2008-04-03 09:27:49 UTC
The weather is starting to get better nowand as usual there is an increasing number of neds appearing...EVERYWHERE
I walk my dog in the local park and all through the winter all you ever see are other dog walkers, but when the weather clears up, naturally lots of other people come along to the park including NEDS :l
I just find neds so intimidating, Im very lucky if i walk past them and all i get is a snide comment, why do they do this?? I dont look at them or mean them any harm, all i want to do is take my dog a walk, so they have no reason other than pure vicousness as to why they verbally attack me :o
I cant ever say anything back as I would end up getting a attacked, going anywhere seems daunting because of them!!!
the goverment needs to come up with a solution a.s.a.p, they say its cos theyre drunk but its not, its bcos they...