Chicago Ban Foie Gras - Do you agree with me?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Chicago Ban Foie Gras - Do you agree with me?
104 answers:
2006-08-23 13:53:13 UTC
This is just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Why do these people think its their right, or even obligation to decide what we eat? What happened too land of the Free? Guess we need to add "As long as you do what I say" too the end...
Bren B
2006-08-23 13:40:10 UTC
I lived near Chicago for almost 10 yrs and now we can see where those who are in charge are most concerned. The Mayor and Council should be more worried about actually running the city and managing the budget, than about livestock. I'm so glad I moved back to the mountains here in Maryland!!!

Is the practice cruel? Probably depends on who you are ~ but it is no different than raising a calf to become veal (some feel thats cruel too), putting a bullet in the brain of a cow or pig, or literally killing a chicken by hanging it from a hook and eviscerating it alive. They are animals, put on the earth as food for those up the food chain ~ if you don't like it...don't eat it.

BUT the government (local, state or federal) getting involved is just toooooo much, its not their place
2006-08-23 13:29:23 UTC
A ban of foie gras? What a laugh! What's next...veal, lamb? Doesn't the Chicago City Council have anything better to ban? I would be pretty upset with such stupidity, but the City Council has been so in love with Daley and the Bridgeport Mafia, that its almost refreshing to see them debate this stupid issue. It's a side of the alderman that's been dead since Daley got into office. So just maybe... just maybe this will put some spunk into aldermen who have done nothing but rubber stamp anything that Daley and his henchmen want.
z z
2006-08-23 13:28:28 UTC
This law is an invasion of individual freedom and a gross misallocation of municipal resources. Vote the bastards out, Chicago!
2006-08-23 13:26:47 UTC
What they (Chicago's City Council) needs to do (actually the city's residents) is to vote to ban the electing of officials who would rather waste time and tax-payers money on worthless bills that invade the privacy of the public.

They need stronger gun control ordinances, better watchdogs over the police department, and city governing bodies - NOT FOOD!

The city has people dying on the street from hunger and disease; a severe need for decent employment and housing; lower cost of gas and higher cost of living wages, and they are worried about "goose liver"...most of them probably don't even eat it themselves.

[CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL]: Get up off of your lazy a##es and draft bills/ordinances that help stop violence and murders in Englewood (the area I grew up in in the 1960's and 70's). Put an end to the corruption in City Hall. Get good-paying jobs for the people living in the city so they - and their families can live better and get off of welfare.


( just ticks me off to see such foolishness from elected officials in times as financially desparate as these)
R man
2006-08-23 13:51:07 UTC
Why is this such a big deal? calm down, its just ******* food. For god's sake. Go eat a hamburger while you still can, fat *****.
2006-08-23 13:45:35 UTC
If you ban Foie Gras on the grounds of humane animal treatment, then at a minimum you ban veal also.

I wonder what the Mayor's stance is on Veal.
Chokin' my Chicken
2006-08-23 13:35:41 UTC
While I believe that the treatment of the animals is inhumane, I support Mayor Daley in saying this is not an issue that should be brought before the city council.

I ask the alderman to take a look at his clothing, made in various parts of the world, under conditions we may see as deplorable.

Will they ban sneakers made by children in sweat shops? Or underwear made in sweatshops in Sri Lanka?

The insult to Chicago taxpayers is the fact that this even made it to vote in chamber. How about paying more attention to the children of our city, the students, the elderly, the potholes, the crime. Those blue flashing lights on light poles need attention, not some duck we cannot help in another part of the world.

Foie Gras sales will go up as a result.

I suggest the people of the 49th ward elect another alderman who will apply his efforts towards REAL issues. What a joke this guy is.

Just me 2 cents worth.
2006-08-23 13:26:55 UTC
Ok, I've lived near Chicago my entire life (except for a bit of post-adolescent foolishness back in the early 80's) - and one thing has been a shining star throughout those years -

You can ALWAYS depend on the Chicago City Council for some of the BEST humor in government.

Good old Alderman Burt Natarus and his "What About The Horses" rant.

Dorothy Tilman & her LOUD entourage going to "SNATCH it down!!" (Picture of Harold Washington in lingerie drag in a PRIVATE student exhibit at the Art Institute)

Ed Burke is usually good for a laugh on a quiet day as well.

If it's stupid - the Chicago City Council will consider, vote upon and defend to the death their foolishness.

Thank the Deity for suburbia!!
2006-08-23 13:14:40 UTC
It's just another animal cruelty law.

Stuffing a funnel down a bird's throat and force-feeding it until its liver becomes inflamed is simply barbaric!
Dr. Screech Belding
2006-08-23 13:21:06 UTC
I am a native Chicagoan who has since moved to Texas. Being a native, I know our attitude towards Texas. We believe we are more open-minded in the city of big shoulders. After living in Houston and a smaller town all I can say is think again! The dumbest thing Texas has done since I have lived here is attempting to cite bar patrons for public intoxication if they appear to be over the limit. It was a foolish practice and pointed out as such. Therefore, the state of Texas stopped.

Chicago has now done two very dumb things in less than 6 months. Foie Gras is a minor issue compared to the "Big Box Amendment" which will require large retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe's and others to start their pay at 10 dollars an hour and contribute an amount to health insurance.

In Mayor Daley's defense, he is against both proposals. He will likely veto the big-box amendment, however he probably does not have time for Foie Gras. It is stupid, but trivial at best.
2006-08-23 15:15:09 UTC
When Foie Gras is outlawed, only outlaws will have Foie Gras. This is foolishness. A city has no business getting this far into people's lives.

What are the penalties going to be if someone is found eating Foie Gras, or possessing it or trafficing in it? As if the existing police have time to fool with this issue. How many new police officers are going to be hired to be on Foie Gras Patrol? Are children going to be encouraged at school to turn in their parents if they eat Foie Gras? Can you trust your friends?

I'm sure there are a few greenbeans and a couple of geese who are happy with this decision, but it is lunacy. Be careful Chicago, pretty soon they'll be banning your automobile for all the bugs and animals that are killed by them every year. And no more fly swatters or mouse traps.
2006-08-23 21:45:44 UTC
Well, its unfortunate that a specific food type has to be banned but I hope people will take this as an oportunity to think twice about what they eat and how its produced.

There are large societal costs to justify these actions and I can only hope further bans will be enacted to help force changes in farming practices. If that implies higher prices, so be it.

For those not willing to do a google search, Foie Gras is no different than most of the meat type products people eat. Producers attempting to maximize profit keep far too many animals in too close proximity to each other. As such, they pump the animals full of antibiotics to keep them healthy and they give animals gowth hormones and other feedstuffs to make them grow un-naturally.

The consequence of all this that the antibiotics and hormones are still in the meat when people consume them. FRANKEN FOOD is a very real concern that poses a threat to society. Viruses are becoming resistant to most anitbiotics (bird flu as an example) and that poses a tremendous risk to society.

And yes, the same argument applies to most of the beef, chicken, porks - eggs, milk cheese that you all eat.

You can scream and yell all you want but simply spending a little more for ORGANIC and FREE-RANGE products is a step in the right direction. Send your letters to Mc Donalds and every other restaurant and DEMAND higher quality food.

No one has repealed the laws of supply and demand. Business's will not change their offerings until they are forced to by goverment legislation or consumers start voicing their demand - by pen or dollar.

If Foie Gras had to be the sacrificial lamb, so be it. Maybe hot dogs should be next.

In the end, you are what you eat and I choose to have Darwin on my side.
2006-08-23 15:02:08 UTC
The saddest part of most of the answers to this question is that most seem to think this issue is really about how a goose is treated. It is not at all.

It seems that most Americans today have forgotten what the generation that fought and won WWII lived, believed and very often died for. FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention that most haven't the slightest clue about the precepts this country was founded on.

If you ask 100 Americans on the street what type of government our country has, at least 99 will reply "democracy".

The U.S.A. is not and never has been a democracy. We are a republic with democratically elected leaders.

