Cars are not the issue.
We'll find ways to get around, be they electric cars, trains, buses, etc.
But what will happen to the trucks that move our produce around? We can't run them on electricity. And more importantly, how will the great cargo liners get from port to port? Sails?
We have 8 billion people on this planet who rely on international trade. The flat-earther, anti-globalization types might not want to hear this, but without international trade, a sod of a lot of those people are going to starve.
And here are a couple of biggies most people don't think about: Fertilizer and plastics. Without petroleum, they suddenly become a real bother. More starvation, more disruption to our economies.
So, in summary, cars are irrelevant. We don't need them and can survive with out them. People will find ways to get around. But we are still going to need petroleum and their complex hydro-carbons for other things that just can't be replace by wind, solar, nuclear or what have you.
So, here is the honest unvarnished truth: There are 50 years of oil left. But we are going to need oil for things other than cars and we're going to keep needing it for the rest of forever. We need to stop people wasting these precious, irreplaceable hydrocarbons on trips to the mall.
The ONLY solution that can save man kind? BAN PETROLEUM-POWERED CARS. TODAY. The oil fields are NOT just going to grow back.