what do you think about the VA Tech killer?
2007-04-19 17:20:26 UTC
what do you guys think about Cho Seung-hui? do you think he had many problems? do you think he wanted to be just likeor just be jesus? my whole school is talking about it they cant seam to stop talkin about it. but tell meon your opinion what you think about him and the whole thing?
Eight answers:
2007-04-19 17:37:45 UTC
Dear truth seekers,

The Hidden Hand are guilty as hell, I said they use mind control and drugs well before any of this came out.




Seung-Hui Cho Was a Mind Controlled Assassin


Martin Bryant is still locked up and chained like a dog and no one is the wiser, when are we all going to stand for TRUTH.

PORT ARTHUR MASSACRE On Sunday 28 April 1996, an unknown professional combat shooter opened fire in the Broad Arrow Cafe at Port Arthur in Tasmania. In less than a minute 20 people lay dead, 19 of them killed with single shots to the head, fired from the right hip of the fast-moving shooter. The awesome display of combat marksmanship was blamed on intellectually impaired Martin Bryant, who was held in illegal strict solitary confinement for more than 120 days, until he was "ready" to plead guilty. There was no trial. Just like Bushes Empire is doing right now.

Regards Matt


(Evidence is MOUNTING in huge volumes pointing to the 'Tech' shooting as another Government STAGED OP to push Gun CONFISCATION and as a DIVERSION from the ILLEGAL wars and growing 911 TRUTH movement. The message scrawled in red pen 'ISHMAEL AX" or something like that is supposed to point to ISLAMIC 'TERRORISM'. This from a South Korean??? Do you SMELL THIS PEOPLE??


Those deserving of DEATH are those guilty of HIGH TREASON like Bush SENIOR, Cheney and their ILK!

What convenient TIMING that Rosie O'Donnel was supposed to build on the 911 TRUTH movement by interviewing firefighters and others who heard the explosions in the WTC towers. I don't even know if that happened but I'm told on Wednesday on 'The View' she was back to her old globalist SOCIALIST tricks of pushing GUN CONTROL!

What convenient TIMING that Dennis Kucinich had a bill ready to Impeach SATANIST PAEDOPHILE DICK CHENEY! Now Kucinich is pushing for a NWO type bill to CONFISCATE HANDGUNS!


http://wtam. com/cc-common/ news/sections/ newsarticle. html?feed= 122520&article=1972123

What convenient TIMING Gonzales hearing postponed because of Virginia Tech shootings -- The Senate Judiciary Committee postponed Tuesday's questioning of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the firings of eight federal prosecutors, saying the proceedings would be inappropriate in light of the Virginia Tech shootings. http://www.signonsa news/politics/ 20070416- 1429-firedprosec utors.html



Do your best to research and pass on info on CIA MIND CONTROL technology. Research material by Fritz Springmeier and others. See movies on the topic like: "Conspiracy Theory" "Mind Field" "Disturbing Behaviour" and of course BOTH versions of "The Manchurian Candidate."

Also several books are available like: http://www.trance- formation. com documenting MK-Ultra PAEDOPHILIA by Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney .

MK-Ultra was but one name of mind control DOCUMENTED in congressional hearings. Since then names like: MK-Delta, MK-NAOMI, MK-SEARCH, Project Artichoke, Project Bluebird, Project MONARCH and more have been assigned to other mind control programs.

MONARCH is associated with this 'TECH' shooting!!



At Least Two Shot At University of Missouri -- The Columbia Missourian newspaper is reporting that at least two people have been shot at the University of Missouri, Columbia. April 18, 2007

Cho's sister works for McNeil Technologies -- THE sister of the gunman responsible for the deadliest shooting rampage in modern US history works as a contractor for a State Department office that oversees billions of dollars in American aid for Iraq.

Virginia Tech Shooting 'Oddities' -- Comprehensive coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting.

Virginia Tech shooter an English major, 23 -- The gunman who killed 30 people at Virginia Tech's Norris Hall before turning the gun on himself was student Cho Seung-Hui, university police Chief Wendell Flinchum said Tuesday.

