First of all, stating "opposite race" indicates a dicotomy with two polar ends and something sitting at each end of it. Logical fallacy.
Secondly, this is reverse racism. Sadly, racism employs a lot of conversation that utilizes broad terminogy including absolute statements (both logical fallacies).
I'm sorry that you feel very violated by people of a certain race that you have come across. However, here are the two main logical fallacies i've picked out from your statement. (Logical fallacy simply means an error in logic)
1) "All" is implying that you have met every white person to exist.
2)Behavior based on skin color is illogical. Behavior is most often based on socialization, meaning, they learn behavior. A person cannot teach their skin to be a certain color. (they can use material things to change their skin color) So, behaviors based on skin color is equating education to biology. This is the second logical fallacy.
I too have to deal with large amounts of discrimination based on the social categories society puts me into. I have listed links below if you would like to preview the world i experience. The hate directed at me is also socialized behavior. people learn and teach hate =( you can learn and/or teach hate. or you can choose to learn and teach something more positive.
My boy is now 4 years old. last year he asked me "Amiko, what color are you?" I was immediately alarmed because this sounded like he was asking a race based question. i wasn't sure though, so i responded, "That's an interesting question, Freedom, what color are you?" He smiled and stated matter of factly, "I'm rainbow colored." He then proceeded to point out several differing colors apparent on his body. I still don't know where he learned this wonderful way of looking at bodies and colors. I wish we could all someday socially evolve to this type of thinking.
I do realize that there is institutionalized discrimination based on all kinds of social categories: age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, (non)gender identity, class, etc. Social institutions depend on individual people to continue condoning large scale systems of oppression.
You can examine the oppression you feel and utilize those feelings however you choose. I suggest educating yourself about more than just your own oppressed group. If people learn to see one another with a single commonality, that is, see that we are all Human,beyond any other category, then if we began evaluating oppression on a basis of what is happening to humans. There is inequality between 'Humans' and begin changing things. If people search to gain equality just between white people and one single other race, then what about white people and say another single race? or say two races that are not white? What about all the inequality happening in other areas that don't concern race? Tunnel vision is one of the largest obstacles to achieving human equality and effectively ending oppression.
1) The livejournal has many papers that deal with matters of oppression pertaining to things like immigration, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
2) Is the gender education community i run online. one thread i would like to highlight in order to get a view of some of the oppression i see happening in the world, is called "oh dear god, this could end up so f***** up.."
I welcome you to view the world through the eyes of many oppressed peoples, and hopefully to see that the problem is with systems of 'human' inequality happening today. Humans are inherently equally, they are created unequal through ideologies that are taught and maintained by every member of society. we are society, you and i and the next person and every person who responds to this thread. Every person here = society. when we change ourselves, and change what we are teaching one another, society changes. ^_^
Best of thoughts with you, Gabriel