How can we help prevent youth crime?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can we help prevent youth crime?
265 answers:
General C
2007-08-20 03:28:43 UTC
By giving them something productive to do and by stopping the nanny state whereby discipline by parents, teachers, police officers has become impossible.

We fail those young people who are not academic in our society. Some are better at other types of learning (do you really need a university degree, A'Levels etc to become a brilliant car mechanic?).

Why are we letting children leave school at 16 with no qualifications and not ensuring they are taught a practical skill for the next two years? Instead we wipe our hands of them as if our job in educating them is finished.

Lack of skill set and lack of discipline leads to lack of prospects and this always leads to trouble.
2007-08-20 03:42:40 UTC
Over 25 years since canning in schools was banned, gradually, since then, we have seem the affects filtering through to society. Louts these days have no respect for teachers, parents or the police because the Nanny do-gooders think they need protecting. What they need is a quick hard slap round the face, from a young age, to teach them right from wrong. Catch this at an early age and they'll have more respect; leave them be (as has been the case for the last 25 years) and this is what happens! This is not difficult to understand or fix. What about the human rights of these louts? What about the human rights of hard working decent folk in the country, old and young, who deserve to be able to walk the streets safely at night without these cowardly idiots thinking that they can do anything, to anyone and not have a hand raised against them because 'they come from a broken home'! Let's all say "Ahh" for them; or lets get tough now, otherwise this situation, ASBO's/curfews/control orders etc just ain't going to work at all. The politicians should listen more to the Police AND the Taxpayers rather than wrapping this scum up in cotton wool and hoping the problem will go away!
2007-08-20 04:03:32 UTC
i was a teenage tearaway, i have been in gangs, i have also been to prison for violence whilst drunk and i can tell everyone that the best way to treat teenage tearaways would be to make the punishments for their behaviour something to be scared of. it doesnt matter how bored they are or how no one pays them respect if they thought they would get a few years in a prison worth its name the behaviour would stop overnite. Blaming everything from broken homes to poor teaching is a cop out. It is no coincidence that as prison sentences get more lenient the prisons get fuller, maybe treating all forms of anti social behaviour and crime severely it would earn its own respect with a healthy amount of fear too! when youths think they can attack a police station then surely we all have to say enough is enough and that we must do something now. lastly for all those people that think i am harking back to a different era and that it was simpler in my day i would like to tell you that i am 27 not 67.
jon h
2007-08-20 03:59:11 UTC
Its simple really, bring back proper punishment, none of this ASBO rubbish, or slap on the hand for doing wrong. Send them to Army camp or something, get them to learn to respect other peoples property. Not only would they learn to repect others etc, but they would be getting a job ,money and will be learning something while protecting our country. We all win out of that.

Send them all to Bad Lads Army, that will sort them out.

Also tho, i have to admit, there is nothing for them to do. Where i live theres nothing, and i dont live in a small town. All the places they could go, have been built on instead. No wonder all the kids hang out on street corners bored.
2007-08-20 04:11:39 UTC
ITS SIMPLE!! Bring back corpraL punishment!! give the police the ability to give corpral punishment out to any offending kids with child support officers present!!

Because after a while they will know if they miss behave they are getting punished old school!!!
2007-08-20 03:42:08 UTC
bring back national service,,if there bored that would keep them occupied..the problem with youth today,,they have been spoiled..i think the onest should be on the parents..they get into trouble and cause damaged..make the parents pay..also raise the drinking age to 21. also on the find spots for under age drinking,,,and make the parents pay..this would make parents control there children..and i think more neighbourhoods and councils should stamp this yob culture out...cerfews for under 16 etc..if youths get bored ..and they get into trouble give them community service..i would love to see army barracks like bad lads army ..that style of punishment for the hard core yobs. lets see how hard they are when they have had 6 months in there. the only way to treat violent and hard core trouble makers that break the law and think there untouchable,, is to break them physically and mentally. the courts dont work..there are joyriders with 60 convictions,, and there still doing it...we need a 3 strike law.. 3 crimes and that it.. you do a minimum sentence ,,army style like i said.
2007-08-20 03:47:42 UTC
These yobs will continue to attack people and ruin innocent peoples lives until they are harshly punished. Make these yobs need to look and feel 2 inchs tall. By giving them the harshest sentence they will think twice of committing a crime.

Bring chain gangs and make these youths do something useful, instead of putting them into a young offenders home, where they won't learn the value of doing crime.

I totally argee offering young people things to do, like sports and activites. The young people that are bored look for trouble.

Never reward the yobs, because that is the wrong answer to send to our youth's society. Be bad and you get rewarded, the mentality must change.

All the good innocent people are never on the front page of newspapers,for all the great things they have done. These yobs are dictating society, this is not fair on the victims and their familes that are going through misery.
2007-08-20 03:40:44 UTC
Make the parents responsible and punishable for their kids behaviour. After all they wanted them so it's up to them to raise them
chris m
2007-08-20 03:40:23 UTC
for a start, school days should be longer.

the 11yr old's and up finish at 3'o'clock, what are they all up too?i strongly believe school hours should be changed to the same as a woking day, 9-5.

secondly, the saying,'we have nothing to do', is a very poor excuse indeed. where i live, there has never been anything to do. you either got on a bus, and went to the pictures, or dressed down, and went over the fields.

lastly, just a social comment, not just for teeneagers, but in general.

bring back some forms of corpral punishment, ie the birch and stocks.
Trevor h
2007-08-20 03:33:58 UTC
Easy - make the parents responsible for the actions of their children!

How many parents would be willing to let their kids run riot if they thought they themselves would get fined, community service or a prison sentence!
2007-08-20 04:04:40 UTC
The way the government and a large percentage of society view this topic is indicative of the decimation of our society and rthe massive decline in peoples ability to think when living under a nanny state regime which not only tells people what to think but also removes the need for free thought which at the end of the day is the path to any politicians wet dream as a country full of sheep accept everything with little question and do as theyre told whether they agree with it or not

This situation with the kids as with other societal problems isnt an overnight one, its not cause by "a" thing and it wont be fixed with some half assed single action, legislation or social "suggestion" that people can choose to do or not do

We have arrived here after decade upon decade of increasingly touchy feely parenting with each subsequent generation taking less and less of an active roll in parenting which in turn makes families both immediate and extended less closely knit and therefore less likely or able to benefit from perpetuation of older family values through social osmosis

Lets look at the drink nonsense currently being suggested? Why should adults have to pay more because kids are CLAIMED to only or mostly be violent because of beer?

As much will be shoplifted anyway what difference will it make? Answer! It WILL generate more money for the chancellor whilst not making much of a difference to the yobbish behaviour but, whereas people would normally object to such a price rise, with the popular view being to want SOMETHING done to curb yobs the easily led majority wont question the solution, will probably moan about it a bit but will agree to it thinking that if the experts say it will make a difference then it will

Most of the yobbish behaviour I see isnt done by drunk kids, its done by kids with no fear of the law or their parents, kids who's parents dont, wont or cant punish them for misbehaving and who in many cases have been dealt with by the police many many times and havent had anything done that was much of an inconvenience or reason to desist AND whilst totally sober

If the law changed tomorrow so that stealing was legalised, or so that the punishments were practically non existant do people not think that would cause a mass upsurge in people doing it? People who at the moment wouldnt do so because of the penalty if they got caught? Of cours they would

And lets face it, a 14-16 year old CANT buy beer now, so how would changing the age you CAN buy it to 21, 25 or even 50 alter a thing? It would be different if it were 18-20 year olds in question, but its the younger kids who are the main problem and the most urgent one and they ALREADY cant buy beer

What is needed is to first accept that society as a whole, the parents AND the government are to blame, that the problem has been created over several decades and will take a well thought out plan that will probably take just as long to reverse it and then you start

Not with one thing at a time, but by identifying ALL the contributing factors and tackling them all simultaneously

Make the parents responsible, more importantly make the kids responsible, make the government responsible

Give the kids more to do, introduce a curfew but, and this is the important bit I reckon, make the penalties for not behaving instant and severe

Introduce boot camp style detention centres where a first offence gets you a few days, the next a week, then a month etc etc

Usually these sort of camps can turn a kid around in a month or so as proven in countries that use them so lets have them here as has been suggested countless times by experts

Lets make all new parents HAVE to have parenting classes they have to pass, that arent optional and then make social services crawl all over them till they are sure the person understands the importance of discipline in the first 5-10 years of a childs life, oh, but not the touchy feely type social workers that will encourage people "reasoning" with their toddlers, and not the ones who would encourage a child to be left to find their own ways. Ones that can provide and support methods of parenting that you DONT have to have a degree in child psychology to employ as most people dont have one of those anyway, nor the time or energy to employ it

And anyway, considering the amount of social workers themselves who have wayward out of control kids those methods obviously dont work if the trained experts cant manage to raise well balanced respectful kids can they?

Then theres the parents, lets not let the government convince us that fines are the answer, thats ONLY the answer to them getting more money to waste, and infact leaves a family more skint which will often mean the parents have to work more hours and spend less time BEING parents

As well as meaning theres both more of an excuse and reason for kids to steal or just be disgruntled as a result

Lets have classes that are counselling with a boot camp style edge that both parents and children HAVE to attend or be faced with a residential version for both

MAKE them first learn how to be a good parent and responsible child, not by choice but by law removing the "I dont know what to do" excuse and THEN if they dont apply it more classes for longer periods of time till applying it is less effort and less time consuming than the classes to make them do it

And those would just be for starters, long term we need to try and find ways to reintroduce the bond of family both immediate and extended as thats where the initial values that are lost now came from

Less encouragement for people to work long hours, less taxation so they dont need to, finacial help for couples with small children as the first five years of a childs life are the most important, lose that battle and you might never win the war. So give them the time, energy and money to make that a reality instead of taxing families into oblivion making them ineffective parents due to time and energy constraints

Stop towing the PC line and encourage kids to not only be proud of who THEY are, but also proud of their heritage, country, town and nieghbourhood as those by themselves work against much of the senseless acts we see today

But currently were made to feel ashamed or racist for being proud of any aspect of our country or heritage and that HAS to stop
2016-06-12 00:24:30 UTC
2007-08-23 06:38:54 UTC
The main problem is that Adults everywhere should take responsibility for this. Some are, but they are all on their own, and this creates the situation we have where grown men can be killed by a set of "youths" (I use the term loosley as describing someone as a "youth" means you are essentially giving them a human personality and we all must be aware that the "yoofs" who did this are not human. They cant possibly be classified as human as they dont have the intelligence, compassion or love that a human does)

Now if every time there were 12 yobs on the streets doing whatever and 20 adults came out of their houses in force, they would be able to drive the yobs away. If this happened EVERY time then children would learn that Adults are the ones in charge. The problem is that we are afraid of these children due to the government and the law.

The other problem is that most adult's opinion (ashamedly) is to let sleeping dogs lie and as long as they dont get involved they will be safe. This is a selfish and stupid opinion and just highlights the fact that in society today people dont want to help anyone else in the community except our friends and family and the "good Samaritan" approach has been lost forever.

It shows that we no longer pull together and we just keep our heads down. I once hit a 10 year old around the head with my newspaper because he was spitting direct onto a seat on a bus in front of me.

All the rest of the adults looked round at me and then tried to make themselves as small as possible - he was 10 years old for mucks sake, and in turn as I was the only one telling him off (Thanks for the solidarity) he starting yelling at me that he could have me murdered and stuff.

No wonder people are leaving Britain in force for better countries.

It makes me sick.
2007-08-21 04:43:51 UTC
Teach useful subjects at school like mechanics, plumbing, bricklaying, DIY, hairdressing, sewing, gardening etc, stuff that is useful for everyday life. These delinquents are not interested in getting jobs that need years of studying, they should be trained along with other subjects of their choice at school, jobs that lead to quick careers. When they are 16, the careers department of the school should be the ones to find them a placement for when they leave, one that pays them minimum wage so the youths begin at an early age what it means to earn money and work.

There are not enough youth centres and after school workshops that would give them projects to work their skills.

Bringing back corpral punishment is a great idea. These youths are not scared of anything anymore, not even jail. Why? Because their parents always back them up and are not ashamed that their children are criminals. The police have no powers over under 16's. I was terrorised by a 10year old who bullied my son and had my house and car vandalised by him, the neighbours were all victims too. The police did nothing because he was too young. The parents just shouted abuse at all the adults for chasing away their child and calling the police. I think we should be able to take responsibilties into our own hands if it's our property that is being vandalised and we are being abused in anyway by others. As long as we are not hurting the youth to any extremes, what harm is a clip around the ear?

Parents should realise that it is their children, why do they keep blaming the government? Those parents on benefits should have their benefits cut if their chlidren are persistantly reoffending.

National Service should be brought back too. Not only are they learning skills, they are learning discipline and the highest form of respect that parents can't bring themselves to give. I think these parents should go through some form National Service too.

Jail these days are far too cushy and comfy. I knew someone that was allowed to have money sent to him to buy food from a tuck shop!! Where is the punishment?!

These youths are bored and they want nothing more than to be entertained. They should have adulthood to look forward and they should know if they behave they will get a good life.
2007-08-20 04:44:48 UTC
The Government has spent so much time and money over the past twenty years 'protecting' our young that they now believe they can do or say what they want without fear of the Law or even a 'clip round the ear!'. I am not talking about child abuse here, I am talking about taking the shock factor away from teachers and parents to show their children what is rite or wrong.

I went to a school that used the cane and the slipper to good effect. No sending notes home to say I had got detention or doing lines. My parents were of the same mind as my teachers so if I went home and complained about getting the Whack i was whacked again. I soon learned to keep my mouth shut.

We would never dream of going home and telling my Dad that some bloke has given me a thick ear for being cheeky, I'de get another one.

My kids are now both in their 20's and I never had to use this sort of punishment as they were thought the values of living with others and how to get on with people without cheek or threatening behaviour. I cant take all the credit though, they also had a huge amount of help from the schools.

The Government should get in touch with reality. Stop pampering Kids and get them something to do, Youth clubs etc. But people are so afraid of prosecution that they wont run these clubs. so protect the kids that need to be protected and let the others grow up like kids have done for many years with a bit of fear and respect for society.
2007-08-21 04:27:57 UTC
Having worked with the youth in some of the most crime infested areas i have found that there is no real clear answer, many elements come into play as to why there is now so much youth crime, the main factor is this problem should have been addressed many years ago. There are no clear guidelines for the youth today everything is about prestige and having street cred, the latest trainers, track suits, mobiles,jewellery, etc, etc, so what this tends to produce is the need to acquire and so the door to crime is walked through as is the drugs and the inevitable violence and in some cases death. The youth of today belong to a very different culture one that has come from the breakdown of governments and their constant indifference in schooling and parental boundaries as a result the youth have leaned how to manipulate their parents, their teachers and the law because all three are not really able to do anything as they are very much restricted in how they apply their relevant discipline's. So to answer the above question youth crime cannot be either prevented or stopped it will get worse because its been allowed to harvest, its like asking how can we prevent prostitution-we canĀ“t. The youth of today posses a strength never before witnessed they are gang orientated and they are prepared to exercise both with violence.
tina s
2007-08-20 04:19:28 UTC
I would like to know why the few youth clubs that are around close during school holidays.

I do not agree with national service as this would be taking away even more choice from the people - not just the youth but also the people who would have deep held beliefs that violence is wrong; after all, is not national service to train fighters? There would be those who would come out more resentful and now trained in violence.

I agree that the root cause is the taking away of parents and teachers right to discipline. I moved house due to a 10 year old girl who would hang over the wall of my garden and hurl abuse at us. We could not use the garden. Her mother did try to stop her, as did the police. When she reached 12 she wore her AS BO with pride. She used to tell us that there was nothing we could do to stop her. If we shouted at her, she shouted back and if one of us went towards her, she would stand her ground and tell us that she would get us done if a finger was laid on her. She used to go to the local park to swear at the parents and on several occasions she punched or kicked smaller children while they were with their parents. She was the same with her mother and would tell the police what her rights were too. This is what the nanny state is raising. Until something is changed and parents and teachers have the right to use some discipline without being charged with assault, the problem is only going to get worse. By the time they are old enough for national service, it is too late. The thugs are getting younger and they are not all boys!
2007-09-13 08:58:45 UTC
May be the cities should put a curfew on what time any child at a certain age can be out. Is this being done by teens or young adults? What kind of back ground or these young people from. Which ever back ground they are from I am going to answer this question different from what you are probably wanting it answered.

I believe it all goes back to the parents. Parents have got to start spending more time with their children. They have to have more family time together. I don't care what back ground they come from; the kids today need more responsibility and they need to be taught that they do not have to be entertained every waking minute of the day.

Of course the above answer is for the parents that care. If the child is from a back ground that the definition of a parent is that the only thing that they did for the child is give birth, then you have a problem.

My suggestion is start small. Get in contact with a local church and a local school and start from there. See if you can volunteer at school. This way you can meet them and get involved in their lives and you know what kind of problems that they have. Once you find one or two that you can help, try to get them involved in church and church activities. Some of these kids don't know the

difference from right and wrong.

You can not do this alone. You are going to need help. And a church is a good place to start.

Good luck.
Hard working single Mum of 3
2007-08-23 00:40:14 UTC
BAN VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION, BAN VIOLENT CONSUL GAMES, STOP GIVING ALL THIS PUBLICITY TO THESE YOBBOS films, games & the media are just as much to blame as anything else for the state of this country & its the parents responsibility to ensure they are shielded from this & complain when necessary.

When I was growing up, manners & good old family values were drummed into me. If you did something wrong, the punishment fitted the crime. Those that hung around the shops (and lets face it, it's always happened!) did not damage anything, nor verbally abuse anyone. We had a local bobby, everyone knew. If anyone did something wrong, they were led by the ear home & their parents did something about it. The slipper & the cane were used at school for the boys & the ruler over the hand for the girls...



Nowadays, if your teacher says something a parent doesn't like, if the parents can be bothered its usually going up the school to give the teacher a slap, if a neighbour says something, if its not the parents, its groups of yobs harassing you!

How many of you have been to a 'housing association estate'? There are a lot of good honest hardworking people there, but there are those that spoil it & they ARE NOT in the minority. They are not vetted, they have kids to get a place, no jobs, abuse their kids from a young age with the most disgusting language. They have no respect for themselves, let alone others. Have no idea how to look after themselves, let alone a home & children!!!

The police & schools are weak & not consistent in the way they deal with people. It seems if you are a gobby yob or a gobby parent, you are treated with more respect than a normal, polite child or member of the public. These people know how to work the system.

I myself am a single mum (not through choice) who has always worked full time & has brought my children up to be polite, well spoken, hard working, thoughtful & caring. They do not have everything they want, they play in the garden not in the street, television & computers are limited access. I cannot spoil them with material things, nor do I want to. However, they are well fed, well dressed, loved & nurtured.

