being ded wuld bei tha drag sad & no Lief=Life at aul=all thus i want teu=too wish them=zem Happy=Happei beiyaund ded status day & Niet=night in tha ded folks naeimz=names in standard American English tranzlaeitted enteu 100.0 Amereikan korrektnes spelt.and simultaeinieulei=simulaniusly enter wedlauk=weddloch with total=all ded Lebeugurle's=Ghostesses O Ten Toe Ten Fingure=Heuman=Human sped Korrekt thus with tha Kauowntesses Solar Rank uv=of Qweinnnes=Quueen spelt Korrekt they shalt hav=Hath pauowers & Status a la Solar Galaktik Qweinz Rank & Weddid=wedded unto=eUnteu Mau=Mieself spelt Korrekt & if yeu=you git/get murderd tomorrow i'e=I shalt giv yeu mor lief with this marriage=marreiaj korrektnes speld this U:S Calender Day & Year 01.07.2010.11:02 A:M central Standard Time=Sentraul Standard Tiem korreknes spelt 100.0 % Amereikan Lingo moderno U;S eUNieted Staeits uv Amereika Kopei Riet Lauwz & U:S Konstiteusheieun Freidom Protekted Riets & this Texst via U;S Copy Rights=Kopei + Riets U:S La Ley.