If I had to rebuild civilization, I'd have to be much more pragmatic. Our first priority would be food, so my first selection would have to be a book about sustainable farming and agriculture. Sorry, I don't know the names of specific titles, but "You Can Farm" by Joel Salatin comes up on Google, and it looks pretty good.
Once we get the matter of food out the way, we can get to the actual rebuilding of civilization. You can't have a civilization without technology and infrastructure, for which you need math and science.
So, my second selection would be "God Created the Integers" by Stephen Hawking. It is a repository of mathematical concepts from recent times all the way back to Euclid, and it would save us a lot of time and trouble of having to rediscover the everything on our own.
My third selection would be "Feynman Lectures on Physics" by Richard Feynman. I wish it were a bit more up to date, but nevertheless it is a fairly comprehensive primer on physics - quite ideal for a civilization seeking to rebuild itself.
If I could choose more than three books I would also add primers on Chemistry, Engineering, and Medicine. But again, I don't know specific titles.