OUR CHILDREN ARE ONLY ON LOAN TO US. It is our responsibility as parents to do the best job we can in bringing them up and ensuring they have the best possible start in life. Fail them & we fail ourselves

Sharon W
2007-08-23 01:17:50 UTC
By the time a child becomes a 'yob' it's too late. Having worked for years within education and as a local magistrate, I think the solution is a complex one. Initially, parents MUST take responsibility for their children so that when the child enters school they can follow basic rules and are ready to learn. Schools should be supported when they discipline a child and not have parents threatening the teachers because they dared to tell off their offspring.... Having seen primary aged children committing arson, smashing windows, etc, I don't find it helpful when the child says 'you can't do anything about it... I've got ADHD'. All too often our children are told its not their fault because they have an ADHD diagnosis and this is like giving them free rein to do as they please with no consequences. (I do not dispute the existence of ADHD but feel that it is sometimes used as a blanket to protect poor parents). Often it is as important to work with the parents as it is the children - parenting classes should be more freely available and ultimately, parents should be held more accountable for the behaviour of their children, particularly when the child is still of primary age. After all, children learn by example, if mum or dad swear at the neighbours - why shouldn't the child do the same? If a parent tells the teacher to f*** off, how can we expect the child to show more respect? The values instilled at a young age will carry through and, whilst I accept that any child can go 'off the rails', my experience shows me that the 'yob' was generally created many years before.
2007-08-20 06:30:57 UTC
In order to stop and curtail the yob culture we need to bring back discipline and respect in the home, the schools and ultimately in our streets. Parents, teachers and the yobs themselves have to realise that respect for others and property must be taught at an early age and throughout life thereafter.

If certain yobs do not want to be part of our respect and disciplined culture then those may be taught the values by being given old military style training on a daily basis for about 1 year. This form of training instilled discipline and respect for countless thousands of troops and gave them a sense of purpose.

Lets forget the " Oh they have nothing to do" or "There is no where for them to go" or "They are not bad just bored" is that why the yob culture are drug taking, thieving, drinking alcohol and assaulting and stabbing innocent people. If they don't conform to our values of respect and discipline then they do not belong within our society.
2007-08-23 12:25:09 UTC
An informed opinion of myself and colleagues (including members of various South London gangs whom we happen to know) is that the penalty for owning a gun should be "intent to cause" ABH, GBH or Serious harm; Being found in possession of a firearm should bring an "attempted murder" charge and actually using a firearm should be "Life imprisonment".

These should not have age restrictions as, if you are carrying, of your own free will (and not having been bullied into carrying it for someone older etc.), you intend to use it to take the life of another person. There are no excuses! Why else would someone possess a firearm? (Legitimate License Holders would obviously have some allowance!)

The penalty for carrying other weapons should also reflect sentencing as above. Why else would these cowards, who can't fight with their fists, carry weapons?

Groups of youths should also expect to be stopped and searched, although there are probably some unrighteous souls in the Police Force who would be unfair in their approach, thereby causing more harm than doing good.

ASBO's should become a thing of the past; put offenders in an institution with other offenders and remove them from the community.

Justice would be done if these problems were going on in the immediate areas where the politicians live and their families were at risk, or became victims of these crimes! Until then we'll continue to take the soft approach and look after our delightful "Hoodies"!! After all, Political Correctness and the soft schooling approach is really working and the way forward!? Heaven forbid we start to teach our children/ pupils family values and respect for their elders!
john B
2007-08-23 03:49:58 UTC
I think the time is now for us britons to stand firm against these young people. I believe that the softly softly attitude is not working for example getting young people to sign contracts that they will behave.

The time now to hit directly at the parents because i am a strong believer that in a number of cases some parents do not fulfill their role as a parent and they should be called to task on this. Where it is clear that the parent is doing as much as they can, counselling sessions with the parents and the child and sometimes separated shold be performed.

Moreover, a law of some sort should be passed to state that once you have a child or give birth to a child you will have to attend a four - six week parentinng course and throughout the course of the childs existence you are required to attend at least 1 session every year use the child' s birthday as a bench mark date.

the youth are the future of this country and quite frankly, i look at them and i do not see a future prime minister or priest or policeman, or doctor or trademan ....they are going down fast....stop with these contracts and asbos and get to the heart of the problem.
nigel a
2007-08-23 03:07:47 UTC
Even though some situations seem imposible, and a solution unobtainable, we must make a begin with the youth NOW before we get 'no go area's' in all of our towns.

Not all problems start at home, indeed the major influence on young offenders comes from the contacts made on the street or in school.

Let us start by putting the burden of responsibility back with parents. People who chose to have children, for whatever reason, need to be responsible and also empowered to exercise control over their youth.

Prevention begins at the earliest of ages, therefore with the people who are thinking about bringing children into the world.

Saying that as a parent you can't keep track of the children at all times is not good enough. As difficult a task as it may be, a parent needs to firstly know the whereabouts of their children.

Children need to be aware that this control of their movements is taking place. When a parents control is undermined or not accepted by a child, then the consequences should be sharp and with consequence.

Removing problem children should therefore not be a lengthy process including councelling and reporting, taking months or years....... Take the problem out of its environment and into a strictly controlled regime where social values and respect will be administered by the professionals who can in turn do the reporting and councelling from within their system.

There will be hardened youth who will not wince at such an intervention, they need to be kept in upgraded facilities for repeat 'offenders'.

Who pays for such a system..... On the whole, the parents whose children cannot be controlled will no longer receive any benefits for the said children, and pay an extra contribution indexed to salary (or benefits) for the upbringing of their children.

We cannot administer a 'slap and run' regime, youth need to be educated to an acceptable level, so that they can function in society.

Letting time pass by with just continual assessment and no action will be a lethal blow to democracy.

The youth deserve the knowledge of social rules, society deserves people who can function in this fast moving society.

(from someone who has had the pleasure of raising 3 children)
2007-08-23 02:08:54 UTC
Two relatively simple steps.

First, make the penalty for murder, death by execution. This would apply to all murders. It would be commuted to life imprisonment in most, but importantly, not all cases.

For particularly henious crimes where the evidence was largely indisputable, the sentence would stand (Mr Huntley springs to mind as a good candidate).

This would remind all criminals that they are responsible for their own actions, and add the danger of serious retribution for crimes of violence.

Secondly, no divorce should be permited if you have children under the age of (say) 16. Youth crime is closely connected with absent fathers.

Seperating is perfectly acceptable if you have no children. Once you have children is is not. If you have children it is no longer about you. They did not choose to be born and your responsibilty is absolute.

This would obviously not stop married people living apart, but it sends a powerful signal, that society thinks it is wrong.

Neither of these measures would have an instant effect.

It takes time to change attitudes.

But in the long term, only a change in society's tolerance of these things will effect change. A violent man cannot survive in a society where everyman's hand is against him.

We need to create such a society.
2007-08-20 11:46:59 UTC
While school does offer an education that is supposedly designed to meet the best needs of the student, it cannot be denied that the constant peer-pressure commonly associated with school can permanantly change many children. It has been said in the press recently that many of the students that school is turning out nowadays are useless and unemployable. Since this cannot possibly be a coincidence, it must be what is influencing the students.

In the past few years, a new breed of youth has emerged. He is ruder, lazier and less intelligent than ever before. While there have always been a certain number of people like this, it is obvious that something has gone wrong to produce such an alarming number of them. It suggests that something is wrong with the way children nowadays are brought up, but as the old saying goes, 'it only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel'. Obviously, the peer-pressure on students to conform is too great, and many simply give in and become stupid, ignorant and lazy.

But what has this to do with school? As I say, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel, and this is certainly evidant in modern schooling. Many students, tired of fighting against the cretinous bully in the corner of the playground, decide simply to join them, resulting in an incredibly large number of violent youths who simply sponge off the state and make no valuble contribution to sociaty.

But what of the alternatives? I myself was educated at home for two years, and often wonder what I would have been like had I stayed there with all the children. Certainly, I would be a lot more average, but obviously average people are not what we want, judging by the above-mentioned "bad apples". While I may not have learned as much during those two years out of school as I would have had I stayed, perhaps many of the things I would have learned would have turned me into the sort of person that I despise: mindless conformists who derive all their pleasure from destroying those who are different from themselves.

I was taken out of school when I was eleven years old, and did not go back until I was thirteen. Perhaps other parents should consider a two year gap in their child's education? They need not fear the lack of contact with other children, for it is that detachment from others that can allow the best of them to develop.
2007-08-20 05:37:19 UTC
Unfortunately it's just not that simple. I feel that we now have a problem that has perpetuated through a couple of generations and we have a significant number of teenagers, generally in the lower income groups, who are morally disconnected from the rest of society. Their parents are unable and/or unwilling to intervene, usually because they too are part of this disaffected minority. Change will be a long process - there is no quick fix. Society must act to ensure that these disenfranchised groups are brought back from the brink of anarchy by providing meaningful education, vocational training and the HOPE of a worthwhile future. Facilities for youths in impoverished areas, positive action to get people off the benefits bandwagon and into employment and the re-empowering of the police to enable them to deal with young offenders before their anti-social behaviour becomes established. Only a wide ranging combination of training, education, facilities, opportunity and discipline can work. Get the balance right and you never know - the generations to come might not be quite so intimidating.
2007-08-20 05:02:08 UTC
1. Allow the police to use force against these yobs instead of giving them a 'telling off'

2. Make parents pay for any damage / compensation caused by their childs actions

3. If they are a repeat offender with no sign of getting back on track, throw them in the Para's and show them what REAL hard men are, let them fend for themselves in that sort of environment.

Basically the law allows these yobs to get away with everything because they know nobody can harm them even if they do get caught, allright they might get a Ā£50 fine or a few hours unpaid work, so what? Give them a serious punishment that we know they will not like and will not want to go through it again!

Also, i have worked since the age of 16, i am 20 now, and i know 15 year old lads who live near me on about 4 times my wage, why???? because they sell DRUGS! Why would a 15 year old want to go to school and work, then college, then get a job at about Ā£5 p/h working 9-5 every day, when he can get out of bed at midday, go and sell some drugs with his mates having a good laugh, go home after 2 hours work and have loads of money in his pocket. to some people the money is worth the risk as police near me dont seem to care what is going on
2007-08-20 04:13:05 UTC
I don't think there are any easy answers to this one.

Yes parents need to be held accountable for their children - after all, that's what being a parent is about, yet some parents are just not equiped to parent children - it's not something we are taught. Some parents need educating. (As the super nanny type programs show, even the most unrully kids can be tamed with good parenting.)

I also don't think coporal punishment is the answer either. We should never have rid our schools of the cane, but I feel the damage has been done and re-introducing it may not be the deterent it used to be, though I could be wrong there. The nanny state has also not helped. Parents, Teachers and Police need to be able to tackle out-of-control young people and do so without the threat of legal action.

Of course, the last thing to remember is that most young people are not the unrully mob the press seem to paint them as. The yob/gang culture is populated with a small minority of young people and the majority of young people just want to get on in life.

Either way, young people need "somewhere to go and something to do", as the government are so keen to tell us, yet there isn't the investment to back it up. Yes, scouts and cadets and other youth organisations are great for certain young people, but they're not a catch-all. Mostly, kids just want somewhere safe to hang out and chill with their mates.

What's needed is a mixture of investment, incentives for doing good, punishments for doing bad and less of a threat of litigation for parents, teachers and police. Nice and simple, though carrying out effectively is going to be more complicated me thinks.
airlines charge for the seat.
2007-08-31 08:55:17 UTC
Thats what happened when the Government gets involved with Parental rights. Give the parents back the rights to dicipline their kids and run their own household as the parents see fit. More importantly, parents need to take back control of their own homes and not let the kids control it. Kids today are "allowed" to say and do what they want regardless if parent disagree with them. If kids can't and won't follow the rules in the house if there is rules, they they should not be allowed to live there. Kids need to know that the grass is only green on the other side of the fence because if was fertilized. Not because they have a better life. And also many parents make excuses for the behavior of their children blaming the kids that they hang around with. Start putting the blame on your own kids. They did not have to be where they are not suppose to be but are there because they choose to be there. In some cases the blame is on the parents too.

The wrong things always seems the fun things to do. Entertainment is what these kids want today which includes drugs and drinking. But parents sure like to blame society for what is happening. Blame themselves for not having a stable home life. This above statements are only for those who fit the shoes and in no way meant to be offensive to those who chose to follow the rules.
2007-08-23 03:48:13 UTC
There are many possible ways to help prevent youth crime, most with some merit, but they must all start with the answer given by 'kellying'.

It would be far better to believe that youth will respond because of respect for the laws but we have now gone too far down the road to regain that respect without a healthy dose of fear.

There is one law that 99.9% of the population obey 99.9% of the time and in the UK it is called 'the left hand rule of the road'.

Think about it - why are we all so willing to stay within the law on this? It is simple. The result of deliberately flouting that law are instantaneous, costly and almost always painful.

We may kid ourselves that it is respect for the law and for other people that make us do this, and I am not cynical enough to suggest that these do not play a part for most people, but it is the consequences that are the major factors in keeping us all straight.
Simon B
2007-08-23 01:16:52 UTC
I live in South London and there have been a considerable number of teenage deaths this year as a result of shooting and knife violence. The current methods aren't working- the situation is getting worse. I can't help but feel that the government is going to have to impose draconian sentences to anyone carrying guns or knives where the intent is obviously or has proven to be violent. (Easier said than done I accept). There are too many people talking about 'troubled kids' but not enough being done to protect the innocent adults and children troubled by these troubled kids. Personally I would advocate long sentences and make them useful eg chain gang work, community service, hard labour. It's time that this wretched murderous behaviour was dealt with properly. These inadequate gun and knife users won't feel so big once they're working in tough menial work for 20 years.
2007-08-20 04:35:30 UTC
Enough of the rubbish about familly splitting causing these problems. Sadly that is typically the view of people with themselves so far removed from everyday life they no longer actually know what is going on in the "Real World" relying on statistics (which can never be substantial enough to form a real story) and hearsay from paid groups of people too afraid to unbalance the "Party Line".

And as an obvious issue ... If you draft in thousands upon thousands to do "Low-Skilled" jobs from the EU, where are the unskilled youth to go and work ? Once again, the government take a short-term view because what do they care once they are no longer in power. Being super-greedy in your term of office to make you look good does NOT benefit the country !

The reason is a simple one. Unfortuantely to reverse it will be trickier. Those in power have simply either removed the powers from parents, teachers or the police to do anything to stop kids doing precisely what they want, or made the entire process seem like they are criminalising those parents or teachers who try to clamp down on their children's behaviour. Until the ridiculous levels of political correctness and the stupidity of "human rights" for offenders (which to my mind have no rights, bar a lawyer, once breaking the law) are removed, the red tape will make it near impossible to tackle the yobs and this problem will only get worse. This is sadly, simply the end product of the world that has been created by the idiots that have swung the balance from those that upheld the law to those that now flaunt it.

I would also have to say, MOST of the countries parents ARE responsible. But as the fella as posing below me has said, he has NO way of being ABLE to control them. Telling parents to be responsible is NOT possible without giving them the tools required !!!!! Come on, why if it is so obvious to us all, do those in power not see the problem !?

Example ... If a man or woman was to think of tackling a yob for antisocial behaviour, there are more reasons to not do so than to do so .... 1. As the person attempting to stop the trouble you are just as likely to be arrested for crimes against "human rights" than the idiot you are trying to stop. 2. There is more chance than ever of being stabbed, etc. in trying to stop them.
2007-08-20 04:32:49 UTC
It's most probably gone too far now to really do anything about it, Muggings,Stabbings,Shootings, Anti-Social Behaviour are just a few to mention that has got totally out of hand all thanks to a lack-lustre government and do-gooders, how they can say "make a hoodie a friend" is beyond me, no sooner done and they would be mugging you, no thankyou.

There are too few police officers on the streets these days and when there is they are of no age and challenged by the yobs of today, in gangs they may be brave, on their own it's a different matter, little cry babies (as I have found out), break these gangs up and you will see a major difference.

Bring back school punishments it never did me any harm if I stepped out of line also bring back National Service a couple of years in the army would do them the world of good and teach them a good trade and to respect all aspects of life which they are totally lacking, most of them cannot read or write.

There is no excuse for what the yobs of today do, they intentionally go out of the way to be a nuisance to genuine members of society, if my kids step out of line they get a smack but others (not all) mainly your one parent with 6 kids couldn't give a damn what there kids get upto, to busy playing Bingo and drinking in pubs.
2007-09-12 10:27:07 UTC
Looking back over recent history, i,e, 40yrs or so, there was hardly any problems with the young genterations because the laws were different, in respect of parent ruleings, criminal laws etc, although a decission was made by govenment to abort the highest penalty,"hanging", they did not at this time give up on "Compulsary National Service" straight away. Back then, the crime rate was less than half the percentage of these days, "Mugging" was hardly ever thought of. As someone has already said here,the majority of youths today are bored, fed up with their prospects of their futures while still in their teens, Some are trapped in their lifestyles, desparately try to escape from themselves, their everyday routines. If National Service was re-introduced, perhaps this would give them hope. They would learn a trade, learn respect for others, discipline, and feel they have something worthwhile to look forward to, rather than a futuristic insight to nowhere.
angela l
2007-08-23 06:09:12 UTC
The yobs are committing this amount of crime due to lack of discipline and the police are powerless and we have a government who fails to address this seriously,

Today,s public people are afraid to leave there homes and we live in a society that protects the criminal who provides them human rights that violates the victims further,what about human rights verses human wrongs,I am beginning to believe we are breeding a generation of psychopaths and sociopaths who believe violence is fun,it is highly disturbing that youngsters believe is okay to get away it,I once heard a young ten year old on the back of a London bus telling his mate he wants to be a gangster when he grows up and he claimed he had a gun,he failed to mention that he would want to be a doctor,or scientist or any normal ambitions to be part of a community that would be a valuable asset,

yobs today think its cool to be aggressive and to intimidate people who pay the British taxes,

What is this government to do with a generation of destitute

dysfunctional who have no ambition,but to kill innocent law abiding people,we hope this government will address these issues harshly,but I doubt it,I think people should talking about it and do something about it...but this government is a joke!
2007-08-23 02:48:35 UTC
Bring back national service for all school leavers who do not have a career plan, apprenticeship or further education in place. Too many young lives have been taken by other children and it has been escalating at a scarily rapid rate over the past couple of years - why has this been allowed to continue?

Where are the parents of these violent children? I am sorry to say this but its true that we are all products of our upbringing. I have a teenage son myself and it would never even cross his mind to commit such an act of violence to anybody let alone a child - what has gone so wrong in their life that they refuse to consider the consequences of their actions?

