2012-04-23 23:16:57 UTC
I heard that the Standard British English is considered the "neutral" english accent, but it seems strange to me.
American: wateR (strong R)
British: I hear with a very tiny "r" sound, like "wata"
American: Harry PoTTER
British: Harry Pota
If British English is the "Standard" and proper English, then why it sounds like if they don't pronounce all the letters of a word correctly? I'm confused :-/
Although I also know that the Americans invent words:
EXAMPLE: Gotcha, gonna, gotta.
And the American Southern Accent sounds strange, I can't follow a southern woman speaking quickly.
Can you give me an advice?
And if you are british, can you tell me why it sounds like if there's no "T" and "R" when you pronounce some words?