2012-02-22 10:18:59 UTC
Whites are whitecollars
Mexicans work in sanitations (maid/janitor) or landscaping
Blacks become musicians
Koreans own laundromats or drycleaners
Japanese own sushi joints, fish market, or are animation specialists
Filipinos become nurses and engineers
Chinese own americanized chinese restaurants
Indians own convinience stores
Middle easterns own produce stores or liquor stores
Vietnamese own nail shops
Italians own ice cream stores and delis
Jewish own barber shops
Germans/Swiss own chocolate factories and music stores
French people own custom bakeries
Native americans are mechanics
Russians become pilots
Hong Kong chinese scam
Assyrians own dollar stores
Sikh indians are call center executives
[Only in south] - Cubans and puarto ricans become theme/amusement park/resort workers
Israelis become models
Why does this always happen? Is it family business or something?