If you ask 1000 Americans what a public place is, at least 999 will give a restraunt as an example. A restraunt or bar is not a public place unless it was built or bought and owned with taxpayers dollars such as a restraunt at a government park.

A privatley owned restraunt, whether it be a mom and pop shop or a national chain is not a public place. It is private property that the owner chooses to allow the public to enter.

A business that practices unacceptable acts should be punished by a lack of business. The people have the right and freedom, or at least they should have, to decide for themselves what busniness practices they choose to support.

Anyone who encourages a government to think, speak and protect it's citizens has no clue what freedom means or why our forefathers left socialist countries to come here and start over.

Many Americans seem to think that we have the right or are promised life, liberty and happiness. Keep in mind that we are not. We used to be and still should be promised the right to persue...........

Where will we go when we are the poor, the tired and the weary and there is no statue of liberty waiting for us to be excited about the opportunity to be granted the freedom to persue life, liberty and happiness?
Mike H
2006-08-23 14:36:50 UTC
I'm quite confused how this is an invasion of individual freedoms and personal rights. Are you guys the ones personally creating the foie gras in your own home? I really doubt it. What right is exactly being invaded. Just because we are American does not mean we get unconditional unlimted rights. If you can showe me where in the Bill fo Rights it says we have the right to eat whatever we want, let me know.

And why should it be left to the Federal government to create this ban. Do you know anything about federalism and individual state rights? The federal government should not have to step in every time somebody wants something done.

Whats the reasoning in not banning one thing because we are not banning all things? That just doesn't make sense.

The way that foie gras is created is incredibly painful, cruel and pointless. So we fat Americans can enjoy a piece of liver. I guess you would probably have no problem killing elephants because someone wants to enjoy a ivory sculpture in their home.
2014-10-06 04:29:44 UTC
only outlaws will have Foie Gras. This is foolishness. A city has no business getting this far into people's lives.

What are the penalties going to be if someone is found eating Foie Gras, or possessing it or trafficing in it? As if the existing police have time to fool with this issue. How many new police officers are going to be hired to be on Foie Gras Patrol? Are children going to be encouraged at school to turn in their parents if they eat Foie Gras? Can you trust your friends?
2006-08-23 22:31:20 UTC
Foie Gras. So some of you agree with the Chicago City Council? Do us all a favor, first pull out those canine teeth you have evolved with. Humans are omnivores. We eat everything. Belut, anyone? Nasty stuff, but Filipinos love it, pinfeathers, toenails, and all.

Making a law against foie gras is mindless on the surface, but PETA has strong inroads in our politics in this city. This IS the city where special interests get their way above all else. In order to pay for their stupidity, we have the highest gas prices in the nation (taxes), nearly the highest cigarette prices in the nation (taxes again), and ruinous property taxes to boot.

When does the common man stop paying for the whims of uncommon boneheads like PETA and their like?

I've met Didier Durand, the Chicago chef leading the fight against these idiots, and I have nothing but respect for the man. His policy is simple. If you don't like it....DON'T EAT IT.

Idiots are everywhere. Chicago just elects more of them. Give them enough time and everyone will have to wear a life preserver to go swimming, regardless of age. Pocketknives will be banned within the city, and smoking will be banned in private homes, due to the health risk. Hell, give em time and they'll ban alcohol. Given this city's history, what they're doing now is a crying shame.
2006-08-23 14:24:20 UTC
I do not agree with you. Im proud that I live in a city that is willing to be progressive and not be afraid of enacting laws that will protect its citizens. For those people that believe that Foi Gras is being banned because it high amount of heart-saturating fat, they are very sadly mistaken. Foi Gras is made by force-feeding ducks and geese until their livers blow up. This is extremely painful and inhumane to the poor ducks and geese, and such a ban should have been passed years ago.

Chicago aldermen are setting a great example for the rest of the nation and are taking Chicago in the direction that nation policy should go. Im proud of living in Chicago, the model of what every great city should be.
2006-08-23 14:06:51 UTC
There are several things you should know:

1. Mayor Daley had the right to veto this ordinance, like any other council ordinance, and there weren't the votes on council to overturn this veto. For him to come out now that the ordinance is going into effect and stating publically he will not enforce it is grandstanding; if he had guts he would have vetoed it.

2. Restauranteurs in Chicago are suing over this, but it's likely the case will fail. They believe that since the foie gras is created somewhere else, where the presumed criminal conditions are applied to the geese, the council has no authority over the matter. This is specious at best; the council has banned a number of different items for sale in Chicago; spray paint is one example of a product that isn't manufactured in Chicago (though its ozone-damaging effects would presumably occur becuase of use in Chicago).

3. Daley's real aim is to distract Chicagoans from the growing list of scandals linked to his administration: city hall hiring and kickbacks to trucking agencies are just the latest. These are the reasons he's losing his till-now iron-fisted grip on the council; witness the recent smoking ban, where Daley had to actually negotiate over the ordinance with the city council.

I laughed out loud when I saw the headline "Chicago is a nanny-state". I've lived in Chicago for the past 20 years, and have never felt this to be true. In the end, I don't really care whether or not foie gras is banned in Chicago--I would of course choose not to eat it, just as I believe anyone with a conscience would)--but the right-wing hysteria over such trivialities is hilarious to watch. But such is the great distraction that is modern politics: In this case worthless arguments intended to keep our eye off the real eyesore that is the rampant corruption in Mayor Daley's city hall. I'm a Democrat, but I'll never ever vote for that liar.
escaped North from Chicago
2006-08-23 14:40:03 UTC
Banning foie gras is a pathetic attempt by Alderman Moore and the rest of the City Council to be relevant, even in an irrelevant way. Unless one subscribes to the PETA mantra of "a rat is a pig is a boy" (in this case "a rat is a duck is a boy"), one realizes that this 'Big Mother' government intrusion is ill-conceived, hypocritical and can only be bad for the city of Chicago. Aside from tying the hands of some of the city's most creative chefs and taking free choice away from their customers, it demonstrates a provincialism that makes Chicago a laughingstock among the cities of the world.

The Chicago City Council can't seem to do anything other than raise taxes and kiss the Mayor's nether regions, so they resort to this sort of headline-grabbing idiocy. I left Chicago for the Northern Suburbs 20 years ago and now live safely in Lake County, out of the reach of the nanny-staters in Cook County government and their "ban anything we don't approve of" mentality. They banned handguns 20 years ago (except for themselves and other elected officials including the mayor), and now they've banned fattened duck liver. Bravo! What a noble group sucks at the teat of the Chicago taxpayer!
2006-08-23 13:57:44 UTC
This is a big invasion of personal rights. The government should not be telling people what they can and cannot eat. If the geese are being treated cruely then actions should be taken against the food companies distributing the geese, not against the restaurants serving them and the people eating them. The government should not be our parents, they should be protecting the three basic principles of our nation: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don't see how banning Foie Gras supports any of those principles.

As for the people that think it is more important to protect animal rights than human rights, be careful what you wish for. That is a slippery slope that could lead to your human rights for speaking out about animal cruelty being taken away. I mean what's to stop it? If the government can tell us what we can and cannot eat then how long until they tell us what we can and cannot say?

I mean if you want to be a vegeterian or a vegan or only eat Sour Cream n' Onion potato chips that is your choice. Choice being the important word here, so if people want to pay for and eat foie gras then they should have that choice as well.
Jeff S
2006-08-23 13:42:50 UTC
While the city council could spend time and energy aiding our public schools, or improving our mass transit system which faces serious long term financial problems or cleaning up the clout heavy city hiring system they have spent the last couple of years telling us citizens how to live. They tell us its all for our own good. They have banned street performers from Michigan Avenue. They silenced the bells of a one hundred year old church from ringing in the hour in the evenings. Passed a draconian smoking ban that will likely close many neighborhood bars and now have decided we the people are too stupid to decide what items we want to select from the menu. I don't eat foie gras or veal but I would never deny someone else the right to order it if they desired. What should be matters left to business owners and their potential customers have been decided by council members without regard to the wishes of the citizens. We are smart enough to decide what we want to eat and whether to visit an establishment that either allows or prohibits smoking. I am sad to say that Joe Moore (the "genius" behind this latest edict) represents me on the city council. Rest assured that representation is in name only. I am proud to say I voted for his opponent in the last election and will do so again. How nice for the city council that after interfering in yet another matter of personal choice that they voted themselves a $20,000 raise to be phased in over the next four years. I guess being a busybody is hard work.
2006-08-23 18:53:12 UTC
Right on! I think the people of Chicago have a legitimate reason to fire the aldermen, mayor etc. ans elect a new batch. I Can this be done?...but if I lived in Chicago I'd be mad. There needs to be accountability. What a waste of money! I'm insulted that this is going on in America. Just another example of an expanding problem.

