I can't get a stable source of income ever. I got up to 200 positive feedback on eBay with 100% positive and then I get banned from eBay for having multiple eBay accounts which all had 100% positive feedback. Then I tried to make income with google adsense and I got banned because someone clicked on my ad 5000 times in 10 seconds. I filed an appeal and they even traced it to someone elses IP and they never reinstated my account back. Then I applied for over a 100 different retail stores and none of them responded to me. They didn't message me that I was declined. When I finally got a job it was at Ross. I worked there for three days and I got laid off because the reason they gave me was that I was temporary. I didn't even work there for 10 hours. This situation seems hopeless for me. I can't even get a minimum wage job.
I'm so depressed that I can't make any source of revenue and that I can't financially support myself. I've never done anything wrong, I've never committed a crime in my life, I'm sociable around the work place, act completely natural, I just don't know what to do.
I perfectly happy working anywhere. I don't care. I just want a job to buy food and water and put a roof over my head. What can I do?