Tired of English People Insulting Americans?
2010-09-02 00:30:21 UTC
Im really tired of seeing brits insult us americans. Im always seeing them saying something degrating about us, like we stole their language and identity and that we are janks. What the heck is a jank? We one the freaking language fair and square. It belongs to us. We beat your @$$&$$ in two wars, we own it now. Plus we made it better!
22 answers:
2010-09-02 00:43:55 UTC
I hate the way some people generalise the thoughts of an entire country, especially when it is made up of so many cultures. Its like they can only see black and white. Maybe the brits you are referring to were speaking about thoses types of americans.
2010-09-02 00:51:55 UTC
Actually I think you want to look again because it comes the other way. Like our own PM you want to learn a little history. Far from beating us in two world wars we were actually allies. I am pro American but that does not mean I have my eyes closed. Time and time again we get an American like yourself coming on here and reinforcing the more stupid prejudices against Americans. America like UK is not beyond criticism and people world wide are more than ready to say this. As a nation you have on the whole been a beneficial influence but recently you appear to have lost your way. Vietnam was a turning point it showed that American arms were not invincible when faced with a determined enemy prepared to pay a terrible cost. From that day of defeat (remember it was NOT a draw you were beaten) American influence has declined in the same way as do all proud empires ( Roman Greek French British Spanish Portuguese German Belgian Turkish) and in the next 20 years or maybe less soon even the most stupid red necked ill informed American will realise it. The better informed know it now but will not admit it.

To give a Little bit of history of the British Empire, the first cracks were shown in the Boer war of 1899/1901. The Battle of the Somme in 1916 was the start of the real decline. the British lost most if not nearly all of the best men they had to carry them forward into the future. Even now nearly a 100 years (94) later we still feel the effects. You can see it in the poor quality leaders we have had. The good worthwhile ones stand out like a beacon. Churchill & Thatcher maybe Atlee but no others.

If you are an Honour Student then God help America
2010-09-02 00:45:35 UTC
You answered your own question. Saying that you ONE the war instead of WON the war.

That aside, you probably don't know it but there are British people that hate all other races and will say and do anything to belittle them. The same applies to some American people.

Never generalise with what you think you know about the British from the few dopes you get on this forum.

In general we all love the Americans as you helped us in a very difficult period. The help which came only after the Perl Harbour attacks. WW2 was won because of the joint effort of American and our then Commonwealth forces. Neither one could have done it alone.

I have met a lot of Americans and have found them to be charming and pleasant people.
2010-09-02 00:34:40 UTC
Which two wars? Because I think during one of those the Brits may have burnt down the white house and status quo ante bellum isn't exactly kicking *** as the aggressor is it?

\Obvious Troll is obvious.

\\Look, all I'm saying is: War of 1812, didn't exactly go the way you'd planned ya'know? Three years of fighting and no major strategic gains? It's not even like you'd taken them on at home, you were fighting over Canada. I wouldn't fight that hard for like 90% of Canada and I live there.

\\\Everyone point and laugh at Old Hollywood.

Scouse - I'm sorry I really just can't let any of that stand. First, OP is referring to the Revolutionary War and War of 1812 when he says the States have whooped Britain in two wars (He's wrong) you would have to be legally retarded to believe that he would refer to the World Wars thusly. He would have to be legally brain dead to actually say what you think he said.

Second, the American failure in Vietnam was not a failure of combat arms or of influence but a failure of judgment. American arms inflicted disproportionately massive damage against North Vietnam. The US effort in Vietnam was undermined by a corrupt and incompetent local leadership which was barely supported by its own people. Further, US military assistance in the country had the unfortunate effect of organizing the military of South Vietnam as a component of the US military structure. After the US withdrawal and left without a long logistical tail and advanced air force the ARVN was left to crumple as a US Army division would if deprived of all the structures which allow it to function.

Finally the decline of empires cannot be easily extended to the US as the US is not rightfully an empire. It is a Global power that exerts influence in an increasingly connected world and while it's influence will wax and wane we I imagine will not live to see the day when the US has noticeably slipped towards irrelevance.
2016-10-20 01:18:35 UTC
a million. Why dis the French plant trees on the Champs-Élysées? A: So the German military can March in the coloration. 2. The French misplaced the French and Indian conflict, have been expelled from North u . s . (different than for a pair of Islands off the coast of Canada). Germany has in uncomplicated terms been a rustic as a results of fact the nineteenth cent and yet they proved better than sufficient for France to shield!! the place have been the French while the MOORS invaded? How approximately while the Mongols made it to Venice? conflict of Patay? How approximately Trifalgar? Waterloo? French lifestyle? All you point out is intercourse, i assume the reality that Clymidia is inflicting strerilization and occasional start costs in Europe is something you have no longer heard approximately. who's the country that has a considerable intercourse scandal happening over their president having a babe for a female pal? FRANCE!!!! resign APES? First we did no longer resign in Iraq, such as you probably did in Vietnam. 2nd we're not out to regulate them, we purely prefer to get it stablized in the previous we go away. Which BTW if France did with it somewhat is former colonies in the previous they decrease and ran, we probable does no longer have had lots of problems in the MID East NOW!!!! Who the heck is bear Sterns? Who cares?
anonymous girl
2010-09-02 23:03:33 UTC
A lot of Brits want to be Americanized, yet some act like we are very stupid/shallow just because our manner of speaking doesn't sound as old fashioned. As long as someone uses correct grammar, old fashioned terms don't equal a level of higher intelligence or manners. Sometimes they may sound a bit more distinguished because it's not what we are used to, but as long as you are communicating your point, I don't see how any slant of English communication is better than another. I think the diversities of every language is kind of cool though. In the defense of those from the U.K., they do get poked fun at quite often from people in our country (America) and people from other countries as having poor dental hygiene or cosmetically unattractive teeth, for some reason.

