2010-08-29 04:31:31 UTC
One night, my family and I were coming back from vacation and we came pretty late around 12, and when we came home we were greeted with annoying loud music that vibrated the walls inside our house even though all our windows and doors were closed. You could see all their lights on in their backyard. And another thing is they built this huge fireplace outside so theres always smoke coming in our direction. So anyways that night my mom called the cops on them because we were tired and wanted to sleep. But the cop was very rude on the phone and my mom told her we just got back from a trip and stuff and the cop was like "I don't care about your trip ok". But apparently other neighbors also complained about them but the music didn't end until at 1am so I'm not sure the cops even came or cared.
The second incident happened tonight. We went to a family dinner type thing and we also came home late around 11pm and we came home to find the same thing. Except the music was even louder. We closed all our doors and windows and yet I could hear the music clearly. So since it was past 11pm my dad decided to call the cop and told them. The cop said that you don't have to wait until 11pm to call like originally thought, you can call anytime if they are disturbing the peace. But I don't think the cops showed up because the music stayed until around 1am. And from then I tried to sleep but I kept hearing them talking in loud voices and screaming and all that until about 2am. It's now 4am and their lights are STILL on.
So what should we do? The cops apparently don't give a $hit.
I was thinking of just going and talking to them and see what their problem is and if we could make some sort of agreement but my dad says he wants to go to our city council to not complain about only our neighbors but the cops. Not sure if this is a good idea. Is there anything else we can do?