The whole world is lying
in the power of the wicked one (Satan),
says the God of the Bible
through the medium of His son Jesus
and those whom He inspired to write about it...
Only through our own God-given free will
and through proper use of our wonderfully created brain
can we chose and decide to get out
of its hold on us as individuals
by accepting the truth of the scripture
that admonishes us to get out of her
(empire of false religion on earth),
to make sure of all things,
to dig for the truth of all things
as for fine gold or hidden treasure
and to accept His truth that sets us free
from all that you describe and don't describe in your question but have surely noticed at one point or another in your life and will go on seeing
until the true God decides of the appointed time
that it is time to send Jesus one more time,
in spirit this time, to fight for us,
so that men don't succeed in killing all living things,
the last fight we will ever need to witness,
namely the battle or war of Armageddon
which will finally rid the earth
of all who until then, will have tried their best to destroy it.