However, you're wrong to even suggest an instance where this sort of intrusion would be proper. "Leaving it to the federal government" is giving away that freedom.

Consider Pest control businesses. I've never heard a lib. gasp in horror and claim that it's immoral to nuke a million or so termites. They certainly don't let bugs bite their kids and destroy their houses.

I've never eaten fois gras. Liver's never drawn me in. Gonna try it this weekend.(sorry o nameless webbed foot victim) It may just the best use for geese yet.
2006-08-23 15:42:39 UTC
What if you were confined to a cage and were forced fed with a long pipe down your esophagus so that you eat more than your body allows, causing your liver to swell? A human doing this to another human would probably have the death sentence- but what, animals don't matter? It is absolutely inhumane and so why should we allow it too happen?

In fact I think we should banned all factory farming and the only meat we can eat are those given free-range with a quick painless death.

There is a food chain, but no other animal tortures their food the entire time it is living. (Note: some animals may torture an animal before they kill it, but not its enitre life). We really should reconsider what happen to the aninmal before we eat it. How can we be so inhimane to other animals and not care? "Outta sight- outta mind" is a pathetic excuse.

Not only that, but there is lots of talk about global warming. And overpopulation. Research how factory farming is a huge contributor to global warming and how farm land is use to feed the ANIMALS and not the starving people around the world.

Here's some good pics:

Also, do a search on how our other rights are being taken away from right under our noses. They put this stuff out in the mainstream so people focus on this BS rather than our REAL rights being taken away.

Wake up and smell the death, I mean coffee.
2006-08-23 15:07:58 UTC
Amen to that one! I'm not a very political person but I am completely against my personal liberties being stepped on by some over inflated politician!

I am all for animal rights and I understand how important it is to protect those who can't speak for themselves but isn't this the responsibility of each and every individual? I, personally, have never eaten Foie Gras and much less would I want to but COME ON!

I am a smoker, and just a month or 2 ago, Chicago entered into a smoking ban inside every bar, bowling alley, restaurant...(etc.) that has to be complied with sometime within the next 2 years. To top it off...they won't even allow us to smoke within 15 feet of the establishment's doors! I've already decided that I will deal with this "rule", and thus any "rule mongers", in a very distinct and legal way.

If someone walks up to me and says that I am smoking too close to a building's enterance...I'll simply tell them to go and get a measuring tape so that they can prove to me that I am within 15 feet of the entrance. By the time they get back...I'll have put my cigarette out and be on my way!

Give me a break Mayor Daley...Give me a break Aldermen! I don't need government not only telling me:

What condition my house needs to be in

What color it has to be

That I can't hang an American Flag outside of my house

That I must hang an American Flag outside my house

That I can't smoke ANYWHERE

That I can only smoke in a plastic tube

That I can only eat things that are good for me

That I can only eat things that are bad in the privacy of my home

Or whatever other rules that you might want to insist that I follow! I am an individual, with my own mind and my own decisions to make...let me make them!

To Life, Liberty, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (whatever that might mean to you)!
Belia R
2006-08-23 19:03:53 UTC
To clear the record for the misinformed, the Mayor was not in favor of this ordinance. Second, the point of it is to limit the demand of a "delicacy" that is produced by brutally cruel methods. Sure, the rest of the animal is used but it experiences cruel and unusual punishment. Whether you are an omnivore or a vegan, it is unconscionable to treat living creatures in this manner. We are civilzed humans and should act accordingly. Reality is animals are bred to be eaten. However, need they be treated in this manner? And is it okay to treat ducks this way because of how we treat cows? If citizens could be trusted to make the right choices, government wouldn't have to interfere and make choices for us. Of course, if that were true we wouldn't have any government body at all. The whole reason to have these bodies govern us is because the masses cannot be trusted to make decisions for the better good of everyone. No law that passes is ever approved by all parties. Someone always opposes every law, because we are prone to having tunnel vision and only view things by what is good for US. Their job is to make decisions that are good for the majority.

The truth of the matter is that very few order foie gras. If you dig deeper, you would learn that most people eat it because it's viewed as a delicacy. If you have ever eaten it, you'd say it tastes like a ball of fat. We don't order a stick of butter as an appetizer do we? Cause it doesn't taste good. People are all in an uproar that don't even eat it!

All kinds of silly ordinances pass all the time and nobody ever says anything. This hit the media and then it got all blown out of proportion. That's the reason it seems that so much of our resources were spent on it.

If the constituents of that ward went to that alderman and gave him more issues to argue for, he probably would have pushed for those things. But enough people came to him to push this issue to pass. If you have better issues that deserve more time, those people should contact their alderman and get involved. It's real easy to sit back and complain. But how involved are you in solutions? How active are you on election day?

If you care that much, remember it on election day. If you care about all of these other issues we face in the city, get off your duff and DO SOMETHING. Suit up and get in the game. Anybody can be a spectator. Can you play is question.
2006-08-23 14:45:37 UTC
I really like how people keep talking about only the foie gras issue. What about the micro-chips in dogs, the ban on trans fat in restaurants, the uniformed cab drivers, the no smoking anywhere ordinance, and the no-talking on the cell-phone while driving? Of course someone may argue that those enacted policies are good for the city, as they promote green, safe, healthy living, but the bigger problem here is where do you draw the line? Will people be okay with politicians telling them what days to drive, getting micro-chips inserted in their bodies for their protection and installing cameras in their homes to deter the robbers and terrorists? Every other day, some new piece of legislation sneaks its way into city councils, government, DC wherever and then we, the people, read about in the news. Is it just me, or is there just way too many laws now as to what you can and cannot do? It's as if it is unlawful to do virtually anything. And some legislation is plain ridiculous (aka the nanny state, Chicago's, new laws). I think its time people stand up and tell anyone with political power that they're sick of laws that serve no purpose but control people.
Michael R
2006-08-23 14:38:53 UTC
Are you serious? Are all of us actually having sitting here bitching (whether for or against) something like banning a delicacy in a restaurant? I have seen it all now. So what if Chicago is a culinary super city! I visit Chicago as often as I can throughout the year and love the city, but good lord don't lose sleep over something like that... And yeah, I'm sure the inhumane treatment of the animals is wrong, but if stop eating things because of that inhumane treatment, we will all eat like rabbits the rest of our lives. There is no humane way to get anything from animals... Stop and think about it. We have soldiers that die in foreign lands, millions of Americans without healthcare, an education system that is void of good direction for the future, etc. and my personal favorite, a president that I swear I still can't believe was REelected and people are bitching hysterically because they can't eat duck liver! Holy crap, no matter real issues and problems never get solved in this country. Let it go and discuss something that is actually relevant and important in society.
2006-08-23 14:15:31 UTC
Although I believe it is cruel and inhumane on how foie gras is obtained I do believe that the aldermen have better things to do than make silly laws.

I would like to see restaurants not serve it (or other foods) based on the treatment of animals. I think people would take more interest in the cause instead of government intervention. There is one chef in Chicago who will not serve foie gras at his place after discovering how it is obtained. I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant.

FYI, other laws they are considering is banning restaurants from using trans fats in foods (which would basically ban Kentucky Fried Chicken) and allowing dogs to only bark for ten minutes at a time (yes this is an actual ordinance that they are looking at).
2006-08-23 14:10:35 UTC
I agree with you.

