What is the best thing about the town you live in ..........?
2007-03-09 04:51:22 UTC
And what is the worst thing about the town you live in......

I love the town I live in. The people here are very community minded. But sadly because of infill housing our town is becoming over crowded, crime has risen, and we are slowly watching our town turning into a ghetto.
Eleven answers:
2007-03-09 05:04:33 UTC
The best thing about the town that I live in is the fact that if you need someone they will be there for you .... even if you do not like each other. (The town I live in is like a huge family of 1000 people...small I know but you did say town not city). The worst thing is that everyone knows your business and what they do not "know" they make up. You know, they always have to have someone to gossip about. But, as long as you have the attitude that I have (If they are talking about me they are leaving someone else alone and I know what I am doing and I have nothing to be ashamed of) you will fit in fine!

I do understand what is going on in your town though....hang in there.... if you are from a small town like mine the community will rally together and put a stop to it. Well that is what my town did when we started having that problem about 10 yrs ago!
2007-03-09 13:00:06 UTC
Trenton, New Jersey. I love the herds of deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc., that roam the woodlands and greenbelts and all the birds and geese that gather at the canals and the Delaware river plus the fantastic historical buildings and architecture. I don't like it that it is not safe to go out at night because of the ferocious crime that's rampant here. Really sad.
2007-03-09 13:00:00 UTC
people are nice, never snows ," dont have to worry about the cold or shoveling snow " there is a wide range of things to do, when i went up to upstate new york everybody was an as- and there was nothing to do, everybody had a fence around there land and the only place to go was a park, down here in southeast texas the government and forestry service opens there land to everybody, fishing,camping, hunting, ride dirt bikes, dune buggies, you name it
2007-03-09 12:56:01 UTC
Pro : Less people, less crowded, very community minded, is very artistically minded loves its festivals......

cons: teenagers get bored easily and so there tends to be a little trouble
Cuddly Lez
2007-03-09 12:53:50 UTC
Pro: Low traffic and easy drivers

Con: Everything is so far away
2007-03-09 12:55:11 UTC
Great brothels. Bad bowling alley.
2007-03-09 12:54:11 UTC
Best thing, bars are open 24 hours. Worst thing, bars are open 24 hours....
Dr Tapan Kumar Pradhan
2007-03-09 12:56:35 UTC
Best thing :- You will at once love this city...... it gives unlimited freedom

Worst thing :- Nobody will love you in this city........ nobody here has any time for himself, let alone for you !
2007-03-09 12:54:59 UTC
the worst is that its all mexican . the best is the sound of sirens going off at night and the trians.
2007-03-09 12:55:12 UTC
Friendly people.
2007-03-09 12:56:43 UTC
The food.............

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