At least 31 dead in Va. Tech shooting rampage -- A gunman opened fire in a dormitory and a classroom at a college in Virginia on Monday, killing at least 30 people in the deadliest campus shooting in U.S. history. The gunman also was killed, and at least 22 other people were injured.

http://www.chicagot news/nationworld /chi-0704150326a pr16,1,6049960. story

Cheney: Threat of nuclear attack in U.S. city 'very real'

[He should know --he's probably busy planning it.] 16 Apr 2007 Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney, often called upon to deliver the regime's toughest talk about the wars abroad, now says this about the threat of [US] terrorists detonating a nuclear bomb in an American city: "It's a very real threat. ... Something that we have to worry about and defeat every single day."

(Tech school is pulling FILES and EVIDENCE of CIA and NASA ties to the assasin and school. SEE THE PHOTO AT prisonplanet. com of Cho in the MILITARY CAMO UNIFORM!! THIS WAS STAGED FOLKS! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!!)

Seung-Hui Cho Was a Mind Controlled Assassin

http://www.prisonpl articles/ april2007/ 190407mindcontro lled.htm

Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin, even aside from clear evidence of influence from outside parties, the fact is that the cultural brainwashing of violent video games and psychotropic drugs directly contributed, as it does in all these cases, to the carnage at Virginia Tech on Monday morning.

Seung-Hui Cho Was a Mind Controlled Assassin

Deadly accuracy, disturbing revelations suggest outside involvement in VA Massacre, cocktail of brainwashing from prozac, violent video games contributed to carnage

Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin, even aside from clear evidence of influence from outside parties, the fact is that the cultural brainwashing of violent video games and psychotropic drugs directly contributed, as it does in all these cases, to the carnage at Virginia Tech on Monday morning.

Gun grabbers are already exploiting the tragedy to disarm future students from the opportunity of being able to defend themselves against deranged killers, but the media circus is completely silent when it comes to the laying blame at the feet of a deadly cocktail of mind-warping drugs and bloodthirsty shoot-em-ups.

Outside of the obvious culpability of the factors we see in every mass shooting - video games and "antidepressant" drugs, numerous red flags concerning Monday events are beginning to suggest that Cho was more than a heartbroken nutcase with an axe to grind.

Charles Mesloh, Professor of Criminology at Florida Gulf Coast University, told NBC 2 News that he was shocked Cho could have killed 32 people with two handguns absent expert training. Mesloh immediately assumed that Cho must have used a shotgun or an assault rifle.

"I'm dumbfounded by the number of people he managed to kill with these weapons," said Mesloh, "The only thing I can figure is that he got close to them and he simply executed them."

Mesloh said the killer performed like a trained professional, "He had a 60% fatality rate with handguns - that's unheard of given 9 millimeters don't kill people instantly," said Mesloh, stating that the handguns Cho used were designed for "plinking at cans," not executing human beings.

Cho was certainly no slouch, in the two hour gap between the first reported shootings and the wider rampage that would occur later in the morning, during which time the University completely failed to warn the students despite having loudspeakers stationed throughout the campus, Cho had time to film a confession video, transfer it to his computer, burn it onto a DVD, package it up, travel to the post office, post the package, and travel back to his dorm room to retrieve his guns and then travel back to the opposite end of the campus to resume the killing spree. The almost inconceivable speed of Cho's actions become more suspicious when we recall initial reports that there were two shooters.

Even if we rule out the fact that Cho had received expert firearms training, the cultural mind control of violent video games and mind-altering psychotropic drugs were themselves a cocktail of brainwashing that directly contributed to the carnage, as they do in nearly all these cases.

From the very first reports of the shootings we predicted the killer would be on prozac, would have recently been in psychiatric care and would have regularly played violent video games and that has precisely turned out to be accurate in all three instances.

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The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Thousands of special reports, videos, MP3's, interviews, conferences, speeches, events, documentary films, books and more - all for just 15 cents a day! Click here to subscribe! Find out the true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get Terror Storm!

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"Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly a game called "Counterstrike, " a hugely popular online game in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns," reports Newsmax citing the Washington Post.