This is ultimately a moral issue. I say, you can't force morals on other people. I don't eat Foie Gras, and I'm not interested in eating it, however, there are people who do enjoy it. I'm not going to ban it just because I don't agree with the way it's made. By banning it, Chicago has encroached on the freedom of the people, freedoms it was meant to preserve. What's next? Banning cigarettes cause they can cause heart problems in humans? Banning alcohol because it can enflame the livers of humans much like this force feeding is enflaming the livers of ducks? I don't think it's going to get that far very quickly, however, the possibility is out there. And while something like this affects very few people, it always starts that way. Trivial issues will eventually turn into larger ones.

Anyone who says that something like foie gras should be banned is at least a hypocrite if not something far much worse then that. Especially if you support restaurants like McDonald's in their Deforestation program in South America by buying their food, or eat any kind of fruit, vegetable, or animal produced in the United States (even if it's 'organic') because of the chemicals used and the antibiotics pumped into it for higher yields. These are much more dangerous to human life then something as trivial as foie gras.
2006-08-23 13:54:12 UTC
I couldn't agree more. I don't need the government telling what I can and cannot eat. Especially because of the way the animal is treated. Isn't this the land of the free. What is going on with our country? I visited Chicago for the first time last year and had a blast. I think it is one of the nicest big cities with some of the most friendly people in the country. It is sad to see certain people try and take away the character and freedom of such a great city.

And for all you animal rights activists, once you get rid of all your leather shoes, bags, belts; father comforters, pillows, and jackets then you can come talk to me about animal rights.
elaine b
2006-08-23 15:04:51 UTC
I am a California native. What we have in common is our Big Brother. The longer that Americans continue to allow law makers to approve laws that bring about a more Policed Environment, the closer we are to a Dictatorship. It's not just Chicago. It's creeping into cities across America. Chicago has the Foie Gras law. Other cities are dealing with tighter cell phone, smoking, and soon enough, diet consumption laws. We are becoming a policed society. God Save Us All.

2006-08-23 14:59:24 UTC
Why aren't people more concerned with how children and the elderly are being treated? Or the homeless? Or disabled veterans?

Look around you? Do you see your neighbor, friend, co-worker, family member or stranger who could use a hand up, a pat on the back, a bravo for a job well done, a hug?

What is the matter with people today when they put the imagined needs of ANIMALS before humans? This culture is getting sicker by the day. What the hell does a duck know? Or a goose? They were created and exist for HUMAN use. Animals do not have "rights". THEY'RE ANIMALS!

We will rue the day if we allow governmental control over what should be free choice. What's next? And you know if this passes it will set a precedent and there will be a 'NEXT.'
2006-08-23 14:52:17 UTC
I'm tired of all the people talking about mistreating animals. Don't just go after "foie gras" but ban all meats and farm-raised animals, including fish (aren't they also fed to be eaten?). The fact that they're force-fed is not really the point here since they'll all go to the slaughterhouse sooner or later.

This is another dumb attempt to keep the public off the bigger subject: our rights!

This has been done for centuries... Let's take liberties away, one by one, starting with trivial things (like eating "foie gras") and see how the masses react. If all goes unchallenged, they'll up the ante and we'll end up in a totalitarian society.

Our freedom should not be hampered, as long as it does not harm others. For example, I don't see why smoking should be banned outdoors since people have the option of moving further away (unlike indoors); BTW, I do not smoke.

If I feel like eating hamburgers and french fries daily, I should be able to do it BUT I should be liable for my actions, since such a diet will have negative effects ion my health.

In the end, we have our health and our freedom: can we allow official entities to dictate them? Think about that before telling other people what's best for them...
letter to editor
2006-08-23 13:51:16 UTC
A letter actually written/sent to Alderman Moore:

Alderman Moore--

The following was taken from your website,

: "Our community is a model for the rest of the city and nation, truly showing that a racially and economically diverse community can thrive and grow."

I gotta tell ya.... If your community is a model for the rest of the nation, I need to move out of the country! Any nation/city/neighborhood that doesn't have anything more pressing to do than ban the sale of foie gras is doing something TERRIBLY wrong. Foie gras, for those people who will be reading this and might not know, is cooked goose-liver, considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, but decried by activists because of the nature in which the geese are force fed to increase their liver

size. It's my understanding that you personally led the fight to have this food item banned from the city of Chicago. You are to be commended, sir.

I sincerely hope that you will also be targeting fur owners, chicken coop owners, chicken shockers, cow slaughterhouses, kobe beef producers, whalers, crab fishermen, corn farmers (hey...plants have feelings, too!), the circus, zoos, lethal injection, hanging, dentists and any other

business/process/item that produces harmful effects on living things. Oh, I forgot a couple..... How about gangs? How about drugs? How about the deteriorating condition of inner-city schools? How about social inequalities? Should we target these things? Naaaah..... We've got to focus on GEESE, man!

And really, why stop there? I think we take this thing national.

And I think we extend the scope of it to include Thanksgiving. If we're banning goose-liver, how's about we ban turkey farms whose sole purpose is to raise and kill turkeys for the national day of over-indulgence? Afterall, isn't farm-raising a turkey just so you can kill it cruel as well? Perhaps after this we can tackle the problem of domesticating dogs. Dogs, afterall, started out as wild animals, and we tamed them to be

household creatures. Is THAT not cruel? (I'M GOING DOG-WILD! - I think we'll use it as the slogan for this campaign...) Maybe after that, bullriding. Have you seen the leather strap that is tied around the..... Well, you get the idea with that one. And after bull riding, we can tackle veal. And then, once we turned the entire planet into PETA-loving vegans, we'll be

able to walk down the street, safe in the knowledge that we are models for a new nation.

And then we will get shot. By the gang members who could care less about foie gras, or animal cruelty or anything else except educational and societal equality and opportunity. Perhaps THEN will be the time to focus on these issues... unless there is a circus in town.

***This letter received no response.***
James M
2006-08-23 13:50:09 UTC
I live in Chicago and I hate this. I have never eaten Foie Gras and never really ever wanted to.

but .. this is stupid. What is next? A ban on Veal? Kobe Beef? Farm Raised Salmon? Horsemeat?

This city is spending too much time and effort and money trying to regulate its citizens.

No hand guns. No talking on cell phones in cars. No smoking in restaurants. And now.. no foie gras?

What about tackling real issues? Like the poorly performing school system that chases all middle class families who can afford to move out of the city so that their kids can get a good (and safe) education.
2006-08-23 17:00:20 UTC
Though I agree with much of what you have to say in regards to wondering why a certain animal should be singled out for protection through legislation, I am still in full support of this ban. As a lifelong North-sider, I'm very proud our City has taken the progressive route and opted to say to the rest of the country and world, that a line has got to be drawn somewhere. Do you really know how absolutley horrific this practice is? If so, as I'm sure you look into things before you post with such conviction, what if it was a dog? A cat? Is it really OK with you that we should be free to abuse animals this way? All in the name of "delicasy"? Does it really matter if it's an animal traditionally eaten as a food source? Do you know that in Korea they take German Shephard puppies and tie them up and beat them with a bat to tendarize the meat before slitting their throats? They say that the meat really tastes much better when you do this. Would you defend this behavior, and others like it elsewhere? There has got to be a line drawn somewhere as I'm sure you'll agree, and with most sensible people and the people of the City council in our hometown, cramming a metal rod down an animals throat and shooting more food than it's body can handle into it's stomach, and repeating over and over until the liver almost explodes from this unnatural amount of food, certainly falls across the line we call humane.
2006-08-23 16:37:46 UTC
I am in agreement with the logic and sentiments in your statement. It appears that the city council of Chicago has over exceeded its authority once more. The government of this city and any community first must respect the peoples' right to freedom. It is interesting to see that such a heavily democrat and liberal city would infringe on the rights of its people, when the ideals that democrats and liberals profess to claim are those of tolerance of differences in ways that we live. Maybe they aren't as tolerant as they profess to be.

