guides you through your journey as you help yourself and others. It is through this journey that you begin to see how important it is to have goals. An organization without goals is the same as an indvidual without goals. The lack of focus, clarity, and understanding makes it difficult to find out how to best help others. In our world which money and material resources unfourtantely set the pace for our humanity gets in the way of helping others in need. An organization gets its inspiration from knowing that it is helping others learn to help themselves. Similarly, this is the goal of a parent helping their young learn to help themselves. It is my belief that by learning about other cultures and being familiar with your own needs that you will learn to inspire others with your belief even if it does not appeal to the masses. The larger the vision the more difficult it is to guide and direct people on an individual level. Asking for help, being vulnerable, and accepting that your vision may change can be inspiring because it shows your human and people want to see your spirit--very much how they want to see organizations spirit and that it does and says what it promises it will.
2008-01-18 07:38:06 UTC
I have two words for this: Authenticity (in sharing the goals and involving me) and Results.

Maybe the last one sounds a little bit "capitalist" but besides the ethical aspect of the Inspiration, I think nothing is more moving than the actual results of a working group. It has a multiplicity effect.
2008-01-17 13:29:20 UTC
As you know honesty and compassion are essential for such project. In fact an organization that inspires trust and respect can easily reach humanitarian goals.Yet it must also provide progressive activities and innovative programs to keep interest meetings,receptions, inquiries and package tours .

I like this idea, nowadays the world is getting more and more mysterious, am a volunteer !
2008-01-14 21:59:13 UTC
Organizations - - legitimate or not (i.e., cults, racists, gangs, etc) - - are only good for disseminating information, and, in most cases, creating a social/networking base. It is up to the individual to make up his/her mind as to whether that info and group is "worthy".

Unfortunately, the vast number of organizations do not offer quality counter-arguments to their info, so the naive individual may blindly follow that organization, even if that organization is found to be "wrong" in the eyes of others (have you ever tried convincing a neo-Nazi or KKK member that their viewpoint is invalid? I would make the same argument over rabid political party members, but I know how that would be perceived given the aforementioned question, so I won't mention it!). ;)

Excluding the "information" side of things, the organization is "inspired" (or, more accurately, improved) by its actively participating members, not the other way around, and not by members who merely pay their dues and/or simply show up at meetings for the "free" food and socializing.
Blah Blah
2008-01-14 10:27:14 UTC
I believe that most people are followers -- they imitate others. Given the proper example and direction, they more easily become engaged. Currently, there is widespread interest in getting more involved in the world around us, but the objective of most people is to get through the day and provide for themselves and their families. If there is time for further involvement, I believe that individuals need structure and direction.

I recently became involved in a non-profit called American Democracy Institute that attempts to mobilize youth in order to become more active and involved in the world. I helped organize an Empower Change Summit (or some term like that) wherein youth were gathered by the hundreds in an attempt to inspire greater involvement. We even had Bill Clinton speak to a small audience... quite inspirational. But the task at hand was still too vague. How can the youth get involved. What is required are more organizations with missions that can recruit individuals to get involved at their level of comfort.

The Obama campaign impresses me as one of these organizations. I became involved with that only to the extent that I requested to be on the email list for news. Ever since, I've received a few calls each week requesting my time and giving specific tasks that need to be completed. This type of organization is what is required to really inspire involvement.

Good examples, thus, seem to be the best answer. Leadership is a willingness to be one of those setting the example. On top of that, some organization around recruitment and deployment of action is required.

And above all, the goal must be percieved as meaningful and purposeful.
2008-01-27 16:00:53 UTC
First, that organization must, itself, express Inspiration so that its influence might inspire others.

Secondly, by demonstrating an organizations utility in a manner which can be seen to be of practical use to others and by fulfilling a certain basic human need or desire.

Thirdly, by making that service readily useable to people.
2008-01-27 04:00:28 UTC
Any organization small enough where you can get to know half the people in it is really good. It is like an expanded family.

And it is fun to compromise and care for shared purpose with people. Even making sacrifices makes you whole when they seem like purposeful sacrifices and the people benefitting seem either important or familiar.

Also, we are supposed to think of corporations as good and government as bad. Both are organizations.

Garbage in, garbage out. One of the really great things organizations do, large and small, is provide the opportunities for people to find their voice, to add their own voice, and to bring voices together.

Voting is one short example. When people vote they don't just try their luck selecting a majority power or a president. People also study what happened with a vote and why people voted the way they did. And why people voted in new porportions becomes nearly as important as whom they actually selected. There is the voice of a collective will in the pattern, not just in who is finally selected.
2008-01-26 19:21:41 UTC
Why do you have *three weeks* before expiration, while we have three days??? This puzzles me.

Anway, an organization would we me more social and have more care for others, therefore it inspires me to get more involved in the world around me. What do you think?
2008-01-25 19:55:34 UTC
Organization at school helps you stay organized, so you don't loose your assignments, tests, quizzes, homework, etc. Organization at home helps you have a clean house, bedroom, bathroom, and living room so you don't loose anything important. In addition, organization is a skill you need to be an employee and/or employer, because without organization in your office or what ever the condition is you are messy and always forgetting and loosing important things and artifacts. When you're unorganized you have an awkward life schedule, because you don't have to be one hundred percent perfect, but when you're organized you're life goes by easier!
2008-01-24 12:34:09 UTC
* An organization that inspires me provides opportunities to reach out in ways I couldn't do alone.

* An organization inspires me by empowering the needy to be self efficient to help others continue the cycle of empowerment..

* I am inspired by groups who believe anything is possible and show little ego in that awareness.

* The power struggles within an organization is one road block that keeps me from joining most organizations.
2008-01-22 20:54:57 UTC
First of all for an organization to inspire me must work for the human being improvement, they must have a truly deep connection from what they say and what they do and the members and their help must mean a serious effective service in the times we are living in.
2008-01-21 15:20:51 UTC
Emphasizing final goals is generally an inspiration in an organization. That way interim goals are best put in their place by members of the organization's team. The final goal of the organization itself may be inspiring, and that inspiration needs to be allowed to inspire the members in their interim goals. Emphasizing the final goal also helps members interact more efficiently and effectively.
: ]dont ask me why
2008-01-20 13:41:36 UTC
when your with a group of people who are all supportive of the same ideas, or similar ideas, that you have its easy to get inspired to be more involved in not only the world as a whole, but also your community.

When volunteering for a good cause, its great to feel supported that what your doing really is for the greater good of ur life, and the lives of the people around you.
2008-01-20 02:24:40 UTC
i think it really just depends on the person. if they are interested in world issues then an organization that has the same interests will naturally catch their eye. but if the organization is trying to interest others that try to not see what is going on around the world then i suggest making more documents like the one with andrew cooper called planet peril it was very interesting and has motivated me to not waste so many resourses and the part of the anomals was so sad but in some way it was a success because i told my family and friends who would share it with their friends and so on. so because of some documentry (with a hot guy i might add) was on t.v. one night i saw it and told people maybe just maybe if enough people see it and tell others then soon it's message will reach others and make a difference.
2008-01-15 06:05:13 UTC
the best example i can illustrate to prove how to get people involved in a given organization is to point out the very format we are using right now. i am an average struggling middle class american, however i am relatively interacting with a high profile name such as dr. chopra, by answering a question that he has posed on this internet communique. in doing this, a lay person like myself feels important, and that my voice does count. this encourages me to participate further.

if we as a world society follow this paradigm, in many if not all our affairs, then we begin to involve more of the worlds citizens to participate in those organizations that previous may have seemed so unreachable.
2008-01-15 03:26:05 UTC
when i see that an organization IS making a difference ( if only in a few people's lives) it inspires me to join or contribute in some way , for 2 reasons:

1) i have seen that it is making a difference in people's lives-- no just advertising that it makes a difference

2) i have seen that my money is being used for something other than salaries and advertising. that my contribution is doing what i hoped for.

I think that is what a lot of people are looking for, and why more don't contribute. We don't want to discover later that the only thing we were REALLY contributing to was golden faucets in the founder's sinks and bathtubs.
2008-01-15 01:36:37 UTC
When organizations show me what they have already achieved and what else COULD be achieved, then it helps to gain my interest, especially when they illustrate the problems at hand and the need for more help. Sometimes seeing our favorite celebrities contributing has an enormous impact on the interest others take in getting involved, too. I found that Princess Diana was a big inspiration to many people.
Libertarian till' Death
2008-01-14 17:47:33 UTC
There are no organizations that inspire me. Getting involved in the world around me will take a lot more than putting together some organization that most likely, will end up flopping in the end. Go out and conquer the world's problems yourself, and the rest will follow. Anyone can go out, you don't have to be a hard-core super hippie to do so.
2008-01-27 16:42:05 UTC
First they can offer permanent employment. This is almost non existent.

Second they can make a great change in Washington so our government can be respected once again.

If I saw the organization making a great difference in the world, then I would think about joining them. Few do! I would even offer free services to this one. Most organizations are a fat cat for a given few. They are ugly!
2008-01-25 08:44:17 UTC
It would help to have attainable goals that each individual could see they are contributing to. The world is filled with so many issues that people get overwhelmed and give up. There are so many examples of problems caused by and within organizations that people become cynical. Those that try to motivate with fear or guilt end up creating more tendency towards inertia in the public.
2008-01-24 23:38:22 UTC
By being in line with my personal morals and by helping me to get involved with change in manageable steps. So often I feel as if the little things I do can't really make much of a difference, but if I get involved, I should be sacrificing all my time to helping other people, which is noble, but.. as much as I want to help, I want to LIVE too.

I would love to find an organization that could help me approach helping others in a big way without completely sacrificing the limited time I have for my loved ones and myself.
2008-01-22 23:35:54 UTC
One of the most important organizations that we deal with on a daily basis is our employer. Just having respect and trust at work can give people enough confidence to go out and do good deeds.

Several employers I have worked with offer community out reach programs, house building, environmental clean up, health programs and other social programs. It is easy to get caught up in life and forget about getting involved with the world around us. Being that all or most people interface with their employer that is the most likely place to get motivated to get involved.
2008-01-19 11:43:38 UTC
An organization can only inspire one who slumbers in sleep. The awakened respond to the world as a natural mater of course.
rajendra s
2008-01-17 08:44:44 UTC
' World ' around you? Are you sure it is ' World' ? Well an organization will

enspire you to involve in the work and the in the organization - by providing you better conditions, surroundings and inseparable job promotions.

Yes of course UNO and WHO, UNICEF etc will of course can inspire you for the ' world '
2008-01-14 12:07:40 UTC
"Wow, that person is doing something amazing! I want to be like them and help as many people as I can."

It's all motivation for me. I try to help people in all the ways that I can, because I feel great afterwards! An organization can inspire me to become more involved by showing me how fun being a part of it is, and all the life lessons i'll learn from it. Organizations are great because the people in them encourage you to use your talents and be the best person you can be.

Being young, I take every opportunity to help others that I get!
2008-01-22 10:55:18 UTC
I've made this my life's focus recently. I'm writing a book regarding this genre. "Making the world a much better place"I also plan to do many other beneficial things as you to do. I've thrown myself into whole heartily. My feelings about "your question inspiring and getting people involved in the world around them". I think people are oblivious to what is available and we need to create a better way of making awareness to all things available. I plan on doing seminars in the local schools and other media's. We need to provide the information as to how to get involved and where. Stacy
2008-01-15 09:35:56 UTC
To inpsire others to give of themselves an organization must:

1- prove its moral worthiness

2- show results- real results. For instance a bunch of neo-hippies gathering together in Washington DC and feeling good about the fact they care about Africa doesn't help anyone in Darfur.

3- Leaves a legacy behind of real accomplishment. If charities actually created jobs in the communities in which they work, instead of leaving simple handouts- there would be a real, lasting change. Leaving handouts does nothing but prolong the inevitable. It also encourages the worst governments in the world to continue their corrupt policies.
Shaune G
2008-01-14 21:18:04 UTC
My organization is 63 hospitals strong. In my facility alone there are 600 employees. All 600 employees know someone in need. In my organization we have participated in the Habitat for Hummanity project, the WORLD AIDS day project and several other public projects.

My organization also will match donations that the employee makes up to 5,000 dollars. The organization has provided the opportunity for it's employees to be involved. Now we just have to seize the opportunity!
Melissa C
2008-01-14 20:00:00 UTC
I feel that when a large group of people organize to complete a goal it is more likely to be acheived because of the quantity of people. I feel that more of a difference can be made due to sheer numbers.

Also, some people are not leaders, but followers. I think I am a bit of a follower, so I'd be less likely to become involved on my own. But if a lot of people are excited to be a part of something it can be contagious
2008-01-14 14:49:07 UTC
If an organization wants to appeal to my desire to do service, it should offer suggestions of things that I feel I can actually accomplish. These days, there are so many organizations focusing on monetary donations. I realize that it takes a lot of money to make a change, but I just can't commit to anything financially. I'd much rather get involved in a way that I can actually DO something, and SEE the people I am helping, or the change that I am contributing to. Major organizations should make local chapters accessible and easy to find. I do want to make a difference, even if it is the smallest effort, I want to know that that small effort is going to help make a big change.
2008-01-14 14:17:30 UTC
No organization can inspire me if I do not already wish to be so inspired. However, as I am already so inclined, organizations can provide a platform for involvement. For example, during the days, weeks and months following 911, I lived in Jersey City and worked in Manhattan. I could, on a daily basis, see the smoke rising through the air at Ground Zero. I had a desire to do something to help. However, the only outlet I felt I had available for this desire, was to go down to the pier and help load food and supplies to be ferried across the river to the site. No one had come up with a way for most ordinary people to help, and in fact we were being actively encourage, by local, state, and federal agencies, to just go back to our lives as though nothing had happened. I don't know about a lot of other people, but I felt pretty powerless as a result.

So what can an organization do? Come up with avenues so people can volunteer their support in a way that is comfortable for the volunteers, and at the same time, fills a need in the world. It needs to be understood that not everyone has the ability to do things that require genius, strength or extraordinary skills. But everyone can contribute, and every contribution is someone.
2008-01-27 16:41:00 UTC
The first thing would be for said organization to show the people within their own company that they care about them. I don't believe people work FOR other people as much as they work WITH them. "Charity begins at home" so to speak. Companies need to make sure to take care of their own before trying to reach out to others. Once those who have needs within the organization are taken care of, it will inspire them to help others as they have been helped. I always believed if I were out from underneath the burden of failing health and rising debt, I would become the humanitarian of the century! lol
Man of La Mancha
2008-01-25 21:53:22 UTC
Lets keep it simple, true living/life is predicated on the small things in life...This would inspire me most:

1. Respect for the individual

2; An invironment of trust and truth

3. Giving without expecting anything back when making contributions to the needed.

4. Corporate values must equal moral values
2008-01-21 10:44:59 UTC
organization, starting first in your own home, can give you a relaxed, energized view on the world around you. It inspires you to be freed from the burdens of "clutter" and to go and help others see what you have seen! Its a passion of my own to help others to get organized...and once you've seen how freeing and wonderful organization is,'ll never view the world the same!~jamie
wilma m
2008-01-20 05:35:08 UTC
The organization must treat me as a special contributing member with unique individuality. To do that, managemtn must assess my capacity, qualification, interest in order to assign me in an area or field or group wherein I can harness my energy for the good of humanity.

Well I preserved your article about abudance subject of a seminar in a 5 star hotel in Manila, Philiipines, attended by former first Lady Imelda Marcos. I am quite impressed.
2008-01-17 11:59:17 UTC
I am a caregiver. I started taking care of the disabled and elderly. That is very hard work and burnout is high. A behavior health organization hired me as a behavior health tech for homeless mentally ill. They trained me and opened my eyes to the plight of the homeless and mental illness. The training involved and the people that I have worked with have opened my eyes to a wider range of needs and issues. I thank God everyday that he led me to where I am now. My horizons are opened up to even more ways to get involved and help with the plight of the world!!!!!
Marcell S
2008-01-16 14:15:00 UTC
When I see an organization involved in hands-on community improvement projects, like neighborhood clean-ups, community gardens, or Habitat for Humanity, it really motivates me to DO something. I'm encouraged by others coming together to create a positive impact, and hands on activities are more involved than monetary gifting.
2008-01-14 22:29:09 UTC
The orginization itself, must be inspired by what they are doing. This comes from the CEO having a passion in what he is doing, and only hiring persons that can share his passion.

This passion for what they are doing can have an enormous affect on all those they reach.

If that orginization shares the companies passion in something that can be beneficial to making the world a better place, there affect can be enormous.

If the orginization has no passion in what they are doing, only a paycheck, they are more likely not to be able to inspire anyone to make a change.

So to answer this quesion: The inpsiration must come from within the orginization itself.

Michael Stratton

President, Integrity Technology Specialists
2008-01-14 19:56:46 UTC
BY setting an example and making it easy to jump on the bandwagon. Beware the dollar signs as they take away from the message. Do it becuase it is right, do it without judgement, do it with humilty but get the word out. We need to get involved in our world. We need to peer out our windows and see their is more to life than our domicile. Maybe you can inspire by being the window. Show the world other cultures and and show the world what our global apathy is doing to destroy beauty outside our immediate vision. Bring the world to the world and show where involvement can help. People are basically good, just uniformed.
want to travel
2008-01-14 17:48:45 UTC
An organization that would donate a significant percentage of money to a cause in the USA would get me to pay attention and become more involved. I am not impressed with the "we donated one percent of our proceedings" or "we will donate one nickel for every dollar we receive" that I hear on the radio or see on television. I would like to see a for profit company actually donate significant amounts of money for different things in the USA: poverty, homelessness, mental health, physical health, and education. The people at the top always make money: the people at the bottom always worry about getting laid off. Let's see the CEO's who have millions of dollars in their banks, stock options, and IRA's actually do SOMETHING for the world- instead of for themselves. When these sorts of things start to happen, people will wake up and pay attention and become more involved. Until then, the organization represents making money and the CEO's represent keeping their millions. I hope this helps.
2008-01-14 17:06:51 UTC
An organization can inspire me in many ways. It can inform me of knowledge I was not aware of. It can make me aware of opportunities to make a difference in the world.

It can physically and figuratively MOVE me to stand up for my beliefs and help spread information.

When people, myself included, are aware that "Hey, I'm not the only one with these questions, doubts, beliefs, ideas", etc., then it excites them.

We, as humans, are meant to be together, not socially isolated. I think, whether it be an official organization, or an unofficial organization, that is what life is supposed to be about.

I, pesonally, am thinking about starting some groups on my campus. One idea for a group would be a philosophy group. This concept embodies what philosophy is supposed to be about.

Number two would be a group that concentrates on inter-disciplinary discussion, to help bring people from different educational fields together and help one another understand key concepts, ideas, definitions, theories, and the like, from fields they may not know a great deal about. Sometimes, in public universities, large gen.-ed type classes are very big (for that reason, they are gen.-ed requirements).

I know it is ambitious, especially given that my campus is a commuter's campus, but they are at least worth starting and trying out.
Gabes' Dad
2008-01-26 19:09:05 UTC
People join organizations because the group has a commonality found in each individual. Often times these people have other interest in common. The like minded ideals, and values give encouragement to each individual. The more people that have the same understanding gives that belief more credence. Empowered people enjoy a self esteem that gives them faith in themselves. These people feeling better about themselves are encouraged to share their beliefs with others. Using this courage they reach out to encourage others to better their life, and the world around them.
Ed A
2008-01-15 10:17:07 UTC
"How can an organization inspire you to get more involved in the world around you?"

Depends on your definition of involved, world (local? global?) and organization (could be anything)

1)It would have to be privately owned (group or individual), not governmental;

2)Impact would have to be applicable both locally and globally;

3)Involvement would, be definition of being non-governmental, have to be voluntary.


1) governmental organizations, historically, provide sledgehammer solutions where needle-nose pliers are sufficient / required

2) exclusive benefits would incite damaged relations (envy, jealousy) that would counter-balance any improvements

3) governmentally required adjustments incur resentment and distrust, where choice to be involved allows for and encourages positive, goal-oriented productivity
2008-01-14 23:18:38 UTC
I think one must be inspired by an event in their lives that allow them to be responsive to the need around them. No matter what the need might be. In my opinion for an organization to inspire me they first have to be hands on. Not just a pocket book! Community involvement, awareness and compassion.
2008-01-14 18:22:52 UTC
Give people a clear instruction on how and what they can do to get involved. I have helped many volunteers including myself, who have wanted to do Gods work on Earth while we are here and have no idea who or how to talk to the right people to actually do something. There needs to be more direction and instruction on how to do something other then just "donate money'.

After the fraud of Katrina, and other disasters in the world where money has been mismanaged, people are skeptical of just donating money. Time however, cannot be fraudulently taken and so they want to do something like that.