"In December 2005 -- more than a year before Monday's mass shootings -- a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care," reports ABC News, " but despite the court identifying the future killer as a risk, they let him go.

Investigators believe that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech murderer, had been taking anti-depressant medication at some point before the shootings, according to The Chicago Tribune.

Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as well as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, the Oregon killer who gunned down his parents and classmates, were all on psychotropic drugs. Scientific studies proving that prozac encourages suicidal tendencies in young people are voluminous and span back nearly a decade.

Since these deadly drugs are prevalent in almost all mass shooting incidents, where is the call to ban prozac? Why is the knee-jerk reaction always to attack the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans to self-defense, a right that was exercised in January 2002 when students subdued a shooter at another Virginia university before he could kill more than three people because they were allowed guns on campus?

Why are the deeper reasons behind what motivates young men to kill pushed aside while control freaks demand that law-abiding citizens be disarmed of the only thing that can protect them from such madmen?

Questions about the sequence of events on Monday, VA Tech, as well as the profile of the killer are arousing increased suspicion.

We have been receiving numerous calls and e mails alerting us to the fact that VA Tech is pulling links from its website concerning their relationship with the CIA. Reports from November 2005 confirm that the CIA was active in operating recruitment programs based out of VA Tech. Several professors from VA Tech are involved in government programs linked with NASA and other agencies.

Wikipedia also pulled a bizarre recently taken photograph of Cho wearing a U.S. Marines uniform.

Such details only fan the flames of accusations that Cho could have been a Manchurian Candidate, a mind-controlled assassin.

The CIA's program to create mind-controlled assassins that could be triggered by code words, MK ULTRA, is not a conspiracy theory, it's a historical fact documented by declassified government files and Senate hearings. President Bill Clinton himself had to apologize for the program before he left office.

http://www.druglibr /history/ e1950/mkultra/ index.htm com/watch? v=cTiONdJJRcw

On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said, "The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."

One such victim of these experiments was Cathy O'Brien, who immediately after the shootings re-iterated the revelations in her latest book, that Blacksburg Virginia is a central location for mind control programs that are still ongoing today. http://www.trance- formation. com/

CIA mind control programs can be tracked back to the 1950's and Project BLUEBIRD, later renamed ARTICHOKE. From blogger Kurt Nimmo;

"BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and the Manchurian Candidate," writes Colin A. Ross, MD. "ARTICHOKE documents prove that hypnotic couriers functioned effectively in real-life simulations conducted by the CIA in the early 1950's. The degree to which such individuals were used in actual operations is still classified…. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion. The details of the programs were kept secret even form other personnel within the CIA…. The BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE materials establish conclusively that full Manchurian Candidates were created and tested successfully by physicians with TOP SECRET clearance from the CIA…. As well as being potential couriers and infiltration agents, the subjects could function in effect as hypnotically controlled cameras. They could enter a room or building, memorize materials quickly, leave the building, and then be amnesic for the entire episode. The memorized material could then be retrieved by a handler using a previously implanted code or signal, without the amnesia being disturbed. Hypnosis was not the mind control doctors' only method for creation of controlled amnesia, however. Drugs, magnetic fields, sound waves, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and many other methods were studied under BLUEBIRD and ARTHICHOKE."

Researchers into supposed "lone nut" assassinations time and time again run across evidence pointing to CIA mind control experimentation. The best example is Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby Kennedy's assassin. Sirhan was found to be in a completely trance-like state after pulling the trigger and couldn't even remember shooting Kennedy when asked about the incident days later. Sirhan's lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, has presented convincing evidence that Sirhan was under mind control.

Either way you cut it, Seung-Hui Cho was a victim of brainwashing and mind control. The right questions are not being asked and the finger of blame is being pointed in the wrong direction, ensuring that another tragedy like the VA Tech Massacre is almost guaranteed.

Cathy O'Brien in her book Access Denied, says Blacksberg is an military mind control location.