The ban is supposed to be a way to hurt the goose farming industry because of its practices. Wrong way to do that. If you want practices to change in the farming and processing of these birds instill regulations on those that farm the birds not the people who desire the delicacy.

Once again this is just another example of how the government punishes everyone by taking away their rights. To all those who think this ban is a good thing, just wait next they may take away something that you like, maybe chocolate,sugar, or even coffee. Why not caffine? Caffine can be directly related to some serious health problems.

The point is that the city council is not the FDA and should not over step their bounds of authority because they cannot create city ordinances that infringe on the United States Constitution.
2006-08-23 17:31:26 UTC
I agree and disagree. This decision seems to be made on the "moral" ground on how the geese are treated while they are alive, which some (even those against the ban, I'm sure) would say is tantamount to torture of the animals. Banning beef or poultry is silly in comparison, as is banning lamb (you might have a case for veal, though). It's not how or when the animal is slaughtered for the product that seems to be in question, but how the animal was treated for the duration it was alive. Have you ever seen the Animal Precinct TV show? Cruelty to animals is no joke, and one form of cruelty shouldn't go unobserved while others (at times arguably less brutal) are severely punished.

That was the "disagree" portion of my argument. However, I think that it is foolish for the city of Chicago to take a "moral" issue into its proceedings while they have more pressing issues at hand. The most evident is the crime rate. Per capita, Chicago has one of the highest crime rates in the nation. It's violent crime rate is 2.18 times the national average. 218% HIGHER. Now that seems like a pretty big issue to me. Even though I don't live there, I think they should worry about the treatment of their human beings in their city before they worry about the treatment of their geese.
2006-08-23 18:41:11 UTC
I agree Foie Gras should be banned, in fact, the care of animals whether livestock or ducks should be the utmost concern. Animals feel pain like humans, and it should be done humanly. How would you like to be fed corn mush and have it pushed down your throat until you gag because your stomach can't handle it. It's wrong, and it should be stopped. They kill dogs and cats in China, too. I don't agree with that, I know we eat poulty, beef, and pork, but even so, calves should not live to not see the light of day either. We have to change how we treat animals, period. I'm glad someone changed the rules for ducks in Chicago. Kudos to them. We have to treat an animal humanly and laws need to be changed. I'm not saying not to eat meat, but I'm saying think of the animal first.
2006-08-23 15:07:38 UTC
What a hoot! I'm from NY but truly love the city of Chicago (except in the Winter, of course). Chicago is vibrant, beautiful and has a whole bunch of very nice people and places.

Politicians get elected to do a serious job and they end up abusing their position. How's crime these days in Chicago? How's the school system? How's the job market? How's housing? How's poverty? Chicago politicians should be a heck of a lot more focused on things that matter to the larger constituency they represent. What a shame! The truth is that, looking at the larger picture, our country is going to hell in a hand basket!
Peter K
2006-08-23 14:13:59 UTC
The people and leadership in Chicago ought to be ashamed of themselves. With everything that's going on in the world, they have the time, energy, and resources to hassle over Foie Gras.

What a fantastic bunch.

If I ever have the displeasure of traveling to that city, I'll be sure to bring my best All-Clad pan, a propane stove, and some high quality Foie Gras-- I'll pan sear the damn stuff at a bus stop with Cipolini Onions and Chardonnay Syrup. Civil Disobedience for the Remedial. Give me a break!
2006-08-23 13:49:19 UTC
Foie Gras is so outrageously cruel that to defend it with any argument whatsoever is beyond absurd, it's sadistic. Just because there are some deplorable, torturous conditions in other realms ("cows and chickens"), it does not mean that we should therefore justify the inordinant cruelty geese go through in order for someone to indulge their extravagent tastebuds. Individual rights, my foot, we have no right to be cruel to animals.

According to your logic of "individual rights," which, incidentally, completely ignores the notion of an individual from any other species having any rights whatsoever, we should be able to skin our dogs and cats alive and throw them on the bbq pit if it gives us the tiniest bit of pleasure or satisfaction. I'm not against eating meat per se but I do think the disgraceful and inhumane factory farm system SHOULD be outlawed. This law is an encouraging step in the right direction.
happy girl
2006-08-23 13:36:53 UTC
I totally understand your point of view but after watching a video showing the whole proceedure of how they are force fed I really dont know why anyone would be still wanting to eat Foie Gras (aka tortured duck) I do eat chicken (no longer from KFC) and I do eat beef but I am also familiar to the practices of destoying the animal and prepping it for the supermarket, I'm sure PETA is totally against eating any animal but personally myself a duck has it way worse than a cow or chicken. And I do totally get what your saying about McDonalds and other chains and the way they get their meat, I guess it's someone's way of helping them sleep a little better at night.
2006-08-23 16:09:09 UTC
This is a precidential law put into place to ban all the things you guys are suggesting in the future (veal, lamb, whatever). That's how the law works. Legislators write a law that is WAY over their Constitutional powers, and the courts figure out a way to make it work. After the courts figure that out (probably by someone suing a restarant for serving foie gras and her delicate sensibilities being 'injured'), that case becomes common law and allows itself to be applied analogously to cases that follow.

So, fur can be banned, because it is cruelty. Court will carry that cruelty for the sake of fashion is analogous to cruelty for the sake of cuisine. Bang. Fur is banned.

Court will twist the judgements from cruelty to animals to extend to all animals (wouldn't be hard, killing something is pretty cruel). Bang. Meat is banned.

To vegaterians and 'animal uber human' advocates: congratulations on your victory. Meat lovers: flee Illinois.
2006-08-23 18:28:53 UTC
Mayor you should not conduct your Office or that of the City Council in a Facist like Manner. Telling the General Population whats good for them and how to live. We all went to school, became educated, grew-up and earn a living so we can be FREE and make our own choices.

If you really think the people want these type of laws on the books then for Christs Sake let them Vote on it. Let the People have the final say when it gets down to this kind of Controversy.

You are taking too much of the peoples basic rights into your own hands friend and you know it, we know it. If we give you this "Inch" you will take a mile and then all america will be in trouble. More than we already are.
matt c
2006-08-23 16:37:01 UTC
PEOPLE, Do your research before answering this question. It is not harmful to the animals. But why stop there, maybe we should all just eat rice, OH, wait we would have to kill that too. If you don't like foie Gras.........DON"T EAT IT. Who are you to tell me what I can and can't eat. Maybe you should spend your time on something of importance like homeless children, drugs get my point. I am going out to an all you can eat liver buffet, wanna come?
2014-11-04 15:53:27 UTC
Making a law against foie gras is mindless on the surface, but PETA has strong inroads in our politics in this city. This IS the city where special interests get their way above all else. In order to pay for their stupidity, we have the highest gas prices in the nation (taxes), nearly the highest cigarette prices in the nation (taxes again), and ruinous property taxes to boot.

When does the common man stop paying for the whims of uncommon boneheads like PETA and their like?

