My mother's name was (1950s) Margaret Mary Mackenzie and she lived and worked at the Shaftesbury Hotel (now Radisson Mountbatten) at Monmouth St, London WC2 for about 5/7 yrs whilst I lived with the Martin family at 36 Mimosa Street, SW6. She was stated to be British and briefly worked at Barker's of Kensington in 1950 before securing job with the Shaftesbury. Her purported dob is 11 June 1927 and I was born 1951 at St Mary Abbot's Hospital, Kensington. My father (diplomatic service) returned to Cairo and shortly after I was born all contact ceased apart from one contact (unnamed). 10 years I have been trying to locate Margaret who did not appear to have any family in UK and her NHS appears 'different' so she may have been born abroad. She worked with Lily Ettel who remembers Margaret and Colin Tutt (emigrated to America and now dead) but little else and I desperately would like to know my mother and for her to know my family before it is too late. Associated Hotels Group owned the the