Trance Formation of America

http://www.trance- formation. com/

Godlike Productions -- Blacksburg /DARPA / mind control

http://tinyurl. com/2lwjld

Godlike Productions -- **Breaking** 1 Dead, 1 Injured, 7-8 Others Shot in VA

http://tinyurl. com/2osex8

FYI!.... Blacksburg Va. as disclosed... "ACCESS DENIED"

http://disc. discussion. cgi?disc= 149495;article= 110387;title= APFN



Stories below found at: http://www.prisonpl

Second Amendment In Danger Under Anti-Gun Bush

In the wake of the tragic shooting massacre in Virginia this week gun control advocates have once again come crawling out of the woodwork to capitalize on the ill informed and automated response of blaming the destructiveness of a mentally ill person's rampage on the second amendment.

> The Cho Seung-Hui Video Show

> Campus gunman's death video was direct copy of award-winning Korean revenge film

> Licensed Gun Owning Student Arrested, Firearms Seized

> Bloomberg To Fund Anti-Gun Ad Campaign

> The Most Important Insurance

> Murtha: President's Iraq war plan requires draft

> Russian Journalists Report Media Restrictions

> German minister sparks row over anti-terror measures

> Former Reagan Advisor angry Bush 'bankrupted America'

> EU Federal Superstate Becoming A Reality

> Student Arrested Over Va. Tech Remarks

> Why does the Bush administration have a list of everyone who has ever used anti-depressants?

> Don't Give an Inch!

> Va. Tech Killer A Violent Video Game Fan

> Virginia gunman sent final video

> Va. Tech Killer Ruled Mentally Ill by Court; Let Go After Hospital Visit

> Southern U.S. town proud of its mandatory gun law

> Are you prepared for what is coming next?

> Quotes From The Founding Fathers For Those Who Still Think That The 2nd Amendment Doesn't Apply to the Individual

> Military Leaders Question 9/11

> BU Student Arrested After Massacre Threat Messages

> Virginia Tech shooter sent documents to NBC: police

> "Ismail Ax" The VT Gunman's Final Message?


http://www.rumormil cgi-bin/forum. cgi?noframes; read=102936


http://groups. group/phantomtru th/message/ 12611

School Administration Cover-up? Police Warned 18 Months Ago About Virginia Gunman

http://www.raidersn ewsnetwork. com/full. php?news= 4692

Gunman taken to mental health facility in 2005

Gunman sent package to NBC News:

http://www.msnbc. 18169776/

`This didn't have to happen,' says message mailed between shootings - By Alex Johnson

Unanswered Questions Still Remain

http://www.larouche breaking_ news/2007/ 04/17/unanswered .shtml

Far-reaching Gun Ban Would Cripple The Second Amendment

-- McCarthy's bill to outlaw millions of guns

http://www.gunowner htm

Subject: Frightened lecturer had secret code word to alert police to Virginia gunman


Daily Mail - UK


British professor: Students feared gunman for 18 months

http://tinyurl. com/3ymssq

Virginia Tech Shooting -- Gun Bans Are The Problem, Not The Solution

http://www.infowars .com/articles/ 2nd_amendment/ va_tech_shooting _guns_bans_ are_problem_ not_solution. htm

McCain backs gun rights after shootings

http://www.heraldne stories/index. php?action= fullnews&id=94247

Gun Control Law Helped Campus Killer

Yet disarmament lobby and establishment media exploit tragedy to disarm more potential victims

http://www.infowars .com/articles/ 2nd_amendment/ va_tech_shooting _gun_control_ law_helped_ campus_killer. htm

Neo-Cons To Spin VA Massacre As Terrorist Attack

http://www.prisonpl articles/ april2007/ 180407terrorista ttack.htm

Propaganda junkies may milk "Ismail Ax" to say bloodshed was spurred by militant Islam - Paul Joseph Watson, April 18, 2007

Cowardly cops with sub-machine guns hid behind trees as punk madman went on killing spree

http://www.infowars .com/articles/ us/va_tech_ shooting_ massacre_ proves_governmen t_cannot_ protect_you. htm

As We Predicted: Killer Was On Anti-Depressants April 17, 2007

http://www.prisonpl articles/ april2007/ 170407_b_ Depressants. htm

Gunman taken to mental health facility in 2005

http://www.thisislo news/article- 23393119- details/Students +lived+in+ fear+of+campus+ gunman/article. do