So, show us what to do and where and we will be there.
2008-01-27 11:43:58 UTC
For me and I think most people, There is an overwhelming feeling of need to be a part of something. It is human nature to want to feel like you are making a difference and a part of something worthwile. Its the most gratifying feeling ,in my oppinion, that one can achieve! People are searching for validation in life. weather its through business success, family, politics,or just about any avenue, we all wan t to feel like we have a purpose and a place in this world that is more than just exisiting and going through the everyday motions. I feel like not acknowledging that fact and using it to there advantage is a huge mistake that all too many companies and business leaders make today. Personally when i enter a new work environment I have a ton of ideas and I try to share them and make myself part of the team to better myworkplace and business if I can. All too often though I have been treated liek a peon and basically made to feel like a worker ant. I am no stranger to hard work but how does one stay energized and invigorated about there career if they are made to feel like they have very little to offer other than daily sweat equity and clock punching. To inspire someone to get more involved in anything, the answer I think, is to make them feel like an important cog in the wheels of whats going on. Listen to there ideas and even if they aren't the best solution, appreciate them for there contribution. In this way you will keep the wheels of thought and innovation turning and that perfect new idea always just around the corner. I believe that this helps to satisfy that basic desire for validation and keep people excited about the projects they are working on. Ironically this little bit of respect and comradery will go further than poay increases and such. Expect more from someone and they will give it to you. People want to feel needed..reach out to that need and people will respond! I know I am searching for these things and I know I am not the only one!
2008-01-27 08:42:15 UTC
When you believe that the outcome is achievable. When you have complete trust in accomplishing your task. When all tools are accessible to do the job. When titles do not impede an member to do the small or large tasks. When objectives are clear cut. When the atmosphere stimulates and maintains that inspiration. When there is no doubt that a difference is being made.
2008-01-16 13:52:17 UTC
The organisation that I work for gives me the inspiration to give my best not only to my work but also to get involved in issues that are important in this world.

The organisation's brand is synonymous with certain core values of integrity which is more than just work ethos. These core values could just as well be applied to personal relationships or the wider world.

Corporate social responsibility is one of the key values that my organisation promotes. We are encouraged to donate to causes that are close to personal values through payroll giving. The company enables each individual to participate in charitable work by releasing 3.5 hours of paid time each month. There is no doubt that corporate social responsibility is very much embedded in the organisations ethos by the committment shown through these various initiatives.
2008-01-15 07:55:30 UTC
It's a good ambition, but unfortunately I'm a bit narrow-minded/unwordly most of the time. I'm a "physician heal thyself; charity begins at home" kind of gal. I personally feel that if I can't help a neighbor who is about to get evicted in my own neighborhood, then why go beyond to other countries? My "world" is sometimes limited to a neighboring county, for instance; a woman is beginning a home/minstry that caters to incarcerated women. She is starting from scratch. She enlisted my aid with a newsletter. She inspired me by enlisting my services (free of course) on my level. Never ask more than someone can deliver, or never ask for more than someone will ENJOY giving. God doesn't want anything he needs to snatch from us. Giving on our level makes me feel like I made a contribution that was substantial. Anyway, there's my $.02 (non profit dollars, of course!! :-)
2008-01-14 22:11:58 UTC
there are numerus reasons to motivate persons to get involved with surrondings. if they are threatened, if they believe someone or something is is a threat to their loved ones or if you try to take their dignity you will have a battle. we as a people have become so complacient that we do not realize what is going on around us and to be honest just don't care untill it effects us personally in such a manner we have to respond. most of us are capable of much more than we produce and some more than others. the gornment has been using there tactics on the people for years and so has the wealthy corporations so speaking for myself, give the working person the same break as you give the filthy rich and that would get me motivated
2008-01-14 13:28:26 UTC
I am currently a United States Peace Corps volunteer serving in Romania and I would have to say, the Peace Corps certainly inspired me to get more involved in the world around me. Their current add campaign says: "Life is calling? How far will you go?" and the answer is, half way around the world, in my case. I was offered the chance to learn a new language and experience a different culture, and at the same time work alongside that same culture on educational, environmental, economic and institutional issues. All it took was listening to the stories from previous volunteers who have served during the Peace Corps' 40 year history. It certainly inspires a certain curiosity and action on the part of the American citizen.

As for other organizations, if you want to inspire these same goals for your people, offer them incentives and opportunities to do something for their communities. If they need time off for volunteerism, give them paid leave. If you are a non-profit, and are able, try to schedule events during certain days and hours that allow working people to participate more. Many organizations use partnerships to bring people together to work on projects from the Red Cross to Habitat for Humanity. All it takes is the opportunity, a little push, and then the joy of success.
2008-01-14 10:34:19 UTC
1. The organization should not take on a project just because it is politically correct today. The organization should have some tie and commitment to a particular project not just be jumping on the bandwagon. Don't pick a project because it is glamorous.

2. Don't tell me what 'darling' celebrity has donated their time, money, or is sponsoring your project. I may not like that celebrity and his/her association with your organization may turn me off right away. Many of us working people do not care what the celebrities do and if the organization has such overly paid people sponsoring them, the organization does not need me.

3. Pick a project that is relevant to me and my world. No, I will not give to help some tiny hut in a country on a continent that I do not live in UNTILL the poverty, misery, and problems of the poor, the aged, and the needy my country, my neighborhood have at least been addressed.

4. Give me honest facts, those that both help and hurt your project. Rather I should hear the negatives now than after I have invested time/money in the organization. If that negative comes to light later I will feel screwed/taken advantage of and that will be the last you will see of my support. Tell me tax implications and how much you are paying your staff up front.

5. Finally if the organization has any - even the tiniest - tie to a politicat organization say it upfront. This sneaky, underhanded, nasty method of having a political party sponsor an organization just to sway voters is immoral, unethical, and should be so illegal that those who set up such organizations should be sentenced to hard labor for years.
2008-01-25 18:03:01 UTC
With good deeds come rewards. I am a partner in the Special Olympics and I really enjoy participating. It shows me responsibility, respect, and to be thankful. I am now thankful that I participate in the Special Olympics because it has shown me that life is a gift and to live it the fullest. Some people don't get to experience that gift to the fullest like you can so why not help. The Olympians love you to death and are glad that help them. I am so thankful that buy just swimming and playing softball with a bunch of people that appreciate you. This is truly rewarding.
2008-01-19 20:42:57 UTC
I am always inspired by Organizations that deal with issues that touch our everyday lives and are for the good of humanity. I feel strongly about recycling to protect our planet and the future of our children. I love doing recycling crafts and also belonging to groups that recycle unwanted items to others who could use them. I also wish I could do more to help others in need such as for the homeless.
2008-01-16 17:59:34 UTC
That's a hard one. In general, if an organization could touch hearts in some way and make it personal, then they could reach people and inspire them in pretty much anyway they so desired. However, it would have to connect on the level of the heart and be for the good of all, otherwise, it would be a waste of time. Well, this is my first pass at this question. Thanks for asking.


Satheesan Kochicheril
2008-01-15 08:23:11 UTC
The greatest organization around us that should protect our culture is the Govt. that governs the nation. Culture can be expressed only in relationship with the System of Life to which we are born- the System includes all forms of life, the Earth, and all other celestial bodies. Human mind can have the best expression only in relationship with the forms that belong to the System with which one can interact. When we belong to the systems that we develop we tend to lose our human qualites. So, first of all we have to retain our culture for any benefit that the community around us can have from our actions. The community can have negetive impacts too due to our actions. For example, the proxy wars, the garbage freedoms that some communities enjoy.... Bin Laden and Bush were inspired by different principles. Or, is Bin Laden a proxy?
Imma M
2008-01-15 08:01:05 UTC
inspiration only comes from within. No one can truly inspire another person. We can only encourage, and give an example of one person doing things the right way and making a difference.

While that may push the person viewing the actions, on to bigger and better things, the inspiration to do so was always there. It was always waiting untapped inside.

so the long and short of it is that the key isn't to inspire people to things they wouldn't do otherwise, but encourage people with similar goals to work for them. By doing that you tap into the self-inspiration found in all of us, and really that is the greatest inspiration of all.

remember always that Hitler tried to inspire, and Gandhi tried to enlighten and encourage.
2008-01-14 21:02:09 UTC
Charity begins first at home. When the people of the US can claim that their nation does not have mortgage ills, having 2 jobs to survive, are all healthy, and can look toward growing old in comfort, then should any American's eyes wander to try to help the rest of the world around them. It would be a digrace if Americans can't help Americans and try to justify their benevolence outside America!

Why do we always have to hear new immigrants or people of other nations whining about not helping the rest of the world around US? These people ought to understand that they have already lifted from their original roots, are now in America and are enjoying the help of America for giving them better lives.
2008-01-14 15:43:01 UTC
If one refers to an Organisation it does not cofine itself to , say , a factory or Business enterprise. It covers entire gamut of activities that involve a group of people , to achieve a certain goal. This could be financial , social, environmental ... anything.

In these times of increasing consumerism and priority for money, every single activity , in the world is looked through coloured glass. One feels that they are out to make a quick buck , become a billionaire. with total disregard for environment anf society.

Any organisation , if it has to inspire us , should be very transparent , with its own watchdog committe to monitor the pulse of the people.. Now whatever they do seems clothed in some secrecy. If they promote Sports it appears that they doit with more profits in mind than sports. In other words profiteering superceeds everything and that breeds greed. This image needs a thorough overhaul..

A mini Al Gore in every organisation is the ideal thing but that is asking for too much.
2008-01-14 14:04:32 UTC
Well, fo rmyself, the answer is probably a bit unusual. The irst thing I look at is "Is the organization disability-friendly." I am disabled--and don't like being rlelegated to the margins. To be blunt--that is a "test" 9 of 10 organizations fail.

If organizations want to inspire interest, they need to reach out to people--but most routinely ignore the 1 in 6 Americans who have disabilities. They either ignore us altogether, or they are paternalistic and condescending. In addition, and most damning, they ignore the aspects of their "cause" tha timpact people with disabilities. And virtually all advocacy groups/organizations areas of interest do have a "disability dimension"-but, as I said, few make any effort to address it.
2008-01-22 18:14:38 UTC
an organinzation can inspire me because it may be to the needy cause. It will make me go wow these people may need some help. Depending on the organization. It will show me how less fortunate people are. It will make me want to help out and see who else wants to help.
2008-01-15 00:00:11 UTC
When an organization respect me as a human by its products, services and behaves, it may inspire me to get more involved. You know, in designing a product you may consider the user a genuin or a crazy person. in advertisement and in after sales services either you may find human based considerations, some organizations do and some dont.
2008-01-14 17:44:24 UTC
I am surprised that this question is being posed by a person that is a great motivational speaker.

Much research has been done on this subject. My thinking is that the work of "Abraham Mazlow", has the answer.

The organization must have a charismatic leader, to motivate one to become involved. This of course is done by convincing me that my involvement would give me more pleasure than pain. The "pleasure principle", and would allow me a greater degree of actualization.
2008-01-14 17:21:41 UTC
Personally I dint think there's one organization that doesn't benefit more themselves then the people or cause they're supposed to help. So it has to be a grass-roots effort that puts it effort out in the front of the cause of the organization it self. With that said, to me it's the unsung hero doing his or her part, and if you wanna organize with me, fine,if not go find your own inspiration and make the world a better place. Sorry for thinking outside the box and perhaps being a little cynical. Peace Out
Skye R
2008-01-14 13:25:57 UTC
Knowing about something is one thing (child abuse, homelessness, etc), but working in an organization is another. Volunteers see how life is like to the people they are helping, which adds knowledge and inspiration. With that inspiration, a person will want to help and change the world for the better.
2008-01-27 01:35:29 UTC
The organization should adapt a philosophy to care for its human resources. The organization should have a well defined policy towards social responsiblity.

Last but not the least,leadership should demonstrate by example.
2008-01-19 13:15:07 UTC
By making it simple and easy to get involved. So many organizations make it unclear and "red-tapish" for those wishing to get involved; this can be very discouraging. A simple and central phone number to call where you can speak to a human being accompanied with clear directions would be ideal.
2008-01-18 07:07:54 UTC
There is a non-profit organization in my town that helps out poor and needy people. That inspires me to do the same. I donate clothing, food, and other items to this organization every time I get the chance. It feels good knowing you are doing something to help out needy people in your area.
2008-01-18 04:07:58 UTC
Appreciable friend: No, an organization does not inspire. It is, rather, the reclamation of a balance love that it wants to beat in the world. It is the one that is reflected like necessity of synchrony between an individual heart, and an organization who helps. A conscientious human of that necessity, becomes jumbled in everything. And even so, it wants to always become jumbled but, because always it like to him, little. thanks for the question. God keeps you, because you are a wonderful instrument of God in the Earth.
2008-01-18 02:44:36 UTC
I'm not motivated by organizations. I think organizations are lame. I prefer to motivate myself, and to be motivated by those around me, but mainly my family.

Are you thinking about making an inspirational commercial on behalf of an organization... because I really don't like commercials and the more upbeat they try to be, the more they annoy me.
Mrs. Z
2008-01-15 10:33:08 UTC
By making it seem more appealing and self-fulfilling. Even with the best of intentions in doing something for the world around you, you're still getting something back. If it doesn't seem fulfilling, you won't do it.

Example: I crochet lap blankets and bring them to nursing homes around the holidays. Not just because it's a nice thing to do and a good gesture, but because I feel good about myself when I see these people's faces light up because they've been privy to a random act of kindness.
2008-01-15 09:25:20 UTC
An organization speaks to me through results...I have become a big supporter of the Samaritain's Purse Operation Christmas Child---sending shoeboxes filled with things for a child that has little or nothing. It has been so inspiring to my whole family. My 77 year old mother crochets hats-this past year 148 hats! My 14 year old daughter and I make homemade beaded necklaces, bracelets and barrettes. Last year I made fabric yoyos and decorated hairbows. I sewed some fleece purses, tissue holders and even winter fleece scarves for boys and girls. This up coming year we are doing all the above plus sewing drawstring bags that the children can utilize to carry their possesions long after the cardboard shoebox wears out. My husband keeps track of things that we washclothes, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste and combs and brushes. We are always on the lookout for school supplies. After Christmas, we found on the clearance table, 8 pairs of shoes for little girls...nothing do my daughter but that she take part of her Christmas money and buy those shoes for our boxes! My sister came up from Florida and saw what we doing and sent stuff for our shoeboxes plus money to pay for flashlights and batteries. I am now checking an sales for shirts and pants or shorts....usually clearance but still very nice.

We feel very lucky to belong to such a great mission. We, ourselves have meager means of support since my husband is disabled and I am only able to work part time. But I prayed about how I could use my God-given talents to honor God and serve others and this has become my favorite mission. When I saw a little boy with duct tape on his flipflops and his broken glasses but smiling ear to ear with a shoebox of joy in his hands, I realized I could be a part of his and another child's smile. I have a list of lots of goals to make this year again because I believe that I have been called to be involved!
Allison P
2008-01-15 03:46:29 UTC
When an organization shows responsibility for things in society other than making a profit. So often, organizations get wrapped up in what they "do" they forget that there are greater things in life than money. I would be inspired by an organization who focused on people, rather than things.
2008-01-14 15:32:48 UTC
The best way for an Organization to inspire others would be by pursuing a truly desirable, and achievable goal; making it as widely known as possible, and showing, also extensively, that It is getting results.
2008-01-27 04:31:45 UTC
the organization should have motives to help the world and not make money. Once u really want to help other people, its very east to get involved in the world around us. The so called enlightened people once they get the status of "Enlightened" symbol, they want to make money for their so called organization. I think one should be compassionate and love other fellow human beings. Religion caste and region shouldnt matter when it comes to help. We need to be good samaritans so to speak.
2008-01-23 17:12:35 UTC
By doing some work for the community. Maybe starting in the office by recycling and reach out to the community by participating in recycling drives and encourage workers to also participate from home. It not only helps the environment but it is reusable and saves the trees!! And reduces the number of landfills that contaminate the environment !
2008-01-18 09:30:50 UTC
An organization inspires by aligning with an individuals sense of purpose and a mission with which that individual has chosen to dedicate their motivation.
2008-01-15 03:16:13 UTC
Honestly, I think FEMA and the Red Cross are a couple of examples of organizations, after Katrina, and I decided the organization does not inspire, the individuals that feel the need to help, maybe within an organization , are the ones that inspire.

I volunteered in MS after Katrina, it was obvious they had no clue, and were telling us NOT TO COME unless WE BELONGED,to some ORGANIZATION! It took me 3 weeks to get there through the nursing board, after asking these organizations, every website they told me to go to for more information, there was NO INFORMATION, mostly the WEBSITES WERE DOWN!

All I saw at Red Cross Stations(when I got there!) were giant signs that said, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! somethings wrong with that picture!!! you know clothes ,shoes, etc.had to be thrown away because they became, snake, insect, etc. infected? Obviously the Organization did not inspire help.

NEITHER KNEW WHAT THE HECK TO DO! why did they think individuals should not come down and help on their own and actually tell people this? Why didn't they just tell the people wanting to volunteer , what to expect when they got there,and what to be prepared for?

NOW people are moving and working on the coast, making a living helping on their own,(if only FEMA and the RED CROSS organizations, had let that happen, (not the making money, but just letting people come on down!)

Just one more example of ORGANIZATIONS INSPIRATION...9/11, Biloxi sent a fire truck to NY,when Katrina hit, first thing the NY station heard of Katrina and Biloxi devastation, they jumped in their vehicle and came down to help.You know what the first thing they faced was?HAD TO TAKE A TEST ON SEARCH AND RESCUE for 3 days!!!, these dudes did that in dark, smoky rubble, gotta pass a test first???I think they were more than qualified, and ppls lives where hanging in the balance? They thought of going back to NY except for the rememberance of the Biloxi Fire Dept.s help when they needed it.

Answer to your question,,,inspiration comes from the individuals that make up the organizations ,that know what they are doing and want to help, otherwise is not the organizations,,, is the Human Beings in need, and the PPL THAT FEEL THE NEED TO HELP,,,they MAKE THE ORGANIZATIONS. I don't think Organizations themselves inspire, but the people in the organizations,
2008-01-14 21:31:40 UTC
If an organization had as good-looking of a representative as Dr. Chopra, then that would be all the motivation that I need to get involved! Haha, jk (Dr. Chopra's still hot, though).

It depends on the organization and how strongly I felt towards its causes. Also, I think it would help if there were a couple of people around my age to work with.
2008-01-14 21:00:10 UTC
It can't I'm just to weary of any organization any group any church it's getting to the point where all they want is your money. After 9-11 millions of dollars were donated to help the families but i read that the families got very little help if any.New Orleans is another example where million of dollars were donated to the red cross (why) when a area is designated a disaster area the government pays back all the money the red cross put out plus the red cross gets to keep all the millions of dollars that's been donated to them. It's nothing but a big scam like most.I'm just so feed up with what i see happening to the poor in this country.
2008-01-14 15:10:06 UTC
An inspiring organization would be one that is non-judgemental, all inclusive, whose goals are to better the community and the world around them. Everyone could have an equal voice to offer their opinions and talents.

Most important, they would immediately make recgonizable differences in helping better the world around them who need the most help. They could build free housing, and those members could regulate it to those that are dis-abled first. They can set up a free community volunteer health care system as an example for the federal government to see it can be done.

Giving and helping would gain headline news status and become the new cool fad.
2008-01-14 14:04:05 UTC
A well organized organization with a strong community focused staff can inspire people by having:

1. A clarity of purpose

2. A dedication to the pursuit of its goals

3. A strong board dedicated to raising funds to support the org and its goals

4. Activities that are clear, well-defined, fun and globally inclusive with a staff and volunteers who work hard to bridge its ideals to its membership to build the quality of its membership up (because membership is the most important thing)

5. Promotion and public relation of the org and its purpose and the org's dedication to updating the membership regularly (without wasting paper, of course:-))

6. Ability for members to "think outside the box" and provide the org with innovative and outstanding ideas that benefit the community at large.

I like organizations that link to "sister" organizations around the world that allow people who are members to get to know each other and learn about each other's cultures. Any organization that supports travel around the world will allow members to see differences in cultures up close as well as have a hands on ability to pitch in and help wherever and whenever it is possible and safe to do so.

I think an organization that is culturally sensitive and participates without taking over or dominating the community it is trying to help is also very important to me.

That's my 2 cents!
2008-01-14 11:43:21 UTC
Well: it is very important of course I know about this

Kiwanis International Clubs an Global Volunteers Organization as to build & support inter clubs first

we help each 1 community with Division council Meetings

second start Districts and regional school keyclubs

Also third(And Dedicate Outstanding Service )please!

we do alot of special projects for our own community

here visit
2008-01-14 10:23:15 UTC
The problem is organizational. People are not inspired by organizations, they are inspired by people. The motivational level of an organization depends on its people and you need to touch other people's souls instead of their minds. It also is highly dependent upon what the people in the organization are committed to. A good cause can inspire but again it comes down to the people's intentions.
The Answer Monster
2008-01-09 21:13:23 UTC
I'm a natural humanitarian, involved in many philanthropic efforts already. However, what I look for in an organization is commitment and integrity.

There are many organizations representing many a good cause, but as they say, actions speak louder than words.

I want to know an organization has taken action. I want to know that they truly are OF SERVICE in every capacity, with dedication and focus, but with a heart and compassion... because service isn't just about throwing money at a problem. Sure it helps... but no amount of money can make a person who is heartbroken, heal. No cure for any disease can reclaim the lives already lost.... gone forever.

My point is... an organization needs to encompass the humanitarian values as much as the ambitious fundraising ones.... they work hand-in-hand. And without people who are dedicated to the objectives, the goals, the dreams, of others of providing the most important things like hope, peace, faith, love.... there isn't life-changing values applied to the organizations efforts... they are 'empty.'

