Atheists: Do you have any REAL evidence for evolution?
2014-08-13 19:58:42 UTC
There isn't any real evidence for evolution at all. So what yeah certain species have undergone changes, horses used to be the size of dogs, the flu virus changes every year, birds need to change their beaks to grab food.

Great. Ok. Well how does that mean anything other than adaptation? Of course God gave us the ability to adapt to different environments, to help us stay alive in different environments, and of course this ability goes for the immune system as well which is why bacteria and viruses can adapt.

How does that answer the question of where the species came from in the first place? There's no transitional fossils, a species has never been witnessed evolving into an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SPECIES. It might have been altered enough to have big differences due to adaptation but each species is its own individual strand of DNA constantly reproducing. There's no way to bridge the gap between the DNA strands of each separate species.

Evolution, like many other religious beliefs, have been appropriated from pagan cultures by rich, white hipsters in America and Europe just because they tripped acid once and thought they were spiritually enlightened.
23 answers:
2014-08-15 11:05:10 UTC
You just said that there's no evidence for evolution then proceeded to prove that evolution was true in 3 sentences. Evolution is change. Biological evolution is change in a species over time to properly adapt to it's environments, along with a slew of other factors. Over a long period of time (3.5 billion years) these changes result in massively different species. That's all biological evolution is, which based on what you said, you do believe. We also know that everything used to be hydrogen, hydrogen combined to make helium, and so on until we got every element that currently exists. Evidence strongly suggested that this happened. Then there were molecules. Molecules became more complex over time. There only thing we don't truly know is the exact point where life began. And that's not what the theory of evolution is about. It doesn't try to suggest where the first organism came from.

What you've written here suggests that you don't actually know what evolution is. We know it happened, and continues to occur. Do we know where life originated? No we don't. Evolution doesn't talk about that either though. To me, it sounds like you're trying to hold onto dogmatic beliefs because you feel that you should, when you actually do believe in evolution. What you're suggesting that we don't have any evidence of is ambiogenesis. Which, at this point, we really don't. All we know is that the conditions earth had around when life first originated could have created certain molecules present in every living organism.

Also, atheism and evolution aren't the same thing. A lot of Christians believe in evolution too. Most of the catholic leadership believes it at this point. Because, let's face it, creationism makes no sense. It even makes no sense when it's called intelligent design.
2014-08-13 20:07:38 UTC
Of course. BTW, it's not ONLY atheists who accept the findings of science; most believers do, too. In fact, it's only professional liars and the morons who mindlessly believe them who dont' accept that evolution happened.

Anyway, the evidence is vast and varied; it is overwhelming. Evolution if tremendously well-established. You could go to New Scientist's new page about evolution; you could go to UC Berkeley's Understanding Evolution website, and click the Evidence link to read about the various types of evidence we have.

You have NO evidence for your imaginary Sky Bully. None. So why do you think it's REAL?

Clearly your imaginary Sky Bully did NOT give all creatures the ability to adapt; most have gone extinct. More improtantly, it is NOT the individuals who adapt. You clearly don't understand evolution at all.

That's why you should try to learn something about it, instead of just posting your ignorance on the Internet.

Evolution answers the question of why there are so many species. There ARE transitional fossils; there are warehouses full fo them. The people who keep telling you there are none are liars who have been lying to you.

???? Yes, we HAVE witnessed it -- indirectly through fossils; more directly in short-lived species.

Evolution isn't a religion. Again, you are merely mindlessly parrottign things that liars tell you. If you had any brain at all, you'd at least TRY to educate yourself.

???? WHAT are you f-ing babbling about?

Are you just a troll, pretending to be this brainless and incoherent?
2014-08-14 07:48:24 UTC
This is a question that should be directed at evolutionary scientists, not atheists in general. Not believing in any gods doesn't automatically mean that you are knowledgeable about or even accepting of evolutionary theory.

To answer your question, yes. The fossil record, genotype and phenotype variance and similarity between different species and families in the animal kingdom, and the fact that we can actually observe rapidly producing species evolve are all convincing enough evidence for me.
2014-08-14 15:44:08 UTC
They have none.

Can we get our definitions clear?

Adaptation = a change in phenotype of a population over time in response to selective pressure, the mechanism for this is a change in allele frequencies over time.

Evolution = "Life on earth evolved gradually beginning with one primitive species—perhaps a self-replicating molecule—that lived more than 3.5 billion years ago; it then branched out over time, throwing off many new and diverse species; and the mechanism for most (but not all) of evolutionary change is natural selection." [Jerry Coyne, 2009]

Adaptation has been observed both in the wild and in artificial settings and so can be accepted.

Evolution has not been observed and critical evidence is lacking. Theoretical considerations strongly suggest that it could not have taken place as proposed.
2014-08-13 20:48:35 UTC
There's plenty of evidence. You need go no further then modern medicine, why do you think antibiotics are becoming less effective? Because the bacteria evolves and becomes resistant. Biologists witness evolution daily in labs all over the world. With out our knowledge of evolution and therefore biology we would not have the modern medicine we have today and we would have no hope of continuing to gain more knowledge. Evolution is science not religion.
2014-08-13 20:03:50 UTC
They may find evidence of evolution but they can't call it a fact because of other facts like the sun. Because the sun is a big fire, just like all fire it is slowly running out of fuel. They estimated that the sun is shrinking by about 1.5 metres AN HOUR. So how can the universe really be a billion years old because if earth and the sun was that old, THE SUN WOULD HAVE TO HAVE BEEN HuGE TO BE AS SMALL AS IT IS NOW. HALF THE MILKY WAY WOULD HAVE BEEN EATEN BY THE SUN.
2014-08-13 20:16:54 UTC
There have been over 250,000 peer-reviewed, verified papers published detailing evidence for evolution by natural selection published in just the past 5 years. If you go back 50 years, that number is in the many millions.