This is such a serious subject - I just pray that the government do something drastic soon before more young lives are taken
2007-08-23 00:22:39 UTC
It seems to me we live in a yes society. Nobody knows how to say no to the youth of today. When I was growing up I couldn't have everything I wanted therefore didn't expect to get anything. Today the young seem to see it as a right to get every fancy new gadget or designer clothing when they want. When they don't get it they just steal it from others without learning how to work for it themselves. They are also fully aware that they are virtually untouchable. As I was told by a ten year old "touch me and I'll call the police". They should be taught value and respect as we were. Let proper punishment and dicipline return. Why should the decent lawbiding be the ones punished and made to pay higher taxes just because we think children have been given a free reign and aloud to terrorise everyone. Punish them for wrong-doing not reward.
2007-08-23 03:45:43 UTC
There have been some very good and extremely sensible answers to this question but, unless we, the sensible citizens of a once proud nation take firm action to kick the nanny state into touch the ' do as we like and to hell with everybody else' culture can only get worse. Apathy on the part of ordinary folk must take the lion's share of the blame for allowing the 'do-good' brigade to insidiously erode the disciplinary powers of just about everyone in authority across the board (including parents I might add) which enabled them to deal with yobbish behaviour. Starting with the abolishment of national service and progressing swiftly to the dismantling of what was a sensible and disciplined education system - the grammar and technical schools structure, that produced a mixture of intellectual brilliance and down to earth practical skills that were the envy of the world in my time as a lad from the 50s onwards. Then there is our so called 'justice system' with its failure to adequately punish wrongdoers and its bedfellow the compensation culture. By not repelling and defeating the invasion of petty liberalism led by aforesaid 'do good' brigade we have allowed it to remorselessly destroy every sensible practice that ever instilled a sense of pride and social awareness into our young people. We have made for ourselves a rod of such proportions it is slowly but surely breaking the social back of our society.

What we need is a social revolution which will sweep away all this nonsense and get our country back on track. However, revolutions take leaders of courage, not wimpy politicians scared to say anything that may in their cowardly minds 'upset the electorate'. I am not holding my breath are you?
2007-08-20 04:05:13 UTC
Just read the first fifteen answers, and there was I thinking that I was just some old right winger. The concensus of

opinion seems to be generally the same and I thoroughly

agree ! If children are not taught at an early age, with a good

hiding if necessary, to respect the law both criminal and civil

why should they ? Everybody wants to do what they want to

do and if there is no restraint they'll do just that. Some time

ago the govt. opened a military style barracks for young

offenders who in the main said that they had benifited from

the military regime when there. What did our mamby pamby

govt do ? closed it of course ! too frightened of there own

stupid human rights laws. We don,'t need these new laws

as law abiding citizens are protected by our civil laws which

have been working for hundreds of years. I am British and

a royalist and very proud of it but unfortunately am very glad

that I don't live in the UK any more.
2007-09-10 07:42:36 UTC
Where there is no hope there is no ambition . . .

Where there is no example there is no insperation . . .

Where there is no ascessment of our own behaviour

then there can never truly be understanding why

others do what they do . . .

We live in a world that is governed by a class type mentality, one that is generational. Young hate the old and swear they'll never be that way when they grow up only to become exactly the same way, and the old constantly b***h about when they were young they would have never done what young people do nowadays where as in reality they probably did worse only it wasn't broadcasted on cnn or fox . . .

What society is perceiving as crime is in actuality an acting

out of not so much premeditation of the mind but of a more

like crying out of the heart and soul . . .

We're all placed nice and neatly in our little preordained

prisons, clawing at each other men against women old

against young, rich against poor religious against non religious, etc ect. i think one get's the picture . . .

in a scence we're apart of each others lives the way many

different waves are apart of the same ocean and yet we

act as if we're the only one living on the planet, and now

the point to this post,

" What steps can we take to steer young people away from

crime and create a safer society? "

It must start in the home, It's not a question of children getting

more smater or more technology savy, they've just gotten more observant in a quiet way if you will than we were, cause we were to busy living our lives according to our parents wishes . . .

And then we grew up and finnaly broke away and decided we

were as mad as hell and weren't going to take it any more so

we created our own counter culture, an exstended family if

you will, i mean we wern't about to become our parents never

realizing we didn't have it as bad as we thought we did, well

now it's happened, in alll of our rebellion we took a break to

have sex and make another generation of us who now unlike

us trying to teach us what we were to busy to learn or maybey

just to stupid and stoned to realize . . .

Peter L
2007-08-23 02:27:33 UTC
I am the father of three young children. A young lad has started a 'gang meet' of 14 - 16 years old at the house next door to mine. Last Friday I challenged them as they were using foul language & aggresive behaviour whilst my children were trying to go to bed. I was physically challenged, threatened with violence & my life. I was pushed & kicked into a stationary vehicle breaking the wing mirror. I was told that if I just kept my mouth shut & went inside I would have no trouble. I am over 6 feet tall & am no wimp but I feel completely powerless against this mob.

My answer to it, forget the police, they do not want to know. Get the army on the streets & somehow get someone into power who rules us with a rod of iron as it seems to me that us Brits cannot accept personal responsibility for ourselves. I believe thats why licensing laws were bought in during the war?? I was sixteen 20 years ago & the difference between then & now is shocking, it makes me understand how fearfull OAP's must feel even taking a trip to the shops. VERY SAD indeed.
2007-08-23 01:37:44 UTC
Discipline, forget the softly softly approach some of these kids need a short sharp shock. When I was at grammar school I was disciplined very strictly even into sixth form, this would be slippering or clips round the back of the head for the slightest misdemeanour, I'm not advocating returning to a Dickensian state but the parents and teachers need to be given more authority to deal with unruly children, persistent offenders should be given a short sharp shock, visiting offenders institutes or prisons to make them realise exactly where they are heading if they don't change their ways.

We need to act quickly on this as it is not going to get any better and I for one would like to see one politician stand up and tell it as it is and exactly and what they are going to do about it, it may be that this government needs to ask the public via open forums or public debates what they feel we need to do.

I also think that our communities need to get together more and stand up against yob culture, reporting unsociable activities to the police who in my mind need a massive input and presence on our streets, another area contributing to the problem due to the bureaucracy and lack of police on the streets..
2007-08-21 02:08:59 UTC
Teach children respect from an early age, There are far too many do gooders telling us how to bring our kids up, what we can and cannot do.

And to be honest is it working, is it hell..

Look back over the years even as little as 30 years ago, were kids like they are today NO...because they were taught respect.

And if it means giving your kis a clip around the ear once in a while to remind them who the boss is, then maybe things would not be as bad as they are today.

I no one thing if i even look the wrong way or spoke back to an adult whilst growing up, i would have been for it.

And i am exactly the same with my kids, they have respect and good manners, and yes they have computer games and are allowed to play out, but all in moderation.

Maybe some parents should take a leaf out of my book, because i know i can take my kids anywhere, and i no if they play out, that is exactly what they are doing PLAYING
Jonathan T
2007-08-23 07:07:18 UTC
Are you sure National Service is the answer? Many of these kids commit robbery, assault and rape just for kicks. I'm not sure that giving military training to individuals with that sort of temperament will cure society's ills.

Unless if National Service is treated as a full career. The recipient, of course, has the option of National Service or a prison sentence. If they choose the former, make 'em career military, 16 years of minimum service. If they see that through, they get a military pension, and the honour of having defended their country's international interests. Makes them fairly employable, I would say, and in most cases would redeem them in the eyes of the public. And hopefully transforms them from obnoxious sociopaths into useful members of society.

Or they break their sergeant's nose, and get sent down to a military prison for a pre-determined sentence. If the military can't teach you some discipline, no-one can.

We should not use thugs in our armed forces, we should use soldiers. If they misbehave again while serving in this capacity, they go to military prison with a life sentence. And life means life, end of story.

But will this government, or a Tory government for that matter, be courageous enough to make such radical social reform, however? Why, I think not!
2007-08-23 05:16:06 UTC
Whilst reading a lot of the comments I was struck by how the answers were simple and off loaded the problem off onto yet again someone else "corporal punishment, national service etc". I believe that the central core of well being in a person is the feeling of self respect, duty and honor (to both ones self, family and community).

I remember the days of corporal punishment (at school) and suffered severly for many years until my late 30's. Corporal punishment is also a cope out for bad judgement and lack of willingness to investigate who is wrong, in the case of a fight between two boys for example.

Instilling in someone vitues that in them selves means that they too will be accepted and respected is importnt rather than trying to demand respect through violence and at the end of a gun or knife.

I know this answer will not please the put them against a wall and shoot them brigade but it is time for us all to accept that this is OUR society and we are all responsible to THINK and care enough not just throw a way the elements that we don't like. Life is tough, not fair, dangereous and a lot of hard work.
2007-08-23 02:27:42 UTC
Well, I have been keeping a close look at crimes and other illegal activities taking place in the UK, especially amoung our youths.

I think the only and most effective way in reducing or stopping Crimes in this country is to introduce a 'land scape' of Biblical principles in all schools across the UK, we need to make God a center of of Educations system...we need to have an out-pouring of Biblical teaching in every corners of our school, like it or not, this is the most effective tool.

Its an angle of death which is taking hold of our young people, no new political Laws or policies are going to change what is happening amoung our kids, the only one can make a difference and put a stop to this is God, and this could only happen if we get to gather in a National Day of Prayer every month for our youths, our society and this country.

Believe it or not this is the only way...

Lets bring back God into our schools and colleges and universities. They will get to understand what the Bible said about killing one another and what will happen when this happens.

Lets make it a subject one has to pass in order for them to be successful in their terms exams ''theology''.

Puts these principles into practice and we will see an immediate change, then they will get to know the consequences of their wrong doing is more than going to prison.

Awaits your comments.
2007-08-23 01:58:19 UTC
I start with the old cliche, Parental control. Do the parents know where and what they are doing? Do they know the other peers that they hang out with. Have they got anything constructive to do in the evenings. Parents need to get involved in their childrens lives, and encourage them to strive to do positive things, instead of facing a life on the dole, drugs, drink etc., Youths will be youths I hear you say, yes but that does'nt mean being totally out of control, and terrorising the community. Police should also be seen more on foot, getting to know the young people on their beat.

Education in schools is also a major factor, being taught respect for other people and their property and rights to a quiet life.

I also think that if a young person has not got a job after leaving school in certain timeframe, that they should be conscripted in to the forces, where they will be taught discipline, and encouraged to have respect for authority.
2007-08-23 00:07:39 UTC
It seems that we have allowed all boundaries to be removed from young people`s lives and given them a degree of freedom and power that can only lead to their downfall. Young people need a structured society where their position is clearly defined. With no real punishment in the offing from any direction (parents, teachers and police all made powerless by frighteningly ill conceived laws) teenagers have no boundaries to push against and no fear of reprisal. For their sake as much as the rest of society we must take away their unlimited powers and hand them back to responsible adults. Teenagers, in the heady throes of hormonal turmoil and yet still really children, need the security that comes from knowing where to stop and that there are adults who have the power to punish and to guide them. The change for the worse in their behaviour is exactly correlated to changes in the laws which allowed for reasonable chastisment of minors. I`m sure that the breakdown of a traditional family based society is a huge factor too. No wonder our children are aimless, confused and ready to become part of a gang - they are desperate to belong and have a set of rules to live by. If we don`t give them this then they look elsewhere with the result that we are seeing. Politicians and well meaning social workers have a good deal to answer for. These teenagers don`t need counselling or any more excuses. They need strong guidance backed up by real punishment when they behave in unacceptable ways.
2007-08-21 03:06:22 UTC
Firstly all newspapers blame the parents , which i suppose up to some degree are to blame . Secondly there is the influence caused by who they hang around with , we could go on all day blaming this , that and the other , But they do need somewhere to go where they can turn there negative energy into something productive.As my Grandad Say's A spell in the army will never do anyone any harm it is what turned me into an adult .

But who really knows how to sort out the youth of today ? Me for one would not endeavour this job in any shape or form , we can all sit and say that this and that will help them out when really we should be asking the youth of today what they would like to see in their area for them ,then for once maybe act on it and give them something to do ,At the most get them involved in the project to help build what they require , we pay all these taxes so for once why don't we reinvest these taxes back into the youth as they are our future and if we can't help them now ,we will never help them improve themselves .
hellooo!! can anybody help me?
2007-08-20 07:48:13 UTC
alot of people are saying that its the parents responsibility to sort the kids out.

1. when your child messes about alot and after afew warnings you slap your child they go out and call the police and you get arrested and charged for assualt or child abuse.

2. When the police have no power to arrest/charge the children they say that the parents should control their kids.

3. So what do you do? If you follow point 1 - which i believe is the ONLY way - (i had a few slaps - nothing major!!! and it did more good than harm to me) you get arrested and charged so the child doesn't fear the parent as they can go to the police who override your authority as a parent.

if you follow point 2 - you will just get yourself a bad reputation of not caring for your child.

The government have gone too far in getting involved in how families should bring their kids up and if you notice you will see that kids have been running riot ALOT more since the latest legislation on punishing a child came out.

I think that a child should have some fear of their parents when they do something wrong (i don't mean that a kid should be living in constant fear of their parents) otherwise we will see alot more of the same.
2007-09-16 13:26:46 UTC
Revise the society so one parent (relative, friend, caretaker) stays home with the children because it's been proven since the 40's that people behave better when they know they're being watched. This is exactly what the saying 'it takes a village to raise a child' means. Folks are home - and they're all watching, their own, and what's going on in the neighborhood.

I saw a documentary I believe it took place in Africa where young, rogue elephants had formed a gang and were terrorizing and killing any and all other animals that crossed their path - just because they could. The park rangers brought in a HUGE male elder who guided them into being what elephants are supposed to be. With freedom and no guidance, creatures will do whatever they can get away with - just because they can. Just like today's gangs. Don't start with the result, start where it begins - in the home.
Amy H
2007-09-06 13:22:13 UTC
I used to do voluntary work at the Tim Parry And Johnathan Ball Young People's Centre in Warrington and I've found that youth groups don't make the slightest bit of difference even though children go to them it's only the good ones whereas the badly behaved ones would still prefer to hang around the local shopping centre, ironically I work there now so I can't seem to get away from them and I can't beleive how obnoxious they are when they hurl abuse at random passers by.

I think that parents and school teachers should be given military style dicipline training in order to keep them in line cos when my parents were at school it wasn't long after WW2 so all their teachers had done army service so the kids were shiit scared of them and wouldn't dare act up in class and both my grandads had been in the army so they were very strict and made sure that they knew how to behave properly.
2007-08-28 04:08:35 UTC
I see that most answers opt for greater punishments as a deterrent for juvenile crime.Isn't this 'passing the blame'?

Children are all born innocent (unless you regard 'original sin' as a practical rather than theological disposition) and the fault much surely lie with their mentors, whether it be through poor parentage or bad schooling.

We must do all we can to improve the early-age environmental conditioning to which these kids are subjected. A little discipline at the right time will avoid the need to brutally punish them for serious crimes in later life.

Perhaps the Victorians were not so callous after all, when they said 'spare the rod and spoil the child'.

We are becoming so Politically Proper these days that we are ignoring common sense. Children are the responsibility of their parents/guardians and teachers, who must be made and allowed to be truly 'liable' for the moral as well as physical welfare of their charges.
2007-08-23 06:51:14 UTC
A lot of people have the right idea, by using some sort of punishment to obtain the respect that we (as adults) deserve . Surely, if you 'spare the rod, you spoil the child'?? We would all love to live in an ideal world,but there will always be somebody who seems 'hell bent' on spoiling it for the rest! We too used to hang around in groups, but so beit you spoke with out respect for the elderly or adults at all,and we would get a severe 'clip around the ear'!! We have become too soft for our own good ,so we now have to put up with the problems we now have today .

Please dont blame it on the music scene or even television!! We, as parents , are totally responsible for the kids we bring up today. If we prevent the authorities (Police etc) from doing their job properly,then we deserve to be in the position we are in today!

The term ' Nanny culture', couldnt be more correct. We have to do some thing soon before some other child is killed or some other 'father/ brother etc is murdered,because of a group of youths who think they are above the law!! Unfortunateley,we as adults ,are to be held responsible for this situation. Get rid of this ,Nanny state' we have allowed to run riot in this day and age,and bring back the means of corporal punishment. This surely,is the only way?

I am 46yrs of age and do not consider my answer to be too 'aged'. I look back at the recent news envolving ,people of my age or even younger, being beaten up ,or even killed trying to look after them selves or their family ,because of some youth/s. Common sense ,surely ,is required. Bring back the correct punishment for the crimes being commited.
2007-08-23 04:47:22 UTC
Children need to develop respect for adults. The banning of caning and the laws protecting children from being physically punished by teachers and other adults leaves kids untouchable because they ā€œknow their rightsā€. This situation develops a lack of respect for adults in general.

There was a time when any adult could give someone elseā€™s kids a clip round the ear for bullying other kids or generally misbehaving, and kids knew to keep out of sight of adults if they were up to no good.

Now, however, they have no fear of being caught committing crime by an adult. Instead, the adult is scared of confronting them. This is an unnatural state of affairs when the weaker being has more power than the stronger, and this isnā€™t teaching them even the simplest laws of nature. They have developed instead an unbalanced, unwarranted arrogance.

If we want this situation to change, we need to strip the kids of their ā€œuntouchableā€ status when they are at school, and teach them some respect. Also, as someone else has pointed out, punishments need to be a more severe deterrent, in order for young criminals to fear being caught.
2007-08-20 04:29:20 UTC
Why has it got so bad? the courts and judges are out of touch with the real world.they are too soft on these yobs.Half these yobs if not more have had lousy parenting.Too many are left to there on devices.even some parents are scared of there own kids to do anything about them.