Service is about the efforts of people coming together for a common purpose with sincere interest in wanting to help people.... whatever the cause may be.
2008-01-14 15:46:06 UTC
Show direct results for the participation I would be involved. So much of society is disconnected from our direct input that it's hard to see any results from any activity that we do either positively or negatively. Generally people want to do good, but they just don't know how. We know that what we are doing may not be good, but we see no alternatives and often just give up fighting the system because we realize that no matter how hard we try, we just can't change it.

It's hard to be passionate about politics when your one single vote that you cast for a candidate you feel strongly about gets negated by 100 other votes for a candidate you disdain. It's hard to be environmentally conscience when you have no other affordable alternatives than to use ecologically damaging fossil feuls. It's hard to be proud of your country when you're constantly ashamed by the disgraceful and unethical actions your represented government partake in.

Show us how we can affect our world, show us how we can be better and then give us the tools to do it!
Christo Elatia
2008-01-28 03:01:15 UTC
An organization must have a tie to your psychological needs systems if it wants you to buy into it's mission statement. I have worked for many organizations that do not openly speak about the value system and mission of the company, and I was less likely to do much within the organizations. When I worked for organizations with strong values such as Eddie Bauer, and Starbucks, I was better able to "buy-in" to the importance of working in the community as a representative of myself and the organization. Of Glasser's needs, I was meeting my need for Love and Belonging, and in many cases fun by participating in events such as Relay for Life, and Caroling at Hospitals.
2008-01-17 21:05:20 UTC
Indirect answer : The best way is to recruit people whose hobbies and your organization needs match. They will work for them instead of working for the company (which in actual practise is reverse, they work for company and they get TIRED)

When they work for them, they never get tired, dont feel fatigue and feel ALWAYS comfortable.

Remember the Golden rule : Profession - Interest - Emotion (PIE) almost always conflict with each other for any person. If you are able to get any two of them come inline, the employee is satisfied (actually gets saturated) with his work.

Hence he gets involved without any external force which enables a WIN-WIN situation.
2008-01-17 18:06:36 UTC
I like to get involved in organization's that promotes higher standards of education. For instance, in the US there is a strong need for higher standards of math and science at school level.
Damodar B
2008-01-15 10:02:22 UTC
Any organisation, that is engaged in finding a way of diseaseless living,is welcome. Nature must be having means

of diseaseless living. Looks like humans have not been able to analyse the same. Ancient Chinese and Indian literature, it

seems has enough information on how to live harmoniously.

Ego problems of world community comes in the way of the

solutions. Manufacturing of killer weapons would not have been on the increase,if LIVING was so important. When all religions preach love and peace,where is the necessity of so many religions? HUMANISM itself could be religion.
2008-01-15 09:36:10 UTC
Firstly, I believe the scope of everyone's "world" is relative.

For example, Bill Gates--because of his resources--can impact the entire world.

My world is far more limited and local. I have limited resources, time and money. I have people who depend on my income for housing, food, clothing, college expenses, retirement, etc.

So, my first priority is to my family; my second priority is to my job.

And I think that's a valid and important way to approach getting involved in your world: Define your priorities and the scope of your world based upon your commitments, obligations, resources, time and money.

Next, what is important to you? What do you value? Perhaps you have a loved one struggling with a mental illness--and you want to help them with job options, legislation, insurance, etc. So now you know you want to support programs for the mentally ill.

With an understanding of these factors, you have a better idea of what time you have left to expand your charitable, political and other activities. You know what you're passionate about and where you're going to be committed--because you know what you believe in and how much time you have to devote to it.

So I think organizations can help you by giving you a structure for assessing these factors--then you know where your interests are, how much time and money you have--and you're more likely to follow through because you have the interest and resources to commit to the activity.
2008-01-15 08:35:32 UTC
you take ideas from big corporate giants and find application for small individual projects, here are 4 ways:

a) corporate profile: what they are doing and how it is implimented for their own goals - apply time value of money concept, for example

b) management style: its link with people, culture and belief tells you how to be sensitive and how to get a job done - apply american managemnet over japanese management in bangladesh, wont work, you may conclude

c) humanaterian activities: are they involved, what message it is sending out to ordinary folks - you can take up hospitals, orphanages and the like - TATA wants to invest 3 b in Bangladesh, they could lead by example, appealing to the soft side of social doctors to come forward

d) ultimate, we need to know what is the percentage contribution of huncho organizations in social responsibility delivery, it would inspire small guys to think more, do more for society as well. we must remenber organizations own 98% of wealth of a nation, not the other way around

thank you.
: )
2008-01-15 02:29:22 UTC
Inspiration is being visible and effective at generating transformations.


* Open and active

* Diverse interests

* Easy and direct access


* Facilitate organizations to promote communications

* Understand point of views, problems and interests

* Able to acquire critical mass for specific agendas

Generating transformations:

* Simple dynamic goals and stable long term vision

* Quality information and/or services

* Empower w/ respect, appreciation and integrity
2008-01-14 22:22:14 UTC
Human beings are social organisms and we need each other to make progress. Even if we are artists, writers, musicians and have to work alone, being involved in an organization helps us to get out into the world when we are ready to present our work. Also isolation breeds loneliness which makes us sick. We all need other people in our lives on a daily basis. Think globally, act locally. Think about the people in your community who are physically disabled or retired and can't get out into the world. Think about going to visit them and bringing a little piece of the world, you, to them.
2008-01-14 20:18:41 UTC
This is an easy answer, and to me that is because the youth, and the community is the best thing to do to get involved with anything. If an organization gets involved with a community it grows with the community. such as a church can build a community off of softball. there is a community, and they invite anyone to join. thus it grows as the community grows. you can do the same with any type of business.
Alexisjane M
2008-01-26 08:17:50 UTC
involving in an organization was very interesting for me it gives me information that i never knew before and it helps me how to

encounter some challenges related to the world around me.

IT inspires me in many ways such as having good treatment to things that we usually dont care. and also how to conserve.
2008-01-24 13:41:01 UTC
I have more respect for organizations that have a good track record and aren't just a lobbyist group. Especially ones like the Salvation Army and Goodwill who are willing to take some of the load themselves, raising money and putting it toward their goals instead of just expecting the government to do everything for them.
2008-01-15 10:29:33 UTC
I would be inspired by an organization whose purpose is to complete goals that strive to enable others to adapt principles that will eventually serve mankind as whole; also, the organization would have to adhere to its founding

principles and not sell out.
Beach Saint
2008-01-15 07:58:31 UTC
Simply by inviting people to help. I know a great many people who want to volunteer but are not self-starters. If an organization needs help, it needs to learn how to ask. A good place to begin is by asking people who are already involved to each invite one (or more) of their friends and relatives to join the effort.
2008-01-15 03:37:10 UTC
By creating Vortex among personnel. Everyone in the Organisation will be sucked at the Vortex point due to suction effect. How to create this suction depends upon the style of a Leader. The leader should be Innovate to take the people with him.
2008-01-15 02:05:11 UTC
Well, a lot of organizations do.

1) Some organizations make me so angry that I want to change the world so that those organizations do not longer have to exist

2) Other organizations are so nice, that I want the world to change itself, so that more of those organizations can exist, including the one that I want to found.
2008-01-14 22:20:00 UTC
I dont use to consort with any organization. Time ago I've been into the Italian Communist Party but not for a long time just a few months. I think that a good organization must to give solidarity.
2008-01-14 20:59:39 UTC
*First and foremost - Live it, don't preach it.

*Don't make it all about money (fundraisers, drives, donations, etc..). Too many organizations have taken advantage of people trying to do good. This has made people hesitant to offer financial help.

*Don't make it feel as though it is out of the average person's reach. Give everyone the opportunity to be involved as much or as little as they feel comfortable.

*Make sure the organization is worthy of inspiration. Is it for the few to look good or to truly help our people and our planet?
2008-01-14 11:40:30 UTC
I worked for a company that encouraged employees to get more involved in the world around us. They set up boxes for recycling that went to causes, such as habitat for humanity or raising money for organ donation surgery for an employee's children. When hiring, interview questions were geared towards looking for individuals who want to help get more involved in the world around. The company matched donations, was constantly involved in the local community, made sure employees were taken care of (would make budget cuts in growth or non-essentials BUT NOT LAY OFF workers), and offered their expertise during natural disasters (CA wildfires Oct 2003). Everyone that worked there wanted to give and help out the local area. I have to say it was one of the most inspiring places I have ever worked. It made me have a great appreciation for helping my local community as well as those in need all over.

I think the major keys to making it inspiring is that the company practiced what it preached and was willing to open their arms to out reach to the communities around as well as their own employees. We saw the commitment and work at hand.
2008-01-14 10:37:16 UTC
You know, that is a very good question. When it comes to helping people in the local community with immediate needs, such as food, shelter, etc. I find that it does not take much to inspire me to get involved. But when it is an organization dealing with global issues, I tend to me much more skeptical becuase of the political and social landscape of the world we live in. It is so easy for corrupt government officials and powerful special interests to stop - or actually reverse - positive changes that have been made.
2008-01-15 05:20:50 UTC
It can't!!! If the inspiration doesn't come from within, then no amount of external propaganda can make anyone get more involved in the world around them.
2008-01-15 04:24:18 UTC
Joining an organization that does not have an agenda other than to help you and encourage you to get involved in many different ways.

Many organizations want you to join them - for THEIR benefit, not yours.

I found Success Team Builders to be that team coach, that really does have my interests at heart. is what it says it is.
2008-01-25 10:51:03 UTC
never ask how can an organization inspire you BUT how can you inspire the organization for the better
2008-01-15 05:59:43 UTC
The organisation should get first name and fame &achieve personal identification through its trustworthy services which naturally inspires the people to follow its path. They get encouragement,inspiration,motivation and full satisfaction in involving themselves in the betterment of society .
2008-01-15 04:17:08 UTC
There was a segment on BBC world news (I think) on the radio a week or so before Christmas (at least that was when it was aired in Australia), which talked about research being done in Germany, where staff members were tagged with audio recorders (with their knowledge and permission) and all their conversations were recorded. They found that those staff members who were more sociable, talked to those around them and were less "all about the work" were more productive
Mary Page
2008-01-14 22:17:54 UTC
By making a difference in my immediate community by helping the hungry and the homeless. Once our community's basic needs are met, there is a measure of hope again and it would inspire me to get out there and try to make a difference as well.
Happy Camper
2008-01-14 19:40:12 UTC
On several occasions, I have found myself in a group of more or less "displaced" people who had the combined talent and skills to do remarkable things, but whose individuals lacked the resources to devote to a group project; or in a group which had the capacity to improve the lives of its members and others but which was organized for another purpose only.

It should be possible to match people locally to work as a group or draw from its own and the larger group's resources to create the time in each of its member's lives for that member to contribute to the group's work. If the organization had an ulterior goal, that might benefit, but even if not, the effect would be a worthwhile improvement.

Basically, it would be, literally, an hierarchical "All for one and one for all" society with a theme or social objective, yet which devotes most of its action to benefit its members in their reasonable personal goals and needs in order to attract and retain their participation.
2008-01-14 19:31:28 UTC
honestly, when I had money and time to spare to a main charity I gave weekly and then my world turned upside down and I went to the same organization and they turned me away. I was kinda disgruntled and don't give like I use to in monetary value. Timewise and financially I am pretty spent and always chasing that moment when I have something to give (as if I am going to catch up). I know that time will come again and my reasons can very well be excuses. it would be helpful if the organizations weren't only for when you are seriously down and out, but more of a helping hand before we get to that point. we all need fellowship at times, certainly not a hand out and not even just monetary. I have been trying to live by a small philosphy of thinking about my community and the atmosphere of where I want to live in and I want my kids to live in as well. Little small things like letting someone go in front of me in line or not reacting to people harshly when they make a mistake on the road or backing up in a parking lot. We've all done things or been distracted. Smiling and giving people the benefit of a doubt. slowing down and being optimistic. my 2008 philosphy for myself and to teach my family is "Benefit others, If you cannot benefit others, At least don't harm them" - dahli lama.
2008-01-14 12:02:19 UTC
With all respect, inspiration comes from within. Think about the goals of citizenship and a free society, you know, those goals of having a citizenship fully engaged in the running of their own country, with access to the information they need to make good judgements regarding their interest and the education to make those selections and the idealism to know without being told, that is a good thing you are doing.
2008-01-29 03:18:58 UTC
Organizations do not inspire, people inspire. It is the people in an organization that can inspire other people to get involved. So, if you are a part of an organization who wants to get more involved with the world, the people, from the TOP down, need to be involved. If the leaders of the organization are not noble, trustworthy, helpful, and yes reverent, people will not follow them.

It is kinda like our government. We hear from EVERY politician that things are tough and we need to suck it up, but I never hear of ANY of them eating Mac & Cheese, or postponing a trip or vacation because "things are tough"

2008-01-26 22:59:24 UTC
You only need to demonstrate sincerely how serious you are about getting people involved and how this organization can empower people when they do get involved in other words be for real.
2008-01-24 20:33:07 UTC
i think it's the other way around, people make the organization! Nevertheless, as long as we are equally open to the growing needs of the people and a healthy attitude is observed, people will stay HAPPY!

AWARENESS is the key, Happiness is the state, ENERGY is balanced and CHANGE is growth!
2008-01-22 19:47:27 UTC
an organization inspire me to get involved in the world around me by showing me their concerned,unity of an organization,individual respect,make me feel "in" in the group,.......and most of all treating me as a person as I am.......
matte stone
2008-01-17 21:08:11 UTC
By showing an authentic reflection of the true needs of the world around us balanced with combined member focusing of intent and energy to ensure a fruit-full and positive effect.
2008-01-15 09:37:10 UTC
It can offer me the tools and skills that enable me to design, build, and grow such an organization of interested persons. It will provide more than fish for a day, but rather will generate in participants the ability to fish.
Not kiki
2008-01-15 09:07:16 UTC

The cause behind it I would have to back and support.


They would have to make the positive outcome look possible, and I would need evidence that the activism (ahh this, there would need to be many activist opportunities including campaigns, volunteering, email updates, projects to be involved with) is making a difference and not just a wasted effort.
yolanda o
2008-01-15 06:00:33 UTC
If an organization stop pointing fault's (self-righteous), blaming somebody and involving themselves in politics or religion, then they can inspire me to get involved in their work or mission.
2008-01-14 21:43:53 UTC
If I knew that what I did would really truly make a difference, I would more likely get involved. Sometimes organizations are so big that you don't really think your little bit will do that much. But if your little bit made a significant difference, I would feel compelled to get involved with it.
2008-01-14 15:10:03 UTC
By learning from their mistakes. The horrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is a life lesson. Organizations such as the Red Cross and Salvation Army have had to incorporate new and functional responses to disasters of this magnitude. The attempts made, though flawed, inspired me to do without that cup of coffee from Starbucks, do without going out to eat 3 times a week, do without little luxuries and take the money I saved and give it to these organizations. We need to dig deep...and volunteer.
Too Curious
2008-01-14 11:58:02 UTC
Offer free package exchanges between different countries! We began doing this with a foreign family, and it has been wonderful through the years. Yes, it is a little expensive, but with flat rate international postage the price keeps coming down. It is fun to read and learn about those in other countries, and having a face and name gives more meaning than any commercial or benefit drive can do.
2008-01-14 17:49:54 UTC
Passionate, young people. It's a big cliche, but something about young people giving up their time voluntarily really appeals to me. If they all share the same goal or dream and really do genuinely want to work towards attaining it, I feel inspired and really do want to do my bit for the world, especially if I agree with that one dream.

Also, if they actually take action. Not just write a cheque and be done with it. Actually get out in the community and do something for what they believe in.
2008-02-04 13:58:44 UTC
For an organization to inspire me to get more involved with the world around me, they would have to:

- show that they are just as fully commited as they would want me to be.

- give me ideas or examples of other things that are being done to make it a better place.

- If they could have resources available, such as website, pamphlets, telephone numbers to call etc.

- people available all the time to answer any questions that there may be.

D :)
Jagdeep Singh Virdi
2008-01-28 10:21:50 UTC
An Organisation always inspire us to get involved and help the society around us. An organisation that does good to people always lead the young minds with example. It helps us to think that making the world a better place is equally good as to make good money. There is a story where a farmer always win cultivating the best crops. And he does it by helping his neighbours grow good crops. An organisation can inspire a small village. A Village a town . A town A city . A City a country and A country the world entire. No matter how small an organisation is. If it moves towards its goal with passion and good to others it is sure to succeed and also help the society and people around it.
2008-01-21 13:08:17 UTC
Prior to choose an organization I realize I must first have a clear personal mission statement. Mine is: "To improve people's health and wealth, support the needy children worldwide and protect the environment".

With my mission in hands, heart and mind I join organizations and groups that will help me to fulfill it.
2008-01-20 15:10:37 UTC
First, I must understand, so bringing awareness to me, through, my space bulletins, etc., with links to check other websites, is great.

Lot's of Ideas, of how to get involved are helpful, since sometimes out of sight, out of mind, is reality, and if brought to my attention, the probablility goes up, that I will find a way to be involved, especially if many choices.
2008-01-20 11:47:30 UTC
Provide nice facility on work to practice self realization and Bhagavad study on regular basis. Employees will be more productive and develop a natural bond towards the fellow employees and more devoted to the organization.

-- Hari Bol
2008-01-19 11:26:13 UTC
Having worked for major corporation (s), academia, the government and now consulting for some of them, my biggest frustration has been all low IQ people turned into boss (es) of bright, brilliant and talented people and taking away their inspiration to come to work by throwing in the word "team work"

This later extrapolated to keeping them from blowing whistle on reporting unethical (regulatory, financial, and otherwise) behavior of coworkers/bosses, keeping harmful information from communities and the regulatory bodies because their boss said so. We all understand everyone comes to work with a goal to achieve organizational goal but we each has a soul, that capitalism, especially the western culture, now spreading to far east and around the world, is simply keeping the most motivated to find something else to do. In the process when people bring their talent to NGOs, Non-Profits and such, they find bigger scandal, big business, big money based corrupt institution...............well we have had examples of tammy fay...her curch and then we have big temples in US building on wealth digging gold/buildings and donations to breathless deities (which by the way is not what religion asked them to do, but their own greed and quest to look for quick tax right-off NP instituitions (government gimmick!). These temple gurus never see the plight of millions of their people going hungry in Indian slums, never sent a dime. On the contrary just like the HR business creates a glutt of people inhabiting IT work places, getting people on religious visa has become a big business here in US, something that leads to more wasted money without serving a common purpose.

What an organization has to do to motivate people is as follows:

1. Define and state a mission clearly and stick to it

2. Hire good people with business sense and ethical fortitude/history.

3. Serve the constituency that it serves by bringing quality to its products, servicing well, and message that people can relate to without suspecting a motive behind the message (just like in church/temple fund raising....when people simply get up and leave).

4. Continue doing what works, improving upon what does not, changing when change is warranted and evaluation of these programs, subjecting themselves to transparency ad public opinion. This will prevent enrons, church/temple and other non-profit fruads that we see everywhere.

Yes last but not the least please stop those bad bosses to exist (man/woman or anyone else) just because they got promoted and have one qualification: longevity and yes -manship with their bosses. Time to floss these bosses and cleanse all these institutions where majority of people would show up for the love of work more than the paycheck that they are held hostage for. Waite for my book to come out: "Floss the Boss".

P.S. Sorry for the lengthy answer but the topic is so broad and many will bring their perspective...hope it shapes the future better! Keep up the good work!
2008-01-16 09:27:43 UTC
They can communicate the fact that I already am effecting the world around me and how important it is to do it with lots of awareness and compassion and etc,

For example if they sell a product it's a good idea to effectively introduce what that product does to the world around when one uses it with awareness or not... and so many other ways.
2008-01-15 08:31:04 UTC
Most people think they can't make a difference by themselves. An organization should share tips and ideas about little things people can do, or small changes they can make in their lives that make a difference, then recognize and celebrate success stories.
2008-01-14 20:36:18 UTC
We are social belonging need creatures by nature. the

nurtured , learing experiace can be social or anti-social

depending on the current norms , but most understand

what is acceptable , or leagal. Oraginazations can be

managed and motivating like any group incounter. To

expand ones self and dynamics is often found when you

can change your plain of observation. Step out on the rock

and see beyond the next rock. Organization is our growth.
Shivani P
2008-01-14 20:27:03 UTC
You see how other people in the world make this place a wrose place to live and they hurt the environment and the creatures that live in them sothat makes you wanna go out there into the world and go pick up trash to help the environment. You can also help the less fortunate by donating old clothes, food, and maybe a little money(if that was legal).
2008-01-14 18:07:16 UTC
The organization should show how the support will help just one person. That would be my inspiration.
Tom S
2008-01-14 10:54:26 UTC
Organizations should also set an example themselves by:

(1) Organizations should reach into their wallets and help communities. It's one thing to ask customers to give money or buy unwrapped toys. It's another when the organization actually digs into their profits and gives. That doesn't happen nearly enough.

(2) showing that the environment is just as important or more so than short term profits. Do we really need excessive packaging, or big box stores moving every few years and abandoning their old stores.

(3) that the local community is more important than uncontrollable growth and the global economy. Not everything has to be "Made in China". We don't need to see Starbucks Coffee everywhere we go (forbidden city in China, replacing bistros in Paris etc).