The Blackburg Executions

http://educate- yourself. org/cn/blackburg executions18apr0 7.shtml


http://www.sierrati 04/17/74_ 60_255_75_ 95737.htm


http://boortz. com/nuze/ 200704/04172007. html

Gunman taken to mental health facility in 2005

http://www.thisislo news/article- 23393119- details/Students +lived+in+ fear+of+campus+ gunman/article. do

Gun lobby prepares for battle over rights

http://www.infowars .com/articles/ 2nd_amendment/ gun_lobby_ prepares_ for_battle_ over_rights. htm

British professor: Students feared gunman for 18 months

http://www.dailymai live/articles/ news/worldnews. html?in_article_ id=449275&in_page_id=1811

WSU Vancouver evacuated due to threat; Patriot Act forum rescheduled 18 Apr 2007 The Vancouver branch of Washington State University was evacuated Tuesday night because of threatening graffiti discovered in a campus restroom shortly before an evening conference on the Patriot Act and the war on [of] terror, authorities said. University officials decided to evacuate the campus about 6:30 p.m. after the graffiti was found, according to Sgt. Mike Cooke of the Clark County sheriff's office. The threat came on the same night that Brandon Mayfield, an attorney wrongly arrested by FBI agents after the 2004 Madrid terrorist bombings, was scheduled to appear on campus as part of a forum on civil liberties titled "Casualties of the USA Patriot Act and the War on Terror." His wife, Mona Mayfield, said they drove to the campus and were told to leave. Mayfield said she was told the event would be rescheduled.

School Threats Follow Va. Tech Massacre 18 Apr 2007 Schools and campuses in at least 10 states were locked down or evacuated in the aftermath of a Virginia Tech student's shooting rampage that killed 33 people. Washington State University's branch campus in Vancouver was evacuated because of graffiti discovered in a campus restroom threatened harm likened to the Virginia slayings around 8 p.m., around the time a conference on the Patriot Act and the war on [of] terror was scheduled, authorities said. The event was to be rescheduled.

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:11 PM

Subject: (shooting) IT'S MENTAL PROBLEMS STUPID!

The shooting is not only about guns dear hearts, but the general populace as a whole needs yearly, if not every six months mental evaluations.

How quickly we forget President Bush's mental health testing that was barely defeated, but has been instituted in high schools already in Illinois and other states.

Now what was the name of that legislation? Was it the New Freedom Initiative? Maybe? Then again maybe not.

Keep your eyes and ears open loved ones. It's on it's way.

Little Grasshopper

CIA recruiting at Virginia Tech

The Truth Will Set You Free

Tuesday April 17, 2007

"The single shooter was unusually effective at killing, almost as if he had been trained to do so." --mparent7777

From November 2005 . . .

For the second time this year, the Central Intelligence Agency will be coming to Virginia Tech to recruit students.

And for the second time this year, they will be met with protests from students who view the CIA as an immoral organization that engages in torture and murder.

Nicholas Kiersey organized a protest last spring when the CIA came to campus. He released the following statement Monday about the CIA's trip to Torgeson 3100 Thursday at 7 p.m.:

"Blacksburg, VA November 13, 2005 - A coalition of concerned graduate students and campus organizations at Virginia Tech are this Thursday staging a 'teach in' to protest CIA recruitment on campus. Planned events also include the protest of a 'career information' session to be held by the CIA later that evening.

On November 2nd, 2005 the Washington Post published an article entitled "CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons". The article reported that the CIA has set up a covert network of secret prisons and interrogation centers, known as "black sites", in several countries around the world, including several democracies in Eastern Europe and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Prisoners at these facilities are held indefinitely and often in isolation, without due process of the law. Moreover, CIA interrogators working at these sites are permitted to use the CIA's approved "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," some of which are prohibited by the U.N. convention and by U.S. military law. Among the tactics approved for use are "waterboarding" , intended to induce in prisoners the idea that they are drowning.

While intelligence officials defend the unrestricted operation of these sites as necessary for the successful defense of the country, it should be noted that both the sites and the suspected practices carried out at them would be illegal if operated within the USA, which is a signatory to the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Importantly, the same is true for the democratic host states in Eastern Europe where some of these sites are located.