NATIONAL SERVICE should be brought back.2 years in a service with dicipline would give them some kind of respect.

the police are so undermanned,they don't stand a chance.they arrest them,CPS let them go,if they do get to court,a slap on the wrist and a fine is given.not much of a deterent.DRUGS also play a big son 26 yrs old now,married at 19 ,morgage and responsibility of a wife and separated .A HEROIN ADDICT AND NOW LOOKING AT A CUSTODIAL SENTENCE.WHAT HOPE FOR HIM.?DRUGS ON THE ESTATE WHERE WE LIVE, THE RESIDENCE MEETINGS WITH THE POLICE AND OFFICIALS.WHAT A WASTE OF TIME,NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE.
2007-08-23 04:09:59 UTC
Bring back national service. I believe that I become a better more self-confident person when I was in the Air Cadets. The sense of achievement you get from realising how much you can do (whether a 20 mile hike or flying a plane) gives you a sense that you can achieve in your work and home life as well, turning you into a productive citizen. And despite what you're thinking I'm 27! I'm sure it wasn't this bad even 10 years ago....
2007-08-21 04:06:14 UTC
Give them something to do other than just hanging around the street in gangs! Properly funded projects, drama - theatre groups not just acting, production, direction, scenery painting, etc have music workshops headed by proper famous musicians - I know a lot of guys in the music business who would give a few hours a week to help teach bass/electric guitar and such. A youth centre where they can play video games, ten pin bowling, watch films, have a disco all at cost price. What ever these projects cost surely it could be offset by the cost of removing graffiti, repairing bus shelters, broken windows, stolen car recovery etc. There's an old adage and it's very true,The Devil makes work for idle hands. Give them something to do
Brian H
2007-08-20 04:21:41 UTC
Basically by reminding them that they have responsibilities as well as rights. Many have commented on the removal of Teachers, Parents and police rights to punish bad behaviour. It is time to admit that the do-gooders experiment has failed society in general, and youth in particular When I was at school a very long time ago. one of the pupils was sentenced to the birch, and we all new the date this was to be carried out, on his return to school a couple of weeks after, by dinner time every one in the school new the full procedure of the happening, and though it was a tough inner city school in wartime, every one decided that this was not going to happen to them, 60 years have passed and I remember vividly the feeling that passed through all that school. The punishment must reflect the crime, that is a simple precept, and if inflicting pain, fear and threats is what these people use to carry out there misdeeds, then the same measures should be used against them. Believe you me it won't take long for them to change their ways. I live near a prison, it is a misnomer to refer to it as a prison. They live better than the average pensioner, fact, when did you hear of a prisoner dying of Hypothermia, being found dead after so many days, or suffering malnutrition. If prison meant punishment and the criminals didn't like it, there is a simple answer, stay out. Cut benefits for their families. Do away with travel warrants for visiting. Make it perfectly plain that those who abuse society can expect none of societies benefits.
2007-09-05 12:37:44 UTC
I have the best answer!

I think every adult should just say one word to Every Child! "Hi" That'll teach a child a lot because IF everyone said hi to a child, it can open a conversation. One, it'll teach the child social skills. Two, talking to children often encourages them to be social and depending on what you talk about, you yourself can you teach the child anything that you know. Everyone has different knowledge, some more than others. So if we all share our knowledge, children would be smart.

Anyway, positive attitude towards children is good in the future. Even just smiling at them will bring them a smile.

Did you know that just smiling every morning to yourself can help you have a good day rather than waking up grumpy.

Thats my thought. Be more involved in children's lives to help prevent crime. Just talking is being involved. But please, be involved as much as you can, not just talking, but do activities. The more time you spend with them, the less time they're out doing dirty when your not there.
2007-08-23 03:47:42 UTC
I know may will disagree with what I have to say, but the powers and authority should never have been taken away form the schoolteachers. Many a pupil I know were punished, even had board rubbers thrown at them across the classroom but none that I know turned out criminals of any kind. Teachers used to have the discipline and would earn respect. also it is about time the government put the true British people first
2007-08-20 04:04:09 UTC
There is never an easy answer and in this case I don't believe there is one. What is happening now is the result of cultural and social changes over a period of time. We live in a society which promises much (look at advertising for example!) but cannot deliver to everyone. Is it any wonder that young people no longer respect others, or even themselves in many cases, when society has done little to dissuade binge-drinking, the media glorify mindless 'reality 'shows which only promote the notion of self, and there is little guidance from parents who think that the responsibility lies elsewhere.

I think that it is now too late for anything to reverse the downward slide of British society into a world as envisaged in A Clockwork Orange. The streets belong to the neds, chavs, druggies, drunks, or whatever you want to call them. A 'safer society' whilst desirable is fantasy. We let that slip away a long time ago. Better to look somewhere other than the UK for that.
2007-08-28 23:33:54 UTC
Take away thier cars, beer, and allowance. Call thier parents when they done naughty deeds and make the parent pick them up from lockup - only if the parent wants to - an overnight stay in the slammer (no juice!) might help them think twice next time. Make sure every event has plenty of reponsible adults present to watch out for impending trouble. Better yet, find ways to keep them home at night (pizza/movie w/friends courtesy of Mom, the hostess. Challenge Dad to a video game or dance move, how 'bout making them clean thier room)
Jane V
2007-08-23 01:14:14 UTC
i agree, the punishment has got to become harsher. I have worked in an infant school and have seen antisocial behaviour at a very young age. However these children were not allowed to be punished. It became obvious to me that the really badly behaved children were not worried about being told off, just a telling off did not deter them. So if children are antisocial at 5, what are they going to be like at 15. Teachers should be allowed to apply discipline (in reason), the amount of teachers who give up work due to badly behaved teenagers is on the increase. I also agree about National Service, it would give a sense of purpose, discipline and respect.
2007-09-19 00:33:35 UTC
Several things...youths are confronted with many problems from family to social status. These are a struggle for youth. As the criminal attitude begins ...sometimes its due to boredome or inability to participate in worthwhile objectives. Why facility or public places that allow these youth to grow up problem free. No kid is going to comit crimes if he has somthing better to do or more rewarding, and the demiographics are luring them in at young ages because of peer presure and lack of choices made and incouraged to appeal to the benifits of staying out of trouble. Some young adults are actually proud to say they have spent tme in prison and they are alluring the next generation all under false pretenses and a pride claim, all for appearances in a competitive circle. The need for centers and recreational parks and trips at no cost. for peer groups. They get the idea that they have few choices and no one really cares.They will rise up and use the skills they are familiar with, because no one seemed to care about them. **Society should have somthing in place for kids to gather and be safe.
2007-09-03 21:36:28 UTC
Raise the age for juveniles to be certified as adults to stand trial in an adult court room.

Sentence all convicted youth to one (1) year in Boot Camp, run and operated by EX- Royal Marine Drill Instructors!

Depending upon the seriousness of the charges and said conviction, will determine if this youngster should be moved from the Boot Camp Program after one (1) year to serve additional time in an adult prison. If the charges were minor infractions of the law, not for murder, rape, armed robbery, assault, strong armed robbery or child molestion, then that youngster should serve the one (1) year in this specially designed Boot Camp and if they have obeyed all instructions given to them by their Drill Instructors, showed some traits of potential leadership qualities while in Boot Camp, then after that one (1) year has expired, said youngster is automatically enlisted in the Royal Marines for four (4) years. IF after successfully completing the four (4) year term of enlistment, then the conviction and sentence record for that youngster will be eliminated and the youngster has a clean bill of health.

This would put a screaching halt to youth criminals, and make the older criminals start to think twice about their actions, knowing that if the laws can change for the youngsters and punish them, then what is going to change in the laws governing convictions for adult criminals? Perhaps if the adult criminal is convicted for a non violent crime, then they too can be sent to a specially designed Boot Camp for the term of three (3) years, under the watchful eyes of EX Drill Instructors from either the Scotish Highlanders or the Black Watch Regiments, the toughest outfits with the best discipline


This is what I would recommend as the solution to eliminate the youth criminals and their deadly activities in the United Kingdom.

Thank you for the opportunity to give my opinion on this very worthwhile and important issue.
Claire B
2007-08-23 02:47:40 UTC
Bring back national service - get the idea of respect into their heads. I feel like an old person, tutting about the youth of today. I quite agree with the other comments about nanny states and being able to punish youngsters, adults these days (through no fault of their own) are too scared to set punishments in case the 'human rights' of the child are infringed. No wonder there are so many problems.
2007-08-23 01:02:12 UTC
I think the first step is to create more youth centres, community hall's hired specifically for after school activities. They need to channel that negative energy into positive things, such as a music workshop, media courses and other creative stuff. Most importantly the workers/mentors needs to have had experience, rather than text book theory application. No amount of written text can prepare you for lifes little twists and turns, an experienced mentor who has corrected their lifes twist and turns has a better chance of equiping these youths with the tools, to make better use of their life, but they need to come to that decision on their own, to take responsibility.
Bryan H
2007-08-23 00:10:18 UTC
The Singaporeans do not tolerate young teenagers causing vandalism, shop-lifting or violent crimes, you can walk around Singapore anytime, anywhere and you'll be very safe, if young violent teenagers go in front of a court there sent to prison for 3 months and 6 strokes of the rot-an, if they re-offend then it's 6 months and 12 of the rot-an, murders & drug pushers face the death penalty everyone's warned, they tolorate no crimes, it works, we've tried the do-gooders methods, it does n't work, bring back national service for trouble makers, bring back the birch for violent crimes and if there's no shred of doubt regarding a murder then an eye for an eye, go have a holiday in Singapore and you'll have a fantastic time crime free.
Seyfi S
2007-08-20 04:54:59 UTC
To all residents of UK like me.My recommendations are 1- More than 2 young person when together they should be questioned by police. 2- Government should be bring back army national duty at least 6 month for young persons to learn discipline in the army.3- Job is the mirror of a person.Give them any kind of job to learn how hard to make money. 4- Tolerance up to some where we have to get together against of this tolerance government police.
2007-08-20 04:19:30 UTC
The respect has gone, which comes from the parents, nothing is done if youngsters do something wrong,so they dont care what happens, I had three children, now with there own families, I had no problem with them, I used to train youth football, where they did what they where told or leave,and not many left, these players are now 35 plus, and if I meet them in town, it is still, how are you Mr. xxxx and most of them have done very well in life. Discipline is missing from society,and the sooner this is corrected,the sooner we will have a better society.
2014-10-30 14:09:11 UTC
This situation with the kids as with other societal problems isnt an overnight one, its not cause by "a" thing and it wont be fixed with some half assed single action, legislation or social "suggestion" that people can choose to do or not do

We have arrived here after decade upon decade of increasingly touchy feely parenting with each subsequent generation taking less and less of an active roll in parenting which in turn makes families both immediate and extended less closely knit and therefore less likely or able to benefit from perpetuation of older family values through social osmosis
2007-08-23 01:36:27 UTC
By removing Food Additives for one.

Some food additives make kids hyperactive, others cause very obvious mood changes. Take Aspartame as a fine example. A friend of mine used to get very violent for no reason, he realised it was aspartame causing it so he stopped taking it. His violent temper only happened when he had eaten or drunk anything with it in. That was back in 1995! Since then aspartame use has increased worldwide, so has incidences of street violence. More than just a coincidence, but those addicts out there will deny any facts.
2007-08-23 00:31:27 UTC
Instead of sending these youths to prison or reform schools, send them to Military Academy/School. There they will get disciplined, education and a career. This slapping on the wrist and blaming the parents is not working! Can anyone actually say it is? How far will it go before people realise that it's not working? When there are no more games or music or parents to blame? But you have to blame the parents because they have had the power away from them to discipline their children!
2007-08-21 00:41:31 UTC
The reason why youths in the UK cause trouble is because of sheer boredom.I use to work in a youth club for 3 years and we had to close down because of lack of funding from the government. When the youth club closed down, the young people have no where to socialise so they start hanging around shops and pubs.

I know quite alot of scenarios where youth clubs similiar have closed down due to lack of finanical support from the government.They just need somewhere were they can socialise and do activities which gets them off the streets.
2007-08-20 14:56:57 UTC
National Service
2007-08-20 11:12:56 UTC
A curfew is the only way forward. If you are out after 9pm under the age of 16 you should have a good reason and your parents should know where you are. if you are picked up by the police after curfew the parents should be may at least make them take responsability. if you have a good reason to be out then no problem. young people are victims of crime from other young people more than adults. if you are drunk in the street you should be locked up overnight to dry out and fined..the law is there already and curfews can be cover in local by-laws.
kelly c
2007-08-20 06:31:45 UTC
It start with FAMILY VALUE. and School. Nothing for young people to do in the UK. Nothing interesting on TV nor are there enough YOUTH CLUB to learn from. The government totally forgotten about family value. Local value is that it is ok to be a YOB. NO NO NO it is not ok to be a yob and be drank 2pm in the afternoon. Father don't care mother given no one to look up to.
2007-08-20 04:16:44 UTC
1. Inspire not so academically gifted kids at school with broader curriculums and early apprenticeships. Make them aspirational earlier in their lives.

2. Energy grows where attention goes! If the media sensationalise incident upon incident of child misbehavious the problem will only grow. Focus instead on positives in youth culture, like outstanding local clubs and societies, and especially youth opportunities/scholarships/responsibilities.

3. Nationwide commercials on tv mocking youths who get caught up in antisocial behaviour fronted by David Beckham and Keith Richards.

4. Every adult involved with kids either as a parent, teacher, sports coach, bus driver, lollipop lady must accept their responsibility for kid's development.
2007-08-23 00:21:01 UTC
Allow parents and Schools to punish children for bad behaviour.The government should not have such an impute on how schools and parents should bring up children. When I was at school the cane was always there as a threat, I must say it was not often used but if it was you would be punished twice, once at school and also when you got home, schools and parents supported each other. I feel sorry for anyone today who wants to go into teaching young children
2007-08-20 04:34:15 UTC
1. Get ALL people to understand that they are living as mindless drones controlled by the media and under the illusion that they are under a constant terrorist threat.

2. Instead of the parents watching soap operas, they should disengage themselves from this mind control and actually live their own lives in the real world.

3. Understand that it is not the childs fault that they live in this global capitalist country / world. The children are a product of society, and society has given up on itself.

4. To get the children back, parents, teachers and ALL of the community need to turn their backs on mainstream media, the drug that is television and realise that the "THEY" want you to live in fear.

5. It is OUR fault that we live the way we do. We have let ourselves destroy the family unit (and the community at large) and we have allowed big corporations and idiots in government run our lives for us, not because we don't care - but because we, the older generation, have given too much power to these people who DO control us.

6. To prevent youth crime we must start to care for our children ourselves, and not rely on the State to do it.

You will see alot of comments about "they should do mini-national service" or "the kids have nowhere to go" etc as simple excuses for youth crime, but the simple fact is AGAIN both of those types of approach pass the issue back to the government and other organisations. Someone once said, "If you want something doing right, do it yourself". Can this be no less true for caring for, nurturing and educating our future selves?

If you want to solve this problem you need to get to the root cause. So, enlighted yourself. Turn off your television set. Get yourself some "cognitive liberty" and use that time wisely to help your community, and by doing that you WILL help all of us.
2016-04-22 01:40:30 UTC
There are steps you can take to actually build a strong, stable marriage and avoid divorce. Read here

Here are some key steps to apply to your marriage:

- Start by understanding and being informed.

You can never be too informed about tools, methods and studies about building successful marriages. Understand the risk factors like your age and maturity at marriage can determine how successful it will be, the anatomy of an affair and what you can do after infidelity. Understand the success factors like the personal and psychological circumstances that will influence your marriage, what are the tools and approaches available to you in dealing with conflict, and numerous other relevant data. All this information is readily available to you whether through self-help material, through a counselor, support group or other venues. In fact, we have made it our commitment to provide these to you in different formats to help you make the best marriage you can.

The thing is, remember, this is information is not available for you to begin hyper-psychoanalyzing your relationship, yourself and your partner. It's not a matter of spewing trivia for the sake of conversation ' information is there for you to ponder over and internalize to help you transform yourself and your marriage. That includes maturing to such a point that you become more competent in your knowledge but more prudent in approach.
2007-08-21 02:11:32 UTC
Make them attend a boot camp, like those Americans do. I am a Briton who does go out at night, and luckily, I live in a nice quiet part of my city. Make them go to behaviour classes. Make the age that you can go to prison younger. take them round prisons and have inmates tell them what it is really like. All this stuff about them being bored is rubbish. When my nan was a kid, they didn't have anything to do. They were expected to go out to work at 12, had to do all the housework without hoovers, dishwashers and washing machines. The reason kids are like this today is they watch far to much programmes with swearing and violence and to many computer/xbox/playstation and that which also has loads of violence.
2007-08-20 04:55:12 UTC
I am the step father to a 13 year old boy , have been for 9 years. for the past two years he has changed into a total nightmare. His attitude to any form of authority is disgusting

When he is told to be in for a certain time he disregards this and comes in when he chooses, when he gets grounded as a punishment he goes out either via the door or a window. When he does decide to return home he smells of drink or has been taking cannabis

He steals money from myself and my wife, we are never sure where he is when he is out or who he is with because he lies to us constantly. He is abusive to everyone in the house, we have two daughters aged 5 and 1 and feel powerless to deal with him.

When I was his age I wouldnt have dared speak to my parents the way he speaks to us. I would never have stolen from my parents. WHY because I knew that there was a punishment to fit the crime.

Yes I had my backside tanned and yes I deserved it but I do not feel I was abusedand I do not feel it did me any harm

What do are you supposed to do when 13 year old turns round and calls you to f*** off and calls you a c*** when told he cant go out, and then he goes out anyway. I f you lock the doors he just climbs out of a window

He always gives it the same old answer , what are you going to do , nothing you cant do anything because I will report you if you touch me.

