You start by asking about someone who "might need your help" and end by assuming they need your help.
It's one thing to offer help to someone who seems to need it. Nothing wrong with that, and much right with it -- if you are being reasonable in your perceptions.
If you offer help, and the person doesn't want it, then you should leave them alone. Trying to force help on someone who doesn't want it is exceedingly rude. It's insulting to pretend you know what they need better than they do. (You wouldn't be "ignoring them" but respecting their wishes.)
If you have some particular situation in mind, it would be better to describe it -- how could we know what's actually going on?
Remember, it's easy to be arrogant and assume you know better than other people. But you may not know everything that's going on.
Also, you may think someone who is perfectly happy with their situation needs help, when it's simply a matter of their living their lives their way.
Finally, even if you are right and they are wrong, it's counter-productive (as well as rude) to try to force them against their will. They will have every right to resent your interference.