The 'Teach In' will take place on Thursday, Nov. 17, 5-6.30pm, in Torgerson 3100. The event will feature talks by Virginia Tech instructors and the presentation of a draft letter to President Steger's office, signed by a number of concerned Virginia Tech faculty and students.

The letter will request that Virginia Tech place a moratorium on all CIA activities on Virginia Tech's campus until such time as a thorough and independent investigation certifies that the organization has been thoroughly reformed and no longer engages in practices that contravene international law and basic standards of human rights.

The CIA's scheduled 'career information' session will take place at 7pm in the same location.

Sponsoring campus organizations include: The International Club and Amnesty International at Virginia Tech."

*Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) Calls For Greater Gun Control Following Virginia Tech Shootings*

The killings at Virginia Tech have inevitably put the spotlight on the

debate over gun control. Virginia police have traced the store where they

say the shooter -- Cho Seung-Hui -- bought one of the weapons five weeks

ago. New York Democratic Congressmember Carolyn McCarthy is known as one of

the most ardent gun control proponents in the House. In 1993, her husband

Dennis was killed and her son Kevin seriously injured when a gunman opened

fire aboard a Long Island Rail Road Commuter train.

Listen/Watch/ Read

http://www.democrac sid=07/04/ 18/1549200

*From the DN! Archives: Michael Moore on Gun Violence in the U.S. and His

Documentary "Bowling for Columbine"*

Nearly five years ago we interviewed Michael Moore on the day his

documentary Bowling For Columbine was released nationwide. At the time the

nation was fixated on a series of sniper attacks in Washington D.C, Virginia

and Maryland. We talked to Michael Moore on October 18, 2002 -- one week

before the snipers were caught.

Listen/Watch/ Read

http://www.democrac sid=07/04/ 18/1711258

* Headlines for March 18, 2007 *

- Tens of Thousands Mourn Victims Of School Shooting

- Teachers: Warnings Signs Existed Before Shooting

- Group: 230 University Professors Killed So Far In Iraq

- EPA: U.S. Greenhouse Gases Up 16% over Past 15 Years

- New Postal Rates Threaten Future of Small Magazines

- Most Online Radio Stations Face Bankruptcy Under New Rules

- Scientists: Cell Phones Could Be Cause of Missing Bees

Listen/Watch/ Read

http://www.democrac sid=07/04/ 18/1548251

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:52 PM

Subject: Another Installment

Big Surprise!

Another Installment.


Killer - 'Expressionless Look, Like A Mind-Controlled Assassin'

A jilted lover with an expressionless look, showing no emotion -

like that of a mind-controlled, programmed assassin.

Was he under some kind of hypnotic trance?

By David Williams Staff Writer -The Daily Mail


FIRING SQUAD: Terrified students lined up against the wall of their classroom and shot, execution-style.

NO WAY OUT: Doors chained shut by the killer to keep his victims in and police out.

BODIES EVERYWHERE: Blood-soaked bodies piled on top of each other.

These were the scenes of almost inconceivable horror at Virginia Tech University yesterday as a gunman claimed at least 32 lives before killing himself.

He was said to have quarrelled in a dormitory with his girlfriend, whom he believed had been seeing another man. A student adviser was called to sort out the row. But the killer produced a gun and SHOT DEAD BOTH HIS GIRLFRIEND AND THE ADVISER.

Two hours later he rampaged through an engineering building on the other side of the campus in the town of Blacksburg, killing indiscriminately.

Student Matt Maroney said: "He had an ungodly amount of ammo on him. He was just dressed in a vest filled with clips and started firing away at classrooms." Another witness said of the killer: "He had a smile on his face but THERE WAS NO EMOTION IN HIS EYES."

Last night, with 15 more victims injured and the death toll expected to rise further, police and university authorities faced stark questions about their failure to act during the crucial two hours and prevent America's worst-ever massacre.

Some students continued their work unaware there was a killer in their midst, while university authorities merely sent round an email saying that a shooting was being investigated. The gunman was said to be of Asian appearance and dressed in maroon hat, leather jacket and black-military style shooting vest.