I've met Didier Durand, the Chicago chef leading
2006-08-23 14:55:01 UTC
I cannot believe the great people of the Midwest is falling for this West & East Coast Mentality. I was prepared to leave Calif for the Midwest, once my home, but this has me wondering about that decision. I am used to the Looney Tunes here in Calif, but am taking back by this decision. Seems like the looney lefists are everywhere now days, I say vote all the city council & Mayor, all Democrats out of office & restore the clear thinking once again to the people of Chicago & Midwest.
2006-08-23 14:03:17 UTC
does anyone know how much foi gras is actually consumed in Chicago? I mean I think I have had it once in my life and I would consider myself more culinary savy than most. I could see the ban if people at foi gras at least once a year but I feel like how much could really be consumed? More geese are probably hit by cars than killed for their foi gras right? I am so insensitive, I know.
2006-08-23 15:57:39 UTC
I certainly agree. My father was born and raised in Chicago and I used to go there often to visit friends at the Navy base a little to the north. It was always a great time because Chicago is known for its great number of wonderful restaurants. Now we have the government telling us what we can eat! I love places that offer something a little out of the ordinary - there is one place I like in particular in another state that offers elk medallions. Let's hope this is not a spreading trend or fine cuisine may become a thing of the past.
2006-08-23 21:38:08 UTC
Why is being humane sad and a waste of time? True, many animals are treated poorly for the sake of our consumption, something I disagree with entirely. What needs to be done is a revamping of the way the meat industry treats the animals prior to death. I for one agree that the gov't should not impose rules on what we eat, etc, however, we need to have strict rules pertaining to humane ways in which people use animals for their consumption. In this case there is no humane way to garner the results needed to make foie gras therefore it should not be permitted. On a personal level I find the use of animals for such consumption cruel and wrong, but as I stated, I also believe in other's rights to consume what they wish as long as its obtained in a humane way. I understand people's frustration, but tell me why it is that being humane is wrong?
Brian R
2006-08-23 17:49:53 UTC
What is the grand plan ? I visit from the Pope Since he is against Foie Gras. A visit would increase Tourist spending. Causing more congestion on the streets increase the use of taxis . So they can pay for the uniforms that the city is wanting them to wear .
Jayne D
2006-08-23 14:31:42 UTC
So the basis of your argument against banning foie gras is that there are many ways in which humans are cruel to animals, and unless we try to stop all of them at once, we have no right to try to stop any of them. By that logic society had no right to institute child labor laws because there were also other forms of child abuse that the laws did not address. Further, a responsible person knows that their own personal freedom stops at the point where that freedom hurts another. It would be nice if my personal freedom allowed me to fatten your liver by shoving a metal pipe down your throat and force feeding you--I'm sure your liver would be quite a delicacy. Fortunately for you, however, there are laws in place to proctect you.
2006-08-23 14:35:49 UTC
Ok, this is really lame, and once again it proves how proud those of us in Chicago are of our elected 'leaders'.

Is force feeding a goose cruel? Probably. But so is killing it and eating it! If we can accept that this action is ok (which it is), they why on God's green Earth is fattening up its liver wrong?

You want to ban meat, then do that. I oppose it (as probably does 95% of Chicago), but don't attempt this end run around this stuff. Even Charlie Trotter, a famous chief who does not serve this, thinks this is going overboard.

Thankfully we have done this instead of solving unimportant issues like our crumbling schools, our terrible roads, the El's deficit, crime, pan handling, or any lesser issues.
2006-08-23 14:23:34 UTC
For the guy asking the question -- they use ducks, not geese.

For Dr. Screech: you're so right. Workers at Wal-Mart and Target probably don't deserve better health insurance. Can't believe anybody would worry about that. There's probably no way the Walton family could spare the extra $$, since they're practically in the poorhouse with, what, only about $100 billion or so.

Hey, and who cares about what we do to animals before they eat them. We should probably bring back bear-baiting and encourage fox hunting, too. Animals can't really feel pain anyway.
2006-08-23 14:04:58 UTC
Maybe if ya'all got rid of king tuts body, this curse of Egyptian law would go away. Next thing you know they are all gonna be suing each other. So much for protection, just put all the people in bubbles so they "dont die" whatever, stupid dummies, we all die.

Even Jesus died to show you the way.

We're supposed to watch and protect not enforce and manipulate. Your city will fall to rioters and fires and by the way get rid of that Egyptian mummy okay? curse or no curse I would feel better with it back where it belongs. Thanks so much.

They spread their crap here to Ohio and we're gonna push it right back to you Chicago. As for banning mcdonalds and cigarettes even New York has fallen prey to this and your letting the terrorists win by being afraid of everything and hiding in your black boxes. **** happens we live we die. Now let us have some peace, love and happiness and quit trying to put everyone under your laws of bondage. You aint the daddy.
Matthew W
2006-08-23 13:53:55 UTC
This is nothing more than the liberal agenda being shoved down people's throats. Who really cares enough about foie gras to eat it? And while we are on the subject, what is with politicians in this stupid city being the final authority on these matters. Who made these people God? Look at their track record. What they tried to do to Wal-Mart earlier in the year is an indication that this city is just being run by a bunch of angry libs who hate capitalism and who hate the fact that people are not required to worship their image in public. Good people need to be in government, and they need to stop being afraid of the liberal establishment, because it is nothing but a bunch of whiney, sissy, estrogen-filled crybabies.
2016-11-27 06:07:12 UTC
I agree! Foie gras is raised in inspected farms. this is a nutrition substance that has a authorities seal of approval as secure for human intake. no matter if to serve foie gras should be a remember of decision. Wolfgang p.c.. and Charlie Trotter pick now to not serve it. some cooks pick now to not serve any meat in any respect! it quite is their decision. they could run their agencies the way they need to. basically as we can pick no matter if to patronize those places. Prohibition proved it quite is futile to target to legislate concerns of non-public decision.
2006-08-23 14:55:33 UTC
OMG! What is going on Chicago? Are you crazy? Since when do you try to tell a city of adult, hard working people what to eat? I love Chicago as I was born outside of her, but what you are doing is just short of treating all adults like children. First you want to take away guns for protection and now you are taking away our food?! Come on, get a grip and let people decide. What do you all need to take a vote already?

Oh and no, I don't smoke anymore, but I still think you are getting carried away! Okay, no smoking indoors......personally, that is a good thing, BUT in a person's car or outdoors, get a grip!!! Are you looking for a dog gone riot!? You can't tell people that they can't smoke in their own homes or in their own cars. You are taking this WAY too far!
2006-08-23 14:52:28 UTC
Big deal if they ban liver. I thought everyone was supposed to hate liver. And it is cruel. How would you like me to shove food down your throat. And if you still think that this is such a major inconvenience then you can just go to one of the suburbs. It's not that hard. Just get on the train. Easy as cake. So I say shut up and get a hobby before you get a brain hemorrhage.
2006-08-23 14:36:24 UTC
Chicago has been cracking down on freedom for years. Their most blatant violation of liberty is their facist handgun ban. I'm all for animal rights, but this is just moronic. They're only banning this to get brownie points for PETA. They wouldn't even consider banning beef or chicken, for the sole reason that beef and chicken are popular dishes with the majority of the populace. Chicago obviously does not care about the minority. I'm going to boycott them.
2006-08-23 13:47:14 UTC
I agree with you. I just moved here to Chicago for cullinary school, and have always seen Chicago as a great example of the great American city. This among other silly laws are simply intrusive upon the citizens' freedom of choice. As far as city hall is concerned, it's time to clean house if they're going to continue this.
jayson h
2006-08-23 20:06:08 UTC
Fois Gras should be banned as it is in many countries. It is a disgusting way to treat an animal and is totally cruel and unnecessary. There is no ban on eating duck or goose liver if you want more fat in it add it! Please don't get me started on banning cell phone use while driving, if you drive in this city you see the abuses of this law and the resulting STUPID driving and dangerous antics of the driving public.
2006-08-23 13:48:13 UTC
Now they need to ban Lamb, Veal, Chicken, etc - None of these animals are treated fairly. Look up what a Sticker or a Knocker is.

Well Chicago has to be the Veggie Capital now.

Here are just a few sites that will explain just what happens to them.
2006-08-23 16:33:59 UTC
yea you can't ban certain foods because then you'll have to ban all foods. all meat comes from tortured animals and you can't single out one type of food. chicago has become an international laughing stock in the culinary community because of it. but you're def taking it too far if you say this is an invasion of individual rights. sure u have the right to eat this but do you really lose anything from not having this option. and don't give me this crap that we let them ban this then they'll take away our freedom of speech and freedom of this and that. we should be more concerned about president bush tapping phones and spying on everything that we do. why do we get worked about stupid things like "oh my gosh we can't eat a stinkin duck" but "hey rumsfeld you want to tap my phone, that cool"
2016-03-04 10:02:42 UTC
I'm sure there are a few greenbeans and a couple of geese who are happy with this decision, but it is lunacy. Be careful Chicago, pretty soon they'll be banning your automobile for all the bugs and animals that are killed by them every year. And no more fly swatters or mouse traps.
James M
2006-08-23 14:47:38 UTC
WELL SAID! I enjoyed reading your point of view and I couldn't agree more with it. What politicians are trying to do nowadays is distract the attention of Chicagoans in other matters that are more important to us that issues that merely are out of their leagues such as: what we eat, how we drive, and recently the ridiculous fashion events that the city is conducting. What do they know about what we want and need?

