The way the government and a large percentage of society view this topic is indicative of the decimation of our society and rthe massive decline in peoples ability to think when living under a nanny state regime which not only tells people what to think but also removes the need for free thought which at the end of the day is the path to any politicians wet dream as a country full of sheep accept everything with little question and do as theyre told whether they agree with it or not
This situation with the kids as with other societal problems isnt an overnight one, its not cause by "a" thing and it wont be fixed with some half assed single action, legislation or social "suggestion" that people can choose to do or not do
We have arrived here after decade upon decade of increasingly touchy feely parenting with each subsequent generation taking less and less of an active roll in parenting which in turn makes families both immediate and extended less closely knit and therefore less likely or able to benefit from perpetuation of older family values through social osmosis
Lets look at the drink nonsense currently being suggested? Why should adults have to pay more because kids are CLAIMED to only or mostly be violent because of beer?
As much will be shoplifted anyway what difference will it make? Answer! It WILL generate more money for the chancellor whilst not making much of a difference to the yobbish behaviour but, whereas people would normally object to such a price rise, with the popular view being to want SOMETHING done to curb yobs the easily led majority wont question the solution, will probably moan about it a bit but will agree to it thinking that if the experts say it will make a difference then it will
Most of the yobbish behaviour I see isnt done by drunk kids, its done by kids with no fear of the law or their parents, kids who's parents dont, wont or cant punish them for misbehaving and who in many cases have been dealt with by the police many many times and havent had anything done that was much of an inconvenience or reason to desist AND whilst totally sober
If the law changed tomorrow so that stealing was legalised, or so that the punishments were practically non existant do people not think that would cause a mass upsurge in people doing it? People who at the moment wouldnt do so because of the penalty if they got caught? Of cours they would
And lets face it, a 14-16 year old CANT buy beer now, so how would changing the age you CAN buy it to 21, 25 or even 50 alter a thing? It would be different if it were 18-20 year olds in question, but its the younger kids who are the main problem and the most urgent one and they ALREADY cant buy beer
What is needed is to first accept that society as a whole, the parents AND the government are to blame, that the problem has been created over several decades and will take a well thought out plan that will probably take just as long to reverse it and then you start
Not with one thing at a time, but by identifying ALL the contributing factors and tackling them all simultaneously
Make the parents responsible, more importantly make the kids responsible, make the government responsible
Give the kids more to do, introduce a curfew but, and this is the important bit I reckon, make the penalties for not behaving instant and severe
Introduce boot camp style detention centres where a first offence gets you a few days, the next a week, then a month etc etc
Usually these sort of camps can turn a kid around in a month or so as proven in countries that use them so lets have them here as has been suggested countless times by experts
Lets make all new parents HAVE to have parenting classes they have to pass, that arent optional and then make social services crawl all over them till they are sure the person understands the importance of discipline in the first 5-10 years of a childs life, oh, but not the touchy feely type social workers that will encourage people "reasoning" with their toddlers, and not the ones who would encourage a child to be left to find their own ways. Ones that can provide and support methods of parenting that you DONT have to have a degree in child psychology to employ as most people dont have one of those anyway, nor the time or energy to employ it
And anyway, considering the amount of social workers themselves who have wayward out of control kids those methods obviously dont work if the trained experts cant manage to raise well balanced respectful kids can they?
Then theres the parents, lets not let the government convince us that fines are the answer, thats ONLY the answer to them getting more money to waste, and infact leaves a family more skint which will often mean the parents have to work more hours and spend less time BEING parents
As well as meaning theres both more of an excuse and reason for kids to steal or just be disgruntled as a result
Lets have classes that are counselling with a boot camp style edge that both parents and children HAVE to attend or be faced with a residential version for both
MAKE them first learn how to be a good parent and responsible child, not by choice but by law removing the "I dont know what to do" excuse and THEN if they dont apply it more classes for longer periods of time till applying it is less effort and less time consuming than the classes to make them do it
And those would just be for starters, long term we need to try and find ways to reintroduce the bond of family both immediate and extended as thats where the initial values that are lost now came from
Less encouragement for people to work long hours, less taxation so they dont need to, finacial help for couples with small children as the first five years of a childs life are the most important, lose that battle and you might never win the war. So give them the time, energy and money to make that a reality instead of taxing families into oblivion making them ineffective parents due to time and energy constraints
Stop towing the PC line and encourage kids to not only be proud of who THEY are, but also proud of their heritage, country, town and nieghbourhood as those by themselves work against much of the senseless acts we see today
But currently were made to feel ashamed or racist for being proud of any aspect of our country or heritage and that HAS to stop