I feel the state has taken all the discilpine away from parents, its all weel and good politicians and police saying parents need to control their children. HOW do we do it . The education system is equally as restrained, again when I was at school I wouldn't have dared speak toa teacher the way they do know , why , because their was corporal punishment in the form of the slipper which was administered in full view of the class which was worse, thats why it acted as a deterrant, I always thought about things before I did them. I wont do that because if I get caught i'll get the slipper so I didnt do it simple as that,

Does child abuse still take place, yes unfortunatly it does, the system has not managed to stamp this out and no matter what is done the people that do these horrible things will still exist, all the system has succeeded in doing only is to remove the power for parents to discipline their children. I have tried the sit down and talk I have tried the doctor, I have tried the various agencies who suggest go bowling or go out , tried it as soon as he cant have his own way he kicks off ruining everyones time. Children need to know that they cant have thier own way and that they have to do as they are told and have to follow rules.
David H
2007-08-20 04:50:06 UTC
So many steps have been taken over time and millions have been wasted on projects for young people in most of our Cities and Towns. It is time to wake up to the fact that that the Police and society in general have totally lost control of the streets. More amenities for young people have not worked if they had we would not have arrived at our present lawlessness in our streets. Since the 1960,s the same rhetoric 'young people need more clubs etc. in their communities' has been heard. Those of us who have been involved with these youths know that the type of "Street Yob" involved in these anti social activities are to 'macho' to join any sort of club or would simply be soon banned from any youth clubs etc. There are few exceptions. Joe Public who are being intimidated by the behaviour of the minority of the community need to wake up to the fact that these vermin want and are proud of their antisocial behaviour and revel in their macho status in the communty. Legislation and thousands of crime prevention ititiatives have been implimented since the 1960,s most have totally failed this country and we are reaping the rewards of this incompetent approach. Unless the useless and inappropriate Politically correct attitude of Government and the Police towards this section of our community is realised, we will not progress. The need for the public to understand that wasting more money on community projects is not and never will be the answer to that small section of young people who want to terrorise and distroy a communty. Not only have the Police and the Law failed society but also the community who by allowing their appointed representatives in local and National Government to do nothing to stem the present breakdown in Law and Order. It has not happened overnight. The breakdown has been increasing since the 1960's as the Police have withdrawn from Policing those areas. If there is no law and no deterrent the result throughout history has shown that lawless elements take over. In many places the streets have been abandoned to these feral animals who have been allowed to dictate to the majority. It is time for the community to make their voices heard. Disorder on the street can only be reversed by removing those who are continually distroying the lives of so many and it is for the people who live in those communities to set about this. If those who are voted in to protect our way of life are unable to do it, the communties must unite and get those people who can and will stand up to them elected.
Trudy Teacher
2007-08-20 04:23:03 UTC
Make parenting skills classes compulsory. Parents have to know that when they take a decision to have a child, it is not just looking after a cute little baby who will love them and look sweet, but at least 18 years of hard slog that requires training, patience, understanding, and a million other things but above all a belief that they are responsible for how that child is brought up and for that child's actions until they are 18. Give them a base for this, parenting skills are an absolute essential and not something everyone has instincitvely. Give people a training in how to parent and make it clear to them their children are THEIR responsiblity, not society, or schools, or the law, but THEIR choice to have a child means THEIR acceptance of being held to account fo the actions of that child for the next 18 years. Parenting is the key here. In the meantime there are hoards of children who have been badly parented out there, their parents may have only been children when they bacame parents themselves without any skills or knowledge on how to begin bringing up their child. These children may now be running riot and we may need curfews to keep control but we need to think longer term, spending money on parenting lessons would be a damn sight more useful than benefits for parents and less of a financial incentive to get pregnant in the first place, being a parent is a ful time job, if people want to choose this and get paid for it, they need to do the training first!!!
2014-10-30 16:00:56 UTC
This situation with the kids as with other societal problems isnt an overnight one, its not cause by "a" thing and it wont be fixed with some half assed single action, legislation or social "suggestion" that people can choose to do or not do

We have arrived here after decade upon decade of increasingly touchy feely parenting with each subsequent generation taking less and less of an active roll in parenting which in turn makes families both immediate and extended less closely knit and therefore less li
2007-08-23 01:41:23 UTC
Easy: get back to basics on policing, get rid of the overpaid, underworked 'experts' who advise the police and get members of the public who remember pre-1960s police methods.

A youth was shot dead by a gang on bicycles in the middle of the night on an inner-London housing estate: so did these killers all have lights on their bikes? ...If not, bobbies on the beat could've stopped them before they killed and asked them what they were up to and given them fixed penalties.

Another awkward question: the police say they can't have an officer on every street corner, YET THEY DO IT FOR THE LONDON MARATHON in the very areas where youths go around killing people!

We also have a Home Secretary who admits to smoking pot in the past and the Blair government knighted Mick Jagger, who did time for drugs offences. This nonsense gives youths plenty of backchat ammunition when caught.
2007-08-23 01:20:39 UTC
Children are born in innocence. I have had children and now enjoy four grandchildren. Experience shows, without any doubt whatsoever, children reflect parental example and upbringing. Until we get down to basics - eductaion within the home (not only schools) - then nothing will change. As a simple example - recently, on a visit to Norway (we have Norwegian cousins), we were hiking and having fun with building a small rock waterfall (with our grandchildren) when one of our cousins' children stopped us saying; "you can't do that, you must not prevent nature!" She sincerely believed in preservation and nature due to her education. Something they are taught from an early age and simply a very small example of eduction.
2007-08-23 00:25:29 UTC
The rot started to set in the 70's with misguided and naive social workers and dogooders.This carried on to human rights acts and PC .The government also made it more advantageous to be on benefits, rewarding single teen mums with housing and benefits.Most of these teen mums couldnt look after themselves never mind looking after their offspring.The education system in this country has also failed .Voters have seen through the lies that we have the best education system in the world.

We used to be in awe and frightened of authority be it mature people,police.teachers etc.Today most teenagers mainly from dare I or am I allowed to say "Council estates"have no fear or respect for anyone.

No more excuses.We should totally change our philosophy about dealing with youth crime and crime in general.

Police on the streets(cut out paperwork)

Get rid of Human rights act and replace.

No more stupid Ā£50 fines etc.Minimum fine for any criminal offence should start at Ā£1000.

Crowd dispersal orders/Ā£1000 fines for anyone drinking on the streets.

Build more prisons not holiday camps .

We need more MP'S like Anne Widdecombe not spineless/havent got a clue about the real world ministers.
2007-08-20 12:27:19 UTC
1) Keep the little unmentionables busy with activites organised by the likes of The Scouts / Guides / "Get Hooked on Fishing", whether they like it or not.

2) Give the parents of existing trouble makers a kick up the rear, and make them quit being so soft with their "little darlings".

3) Stop "molly-coddling" existing young trouble makers who've been packed off to young offenders institutions....... take away these fabled Games Consoles + Mobile phones I've heard they're allowed to have in there, and only allow them a TV + a Radio (that's all my prison penpal over in California is allowed to have). Stop treating them better than their victims (e.g. No more trips to places like the Red Sea)......... make the experience more like Boot Camp (with councilling thrown-in) until they start to get their act together.
2014-10-31 15:21:13 UTC
do or not do

We have arrived here after decade upon decade of increasingly touchy feely parenting with each subsequent generation taking less and less of an active roll in parenting which in turn makes families both immediate and extended less closely knit and therefore less likely or able to benefit from perpetuation of older family values through social osmosis

Lets look at the drink nonsense currently being suggested? Why should adults have to pay more because kids are CLAIMED to only or mostly be violent because of beer?
2007-09-10 17:55:51 UTC
Stopping youth crime starts from home.what i'm trying to potray is that the parents should have time for there children.Having time for them will prevent them from going astray(forgive the language).When the parents are around then the youth will know that someone is there for him/her to lean on because youths of today have alot of problems and if the parents take time to help them out than i'm sure there wont be any youth crime,for the only thing they want is attention.
2007-08-23 02:37:19 UTC
To be honest, i think that they should bring back the cane in schools because these days all students do is get detentions or at worst expelled and students often see that as a holiday rather than a punishment. They should also allow parents to spank their children to a certain extent as long as it doesn't leave bruises. If this was allowed, i doubt there would be as much trouble on the streets as there is now.

Also the police could could be tougher when it comes to prosecuting because frankly our justice system is crap.
True Blue Brit
2007-08-21 04:24:20 UTC
Bring back the bus conductor, the park keeper, the bobby on the beat. If kids can't behave when the techer leaves the classroom, what on earth makes you think they can behave in society? These are children!

At the same time, spend more on children. Make our towns more kid friendly, dedicate more activities to them.

And look into ourselves and our own behaviour. Kids emulate adults - why else do they want to be violent, drunk,do drugs, have sex etc etc. They think this is how adults behave.

Teach them morals, teach them self confidence and respect. And duty. We have a duty to maintain a civilised society.
2007-08-20 17:30:33 UTC
First step, take away the right of the government to say parents may no longer chastise their children, give police more rights to chastise, instead of telling them how NOT to do their job,

Second step, abolish the rights of schools to exclude pupils for misbehaviour, how does telling a child not to come to school improve his/her education??? answer: it doesn't, it tells them "hey do something wrong, you can come to school on a part time basis and run the streets the rest of the time."

third step: bring back approved schools for children with constant bad behaviour, i'm not saying to punish them but with specialist teachers and therapists to help them become less anti-social.

fourth step: re-introduce national service, yes it sounds like an old farts way of thinking, but at least while serving in the forces the young could learn a valuable trade, and also how to interact with others as a team working together for good, rather than a team in a street gang, stealing, drinking and taking drugs etc.

p.s. I am a parent, my children have never been in trouble with the law, they abide by the rules we set them. in return we treat them the way they should be treated, loved and cared for, not kicked out of the house, or given pot noodles for dinner while the parents go to the pub etc.

Parental responsibility is a key factor in a childs upbringing, and our rights to teach our children in the correct and proper way of community and family life have been eroded by the state telling us how to raise them, once a smack on the bum would have put them right and they would have known not to do it again, but now thats classed as abuse and the parents could be prosecuted for it.

Which is more abusive to a child. Teaching them to be a respectable caring human being, or letting them become drug taking lager louts, who think an asbo or criminal record is a thing of prestige? I know my answer to that, hopefully it's shared by other loving parents in this country.

p.p.s. As to the national service thing, our second eldest son is entering the army in january, and our eldest next year when he has finished his A-levels, so the way we've taught them can't be all bad can it??
2007-08-20 05:55:55 UTC
What we have are those under 16 youths where school environment may have influences on them. Educational systems have be gradually modify to usher the old habits in the past. Home works or extra classes for girls should be top priority in domestic activities. The boys would take sometime to follow but I am sure they will subsequently aware the changes in the female group.Then the hard core criminals among the youths could be alienated and dealt accordingly.
2007-08-20 04:07:49 UTC
Without speaking from anger toward the youth, but actual concern for all involved, including their own futures, I believe that bringing back corporal punishment in schools and allowing parents to administer physical punishments (hidings) will teach the youth respect again. Obviously not allowing beatings to the point of real abuse, but to bring back a sense of fear & respect for people with authority. At the moment they have nothing to fear as they are over protected by the do gooders who got us into this mess by saying a few smacks is abuse. I think I would have benifitted from a few more hidings in my youth.
2007-08-20 04:04:28 UTC
First i would like to agrree with "wish i knew". It would be good to see youth clubs and youth discos. I also think the elderly need more care and that a little too much attention is being focused on the youth. I say this, being under 16 myself

It's got alot to do with parenting. I can see it among my friends. My parents talk to me. They explain to me why such behaviour is wrong. I have a curfew. My parents know where i am when i go out. I respect my parents. Many children don't have a relationship with there parents. This causes them to try and to get out of the house, just to be away from their parents. Parent should explain to children why they don't want their sun/daughter to certain things.

However, i certain level of authority is required. As some children can take advantage.

Unfortunately their are some parents who encourage their children in their "yobbish" behaviour.

That's why it would be a good idea to give parents, PARENTING CLASSES. Passably making it mandatory, for all parents and children, who have anti-social behaviour .

YOUTH GROUPS are also are a good idea. Its gives people somewhere to go and meet friends. Its also give some children someone to talk to.

As a friend, i try to discourage this behaviour.

To be honest there isn't much we can do now days. A 10 o clock curfew for children docent seem like a bad idea. I wouldn't mind having a curfew as it could stop crime.

I would like to see more after dark police officers.

However, in out town we have shop, swimming pools, gyms, cinema, Youth groups e.c.t . The trouble is many children preferred to go out and create trouble.
2007-09-15 21:58:38 UTC
I would say fair bit of the cure would start at home..

Teach them about real respect..not the BS street crap that is seen to be respected..

Then increase the penalty for breaking the law.

ie. violent crime or any crime that indangers joy rideing.Dealing in drugs.

Send a few yobs to jail for 25 to 30 years and the kid that is on the brink will think before getting in trouble with the law.

But that said more jobs or opporunity would help.
2007-08-23 01:27:40 UTC
Zero tolerance. Send them to military boot camp and send their parents to parenting boot camp.. The people need breaking down and rebuilding. All this namby pamby human rights nonsense sending society into anarchy. A growing number of people have no respect and absolutely no fear with their actions.

The government needs to get tough and strike real fear into this degrading generation. ASBOs and community policing don't work anymore. Round up all the troublemakers and their parents to force them them to do national service and volountary community work. Give these people a purpose in life which is clearly lacking.
2007-08-21 01:36:44 UTC
its all to do with the way they are brought up.

socialising a young child is cruicial if it is going to accept societies norms and values (eg...dont commit crime etc)

socialising must occur at a young age or the child will rebel against society and live a life full of law breaking.

to prevent youth crime, children should be brought up with a clear idea of what is right and wrong...this can be taught at home and in school
oooo you are naughty
2007-08-20 16:01:30 UTC
like everybody else has said, we need to give the young people something to look forward to in life. they seem to have this do or die attitude that seems to stop some of them wanting to look forward to turning 30.

parents taking responsibility of their children would also help, and not 'hanging out', or ignoring them. young people need to be guided and shown that they are worth something by their parents/carers.

opening up more youth clubs instead of prison places may help even further to make these young people feel that they are worth something. they need more to do, a place to express themselves where they feel safe and secure.

i know that there are so many children who behave and don't seem to get rewarded for that but for now that's the way it is.

and if the government spent less time talking about what they are going to do and actually put something into place i do believe that we could be on our way to having a generation that cares as to what happens to themselves and those around them.
2007-08-20 04:25:55 UTC
Well,they belong to some one,i feel that responsability lies with the parents.if you get pets you are advised to look after them,if you want kids they should be the parents problem and not sent out like the cat to be every one elses problem,i am sick of every one elses kids being a problem to me and others who dont have children,most of these parents are sitting at home in peace whilst thier brats are running riot and they couldn't careless,so why have these people got children?

would it be to do with the fact of more kids more money and benefits,if the human race was in danger i could understand having more children,but it isn't and there are far too many kids,breeding for us isn't as necasary as it used to be,i dont think the planet and mother nature would miss a decline,and wouldn't it be more peacful again.
2007-08-28 04:21:00 UTC
Pick your battles wisely.

Put all violent offenders through a long, tedious, boring course where they see documentary after documentary of how violence effects peoples lives, what prison is like, and things of that nature. Give them statistics on inmates re-offending, and how once you are in the system it seems difficult for people to find their way back out. Also, show them waht they can be. A positive, camp-like youth boot camp would probably be in order, with hip, young counselours who radiate peace, education, art, and nature. Give Graffitti artists walls in a part of town that needs to be spruced up and organize monthly art projects .for the youth who get caught vandalizing..

2007-08-24 12:15:00 UTC
Bring back smacking. When I was young I used to get a smack if I did anything wrong. I wouldn't dare talk to the older generation, like the kids of today.

Also bring tougher punishment for youth offenders. We are just too kind to them.

Also they should have more police patrolling our streets and a time when kids under a certain age, have to be indoors.
2007-08-23 23:31:46 UTC
Hmm thats a good one but I know this may upset some younger people cause when i was younger it really would have upset me. I think that kids should have curfew.....not only set by parents but communites also. I am also in favor of tough love......boot camps for really hard cases that are in trouble over and over. If it were one of my kids it would kill me to send them somewhere as punishment for their actions. But if they were so out of control that I couldnt do anything to make things right I would. I remember what my mother told me and I have said the same to my kids.......You might not like me all the time but you will always respect me. It starts at home and they have to be taught respect.

2007-08-20 14:37:00 UTC
Get rid of plastic policemen (pcso's) make every real copper WALK a beat,whatever their rank. Enforce zero tolerance for swearing,spitting,drinking in public places. Stop 24 hour drinking, raise the alcohol purchase age to 21. that will do for a start while we work out why youths don't respect adults or authority any more.(maybe they're just copying their parents!)

Society is in real trouble here, & the first step is beats for police. you only see cars in a car!
Raymond L
2007-08-20 08:16:44 UTC
an armed society is a civilized society. Those punk kids wounldn't be trying that crap if they thought people might be armed. Send those kids to Texas, we'll whoop their asses into shape. When I lived in England, no kids ever tried anything with me because I was not afraid of them. IF act scared they will see that and are more likely to attack. THe best defense is a good offense and if any of those chavs tried anything with me, I would have knocked them out without thinking.
2007-08-20 06:35:12 UTC
There is no respect for anything or anyone these days. The punishment should fit the crime and they should be named publicly. More Police on the streets would help greatly. It is a rare occurence these days to even see a policeman!! No more booze sold to anyone over 21 unless they show their birth certificate. Crack down hard on drugs.
2014-08-22 12:58:39 UTC

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2007-08-20 11:37:35 UTC
I really wish i knew. I have four boys myself, the youngest 6 and the oldest 14. They are really good boys, boisterous and typically male but they have respect for other people and my 14 year old STILL tells me how much he loves me. I'm rather proud of that. It means i did something right in bringing them up. What i DO worry about is getting in with the wrong crowd.

I don't know WHAT id do. I'm hoping they have the sense to know the difference.

How DO we prevent this kind of think in our society and why do you think it is happening? Because the law is far to lenient and protective of them? Sod human rights. Bring back corporal punishment for the really bad offenders. No one thinks about the rights of the victims do they?
2007-08-20 08:35:33 UTC
I've been saying for ages now that they need to make the Boy Scout/Girl Guide movement compulsory. It will give the young thugs a sense of community and decency. Pay all the leaders and helpers and make all 6-17 year olds attend, or send them to boot camp and fine their parents if they don't.
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2014-09-07 11:14:49 UTC
Everybody wants to do what they want to

do and if there is no restraint they'll do just that. Some time

ago the govt. opened a military style barracks for young

offenders who in the main said that they had benifited from

the military regime when there. What did our mamby pamby

govt do ? closed it of course ! too frightened of there own

stupid human rights laws. We don,'t need these new laws

as law abiding citizens are protected by our civil laws which

have been working for hundreds of years.
2014-09-06 03:43:49 UTC
And as an obvious issue ... If you draft in thousands upon thousands to do "Low-Skilled" jobs from the EU, where are the unskilled youth to go and work ? Once again, the government take a short-term view because what do they care once they are no longer in power. Being super-greedy in your term of office to make you look good does NOT benefit the country !
2015-01-15 21:05:39 UTC
Lets make all new parents HAVE to have parenting classes they have to pass, that arent optional and then make social services crawl all over them till they are sure the person understands the importance of discipline in the first 5-10 years of a childs life, oh, but not the touchy feely type social workers that will encourage people "reasoning" with their toddlers, and not the ones who would encourage a child to be left to find their own ways. Ones that can provide and support methods of parenting that you DONT have to have a degree in child psychology to employ as most people dont have one of those anyway, nor the time or energy to employ it
2007-09-14 22:35:36 UTC
You can prevent it from happening like making up a law which doesn't allow any stuff like guns without a license and children can't be on the street alone until they are 16. And etc.
2014-09-27 08:39:14 UTC
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the only booboobear
2007-08-23 01:58:27 UTC
I can partly blame the goverment, Gun crime, harsh drugs, ect ect. Now the goverment have enough technology ie, dna evidence to bring back hanging. Human rights dont you loose this if you take another persons life within reason, ie children shooting children and so on. And who is selling guns to children thats just as bad as pulling the trigger. Somthing neeeds to be done yesterday not whenever. This country is turning into one big joke.
2007-08-23 01:56:15 UTC
Oh dear, oh dear! Bring back the cane. Shoot them. Hang them. An eye for an eye. Military service, yeah let's teach them how to use guns - good one!

I'm the first to admit things have gone too far, that the Police, teachers and authority in general have lost the ability to punish. But "Don't hit me or I'll hit you" is not a great example of clear thinking :o) A bit like shouting "STOP SHOUTING".