For you to claim "there is no evidence" is worse than ignorance, it's worse than delusion -- it's a flat-out lie.

Every one of your statements is a flat-out lie. I don't know if you're making them because you've never bothered to actually go learn anything, or because you simply "believed" some dishonest pastor or website, or because you desperately want to deny reality...but they're still flat-out lies.

Is that really how you want to conduct your life -- by lying? Publicly?

How sad for you.
2014-08-13 20:31:59 UTC
Wow, you're definitely old enough to know what the hell you're talking about, and clearly can understand scientific material well enough to determine it's validity and make proper assumptions from said evidence. Oh wait, none of that is true.

Your "opinion" about scientific findings << actual scientists' conclusions based on scientific findings. Yes, there is real evidence for evolution. Do a little research on your own and report back to us.
2014-08-13 20:40:46 UTC
Go see what I wrote at

"Atheists: Do you have any REAL evidence for evolution?"

Your problem is you won't read the answers. You asked the question for one reason only. You enjoy wasting everyone's time. If you really were interested in this subject you could google evidence evolution and do your own research. But of course you're too lazy to do that.
2014-08-13 20:02:08 UTC
How about the fact that it is directly observable?

The nice thing about science is that it is true whether or not you believe in it. All you have to do is drive your dumb *** to a lab and witness it in front of your eyes and stop being so ignorant.

"There's no transitional fossils"

If you want the real articles do a quick search on for peer reviewed publications but I warn you that you should get a better understanding of evolution first. Your stupidity and ignorance does not invalidate the science.
The Lightning Strikes
2014-08-17 16:57:02 UTC
Nope, The evidence for evolution is and has been interpreted from a Philosophical and ideological Bias, The answers given by adherents to Evolution here in R&S is proof of the bias and agenda, Atheism has to have an alternate explanation—other than a Creator—for how the universe and life came into existence.

Darwin once identified himself as a Christian but as a result of some tragedies that took place in his life, he later renounced the Christian faith and the existence of God. Evolution was invented by an atheist.

What is sad is that Christians are falling into this Trap and trying to fit evolution into the Bible (Theistic Evolution) thinking they can make it fit.

Lee Stroble in his video listed below “ The Case for the Creator” stated (5 min. 28 sec into the video) The Case for a Creator

That “There is no way you can Harmonize Neo Darwinism with Christianity, I could never understand Christians who would say “ Well I believe in God yet I believe in Evolution as well” You see Darwin’s idea about the development of life led to his theory that modern science now generally defines as an undirected process completely devoid of any purpose or plan,”. Now how could God direct an undirected process? How could God have purpose in a plan behind a system that has no plan and no purpose? It just does not make sense.

It didn’t make sense to me in 1966 and it doesn’t make sense to me now.

The Apostle Paul wrote to His Son Timothy stating that “ in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, [because] they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn [their] ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”

Those Christians who believe in evolution have no idea how that effects their theology.

What is theistic evolution?

Eternity is a Long Time to be wrong about this

What Hath Darwin Wrought?

Darwin's Deadly Legacy (1 of 7)

Darwin & Eugenics....

Creation In The 21st Century - Planet Earth Is Special 1 of 3

Creation in the 21st Century - The Evidence Disputes Darwin 1 of 3

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of Creation

More than 600 Scientist with PHD’s who have Signed A SCIENTIFIC DISSENT FROM DARWINISM
2014-08-13 20:02:16 UTC
Observed speciation:

Transitional fossils (also, every fossile is technically transitional):

This isn't a religious belief, its the best available explanation for the diversity of life we see. If something with more evidence arises in the future that would be what I would accept.
The Whistling Gypsy
2014-08-13 20:38:11 UTC
Evolution has nothing to do with atheism. There is more absolutely unquestionable proof of evolution than there is for many other natural phenomena. You need to understand what you are talking about before making statements about a subject.
2014-08-13 20:27:43 UTC
Micro evolution has been proven and documented. Macro evolution can only be proven with documentation scale of hundreds of years. My favorite example of macro evolution is the polar bear evolving from the brown bear.....this evidence is fossil and genetic.
2014-08-13 21:17:32 UTC
Christian answer: in 2011, over 55,000 scientifically peer-reviewed articles were published, all proving Evolution. There is a LOT of evidence.
2014-08-13 20:17:22 UTC
Micro evolution is a fact. Macro evolution isn't.
2014-08-13 20:23:52 UTC
It seems that one asks for that which they can not provide and disreguards what is asked for when it is provided.

Why is it that you can "believe" when someone tells you your god created life from inanimate matter but when they remove the "god" from the equation you become suddenly ignorant.

Now come when someone tells you god done it you believe it is fact but when someone sates that the "Big Bang" occured not requireing an intelligence you suddenly become ignorant.

Seems one is not interested in facts nor in proof for it is apparent in science and logic and totally absent in a belief.
2014-08-13 20:03:51 UTC
that's a good bit of trolling, how you use the creationist drivel and then blame pagan culture and hipsters, and even bring in acid....Truly enlightened poe....
2014-08-13 20:01:56 UTC
Your ignorance is adorable. Keep arguing that a magic man in the sky waved his hand and made everything though, that makes perfect sense. Teenage girls are hilarious.
2014-08-13 20:02:53 UTC



piltdown man

nebraska man

java man


''junk'' DNA

DNA of chimps and humans
2014-08-13 20:05:39 UTC
Nope, no real evidence. Just the unscientific stories from one single book. Wait, did I get that right?
2014-08-13 20:02:07 UTC
Yes, just because you are a moron doesn't change that
2014-08-13 20:01:08 UTC
"evolution" "pagan cultures" wut??

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.