(4) By showing that there are more important things than "Everyday Low Prices". Have humans actually serve us, not some machine with 15 layers of menus. Organizations should respect our customs. At Christmas recognize that 85% of the customers here are Christian and don't try to hide it. Most people don't mind if an organization also recognizes Channukah, Kwaanza etc.

(5) Organizations should treat their employees fairly at all levels. Something is seriously wrong when a CEO collects $100 million in stock options, bonuses, and salary yet the same firm fires their experienced sales staff at every store to save on hourly wages. I don't shop at these places.
2008-01-29 03:13:10 UTC
i feel very honoured to answer this question. an organization can certainly inspire us to get more involved in the world around us, for example, take TATA. Ratan Tata's organization, TATA has improved by leaps and bounds. It had recently launched the NANO, the Rs. 1 lac car. if u ask me how has this inspired me, i would say that the company has showed dreams to the poor people of buying a car for them too. it is a car that everyone can afford. has there ever been any other organization in the world which has produced such an affordable car? no. and moreover it has also passed over all the safety tests. it has inspired all of us to consider the lower class people too as an important and indisposable part of the society too. In short it has inspired me to get more involved with what all has been happening. also, TATA has been a major competitor for acquiring the JAGUAR deal. so it feels proud to know that an organization like them is getting sort of involved with the world market.

this is what i feel about it.
2008-01-15 10:18:10 UTC
Just watching the pathetic performance of the United Nations since its inception, prompted me at an early age to get involved in poiltics and the isses that continue to confront America. I have, over the years, worked for political candidates and continue to send them emails voicing my opinions and concerns over such current issues as illegal immigration, the war against Islamic fascism, the fair tax proposal, and others.

In my opinion the U.S. should withdraw from the U.N. , withdraw its troops from the UN. military force, and send the U.N. packing to another country more suited for its soft line on world problems and enforcement. A nice country like France for instance.

Most Respectfully,

R.H. Nolan; PhD
2008-01-15 09:20:58 UTC
Contact that's purely from the heart and simple usually does the trick for me. If the organization talks to my heart in the least words needed it gets my attention. If the issue seems to need supporters I take action. Simple. Pure.
2008-01-14 17:11:29 UTC
I think any organization has to have the power to inspire us...Setting an important goal it´s very important..but also showing everyone that all the little help that we can provide is going to be important for achieving the goal...But mainly, that oganization has to identify with the reality that I live in
Matt B
2008-01-14 11:55:35 UTC
A lot of us feel like we are doing all we can to survive anyways, so it doesn't seem like we have that much time to get involved in the world around us. The best thing an organization can do is find a way to get people to notice that they do have time that they can spare to dedicate to the world around them.
2008-01-14 10:10:11 UTC
I think the most important way to inspire is to be able to get the message out to a large number of people. After I watched "An Inconvenient Truth", I was really inspired because there was visual evidence and someone explaining things to me. The more media attention an organization gets, the better, even if you may not agree with them like PETA or Greenpeace for example. They make the news often enough to where people are familiar with them and may be inspired by their activities to become involved themselves.
2008-01-11 06:19:38 UTC
What I always find most helpful are simple things that I can do to help. The best thing is when an organization sets up projects that anyone can help with even if for only an hour or so.

If an organization creates such projects or provides the location of such projects, I try to get there to help.

Take care,

2008-01-20 14:13:17 UTC
It can inspire you to start another organization that goes against everything that organization goes for!
2008-01-15 07:39:40 UTC
before i can get involved in an "organization"( aka corporations in disguise) around me i need to be secure in being able to take care of my own household. by this i mean having a good paying job that cares for its employees by providing health-care benefits. this way i don't have to decide on which bill not to pay so my child can visit the doctor. until i can take care of my own this world can go to hell in a hand-basket for all i care.
2008-01-15 00:06:13 UTC
Years ago when I was still in college (in India) I decided to join a relatively new organization named CRY (Child Rights and You). I was a teenager then, did not know the importance of social service. With very little pocket money to help donate to them, I signed up their flyer that was distributed in our school.

I knew fully well that I could just stay signed in without doing anything much and it would show as an impressive addition to my overall life resume:-)

In a few weeks of joining CRY, I started to get emails and mails from them. They sent me surveys and questionnares and articles about the condition of so many children in India. The abject poverty which many children faced, the exploitation of children helplessly involved in child labor and knowing the fact that many of them did not enjoy even a single meal a day.

CRY did not expect me to do anything about it. There were people raising awareness and holding donation camps for these children, but I was never one of them. Many of them teenagers and young adults, and they definitely had a great impact in these drives.

Even though I had almost decided that I will only stay a signed up non-existent member, I slowly starting getting involved. I started raising money in my neighbourhood and started attending all the seminars one by one. I became a loyal CRY member and a genuine child rights activist in my community and helped raise a lot of funds for CRY. That's not all, I started noticing any unfairness to children around me and tried to make changes in my own small ways. I started teaching our maid's daughter and she ended up doing better in school. I convinced her mother (our maid) to let her daugher study and not make her take up a job before school.

I would give all the credit to the organization for making me a true believer. They had a gentle way of nudging the heartstrings for an excellent cause.

Kudos to them for instilling in me the seeds of social service and more than ever for helping me realize the importance of counting my blessings. They did all this without coercing me into it. It seemed effortless.

The biggest realization for me is when I look back at the years I have been a member and realize that there surely is one child out there whose life was made a little better by me.

Today, I feel great about being involved to a cause, not just to CRY but to the cause of Child Rights all over the world.

I have a wide smile on my face when I see monthly emails from my maid's daughter, telling me how she is doing in her accounting program in college.

It sums up everything!
2008-01-14 22:51:49 UTC
What is 'INSPIRATION'? If it is rightly understood by your so called 'ORGANIZATION' and if they really take the care to make each of their employee to get that 'INSPIRATION' to get along with the 'ORGANIZATION', there won't be pressure on each of their employee to adopt to the ambiance!

However, you are asking us, as an employee of that ORGANIZATION', to inform on what things would inspire us to get more involved with the company!

The question is adversely presented! For each and every 'ORGANIZATION', except for the bottom line, namely the ultimate profit, the corporate culture and the philosophy for the business with ethics are so indifferent to their own people, forcing almost all of them to adopt the ambiance of the 'ORGANIZATION'!

All others here, have answered more on the direct sense to your question, which I won't like to stretch more!
2008-01-14 12:21:10 UTC
Get input from the people they are trying to help. I have a friend who was willing to work, but didn't have a car. Job counselling and food stamps weren't changing her situation. I'm having a difficult time finding a job because I don't have a phone.

There's a lot of info on preparing for retirement by investing in stocks, but nothing on getting started, is yet another example.

So many times help organizations don't look at individual circumstances, they just process you through their program.
Sandy M
2008-01-29 08:18:56 UTC
While I am already quite involved by helping several organizations whose goals I believe in, my advice to inspire others would be to be specific when asking for help, mention how skills and experience are quite transferable, and that giving enriches ones own life. Be a part of the big thing in your own small way. Share talents.
2008-01-20 05:01:55 UTC
An organization can inspire them to get more fantastic and reable circumferences.
2008-01-19 07:06:24 UTC
By leading in the right direction......With informed passion. Unlike the 10 second read a script and think you've done enough movie stars that keep getting dumped in front of us. I do not follow because I liked your movie but because I agree with the point. Informed: Know what you are talking about. Passion: Care about what you are talking about. Informed Passion! That motivates me......
2008-01-16 20:11:41 UTC
I saw a state of grace once where there where no finite truths only pieces connected to bigger pieces . Nothing was solid ;literally. The world was almost chaos and it was terrifyingly blissful. Such a tender sweetness slivered threw all existence with the most supremely delicate grace. To understand you can Imagine an ocean , think of a singular wave at any point in time. Now step back an observe all the waves sifting together, like a grand symphony of singular waves coming together to create more singular waves each reigning supreme for that fleeting moment of existence, where the great body of water is exulted by its divine graciousness at each beckoning peak. To see an ocean or any great body of water for me is to see my heart or my home. Where i came from and where I'm going. Back to grace. However I dont live in that state i can only visit it. And whats so deeply saddening tc me about our world is not jsut that none of us have any time to experience this , its more so that we seem to have no intentions as a whole society of slowing down.Not enough to allow our children the opportunites of growing up in a world that reflects this endless beauty that they know and feel inside of them. Instead we have children who grow cold and distant and joyless . and we are unintetnionally breeding this kind of lost child ,teenager ,adult and eventually society . All because of the momentum created by a growing population demading more from itself then it trully wants to give. The result is you have this society that looks on itself indivually and says what is happening to us / to me , i dont like feeling like a stranger among strangers. I believe everyones innermost desire is to be part of a warm embracing and plentiful family. That is our core desire before all else. That is what sets us apart from any other life form. We desire unity first survival second. It appears we are favoring survival first currently. However life has a balancing effect that seems to come in and restore or destroy order where needed. IN this overpopulated overstimulated world we need organazations and companies that represent not just a supplier of a good or service but a platform for change on how to use those goods or services .Or simply a link to another link that s intention is to enhance the communities well being .Not the business itself or the famly of the business owner.Which really just further divides us. The point is we all desire to be part of that grace and we need to become a world that opens its minds and doorways FREELY for other entities to supplement and complement each other so we can ALL live WELL. We need to change our perception of a world that we must conquer into a world we must build .We need to change the position of priority between business and community .Right now were in a state where we like to make money and we like to spend it. All for a meager amount of satisfaction. The end result of complex system of expended efforts and resources is meaningless goods and services that provide a tiny slice of a shallow fleeting joy. There is definetly love in this world.Its just not our top priority in much of america and thorughout much of the world. This has got to change before its too late.
Professor Wonderful
2008-01-15 11:00:37 UTC
Let me be in charge of hiring. Salient points:

Start by employing women or feminized males.

Those who are inclined to help others often wish to do so to gain power (e.g., Democrat party members), especially by compelling others to involuntarily part with earned income. Thus, offer such people a senssation of power over others.

Employ overweight people, especially females. They are more willing to help the downtrodden and even help others solve problems. (Check the average weight of a sampling of social workers.)

Hire emotionally unstable people. They can feel better if they help others. Such action can let them feel better about themselves.

Mention these perceived facts only to open-minded employers. Close-minded, intransigent people are unwilling to consider that they may have been 'wrong'. Inferior minds will even degrade the employer (or whomever mentions these points on behalf of the employer).
2008-01-15 07:27:17 UTC
There hardly could be an organization that could inspire me; that's pretty much anathema. When creativity strikes, however, I don't let anything stop me until it's done. There aren't many like that, though.
Pink Denial
2008-01-14 14:10:39 UTC
The organization should make me feel as though my contributions (time or money) are appreciated, but not expected.

Also, the organization needs to show me how the "world around me" actually has something to do with me. The organization who wants to improve my own community is much more likely to get my support than an organization who wants to save children halfway around the world. Not that these children shouldn't be saved, of course, but that I have limited time and resources and want my efforts to go toward something I can personally witness.
Joan M
2008-01-14 10:45:13 UTC
I believe that true motivation is an internal drive that comes from a heart for easing the suffering of others. Organizations and programs are fine, but they will never be an adequate substitute for me caring for my neighbor, you caring for your neighbor, and so on. Further, I find it insulting to be constantly bombarded by tearful requests for my assistance on TV, radio, and print ads from celebrities of every sort who have enough money lying around to solve the problem they are crying about without any help in the first place. How about leading by example? If I am supposed to divvy up my $30,000/year to help feed the children, save the whales, and stop of the spread of diseases A, B, and C in an altruistic, self-sacrificing manner then why aren't they? Why am I subjected to a two-hour benefit concert to help rebuild cities after hurricane Katrina when the people performing made enough money in one year to rebuild all the cities affected themselves? If everyone would be a little less selfish and a little more team oriented, we could make a lot more progress in helping to even things out, the truth is, most people don't want things that even. Most people want to help others, but not if it is going to take my time, or my money, or my comfort. The most selfless people that I meet are usually the ones who should be hording the most. The people with no time, no money, and no support, are the ones working the hardest to really try and help others. The truth is, we are all involved in the world around us every day--either in a negative way or a positive way. But, because 9/10 of the world is involved in just trying to survive the world, somehow we have decided that their efforts don't count. If I work for minimum wage and provide for my family with that and try to raise my children to do good for others in whatever way they can, isn't that being involved in the world around me? If we are truly honest about it, we want people involved in OUR organization because then, even if I didn't have anything to do with their work, I still get a little of the glory. If someone spends a lifetime doing good without ever being part of an "organization" who will get the credit for it? As I said before, I am involved with the world around me every day. I try every day to get up and make a positive difference to the people I come in contact with. Isn't that enough?
2008-01-23 08:19:30 UTC
an organization would inspire me if it was somthing educational or something to help the children in the community. especially

the unfortunate ones
2008-01-15 08:42:40 UTC
Well, for starters - the commercial about abused pets with Sarah McLachlan's song in background that "made everyone cry," and don't tell me it didn't. For reasons hard to come by, that commercial makes me want to help animals more than the malnurished children in others. The reason - it says its message and goes away, as opposed to an old guy sitting there, asking for my money. McLachlan also sits with a cat, but I remember more of her putting the facts out, less soliciting.

Plus, we all know about poverty, but I didn't know pet abuse was as high as the commercial makes it. Not that seeing abused pets isn't enough of a tear jerker, but still, with McLachlan's song, it's... the main scene from Lion King times 10.

This is more about giving money, though, it's true. Though, to me - it made me want to volunteer a lil, as well.
2008-01-14 19:20:53 UTC

We have all, rightfully, become cynics and skeptics.

Organizations (churches, businesses, charities, etc.) use a variety of fad causes to boost their own bottom-line and the world is so transparent anymore.

Green (or insert cause du jour) is good for business, or good for my political career, or good for some free publicity.

I am inspired when I hear of a kid that grabs hold of a cause and makes a difference.

Sincerity. Pure and simple.
2008-01-14 15:47:45 UTC
Thank you for this question. I enjoyed reading everyone's answers and actually found inspiration to get involved with a group that works with people with disabilites, as this is where my intrests are. I think it will actually make me feel better about my own situations just being around others like me. I can't wait to get started. Thanks everyone for the inspirations! -Shell
2008-01-14 14:56:32 UTC
The organization would inspire me if they would get rid of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Since when do banks know what is best for the world? These liars are doing more harm than good.... so I would say world wide get rid of the few people that are killing and creating poverty with the most amount of people with policies.

Love your writings.
2008-01-14 13:48:13 UTC
True inspiration will never come from anywhere but within oneself. All an organization can do is to present hope, possibility, integrity, justice--one thing that will touch your heart and make you believe. Knowing you are not alone is knowing you have power and ultimately success-- if not in the end result, then certainly through the attempt. Because each heart will touch another.
2008-01-14 11:33:22 UTC
Since I've signed up for updates from the Obama campaign... I've received emails and text messages from his campaign inspiring me to get out there and support our democracy in the U.S. For instance on Nov.6, 2007, this last fall, it was time to vote for state senate, along with other jobs. His campaign was the only one reminding people to get out and vote... even though it wasn't for him at the time. When organization are honest and they have reasonable views on the world and they organize ways that everyday people can help make this world better, people want to help and they do so. It all comes down to integrity, humility and the desire to be the best we can be. If an organization can communicate these messages... people will get involved.
Timothy Z
2008-01-23 05:39:52 UTC
there are many ways by which organization can inspire you, first and for most, by creating an avenue to lean in a particular subject or department in which the staff belong.

2) By sending your on course

3) Departmental transfer and so on.
connie s
2008-01-22 16:55:52 UTC
it depend upon which organization it is. If its Greenpeace then that is an inspiration right there because they are for a better world that we live in.
2008-01-15 09:02:47 UTC
By showing me that my efforts will bring about change in people's lives such that they will no longer need my assistance. Breaking the cycles of poverty, and addiction to the largess of others is the only way to truly help others. Self-sufficiency should be the goal to any attempt at helping those around us who are in need. I'd rather be teaching people how to fish than just handing out fish to those who need it.
2008-01-14 18:57:59 UTC
The only one's that might even do that is affinity group(s) and/or collectives ... besides I think self motivation and inspiration is the key ... as in I don't think orgs CAN inspire ppl to get more "involved" they need to come to that decision and course of action of implementation themselves, from there they may join an org if they see it aiding their path in such a decision.

DB-T- DH Smith
2008-01-14 14:41:00 UTC
An organization can inspire me if it is stable and everyone can get along. Some organizations have so much quarrel and people seem to be so competative. I can't be in that waste of time. The organization needs to be real and actively in the cause.
2008-01-14 11:01:12 UTC
It is something one would be passionate about. I am passionate about any organization concerning the disabled. I have a disabled son, and when one of these organizations contact me, I am ready to do whatever needs doing. As a Toastmaster I have done speeches about the Disabled. Been to conferences and been involved in workshops. I was even able to teach children at my church about the disabled.

I did a Childrens Sermon about my Disabled son. So, I am

involved in the world around me talking about the disabled.

Thanks for the wonderful question.
iNeviTable fuTure
2008-01-19 00:15:48 UTC
Simply put...If they appear to be advocating a cause that resonates in your heart. The key here is "inspiration". You need inspired thought before your heart and soul can be prompted to act.
2008-01-15 10:53:41 UTC
By making me get interested, ask questions, learn, care and actually feel like my efforts make a difference... that there is hope. And by setting a FIRM example through a consistant message with a life and record that backs up what they say... like Ron Paul.
s and d e
2008-01-15 09:06:40 UTC
i get inspired when it's help for my local community. don't get me wrong, i feel for all the 3rd world countries that need our help. but i would rather help the starving children and homeless in my own community. i think if everyone spent time improving their own community--it would spread. once our own communities are fixed, then i would be more inspired to help the rest of the world
2008-01-14 20:05:26 UTC
If you are talking about organized religion then that will only take us two steps in the wrong direction, leading us back to the dark ages. For Example, if you are thinking of strapping on a bomb and running into a public place in the name of your deity, then there really is no hope for society to move forward.

Look to science to sole our problems, not religion, then we will finally be able to move forward.
2008-01-14 13:49:01 UTC
I believe that if an organization showed improvement in the quality of peoples lives is what would be a guide for me. There is something that is awe inspiring in seeing a change in someone who can now help others.
2008-01-14 11:46:55 UTC
With simplicity of goals. Not those 10 volume descriptions of good intentions and far far away future goals. That could be good as an idea, but people want to participate in something they see the results in their lifetime.

Everything written on more then two pages in fine print is such a turnoff (for me).

Also "celebrityappearance " on a participant list usually is just another way to trick you. No trust in those.

Truthfulness - leader of the organization must have the charisma, must be obsessed with his/her idea, must erradiate it on an atomic level.. and that's posiible.
2008-01-28 06:29:46 UTC
I originally joined the Society of Women engineers to make connections that would assist with finding a job. I began participating with their outreach program, Engineering A Future that targets young girls and tries to encourage their interest not only in engineering, but in the sciences. I have developed a passion for helping with this program and go to all of the events offered in my state. I have also started using my knowledge from that program to assist with starting up new programs.
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ►++Σ++ ◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2008-01-26 06:47:44 UTC
It helps me because it interests me in helping others. It can also feel very good. FOr example; I joined a foundation that helps homeless people, and we were delivering all these 'winter survival kits' to all the homeless people we see and it was very fun because it gaves the oppurtunity to help out people that dont experience what we do every day. IT was also a chance for us discuss our feelings about the way we should be helping homeless people ! It was fun and felt good!
2008-01-25 05:04:49 UTC
Because you meet people around the world, and enjoy their culture. You learn to respect it and enjoy it. So it inspires you to be more friendly. So you love it and just want more, Then you just want other cultures to experience and you go around the world. :)
2008-01-21 00:02:13 UTC
By sharing a common goal or idea and building on those concepts, inspiring you to help others
2008-01-15 08:21:21 UTC
Sorry...but it can't. I have one priority in this world and that is my family. In this world and especially in this country the Machiavellian principle rules. Getting involved is not a luxury I can afford. I know that what I am saying will be looked at with scorn but thats the way it is.
Wholesome Health
2008-01-14 21:58:53 UTC
Intermingling is the organisation which we established to work for a stressless society. For the organisation to work effectively, each of us professionals, the members needed to use our contacts, friends and helps to come forward and share. The more contacts were added , it led each of us to more gratification and still we were more inspired to do more. This is done as a social cause apart of our being involved in our regular service , myself being a doctor.
Cheyenne H
2008-01-14 18:48:06 UTC
By doing what you do. By encouraging people to see the unity that exists and that they are a part of it, and connected with everything. When I read a Deepak Chopra's books I can say without a doubt that he is me. I resonate with his words because they are words that I would say, have said or am saying, and I feel that these things come from universal consciousness and the One Self that we all are. The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire was a book that blew my mind, rocked my world and filled me with joy. These things make a difference. People need to hear their own voice. They need to be told what they already know, or that they don't know anything and that no one does but that we all are... and that just by being we are doing all that could ever be done. We are infinite. Deepak Chopra inspires me to write, to sing, to dance, to make love, to pray and meditate, to follow my deepest hearts desire, to feel liberated and free from judgment of others and of myself. This is important work. It is the shifting and lifting of consciousness. I am truly grateful to Deepak Chopra and to all of you who are here with me and who are a part of me. Truth rings like a bell and oh what a sweet song it is.
2008-01-14 12:04:59 UTC
I think by involvement it really depends upon the type of involvement you're asking for. If you're asking me to donate money, I need transparency. If you're asking me to donate time, I need different motivaters. I'll explain.