First: Education. One size doesn't fit all. Expulsion from school on to the streets where the problem is? That's almost as stupid as teaching them how to use guns. Children should be "expelled" into schools that cater for them. If everyone insists, I'd be happy to support corporal punishment in those schools, but I'd rather they lead by example. A blend between academic school, outbound centre and army camp perhaps. Very tough discipline, but no violence. Up at 6, bed at 9, and a lot of work in between. Limited television, limited access to computers and games, but one thing MUST be clear. This is about setting a clear example of how to behave with the objective of getting them back into ordinary school - this is not about abusing those who abused us (society). Put them back on the rails, firmly and clearly.

Second: Education. Bring back proper technical colleges where people learn to use skills other than memorising dates when kings died. Bring back respect for people who can't read or write or do 'rithmetic. Can my window cleaner read or write? I don't know, but he does a damn good job on my windows. Can my car mechanic solve quadratic equations? Possibly, but he does a damn good job on my car.

Respect people for what they can do, don't sneer at them for what they can't.

Rant over!

Having said all that, a Chav screamed all the abuse under the sun at me the other day because I asked her to keep her dog (which was hassling me and my dog) under control. While I wanted to punch her stupid moronic worthless lights out and end her pointless sad little life at the time, I realised that it was the wrong thing to do before I did it.

The problem is, that I have no recourse. There is no way for me to get the message over to her that her behavious is unacceptable, or that the next bloke she shrieks at might not have my self-control. It's tough being accused of having sex with your mother when you've just been through the experience of having her not recognise you for the first time due to Alzheimers.
2007-08-20 08:28:28 UTC
Less crime games like grand theft auto, it influences them and see how it can affect you

Less drug making - making drugs are bad and in the USA they make them and bring them over here so maybe prevent that

Less racism - People are racist especially with crime games so maybe cut down on racism

Less world domination and wars - Theres no need and making sure we dont have city wars are best and being in good hands

I dont know why they do crimes! They will only get caught wont they? Its a good question
2007-08-20 07:03:23 UTC
The answer is to remove them from mainstream society and to keep them occupied with disciplined routines. Conscription to the army for offenders instead of ASBOs would achieve this. After training, they would be the first into places such as Irac and Iran, even before the SAS.
jobless in the uk
2007-08-20 06:11:39 UTC
Bonikingv are you for real?? More domestic classes for girls???? You have to be winding us up right??? Please tell me you aren't serious.

Lots of people seem to say more youth clubs, more to do etc. but firstly, who in their right minds would run a club for teenagers nowadays fearing either being stabbed or sued - even schoolteachers are afraid to take pupils on trips now for fear of being taken to court for some pathetic thing or other. Secondly, do you really think the youths who are hanging about the streets wrecking cars, and attacking anyone who tries to stop them, would be interested in a nice little orange juice drinking social evening where people sit around and debate life or discuss the latest pop bands - the only reason these people would go to youth groups would be to beat up either the organises or the youths who are decent and would be interested. I think we need to get real here. These people like pushing the barriers, going to a youth club isn't going to do it for them..!

Parents should be taking the responsibility. Oh they say, my child is out of control - as if they are helpless. As if it isn't their fault. Stop pasing the buck, if you can't deal with being a parent why have a child, get some training, learn some parenting skills. And for Gods sake stop your 'out of control' children having children themselves until they learn to bring up children better than you!!

I have chosen not to have a child yet, I cannot afford it and don't want to claim benefits, but when I have a secure income, a decent place to live and bring up a child, I will enrol on parenting courses before I even think of having a child. It's a huge job, if I was to have any other job as great with as much responsiblity I would get training first, I wouldn't be allowed to do the job unless I was qualified, I treat being a parent the same way, it's everyone's responsiblity to do this important job in the best way possilbe, as much help as is needed should be provided. Free parenting classes I agree, compulsory if you are claiming any state money, even maybe with a financial incentive attached. people have to learn how to parent, it can't be left to schools and the police, by then it's too late.

Oh no, Bonikingv, you're right, hang on, needlework classes for girls, that'll sort it, how silly of me..................
2015-01-24 20:30:43 UTC
The other problem is that most adult's opinion (ashamedly) is to let sleeping dogs lie and as long as they dont get involved they will be safe. This is a selfish and stupid opinion and just highlights the fact that in society today people dont want to help anyone else in the community except our friends and family and the "good Samaritan" approach has been lost forever.
2014-10-26 14:07:28 UTC
sort should be passed to state that once you have a child or give birth to a child you will have to attend a four - six week parentinng course and throughout the course of the childs existence you are required to attend at least 1 session every year use the child' s birthday as a bench mark date.

the youth are the future of this country and quite frankly, i look at them and i do not see a future prime minister or priest or policeman, or doctor or trademan ....the
2007-08-23 01:25:15 UTC
By making them afraid

Afraid that a prison sentence means literally what it says-10 years equal 10 x 365 days plus leap year adjustment ,time to be added on for misbehaviour ,not reduced for good behaviour.Conditions to be Spartan and below the living standards of the impoverished memvers of society on the outside

Community service punishments to be visible and humiliating

3 strikes -for anything -and bye bye light of day for ever.because you are nevr coming out

Scrap the Human Right Act -you will only ever solve the problem of violent people by paying people to be even nastier to them than they are to their victims .They deserve the consideration they give to their victime -zip!

And dont be fooled by tales of redemption and wanting to be a role model and mentor-they are conning you

2007-08-20 14:39:34 UTC
1. Stop saying the only reason why they do it is because they have no real goal in life is wrong...

Isn't getting out of a mother womb a mirachale isn't waking up every morning a mirachale everyone nos more than 300 people go to sleep and never wake up

have you thought of asking them what we want

the goverment is just is giving us what they think we want

then when they ask us we say we want this then the government doesn't have enough money....

We all live in different areas some people or killing people over what boroughs they live in like people from Greenich borough hate people from Lewisham borough... the green verses blue borough for all who cares dont let there be any borough make it all one big thing like make there no such thing as boroughs then more than 50% of gang fights are reduced because they all live in one same place but im still thinking on what to do about rasicism...

From a Youth who nos whats going on .......

and i also want to say that the government most of the time gives us something which he thinks we like nothing wrong with asking
2007-08-20 07:40:06 UTC
Well apart from lining them up and shooting them when they get to ten..............i think bringing back national service so they can learn some discipline. The problem is the parents- they need to be educated. They allow their kids too much freedom and too many human rights- they don't discipline their kids anymore and they don't teach them respect for authority. Instead of saying, 'please don't do that because mummy doesn't like it when you do that- sit on the naughty stair'- they need taking by the ear 'ole and spanked- never done me no harm. And when they catch the yobs they ought to take hold of 'em and make 'em join the army- do something useful. I blame human rights and namby mamby useless excuses of parents.
2007-08-20 07:13:23 UTC
There is no deterrent for them . Bring back discipline and hard unpaid labour as a punishment and they will think twice before doing something wrong. Its no good being soft; they laugh at that; as they know their not going to get badly punished.

It is all kids from all walks of life that are bad ,as i have seen students from wealthy families acting like animals. It often upsets me as the upper class always think their kids can do no wrong.
2007-08-20 06:44:31 UTC
for those of us who have children, start at home. i see no reason why children need to be walking the streets at night. if they've got nowhere to go, they stay at home. i have a fifteen year old daughter and she has never been allowed to go out on the streets. if she goes out, shes dropped off and picked up if that's impossible then she cant go out. my daughter used to question my decision not to let her go out as much as her friends and the only answer i can give her is watch the news. it may sound like im stifling my child's growth, but shes a happy kid who is a straight A student, a pleasure to be around, one of the most popular kids in school and all for the right reasons. sometimes its tough love but that's the responsibility of a parent.
Mr Red
2007-08-20 03:42:57 UTC
Getting an ASBO these days is seen by alot of kids as a medal of honour, the pressure really has to put on the parents instead so that they keep their kids in check. Also i think UK cities need to have more accessible centres where kids can go and do things like play football, skate etc
2016-02-02 22:20:40 UTC
prevent youth crime
2007-09-04 11:35:59 UTC
This may be very controversial but i suggest that they bring back the electric chair and lethal injection n' hanging ect then youths would come to the realization that if they do anything wrong then theres the threat of death not just the measly threat of prison which obviously is not working.
Pat L
2007-08-20 06:30:05 UTC
How about setting up groups nationally of older people

with wisdom and experience ... those who have time to spare

and plenty of goodwill. On a voluntary basis, set up in the

locality ... maybe acting in the first place as mentors. guides,

surrogate grandparents, call it what you will. Needs careful planning and finance,of course, but think of all us fit older peeps and all that wisdom! Increasingly we hear of kids who clearly are in desparate need of the right guidance and attention from an early age.
2007-08-20 04:55:15 UTC
I am a teenager. I think...

If children get into trouble give hared sentences. Make them see counsellors. I think all children in school should see councillors

Youth clubs are a good idea but the youth do not attend.

Parents should create curfews for the children

I don't think a 11o clock curfew is a bad idea.
2007-08-20 10:09:37 UTC
1,let police do their job

2,let police give hooligans a boot up the bum

3, let parents smack children

4,punish parents aswell as children

5,Bring back the strap at schools

6,Let people defend themselves and there property

7, stop building houses on every square inch of land and start building more parks and keeping areas for youths to play football and other games

8,police these areas to make sure they are used correctly

9, Promote British Values and history in schools, give youths something to be proud off, get them to love there Queen, Country, County and Comminities.
2007-09-11 09:18:08 UTC
To kill them all at birth is one solution. A little harsh perhaps but none the less effective I assure you.

but I feel the problem generally tends to lie in what we are teaching our kids In school.

kids now days lack any social skills or qualities, they have no idea how best to converse in particular social enviroments.

I ask you.. is geography so important now days as being able to conduct your self in an orderly manner to take your self to school and behave like a human being I don't believe it is. Such classes should exist within the national curriculum.

Kids now days feel more at pressure to follow their peers, and until we teach our kids to be individuals we are not going to get any where.
2007-09-06 15:36:01 UTC
Here as well, it is the unemployed, youth, that are in to braking in and committing crimes at night. The answer would be in doing some kind of community work, however that is usually volunteer, and they are in need of funds. With inflation and cuts in employment it is often not possible to pay them for work about the house and yard. Pray for prosperity , financial and economic growth for our Country . God bless us all.
2007-08-25 07:46:35 UTC
1 - Prosecute the parents.

2 - Build more prisons/Youth detention centres.

3 - Make the laws tougher on criminals.

4 - Employ proper policemen/women - not community support workers-and cut down the paperwork they have to do for making an arrest.
2007-08-20 08:12:16 UTC
well its funny answering this becoz im a yout and i hang out with my friends at dark but we dont actualy cause trouble.we get abit crazy and hyped but we know are limits. thats what i think other parents should do ..they need to exlpain set levels how we would say it in the someone dusnt double cross you..nearly all the youths i know that coz trouble are the ones that are having family problems

so i think before you start judging u need 2 kno the person individualy and not judge from his stereotype otheriwse they will feel glamorised.

So just let parents handle there kids..bcoz the youth may not listen 2 the neighbour..the caretaker..the teacher..the police officer but they will respond to the voice of thee parents.

and yes i ddnt do a spell chek
2007-08-20 04:38:18 UTC
Bring back the organised youth clubs and party nights (non-alcoholic), also the milk bars that used to be around when i was a teenager. There are no organised events/clubs around nowadays, and the few that are around arent what the kids want, its what the government says the clubs should be like. If the councils spent more money on clubs/milk bars they wouldnt have to spend so much on policing and ASBOs and cleaning up after kids who have spent their time on the streets, graffiti etc.
SP Addict
2007-09-04 17:53:45 UTC
Keep them involved in extra curricular activities, I think that all sports, dance, gymnastics, musical instruments, theater training and even the YMCA should be free to everyone. My parents did a fine job but we could not afford all of the costs for instruments or lessons or uniforms for cheer leading, etc.
2007-08-29 21:31:17 UTC
Start at the beginning - parenting. Parents should be parents and do what is necessary to produce productive responsible adults. Too many are defending their "angels" to teachers/schools and now we have and "entitled" generation who have never learned about consequences. Enforced boundries go a long way.
Lady M
2007-08-27 18:01:26 UTC
The answer to EVERY question is GOD. As individuals, and as a society. We need to turn our lives over to God, through his son Jesus Christ. The Bible is the word of God. The solution to every problem is in the word of God. We have not, because we ask not.

Young people will not change unless they see parents, teachers, political leaders, sports figures, business leaders, and religious leaders truly following God.

God is Real. Jesus Saves. All things are possible to those who believe.
rami #1
2007-08-21 06:01:14 UTC
Stop reproducing and then there will be no youth left to commit crimes. It's not the youth that worry me when out at night but the older people who seem to be even more irresponsible than the youth I see out and about.
Grant O
2007-08-20 03:48:00 UTC
In my opinion the majority of behavioural problems in youths stems from the lack of discipline that parents, teachers and elders in general have nowadays.

The ability to give someone a 'clip round the ear hole' has dissapeared so children now have no consequences to worry about, sure you could say youth detention centres, or jail, but many of todays teenagers do not seem to be too concerned by the prospect of going to jail.

I think if we brought back the cane at school and allowed parents once again to discipline children then we would notice a sharp decrease in anti-social behaviour amongst the youth of today.

Another contributory factor i feel is, the japanese & american cultures which now seem to flourish within british children. By this i do not mean to sound racist in any way shape or form, but for generations now these countrys have been more liberal in the type of material generally available to minors, ie computer games, comic books all much more violent and graphic than anything previously released in this country. I do not mean to say that these are soley responsible for the many violent acts which occur in this country today, but if you look at all the violence in the youths of both america and japan then you can see that this attitude has certainly been spread and is now in this country as well.
2015-01-20 21:52:23 UTC
My suggestion is start small. Get in contact with a local church and a local school and start from there. See if you can volunteer at school. This way you can meet them and get involved in their lives and you know what kind of problems that they have. Once you find one or two that you can help, try to get them involved in church and church activities. Some of these kids don't know the
2015-06-25 18:56:35 UTC
What is needed is to first accept that society as a whole, the parents AND the government are to blame, that the problem has been created over several decades and will take a well thought out plan that will probably take just as long to reverse it and then you start
2007-09-07 20:56:04 UTC
Well, i think that we should just educate them more about everything and give them a chance. Show them what's wrong and what's right, and that doing the right thing isn't nerdy-just safe and cool. Maybe we should offer more support for young people with bad experiences that may cause them to commit crimes.
2007-09-02 19:38:38 UTC
If you will allow a "wouldn't it be nice if..." kind of answer, I would say take pressure off of their parents who work two jobs just to survive, or who are single moms, and leave the child-rearing to day cares and baby sitters out of bitter necessity.

I have no clue how to accomplish that, but it would be nice if it were possible, wouldn't it? I'd vote for someone who could do that.
2007-08-20 17:07:43 UTC
Lock up all the male population aged between 12 and 30 and you would remove over 90 percent of all violent crime.
2007-08-20 05:59:16 UTC
Get the police back on the streets where they used to be which is the best deterrent against crime for anyone of any age!

The police are paid to protect the public so it means they are not doing there job properly!
Elisabeth S
2007-08-20 03:38:43 UTC
Why can't the media focus more on the well behaved teenagers and their pursuits, rather than focusing their efforts on those who engage in activities such as happy-slapping and big gangs. Surely giving them such publicity cannot help but encourage the activities. Why does the media have a basis that everyone is a petty criminal? For example in a report on stopping clamping, a BBC reporter started his report with 'I know everyone has done it... [in reference to parking on yellow lines]', well no actually, not everyone has! Urgh, this culture urks me so much. I know this is not a direct response to this question. I too agree that people should be encouraged into Scouts or conservation work, or other profitable abilities. There are some good young people out there, whose efforts are being ignored in favour of those who are doing wrong. What basis is that for teaching morals to children from?!
Dj' s
2007-08-23 02:42:25 UTC
Cliche maybe.....but i think if Kids stopped having Kids, and the council etc.. stopped encouraging them by giving them flats and hand-outs that discourage a lot of youngsters into even think about getting work then the attitude would slowly start to change.
alison h
2007-08-21 01:06:38 UTC
i believe that parents of kids that commit crime should receive fines,i know this might seem unfair but a lot of parents do seem to know what their children are doing but its a case of if we can,t see them doing it or they do it somewhere else then its can parents justify allowing children sometimes as young as 10 to stay out until midnight my area i have seen 4yr olds running the street until 9 at night,you can,t tell me that is responsible parenting.hit the parents in their pockets and kids anti social behavior would soon stop.
2007-08-20 05:35:17 UTC
I am a young man and a believer in Jesus Christ, one of my most favourite biblical scriptures on this subject can be found in the proverbs:

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him. (Pr 22:15)

Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. (Pr 23:13)

The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother. (Pr 29:15)

One thing I like about bible scripture especially the proverbs is that it is short sharp and straight to the point none of this messing about with political correctness. Children need discipline when I was a child and I was bad my mom would discipline me with a leather belt, when I was good she would get me a treat like a new bike or skateboard, but if a was bad again I would be disciplined and she would ask my uncle to take the treat and lock it away in his shed. This is not evil letting me run rampant and do what I liked would be evil not just for my family but also for the neighbours.
2014-09-13 19:12:22 UTC
We need to act quickly on this as it is not going to get any better and I for one would like to see one politician stand up and tell it as it is and exactly and what they are going to do about it, it may be that this government needs to ask the public via open forums or public debates what they feel we need to do.

I also think that our communities need to get together more and stand up against yob culture, reporting unsociable activities to the police who in my mind need a massive input and presence on our streets, another area contributing to the problem due to the bureaucracy and lack of police on the streets..
2007-09-07 18:25:59 UTC
Bring back public humiliation and shame, like working on a chain gang. Take way their ipods and their nintendos & make them go to school til age 18 instead of 16.
Brian T
2007-08-23 06:15:03 UTC
Get tough!

Forget about ASBOs, warnings and cautions, civil rights, human rights and other namby-pamby, nanny state devices designed to avoid dealing directly with the issue. More consideration is given to protecting these young criminals than to protecting their victims. We are rapidly reaching the point where the good guys will have to make hard decisions to protect ourselves or be overrun by the ever increasing hoards of criminal youth.

There are a number of radical steps that must be implemented before society is overwhelmed. It will be a hard pill to swallow but we must steel ourselves or submit to uncontrolled violence. We must instil elements of discipline and fear of justice in our enemy. Without action we will eventually be forced into all-out war with these people.

Actions to be taken :

Put police back on the streets and minimise their administrative burden.

Stop retail of alcohol except in pubs

Parents of youth offenders to be held responsible for the crimes of their children. They should be jailed or fined for repeat instances of offences.