He had ammunition strapped across his chest as he calmly walked from room to room refilling his two 9 mm handguns as he shot students. He locked the doors of several classrooms to stop anyone escaping.

Some terrified students jumped for their lives from the fourth floor windows, while others used desks to barricade doors.

Student David Jenkins said: "I know one person who was in a room when the shooter came in and everyone was shot. TO ESCAPE this person lay on the floor and PLAYED DEAD."

Several teachers were among those shot. Student Derek O'Dell, who was hit in the arm, spoke of his terror as he faced the killer.

"He came into our room and started shooting," he said.

"He let off a full round of bullets and I was probably one of ten or 15 people hit. There was no warning. It was just random shooting. He didn't say anything. He just shot and left. A lot of my classmates were hit, and possibly my professor too.

"The people who were less critical like myself were able to hold the door shut because he tried to get back inside our room. He tried shooting through the door at us.

"Then the police came into our hall and cleared the hall and we all managed to get out to where ambulances were waiting for us."

Virginia Tech president Charles Steger said: "The university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions ... the university is shocked and indeed horrified."

He said authorities at first believed that the first shooting at the dorm was a domestic dispute and that the gunman had fled the campus. He added: "We can only make decisions based on the information you had on the time. You don't have hours to reflect on it."

The sprawling 2,600-acre campus of 25,000 students housed in 100 buildings had been closed down twice in the last ten days after bomb scares. It was unclear whether the bomb threats were related or whether the gunman had any possible terror associations.

The first shootings yesterday took place at 7.15 a.m. (12.15 p.m. British time) at the West Ambler Johnston complex, a coeducational hall of residence which houses 895 students. Security there is said to have been tight with individual identity passes used to enter the dormitory complex.

An immediate lockdown was ordered with students told to remain in their rooms and away from windows as police and security officials swamped the area. As some students fled the scene, they were tackled to the ground and handcuffed by police seeking to stop the killer fleeing in the chaos.

However other students around the campus were allowed to leave for their 8 a.m. classes.

Police said they were still investigating the shooting at the dormitory when authorities got word of gunfire at Norris Hall, the engineering building.

The gunman appeared to pick his victims indiscriminately. Some, for no apparent reason, he spared. Others he shot from less than 10ft away. He is then said to have turned one of his guns on himself despite still having ammunition available.

Student Jason Piatt said: "I'm pretty outraged that someone died in a shooting in a dorm at 7 a.m. and the first e-mail about it had no mention of locking down the campus, no mention of cancelling classes.

"They just mentioned that they were investigating a shooting. That's pretty ridiculous. Meanwhile, while they sent out that email, all these people got killed."

Student Matt Maloney told how terrified students used desks to barricade themselves in their classrooms as the gunman walked down the main corridor blasting off shots. He said he saw several badly wounded students being led away while others had been injured leaping for their lives from upstairs windows.

Josh Wargo was one of those who jumped. He said: "I was in an engineering class. We all of a sudden heard loud banging noises. We heard screaming through the walls and everyone started to panic and jumping out of the windows.

"We heard 40 or 50 shots. They went on for almost two minutes. The window I jumped out of was two or three storeys up. When I landed I was in a daze, standing outside of the building. Some of my friends got shot. They told me my professor was shot in the face."

Tiffany Otey, who was one floor up in the Norris Building, said that when the gunfire started she and about 20 other students went to a teacher's office and locked the door.

"The gunshots were going off downstairs and half of our classmates were downstairs," said Miss Otey.

"We were just sitting there as if the shooter was going to come up the next floor.

"Maybe ten minutes later we were in the room when police arrived. They told us to put our hands above our heads and if we did not put our hands above our heads we will shoot you.

We were running out of the building freaking out."

The shooting will re-open the often heated debate over gun controls in the U.S., whose Constitution declares that the people's right to bear arms must not be infringed.

A sombre President Bush went on TV last night to say: "Schools should be places of safety, sanctuary and learning. When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every

American classroom, in every American community.

"We hold the victims in our hearts. We lift them up in our prayers."