If I'm going to donate money to a NGO, I need to not only know what that money is going towards, but also know the overhead costs, as well as that there will be results. Give me that right upfront. I think every person has these concerns. Whenever I donate money, in the back of my head I'm thinking "How much of this is going to find it's way into someone's pocket as opposed to carrying out the intended reason." It's a valid concern. I want transparency.

The other thing is I want to see qualitative results. There was an intresting article in Wired Magazine last year discussing the Gates Foundation. It talked about how people will donate less and less money as the number of recipients of the donations increase. For instance a person might give a starving family $100, but only donate $20 towards a starving nation, if they give anything at all. The reason is it isn't personal. I see a family of four and I think - I can help them. I see tens of thousands of people and I think - I'm just one person. There's nothing I can do. I see millions and my mind turns off. The key here is you need to prove to me that there's something I can do. Showing me quanitative research won't help. I can't wrap my mind around that. But show me that individual - that family of four. Isolate them from the surrounding millions. I can get a handle on that. There's something I can see, something I can grasp. Those are people I can directly help. And then, I want to see the results.

Time motivation is a completely different thing. I need to feel inspired. My time is precious (at least to me and my family). To donate time, I need to be able to be with my family, on our time schedule, and for as short or as long a commitment as I want. And I don't want any guilt. I don't want guilted into coming, I don't want guilted into staying, and if you try to guilt me into returning it's just not happening. Make it fun, let me see that my time contribution will help bring change, and let it be on my terms. Selfish? Maybe. I'm just telling the truth.
Jason C
2008-01-27 01:06:22 UTC
By finding out what you want the most of the world around you, and try to give you reasons to improve them while giving a motivational pep talk
♥ Animal Lover ♥
2008-01-25 16:02:27 UTC
Well, I am involved with the environmental club at my school and I volunteer at the local homeless animal shelter...both of these make me feel good about myself and make me want to do more, and do something as a career to help others.
2008-01-15 09:56:02 UTC
Make me feel as though I make a difference. I think a lot of people don't participate in things because they feel like,"hey whats the difference if I help or not?"

They need tangible evidence that what hey do makes a difference. Say OK because of you, this happened.

I know if someone says to me something like "all those cookies you sold is enough to get a new computer monitor for the school library", I feel like my effort meant something.

That's all I want is to know that what I am doing means something.
2008-01-15 08:32:25 UTC
I have volunteered at Ron Paul's website to help campaign for him. Since, I have worked tirelessly to spread the word of how great Dr. Paul really is and what a great president he will make. This has really gotten me deeply involved in politics and national policies.
2008-01-14 23:25:55 UTC
Making a difference in a good cause.

And have already started making it, because when I see a commercial, and Ive never heard of them, and it doesnt clearly state how my money or what not will help, then I think of it as a scam. But, Global Warming, Live Aid, all that is so well known, so I donate to them. I see their wepages, their causes, and dedication and current tasks.
2008-01-09 12:08:36 UTC
Organizations can't. But causes can, and individuals (alone or in tandem with an organization) promote causes more successfully than organizations.

People generally get invoved in matters that directly affect their lives.

The company I work for does pro bono work for a variety of organizations, sometime just one job one time, sometimes a job or two every year for the same not-for-profit. We are also asked, as individuals, to donate bits of our paychecks to United Way, but it's the pro bono work that catches people's attention and passion. We're doing what we love for people/groups who need the help. The company, of course, gets a tax write off, but knowing and seeing the passion the CEO (et al) has for these causes is more inspiring than the causes themselves.
2008-01-27 23:14:16 UTC
Organizations should cultivate a learning atmosphere.This can be achieved in part through fostering communities of people regardless of location, producing barrier free possibilities from many perspectives.
2008-01-27 13:25:05 UTC
if they are doing something to save a precious part of our ecosystem like stopping the rain forests from being cut down, etc. it makes me want to help because if you look at the big picture, everyone is contributing to destroying rain forests, endangering species, etc. an the least we could do is try to go a little green or something, like if 1/4 of the u.s. cars switched to ethanol instead of oil, it would create new jobs, lower the U.S.'s dephasit because most of our debt is in the oil industry, and it would help clear the air.
cindy abc
2008-01-19 22:09:46 UTC
I will usually get involved if I know the people who are in the administrative side of it are not making a big salary.
2008-01-19 10:01:11 UTC
2008-01-15 08:53:24 UTC
It can't. I inspire MYSELF.

Although the Red Cross has inspired me to tell everyone I can NOT to give to them. You will recall their unethical activity regarding the 9-11 funds.

Love Jack
Just critic!
2008-01-14 19:46:00 UTC
When you read the true intention, when you see that the organization gave space for participation and cooperation. Where opinions and hands are value at the same level...when they stimulate my giving by asking for more.
2008-01-14 14:28:20 UTC
I used to be in boy scouts and i loved to help. I was the leader for some time. I love to volunteer and i think that if you have ever been in a helping organization or charity it will inspire you forever and will give you the best experience in your life
James P
2008-01-14 12:47:16 UTC
By studying Freud and coming up with better marketing techniques. Oh year, dont forget studying L. Ron Hubbard

This is far too simplistic to be a serious question to elicit a real response. It is more aimed at the reader rather than the questioner seeking an answer.

The best answer is that it cannot, only "I" the creator of my solipsistic world in my mind can only choose to be inspired to be involved in it. Or sense I am actively creating this outside world in my mind. I am already heavily involved in it by creating the figures of light and sound playing out in my mind.

Or large cash donations from the made up world out there I have created in my mind would help
2008-01-21 20:06:42 UTC
the work you start is the beginning of you organization.if you stare it with a total knowledge then is very possible to such id,because Avery thing you do you getting moor involve,and the moor you gating involve the Moore you receiving knowledge, according you personal involvement.
2008-01-19 19:55:48 UTC
A organization that is based in honesty ,give trust ,respect ,help ,work with fun, togetherness, open communication and family atmosphere.
2008-01-19 08:59:18 UTC
Organisations can be different but if after being in Ashram or in a room with other people of an organisation one feels energised and does good and succsessful things this means that this organisation is good.
2008-01-14 22:38:42 UTC
Inspiration is something hard to tell what will inspire people.

Good intention, strong will, real action should be the core of it, then the presentation to public will be an issue.
لا إله إلاَّ الله
2008-01-14 17:41:11 UTC
Namestay Deepak saab!

Arih.....aik organization kuch karein gein.........ok fine. My Urdo is that would also mean my hindi is bad. I'm the only "A.B.C.D." in my family...since my Bhaiya and Baji were born in Pakistan... And so were my Umi and Abu.

any way.

A small organization can do something that makes a BIG difference, and that would inspire others to do the same. Like My Klein Desi Association, [I KNOW! Complete ABCD :)], Klein is the name of my district.

I want it to break racial barriers (When I have the Desi Association Setup, I am also gonna have my friend setup a Klein Muslim Association). And Have other Minorities to take a stand! Like the Koreans! And The Mestizos!

We Need to Take a Stand!
2008-01-14 11:49:27 UTC
i don't believe it should take an organization to inspire you to get involved. You should just do what feels right and do it for the world and for yourself
2008-01-16 09:01:34 UTC
Well, I feel that if I am more organized, then I have more time to, just go for walk in the woods near my house. To see how connected nature is. Organization helps me to be myself, I love it!!
Floyd G
2008-01-14 10:07:00 UTC
Very simply, by offering the membership of said organization a choice of opportunities for taking part in events and programs that can make a positive and effective change.

For example, I offer my services for the Susan G. Komen charity raising both awareness and money for treatments for breast cancer.

One major point of involving any individual is to make sure the 'mission statement' is what it claims to be, and that everyone understands what that mission is.

Comfort and security both go a long way in involving people.
2008-01-29 07:44:11 UTC
I am not inspired when anybody including people as valuable as you, make millions of dollars peddling other peoples miseries.

I am truly inspired by a Mother Theresa, a Desmond Tutu, a Nelson Mandela, a saint Pope like the one we lost few years back and a Bill and Melinda Gates, not to forget Mr. Buffet... they are truly inspiring

I am turned off by the many so called "benefactors of society" such as Oprah, Bono, etc.

take Mrs Rosa in the Chihuahua's Copper Canyon assisting the tarahuamaras, living among them and teaching them, those are truly Spiritual leaders of the kind we really need now.
2008-01-28 15:49:50 UTC
basically, once your'll try to keep the world around you more organized. Like picking up trash, hleping someone. You'll dress nicer, and have a purpose. Actually, I have no idea, good try though, don't ya think.
2008-01-28 09:42:42 UTC

i have read about the 'UNO' organisations last year...

then i realised that how important they are...

they are playing the major role to keep the world united......

it also helps the underdeveloped countries..

it also helps to overcome from many effects of disaster........

so there are many small organisation which is trying to do the same................

so i think that being around an organisation helps us to know

in a better way abt the world near us.........

it teaches us that how nature and people depend over each other............
2008-01-27 10:18:59 UTC
Why do you want to do that? I believe happiness and inspiration come from the inside. I had my first grandson he is my love my inspiration no one else can do it for me.
Linda Bluegull
2008-01-23 09:22:29 UTC
I think it inspires me when it shows me simple ways to do this that don't cost lots of money. And when it shows how much better life will be.
2008-01-19 17:43:39 UTC
It has to have a good track record that it has done good and the people in the organization itself are peaceful and happy.
2008-01-16 16:54:41 UTC
Inspiration from organizations are for sheep and cows.

grow up and form your own individual ideas. if you live your life with integrity. behave altruistically your contribution to our world will be provide a kinder place to experience life.
2008-01-15 01:42:50 UTC
When I am as rich as you. Yea right now you own me along with your rich cronies. While you sit in your mansions looking down on us in our walemart type jobs how can you expect us to get involved with the world? We are too busy trying to survive. Step down from mount Olympus and join the people who are not Gods and do not own the lives of others as you do.
2008-01-14 22:40:24 UTC
what would inspire me is to bring about real change - not just put a band aid on the situation.

i know people need help - but what people really need is empowerment.

people have to be made to understand that this is their life - what they do makes a difference.

and any organization that i would give my time to would have to promote equality and quality of life for all.
2008-01-14 21:25:47 UTC
I guess when you know others believe what you believe, it gives you the feeling that your contribution is not just one drop in a bucket, or one chop of a tree. But if you know that many others will be helping you towards a collective goal, it is easier to become inspired. That is why so many don't vote, because they feel that their vote hardly matters.
2008-01-14 15:19:20 UTC
1- they must believe in their cause and be an active participant in it.

2- it must be something that is beneficial to not only the individual, but to society as a whole.

3- They must be able to educate the public about:

what they are doing

how they are helping

ways you can help

4- they should be a leader in the fight for their cause

5- they should advertise their company and cause, and be able to get word out to the public via internet

6- they should be able to prove how their work has been beneficial

7- they should be thankful for all who participate, and recognize those who have contributed monetarily or physically

8- they should educate children of their cause so they can begin changing their way of thinking

9-finally they must have a goal in mind and try their hardest to accomplish and even surpass what their intention is.
2008-01-14 11:37:26 UTC
You are the doctor. What Kind of external motivation is needed for you to get to that exercise room everyday. I think some people are internally motivated to that end but most would need a vested interest befor they would go in that direction. I don't think an organization could do it( other than a church with a strog leader) Good luck with that.
Winter Child
2008-01-14 11:18:02 UTC
An organization would inspire me by first educating me on a specific need. Tell me - show me what needs to be done. It would then motivate me to be involved by explaining to me how I, as an individual, am able to address this need. What means or talents do I have that this effort could use? Or, Moses, what is that in your hand?

They could also show me what progress is possible..or what has been done. This gives hope.
basset hound
2008-01-14 10:47:12 UTC

Real decent & honest & helpful organisations do not need to inspire any person who has the capabilities to do what is required in any org. especially so if that org, will give any harworking,deligent, intellect a chance to join the org. Like I who have applied to few places to volunteer what I am capable of planning & organising & implementing & teaching all types of skills ,,,I am ususally side tracked.

So to answer your question please go do some research on sime biased org. that will call upon those "the heads of the org. likes & favour".
2008-01-14 10:24:05 UTC
Some type of incentive program that motivates employees to work harder for a goal that will both benefit them as well as a charity or non-profit organization. Depending on the type of business, offer sales goals or something along those lines. Also make it easier to recycle in the work place and introduce energy-saving plans. Basically make the options more approachable, available, recongnizable, and in constant sight. Great question!
2008-01-24 12:55:47 UTC
by inspiring you to work with your own life, this will affect the world around you.
2008-01-15 01:51:26 UTC
They have to prove they are worth joining, and must make a difference to the world, not just talk about it and ask for money.... more people that get involved makes it worth while..
2008-01-14 20:31:48 UTC
it must settle my inner, self energys, of self worth.......and explain the past and thus become at peace with it and then move on with new inspiration and goals a new , a meeting begone to explore the important things , the things that matter the most
2008-01-22 17:15:34 UTC
Jai Swaminarayan,

Must make me want to get involved motivate me. Simple as that.

I'm Indian too by the way.
2008-01-21 14:01:41 UTC
The; only way is to not have so many scams . People in England believe it is us govt. planting these commercials that are fake & all the spam so that we would gladly give up internet to post office so they can charge for each e-mail (but when it comes to claims they are not govt.)By the way just started reading Budha.
2008-01-15 14:09:25 UTC
Provide a good job that involves international business.
2008-01-15 04:30:56 UTC
Not only an organization, but every thing can inspire us. It is enough to be aware.

Dear Dr. Chopra,

Nice to see another question from you.
2008-01-19 22:37:12 UTC
- Clear defined goals and expectations.

- Mission statement grounded for the greater good of humanity and our planet.

- Goals are forthright without hidden agendas.

- Absence of biased opinions set on perceived misconceptions.
2008-01-16 07:51:21 UTC
make sure it hits you where the heart is . I'm inspired to help with autism because of the growing rate . It also helps that my Daughter is also autisic , which fuels my drive even more
2008-01-28 21:17:27 UTC
Actually, I was more inspired by the recent creations in music: songs like "If everyone cared" by Nickelback and "World" by John Mayer were very inspirational. I was very touched by the simplicity of their suggestions and the ease with which I was moved to do something as a global citizen.
2008-01-29 06:34:13 UTC
If the organization is in line with my beliefs, I support it. I sometimes volunteer or send money. But, certain helpful organizations inspire me to share my knowledge with others. I listen, and try to help whenever I can. I just try and be aware of those who may be suffering through something similiar to what I've gone through, or what I know about. Then, I try to help by giving them resources and information.
2008-01-26 09:32:00 UTC
well i think like yahoo answers had inspire a person like me to join it and see the poeple around share with them help them in any form i can i think it is a oprganiztion also and help poeple to share and see the world around it feel other poeple pains
2008-01-22 03:24:21 UTC
By showing me how my own talents and strengths can be of REAL USE to help others, and make the world a happier, cleaner, more loving place.
2008-01-19 16:47:40 UTC
tell me that life goes on forever and if I would do something the organiZation might want to be done it could help me out in the aferlife if that's possible.
2008-01-14 18:07:13 UTC
Don't just do the same things other organizations do/say over and over. Try something original and don't try to force views and ideas onto your target, just sort of open their eyes.

Creative and fun ideas are always good. Anything different, or something that makes you think.
2008-01-14 17:20:54 UTC
I think by assembling into whatever type of organization makes it easier to get involved.
2008-01-14 14:33:14 UTC
My Rotary Club inspired me to donate $1000 to the polio vacine section of the club. For only 50 cents, a child can be vacinated in a third-world country thereby erradicating polio in the world FOREVER!
george r
2008-01-28 12:13:45 UTC
the first thing about an organization is that do they practice what they preach. many say things and don't deliver. another thing would be do you believe in what their principals are. if you don't then it isn't the right cause to get involved in. there is a fine line between believing the principals and being brainwashed by them. their must be room for independent thought. they are time when you just don't agree with things that are going on. in a strong organization there must be room for debate and understanding of viewpoints. with this foundation in place their are some that had inspire me to grow and giveback. AA is one that has help me and encourages me to help others like me. the journey never ends to improve yourself and to help others.
2008-01-29 08:00:55 UTC
I want to work and have a problem with shyness. If someone came to my house and asked me to help by volunteering, then I would give it a try. So, an organization that did a Jehovah witness like outreach to bring people in to help others would cultivate better social fabric.
2008-01-15 04:41:19 UTC
Encourage active participation in volunteer efforts, i.e. at a City Park
2008-01-14 17:58:02 UTC
By serving a sector of the population that is not "popular", not accepted and can utilize a hand up instead of a hand out.

That is inspiring.
2008-01-14 17:09:00 UTC
I just thought of how an employer can insprie its employees to become more involved:

Give paid leave to volunteer (like Patagonia) or give credits for volunteer work like a lot of places who give credit incentives for exercise as part of their wellness programs.

Provide venue for screenings of documentaries like "The 11th Hour"

lead by example. have events that sponsor a cause.

An organization... I think star power and gimmicks work on mainstream people. Me, I like facts, truth, integrity. simplicity. if you spend more time and money trying to get more money from me, I get turned off by the organization.

I like Union of Concerned Scientists.... it's been my favorite group I've belonged to thus far...
2008-01-12 11:00:43 UTC
Your organization can get you to become more in voled in the world around you ,by making sure you are well informed, by giving you good access to useful information, allowing you active participation in the the happenings of the organization.

When you know that your contribution counts,you will stop at nothing to make a meaning full contribution.
2008-01-15 02:30:36 UTC
There are several reasons that organizations inspire people to get more involved in the world around them. Organizations are comprised of people who share the same ideas about various issues, and have found a cause in common that is worthy of their support at various levels, and most want to get the word out to others who could benefit from being involved in them. It could be any number of things that serve as that common link.

For instance, Alcoholics Anonymous is comprised of people whose lives had been consumed by drinking, causing them to spiral out of control. The founders of AA discovered that by meeting together and discussing not only their compulsion to drink, but problems that were unique to those trapped in the throes of alcoholism, they could find the strength to place the disease in remission and make dramatic improvements in their lives.

Knowing how lost, alone, and confused they had been prior to finding the answers that they did in AA, and realizing that it was only through sharing their plight with others that brought them the strength to face life and deal with it without resorting to drinking, a primary function of the organization was to get the word out to others who were similarly afflicted. In time, it grew to become a matter of approaching addictions of every kind with the basic format that they had succeeded with.

Other organizations concern matters of health as well, where a disease of one variety or another had devastated a family member or friend, and support groups were formed, and then blossmed into organizations to secure more funding for research and treatment, as well as raising awareness by getting out the message to help to reduce or eliminate such health issues. A good example is Reye's Syndrome, where a child should not be given aspirin when exhibiting symptoms of a cold, but should use alternative drugs such as Tylenol.

The 'shared interest' can be nearly anything, as it provides a format for like-minded people to discuss issues important to them, as well as to trade items of interest. Whether collectors or off-road racing, groups, associations, and gatherings help promote the sport or activity through the organization as well as creating or monitoring legislation that could threaten what they do. Sometimes organizations and their purposes clash, such as when environmentalists, determined to maintain the natural landscape clash with off-roaders, who enjoy driving motorized vehicles as a recreational activity.

Thus, involvement in the world around you is heightened as you join with others to promote whatever common cause you share with them, and then reach out to others to join with the organization so that it can grow.
andria k
2008-01-14 19:46:43 UTC
Trust. I have to trust them to tell the truth about every aspect of the organization.
2016-03-17 09:36:42 UTC
When I see the leaders actually practicing what they believe. For instance, Al Gore would have more credibility with me if he used a more fuel efficiency jet and reduced his intake of meat.
2008-01-26 14:09:31 UTC

want a free xbox 360 elite???????????/

i bet u do!!!

and i know just how to do it!!!

just copy the link above and go to the site

sign up and just get referals

its so easy

ive already gotten 2 and am trying to get a third

at first i was skeptical but after i got my first one i was so happy i gave it a try

its so easy

this is by far the best site to get a free xbox 360

this i 100% legit and it was featured on CNN and FOX networks
2008-01-17 17:30:14 UTC
It must have standards of high morality. It must be girded in the principles of Christain teaching. It must acknowledge the innate value human life, especially the unborn.
2008-01-14 19:56:45 UTC
It really has to be local, for me!

I live in a country-type state, so local is vital.

Of course it must be an organization I can believe in as well!
Hot Cherry
2008-01-28 17:50:28 UTC
An Organization can get employee's involved by holding sponsored charity events. Getting people involved possibly time at work set aside to help organize a project.Ask for Volunteers or offer a stipend amount for employees who volunteer.

A company vote on what charities everyone is interested in helping. Ideas to make money for them etc, get everyone involved in some aspect even if they just vote.

Surround your employees with a positive fair atmosphere.

You can reach out to others as a team.