Please back-up Mark's posting: PLEASE WRITE TO THE CITY, complain, let's learn from our dear inmigrants and ilegals and the way they organized massive protests to complain about what they don't think is fair.

Daley, control your people before they control you! You are not in a great status with the people of Chicago, I have many friends that moved from NY and LA because they enjoyed the freedom of this city. Concentrate in all the police brutality and corruption in your cabinet and stop coming out with things such as fashion shows that are NOT distracting anybodies attention, we are not that stupid! ok? We know very well what is going on in this goverment of Mayor Daley.
2006-08-23 14:37:32 UTC
Foi Gas lovers Unite, call the Civil Liberties Union, take it to the Supreme Court, go out late at nicht dressed as Frenchmen (women) and dump Pate de Foi Gras in the Lake for a paTEa party. Maybe if we gave it a non-French name it would blow over. Sounds stupid? Not as stupid as FOOD POLICE!
2006-08-23 14:10:54 UTC
i think that the ban on duck or geese or whatever is alittle extreme because they should be focusing on cow and beef first.

but as for the bans on smoking in the car with small children and the ban of fat grease or whatever they're banning i think it's a good idea and is a good start. it is a start to helping america eat and live healthier. america is the unhealthiest country inthe world and i think this is because there are very few regulations on what can be served.

if you look at europe even they're mcdonalds are healthier than ours. they have regulations and restrictions on alot of things and thats the way it should be.
2006-08-23 14:55:39 UTC
we need to compete with big cities and offer all the upscale things cities offer. so no foie gras but we can still have veal? I don't want any other person, let alone some politician making decisions for me about what I can and cannot put in my body. Get a life.
2006-08-23 14:31:55 UTC
I completely agree with you! What's next? Will the sell of spinach be banned because of the handling of crops? I can't believe this!

This ban is downright silly and media is playing up to it by showing video footage of the geese being force fed to ultimately enlarge their livers. They are calling that practice cruel treatment?! Well guess what...those geese are going to get slaughtered just as cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, fish, shellfish, deer, etc., get slaughtered for food everyday. I am quite sure that for those animals death is far worse treatment than being force fed.

Quite simply it sucks to get eaten...but that shouldn't mean that the bozos I help elect (most likely because they lied and acted as if they weren't bozos before the election) should get to force me into becoming a burlap sack wearing...tree-hugging...vegan! Then they get to vote themselves a pay raise to boot! Ugh!
2006-08-23 14:04:19 UTC
Corrupt unions? LMAO How about corrupt management? I would not let 95% of American management change my toilet paper roll and I agree with most of their new laws. People should not be talking on their car phones while driving ect.. I grew up close to Chicago also.. People's selfishness hurts others ...we need gas rations, food rations for these fat pig Americans also.. I thought we were at WAR? Anyone going to give back? And no taxes aren't giving back...the most SELFISH GENERATIONS EVER THE LAST THREE
Thorsten W
2006-08-23 15:09:52 UTC
..."What a pitiful waste of time, invasion of individual rights and ruination of a great American city"

As a German gentleman in my mid 60's, it is sad to see reactions like this from the American people. It reminds me of the "old" times in my hometown.

Sad but true. With all the newest developments in airports regulations, smoking rules, driving guidelines and now what we can or cannot eat is is almost impossible to call the USA "the Land of Freedom".

What freedom do we have when we have to wake-up every day to read or watch the news with ridiculous new law enforcements by corrupt politicians that are way too old, too bored and like someone in this forum mentioned, too scared of letting the real issue come afloat.

I am an old fox, just waiting for the time, but I do encourage the youngsters out there to express your comments and stand strong against a government like Daley's that as a Mayor his time is due.

It is true, all the new "changes for a healthier City" are nothing but conspiracies against and among ourselves. Please write to the city, go to their website and send email, forward this forums to your friends. Enough is enough, what is next for Chicagoans... no driving after 9 pm? No more than one hot-dog per person per month? No more deep-dish pizza? Sounds ridiculous I now but so are the newest changes that the Mayor's office have come out with recently. God bless... CHICAGO!
2006-08-23 14:20:13 UTC
If the Aldermen in Chicago keep up with imposing a "Nanny State" the city is soon to turn in to another Austin, Texas. The city council in Austin, Texas, is gearing up to impose laws upon citizens to require wearing bicycle helmets for cyclists. In Austin, Texas, they have already banned smoking everywhere (and all of the bars and restaurants in surrounding cities and towns love it). Y'all better shine your boots in the Windy City.
2006-08-23 14:01:37 UTC
Yes, I saw one of the Peta people telling us how to live. I'll tell you this much..No "See You Next Tuesday" is going to tell me what to eat!! This is not "1984"!! I DO eat Foie Gras. I don't eat it often, but I do on occasion. I live in New England(used to live near Chicago) and these same Pyschos are trying to get us to stop eating Crab&Lobster. I mean, c'mon! It's really like eating a big spider(sorry, but they are related!)You people need to get a lawsuit against the city going. Do it "classaction" style and it won't cost so much.
2006-08-23 18:49:19 UTC
I am encouraged and happy that Chicago has taken this step to ban one of the most barbaric practices in poultry/livestock farming. It is easy to ignore what happens to these animals and chalk up eating fois gras to "personal freedom." It takes courage for these politicians to stand up against a long standing and long ignored practice, and to them I say kudos!

Morals and a sense of decency regarding the treatment of these animals SHOWS "true character" on their part, and quite frankly, it is pathetic of you to consider humane laws the downfall of a great city.
vulture girl
2006-08-23 13:45:52 UTC
Force feeding ducks three times a day through a tube shoved down their throat is absolutely inhumane. If this is the way the cattle are fed,then you're right,that should be banned as well. Humans already eat animals,they don't need to torture them first.
2006-08-23 13:55:22 UTC
I kinda have disagree with you on this one. I've been in cattle processing plants (Excel) and I've seen how cattle are killed. It's gruesome, but I honestly believe that the animals do not endure prolonged physical torture as with the practice of forcefeeding ducks and geese. I'm not a tree hugger, and my family is very active in agriculture. I can't speak about chicken farms though. I am all for the consumption of animals and the usage of their byproducts e.g. goosedown, leather, etc. but I think there are humane means of killing them.
2006-08-23 14:14:00 UTC
I agree that the law is a crime against personal freedom, but I think the blame is not being properly distributed, afterall, the man is not a dictator. He could not have passed these changes without support. Apathy is a choice and, obviously, it was Chicago's choice.
2006-08-23 13:44:25 UTC
Foie gras is a completely cruel, torturous and unnecessary food for humans. Torturing geese for a human taste buds is barbaric and immoral. I applaud Chicago for taking steps to ban this inhumane and cruel practice. It's too bad that those who eat this crap don't care about animals other than their pets.
2006-08-23 13:33:31 UTC
I am in agreement, the government has stepped way way way too far into our individual rights. It is one thing to make recommendations to individuals to lead a healthier lifestyle it is quite another to try to regulate and enforce those "recommendations" as law.

As for the "animal" rights people. Human beings are omnivorous animals, we require animal protein in our diets, to criticize how one gets that protein is one thing, to regulate it and or ban it is an infringement on OUR rights. You have the right to recommend we not eat it, but not the right to force us to stop. Your rights go as far as the end of your nose. When you start infringing on someone else's rights is when you cross the line.
2006-08-23 13:23:52 UTC
For all those opposing the ban on Foie Gras - why don't you first read up about this before shooting your mouths off.

