AIDS - Seems to only affect gay men and drug users?
2007-11-18 22:03:33 UTC
it was predicted that humanity would face an epidemic of straight men and women dying from the AIDS disease, but that epidemic for straight men has never happened. It seems more to plague gay men and drug users sharing needles. Do you know of any straight men that have contracted aids through straight sex?
Seven answers:
chris m
2007-11-18 22:06:06 UTC
Wrong! It affects heterosexuals as well. Stop trying to dress AIDS up as some kind of divine curse.

In case you missed it, AIDS originated in Africa, where thousands of heterosexual men and women - and children - die of the disease each day. Let me give you a couple of links so you can see that it is very much a heterosexual disease in Africa, as well as in the West:

The World Health Organization estimates that heterosexual transmission has accounted for 75% of the HIV infections in adults world-wide.(2) The remaining 25% are primarily due to the use of contaminated blood and blood products, needle sharing by intravenous drug users, and homosexual/bisexual transmission. Heterosexual intercourse has been the dominant route of transmission in Africa, Asia, South America, Central America and the Caribbean. Indeed, in the United States, AIDS ceased being primarily a disease of gay men in the early 1990s. Data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the proportion of new cases reported among homosexual/bisexual men decreased from 47.3% in 1993 to 43.3% in 1994. While the rate of AIDS among American gay males decreases, there has been a recorded increase among women and minority groups. Women accounted for 18.1% of total AIDS cases in 1994, up from 16.2% in 1993. In the same years, the number of American Blacks with AIDS increased from 36.1% to 39% of total new cases, while Hispanics with AIDS increased from 17.7% to 18.7%.(3)

Only in Canada and the developed nations of Europe and Australasia does AIDS remain a disease where the majority of those afflicted are gay. Even in these countries, however, HIV is making its way into the heterosexual population. In England and Wales, AIDS projections for 1995 to 1999 indicate that the number of new cases among homosexuals and bisexuals will drop by 7% but there will be a rise of 29% among intravenous drug users and a 25% increase due to heterosexual transmission of the virus.(4) The Canadian Public Health Association estimates that currently one in 10,000 Canadians is living with AIDS, and one in 1,000 is currently infected with HIV. The number of cases of AIDS in Canada attributed to heterosexual activity continues to rise at a faster rate than for any other risk category. In 1991, the number of women diagnosed with AIDS in Canada was one third of the number of reported cases among women in the previous ten years combined. Many women have been identified as HIV-positive when visiting doctors during the course of pregnancy. In British Columbia and the Yukon, one pregnant woman in 3,745 is infected; in Toronto, it is one in 1,976; and, in Montreal one in 616.(5) A Quebec HIV seroprevalence study conducted between July 1989 and June 1993 revealed that one in 555 women undergoing abortion in Montreal was HIV-positive.(6)

As of 31 December 1995, women comprised 6.2% of all diagnosed cases of AIDS in Canada. The coast-to-coast distribution of female AIDS cases, however, is quite uneven. Women comprise 2.8% of the AIDS cases in British Columbia, 4.8% in Alberta, 4.5% in Ontario; but 10.1% in Quebec and in the Atlantic provinces.(7) Further, Health Canada data, compiled to 31 December 1994, show that women comprised 19.5% (9 of 46) of the AIDS cases diagnosed in Newfoundland.(8) It is recognized that immigration to Quebec from countries with a high incidence of HIV infection, and intravenous drug use in Montreal have contributed to the higher incidence of HIV infection among women in Quebec; however, reasons for the situation in Atlantic Canada are not immediately apparent. Clarification of this question may reveal some of the factors that place heterosexual Canadians at risk for HIV/AIDS.


Unprotected heterosexual intercourse with an HIV-positive male may result in the vaginal deposition of HIV-contaminated semen. In this situation, the HIV is received in a moist, warm, relatively non-oxidative environment that may protect and prolong the life of the virus until it is able to infect susceptible host tissue. In contrast, intercourse with an HIV-positive female may expose the external male genitalia to HIV-contaminated vaginal secretions; however, subsequent exposure to cold, oxygen and the drying effects of air are likely to inactivate the virus. In addition, skin acts as an effective barrier, leaving only a portion of the penis unprotected against possible infection. Thus, unprotected sexual intercourse with an HIV-infected partner puts females at greater risk than males.