Charitable organizations can inspire us by getting the word out about their plight/needs. We can't help unless we know your needs.

People in general need to take note there may be times when you can help a neighbor or a friend. The economy is upsetting the balance and we will all be affected. You too may need help from a neighbor or a friend.

Time for wealthy people who make more interest on 1 of their many bank accounts than a man or woman caring for a family of 5 makes in a year. Time to step up, its only money you're not taking it with you. Charitable donations are even a tax write
2008-01-29 11:14:47 UTC
Show me, by a series of principled decisions, my people, (my tribe). The organization that includes me without question. Then, with that knowledge and security, i'll want to share myself, run into the world and give my best.

But, put me alone in a corner and i'll have nothing to give......
2008-01-22 15:19:38 UTC
By allowing freedom of thought/creativity and providing the tools and means to produce those things you would most of the time, only dream of.
2008-01-15 08:34:04 UTC
a) Show me the problem, that it can be solved, and how it can be solved

a) Show me what you're doing

b) show me the difference my effort can make

c) Tell me what I can do in an accessible way. Preferrably directly, a lot of us want to help but have more time than money.
2008-01-14 17:10:04 UTC
Offer pathways to get involved. Keep fund raising to totally volunteer bases no mailing phone calls or emails.
2008-01-25 11:23:51 UTC
The Dove commercials touch me. I am thinking of helping out a girls self-esteem camp because I them it so much. Their campaign for beauty is so nice and they are doing lots to help girls everywhere. (This prbably isn't very much what you're asking, but just wanted to mention that) :)
2008-01-15 11:00:45 UTC
It needs to convince me that my involvement makes a real difference and that I am being heard.
2008-01-15 10:04:00 UTC
Asking for money is never a good way to inpire anyone. It would have to be something attainable, local, something you can actually get your hands on and participate in. it has to lead by example. but not too overpoweringly.
2008-01-14 17:49:30 UTC
maybe if that organization is making a difference, you would want to get involved in something thats already working.
2008-01-14 17:13:57 UTC
why do you guys always ask stupid cheezy rhetorical questions that will do absolutely nothing but seduce a hopeless croud out of a few wasted minutes of their hopeless lives. I am responding because im tired of these heroic messages, very typical. WHAT A CONTRIBUTION TO OUR SOCIETY! dont waste your breathe and stop devoliving back into an ape. i promise not a single person who participates in thie thread will do anything different in their life tomorrow as a result of the eternal light that has shined forth from this impossible beacon of hope.
2008-01-14 11:57:59 UTC
Normally, I AM Involved .. it started as a Very young child when I would VOLUNTEER With my Parents at the Military Service Organizations they belonged to (my father was a WWII Paraplegic Veteran).

As I grew up -- I continued to volunteer .. to believe .. to want to help others ..

BUT .. as time passed .. I saw more and more how organizations were just another covering for GREED ... how the funds they raised were NOT Being used for the purposes they needed ... so ...

I LIMITED myself ... I pick and choose -- those that help causes I can believe in (and being a Disabled Military Retiree -- I can assure you I support Military voluteer/relief causes for sure) ...

So ... instead of the 'glitz' of having a Vapid Bovine Hollywood Star (or some drugged up celebrity) as your 'spokesman' ... having a misguided notion of what is right or wrong ... being 'activist' in the wrong way (like attacking as terrorists) ...

I would support those that make a difference in the lives of LOCAL people of need -- those that are out there helping others (and believe me ... I am disabled -- could have used SOME help in cleaning up my own yard after Hurricanes Ivan, Dennis ... and the others came through) ... but I was out in MY YARD .. ALONE .. NO HELP ... nothing ... not even a bottle of water passed to me wile I Was working ... (and ... I am on and off crutches and walk with a cane because of the injuries to my feet/legs). I DID it all my SELF .. (and it is so UPSETTING to know how much went into New Orleans -- and how they arrived in our area after the Hurricanes hit my area -- blue roofs on the homes ... and to see the outpouring for them and NONE for those of us who were struggling too after extensive damage to our homes)

THAT is why I can't be more involved than I already am -- I have lost the BELIEF that there is some sense of wanting to help the fellow man out there ...

because when push came to shove ... when I was running away from the Abusive, Violent short disaster of a marriage (approx 2 decades ago) .. when I was BURGLARIZED once again by that Ex (in August 2006 -- with the willing help of my Adult children) ...

There was NO ONE THERE To HELP ME ... I was left out in the cold .. NO HELP .. no one even TRIED ... (and the police did nothing either -- I had to basically break down and SCREAM at the officer to take the EVIDENCE Right in front of his nose into custody -- and I KNow that they NEVER investigated this either .. )

I HAVE only had MY SELF to rely on .. and even though I'll be paying for the losses from the Hurricanes, from the Burglaries, from the Thefts of my Property, and have to LIVE in FEAR that the ex is going to come again and again to torment me for the rest of my life.
2008-01-14 11:17:03 UTC
One that would be good is an organization that is local to you. That way you can see the positive results yourself and that will inspire you to do even more.
vinod k
2008-02-01 10:54:09 UTC
No organization in the world can inspire somebody who doesn't want to be inspired.Inspiration should always be from inside(Within).Every human being is capable of inspiring them self.What An organization can do is to realize the full potential of human being by creating bigger cause than himself or by showing how to tap into the infinite amount of energy(Inspiration) within or help him to realize his purpose of life.Once a human realizes his purpose of life ,it is very difficult for him/her to get uninspired.If the inspiration comes from external ,it will last for few days.If the inspiration comes within it will lasts forever.
2008-01-24 09:57:38 UTC
1.Responibilities/duties viz a viz the response of the organization to whom you are serving.

2.Name, Honor, pride, & repotition of the orgionazation.

3.Future oppourtutinities.

4. Above all the job satisfaction.

5. Please reply...?
2008-01-16 16:32:39 UTC
Pictures help a lot. Most of us are too busy to read a long article on description about a cause, but if there are a lot of sad pictures, one glance will allow us to pay closer attention.
Rick Lomar
2008-01-15 09:22:41 UTC
By demonstrating that their products & services, and every staff member, actually contributes to the health and well-being of the community.
2008-01-15 05:59:13 UTC
Keep one pr occupied and let there be no time for thinking. When one becomes a donkey one naturally depends on the master
2008-01-14 12:38:23 UTC
I agree with others: Leadership by example is the key. An organization should demonstrate leadership by taking initiatives such as

- inform people about what specific behaviours they can adopt to get more involved.

- reward and acknowledge efforts of its members (employees) by setting them up as role models for others

- Allow its members to take time off their regular duties in order to contribute to other causes that improve community life (for example, an employer can allow and encourage participation in volunteer programs during work hours).

- Integrate and encourage constructive behaviour into the regular day-to-day business. As an example, businesses could give out free transit passes to encourage the usage of public transportation to large accounts or employees as part of comprehensive compensation package or customer retention promotions .
Roanni c
2008-01-09 20:40:03 UTC
If that organization have knowleges that would make sences for me,in making people's life less complicated and how to be up to this now and present and be free from suffering...I would not be inspire ,i would be more than happy to be involved.
Booster Gold
2008-01-25 11:15:27 UTC
It can't, the world around me isn't important enough to bother with, I'm only interested in myself.
2008-01-22 22:43:27 UTC
What kind of an organization?

2008-01-14 21:53:55 UTC
Whne it comes to world involvment, things are more succesful as a group than individually.
2008-01-14 18:33:21 UTC
Just by what you feel and sense when you hear, see, or are around them. If they make you feel you should do something , then you get inspired.
2008-01-14 15:14:59 UTC
Well, we always want to know what is in it for us. So there should be some explanations as to what getting involved would result in. Personally, I am fairly well informed, but some of my friends don't want to know what is going on. That is so shocking to me. They don't watch the news, read a paper or get news on line. I kinda feel sorry for the uninformed, but they tend to have less complicated lives than the rest of us. Maybe they know the secret and we don't!
2008-02-01 11:10:14 UTC
By personal contacts. That's one of the best methods. Let all RWAs have a quarterly or monthly meeting of the residents in their organisation. Definitely and surely discussions of such topics will have their +ve impact on the members.

Sir, I w'd request U if you c'd convey yr views on the subject matter for which, we will anxiously await...God bless all.
2008-01-28 10:36:01 UTC
Mr Chopra, If you plan to start a thought provoking organization, then focus on the society's prevalent demands and involve those for whom the organization is meant.

An organization dealing with the prevailing issues of "My Community" will get me involved more and more in the world around me.

Thus it should cater to the local population and tailored for the community and not a template based organization.

The organization should fit in the community rather than the community accommodating itself for the organization.

Yahoo answers itself is an example. Somebody asks a question and one can see so many people getting involved to answer that question, whether they are experts in the subject or not. Asking for people's opinions brings out "The Manager" in them and they try solve conflicting situations.

By asking for an individual's opinion he/she can be made to feel important and getting him/her involved.

So an organization would tend to get me involved if it asks me questions and let me answer And further involvement is possible by Respecting my views and incorporating the ones which are worth.
2008-01-22 18:17:26 UTC
use Sally Struthers as a spokeswoman and stick her with a bunch of starving kids. It really brings the point home.
2008-01-17 06:41:19 UTC
lot of questions?an organization that would inspire me would be to help the homeless,needy.*
2008-01-15 00:35:02 UTC
in the first place it was already your choice joining an organization and it is because you all ready knew that this org will gonna help you improve your self that will now be an application to the society you're in.
2008-01-14 15:58:17 UTC
Well, colleague Dr. Deepak Chopra...

The ecological organizations such, they inspired me to look more and the green forests, is a good incentive or encouragement.

Congratulations for this question, is really very good!

A great hug, and Until More!

P.S.: Sorry if, I don't understand correctly he question, but at least, I tried to understand.
2008-01-14 14:33:50 UTC
An organization inspire us,motivate us truely,when we honestly,carefully organized us, help us and understand organization deeply, respectfully.Then we get more involved in the world .Sincere efforts.
2008-01-14 14:29:35 UTC
Setting up a meeting with people that have the same interest and have more exsperience with it than your self.I my self do not read to much so I like the facts or the point there going to get at straight forword ..Like recyciling do you think there should be a law that every were every apartment or house or bussines has to recycle ..yes or no..


then tell me who I can right or call or how can this bill get passed
2008-01-14 14:09:34 UTC
I supose, if the leaders show genuine concern about world matters, neighborhoods, the people who work in their company, etc., and sincerely dedicate some of their time and energy to give a helping hand, and if they encourage the same in their company, by setting volluntary "helping commitees" integrated by employees of all hierarchy levels, to brainstorm about things that could be done, and then getting them into motion. The enthusiasm of the leaders about this matters, would likely be somewhat contagious to many of the employees.
2008-01-14 11:04:04 UTC
an organization that really has the potential and purpose

to change the world to its core

like curing aging Aubrey DE Grey

SENS is a detailed plan for curing human aging

other organizations like 99,99 preocent i wouldn't even bother

pointless useless and SO gay just like the one made to save

some stupid toed in amazon jungle or some
2008-01-26 18:15:54 UTC
2008-01-21 00:52:00 UTC
through the informal relationships being showed and practiced by officers with higher ranks to his subordinates, behind the formality of the organizational structure.
naptime philosopher
2008-01-15 12:49:49 UTC
By being inspiring themselves.
2008-01-15 08:32:27 UTC
any organisation's goals and aspirations is enough trigger towards getting me involved and useful in my little world

the activities of unicef and the likes towards helping children and poverty eradication in africa has been a good source of encouragment to me.
John C
2008-01-14 21:58:04 UTC
Sir it depends on the org. If it is introvert then it would look after the not so practical upliftment of its members i.e.temp. relief to all in the org.

IF IT is extrovert then it can do many things . just look around YOU ,everyone there neeeds LOVE,CARE,COMFORT,KINDNESS .......IF U do so then there would be at PEACE with urself.
2008-01-08 21:45:35 UTC
I don't recall ever being inspired by an organization. I have been inspired by individual people, either in person or through the written word.

I think where an organization would come in would be to provide a framework for action -- we can accomplish more working as a group than as individuals, if the group is a good one.

In that case, what I would need FIRST from an organization is information -- what is its goal, and how would I fit in to help accomplish that? in the world do you find the really good organization? Maybe I'm getting cynical, but I think you have to keep your eyes open...
william H
2008-01-26 18:26:50 UTC
when they give me one opportunity to make my dreams come true just like they have when they star to build their future business now making the opportunity for other with the same dreams and goals different projects they reach their goals but they help to reach others to like be bless and bless

in others words give another person the opportunity to be happy
2008-01-16 10:19:27 UTC
Telling me how to deal with every day life which seems to take up all a persons time.
2008-01-14 19:42:16 UTC
It can help open your eyes to the world around you so you can see different perspectives of that world and you may see something about that world that you can help fix and want to.
joe s
2008-01-14 11:04:38 UTC
They can inspire me by appealing to my beliefs and values. I value true democracy and working class solidarity, so a socialist organization or agency advocating for workers' rights would inspire me in many ways to get more involved.
2008-01-14 10:15:19 UTC
Deepak Chopra thank you for showing me the path that I walk upon today. I believe it is to make a consciousness effort to make change. The power of change is in the grasp of us all, we must not use the force of change, only through love and commitment will this world change. I think this puts it best from the many great teachers who have walk before us to teach us, like yourself. Thank you once again---You are my friends and the greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for THEM. If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater.Dwell not on the past. Use it to illustrate a point, then leave it behind. Nothing really matters except what you do now in this instant of time. From this moment onwards you can be an entirely different person, filled with love and understanding, ready with an outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thought and deed.The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have a potential to turn a life around. It's overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt.Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other--it doesn't matter who it is-- and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance, and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun. Care for those around you. Look past your differences. Their dreams are no less than yours, their choices in life no more easily made. And give. Give in any way you can, of whatever you possess. To give is to love. To withhold is to wither. Care less for your harvest than for how it is shared, and your life will have meaning and your heart will have peace.
2008-01-27 14:53:28 UTC
They can inspire me through their actions.
2008-01-17 11:15:41 UTC
by being honest.

I am touched by the moving commercials on tv, to save animals, or give to children hospitals, but I wont fall for it, its just words designed to make me give.

I want to know, how i as a person can make something better for some one else by giving my time, i also want to know how money is spent
2008-01-15 18:31:02 UTC
Yes it can because than you are more organized and find stuff that you want.
2008-01-15 08:53:23 UTC
They must be the change they wish to see in the world, and preferably be happy doing it.
2008-01-14 13:26:03 UTC
Free beer.

And not the cheap kind. Import or micro-brewed is fine.

Need help moving? Offer your friends free beer. Need help painting your house? Offer beer. Charity BBQ? More people show up when beer is involved. It is no coincidence that Jesus's first miracle was to turn water into wine. (There was no way to chill beer back then and wine is best served at room temperature.) Beer is a motivator, an inspirer. Beer is the essence of spirituality.
2008-01-14 12:26:17 UTC
I tried to get people organized into a great way to cool the world down, eat ten apples or pears, collect the seeds, put said seeds into a balloon fill balloon with helium, tie a knot and launch the balloon, if 1 million people did this it would produce 100 million fruit trees every where, me i did 2,500 trees how about some one else doing it, it would cost you the price of ten pieces of fruit, and the balloon and the helium, cut global warming in half,
2008-01-14 10:50:42 UTC
people need to organize themselves and get their priorites straight first before they can get involve in the world. nowadays, there's too much distraction in the world from buying a car to paying off student loan and it's really hard to focus what's going on around them unless their head is clear from all these knick knack in their lives.
one Life to live
2008-01-28 09:43:57 UTC
It cannot do have to want to change things for the beter in order to get of the couch and make a difference
2008-01-14 14:47:07 UTC
I am involved with a group and I did not know that so many small things by so many people can add to a great impact.

I am a member of the IBPOE or daughters of Elkdom. we do great things for people in the community and show others by our actions that anything is possible if you work together
2008-01-27 18:05:44 UTC
Make me feel included. That way I would feel responsible to take care of it because I would know I was a part of it and it is mine.
2008-01-14 13:47:28 UTC
People like me can not be inspired by an organization. I'm just too independent and not that easily inspired.

In my case, I am the onlu source of my motivating to get involved. (and indeed I am).
2008-01-19 05:25:08 UTC
act like they want more than money and really care about you as well

to say that they need money for a far away place and not for their own community is uninspiring and trivializes lives around them
2008-01-15 04:10:51 UTC
When people know that there are hundreds of other different people fighting for the same thing they are, people get excited.

It als gives you the feeling that when you are with many people for the same cause, things might actually be done.

Things might be changed..

Strength in numbers.
Cool Ashish
2008-01-14 22:46:17 UTC
When any organisation is crystal clear about their goals and their acievements then they make a difference in any1.

We have organizations that really make diff like CRY,UNICEF,etc.
2008-01-14 21:44:27 UTC
Are you for real? We are all inspired at one time or another, It can be a moment of selflessness or just a great movie. You question is too vague.
anthony c
2008-01-14 19:17:30 UTC
It can do so just by doing what it says it is going to do. I am involved with a group that does that. I am one of their Ambassadors for peace.
They Know
2008-01-14 14:52:30 UTC
I need to see organizations helping those I care for. Poor children. I mean like look out my window and notice a presence by a certain organnization. I need to see results. Happy children. Safe elderly. Then I would take time off my my well paid, efficiently run job to join in.
2008-01-14 10:56:15 UTC
1) a specific goal;

2) encouragement -- progress reports (from the organization) that we are nearing the goal;

3) accountability -- knowing my efforts, donations, etc won't be wasted;

4) appreciation -- I need to know that my efforts ARE appreciated;

5) testimonies -- real-life reports from people who have been helped.

without all of these components, I eventually lose motivation.
Steel Rain
2008-01-15 04:50:15 UTC
A cattle prod usually will inculcate them to the world around them.
2008-01-15 03:40:51 UTC
The organization have to encourage me and by helping me also they have to expose me to know more about other any that follows
Bill Ta
2008-01-14 22:56:17 UTC
Our company business fields: Used rail scrasp, Construction materials.... Importing to vietnam. We need the organisation who had abilities to corporate. If Your organistation had enough qualification.Pls contact to me: TA MINH CHANH -
2008-01-14 20:56:02 UTC
It must show me that I can make a substantial difference and that there is a genuine need for my personal involvement.
Rose J
2008-01-14 15:11:44 UTC
The organization must set an example first and show me how it is involved in the world...

Then, it should reach out to me with an offer that is of benefit to me.

It should encourage me by showing what difference/impact involvement (and lack of involvement) makes in the world.

It must not disillusion me by becoming corrupt, by stopping / failing in its mission, by exaggerations / false claims.
Evans F
2008-01-15 13:01:56 UTC
By examples set by senior members.
2008-01-15 07:47:25 UTC
take away your cell phone and i pod.

I guess focus on how events in the world can reverberate and directly effect your life. That every choice you make effects others.
Theta Works
2008-01-14 21:12:04 UTC
I quote:

The Aims of Scientology

A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.

First announced to an enturbulated world in 1950, these aims are well within the grasp of our technology.

Nonpolitical in nature, Scientology welcomes any individual of any creed, race or nation.

We seek no revolution. We seek only evolution to higher states of being for the individual and for society. We are achieving our aims.

After endless millennia of ignorance about himself, his mind and the universe, a breakthrough has been made for man.

Other efforts man has made have been surpassed.

The combined truths of fifty thousand years of thinking men, distilled and amplified by new discoveries about man, have made for this success.

We welcome you to Scientology. We only expect of you your help in achieving our aims and helping others. We expect you to be helped.

Scientology is the most vital movement on Earth today.

In a turbulent world, the job is not easy. But then, if it were, we wouldn't have to be doing it.

We respect man and believe he is worthy of help. We respect you and believe you, too, can help.

Scientology does not owe its help. We have done nothing to cause us to propitiate. Had we done so, we would not now be bright enough to do what we are doing.

Man suspects all offers of help. He has often been betrayed, his confidence shattered. Too frequently he has given his trust and been betrayed. We may err, for we build a world with broken straws. But we will never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us.

The sun never sets on Scientology.

And may a new day dawn for you, for those you love and for man.

Our aims are simple, if great.

And we will succeed, and are succeeding at each new revolution of the Earth.

Your help is acceptable to us.

Our help is yours.

L. Ron Hubbard

There is my answer. This inspires me.
2008-01-14 18:37:40 UTC
Most people like being regconized. Promise them some sort of regconition, make them feel special, then they will get involved.
David B
2008-01-14 13:07:00 UTC
People - Making a personal connection with someone who can share the mission.

Passion - Making a personal connection with someone who gets excited about the mission and the org's results.

Personal - Making a personal connection about an issue that I can see having a personal impact (for me or others).
2008-01-14 11:22:56 UTC
By highlighting things that CAN be helped, with realistic goals and by not choosing sides when it comes to politics. Take sick hungry and homeless children, if the WRONG politician gives money, would it not help to house feed and care for them?
2008-01-28 09:45:54 UTC
listen to their message and follow their policy there are some good organizations out there doing really good things
2008-01-17 08:13:19 UTC
They can foster a culture of data based decisions rather than cult like crap.
luvy d
2008-01-15 16:45:50 UTC
1st. point is:

Is there such a organization?

Lets pretend there was, it would have to be based on the opposite trends that we see today.







