ok here is my take on the situation- I can only talk from what i have seen similar from living in both australian aboriginal and torres strait islander communities.
Indifference is not racism to start with indifference is simply that- indifference.
However I think racism in a wierd kind of way is seen as the new pecking order or class system so to speak, although as the world becomes smaller with technology etc this blurs the boundaries.
In a society based on reward and recognition of exemplary work it is possible that even the most degraded culture can achieve stature beyond their typical caste- a prime example of this is the geeks as they would have been called at high school being the ones to design microsoft ect. On the point that one cast is generalised to be bad/ no good etc social stereotypes have a huger role to play in this than racism. hell even within a caste there are families which have had chiefs and other various community vips for decades if not generations, why is this is it that their genes are better than anothers, no once again it comes down to social stereotypes, of course history, wealth and notority also play a role but i guess this proves my point.
Back to racism anyway, I think that racism is not the word for any of this it is elitism- in other words a social/ structural pecking order.
Anyway it is alot to take in but I think that along with you elitism does exist- unfortunetly it takes the work of a few great people within a caste to sway views and generalisations, if this will happen in the forseable future who knows. I only hope that one day we can all respect each others space and opinion without trying to force them on others.