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School Type: First Tier National Ranking: #80 Overall Score: 48 out of 100 Peer Assessment: 3.4 out of 5.0 Average Freshman Retenion Rate: 87% % of Faculty Who Are Full Time: 95% SAT/ACT Scores: 1110-1290 Freshmen in Top 10% of Their Class: 37% Acceptance Rate: 72% Average Alumni Giving Rate: 21%

HONORABLE MENTIONS: Virginia Tech's ENGINEERING SCHOOL is ranked #18 in the nation ... AND ...

it is ranked #35 in "The TOP 50 PUBLIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITIES"

(U C Berkeley is #1 and UCLA is #4)


82, 85, 112, 114)


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© 2007 Associated New Media

When one who 'Sees' speaks it is not to convince others.

They do it to guide and awaken the consciousness of those that are

destined to follow the path of illumination.

Their words are for the nourishment of the spirit.

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:37 AM

Subject: VA school shootings another black op created SLEEPER-The pattern is patently Obvious

Just another Black Operation by your friendly Alphabet agency and another Sleeper [ Mind programmed Manchurian Candidate for those who don't know the present day terminology] No different than Columbine HS , the Fort Worth Church killings http://www.wsws. org/articles/ 1999/sep1999/ kill-s22. shtmland

the Tasmanian killings of http://news. onthisday/ hi/dates/ stories/april/ 28/newsid_ 4297000/4297487. stmof over 30, in a junk food restaurant , that was pinned on a retarded man who, expert marksman stated, could not possibly have killed with the incredible accuracy involved and numerous other mass killings since the early to mid 90's . Read anything in the above ref. media URL's with a grain of salt, as they are told what they can print.

If you wan't chapter and verse on what it takes to create a Sleeper then type sleepers - Manchurian candidates into Google or go to :

http://www.rumormil operation2. htm

Read the Alex Jones Prison Planet posting on this VA event in the 2nd article that lays it out clearly for those who wish to understand what is really taking place.

Pass this email on to everyone you know

May they Reap what they have Sown !
2016-03-18 08:02:46 UTC
I think these kind of people are screwed up from the beginning. I have watched several violent movies and i have played several violent games as a kid. I have been picked on in school as well as everyone i've ever met. Everyone has something they can be picked on for(teeth, braces, freckles, too tall/short, skinny, fat....) I am not a psycho killer and neither are thefriends that I have had, hell I even took antidepressants for a few months when I was 16, only to find out I just had anxiety. It seems that everyone has an excuse for this crap. These people are just plain crazy. that's the only excuse.
2016-04-21 19:05:02 UTC
Understanding the makeup of any cultural situation and to be able to extend and operate the specific situation on your own conclusion use is something which you dream on the you may be in total control of any situation using Black Ops Hypnosis that you will find here .

With this specific plan you'll knowledge relaxation, peace and serenity. According for some proven cases, with help from a clinical hypnotherapist, it is easy to induce that feeling in a person whenever you want and the very best plan to discover that is Black Ops Hypnosis.

2007-04-19 17:31:25 UTC
I think I've seen his face on TV too many times in the last couple of days repeating the same 3 sentences of garbage. He was clearly mentally ill. It's terrible for everyone involved that he slipped through the cracks and didn't get treatment. I can't fathom his thought process, and I think that's a good thing.
2014-03-16 14:44:15 UTC
Who can know really. He mightve just been a terrible person. People may have treated him bad. He obviiously was extremely angry. I dont understand his killing random people. And we cant conclude if he was geniunely mentally ill or not. And also where do we draw the line. What if he just had a mood disorder. What if he was a psychopath. We just dont know. In my opinion anyone who kills that many people isnt just mentally ill. They are morally lost. Incredibly lost
2007-04-19 17:23:48 UTC
I think he was misunderstood and people treated him badly.

What he did was horrible, but alot of people should have been smart enough to see it coming. You don't treat someone badly and not expect repercussions.

He was cute, I wish I could have met him before he went crazy.
2017-02-17 21:29:44 UTC
2007-04-19 17:22:46 UTC
He was disturbed and an open vessel for Satan to use.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.