No tolerance - all crime to be punished summarily - no warnings or ASBOs. No leniency for age

Harsher penalties. No remission.

Harsh detention camps run by military - similar to terrorist detention camps (because they are terrorists !!)

Forced conscription into the military doing menial tasks for repeat offenders. Length of service on scale similar to jail sentences

Bring back capital punishment for murder. When in doubt use eye-for-eye principles.

Anyone found carrying guns, knives or other weapons subject to swift hard punishment . No exceptions.

Relax laws relating to proven retaliation. (support victims of crime who retaliate - not prosecute them).
London Lady
2007-08-23 02:10:29 UTC
I have always allowed my children's friends to come to my house - it is a safe environment, and it worked. Obviously you are up and down opening the door and they are all in and out. But I have always greeted them and treated them with respect - they in turn have treated the whole family with respect, and the teenage boys have all grown in to fine young men. They all work now and in their spare time work in youth centres and coach in football.

Our house is not big or fancy infact the opposite - but in my mind safety comes first, and I need to know where my kids are.
2007-08-20 18:57:10 UTC
it really annoys me that it is so often said that the youth of today have nothing to do.... i wasnt allowed to play in the street, get drunk, run riot etc... the youth of today have so many things to do with all the games chances and computers etc available.... my parents generation post war were hard up and unaccounted for... i enjoyeed my childhood and appreciate my up bringing but with so much modern technology and oppertunities available today for the young i just dont know why things are as they are...i think it is sad and want it to change for the future
2007-08-20 05:50:28 UTC
make things more fun and free, people think that we are either made of money of that our parents will hand over the cash, so we are bored stupid. look at the prices of things and then tell us that they are reasonable prices. everything is made for young children, and everything that teens can go to, you need a mortgage to take out before you can go e.g. cinemas, theme parks etc. besides, it is what i like to call media amplification. the few people who are bad, the media amplifys it to make it sound worse, people get scared and think that all teens are the same.
2007-08-20 05:17:55 UTC
many good answers so far - agree we need raft of issues all together in concerted effort.

1.Parents must be responsible - compulsory classes on effective home discipline for those whose children are caught. Fines are no good - need to take away some of their free time.

2.Was Borstal such a bad idea- serial offenders need to lose some liberty - police cautions and asbos are worthless - they are not taken seriously as there really is no deterrent - far too many 'chances' given. 3.put in place curfews for offenders from first offence

4. electronic tagging - lets stop this damn silly - do gooder namby pamby loss of human rights nonsense these kids are stopping the rest of us normal decent folk from enjoying their human right to life without threat and harrassment so lets know where they are and when an offence is committed and we know they were there we nail them

5.Policemen on the streets in numbers picking up these kids at the first sign of trouble

6. serious fines - and I mean serious +loss of right to sell booze without 2nd chances for any retailers who are caught selling to under 18's.

7. lets stop turning a blind eye to drugs of any sort - cannabis is a drug and it is being abused by kids - enforce the law and lets not pretend it isn't linked to smoking - that is how they get it into their bodies - so lets get real about cigarettes too and raise the age to 18 and apply suggestion 6 to fags as well.

8.good decent parents are now worried about raising a hand to their kids - I don't want to see kids beaten and bruised, but there really is nothing wrong with the threat of corpoal punishment and the occasional controlled use of it - have you ever watched how other animals control their cubs and young - we are animals too- culture and 'civilisation' do not mean that basic instincts are wrong.

9 Give schools real powers to sanction children. Far too many parents defend their children against teachers- they believe their kids over the word of teachers - why would any decent teacher make up stories about a child's behaviour - get real!! kids behave differently towards their peers even if they are good for their parents

10. the pressure on parents to work stupid hours is a major factor as well -it will be difficult to change that - but it means that young /role model adults are much less likely to give of their 'free' time to vounteer for worthwhile activities such as youth clubs, scouts, etc etc - so these have declined. Young people do need each others company and we must provide them with safe controlled environments in which they can express themselves safely with some, but not too much adult supervision. Schools are ideal places to provide activities - but perhaps we have to wake up and pay people properly to provide after school and evening activities using these fantastic resources which are often only available for abou16% of the year. BUT you cannot expect schools and their staff to provide it on the cheap from current resources - it is as much as they can do to afford it from 8.30-3.30- if we want it we will have to pay for it at the going rate.
2007-09-03 04:18:46 UTC
When young people are exposed day and night to violence on TV and movies, and some of the awful violent games on the X box ad infinitum, it's going to make them think that it is ok.

Hollywood has a lot to answer for, and I honestly think that it's time that homeschooling became the norm. Trying to keep them in a group of children whose parents think alike, hate violence and turn the TV off.

If they are at schools, the schools should be showing them films of kids killed in car crashes, as a result of drink and drugs and gang fight. Lets get reality TV away from "Big Brother" and let them see the results of this behaviour, before they start doing it themselves. Use Reality TV for the right things not to wwatch a bunch of retards behaving in ways that truly disgust the average person with a smidgen of intelligence.

I think too, if people would encourage their children to get involved with sport (make it compulsory at schools) if you have to send your child to school. That will go a long way in helping.

If they don't like sport,there are other options too, like art, music and ballet. But it's up to parents and schools to start looking for childrens natural talents EARLY in life, and let them go where their talents lie.

You have to talk to your children from a young age, and point out the things that are wrong. Teach them to respect humanity, and keep on pushing it, that violence and beatings are wrong, so it gets into their head early.

There was a film called "Christian F", a true story of a girl who was a heroine addict and prostitute. She decided to go clean, and invited a film company to film her on the streets, prostituting herself and shooting up herione, injecting. And then how she went into Rehap and went cold turkey. vomiting etc.

I took my girls to see it. They were 9,10 and 11 years old. Not one of them ever tried a drug of any kind. and today, they are in their early 30's and can't thank me enough for letting them see that film.

And I don't agree that getting the corupt policitiance have anything to do with the way we school our children. Let them take less holidays and mindless Meetings that achieve nothing but their own Agenda and cost millions, and see to it they they provide good sporting and recreational places for the children and their parents to go. Since Government took over schooling everything has become worse. Grades are down, God is out of the schools and corporal punishment is over.

And the courts are far too lenient. These young adults who commit these crimes, should be made to clean up the city garbage dumps, sweep streets,parks and build new gyms and pools, soccer,rugby and whatever, and held in custody until they shape up. And let the younger children SEE them doing it too.

And I am not afraid to say, parents, start going to Church, and give your children a Biblical Foundation for life.

And the spell check won't work sorry for any spelling mistakes.
2007-09-01 09:33:32 UTC
make better more fun electives in schools something that they have to do because most times troubled children dont stay in clubs a club is a choice that the good kids usually choose an elective that teaches right is some thing they must do
Jonathan M
2007-08-23 03:56:50 UTC
I think, sadly, it's a combination of social environment, mass media, and good old fashioned ignorance that has caused these problems.

Parents are increasingly lazy and, as far as I can see, inadequate in controlling their thuggish children. Very simply, if children are not given adequate parental guidance, they end up in trouble. "Small scale" trouble (graffiti, moronic gang behaviour, dabbling in substance abuse) quickly mounts up to large scale social problems.

Governmental attempts to intervene are persistenly useless, as they are tackling the effect, and not the cause. Parents are now no longer confident that they are in control of the situation. They are more interested in having a quiet life, convenience and watching television. Families no longer engage in meaningful relationships, but instead furtively meet to argue about pizza flavours, soft drink preferences, and to occasionally shout the odds at each other.

As a result, children become unruly and frankly abusive because they do not get the support and attention they need and deserve. The only attention they do get is negative attention. They actually thrive on negative attention, as is brightens up an otherwise dull and frankly vacuous youth. Hanging around shopping centres is the modern day replacement for play. Play is no longer seen as fashionable, and parents - in their moments away from the television - are scared of the news reports, and so try to stop their children from taking risks. The upshot of this is that the children take risks in crime, sexual experimentation, and anti-social behaviour at an increasingly young age.

We are making islands of our teenagers, and are being told by populist narratives such as news and film that we should treat young people with contempt. In return, they treat their elders with contempt, in a direct mirror. We have replaced "respect" and positive role models with idiotic posturing nobodies who purport to be the very best of humanity ("reality" TV, gun-toting rappers, idiots with long hair).

What we really need - and I'm embarrassed by the somewhat cliched tone of this - is a focus on family value. Parents need to stop blaming other people, and get to grips with their children's activities. If you cannot take proper responsibility for a child, then you should not have children. A human being has many complex needs, and these are not met by confrontation, fast food, and television. They are met by careful moral guidance and responsible rewards in the face of good behaviour. Children, lest we forget, are human beings, and not faceless vandals.

Young people rely on us "mature adults", but we are failing them left, right and centre. They are reacting in the way that we have taught them to by example. I for one never intend to have children, and this is my direct contribution to solving the problem.
2007-08-20 07:09:39 UTC
Through suitable, disciplined education and appropriate (tougher) punishments at an earlier age. There are many reasons for crime, but if tackled earlier, worse will be prevented.
2007-08-20 04:34:01 UTC
stop mollycodling them for a start. bring in extremely harsh penalties by law. anyone found guilty of mugging or caught with drugs should instantly get ten years in prison. build new bigger prisons. also any non british youths caught breaking the law should be instantly deported along with their families. this sounds extreme and is but people would be able to walk the streets at night.
2014-09-18 04:18:12 UTC

As parents, you're the most important first step in your children's journey into the wonderful world of reading. It is up to you to create the most supportive environment that turns your child on to reading - such as reading aloud to them often during the day and before bedtime, and placing age appropriate books for children around the house, so that the child will have access to plenty of books. Reading often to your child will help develop their interest in books and stories, and soon they will want to read stories on their own.

For a simple, step-by-step program that can help your child learn to read visit this site:

2007-09-18 19:20:30 UTC
1. Hold the parents responsible for the actions of their minor children.

2. Legalize marijuana.

3. Lower the drinking age to 16.

4. Raise the driving age to 25.

5. Curfew from sundown to sun-up, unaccompanied minors are liable to arrest, parents are liable to be prosecuted.

6. Impeach Bush and Cheney.
2007-09-01 03:19:12 UTC
We need to build safe places for young people to hang out. Without some kind of enjoyable activities and protection from drug dealers, our kids will continue getting themselves into situations that can be devastating.
2007-08-23 01:59:40 UTC
The children of today need some form of National service just to teach them right from wrong. I blame Child Line, It's us as parents that need a parent line. If I had treated my parent as some of these children treat theirs! Well I would not be here today. It never hurt me to be chastised.
2007-08-20 12:22:41 UTC
Instead of sending them to prison, bring back National Service, make it last three years and send the youth off to the Army, Navy, Police force or Airforce on the back of it for a set period of time, with those who stay on becoming permanent members.
2015-01-26 05:14:13 UTC
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2007-08-23 01:17:10 UTC
i do believe the best way is to make employment of the youth a bit easy, that is,if you look at it most of the youths are jobless and when they do make the effort to look for a job they are always asked for experience but how can someone get it if they are not given the job? am saying this from my own experience
2007-08-23 00:33:22 UTC
I think that the penalties for commiting crimes are too lenient for young people. If you make the law much stricter then less people will commit crimes, therefor the amount of prisoners will eventually decrease. It is that simple.
2007-08-20 07:29:56 UTC
How was it handled in the 50s, 60s and 70s?? Don't be so soft on the feral thugs. Take away many of their 'rights' if they offend. Put them in a jail without 'holiday camp' facilities...gymnasia, colour TV/DVD etc. Give teachers the right to punish them, headmasters the right to suspend /expel them (it's nigh impossible today).

The liberal lefties have given youths too many 'rights' without having to take on responsibilities. Let them know...

"Behave, you'll have all your rights; misbehave and you'll forfeit some."
2007-09-17 02:35:56 UTC
First, we can involve the police to protect the dangerous situation.

Second,to find out why they committed the crime after getting we must solve that.

Thirdly,the crimer should get the chance to change him/herself.

Lastly all the people of the locality must be accumulated to prevent that.......
2015-06-24 20:13:31 UTC
Then theres the parents, lets not let the government convince us that fines are the answer, thats ONLY the answer to them getting more money to waste, and infact leaves a family more skint which will often mean the parents have to work more hours and spend less time BEING parents
2007-08-23 02:05:30 UTC
By giving parents and teachers the right to administer physical punishment on children without fear of prosecution,by allowing police to clip kids round the ear,by taking away children from parents who won't control and punish their children when forced offers of help to the parents to assist in parenting when children go off the rails have been flatly turned down and refused,by severe punishments and bringing parents to account and held responsible when their offspring have committed serious activity,by prosecuting adults who buy alcohol/tobacco/fireworks/solvents etc for underage children from shops by jail sentencing rather than fines,by taking away licences from shops who sell such things to underage and to adults buying on behalf of the kids,by prosecuting parents who openly give alcoholic drinks/tobacco/fireworks/solvents to children and allow them to underage drink smoke etc.
roby widjaja
2007-08-23 05:24:21 UTC
Well, i think we can give young people a lot of positive activities, such as: sports, band/music festival, reading groups, etc.

Community leaders, government officers, and school teachers should work together to create those outside school activities.

thank you.
2014-09-08 20:10:38 UTC
closed it of course ! too frightened of there own

stupid human rights laws. We don,'t need these new laws

as law abiding citizens are protected by our civil laws which

have been working for hundreds of years. I am British and

a royalist and very proud of it but unfortunately am very glad

that I don't live in the UK any more.
2014-09-20 20:42:20 UTC
We need to act quickly on this as it is not going to get any better and I for one would like to see one politician stand up and tell it as it is and exactly and what they are going to do about it, it may be that this government needs to ask the public via open forums or public debates what they feel we need to do.
2016-03-02 09:57:10 UTC
If the law changed tomorrow so that stealing was legalised, or so that the punishments were practically non existant do people not think that would cause a mass upsurge in people doing it? People who at the moment wouldnt do so because of the penalty if they got caught? Of cours they would
2014-08-26 21:51:55 UTC
Hey there,

I downloaded Street Fighter 2 for free here:

The game was made even more thrilling since they improved the graphics and gameplay upon adding new fighting techniques and scenarios.

It's my favourite game.
2007-08-21 03:27:07 UTC
I take the question 'how can we help prevent crime?'

Remove the pressure of needing to 'prove' myself!.

Teach people to prove their worth only to themselves.

Those who say you need to prove yourself to me, are abusers and users.

Teach them to say NO at the right time and Yes when they want. Teach everyone:- being oneself is acceptable and we can go that bit further for ourselves. Those things other people need are not what I want and probably not what others need. Give what is best to yourself and leave others with their stuff.
2007-09-02 05:43:52 UTC
we need to teach them good morals, set up guidelines, that when they break, instead of time out, there is an actual consequence to pay, put them back in church, parents need to become more involved, like before, now days children aren't top priority in too many homes, they learn their actions from their parents, so we need to be better role models.spend more time with our kids, encouraging healthy activity, instead of leaving them alone til late at night, so they have to resort to entertaining themselves, which leads to drugs, video games with no moral value, pre-marrital sex, violence, etc. you have to know where your child is and what they are doing at all times, and only allow them to hang out with other kids that hold these same moral standards, only allow them to stay over at homes where the parents are home, and involved in what the kids are doing.
2007-08-20 17:54:00 UTC
First, its good ideas to stop alcoholic drama into movies. You see, most of the movies present alcohol as nectar(silly!) youngster just models it. Why government don't ban using alcohols in cinema? Almost night crimes found with alcohols and drugs.

Good law is not enough you need to ban all such things those helps to raise crimes
2007-08-20 03:31:08 UTC
Relieve their boredom. Where I live, there is very little to do for young people, so they resort to hanging out and drinking.

When I was young, it wasn't about drinking, it was about socialising, we would go to Youth Clubs or Youth Discos. I appreciate that things have moved on and these might seem outdated, but surely we can provide something or somewhere for kids to hang out.

In my town there used to be a Youth Club purposely built, but the local authorities tore it down and used the site for housing development. They promised to build somewhere else for the kids, but never did. Now they moan about the level of youth crime.
matt h
2007-09-04 17:55:24 UTC
Honestly, set them straight while there young....when did it become a crime to hit your kid....i dont mean beat them, but kids need to be smaked around every couple of years when they get out of line.

And now you cant even yell at your kids......

the outcome will be a generation of out of control crimminals, or over protected *******
Peter W
2007-08-23 03:17:46 UTC
Until we re assess the Human Rights fiasco, most of the answers are impractical! e.g. National Service...square bashing comes to mind!

P.W. Yorkshire
2007-08-20 03:49:07 UTC
In travelling around the world for a large proportion of my life (at present I am 18 months into a 2.5 year trip) I can confirm that this problem is a Westernised culture issue. There are a number of key issues at the core of this problem.

The first, and biggest, is community. Our sense of community has lost its sense of perspective due to a number of factors. People working further from their homes has led to people having a lack of free-time, producing selfish attitudes to this free time. Also with many people leaving the area they live in means that there are many people spending a lot of their working time in places that they couldn't care about. The end product of this is that there are very few role models in modern communities and nobody is around to watch out within their communities. In many other places in the world you will find streets full of the same faces each and every day, they are talking to each other, watching out for each other and they know when something unusual is happening. Far nicer, and more effective, than CCTV.

Secondly within the home parents often don't have time, due to work/commute pressures, to do activities with their children, leaving the kids bored and restless. Further to this parents loose the ability to discipline their own children as their children have little respect for them. With little respect for their parents there is no hope for respect for teachers, police or any other authority figures.

Thirdly people now move further away from their families removing themselves from a useful and free support network. This alienation continues into our childrens' attitudes towards their friends' parents. In other countries children will be in and out of each other's houses all the time and playing in between.

Lastly, and there are many more lessons I have learnt from other cultures, it must be the employers attitudes. All over the world I have seen children as integral to the work place with kids in shops, restaurants, ticket booking offices, tourist offices and some other workplaces. Obviously this is not the case across all workplaces, but a good majority allows for this and customers are understanding and realistic. On one occassion in a small town near Quito in Ecuador myself and my girlfriend were left for 5 minutes in a shop with the owners little girl. For 5 minutes she just got on with her thing, only once did my girlfriend have to stop her going out. Stupidly I did not get up and help myself due to my, dumb, pre-conditioning of our media making me believe that I could be a pedofile. Stupid, eh? What was I going to do? Let her run under a car?

This is a small part of the answer to a HUGE problem. This is not just about children, they also become disfunctional adults. Ask yourself before you have children whether your wallet is more important than your children....a lot of the rest of the world is lucky not to have to ask that question.
2007-08-20 03:27:33 UTC
Maybe give them something better to do so that they can turn that negative energy into more positive pursuits! A lot of these youths are bored and have no real goal in life or proper role models, this can be a direct consequence of their family life/upbringing or their peers. It's all they know and they need to realise that there is a better life for them out there.