What Chicago did is a step in the right direction for protecting those who cannot speak to themselves. Bravo Chicago!
Marine Mom
2006-08-24 08:55:47 UTC
I agree with you 100%!!! Duck is an awesome food - liver and all. I am tired of "tree huggers" that cannot enjoy their own lives to the fullest!!! You only have one shot in life and I'll be damned if some idiot will tell me what I can and cannot consume!!!!
2014-06-13 13:11:42 UTC
The insult to Chicago taxpayers is the fact that this even made it to vote in chamber. How about paying more attention to the children of our city, the students, the elderly, the potholes, the crime. Those blue flashing lights on light poles need attention, not some duck we cannot help in another part of the world.
2006-08-23 13:21:56 UTC
dude you are so right Chicago is one of the culinary super cities. And for those of you bitching about how cruel it is, you don't realize the whole duck goes to good use, not just the liver. The bones and meat, and the LIVER are used in restaurants, feathers are used in clothing and pillows, and the nasty unmentionables, are used in Asian herbal remedies.
2006-08-23 14:02:47 UTC
Chicago should spend more time busting up the corrupt unions, getting the murder rate down (especially black on black which makes up 70% of the killings) and stop worrying about PETA issues!
2006-08-23 13:58:30 UTC
I'm glad they're taking a step in the right direction. It's bad enough that animals are made to suffer for people's needs (though people don't really need to eat animals to live) but it's far more unconscionable that they should be made to suffer for people's luxury.
Pete Bogs
2006-08-23 14:00:10 UTC
If a ban on a cruel practice has "ruined" a city for you, your esteem for that city must have been slim to begin with. "I just don't like Houston anymore since they banned cockfights." Give me a break.
2006-08-23 14:39:07 UTC
Yes, this is yet another example of government out of control. It's laws like this which little by little erode the free will of the american people.
2006-08-23 14:12:31 UTC
These no good do-gooders spend way too much time butting their noses into the affiars of others.

PETA and the usual gang of commies want to dictate what you eat? I think it's time to remind them what country this is and we'll fight for our right to eat meat.

and another point is... do you think ducks really care what happens to you? I think not!
Jeff C
2006-08-23 14:06:51 UTC
FYI - California has a ban going into effect in 2012.
2006-08-23 14:19:22 UTC
I think the main issue is why would they ban this and not other items like veal? They all are cruel to the animal, and to just ban one and not others is idiotic.
2014-06-28 18:00:11 UTC
The city has people dying on the street from hunger and disease; a severe need for decent employment and housing; lower cost of gas and higher cost of living wages, and they are worried about "goose liver"...most of them probably don't even eat it themselves.
2006-08-23 18:10:01 UTC
There is a clear difference between killing VS. torturing before killing.

You are defending you "individual rights" to torture a living animal.

Food is one thing, but toruring a LIVING animal is another. You are not making the connection between suffering and food.
the leading authority
2006-08-23 14:12:08 UTC
no way should animals have a rod shoved down their throat to infect their liver. Seems this loser of a city finally got one right; having nothing but imitation pizza, imitation baseball (Cubs), imitation big city.

And for liver, not prime rib. Who eats liver anyway?
thesby t
2006-08-23 14:17:05 UTC city is less toxic than any other in the usa but they need to do something about gas prices and the price of cta public transportation which is $2 per ride.
2006-08-23 13:25:40 UTC
Watch a baby seal getting clubbed right in front of your eyes and tell me how you feel afterwards....Your a typical American who believes in "out of sight, out of mind...."

Thats the problem with America in general, the blind themselves to the truth of things....

Funniest thing is I am a proud American and where our citizens have taken this world I am happy tha the goverment is stepping in....If we left this world in the peoples hands, we would destroy ourselves.....Our founding fathers would be ashamed!
2006-08-23 18:11:06 UTC
I`ve only heard about the freshly made new ban one day ago. Actually, I am overseas, so I don`t know much about the subject, but from what I`ve read, I can add a few words.

Personally, I hate liver of any kinds and I don`t see why any of you people love eating such crap. But of course, as anyone else, this is purely my taste and my opinion [which at this point we are not arguing if I like liver, lol]. However, acting as the innocent bystander here, let`s say if I didn`t know anything at all about the treatment of geese and I kept eating liver because I love it. Let`s say then, that I found out how the geese are treated in order for the delicious liver to be brought to my drooling lips [including all the gruesome pictures you can find]. I would vomit up that liver and never eat it again.

Have any of you ever heard of bonsai kittens? *shudders* Yes, exactly as I said. Google those two words [bonsai kitten, cat, whatever] and see what bonsai is really all about. I would rather eat an animal that I know is being treated humanely before being killed [of course, who knows what really goes on. Don`t know, and don`t want to know]. One thing though, if the source of the problems are also vegans and vegetarians, then we need to ban them too. Anyone who thinks that people that swear off all meat are healthy people, you are wrong. Every body needs a source of protein, which can only from meat. So it is obvious that this rule is playing right under vegans` sworn off meat diet. And I agree about McDonalds. Their food is so incredibly unhealthy and disgusting, and yet somehow so very popular with Americans anyway. They cook food in the same, unchanged grease and whatever else they put into the burgers, i.e. spit, stuff, you know what else. It`s purely gross, so let`s ban McD`s too. Or wait...what about the treatement of other animals? Wait, no...let`s make this a vegan paradise! And help overpopulate the species on the planet, because us humans don`t already have enough space to live. *dripping sarcasm* Look, the fact of life is that we eat meat because it has certains vitamins for us, just like all vegetables do. I`m all over for a better, humane treatement of animals because I certainly don`t want to have to think about their cruelty twisted faces when I eat. [I`m a glutton, I enjoy food anyway].

But please, please tell me that when you guys talk about banning cruel treatement of geese or anything else, you also talk about banning the humans` stupid need to overhunt a certain species to extinction just to wear their fur. Then those very same people yell about animal rights.. If that`s human, then I`m sorry.

You guys are getting the wrong opinion here. Humans are the greatest parasitic species in all of the universe, for all I know, and all the problems that are on Earth are caused by them. Everyone is an effing hypocrit. It`s a "Do as I say, not as I do." America is a big fat example.

Here`s a little food for thought. Do you guys remember what the American ideal was? I bet not many of you can tell me that. It used to be a man and a woman living together with three kids, in a nice house with a white picket fence and a lawn. Do you know what the image of America is now? A big, fat lazy man with holes in his shirt, with his fat *** down on the couch, chowing down McD`s and watching TV. But getting back on topic here. If we are going to ban inhumane treatment of geese, let`s ban all those people who wear the animal furs. After all, that`s inhuman too, right? But no, I can already hear the whiny moaning of fur wearing idealists who themselves gorge their fat mouths on geese and cows and chickens, and wear the soft mink and fox furs, and then turn back around and yell "How dare you treat the animals inhumanely, you scum!" all the while with the same meat dripping from their throats. Those guys make me sick.

Honestly, don`t we all have something much bigger to care about? Like N. Korea`s missle range, or Al Queda...or hell, the crime in certains cities. Humans suck. They focus on the stupidest issues, without worrying about the bigger things out there. Like human overpopulation, or the war.

However, in this case, I don`t understand why everyone is so surprised that a politician is trying to take control of the city. Hello!! Welcome to America, my dear citizens, where every politician is corrupt. And if you live here and don`t know it, I pity your poor, poor soul. Can`t you people see what is going on with the war? And although this is off topic, but I`m glad the cell phone use in cars got banned in the windy city, because you people can`t drive to save your lives. Case closed.
2006-08-23 14:35:23 UTC
2006-08-23 23:04:41 UTC
Stupid, very stupid!!! How about ban all meat and lets worship all animals as gods, Wait, wasnt that already tried before...hmmmm?
2006-08-23 13:49:22 UTC
I agree. Next they will ban veal.
2006-08-23 14:21:19 UTC
I LOVE CHICAGO!!! I'm so glad I live here!!!
Stephanie B
2006-08-23 13:16:44 UTC
i don't get you

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