Do you think that Paris Hilton should serve her Jail Time? She is appealing the ruling!?
2007-05-08 06:23:17 UTC
Paris Hilton's lawyers have taken the first step to appeal her 45-day jail sentence.

The 26-year-old socialite was ordered by a judge on Friday to report to a county jail by June 5 for violating the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.

Hilton's lawyers filed a notice with the court indicating their intent to appeal on Friday. The document is required before a formal appeal can be lodged.

WHY, should Paris Hilton NOT serve her jail time like everyone else would have to if they commited the same offense?

The hotel heiress, who parlayed her party lifestyle into worldwide fame, said she believes the sentence was unfair.

"I feel that I was treated unfairly and that the sentence is both cruel and unwarranted and I don't deserve this," Hilton told photographers assembled outside her home Saturday.
23 answers:
2007-05-08 06:25:43 UTC
Yes...she should.
2007-05-08 15:49:01 UTC
Yes she should do the jail time. She broke the law. She shows up late for her trial showing to all "In your face I am Paris Hilton, I can do anything I want to. Laws don't pertain to me, I am sooo important to the world-I do soo much for my fellow man. I help so much and my mommy and daddy will pay me out of everything!!!" Her excuse for driving was-lets see oh yeah. She was going to work??? Since when has she worked??There was no reason for her to be driving. All she does is party,drink, shop ,have sex. What good has she done.? I'm really serious. She is what we call in the south rich white trash. Her money buys her into where she wants to go. If any one else said the "n" word. They would of been sued. But she can get away with that. I am shocked the NAACP has not went after her yet. But like I said her money paves her way. If she isn't stopped she will end up either seriously hurting someone or killing them while under the influence of whatever is stays on. And even then her money will pay for it. Her looks(which aren't all that great) will be gone within 10 years, and she will not age well.. I think she got off lightly. The average person would of started their jail time as soon as the judge gave sentence. So don't expect her to really go to jail. It pathetic that her parents feel their poor baby was treated so unfair. What do they expect. Oh I forget they don't expect nothing. The Hilton name carries clout.They should have to serve time for rasing such selfish spoiled brats who care for no one but themselves. She broke the law and she should pay.
2007-05-08 13:47:45 UTC
I was just about to post this same question!!

I think that it is ridiculous for her to think she was treated unfairly.

Maybe for being in Hollywood she was treated "unfairly" since many people seem to scathe by with no punishment whatsoever, but I give major props to the judge who overlooked her fame and gave her the sentence that any normal person would have received!

I think that Paris needs to get over herself and be a responsible US citizen and serve the time that the US justice system has found fit for her.
2007-05-08 13:55:36 UTC
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. It's all fun and games being a party person and being drunk behind the wheel but when you have blood on your hands and you can't wash it off, reality and consequences can sure be a royal pain.

SO if she did kill someone, she would have to face the victim's family anger for being a spoiled irresponsible brat, a 1st degree man slaughter charge, and life in prison. She should be grateful that she did not kill anyone.
~*Sweet Pea*~
2007-05-08 13:30:57 UTC
Yea she should go to jail, no one else gets a break for drunk driving (Which is right drunk driving kills people), why should she! Just cause she is famous and really wealthy that does not mean she should be just get a slap on the hand and "Now paris don't do it again." She thinks that they are not being fair to her, which is crap! She did a crime so she should get the jail time!
Joshua B
2007-05-10 21:49:01 UTC
I think she should server her time and I also think we should pray Paris Hilton comes to know Jesus.

I know there are christian groups online praying for Paris Hilton to come to know Jesus in her life and I think Christians should pray for her salvation instead of attacking her.

(JOHN 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.

(ROMANS 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
2007-05-08 20:34:04 UTC
Yes, she should.

She is old enough to take responsibility for her actions.

A pity that her mama is barking so loud...after all, that dog didn't do much to raise her pooch with any discipline.

(isn't a female dog called a b*tch?).

Anyway - the rich kid will probably avoid jail time, thanks to the lawyers working their magic.

Too bad if that means no real justice would have been served.
My Dose Makes Angels
2007-05-08 13:29:51 UTC
Of course she should. Paris was banned from driving. Then she took her car out for a drive. Unless she is trying to claim that she doesn't know right from wrong then of course she should complete her sentance. And even if she IS trying to claim that she doesn't know right from wrong then she is waaaay too immature to be let on the roads anyway.
2007-05-09 03:07:31 UTC

If she somehow uses her influence or wealth to get out of this, I will have completely lost faith in the American legal system.

She shouldn't get any special treatment! Had any other person done what she did, they would get the same thing.
Huey Freeman
2007-05-08 13:28:43 UTC
45 days is hardly the deserving length of time for someone who can disobey their probation. She deserves civilian time, that's a couple of months behind bars, not just 45 days. She's not even entertaining and she gets special treatment everywhere. Well it stops at the court steps, or at least it should.
2007-05-08 13:27:37 UTC
I hope she serves jailtime. She need a kick in the stomach to bring her into reality.