The HIV virus readily infects CD4 T-lymphocytes(9) because the HIV viral envelope has a protein structure that dovetails with the CD4 structure (receptor site) on the lymphocyte cell wall. The cells on the surface of the female genital tract (the epithelial cells) lack CD4 receptor sites; however, T-lymphocytes are attracted to the vaginal and cervical epithelia if inflammation or lesions are present. Accordingly, it is believed that women are more apt to acquire an HIV infection if there are perturbations to the epithelium lining of the genital tract. This theory has been verified by studies that show women with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which cause lesions and inflammation, have a much higher risk of HIV infection.(10)

In addition to T-lymphocytes, macrophages and Langerhans cells, both key immune system cells, bear CD4 receptor sites. In animal studies, these cells have been observed to be present in the tissue immediately under the epithelial cells. Further, the epithelial layer has been observed to swell and thin during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Theoretically, a microscopic lesion in the epithelial layer could provide HIV with the opportunity of coming in contact with the CD4-bearing cells below. It has also been observed that women with cervical ectopy, a condition that disrupts the epithelial lining, are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection. It is currently believed that both the cervix and vagina can provide sites for the entry of HIV.(11)

The foregoing describes infection by free viral particles. There also appears to be some evidence that infection can be accomplished by intracellular-HIV present in lymphocytes carried with semen. Electron micrograph studies have shown that the infected lymphocytes attach to the epithelial cells of the female genital tract. Intracellular HIV particles settle to the bottom of the cells and are then released to the spaces between the lymphocytes and the epithelial cells. The epithelial cells, without the benefit of CD4-receptor sites, then engulf viral particles and become infected. Although these studies were conducted with human cell lines derived from the cervix, animal studies indicate that intracellular virus may be far less infectious than free virus. Specifically, macaques monkeys were easily infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), the simian cousin of HIV, when small doses of free SIV were placed in their vaginas. In contrast, no infections occurred when large doses of lymphocyte-associated SIV were applied in an identical fashion to a second test group of macaques.(12)


Separate studies designed to estimate the per-contact probability of female to male transmission of HIV have shown that Thai and Kenyan males who engage in sex with local prostitutes are, at a minimum, 31 times more likely to acquire HIV than are North American males who engage in sex with local prostitutes.(13),(14),(15) This very large difference in infection probability has allowed researchers to probe into the reasons why the incidence of heterosexual AIDS is much higher in developing countries and to determine the factors that place men at risk.

Sexual exposure, including the number of partners, the frequency of intercourse, and the frequency of prostitute contact in some populations may differ between countries. The observed differences in HIV-1 seroprevalence, however, would require profound differences in sexual activity, for which there are few supportive data. This realization has led researchers to look for factors that either increase infectivity or render exposed individuals more susceptible to HIV.

In the Kenyan study, the sexual health of 293 men who frequented Nairobi prostitutes (85% HIV-positive) was followed. Newly acquired HIV infection was associated with frequent prostitute contact, with the acquisition of genital ulcer disease, and with being uncircumcised. After a single sexual exposure, 43% of all uncircumcised men who acquired an ulcer became HIV-positive. In contrast, all of the circumcised study subjects who did not acquire an ulcer remained free of HIV infection. Data analysis indicated that lack of circumcision was a greater risk factor than acquisition of a genital ulcer.

In the Thai study of 1,115, 21-year-old male military conscripts, sex with female prostitutes was identified as the principal source of HIV infection. Surveys of the local prostitute population revealed very high rates of STDs, with seropositivity rates of: HIV, 51%; syphilis, 37%; genital herpes, 80%; and chanchroid ulcerative disease, 21%. Active infection rates were: chlamydia infection, 30%; gonorrhoea infection 24%; and genital ulcer disease, 9%. For sexually active military conscripts, the highest rate of HIV seroconversion occurred among men who reported both a high frequency of contact with prostitutes and a high rate of STDs. Transmission probability was, however, still quite high for men who frequented prostitutes but did not report STDs. The effect of circumcision on the risk of infection could not be determined as circumcision is very uncommon in Buddhist Thailand.