Make more youth groups with trained staff who know what it's like to be in gangs etc, that way these youths can relate to them. Let the whole community get involved, so that these youths can see and learn that the people they terrorise don't deserve it and they can learn to empathise with them.

That would be better than locking them up, because they'll just reoffend when they are released.
2007-09-08 11:01:16 UTC
Youngs will be changed if u show them the way to change and inspire them to do good. Write more about it and show them that they have poer to do good. Best wish for Britons...
2007-08-20 10:37:21 UTC
We can be far more involved parents! Offer up education by sharing our concerns about the world. Our kids need to know we're at the very least, concerned.
nickson faction
2007-09-01 12:46:29 UTC
Create a youth award scheme for youth who obey the law.

Vouchers,,prizes,,free clothing ,brand names..

It could be done,,working with local and international business
2007-08-20 16:40:56 UTC
Discipline children properly. When parents and teachers were allowed to properly discipline, these problems were nothing like they are now.

Stop the pc do-gooders dictating to us, because they don't have a clue.
2007-08-20 07:19:59 UTC
by incouraging good behavouir instead of discouraging bad beahavouir. highlighting the bad behavuoir just makes it more appealing. also by making people see that young people will always thrive on any kind of attention therefore by being scared to go out people are encouraging them to behave badly.
2007-08-20 05:52:16 UTC
why don't the city councils open more youth clubs for kids to attend as now adays kids have nothing except computer games and the should cut back on the violence in these games as kids have got to realise that once you get shot/stab you don't get back up like in these games.
2007-08-20 04:22:22 UTC
Do like they do in the States, everyone 15-17 years should go in the Army,
2014-07-27 10:27:18 UTC

I recommend to clean up the register in order to improve your pc performances and get rid of malwares. A good program you can use is CCleaner

Check it out.

Have a nice day
2007-09-05 16:46:44 UTC
Convince the lowlifes to stop reproducing so podigiously. Convince the hard workers to produce more children. Stop importing muslims.
2007-09-01 22:24:06 UTC
Same as America huh? Take them to church and pray it's not too late. These are the armies of the coming anti-christ.
2007-09-04 09:31:26 UTC
You have to start at a very young age.You can't wait until they are teens to reach out to them.Watch groups help.People have to stand up to these teens and let them know that they are not going to take it anymore.
2007-08-20 08:14:51 UTC
Take the gloves off the police like they did for the miners and deal with it at source. Arrest them and throw the book at them with real sentences. Then see how they like it. They wont!
2007-09-01 22:42:29 UTC
I'm in favor of mandatory implants to monitor whereabouts. If someone desires to live in a zone like that-there are prices to pay.
2007-08-20 13:48:55 UTC
I did it'.

the answer is National Service,.

I saw hard people from the ghettos cry and become a disciplined decent person,,

Something whats missing into days society
2007-08-20 11:35:18 UTC
have some form of disapline full stop.

bringing back corpral punishment will work, i remember as a kid we had a copper round here who would say to you " now lad shall i smack you or do i take you home and let your dad smack you? we answerd "you do it me dad will kill me" so he did and then took you back home so you got another off your dad. This is the type of policing we need now. (in case anyone is wondering when this took place it was late 60s early 70s).
2015-02-16 05:25:05 UTC
Stop towing the PC line and encourage kids to not only be proud of who THEY are, but also proud of their heritage, country, town and nieghbourhood as those by themselves work against much of the senseless acts we see today
2007-08-24 10:37:03 UTC
Simple - make them the owners of assets that can be robbed, pillage and responsibilities faster than ever.

Chemically neuter males and clone more kids.
2007-08-20 04:29:32 UTC
I think we should look to the mass media. They are currently exacerbating the problem, this has already been stated.

The media should stop glorifying crime and violence and start putting our young heroes on a pedestal.
Spirit Dancer
2007-08-27 18:45:09 UTC
Maybe get them invoved in doing positive things such as planting a community garden etc.
2007-08-23 05:02:14 UTC
Youth crime is a result of today's poor attitude to how children are being brought up. From Parents, the politically correct brigade to the schools, this is where children learn their social skills, so if the mentoring isn't right (which it isn't) then it needs to change.

It starts from when they are young, they need to learn respect, it is a fundamental requirement in a stable social environment. Respect needs to be taught at an early age and maintained throughout their developing years both by their parents and teachers.

I am 38 and was brought up in a failry strict and disciplined school in my home town of Plymouth. We feared our teachers but we also looked up to them, we knew that if we strepped out of line we would be punished and that punishment acted as a deterrent, it also made us realise that there was a consequence for our actions.

Now, children get away with murder, literally, there are more teenage deaths than ever, this is in part due to the fact that as young children they could get away with bad behaviour in the classroom without punishment and so it spirals as they push their luck more and more without retribution.

I don't believe, (even in a civilised society) that we should find other ways to discipline children, the "do-gooders" who seem to think corporal punishment is bad have a legacy now! It can only get worse. I must say that the future of the UK is looking very bleak.

I have two children, 7 & 9 years old, they have been brought up to know that they need to repsect their elders (ClichƩd I know). Now my wife and I rarely have to repremand them, but as youngsters (especially my son), they regularly got a short sharp smack on the bum.

It made them realise that there was a consequence for bad behaviour. Why should I, as a parent be made to feel bad about using appropriate corporal punishment on MY children?

I can honestly say as a parent that I am now really proud of them. They have very good morals even at 7 & 9. Both know right from wrong and regularly point out other children's bad behaviour.

How can parents who haven't had the proper disciplining themselve be role models for their children? If the foundations aren't good then there isn't much hope for the rest of the structure.

Bring back corporal punishment in scool, re-introduce proper work discipline in school and make sure that right from an early age children know they can't get away with bad behaviour.

Parents need to take serious responsibility for their children. It seems that less and less parents seem to care about their children's well being, for example, when my children are inside learning their tables and spellings, their friends in our neighbourhood are allowed out at all hours even as late as 9pm and their illiteracy and lack of knowledge is all too evident.

They also have little or no repsect for their parents and one of these children referred to his own mother as an f'ing bi*ch...he's 6 years old! I will not allow my son to play with this lad. His mother is too soft on him and allows him to do whatever he wants. We live in a very respectable neighbourhood so it isn't restricted to poorer areas.

Kids do not spend enough (if any) time at home learning the fundamentals of Mathematics and English with their parents (shame on their parents). My wife especially makes sure that they spend at least half to one hour, every day after school going through SATs and their times tables.

We also read with them regularly and as a result they are both top of their class and way above the national average.

Simply put there is not enough grass roots level investment being put into children. It seems that kids at home are an incovenience for those mums and dads who aren't interested in their future and it is those people who need to be made more aware of their failings

There should also be more activities like the Duke of Edninburgh Award Scheme or CCF (cadet career force) etc made compulsory from 13 years on. This would be a good way of developing self worth and self discipline.

I am sure there are many out there who may disagree or partially agree with my comments, we are afterall, entitled to our opinions, but ask yourself if children were properly disciplined in the home and at school, would we now be faced with this level of crime?? I'm certain the answer would be at least "possibly".

How many more children will end up like the 11 year old shot by a lad on a BMX?
geoffrey S
2007-08-20 03:56:44 UTC
It is the Duty of our Politicians to step in and establish a range of ideas and to even make stern ruling based on the uprise of those who are disillusioned by politics and uninspired by a lack parental guidance ...etc.

The UK has the highest rate of teen pregnancies and, just like the uprise of extremists was allowed to go unmanaged, it seems like the custoom of kid's parenting kid's will go unmanaged whilst the failure to understand the issues that face these poor communities continue to grow and grow.

As usual, further proof that our politicians simply do nothing to address these fundamental issues. Instead, they seem more encouraged to build more (smaller) housing/flats, with smaller rooms and thinner walls in new estates that only fuels further social frustrations within the communities.

Our Politicians are pointless and there continual lack of desire to expand there remit in such important issues does little to make there positions tenable and honourable and does more to further minimise trust in their presence and pay structure. When are the "people" going to make a stand for a true democratic state rather than settling for second-rate politicians who do nothing to make our lives easier.

Just like in business when you have services and products that do little to address the consumer needs - desire and trust dwindles - and your out of business. Haven't our politicians got the message yet!?
Patricia O
2007-09-07 06:37:18 UTC
Become responsible good their energy in a positive way...get guns off the streets...stop making violence glamorous....stop using violence to solve our problems...and block the most violent of TV shows...the NEWS
2007-08-24 11:30:37 UTC
that,could be prevent partly individualy,at very early stages in the grwing up time ,instructing ,teaching ,good values ,respect to others ,teaching them about the words of jesuschrist the lord.and of course teach to have respect and for the very ownself.
Frog Five
2007-08-20 05:28:02 UTC
For a start, we can start calling it crime again instead of the cop out expression 'anti-social behaviour'.
2007-09-06 10:30:38 UTC
Find more fun things to do. If they have better things to do in the community it might help keep them out of trouble.
2007-08-20 11:17:19 UTC
I think the parents of most but not all need sorting out first
2007-08-21 06:00:02 UTC
National Service is the only Thing,The one and only
2007-08-20 03:34:24 UTC
It seems that the answer is fairly straightforward - at a time when our armed forces are severely over-stretched at youth crime is running out of control, re-introduce National Service. The UK is the only country within Europe where some form of National Service (be it in the military or voluntary services) is not used.
Sharky 57
2007-08-21 02:00:07 UTC
Get out there and use the streets.

It isn`t crime, it is the "fear of crime" that deters.

Crime is down, fear is up. Why?
Trixie longjuice
2007-08-20 13:47:19 UTC
put more, loads more coppers on the streets, and bring out tighter laws , make it illegal to go out after 7 for under 16 year olds without an adult
2007-08-20 04:04:14 UTC
not having anywhere to go , or lack of facilities can not excuse murder of another human being. These youths are out of control and should be punished for the crime they committed.
ā™„ Divine ā™„
2007-08-20 04:07:24 UTC
Give them something worthwhile to do, and remove a few of their human rights/civil liberties. They know they can do whatever they like and get away with it because no-one can touch them. Literally!
2007-08-28 11:58:14 UTC
Let them all kill themselves and wait for the next generation to emerge wiser yet weaker.
2007-08-20 22:03:29 UTC
very simple but totally unpalatable to the bleeding heart club- bring back national service.
2007-08-20 09:10:47 UTC
Sports. You guys better choose a best answer here
2007-09-11 18:53:14 UTC
Don't really care about any second class country outside the U.S.
2007-08-23 01:32:55 UTC
No one can do any thing. It will be useless exercise. Th atmosphere of materialist world is such that it is inevitable.
Lynn C
2007-08-21 05:14:48 UTC
get pubs to go back to being for adults, stop beer offs serving youngsters and get parents to take responsibility for there kids .
2007-09-04 19:18:16 UTC
especially in schools i think teachers shouldn't be so strict because then kids wouldn't have to take there anger out on something
2007-08-20 17:53:38 UTC
Bring back the stocks, let's see how much they like tomato stains on their fake designer goods.
Ashima K
2007-08-21 10:19:17 UTC
well v have to stop creating polution in the world and stop the crime in the world.
Ms Durr
2007-09-12 09:20:02 UTC
Dont sell em guns!!!!! And don't glorify violence, ie, tv, music, war!!! George W. Fukn Bush, lol.
2007-09-01 17:47:20 UTC
jobs , one of the reasons youngsters commit crime is to get money
2007-08-20 08:13:20 UTC
i think more youth cafe's and activitys for teenagers at the weekends would reduce the crime rate.
2007-09-14 19:32:13 UTC
why dont we request Dr. Abdul Kalam counsel the youth of UK
2007-08-20 13:47:39 UTC
They are not bored.All areas in London have a lot of activities.Making more activies doesn't not help.The youth don't go to them.
2007-08-20 04:56:51 UTC
You have to monitor the music and movies they watch !

Ban mix schools !

Encourage parents to be more involved with their children's personal lives!
2007-09-04 17:20:35 UTC
First step would be to bring prayers and paddles back into the schools...........
2007-08-20 13:11:48 UTC
put em up chimmeys and down the mines that will keep them off the streets
2007-08-20 04:24:05 UTC
Bring back conscription
2007-08-20 09:19:52 UTC
of course all the earlier generations were saints
2007-08-20 03:27:45 UTC
If it were possible to make the Cadet movement compulsory, I think that would help. That way we can take the youngsters off the street, give them an interest, flying, sport, target shooting. many cadets have gone on to do great things in the world of sport etc.. Run it like a mini national service.
2007-08-21 01:47:45 UTC
bring back national service
2007-08-20 16:28:07 UTC
I don't think you can it's too late, we have to accept the fact things can only get worse.
2007-08-20 09:15:27 UTC
Bring back the birch,!Better than asbo's
2007-08-20 04:45:24 UTC
Ring_Peace - I couldn't agree more. You said it all. Nice to see someone has the blinkers off....
2007-08-27 08:20:19 UTC
Make pea rents more responsible for their children's action's.
2007-08-20 03:33:20 UTC
More activities at the local youth club.

They will be busy and safer and they will be supervised.
2007-08-20 05:41:15 UTC
I also have to agree with Ring_Peace.

BTW, nice name!
2007-08-20 17:27:17 UTC
you have to start with the parents. i know it's short and has no explanation but it's true.
2007-08-20 03:34:58 UTC
It's all a lie. Crime figures all over the world are at the lowest they have been in decades. If the press stopped sensationalising every incident and actually did some research or unbiased reporting then the community might not be so afraid. Also if the youth weren't so vilified constantly two things might happen. 1 the youth wouldn't feel so alienated and despised and so react adversely and 2 the community may start to self police again without sh**ting itself because of a rare one off incident badly reported and exaggerated.
2007-08-20 07:57:26 UTC
boot camps
2007-09-06 16:56:52 UTC
abolish all law
2007-08-28 16:36:36 UTC
be a good parent.
2007-09-10 11:26:59 UTC
2007-09-01 07:18:29 UTC
Peace be with you.
Bubbly lil Thing
2007-08-23 01:06:13 UTC
EEEEhhhhhhh when I were a lass..............No, really when I was a child I was lucky enough to be able to near enough roam free. Building den's, climbing trees, organising little money spinners like jumble sales (I was eight when I first hired the local church hall) and walking with my friends for miles. I bombed around on my trike, scooter, bicycle & many a homemade go-kart

If I fell down, got into a scrap, hurtled into a bush while speeding down our local Everest on roller skates and sustained moderate injuries I was glared at for ruining clothes but given no sympathy for the resultant pain, swelling, loss of dignity etc etc.

What I'm trying to say is that I learned the hard way to be responsible for my own actions, decisions & stupidity "You've only got yourself to blame" was the advice frequently bestowed.

So, from that I learned fairly early on that if I did stupid and irresponsible things no-one was going to take the rap for me and the blame lay firmly on my shoulders. When I complained to my Dad once (possibly aged 12 or so) that life wasn't fair he told me to do something about it, his sound advice I carry with me to this day...CONFIRM FIRST, REBEL LATER.

My issue is that unfortunately today's young people have probably never had the opportunity to take risks in the type of arena that I had the benefit of enjoying. They never get rid of all that adrenalin that children need to be daft, take risks and learn from thier pain and loss of face. Some, who have not been given the opportunities, encouragement or example to get out there and earn enough to take up a sport or hobby grow up and do it when they are able to get their hands on far more dangerous things than the branch of a tree or dare I say, a gun made of twigs and string. There were no less "weirdo's" on the block in those days but my parents did not keep me in simply because "Peter" (not his real name) frequently exposed himself to the Brownies on their way home, actually we all found it hilarious and to my knowledge none of us ever needed counselling as a result.

We feared the law, we feared our parents, we feared old Mrs X who lived three doors down and we never let the LOCAL BOBBY see any of our antics because he'd tell your Dad! It was SO much fun though.

Lack of opportunities to play and take risks, sanitised upbringings parents who do not permit any kind of risk - their idea of risk is to brave the rush of the sales with the poor bored children in tow, lack of moral fibre of many parents, parents who prefer to spend the money on re- decoration of the lounge for the fifteenth time that year rather than take the children camping and on and on and there in the background supporting all this parental apathy and abdication of all responsibility is...yes you got it...the government. Nanny state...damage limitation more like. If I warn you its not good for you you can't sue us!

What can we do?

I really don't know. Has it all gone too far? Activities for children cost so much these days. If you climb someone's tree you likely to require a psychiatric report and if you build a den - real estate availability permitting- it must signify a deep seated desire to leave home and your parents must be abusers. Bollards!

Cut all the carp, let kids be kids, let them get dirty, fall down, build a go-kart..better still build it with them! It is possible to save the next generation but perhaps national service would be a good idea for some of the people who have lost their way and commit all these hideous acts of disrespect. Understandably, the Forces don't want to know but a stern talking to (and I do mean TALKING to) would probably be the first "Parental" type act of encouragement to better themselves a lot of these people will have ever have had.

Sort out what Human Rights really are. They should be about having the right to play, explore and take limited risks when young, enjoy life whether your six or one hundred and six without fear or intimidation (from traffic wardens especially) NOT an umbrella that every lawless, lazy & disrespectful drop-out can hide under.

Incidentally, I was a single Mum with the only money coming in being down to me (seven jobs at one time before I could return to nursing) but even though our house was not adorned with the latest TV, leather suite etc etc I did manage to save up and take my three children away at least once a year and on plenty of day trips and picnics. I even took them to France doing the Disney & Futuroscope bit and drove some 1800 miles in our old Citroen BX from St Malo to Paris, stayed on campsites and went loads of other places so that they could see that if they did well at school, saved hard as I did they could have all this and more. I cried when I got to EuroDisney because it hadn't long opened and I all their friends were going and I thought I would never be able to afford to take them. But with dogged determination I saved and I saved and we got there. I was not afraid to go on my own with my children I had been extremely strong willed from childhood and very very lippy and got into hot water a good few times......I was not an Angel. I'd hate to think I was now actually, Confirm first -rebel later.

I loathed the nomenclature associated with being a single parent and still do as a grandmother watching one of my daughters valiantly do the best to broaden her daughter's horizons. However she is penalised for working at every turn in numerous ways. Life is much easier / cheaper if you sit on you backside and claim...she is frequently told by those who have no more self respect or desire to inspire their children. They have cars, my daughter cycles everywhere, they have late "Parties" my daughter is in bed by ten because she has to be at work at 06:55 four days a week. Who does life reward these days?

Phew I feel better now!
2007-09-12 20:58:25 UTC
tell them to go do bad stuff and they won't .... lol ....
Montgomery B
2007-08-20 03:20:23 UTC
Why can`t they be like we were? Perfect in every way? What`s the matter with kids today?
2007-09-15 01:52:49 UTC
LEGALIZE POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.