I personally kind of like the fact that many Brit's have a more natural and organic idea of beauty than many cookie-cutter Americans who believe you shouldn't have any cellulite, you should have a perfectly symmetrical smile, fact I believe MANY other countries have a (preferred in my book) more organic acceptance/concept of Beauty.
2010-09-02 00:46:12 UTC
You are not getting it,

There are true Brits and then you get [immigrant] Brits, the sons of fathers born from other country's ?

they also have issues with us Brits.

Today we have mass emigration from all corners of the world,and what I gather from the news is that your problem is mainly Mexicans.

God-bless America

from a Englishman.
2010-09-02 00:46:08 UTC
Well well, you think you "one" our language thus proving emphatically that you did not; had you said you "won" our language that would have been more correct.

Please inform me what does "degrate" mean, perhaps you meant denigrate; but then you septics never could spell properly.

I think we Brits, but more especially we English, love extracting the urine from you septics because you rise to it so quickly.

Now get ready for school; your English lesson starts in twenty minutes.
2010-09-02 00:35:14 UTC
My recent experience is that some European people are more stuck up. I am speaking from a place of ignorance (as I have never been to Europe), but my impression is that they hold more value on social hierarchy overall (as a population), while Americans value individualism more. But, my general opinion is that people tend to be the same everywhere, despite the difference in culture.

And FYI - I don't think Americans think about Brits very much.
Flying Fid (redux)
2010-09-02 05:03:04 UTC
There is no such thing as a Jank, you must mean Yank. As for "beating us in two world wars" you don't have much grasp on history do you? You say it will take us hundreds of year to "reach your level" You are an Honour student and you come out with horseshit like that? WTF is wrong with your education system? Jeez.......
2010-09-02 01:00:46 UTC
I agree that I am tired of being DEGRADED (learn how to spell)

but you make us Americans look bad...

I am an American and you make us look like we are dumb, un-intelligent, and your actually the perfect example of WHY we get degraded in the first place...
Old Hollywood ☆
2010-09-02 00:43:34 UTC
Ummm, America fought alongside Great Britain in both wars.

We didn't beat them, we together beat the Axes.

I do get annoyed at people thinking all Americans are fat and lazy.

Not all of us are!

Answer mine please:
I survived
2010-09-02 00:39:04 UTC
You speak American English, we speak British English.

Does that settle it?
2010-09-02 00:50:45 UTC
I don't have a problem with America or Americans but frankly mate you are just a to55er!
2010-09-02 00:44:49 UTC
No doubt, your efforts to "win hearts and minds" over in Vietnam all those years ago, reminded the world of......... Yankee "own"ership. You also "made it better!" Wonder what keeps your ears apart. To$$pot.
2010-09-02 02:33:22 UTC
I say old chap... why all this rubbish talk about who insults whom.

okay that was my best british accent :P
2010-09-02 00:40:30 UTC
lol asker is obviously not american but anyway

Yanks [notice the Y idiot] are fat godfearing pricks, that cant wait to pick up a gun and wave it around even though they don't have a clue how to spell, let alone fight wars they only start because of greed, and then rope in various other nations because in the end they don't have the balls to fight it all themselves.

As for the general population from my experience most of them are arseholes that think everyone loves them, and it's a rarity to meet any that are close to normal.
2010-09-02 00:32:50 UTC
It's not just the Brits, everyone hates America. You're like the loser kid in high school, that thinks everyone likes them, and is so cool, but is made fun of secretly. Because it's funny.
2010-09-02 00:31:22 UTC
Be nice to our cousins from across the pond.
2010-09-02 00:46:43 UTC
we don't like u cus of people like YOU!

YOU think so much of yourselves! theres millions like u off the production lines!

Plastic, fake, loudmouthed, ignorant, FAT, etc etc need i go on?! most of the world hates what u stand for!

But if you were more humble, nicer people you would end up being liked! use ur brains!

keep ranting = hated

humility = liked

its human nature.

2010-09-02 00:32:07 UTC
It works both ways. We insult them as well. The have older history than US, They spoke the language way back....
2010-09-02 00:50:22 UTC
How can an IDIOT like you become a TC ????? Go back to school and learn how to read and write....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.