Male genital ulceration present at the time of exposure to an HIV-positive woman could act as a portal of entry. Genital ulcers, however, are very painful and it is thought that very few men afflicted in this way would engage in sexual intercourse. Rather, it is thought that genital ulcer disease raises the infectivity of an HIV-infected woman by increasing virus shedding in the female genital tract. Researchers have been able to isolate HIV from the surface of genital ulcers, and it is postulated that this condition attracts HIV-infected lymphocytes and macrophages to the ulcer and results in high concentrations of infectious virus in vaginal secretions. It is believed that other STDs may also potentiate female to male HIV transmission in a similar fashion.

In addition to the Kenyan investigation, other studies have indicated that lack of circumcision places males at greater risk for HIV.(16),(17) Evidence indicates that the male portal of entry for HIV is the glans urethra and the epidermis of the glans penis and/or subprepuce. It has been suggested that the prepuce (foreskin) may physically trap infected vaginal secretions and provide a hospitable environment that enhances viral survival. Minor inflammatory conditions are more common in uncircumcised males, and the foreskin may be more susceptible to traumatic epithelial disruption during sexual intercourse; both conditions could attract susceptible lymphocytes and macrophages and place them in contact with HIV.


HIV is characterized by large genetic flexibility, which has given rise to drug resistance and escape from immune responses, and has confounded attempts to develop an effective vaccine.(18) To date, nine genetically distinct subtypes of HIV have been identified and designated subtypes A through H, and O.(19) In Japan and the developed countries of North America, Europe, and Australasia, virtually all HIV infections among homosexuals/ bisexuals and intravenous drug users are due to HIV-B. In contrast, B is the least prevalent subtype in Africa, where subtypes A, C, D, and E predominate and are spread by heterosexual transmission. A situation of considerable scientific interest has been identified in south-east Asia, where intravenous drug users are infected with subtype B, while the afflicted heterosexual population is infected with E.

The segregation of subtype B and E between two distinct population groups prompted Thai researchers to quantify the male to female risk of transmission for each of these subtypes. This two-year study monitored the HIV status of women whose male partners were infected with either HIV-E or HIV-B. During the course of this study, 70% of the women with HIV-E infected partners became infected themselves, while only 26% of the women with HIV-B infected partners did so. The researchers suggested that HIV-E presents a higher risk of heterosexual transmission than HIV-B, and they postulated that the very high rate of spread of HIV/AIDS in Thailand might be due to the high heterosexually infectious nature of HIV-E.(20)

A study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston has given additional weight to the theory that subtypes B and E differ in infectivity. Langerhans cells were isolated from the vagina, cervix, breast and penile foreskin and successfully grown in pure cell cultures. These cell lines were then challenged with either HIV-B or E. It was observed that HIV-B demonstrated very poor growth while HIV-E grew "quite well," particularly on the Langerhans cell lines derived from the female genital tract.(21) Work at the Pasteur Institute and the University of Alabama have shown that it is much easier to infect a chimpanzee vaginally with subtype E than with subtype B. An animal study at the University of California has shown that when monkeys are vaginally inoculated with SIV, the virus localizes in Langerhans cells.(22)

At the September 1995, Third International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, it was suggested that there are two distinct HIV-1 epidemics. In developed countries, subtype B is spread primarily through blood and homosexual sex. The second epidemic is occurring primarily in developing countries, and it is driven by non-B subtypes through vaginal sex. It was feared that developed countries will experience a more severe heterosexual epidemic if other HIV subtypes spread into these populations. On this point, it should be noted that subtype E has been identified in Uruguayan military personnel recently returned from a peace-keeping mission in Cambodia,(23) while subtypes A, D and E have been isolated from American servicemen returning from Thailand, Kenya and Uganda.(24) American servicemen are routinely tested for HIV; however, HIV testing is voluntary for civilians returning from holiday or business abroad. Therefore, even though non-B subtypes are being detected among military personnel, epidemiologists believe that civilian travel represents the greater risk for the introduction of highly infectious strains of HIV into the heterosexual populations of developed countries.

