why are cigarettes nick named fags?
2006-09-03 05:38:59 UTC
why are cigarettes nick named fags?
Sixteen answers:
2006-09-03 05:41:58 UTC
craig k
2006-09-03 13:10:35 UTC
i'm not sure but in the mid 1800 England (mainly schools such as rugby and eton), and earlier, fags were the younger students made to run errands for older students.

unfortunately i have no idea how that would link to an answer

but what i do know is that cigarettes referred to 'filter cigarettes' in britain (say - before the war) - which were seen as the ladies choice, whilst men smoked roll ups.

I'm guessing that because filter cigarettes (before advertised as manly and direct to men via the malboro man branding for example) had womanly - and there for maybe homosexual connotations if men were to smoke them - they were called fags.... a word which links closely to the american slang term for a gay man or effeminate person (or effiminate object or item - such as a filter cigarette was in the 1950's)

don't trust me about that though im only 17 - so i cant really remember the 50's - but i think it could be right
2006-09-03 12:47:20 UTC
because in the olden days before sir walter marlboro sailed off to the americas and discovered tobacco,people used to have to smoke dried minced pork and offal wrapped in pieces of sheeps intestine,similar to the popular english dish known as faggots(not to be confused with the american term for homosexuals)obviously this has over the years been shortened to fags.hope this has been of some help.
2006-09-03 12:41:26 UTC
Because the word "fagg0t" means "a little stick". Cigarettes look like a little stick. Really, really. See how much we "modern " people have perverted a word? They bleep it out! LOL
2006-09-03 12:40:16 UTC
Because initially a *** was a bundle of sticks or twigs.
2006-09-03 12:42:34 UTC
Only in British lands , I believe it was their slang for cigarettes before it was penned for homosexuals
2006-09-03 12:46:25 UTC
back in the 20's and 30's they always called cigarettes faggots. still do in australia i think
2006-09-03 12:42:40 UTC
I'm dead serious that I was thinking about this question within the last 24 hours (not that I am one)! I have no idea why. Maybe it's because they are flamers, perhaps?
2006-09-03 16:46:09 UTC
Notice to smoking Brits. when in the US, never ask to bum a ***.
Vinni and beer
2006-09-03 12:41:24 UTC
It is short for fa gg ot, a bundle of kindling used to start a fire

(**** yahoo word filter)
2006-09-03 12:40:12 UTC
ive never heard of fags... ive heard of drags
Steven E
2006-09-03 12:41:00 UTC
old school name for a bundle of sticks, so its sort of similar
Tony Hi_teck
2006-09-03 12:40:24 UTC
short for drag as in when you take in the smoke
2006-09-03 12:54:00 UTC
dunno but i reckon its kinda funny like if someone asks u to bum a *** lol
2006-09-03 12:40:34 UTC
Because you SUCK on them .
2006-09-03 12:42:44 UTC
don't know

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