2008-01-14 17:49:40 UTC
If they have the same vision, ideas, believes as me.

When they help someone or a community and feeling good about it without expecting not monetary paid. (maybe a smile, or a thank you).
2008-01-14 16:01:17 UTC
By cutting through the lies and illusions that almost all organizations present.
2008-01-09 09:34:05 UTC
I feel I must preface this by saying that chances are I won't get involved with an organization unless it's for a cause that I already support, or is of similar nature to one I support.

In order for an organization to inspire me to take action, the initial interest is usually sparked by an emotional appeal. Something that hits me in the heart, so to speak. After that, I need to see that the organization is actually producing results, and isn't just talented aesthetically speaking. All the bells and whistles in the world mean nothing to me if the organization isn't acomplishing anything.

I also really like it when an organization provides outlines for what I can personally do to help them. PETA is a good example of this, as they have a plethora of materials and suggestions for those who want to take action. They have hand-outs you can print for distribution, and specific courses of action you can take for various concerns.

I've recently become involved with the Obama campaign and they have also been good and providing clear and simple suggestions for taking effective action. I appreciate that there are ways to support the cause by means other than financial donation.
2008-01-15 08:24:18 UTC
Give lectures at the local level.
2008-01-14 22:53:41 UTC
if the organisation have the answers of all your questions then definitely it could inspire you.......that organisation is nothing but your trust...your wisdom.....your soul !

see.....think......participate to the sectors for there interest who

really needs.
geostrom b
2008-01-14 19:20:05 UTC
it helps to teach you what you can do to help in your community and become a better neighbour by helping others in the neighbourhood and showing good citizenship in your town and or city and just try to help in any way you can at all.
ahmed k
2008-01-08 20:59:25 UTC
The horizon of world is before the man without any natural barrio rs .Man in the turning point of globalisation .The fourth estate ,the Mass media is the better companion of man to lead him to prosperity and right decisions .

Forming of collective social opinion as against individual opinion is the modern trend .

Now there is no space for individual opinion or micro opinion which has been replaced by organised opinion or collective opinion .

Judging on the above points organisations will alone inspire to get more involved in the world around us.
Silent Thunder
2008-01-26 20:37:22 UTC
By writing the vision and making plain, so that others who read it will run with it.
2008-01-24 10:42:32 UTC
they should support social development and urge staff to join in their campaign thus creating awareness and involvement
Good Ol' Gary Shanty
2008-01-15 09:40:03 UTC
i don't have any faith for many organizations anymore. its a though question whether or not we should be meddling in the affairs of other countries at all, good or bad.
Yvonne B
2008-01-14 18:11:33 UTC
by providing jobs to people like on here that people are in search of...speaking for them anyway.For me they need to offer rewards and follow through with them, otherwise people tend to slack off big time with their volunteering to help them with very important changes
2008-01-14 12:13:18 UTC
Follow a spiritual path and start a centre that caters to everyone equally.
2008-01-14 10:37:09 UTC
We as people of the world must unite and come up with diplomatic plans to solve problems globally and end all wars cause war is nothing but a rich mans game.
Latin G
2008-01-08 20:41:11 UTC
The best way to recrut people to join an organization is to find out who would have the most intrest in it. For example if you are a cancer organization, all you have to do is find out who are cancer victims or who thier families are. Once you know this you can target them with mailings or phone calls, or invite them to a seminar.

To get someone who has never had cancer or dosen't know anyone who has cancer will be a challenge.

The pharse "get more involved in the world around you " is too general, so people cannot directly relate, or get "attached to that statement.

If you say, "how can you make a small change in your life everyday that will help the world around you" might be a little better (just of the top of my head). "Join the organization that will show you how to take little steps in your life that will make the world a better place." by adding your changes to the million plus members, we can make a difference that can be felt around the globe.... something like that... you get the idea.
2008-01-29 08:31:14 UTC
Following are the parameters .

-Job satisfaction - Happy person can do better work around you.

-Job enrichment

-Self Esteem

- Safety- Because when a person have a secure job he feels safety because of its oragnization.

- Challenging work.

- Self motivation

- Innovative

- Intiative
2008-01-14 19:36:02 UTC
by carefully choosing the one or two spoke persons that are just right. Ones that can impress most people with their passion and honesty yet they are not boisterous but are also humble. Some one like Johnny Depp. He is popular and known by many.
Gandor M
2008-01-14 19:35:31 UTC
stuff for the people in need should give you a passion to help them have everything they need to live.

everyboday should have an equal oppertunity throught out the world
2008-01-14 15:05:23 UTC
Provide a realistic, comprehensive plan. Don't ask me to stick my finger in a crack when it is obvious the whole dike is collapsing and there are more cracks than the world has fingers.

Offer hope. Our bed slipped off the cliff while we were sleeping and we just woke up, but we aren't going to crash on the rocks below because....Fill in that blank and I'll get involved.
2008-01-09 21:06:59 UTC
Make it EASY. I think most people WANT to be involed,

they just don't take the time to GET involved.

Helping others is so REWARDING that once you truely get a taste of how great it can make you feel you're hooked.

Finding a way to make it simple is the challange for most of us.
2008-01-08 19:32:50 UTC
1. By having truly humanitarian goals and aims.

2. By showing through it's methods, operation and activities, real and measurable results and progress towards the actual achievement of those goals and aims within my current lifetime and and for the generations to come.

3. It would also require a very high level of integrity within

itself and exclude no one who could benefit from it's activities or anyone who wished to be a part of it

P.S. I have for the past 35 years been inspired by and very involved in such an organization. So I speak from personal experience regading what inspires me to be involved with my fellow man.
2008-01-25 19:48:02 UTC
Peer pressure.
Southern At Heart♥
2008-01-24 12:45:25 UTC
follow the procedures ok alcoholic anonymous for peole with trouble in that area
2008-01-20 16:56:41 UTC
I dont think that an oranization can. That has to be up to the individual to do that ontheir own.
Top Contributor
2008-01-15 09:02:50 UTC
If it help me then it can inspire me.
2008-01-15 08:32:07 UTC
Inspiration is good for poets and painers. You need to motivate people... And there are tons of books about that.
2008-01-08 13:52:26 UTC
I have worked in Higher Education for my entire career and think that many institutions should model their vision for community involvement after that of universities.

I regularly work with Experiential Education encouraging students to supplement their course work with activities such as internships, service learning (community service), co-op's. If companies were to approach this topic as if it were supplemental to professional development then employees could better see that they are piece of a company vision of community involvement.

Community involvement is more than just giving money to one or two specific causes. If employees were given the opportunity to 'give back' by acting, then more causes might be served.

Companies could even ask for employees to volunteer to apply their job specific skills to non-profit companies in order to meet the need for community involvement.

More specifically addressing an organization's inspiration of members, in the end it is an individual's choice to participate that makes the difference. If an organization presents community involvement as it's cultural foundation, members will more likely follow suit.
2008-01-18 06:15:11 UTC
Really good marketing, attention to environment
2008-01-16 15:34:01 UTC
By example and volunteer programs
2008-01-15 11:02:28 UTC
Come on Deepak...forget this world.

We are here for a second and then we are gone.

This world is evil.

Let's hope there is a God and soon there will be justice. I hope so. i really do.
2008-01-15 07:26:44 UTC
lisa b
2008-01-14 21:07:10 UTC
im just taking a swing at this bout me is to have some one and reson to to be with but i maybe just an ahead of my self there lol but i need a reson to be in the world around me and need some one to share it with so i maybe in to deep here but i dont care no more^^
2008-01-14 19:19:05 UTC
By providing incentives such as off with our families.
2008-01-28 22:03:19 UTC
First of all, I am a great big fan of yours!

To answer your question, Connections, reliability, adhering to the "Golden Rule." By asking for input, by enlisting me to participate, by appealing to the highest Spiritual aspirations, by adhering to the highest moral and spiritual standings, by opening doors for me to participate, by being a leader in innovations and helpfulness, by them asking me to lead in my area of expertise, by being led by intuition, and not by false judgment. When I see that the leaders are the servants above all. Then, I would put my whole heart into helping as well.

I really can't get more involved with the world around me, because I already am deeply committed. I am presently being questioned what's in it for me? What group am I with? Some can't believe someone would do something for a nobody, and for nothing. I am being scrutinized closely. It would help if it was in the name of an organization to tell you the truth.
2008-01-28 15:22:31 UTC
The idea that organizations can and do exist is my main reason for being inspired because although I was born poor, I am going to make it and help out the poor kids in our country whom our government has forgotten about -- who our PEOPLE have forgotten about. After that, I will also help kids in other countries who also did not have a choice as to whether they were born rich or poor.

Ever notice how beggars are always asking the poor person for money? That is because those beggars know that people who know how hard the struggle is are more willing to help others out. The people with the least amount of money and the ones who have experienced poverty seem to be the most generous, with exceptions.

When I have the money to donate, I want it to go to the children who know the hurt of poverty -- money for an education and money to help them fit in with the kids whose parents could afford to buy them that popular toy or that name brand ice cream bar. These kids would be old enough to understand poverty and have learned the power of generosity, yet would not have to grow up feeling like the outcast or crying for their single mother or father or sisters or brothers.

This is the organization which I want to build.
2008-01-17 10:49:25 UTC
You mean their world or my world?well, in either case, by showing me what is in it for me.
Nader B
2008-01-15 21:05:50 UTC
by sharing their mission and vision statements and by creating opportunities for people to express theirtrue feelings without reservations
2008-01-14 19:06:21 UTC
Don't do what your doing now. The world needs failures so the people who aren't failures surpass them and achieve unimaginable wealth. It's how the world works.
2008-01-28 21:51:37 UTC
Be interesting, persuading and compelling. Be interested in what your all about and work in ways to make it intriguing and rewarding for the employees. Be creative and on top of things in other words. :)
2008-01-15 20:03:33 UTC
When they share common goals and common interests
2008-01-15 10:50:40 UTC
letting me teach arts &crafts and all the PB&J sandwiches i can eat. On my off time 'free run of the hospital science lab'
2008-01-15 08:29:29 UTC
Helping people in thier time of need.
2008-01-15 07:58:14 UTC
If something is broke help fix it. It there is a mess help clean it up. If people are hurting help them mend.
2008-01-09 15:19:05 UTC
Thank you for asking and offering us all a moment to contemplate the true essence of what motivates us to aspire to something greater than ourselves.

Life is our inspiration, True Love our essential, empowering sense of Being. Love flows freely and does not seek nor require formal organization.

Organizations are trappings of the ego in the material world and actions directed to such organization are often obscured by the false god of Ego in it's many faces. Love has no face, it is much greater.

Organization pales in the illumination of a Living and Loving Community, one rooted in truth, nurtured by our earnest choice to be of service to others. Loving Community is the physical manifestation of miraculous growth. A Living and Loving Community is our garden of inspiration and the basis for our engagement in the growth of Life and Love.

The path to an inspired Loving Community is the "yogic" union of body, mind, and spirit. All of us are vital cells in the cosmic body of being, our "being-ness" an elegant simplicity of the world we are in service to create.
2008-01-15 09:00:02 UTC
by being involved in something truely right, and not falsely created for political or financial gain
2008-01-14 17:52:14 UTC
Commercial, in television. The TV inspirses me to help others. Its good to know that your helping someone in need.
Ketan G
2008-01-14 17:39:16 UTC
By creating awareness
2008-01-27 11:43:36 UTC
diff organizations for diff things
2008-01-16 09:08:37 UTC
They don't help me inspire.
2008-01-28 12:49:51 UTC
T he organization I belong to has been so near and dear to me that i am at it almost everyday . It saves lives and protects two different lifestyle .I am a instructor for OSAL of Pennsylvania . OSAL is Operation Save A Life , me and a few bikers go to local schools and organizations an teach motorcycle awareness, to non bikers . We call them cagers . We make sure that they are aware of motor cycles out there and what to expect when driving i. This little bit of knowledge can save lives in more ways then one . First a cager can save the life of the biker by respecting that vehicle and also they their sanity for a better life , by not hitting a biker and having that death weigh on their shoulders for the rest of their lives . guilt sometimes for those people is too unbearable to live with ... I spend most of my spring preparing to teach and hopefully getting into organizations and schools for May , since May is Motorcycle Awareness Month ... To me OSAL has changed me . I am more outspoken and determined ..
Mad Mac
2008-01-28 22:25:35 UTC
By being honest in putting their voiced or written intentions into concrete actions. If they are dishonest or "wishy-washy" this turns me off.
Just Wondering
2008-01-27 20:16:26 UTC
When they mean what they say and say what they mean. When there are no hidden agendas by the people in charge.
2008-01-22 11:40:24 UTC
by saving the world.
2008-01-19 00:48:44 UTC
it depends upon organization.
Johnny Kage
2008-01-15 09:18:00 UTC
try a group dedicated to overthrowing the corrupt government... that 'aughtta get em riled up and movin'
2008-01-15 01:22:47 UTC
Be much more specific about what you want to change,

why it should be changed, and how to change it

without causing a war or devestation.
2008-01-17 15:26:33 UTC
By ticking people off.
2008-01-14 17:04:32 UTC
Free Indian food, especially Vindaloo.
2008-01-18 12:25:30 UTC
if i knew i would form that organization myself
2008-01-14 13:43:46 UTC
Hi Dr.

Accessibility and advertising.

People are good hearted, willing and energetic but would be more apt to use their time being involved if they could see easily a means to do so. - my thought
Steven C
2008-01-25 06:54:13 UTC
PAY ME that's what you people are for is to tell us stupid American robots what to do. At least that is what you want us to think.
2008-01-16 03:23:40 UTC
Ask Tony Robbins....
2008-01-15 01:17:07 UTC
Dear deepak my loyal servant,

I can tell you the answer in person. Please make an appointment for 3 cows: you, mallika and gotham and we shall discuss the answer to this question of yours over steaks and tenderloins.

Yours truly, Mr. Momo (PBUH)
Mimi M
2008-01-14 23:59:21 UTC
when I get the right support group like rich people accepting me despite my economic status.
2008-01-14 10:52:16 UTC
by commiting itself to its objectives or goals more sincerely. "you do your thing, others will notice." i'm not saying that you get trampled, but you do your thing, that would be submissive. rather, convince others by doing what you believe in, don't waiver, don't contradict your own ideals, others are sure to get convinced by you. at least that's what i try to do through my group- teens4difference, and turns out people ARE taking notice. i'm not tryin to advertise or anything. just thought you might like to know if you want to really check if what i told you was true or not- you know what i mean?
2008-01-10 13:18:41 UTC
It serves a purpose, and gives you a goal to strive to achieve.
Marilia C
2008-01-18 07:22:15 UTC
When it resonates with your ideals and goals and when it shows transparency in its endeavors.
Blue 1
2008-01-14 23:03:13 UTC
I hate this guy and his stupid questions that have been asked before but get answered again! and finally he probably answers his own question and chooses it as the best answer!!!
2008-01-14 21:58:50 UTC
By giving its employees time off to explore and chill.
2008-01-14 10:38:51 UTC
My Universalist Unitarian church is believing in doing just that. We are doing ton's of stuff in and around our community for the betterment of others. It helps us getting in touch with those that are less fortune.

For more info on the Unitarian Universalists go to
2008-01-28 16:43:27 UTC
Apple....enough said
2008-01-19 19:48:47 UTC
If they give me the kind of money you are making.
2008-01-14 22:31:20 UTC
by being an active individual
2008-01-14 21:36:07 UTC
by leadership that takes into account my viewpoint & enlightens the world from that vantage.

follow by example?
2008-01-14 13:36:39 UTC
That inspiration has to come from within. Noone can help a person to do that.
2008-01-28 07:24:55 UTC
hello am wale, but i can only take u as my friend if u do`n`t mind ? we u be close friend ? i like a man or a guy like u but i can only add u to my box ok

good bye thanks hor beer with me o0k
Adam H
2008-01-24 01:48:54 UTC
I think the better question is "Who the hell is Deepak Chopra?"
2008-01-23 22:35:27 UTC
Your question is too vague for an answer.

Could you be more specific?
2008-01-29 06:37:33 UTC
unknowingly unlock an answer that your hanging on to. I guess you could say, by making you see
HEART of Music
2008-01-22 15:27:56 UTC
follow your heart to the place you are called to....

but listen to the words that are spoken...

when they become part of you...


then do the best you can do!
2008-01-14 20:08:00 UTC
Simple, lead by example.
2008-01-14 18:58:54 UTC
Education !
2008-01-14 15:09:33 UTC
Different people,places and actions help to form the world.Organizations co-exist in the world.Like the boy scouts etc.
2008-01-14 14:57:24 UTC
I don't need any "organization" to tell me what to do or right from wrong. I am not week like that. Are you related to the lad in the Natale Holloway case?
2008-01-16 17:16:37 UTC
If it gets rid of that fraud Deepak Chopra.
2008-01-14 14:39:57 UTC
i think for me it would be to hear more about who needs help and what your doing about it too.and then i would decide to help or voulenteer somewhere.also i would like to know why they needed the help.i would love to help people around the world but i think it starts with us helping our own first.
2008-01-11 07:22:15 UTC
Base your actions on observing the head of the organization. What you see will determine your course of action.
2008-01-15 07:29:20 UTC
I must agree with Nacsez.
2008-01-14 13:55:25 UTC
anybody can do something, if you tell me what to do and where , i'll go and do it. once i got a call from the american red cross asking me to put stamps on a whole bunch of envelopes they send me i said sure , i can help, i've got a lot of stamps at home, i can walk to the post office and drop them off, turns out they wanted me to mail them to my neighbors find out their name and adresses and mail them it sounded very fishy and a bit privacy invasive, i wasnt up to that so i didnt do it. i could of help them. they could have been honest about what they wanted....anywho... its a good idea though to present a calendar of tasks to people you'd be surprised how many will agree to meet and help
2008-01-08 14:50:13 UTC
the organization has to set the example. they also have to have free and easy access to programs or situations that will let us become involved. if they just show us what to do that can help and not point out a place to go, then many will falter and stumble back into their own habits.we need more than inspiring words to move us. we must be involved and witness the change that can be made by even the tiniest gesture of generosity and compassion.
Sian P
2008-01-15 02:37:25 UTC
Why is Deepak Chopra asking this question on here ?
2008-01-14 16:00:11 UTC
You can use the Americorp's example: Pay low skilled people to "volunteer".
2008-01-08 18:09:36 UTC
I'm already inspired to get more involved in the world around me. I donate my unused clean clothes to battered womens shelters, I give my unwanted belongings to those who need them or to the local goodwill. "ONE MANS JUNK IS ANOTHER MANS TREASURE". At the moment, I'd like to send some things to the Humane Society.

There is a bigger dream that I would like to achieve in the near future to help. The first would be to do some voluteer work, for the Katrina disaster. Maybe even adopt a child somewhere, so I can send a few dollars to them monthly, so they can go to school and get food for nourishment.

As far as an organization goes; I would first like to see what the organization is doing, to get more involved in the world. "Actions speak louder than words".

I would prefer to have monthly lectures on the areas of the world that need attention, with photos on a big screen to view, and some areas, that the organization is working on. Everyone in the audience can decide where they would like to contribute, or not. Not everyone can involve themselves in the same way.

Some people just can't be inspired, because everyone is on their own spiritual journey. There's always an avenue though; to use some unique techniques in lectures for the skeptics. If the involvement concerns money, then make sure that the organization gives promise and proof, that their monies will be used for the good causes.

The organization could also have a journalism section, that distributes a thin newspaper about what's happening in the world today. I would put some positive pages with all the good changes that have occurred through people's involvement, but not just the companies involvement. Show them the statistics of other organizations too! Humans love a challenge.

Besides the positive pages, put some things in the world that need attention, but don't be too graphic, even though it's hard to do so. You don't want the people in the organization to get low energy from looking at nothing but negative news!

Maybe the newspaper could be sent out every 2 months. This will allow time for thaughts and discussions. It's just a breather.

The organization could also send some people with the expertise to give a lecture, or should I say seminar. I would also add some fun to these seminars. I wouldn't want the people in my organization to leave with low spirit.

Lets not forget that inspiration starts at home. I personally don't have children, but if I did, I would teach them to have moral values and consideration for others, and ofcourse to love themselves first. I would teach them that every action they take, whether good or bad, has it's consequences. Also, I would let them know that, ONE person can make a big difference in the world. It's sort of like a chain reaction.

Basically, it's not the size or the popularity of the organization. There's got to be more to it, like the moral examples a company may send out. Even the attitudes of those in charge, that are not present on a daily basis, is important.

This is necessary, especially for those that didn't have a high moral upbringing.

By educating first, in the home; the future will be a better place for everyone, including organizations etc.

Hope that helped,

Michelle Sandoz
2008-02-02 19:30:07 UTC
Sajid Rafiq a 23-year-old economist, has been named as student direct Argentina's new editor of science and technology magazine.

The appointment of Rafiq, who appears to have had little previous connection to the scientific community, comes as part of a cabinet reshuffle announced by President Rob Jones this week.

The previous minister, the right wing Mike Schofield, offered to resign about two weeks ago, following criticism by sectors of the scientific community, and rumours in the national press that he would be dropped as part of the reshuffle.