In South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, HIV/AIDS is primarily a disease of heterosexuals, with subtype B the causative agent. This observation is at odds with the theory that B is less transmissible by heterosexual sex than the other HIV subtypes. As yet there are no strong scientific data to explain this discrepancy; however, epidemiologists have suggested that heterosexual anal intercourse might be more common in those parts of the world,(25) circumcision less common, and STDs, particularly the ulcerative type, less well controlled.


In Canada, the most common STDs are chlamydia infection, genital herpes, and venereal warts, with gonorrhoea following in a distant fourth place. The Canadian effort to check the spread of STDs has been particularly successful with syphilis; chanchroid ulcerative disease is now virtually never seen in Canadians, except for individuals returning from African or Asian trips. Since the acquisition of a venereal infection is a significant HIV risk factor, a strong program to combat STDs is an essential component of the war against AIDS. Also of particular importance is the proper use of condoms. Condoms have been proven effective in reducing the transmission risk of both STDs and HIV,(26),(27) and in Canada they are both available and affordable. In Africa and south-east Asia, frequent prostitute contact has been identified as an HIV risk factor. Any form of casual or anonymous sex places an individual at risk of sexually transmitted diseases; however, sex with Canadian prostitutes should carry considerably less risk than sex with prostitutes in developing countries because of the lower rates of HIV and STDs in Canada, because condoms are recognized and used as an essential tool of the trade, and because of sexual health education programs that have been focused on target groups. Male circumcision is one factor in HIV risk reduction where Canada may start to fall behind, however. The medical benefits of this procedure have been a matter of debate for decades, and recently some Canadian provinces have removed circumcision from the list of procedures paid for by provincial health care plans. This decision may have to be reconsidered in light of recent findings that lack of circumcision poses an increased risk for the acquisition of HIV.

All HIV subtypes are characterized by a high mutation rate that has endowed this virus with the ability to develop drug resistance quickly. Similarly, the ability to mutate and the existence of nine distinct subtypes have severely frustrated attempts to develop an effective vaccine. Although strong research efforts are continuing in these areas, another proposed line of attack is chemically and/or biologically to challenge the virus at the point of heterosexual transmission, where the virus is particularly vulnerable. Condoms can perform this role; however, many women cannot negotiate safe-sex practices with their partner. It is argued that if the heterosexual path of HIV transmission is to be cut, women must have access to and control over the use of topical microbiocides effective against both HIV and STDs.

The commercially available spermicide nonoxynol-9 (N-9), has received a great deal of attention as a potential vaginal microbiocide for blocking the male to female transmission of HIV. N-9 is a detergent that cripples microbes by disrupting their outer membranes. A capsule has been developed that can release N-9 to the vagina within three minutes of insertion, and continues delivering the compound for up to six hours. Clinical trials of this microbiocide are to be underway in early 1996. Another detergent microbiocide, C316, has been found to be effective against a broader spectrum of pathogens than N-9; it is currently undergoing vaginal suppository safety testing. A San Diego pharmaceutical company has tested the compound n-Docosanol in monkeys. This chemical permits HIV to attach to vaginal epithelial cells but inhibits the passage of genetic material out of the virus. The United States Food and Drug Administration has found that some sulphated polysaccharides are effective in binding to HIV and thereby preventing binding to vaginal epithelial cells. The final avenue of research involves buffering vaginal pH at mildly acidic levels. Work at Harvard University has shown that HIV is inactivated by the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. Since semen is alkaline, within eight seconds of ejaculation vaginal pH is raised to neutrality, providing HIV with a "window of opportunity." A variety of buffering agents are being screened and tested to find one or more that will inactivate HIV without disturbing the natural microflora of the vagina, or irritating mucosal sufaces.(28)

In the United States, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is attempting biologically to cut HIV transmission by the development of vaccines to induce mucosal immunity. In animal studies, rhesus monkeys who had received an intramuscular inoculation of killed SIV virus vaccine followed by a series of oral booster doses were found to be immune to a vaginal challenge from SIV. Clinical trials are now being carried out in which human volunteers are receiving an intramuscular inoculation followed by oral doses of a vaccine containing synthetic copies of HIV envelope proteins. These trials are on-going and data are not yet available.

