2011-05-10 15:41:53 UTC
Do you think that racism started by group-think?
Do you feel as if racism could have been easily avoided had people (not naming names here) were more moral, tolerant, and accepting of others who looked different from them?
Here's what I believe to be the case, but I may be wrong.
People of group A discovered people of group B. A select few people in charge of group A came to the ultimate decision that they were superior to group B. This mentality was passed on to the rest of group A --> rendering this mentality arguably un-erasable/irreversible to present day.
Do you think that if group A of people were (for whatever reason) more tolerant, loving, accepting, and non-judgmental of group B, there would literally be no such thing as racism?
What if group A came back to the origins of their group (with some members of group B), but instead of implying/insisting to the rest of their group that people in group B were inferior to them - they did the exact opposite?
What if the people who came back with people from group A implied and insisted that the people they came back with (from group B) were not inferior to them, nor superior to them - simply equal.
Would there be a big difference today?
Humans tend to fall victim to group-think FAR TOO OFTEN. Do you think that if the initial assumption was that people from group B were equal to people from group A, there would be a lot less social problems in present day?
Do you think the latter scenario is impossible? Why or why not?
Again, not pointing fingers here, not naming names, just trying to generate some thought.
There are no right or wrong answers here. I just want opinions.
Thanks for reading!