While we're at it, we should just take 80% of all the money she has and use it for better stuff.
2007-05-08 13:29:00 UTC
No she should not. She is a beautiful angel sent from heaven, and she should not have to be integrated with common scum like us. Jail would kill such a pretty thing. When you look at her closely, she is just amazing. I hate to think we could be so cruel as to send a spoiled likeable angel to a rat hole.

And I have stated, if she need be punished, I am perfectly willing to give her *** a good spanking!
2007-05-08 13:28:34 UTC
heck yes she should. What kind of a message is that sending if you just let somebody off because of who she is.

She should get a heck of a lot more than 45days. Maybe that would straighten her out a bit.
2007-05-08 13:27:24 UTC
Hey, Paris is just like the rest of us ( well maybe hotter, thinner, and rich) She messed up and should serve her time. Maybe it would take her down a notch and make her realize that she can't do whatever she wants.
2007-05-08 13:28:59 UTC
most people convicted of this same offense recieve a sentence of UP TO 45 days. Paris recieved 45 days, period, no early release allowed. She was clearly given a stiffer sentence because of who she was.
2007-05-08 13:32:41 UTC

she needs to come to Jesus and get born again-to live right

she was late for court and blamed one of her own people

she drove without a license after being caught dui driving under the influence of Alchohol

she is not above the law

others think they are above the law too-if you let her off -why not them too=visually-purness in her eyes-they are the gate to the soul.

think about this also if you marry her -will she be living as a virgin or will she have her virginity and bleed-this part will be visable and is called the cherry-that is why the first night must be very special kind and in true love-unmarried it starts a girl on the wrong road with someone that doesnt honor marriage

In marriage the bed is undefiled, but the others will be judged. Hebrews 13

would you want her as your sister or even your mom to live as a non virgin with guys that only want sex and dont honor them in marriage-if so you probably never would have been born.

you become a Muslim by saying you believe Jesus and then rejecting him.

some examples=Jesus says to love your enemies and do good to them and share the gospel. those in lust-even mohamad who married a 9 year old little girl Aysha at 40 years old-the results leads to taking viginity and also violence sometimes too=is it any wonder-as Muslims on the other hand=

the sunni's murdering the Shiites-and vica versa -since the bombing of the Golden Mosque January 2006 and each other blowing up each others mosques and dragging their leaders out into the street and cold blooded murdering them.

that is bad music & of this man too=

REPENT? for stopping cold blooded murderers? should we leave Iraq and let the terrorists take over the country with their billions in oil to support their terrorism throughout the world?

this is what one man here said to my question-a muslim who is supposed to listent to Jesus according to his own religion=

in regards to a muslim who I asked about the messiah Jesus helping one in their life-he who says as Islam says to believe in Jesus-wrote this =

Dentist_Member since: April 21, 2007

" I've never had a Prophet/slave/messenger of God talk to me."

well Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice and follow me." John 10

the problem is we have to do what the good shepherd Messiah Jesus says "I love you repent quickly from your sin (even one lie), Behold I knock on your heart door if you hear my voice and opent he door, I will come in and begin a fellowship with you and you with me, if you repent and ask me in." Revelation 1:1, 3;19&20 and chapters 19-22 about the joy of heaven in salvation, and the agony of hell weeping forever for those that refuse the voice of Messiah Jesus.

As a Jew-I come to messiah from the prophecies Isaiah 52:13-53:12 as I gave this man but he refused to listen- "He will lay down his life as a lamb and make atonement for our sins." will we listen?


why not make good music like Amazing grace sung of the one Messiah Jesus thanks

that is how you become true to God too David

I am not a virgin and neither is Paris, but I live as one-and my eyes are pure cleansed in the blood of Jesus-I can look a pure girl in the eyes-when i was addicted to lust I could not do that-it is easy to tell a persons aura-when you are living right.

pray for Paris as she does her jail time-and maybe more for her continued actions.
2007-05-08 13:30:24 UTC
i think she's being sentenced to jail so they can say that the system does not discriminate, but i think they should have made her do community service, that way she could give something back to the community, as more than likely even if she does get locked up she'll receive special treatment
2007-05-11 03:37:48 UTC
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Full sentence
2007-05-08 13:27:38 UTC
They should give her even MORE time just for her attitude about it...she seems to think she should be above the law.
♥lois c♥ ☺♥♥♥☺
2007-05-08 13:33:23 UTC
she should do twice her time in the general population.
2007-05-08 13:27:53 UTC
She broke the law, so she should have the same punishment as anyone else
2007-05-08 13:26:26 UTC
I agree with Wesley
2007-05-08 13:25:47 UTC
no way i love paris!!!!

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