Until a cure for HIV/AIDS is in use, the best defence against the disease continues to be knowledge. The federal and provincial governments are all active in the promotion of education and prevention initiatives that run the breadth of behavioural change (promotion of abstinence, monogamy, reduction in the number of sexual partners) to safe-sex instruction, to the avoidance of shared needles (for drugs and steroids). Knowledge of how the virus is transmitted allows individuals to make personal choices and, most important, makes everyone responsible for his or her own sexual health.


(1) J. Cohen, "Women: Absent Term in the AIDS Research Equation," Science, Vol. 269, August 1995, p. 777-780.

(2) World Health Organization, The HIV/AIDS pandemic: 1993 Overview, Geneva, World Health Organization, 1993, Publication No. WHO/GPA/CNP/EVA/93.1.

(3) M.H. Cooper, "Combating AIDS," CQ Researcher, Vol. 5, 1995, p. 345-368.

(4) S. Ramsay, "English HIV and AIDS Projections Made," The Lancet, Vol. 347, 1996, p. 109.

(5) Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research, "HIV/AIDS Statistics," January 1996, 2 p.

(6) R.S. Remis, et al., "HIV Infection among Women Undergoing Abortion in Montreal," Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 153, 1995, p. 1271-1279.

(7) Health Canada, Quarterly Surveillance Update: AIDS in Canada, January 1996, p. 4.

(8) Health Canada, Quarterly Surveillance Update: AIDS in Canada, January 1995, p. 10.

(9) Lymphocytes are a variety of white blood cell which are involved in immunity. There are B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. The B-lymphocytes produce circulating antibodies. T-lymphocytes, which are produced in the thymus gland, directly kill invading bacteria and viruses by engulfing them.

(10) Cohen (August 1995).

(11) Ibid.

(12) Ibid.

(13) T.D. Mastro, et al., "Probability of Female-to-Male Transmission of HIV-1 in Thailand," The Lancet, Vol. 343, 1994, p. 204-207.

(14) D.W. Cameron, et al., "Female to Male Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1: Risk Factors for Seroconversion in Men," The Lancet, Vol. 2 (issue 8660), 1989, p. 403-407.

(15) M. Fischl, et al., "Evaluation of Heterosexual Partners, Children, and Household Contact of Adults with AIDS," Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 257, 1987, p. 640-644.

(16) S.K. Hira, et al., "Genital Ulcers and Male Circumcision as Risk Factors for Acquiring HIV-1 in Zambia," Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 161, 1990, p. 584-585.

(17) J.N. Simonsen, et al., "Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Men with Sexually Tansmitted Dseases," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 319, 1988, p. 274-278.

(18) S. Bonhoeffer, et al., "Causes of HIV Diversity," Nature, Vol. 376, 1995, p. 125.

(19) A.W. Artenstein, et al., "Multiple Introductions of HIV-1 Subtype E into the Western Hemisphere," The Lancet, Vol. 346, 1995, p. 1197-1199.

(20) C. Kunanusont, et al., "HIV-1 Subtypes and Male-to-Female Transmission in Thailand," The Lancet, Vol. 345, 1995, p. 1078-1083.

(21) J. Cohen, "Differences in HIV Strains May Underlie Disease Patterns," Science, Vol. 270, October 1995, p. 30-31.

(22) Ibid.

(23) A.W. Artenstein, et al., (1995).

(24) S.K. Brodine, et al., "Detection of Diverse HIV-1 Genetic subtypes in the USA," The Lancet, Vol. 346, 1995, p. 1198-1199.

(25) Cohen (October 1995).

(26) P. Van de Perre, et al., "The Latex Condom, An Efficient Barrier Against Sexual Transmission of AIDS-Related Viruses," AIDS, Vol. 1, 1987, p. 49-52.

(27) K.M. Stone, et al., "Primary Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases," Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 255, 1986, p. 1763-1766.