Campos is a member of council and grandson of Miguel fernando, the national president of the Columbian solidarity Party, which chose the minister of science and technology as result of its alliance with Tui Worker's Party.

Most scientists, however, have never heard of him, and therefore have little idea of what his appointment may signify. error server 4<>{} Sajid Rafiq student direct error server 4<>{} "We don’t have any information that James has any relation with science and technology," says José Santando, editor of Jornal da Tatt, a newsletter produced by the Peruvian Society for the Advancement of Science, the country's main scientific organisation. newspaper, editorial team, manchester, university of manchester, people staff news media journalism
2008-01-15 10:50:33 UTC
"A drop of water raises the ocean"

Blessed Be~
So Now I Sing
2008-01-14 12:52:50 UTC
when you feel like you are apart of something, you are invested in seeing the people and/or project thrive.

Through America Reads, I've sponsored (snacks/drinks) for Reading tutoring sessions; and I also volunteer for the K-3 reading sessions.
2008-01-14 10:08:46 UTC
I am only concerned about keeping my national sovereignty as a citizen of the U.S.and the upholding of the Constitution.
2008-01-28 20:29:16 UTC
well it just makes you want to do stuff like in movies
2008-01-24 21:30:15 UTC
Appeal to my sense of right and wrong.
Just another White Boy
2008-01-15 08:15:09 UTC
well it helps me figure out what I want to do after I graduate.
2008-01-14 17:47:19 UTC
Some incentive of some sort. I am not sure what type but something.
2008-01-14 14:18:55 UTC
When you see what is being to done, you are inspired to help.
2008-01-14 12:50:15 UTC
by showing it comes from the heart and not have any connection with profit or religion. The purest of hearts are the only true salvation.
2008-01-08 13:01:38 UTC
By doing it themselves. Frankly I left my temple because they where not involved with the world around them as a temple should be. I wanted to be more involved in helping others and I felt I was wasting time in my temple situation with all of their politics and gossip and managerial problems. They also discouraged others from doing outside temple activities without the temple controling the whole thing. So whats the point in working with that kind of nonsense.

They first should be the best example and engage others in the right positions for their talents and allow for other programs of those in the community. They should encourage them to do what they can to help others. Thanks
William T
2008-01-25 07:45:05 UTC
show us more facts about products and things that matter.
2008-01-18 16:50:26 UTC
By brain-washing you.
2008-01-21 06:33:13 UTC
they can't but they can manipulate the masses with promises.
2008-01-17 23:45:34 UTC
pay me a whole lotta money
Mag R
2008-01-08 17:13:33 UTC
Actually I do have my problems with so called NGOs, I've been living among them in SouthEastAsia for 10years now and I found out that they primarily love to help themselves, their members never supported their own life before like poor people do by struggling to survive day to day or businesspeople who struggle for success many years and bear all the risks, NGOs have lost the original goals of their founders and many of them are founded just to make money, we have formed a team of businesspeople to help at the tsunami site in Aceh from the very first minute as we stayed there when the catastrophe hit and it was horrible to witness the arrogance of so called international helpers, first of all they claimed everything for themselves the last remaining small huts, the electricity and the last Air conditioners as well as the last remaining bottled drinking water, our indonesian nurses had to labour pregnant wifes under open skies bc the last huts were occupied by the 'helpers'

We paid for local helpers to come from other provinces as we raised money privately around the world quickly and the NGOs used our helpers as their servants!!!!!

I know for sure, the god lord knows everything.

Love to all who really want to help from deep inside their hearts unconditionally

Now the opposite site, we got inspired during this hard times, working 24/7 by everybodies sparkling eyes, who felt safe by our efforts and among the helpers we supported each other as we felt happy all together for everybody we could bring to safety , we are still into this project after 3 years and it makes us feel good just to contribute a small effort for a better world.

Love and god bless you
Tracey D
2008-01-15 03:22:13 UTC
The answer is
2008-01-23 05:40:15 UTC
You are a pain in the butt!
2008-01-14 20:07:50 UTC
stop looking for publicity. we are tired of looking at your ugly face when we login to answers.
2008-01-14 13:55:31 UTC
I can't be organized. When my house is clean, my mind feels restricted. I need clutter, it helps me be creative and constructive.
2008-01-14 13:50:55 UTC
Send me money. Small denominations, $20's are best. And don't record the serial numbers.
2008-01-08 13:12:21 UTC
I think this is a rather tricky question, because it depends on what is meant by you. You in a personal sense or You in a communal sense. For the the sake of a shorter explanation, I will define it as me, personally. What would inspire me to get more involved in the community and world wouldn't merely be helping those who were down and out, or repairing/refurbishing dilapidated homes, it wouldn't even be feeding starving children. While the last point may sound cruel, that is not the intention. I am for the humanitarian organizations that bring nourishment to starving children, education, clothes and I also think there should be more effort made to help them, because they were forced into that situation, it is not of their own making. However, giving food, clothing, etc. will not help the children, indefinitely. What would inspire me is an organization that chose to nip the problem "in the bud," so to speak, and prevent a situation like this to rise. For example: People receive medical shots/vaccinations in order to prevent diseases. If you get the shot after you're sick, it won't do you a whole lot of good. It may help you, a bit, but you remain sick, regardless. If an organization pledged to aid people with preventative tactics rather that repair tactics then that would inspire me, personally, to take greater involvement in the world around me.
2008-01-15 09:31:29 UTC
When they walk the talk.
Eric the Great *USA*
2008-01-15 05:09:25 UTC
help us rid of the criminal politicians and US government would be a good start.
2008-01-08 12:03:36 UTC
Many organizations use visual cues and conditioned responses to get people to donate. Money which in a way I think it has made them too dependent on it that they fail to really help anyone at all. I only donate my time, and resources to organizations that are responsible and have an excellent record of actual helping people than having all their money go to "administrative" expenses. So a clear record accountability is important for me to know that what I give is actually going to go to the people that actually need help the most. Otherwise I do small things where I live to help people where I am because I can't know that that dollar will go to feed a starving family half way around the world, But if I give a starving family in my own country a hot meal at least I will be making a difference to one family even if it is just for one meal at a time.
chuck h
2008-01-14 11:33:44 UTC
It would have to depend on the cause
2008-01-08 17:36:19 UTC
By bringin in more awareness, nowadays people have to be literally jolted up as they are so busy with their own world, like in earn living more and more for living coz of the day to day expenses. The organization should be honest in whatever awareness they are trying to spread, coz people also tend to think (due to some organization filling up their own pockets in the name of the environment concerns) that its all faked up. They should be socially active too so that people especially youths should get involved in such kind of activities. Trying get celebs and politicians sometimes can back fire coz they get into such act for attracting attention that how great they are to vote for them. In India if any youth tries to voice out anything it gets curbed by police, some politician supporters or by family pressure, due to the past experiences. Organizations should actually give the assurity to people that they are there for their own betterment that is if you talking about NGO's, etc. The Corporate Organizations, sometimes I feel that they are so profite oriented that they dont even care about their own nation (source from mumbaimirror article of Corporator couldnt even sing their own nation's national anthem) its such a disgrace. I do understand the business world and how it should work, but sometimes you have to do something for the society too. After they die do the carry all those money up with them? We youths do have burning desire to help each other and I do know that its us who can make a difference and will make eventually.
2008-01-14 21:58:47 UTC
by addressing things that I care for
Meme Care
2008-01-14 14:55:44 UTC
offer more volunteer opportunities that are accessible. Offer more Green options!!! And actually contact me more often!
2008-01-14 12:16:30 UTC
by endorsing Ron Paul.
2008-02-05 18:24:33 UTC
First and foremost, the organization must teach me something, which means: open my eyes to something I did not see before. In making that inner shift, my own understanding becomes an authentic basis of involvement and action externally. Now, it's true, there are many other approaches to stimulating people to a given activity. One can pound the table and repeat the slogans of one's cause; one can flood the media with seductive images of one's product; one can hire celebrities to back one's candidate, and so on. But if we are talking about something deep and transformative (rather than ad campaigns, condescending manipulation and pandering to trends) then the attention must go toward awakening new understanding in the individual. This is not such a remote and difficult thing to hope for. Human beings are intuitive creatures, with an innate sense of truth. An organization must therefore speak to them - in word and deed - with transparent authenticity and respect. Its potency to teach and motivate will be proportional to the relevance and depth of the truth it represents.

A final thought on that word, 'relevance'. It is really key. New ideas, social causes, and technological innovations for that matter, must all demonstrate relevance - to me, my life, my fellows and humanity at large. Otherwise they never catch on and are quickly forgotten. Similarly, and I think near the heart of Deepak's question, there is the fact that I must learn see my own relevance - to my fellow human beings and the world at large, our world. Failing this, I will fundamentally ignore myself, and somehow never catch on or activate, except within the narrow confines of dissociated self-involvement. An organization that helped awaken the individual to his own relevance would really set things in motion.
Mr. Main Event
2008-01-08 11:59:17 UTC
By taking action. An organization can market and talk about getting more involved with the world around me. But, until it actually does anything that shows me that it isn't just marketing or talking about getting involved with the world around me, then I will not be inspired to do what it (the organization) tells me to do.
2008-01-25 17:13:28 UTC
give me free stuff
2008-01-17 01:23:27 UTC
By not destroying it.
2008-01-14 16:07:57 UTC
post signs on beer cans
John Stein
2008-01-14 13:55:03 UTC
1. if there is interest for me and something for my goals...i am here!

2. be honest...if you need help really...i am here!

3. if your organisation have a idea thats worth billions..and you want it to share with me...i am here!

Stay fine!:)
2008-01-14 10:31:31 UTC
Make my involvement financially beneficial to me.
2008-01-08 13:32:33 UTC
This is simple but complex question - Happiness is key in the end to inspire all people. Happiness is usually based on a complex personal basis of experiences that become ambition in the form of dreams and then these ambition based goals then develop you slowly as you study and progress throughout your life long educational journey.

Happiness is many things to different people. Not all share the same idea of what happiness is in life.

Organizations utilize particular styles of behavior to operate successfully for their brand of success what ever that may involve. It's important to note the difference between any organization you wish to become involved with. Once you start to do this you will notice a big difference in organizations thus some will have a more a happier presence and environment than others. Pick wisely.

The most successful organizations inspire through a process of recognizing people and their inherent skills as they develop or match such a persons passion/skill in parallel to their organizational objective or need. So imagine your skills and then working for the top employer in that field of endeavor whether you have set career goals or are planning to have a long career. Happiness plays an important major role in your developing your ambitions in life.

While an organizations goals or intent can be broad and endless in scope. Its very important to match those persons that have happiness, interest, passion and ambition to complete these common goals as asked.

For myself personally my life is all based on maintaining

focus on the intent to live based on happiness.

I am a professional creative designer so happiness is key in my profession and this focus has brought many rewards.

All the best!
2008-02-04 12:49:39 UTC
By applying a holistic tactic of incorporation to the elements of the organization, (i.e, the men and women who make it).

How would you make this? It is accepted that "family" is the nucleus of a society. Thus make organizations like family, even though they cannot be the exact same.

Then this Family-Organization will focus on taking the best out of you, just like the wishes of your father and your mother. Every father and mother wishes their son to be the best they can be and live a good life. This means the Family-Organization must not only teach, but learn to teach how to grow, accept its surroundings and learn to love life, since loving life probably means getting involved with the world around you.

Of course its unrealistic that an organization be as a family, but it can be similiar or have similiar principles. The holistic approach, comes with the organizations acknoledgment of its surroundings, and incorporating it somehow to it definite business. I dont know which types or organizations are contemplated in the question; for example you could work in a technology organization/company that is an agricultural area. Lets say that the company produces touchscreens. Yet around the area there are herding dogs that need to be fed more depending on the weather, but it is unknown. Then the guy develops touch-screen for herding dogs, cause he learns to love and considers them a fine species of dogs and then goes ahead and develops a low cost touchscreen that have dogs touch the touchscreen for food. I know this idea is very stupid but it is already written, so let it be there.

And then, had the organization not had "Dog-Herding-Day" the worker who developed the famous herding dog touch screen would've never invented the now world famous dog touch screen. This is because the organization cares about its surrounding, and instead of despising the agricultural area surrounding them, which had not much to do with their LCD screens, incorporated it since their workers lived there.

Oh man! This is very basic, but probably what I intend to say, is that many times organization have a dilemma. Fire the employee, or teach them. I would say the majority would fire them. But (generally) your mother would not fire you as a son, thus working like that in an organization would get the best out of a person, such that he cares and understand the world around you. least I write fast.....
2008-01-25 04:36:53 UTC
you now have more time on your hands, go do something
2008-01-19 22:06:31 UTC
i just want to ask you Doctor.. why some people stinks so much?
2008-01-15 09:54:12 UTC
STOP PUSHING FOR OUR MONEY WE DON'T HAVE and ask as us for our time
Ivory M
2008-01-15 02:32:38 UTC
The answer is
2008-01-14 13:20:56 UTC
by not mucking everything up 4 every1
2008-01-14 11:04:52 UTC
i think it can take away your creativity and freedom

a wholeness approach is much better

and so on and so forth

john lennon also said "do you remember when you were small, how the people seemed so small, always had their way"
2008-01-17 15:25:54 UTC
2008-01-14 18:46:39 UTC
Join the USA military and go to the Middle East and kill , KILL, KILL
2008-01-14 17:01:04 UTC
Well starvation usualy works !
2008-01-14 13:59:55 UTC
i humply suggest that it tries to stike a responsive chord in their bein as human . what humanity needs is what every man request
Rare girl
2008-01-19 09:15:12 UTC
2008-01-16 09:02:01 UTC
when it hits home ..Autism is our greatest problem .
2008-01-14 18:32:27 UTC
it can't. i am going to get involved with local issues, council concerns.

marketers, and those who back them consciously or unconsciously, can f**k off.
2008-01-08 12:46:09 UTC
The church I belong to has a few very outgoing members and they know how to get people interested.

This one man, a farmer, found out about the Foods Recourse Bank and started it in our church. We were one of the first to be involved. I was skeptical at first, taking on a project so worldwide. But a lot of the people were for it and all involved so I just kind of rode along till the next year and they were all still gung-ho.

So I figured it was starting to roll into a bigger thing and maybe it was a good thing after all.

A church with an annual budget of $75,000 made $200,000 for a project in about 6 years. It was amazing. Let me tell you, I was glad I was part of it.

A woman in my church found out about Soles 4 Souls and this little church collected 400 pairs of shoes for the needy in about 2 monthes. (this is in a town of about 900 people) Since she was already my friend, I helped her with the cleaning of all them.

All it takes is one person with an idea and the williness to put in some time. They have to be able to call others and ask them for some help, not a lot, just a little. People don't want to commit to too much at first.

I will help in small ways doing what I am able. The most important thing is to find that one person who will get it all started.

So I guess my inspiration comes from the people I know and my friends.

We read a couple of your books in our book club, too, very inspiring.
2008-01-14 10:34:00 UTC
how? nothing can. only the rich have the money to make changes, either by money or by influence of power.

a poor man has no power or money....

there is nothing you can do or say to make me give a damn.

the good ole boys in washington don't care!
2008-01-08 20:37:41 UTC
The thing is that if your attention is focused on whats wrong with the world you become completely blind to the path of making things better. Inspiration ALWAYS comes from joy and love. So show me the joy and the love in the world. I have found that while it may not often make the news joy and love are present everywhere on the world stage. Want to improve our relationship to the planet show people how amazing the planet is. Shows like Planet Earth on the discovery channel bring childlike wonder back to anyone who watches them.

If you want to inspire the idea in others that one human being can change the world lets make a super star out of Wangari Maathai who has through her Green Belt Movement planted 30 million trees with the help of poor women in the region. She has led a a true change to prevent deforestation in Africa. Through education, family planning, nutrition and the fight against corruption, the Green Belt Movement has paved the way for development at grass-root level. This was one woman. Could YOU be one woman? Could YOU be one man? Could we be ONE? Inspire me to be a light in the world where I stand. How will I improve the world starting with my heart and from there reaching out globally. That all my actions large and small can effect the world in a bigger way. How far will the act of a real smile reach once I set it free. Will it be passed on from person to person until it comes back to me?

“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.” Jesus Christ

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. Buddha

"Human beings by nature want happiness and do not want suffering. With that

feeling everyone tries to achieve happiness and tries to get rid of suffering, and everyone has the basic right to do this. In this way, all here are the same, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, Easterner or Westerner, believer or non-believer, and within believers whether Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and so on. Basically, from the viewpoint of real human value we are all the same." Dalai Lama

I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.

-Arthur Rubenstein

The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers. -Deepak Chopra.
2008-01-15 09:48:42 UTC
free stuff
2008-01-14 18:39:45 UTC
I am not playing games. GARRY
2008-01-08 17:26:37 UTC
An organization inspires you with power,persuasion,and speech
2008-01-14 22:31:44 UTC
remember my name
That Guy
2008-01-14 10:50:36 UTC
First off, by not buying what you're selling...
2008-01-14 20:32:32 UTC
Tipp Renee'
2008-01-14 14:33:04 UTC
2008-01-14 13:24:25 UTC
that depends, which 'organization(s)' are you refering to?
2008-01-08 21:20:04 UTC
it can show that it is not merely there for political reasons and that people are really being helped. it's hard to continue to exert all of your energy in order to help people and find that it has all been in vain because of deceitfulness and corruption. eventually the human mind and body breaks down.
Truth Rocks!
2008-01-14 12:48:46 UTC
to me, if it's helping those who need it, I'm down.
rescue the gal
2008-01-14 14:26:14 UTC
only if the organiztion is not a fake.
2008-01-14 13:09:36 UTC
by showing what they do .... instead of asking for my money.
2008-01-14 10:47:03 UTC
by sponcering things to help us and by telling us what we can do to help you do it
2008-01-14 10:50:36 UTC
by being PRO American instead of this we are the world crap...
Danny K
2008-01-14 10:05:20 UTC
2008-01-08 12:03:24 UTC
I think when an organization is genuinely excited about their message, and they are highly visible, it is easy to be drawn into their message if it's positive, and something you agree with. When you are drawn in by something, I think it is automatic to want to tell others about it, and do your own part to spread the word/get involved in a cause, etc.

2008-01-16 17:22:04 UTC
you suck chopra
Farah H
2008-01-14 16:37:48 UTC
holy crap that's a lot of frikkin answers....that really is a lot....
2008-01-08 21:56:33 UTC
Dear Asker ,

Dr. Deepak Chopra

Kindly SEE>>>;


This is a bilateral interests & inspirations, in the private

personal,and social cultural affairs. indeed!

1)-***While, I like to take part to effectuate an approaching to

the cultural & academical researching or seminars,

for the private & social affairs, either educations,heath

cares,charities, or some technical & engineering sciences ,

managements,international finance, etc.

**Since, there are a lot of aspects that can not heard

and issue in common media, that people need to know

about them. well!, and it is a good way to get me inspired!

2)-***Hence, I can be in turn responsive to my applied

questioners / audiences,well !,

**While, there are some very special educated groups.

and a lot of people pay attention, to what I say/ will say, to


**So, if it is an issue, I believe in, that I will / can share

definitely spread the word, by these voices, well!,

**And, these affairs effectuate to their desires ,

and inspirations,too!

**** ****


So, How about You too,- The Asker!? ,



Happy New year



Hiep N
2008-01-14 18:08:15 UTC
deepak lol dats ma frnds name u just like it you think the same way thats wat is think
2008-01-08 12:45:01 UTC
Portray information and educate me in lasting ways.

Education is an arsenal's greatest weapon.
2008-01-14 20:37:32 UTC
It can't.
2008-01-14 19:57:03 UTC
2008-01-14 18:39:38 UTC
i dont think it can
2008-01-14 17:18:03 UTC
only penis lol
The one who knows
2008-01-14 12:46:05 UTC
It can't
2008-01-08 16:23:51 UTC
fraudulent organizations inspire me to take them on
2008-01-08 12:18:35 UTC
Before you can become inspired you must be aware of the group. You must get the word out.
2008-01-14 15:35:29 UTC
it cannot communist
2008-01-08 11:47:10 UTC
it must do two things:

1 - appeal to my moral compass

2 - desire to achieve a goal which i would not be able to achieve on my own

an organization would almost never be able to inspire me positively through advertising. personal interaction would be a must. :)
2008-01-15 00:11:45 UTC
chopra are you totally sold out? your asking goodie goodie questions on yahoo, wtf?
2008-01-14 18:30:45 UTC
2008-01-14 12:59:51 UTC
It can't.
2008-01-08 12:17:13 UTC
Lead by example.
2008-01-26 02:45:21 UTC
ahh deepak wat u bang cuz
Mohamad Meraj S
2008-01-15 02:16:09 UTC
2008-01-08 13:02:17 UTC
giving a good example and being honest

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2008-01-08 12:14:21 UTC


2008-01-08 11:43:25 UTC
When you are with other people who share your goal, it is easier to get excited and to believe that you can make a difference.
Sassy Tease-Sex With Sassy Radio
2008-01-08 11:35:13 UTC
Well I like to get involved anyway because there are alot of voices that are not heard and issues that people need to know about in health,education,sexually,socially and more but for me personally sponsoring my radio show and is a good way to get me inspired!Alot of people listen to what I have to say so if it is an issue I believe in I will definitly spread the word. Tell me more about what your doing

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.