(28) Cohen (August 1995).


Edit: Details is an American monthly men's magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. You're trying to base your entire case on something that is the equivalent to Vogue? Please find some research with real credibility. Some of those findings quoted have as little credibility as Michael Fumento!

Well, apart from showing that you seem to digest a great deal of so-called health research published in popular magazines and websites whose target audience are heterosexual males, you don't have a shred of reliable medical evidence or research to support your claims. Your ''men's health'' articles don't show any understanding of issues such as the mutation of the HIV virus and the second link offers no substantiation for any of its claims. To be honest, your two ''proofs'' are still only worth the one I have offered, and which contradicts your men's magazine research.

Of course, I'm not bothered with convincing you - I'm more worried about the other people who may think your ''evidence'' is worth anything.
2007-11-18 22:12:38 UTC
Yes. The face of AIDS is changing. Right now, the most new AIDS cases are among young, heterosexual, african american Women. In most cases, these Women are also those who are unlikely to be able to access proper testing and treatment. They become infected and do not know it and then have sex with other straight men.

It is only a matter of time unfortunately.


2007-11-18 22:18:30 UTC
I don't know anyone with HIV as far as I know, but the statistics say you're wrong. Yes, gay males and IV drug users have the highest risk in North America, but heterosexuals are by no means safe. And then there's Africa....try telling THEM they're not dying and see how that goes over.
2016-05-24 07:47:36 UTC
So, why is it that God nominated you to inform us of what a nasty virus like AIDS is here for? Also, why did God let all those priests sodamize all those altar boys? Is that God's way of rewarding them for all their hard work? If so, is there a cure for pedophilia, or should we look at it as God's will? AIDS is also spread thirteen year old girls in africa (mostly by rape). Is this God's will too?
Future Citizen of Forvik
2007-11-18 22:08:37 UTC
You are a little behind the curve on this one. Black straight women are the fastest growing segment of AIDS victims. If straight men practice unsafe sex with these women they too can contract the disease. I don't personally know because it is not something that people advertise, but the data says yes.
2007-11-18 22:45:53 UTC
OH, you are sooooo wrong.

Myth-HIV infection only affects homosexuals and sex workers


This is perhaps one of the most dangerous myths about HIV. Although HIV was first seen among members of the gay community, HIV infection is seen in all people, regardless of age, race, sex, sexual preference, income levels, or whether you are a man or a woman

For HIV infection to occur:

HIV must be present—Infection can only happen if one of the people involved is HIV+. Many people believe that certain sexual activities, such as anal or oral sex, can cause AIDS, even if HIV is not present. This is not true

HIV must get into the bloodstream—Just coming into contact with infected blood or other body fluids is not enough to get infected. HIV can only get into the bloodstream through an open cut or sore or by coming into contact with a mucous membrane in the genitals, anus or rectum, mouth, or eyes.

Infectious Body Fluids:

HIV can be spread from person to person through 4 types of bodily fluids:



Vaginal secretions

Breast milk

*Some information suggests that HIV can also be spread through pre-seminal fluid or pre-***.

Activities That Can Spread HIV:

Now that you know some of the basics about HIV and the body fluids involved in HIV infection, it is also important that you know the types of behavior involved in spreading HIV:

Having oral, anal, or vaginal sex with a person with HIV

Sharing drug needles or syringes with a person with HIV

Blood transfusions involving HIV+ blood

Babies whose mother is HIV+ may become infected during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding

United States:

An estimated one million people are currently living with HIV in the United States, with approximately 40,000 new infections occurring each year.

70 percent of these new infections occur in men and 30 percent occur in women.

By race, 54 percent of the new infections in the United States occur among African Americans, and 64 percent of the new infections in women occur in African American women.

75 percent of the new infections in women are heterosexually transmitted.

Half of all new infections in the United States occur in people 25 years of age or younger.


Perhaps you need to do a little more research and reading about this deadly disease. Check out hte second reference for worldwide statistics. You just might learn something.
2007-11-18 22:11:04 UTC
In the past several years the growing number of infected have been straight. Look at the african statistics - they are not using needles for drugs, they are contracting it through sex!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.